Page 1: media/CNBG/Downloads/Product/IT/en... · 2015-11-11 · One-stop public clouds provide ICT services for more than 20 countries. In the Nebula Project, CTG has constructed a global
Page 2: media/CNBG/Downloads/Product/IT/en... · 2015-11-11 · One-stop public clouds provide ICT services for more than 20 countries. In the Nebula Project, CTG has constructed a global
Page 3: media/CNBG/Downloads/Product/IT/en... · 2015-11-11 · One-stop public clouds provide ICT services for more than 20 countries. In the Nebula Project, CTG has constructed a global
Page 4: media/CNBG/Downloads/Product/IT/en... · 2015-11-11 · One-stop public clouds provide ICT services for more than 20 countries. In the Nebula Project, CTG has constructed a global

1Publiccloud data center solution

Page 5: media/CNBG/Downloads/Product/IT/en... · 2015-11-11 · One-stop public clouds provide ICT services for more than 20 countries. In the Nebula Project, CTG has constructed a global


Huawei Helps China Telecom Break into GlobalPublic Cloud Market

Executive Summary

Industry Carrier

Challenges·To satisfy Chinese multinational

enterprises' requirements of global IT

services, public cloud were not able to

provide services on global basis

·With high construction and operation

costs, traditional clouds were hardly


·China Telecom needs end-to-end

services from operation consulting and

solution design

Huawei Solution·Presented one-stop public cloud

solutions that can provide end-to-

end services.Built cloud IDCs in 30

international regions to provide secure

and reliable data storage, management,

and disaster recovery backup services

·Adopted a distributed public cloud

architecture centered on distribution

technology, storage, and network to

offer the most cost-effective solution

·Presented one-stop public cloud

solutions that can provide end-to-end


Customer  Benefits·Expanded global market share

·Reduced TCO

·Guaranteed SLA

Introduction  <<

China Telecom Global Limited (CTG) is the wholly owned international business subsidiary of China Telecom. Headquartered in Hong Kong and leveraging China Telecom's tremendous resources within mainland China, CTG's global network platform spans Asia, the Americas and the Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) region, offering world-class integrated communication services to multinational businesses, telecommunication service providers and overseas Chinese consumers around the world.

Challenges  <<

With the advent of the Mobile Internet era, carriers' business models have gone through fundamental changes, and the concept of telecommunication integrated services is also transforming. Targeted at the enormous potential in international IDC market, CTG is endeavoring to enhance its service quality to win over more customers. Moreover, it is also examining business models in new fields to explore potential needs in enterprise market. To that end, CTG launches the Nebula Project, which plans the development of public cloud. Two IDCs will be constructed in Hong Kong and Singapore, followed by more IDCs in other regions. About 30 IDCs will ultimately be constructed globally.

Drawing upon its rich resources in Mainland China, CTG hopes to construct the concept of cross-border public cloud service. Focusing on key customers such as Chinese multinational enterprises, Internet companies, and multinational financial institutions, CTG is striving to build a brand image of a comprehensive ICT service provider, integrating Internet services, public cloud services, and communication services. How to leverage the advantages of customers is critical to the successful development of Nebula Project.

Page 6: media/CNBG/Downloads/Product/IT/en... · 2015-11-11 · One-stop public clouds provide ICT services for more than 20 countries. In the Nebula Project, CTG has constructed a global


Distributed Cloud Data Center

As large Chinese enterprises (for example, Tencent) expand their global market shares, their primary concern is to find a global partner. The partner is supposed to provide quality services at a global basis, and offer ICT services that be smoothly expanded considering the requirements of the local market and network.

The universal needs of these enterprises are the areas where the Nebula Project is pushing the hardest. To expand its market share in Southeast Asia and globally, China Telecom wants a partner that is experienced in operating public clouds.

CIO of China Telecom remarked, "The globalization of enterprises requires not only multiple cross-region data centers but also unified management of cross-area data centers. Constructing IDCs on a global basis is critical to the success of public clouds and improvements in ROI rate."

Besides experience, the other requirement is cost-effectiveness, because only large public clouds are competitive in terms of cost. Super large public clouds such as the Nebula Project requires comprehensive designs of solutions and professional services and an innovative architecture.

