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Script for Question 5 - How did you attract/address your audience?

Marketing –

We decided to use several of methods to attract our target audience which was males aged 16-24 and therefore we decided to use social media, billboards and posters to create awareness for our film.

Posters –

I decided to create posters for our film because it would be the best way to create awareness. I decided to place the posters near food shops because majority of males aged 16-24 spend their time near that area and this would attract the right pool of audience. I also decided to place the posters in train stations because males aged 16-24 are 6th formers/ university students and they would be travelling a lot, so by advertising in train stations they would see it daily.

Social media –

We decided social media would be an excellent way to advertise our film because males aged 16-24 spend majority of their time on social media and it’s also very popular, so therefore the right pool of audience would be aware of our film.

Billboard –

We decided to use billboard as our marketing technique because it’s very big and eye catching and therefore it would grab the audience’s attention. They would also see it frequently, so it would be a constant reminder in their heads to watch our film.

Character –

We decided to choose young British actor in our film because our target audience are 16-24 and therefore they would be able to relate to them because they are from the younger generation. The main actor in our film is a young British lady and therefore this would attract our target audience to watch our film. Theory by Laura Mulvey suggests the camera angles are positioned in a way that allows the audience to look at ladies.

Location –

We used several of locations to indicate to our target audience what class the actors are in. Eliza is in middle class as she’s a detective and works for the police. She has her own house and this was one location we decided to choose it implies she’s an independent lady this relates to our target audience because males aged 16-24 are independent.

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Costume and props –

We decided our actors should wear casual clothes because our target audience wear casual clothes and therefore they are able to relate to our actors. Our target audience wanted us to include a knife, however we couldn’t because it was too dangerous and we were able filming in public and it would be a hazard to the pedestrians. However, we decided to include guns and handcuffs as males aged 16-24 are into violent weapons and therefore this would grab their attention.

Conventions –

We have included many conventions in our film such as; weapons (guns and handcuffs), protagonist and antagonist, tension music, black screens and low key lighting. This appealed to our target audience because it created excitement, suspense and they were eager to find out what will happen next. We also included black and white shots and this made our film look more dramatic. Before we started filming we asked our target audience what they expect in a crime/thriller film and what they would like us to incorporate in our film and therefore we took their considerations aboard and included the conventions that would appeal to them the most and this satisfied their needs.

Target audience –

We tried to include as much as Crime/Thriller conventions as possible as this would attract our target audience. Males aged 16-24 are very violent and therefore we wanted to include a lot of weapons. We wanted our target audience to get involved by using their brain and finding out who the serial killer is. As our target audience are very intelligent our story would appeal to them because they would need to solve the problem.

Feedback –

When we finished filming our film opening we showed our target audience and received use feedback. The feedback we had got was to change the music because it was boring and dull, so therefore we added suspense music. Some shots we had filmed was shaky and this made our film look unprofessional, so we decided to film them again. Our target audience also told us to add more shots of Crime and Thriller as this would create more suspense and grab the audience’s attention.

Original/USP –

Our film is original because I did research on Crime/Thriller films which were very successful and it ended up with the story not being solved. Whereas the end of our film the problem is solved because Eliza turns herself in once she’s realises she’s a murderer and this relieves adrenaline for the audience.

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Similarities –

I did research on successful films which had similar conventions to us, but one film that stood out was Now You See Me 2 because it had similar conventions to us such as;

- Short takes - Tension music - Weapons, handcuffs - Protagonist and antagonist - Black screen - Low key lighting

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