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By Taylor James Lehec

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Similarities Differences

Both feature main model with guitar ‘On Stage’

My model made an eye line match, whereas kerrang’s was facing off page.

Both have a headline being obstructed by model to show importance.

Kerrang a lot of text around the page advertising articles within.

Both have the very top advertise an article and have a page number.

My cover has posters advertised on the left, this Kerrang issue does not although it is a common to have posters shown on magazines.

Both have light coming out in the background for a stage-like effect.

Kerrang advertises a pull out in the4 top right corner.

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Similarities Differences

Both have a heading with an issue date in proximity, NME often has issue number as well although this one doesn’t.

NME has a very basic colour scheme of a white background with black subheading boxes whereas I have many colours for my boxes.

Both include article titles as well as the pages for those articles.

My background has a design in it rather than 1 colour.

Both feature 1 image of note, mine is the leader of Retical which is under featured and NME focuses on the Arctic Monkeys the do however emphasise it more.

NME has a thorough contents page for most articles whereas mine highlights the ones that would generate the most interest.

Both use relatively similar structure although there are differences in positioning and size.

The image is larger and as such more of a focal point in the NME contents page.

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Similarities Differences

Similar layout, the model images on the left page with the right being dedicated to text.

The heading and subheading on mine in restricted to the left page whereas Kerrang have it on the right.

Both contain a quote from the artist(s).

My quote is used to break up the text whereas the Kerrang magazine uses it as a focal point as it casts over both pages and is very large.

Both use black backgrounds containing little detail, this helps to keep focus on the images and article itself.

The Kerrang magazine double page has images on both pages.

Both magazines break the article into 2 columns this helps to make the article appear broken up and easier to read

I use basic black and white colours in mine whereas Kerrang uses a bright red to highlight and bring attention to key aspects of the page.

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