Huawei Solution  <<

In Oct. 2013, the Nebula Project was launched. Based on the service planning of Nebula, Huawei provides end-to-end public cloud solutions covering consultation, planning, construction, and operation. Huawei solutions are pushing to transform CTG Nebula into data port of Chinese multinational enterprises, data exchange center in Asia Pacific, and one of the world's largest providers of integrated telecommunication services.

One-stop public clouds provide ICT services for more than 20


In the Nebula Project, CTG has constructed a global public cloud network, based on which public clouds will be constructed in more 20 countries. With rich experience in constructing public clouds in global major cities, Huawei is the first-choice partner.

Customers determine services, while services decide the architecture. The target customers of the Nebula Project are Chinese multinational enterprises that are seeking to expand their global market shares. The universal needs of these enterprises are the areas where the Nebula Project is pushing the hardest. Globalized service planning calls for unified planning for IT infrastructure. By zeroing in on service innovations, Nebula creates a large resource pool by centralizing and pooling computing, storage, and network resources at different sites.

With a resource pool at hand, the infrastructure of Nebula is able to meet Chinese multinational enterprises' requirement of the same quality IT services regardless of regions.

Taking advantage of its professional service systems in over 300 countries, Huawei has assisted CTG in constructing over 30 cloud data centers in Hong Kong, Singapore, and other regions. These data centers can provide global enterprises with secure and reliable data storage, management, and disaster backup services.

Globalized service centers will provide self-service portals where available services will be displayed. In this way, not only both internal

Huawei has rich experience in operating public clouds. CTG Nebula chose Huawei solutions to expand our g l o b a l m a r k e t s h a r e i n t h e p u b l i c c l o u d s service market of Chinese multinational enterprises, a n d t o t r a n s f o r m C T G N e b u l a i n t o d a t a p o r t of Chinese multinational enterprises, data exchange center in Asia Pacific, and one of the world's largest prov iders of integrated t e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n services.

—— CTG

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and external customers can subscribe, use, and unsubscribe services based on their needs, but also resources can be computed accurately. This makes internal costing easier and reduces resource waste. Self-service portals categorize users into different roles and control user permission based on roles. On the self-service portals, users can choose desired services and quickly deploy service and O&M systems, immensely improving user experience.

A distributed architecture shapes the most cost-

effective solution in the industry.

Another challenge facing Nebula is to improve the operation efficiency of public clouds, namely how to achieve the premium cost-effectiveness.

According the director of Nebula Project, "to construct super large multinational public clouds, Nebula needs a better architecture and higher cost-effectiveness. Only in this way can we compete with industry-leading internal cloud suppliers, such as Amazon."

Huawei employs a distributed architecture to construct public cloud platforms for CTG. The distributed architecture is based on a super large cluster, delayering, and software defined storage; these features can ensure high reliability, easy capacity expansion, and excellent performance of Nebula.

In large public clouds, a super large cluster has inherent advantages, such as improved solution stabi l i ty, boosted resource ut i l i zat ion and management efficiency, and 30% lower TCO. The delayering feature makes it easier to expand system architecture, which can cater to the Nebula service developments in various areas. The software-defined storage feature cuts down investments in traditional external storage and reduces the investment in CAPEX, enabling public cloud suppliers to obtain their returns on investment (ROI) as quickly as possible. An accurate ROI report indicates that the payback period of Nebula is shorter than 3 years. It is expected to make the first profits in the second year.

Operate cooperatively to construct an ecological

chain of public clouds.

Constructing public cloud platforms is only the first step for CTG Nebula, but how can we attract more customers and provide better benefits to customers?

Huawei provides end-to-end public cloud solutions. Aside from providing products, the solutions also aid customers in service consultation, work out

service packages, and customize expansion policies. All CTG has to do is to attract customers.

Openness is another feature public clouds must pay attention to. Because multinational enterprises are running services in different countries, service diversity is essential. As a result, Nebula lays much emphasis on constructing the ecological chain of public clouds. With the concept of creating a service supermarket, the public cloud can attract more local information suppliers. In this way, the public cloud can provide Huawei cloud services, communication services, and dozens of information products and applications such office systems and email. The ecosystem is getting increasingly diversified.

