Page 1: Mechanics & Materials...Mechanics & Materials Research Profile The goal of the Mechanics & Materials group is a fundamen - tal, predictive understanding of the link between material

Mechanics & MaterialsResearch ProfileThe goal of the Mechanics & Materials group is a fundamen-tal, predictive understanding of the link between material properties and the underlying microstructural architectu-res across various length and time scales. To this end, new theoretical models and computational tools are developed and applied to both existing materials (primarily metals, ceramics and composites) as well as engineered metama-terials with tailored properties. Experimental material cha-racterization complements theory and simulations. Specific research directions include:

– Scale-bridging techniques from atomistics all the way up to macroscale structures.

– Micromechanical models for metals and ceramics to understand their mechanical behavior and failure mechanisms.

– Advanced computational techniques that exploit high-performance computing and address problems involving severe deformations.

– Active materials that respond to mechanical, thermal, electric or magnetic stimuli.

– Engineered metamaterials with tailored properties by optimizing their small-scale architecture.

– Mimicking atomic-scale material behavior in structural-level metamaterials.

Competences / Infrastructure – Multiscale modeling techniques – Electro-thermo-mechanical characterization of functio-

nal materials – Models for metal plasticity and processing – High-performance computational techniques – Finite element technology and meshless techniques – Wave propagation in structural metamaterials

+ Multiscale Material Modeling + M e ta m a te r i a l s + Fu n c t i o n a l Materials + Wave Propagation +

ETH ZürichDepartment of Mechanical and Process EngineeringInstitute for Mechanical Systems

Prof. Dr. Dennis M. [email protected]

The Mechanics & Materials group is part of the Com-petence Center for Materials and Processes (MaP). MaP brings together over 80 groups with research activities in the area Materials and Processes at ETH Zurich. More information at →

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