Customer Benefits  <<The concept of CTG Nebula is to provide customer-oriented ICT services. Doubtlessly, Nebula lays a solid foundation for CTG to expand its ICT market share globally. Its efficient, reliable, and green cloud service platforms have the following advantages:

·Expanded global market: Huawei solutions have helped CTG secure over 10 Chinese enterprise customers, for example, Tencent.

·Reduced TCO: Based on a distributed architecture, Huawei public cloud solutions improve system performance twice and cuts TCO down by 20%.

·Guaranteed SLA: Heterogeneous multiple cloud platforms bring 3-fold higher management efficiency and ensure service quality.

Page 8: media/CNBG/Downloads/Product/IT/en... · 2015-11-11 · One-stop public clouds provide ICT services for more than 20 countries. In the Nebula Project, CTG has constructed a global


Distributed Cloud Data Center

TelkomSigma Explores the Cloud Service Marketwith Huawei Public Cloud

Executive Summary

Industry Carrier

Challenges·Reuse existing resources of Telkom

·Attract small- and medium-sized

Indonesian enterprises

·Deliver a high price/performance

ratio and achieve quick profits

Huawei Solution·Developed cloud services for small-

and medium-sized enterprises based

on the Southeast Asian public cloud


·Customized over 10 cloud service

packages for customers of Telkom and

launches value-added services based on

Telkom's inherent advantages

·Adopted the pay by use business

mode to protect investments

Customer  Benefits·The customer satisfaction of small-

and medium-sized was improved by


·300 smal l - and medium-s ized

enterprises were attracted

·Highly value-added IaaS service

based on the high bandwidth was


·The development of traditional

teleservices such as bandwidth lease

was promoted

Introduction  <<

The Telkom group is the biggest state-owned fixed network carrier in Indonesia. Sigma is a subsidiary of Telkom and its main businesses are IT system integration and the development of new services such as cloud computing.

Challenges  <<

In Indonesia, the average annual growth rate of investment in the cloud service market reaches 30% between 2013 and 2017. As the biggest telecom carrier in Indonesia, the Telkom group had many opportunities in the IDC public cloud market. Telkom planned to exploit existing customer resources to develop cloud services for small- and medium-sized enterprises.

Although Telkom had great opportunities, it also faced investment risks. Telkom had employed Cisco as its cloud service provider. However, in the past year, the profit margin of the public cloud service was low and the price of it was not attractive to end users.

Telkom hoped to take the opportunity of IDC business expansion to build a public cloud with higher returns.

How to Attract Small- and Medium-Sized Indonesian Enterprises

As a newcomer to the public cloud market, Telkom faced a long and winding road. The newly founded Sigma had advantages in bandwidths and customer resources in the traditional teleservices market. The challenge was how to exploit its advantages to develop the public cloud market. Therefore, to expand the public cloud market share, characteristics of the small- and medium-sized enterprises and advantages of Sigma in teleservices must be considered in the design of the public cloud service.

Page 9: media/CNBG/Downloads/Product/IT/en... · 2015-11-11 · One-stop public clouds provide ICT services for more than 20 countries. In the Nebula Project, CTG has constructed a global


By implementing thorough research and tests of the Indonesian public cloud market, Huawei obtained deep understanding about our requirements on the cloud service transformation. Besides, Huawei's end-to-end solutions and rich operation experience impressed us. This project promoted the ICT transformation of our company.

——  Public cloud owner of TelkomSigma

How to Deliver a High Price/Performance Ratio and Achieve Quick Profits

The senior management of Telkom required a breakthrough in the Indonesian public cloud market. The user experience must be comparable to Amazon, whereas the price must adapt to the Indonesian market. To meet these requirements, cost-effective IT infrastructure was necessary to reduce O&M operating expenses (OPEX) and achieve quick profits.

Huawei Solution  <<

Huawei provided an end-to-end public cloud solut ion. This solut ion provided optimal IT infrastructure, business models, and operation services, making IDC the most profitable solution.

Making Use of Public Cloud Products from the Southeast Asian Market

The market research implemented by Huawei showed that the target customers and solution of the public cloud developed by StarHub were similar to those of Telkom. Therefore, Telkom determined to provide infrastructure as a service (IaaS) to small- and medium-sized enterprises and operated software as a service (SaaS) with partners. Huawei introduced StarHub product portfolios to the project and quickly attracted small- and medium-sized enterprises in the Indonesian market.

Telkom provides three types of cloud services: cloud host, elastic IP address, and cloud storage. The cloud host provides a one-stop computing resource lease service to small- and medium-sized enterprises. Enterprise users can lease resource packages containing computing, storage, and network resources and these resources are charged monthly. Developed based on the carrier's advantage in bandwidth, the cloud storage and elastic IP address allow enterprise users to conveniently use cloud services.

Introducing Chinese-Funded Customers to Telkom

In addition, Huawei introduced the biggest Chinese Internet service provider Tencent and Chinese online game company Boyaa to Telkom. Telkom realized that Huawei could introduce Chinese-funded

customers and brought economic benefits.

If a cloud service provider is compared to a mall, Huawei can provide cost-effective design and decoration for the mall, introduce the most popular stores, and work out marketing strategies to attract customers. With Huawei's assistance, the mall (cloud service provider) can make profits quickly.

Adopting the Pay-by-Use Business Model

Huawei provided the pay-by-use business model and a five-year minimum guarantee contract. Based on the profit sharing protocol, Telkom invested in hardware and Huawei invested in software. Profits were shared based on the principle of Pay as You Use (PAYU). After five years, if the profits obtained by Huawei are less than its investments, Telkom needs to make up the difference based on real income.

Customer Benefits  <<By the end of June 2013, the Sigma Cloud SME project was officially delivered. Huawei became the second public cloud service provider (the first one is Cisco). Currently, Sigma mainly leases virtual machines (VMs) and provides IP services. Besides, payment systems of banks are connected. Online payment and online VM service provisioning are supported. The user experience survey shows that the satisfaction of small- and medium-sized enterprise users is improved by 30%.

Customer loyalty was enhanced. 300 small- and medium-sized enterprises migrated their services from Amazon to the public cloud of Telkom Sigma.

In this project, Huawei helped Telkom find a new way for ICT transformation. Telkom provided highly value-added IaaS based on its bandwidth advantage, and traditional teleservices such as bandwidth lease were driven by the ICT transformation.

"By implementing thorough research and tests of the Indonesian public cloud market, Huawei obtained deep understanding about our requirements on the cloud service transformation. Besides, Huawei's end-to-end solutions and rich operation experience impressed us. This project promoted the ICT transformation of our company," said the public cloud owner of Telkom Sigma.

Page 10: media/CNBG/Downloads/Product/IT/en... · 2015-11-11 · One-stop public clouds provide ICT services for more than 20 countries. In the Nebula Project, CTG has constructed a global


Distributed Cloud Data Center

Huawei Public Cloud Takes CHINACOMM into Blue Sea

Executive Summary

Industry Enterprise

Challenges·Limited potentials of traditional IDC


·Low t rad i t iona l IDC re source

utilization and management efficiency

·Shortage of cloud IDC operating and

management experience

Huawei Solution·Huawei public cloud provides basic,

value-added, and customized services

·The cloud resource pools optimized

computing, storage, and network to

meet business needs

·Unified management of traditional

and cloud IDCs, and business-centric

end-to-end application performance


Customer  Benefits·Service categories were expanded

and profits were improved, ensuring

sustainable business growth

·The so lu t i on ra i s ed re sou rce

utilization, reduced TCO, and lowered

energy consumption.

·T h e c u s t o m e r g a i n e d b e t t e r

IDC operat ing and management

capabilities, conducive to the fast

profitability of public cloud

Introduction  <<

As the leading wireless and fixed broadband service provider in China, CHINACOMM mainly provides rack leasing service and traditional IDC services. However, the market development is stagnant with tight profit margins. As cloud computing technology gains greater popularity, CHINACOMM has now made a clear commitment to transitioning to a cloud service operator.

Challenges  <<

To fuel business development, CHINACOMM wanted to upgrade its traditional IDC in Beijing to a cloud IDC that features low energy consumption, high revenues, and service automation. The new IDC was expected to provide competitive personalized and professional cloud IDC services on demand for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in the industry park.

Limited potentials of traditional IDC market

As traditional IDC services became increasingly similar to each other, the rack leasing service could no longer support high-speed business growth. By building a new IDC platform, CHINACOMM hoped to provide a variety of IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS application services, gradually increasing the proportion of value-added cloud computing services to facilitate the transition and breakthrough of its business mode. To adapt to market changes, CHINACOMM also wanted to build a dynamically evolving IDC architecture that allows dynamic expansion of computing resources based on business demand, provides massive data exchanging for Internet businesses, and ensured sustainable business development.

Inefficient traditional IDC

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The traditional IDC of CHINACOMM was troubled with desultory management, inefficient O&M, and a high energy consumption that accounted for 60% of the OPEX. To achieve a high return on investment (ROI), CHINACOMM wanted the new energy-efficient cloud IDC to adopt a unified management platform for dynamic scheduling and automated control of infrastructure and IT devices, simplified management, higher operating efficiency, and lower OPEX.

Shortage of cloud IDC operating and management experience

Inexperienced in IDC transition, CHINACOMM needed its device supplier to offer an end-to-end (E2E) solution that covers technologies, implementation, O&M, and operating.

Given its limited budget, CHINACOMM wanted to invest in the new IDC in several phases. The computing and storage resource pool platform would be established first to provide IaaS services for SMEs. In a later phase, the platform would be expanded to add PaaS and SaaS services.

Huawei Solution  <<

After an in-depth analysis of the status quo and requirements of CHINACOMM, Huawei proposed an E2E IDC solution that integrated network, computing and storage, security, management, backup, application, operating, and maintenance, fully meting CHINACOMM's requirements to tap into the cloud IDC market. The solution has the following highlights:

Innovative cloud IDC

Based on Huawei's IDC platform, CHINACOMM was able to provide a variety of cloud services and employ an innovative business model. The IDC provided the following services in the first phase:

·Basic services, including network, equipment room space, cloud host, cloud desktop, physical machine, and web disk resource leasing

·Value-added services based on IT infrastructure: including application services, construction-type services (manual delivery), and product services (application software)

Efficient cloud IDC

The cloud IDC complied with international advanced standards in computing, storage, network, and security design, helping CHINACOMM create an efficient, energy-efficient, and intelligent cloud IDC platform.

·Computing and storage design

The computing servers employ the x86 CPU architecture, and both rack servers and blade servers are provided to meet different business needs. To satisfy storage and network I/O requirements, the cloud IDC employs an FC SAN storage architecture. Physical and virtual computing resources aggregate on the service and management planes to form computing resource pools, The SAN uses storage plane aggregation to provide storage resources.

·Network design

With a design philosophy of network layering and function zoning, the IDC internal switch network is divided into the core layer and access layer. By function, the IDC network is also divided into the park network

By deploying a cloud IDC to create unified, flexible resource pools , Huawei offered us new products and a solution package, which enabled us to enjoy high-quality cloud products and services.

—— Zhang Xiaoxu,


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Distributed Cloud Data Center

Manage One

center, network service zone, and business service zone among others. To better support the running and management of cloud computing, the network is broken down into the management, storage, and service network planes.

Fine-grained operating and management

After analyzing and surveying the resources and IDC businesses of CHINACOMM, Huawei designed a tailored ManageOne solution for the unified management and operating of the IDC.

Adhering to the principle of simplified management and agile operating, ManageOne enables the unified management of infrastructure and IT architecture, unified management of traditional and cloud IDCs, and business-centric E2E application performance monitoring. The entire system consists of the portal subsystem, operation subsystem (business operation and management system), O&M subsystem (IT operation and management system), public platform, data extraction engine, and integrated third-party systems (through the enterprise service bus).

Customer Benefits  <<

Service categories were expanded and profits

were improved, supporting sustainable business


The cloud computing platform provides professional and personalized cloud services on the IaaS, PaaS,

and SaaS levels, assisting with CHINACOMM's transition to a cloud service operator and expansion into the Beijing and even China's SME IT sector. The IDC business revenue is expected to grow by several times in the next three years.

The solution raised resource utilization, reduced

TCO, lowered energy consumption, and improved

the IDC efficiency.

·Converting server, storage, and network devices into logical resource pools, cloud computing enabled the server utilization to soar from 5% to 60% and more than halved the necessary server procurements. In addition, ManageOne provides unified and rights- and domain-based management, improving operating and O&M efficiency by 30%.

·Leveraging dynamic resource scheduling, load balancing, and distributed power management technologies, the resource management platform enabled the collaboration between IT devices and on-demand air-conditioning adjustment, lowering energy consumption by 20%.

The customer's IDC O&M and management

capabilities underwent great improvements.

With the ManageOne solut ion, unif ied IDC management and operating was made possible, l ay ing a so l id foundat ion fo r sus ta inab le improvements of the customer's IDC O&M and management capabilities.

60%5%cloud computingenabled the serverutilization to soar from

O&M efficiency by

30%lowering energyconsumption by


Page 13: media/CNBG/Downloads/Product/IT/en... · 2015-11-11 · One-stop public clouds provide ICT services for more than 20 countries. In the Nebula Project, CTG has constructed a global


Huawei Data Center Helps Vert Brazil with QuickRollout of Cloud Service

Introduction  <<

Vert, headquartered in Brasilia, Brazil, was founded 17 years ago.

With businesses across the major cities of Brazil, Vert has become the

IT solution benchmark in the Brazil market. Developed based on data

storage and protection as well as information management, Vert is

committed to providing customized IT solutions for governments and

small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

In terms of ICT solution construction, Vert is experienced in technology

integration, and VERT often uses different complex technologies

to ensure good compatibil ity, high performance, and superb

maintainability. In addition, VERT focuses on enterprise-class storage

solutions and has a mature and stable customer base.

Challenges  <<

The IDC lease service provided by Vert already has mature customers.

However, the capacity of the existing data centers is insufficient. As a

result, lease requirements cannot be met. Vert wants new data centers

to be immediately put into use to support lease service expansion. The

delivery time is very tight. Besides, the reliability levels of the existing

data centers are relatively low, whereas some high-end customers want

to lease Tier III data centers. If the traditional data center construction

mode is adopted, such needs cannot be met within a short period.

Huawei Solution  <<

After analyzing Vert's pain points, Huawei found that IDS1000 container

data center solution fully meets customer requirements. Therefore,

Executive Summary

Industry Carrier

Challenges·The existing data centers of Vert

in Brasilia cannot meet lease service

requirements. Potential end users

require quick service provisioning

Huawei Solution·Huawei provided a reliable IDS1000

cluster container data center and an

IDS1000 AIO container data center that

features fast deployment

Customer  Benefits·The duration from conceptual design

to trial run is only 1/4 of the time spent

in a traditional data center. In addition,

the construction period is short, and

only a small area is occupied, resolving

problems such as tight delivery and

space insuff ic iency. The solut ion

helps Vert provide secure, reliable,

high-quality, and timely data center

resources for end users

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Distributed Cloud Data Center

Huawei provided Vert with a hybrid container data

center solution consisting of one IDS1000 cluster

and one IDS1000 AIO. This solution meets different

customers' requirements on data center reliability

level and service rollout time, providing strong

technical support for the project.

Customers strictly require that service cabinets in

the hosting equipment room be independent and

physically isolated. However, the existing standard

IDS1000 solution does not include such design.

Therefore, Vert requires that independent doors

be customized for each IT cabinet. In addition, a

user can open such a door only after swiping an

authorized card. In this way, service cabinets can be

maintained independently.

Customer Benefits  <<·The data center is produced and deployed within

three months, enabling Vert to quickly provision

the lease service and provide secure, reliable, high-

quality, and timely IDC resources.

·Vert can provide customized and reliable data

center resources for high-end customers to enhance

customer loyalty and competitive edge.

The following figures illustrate the solution:

Figure 1 IDS1000 AIO

Figure 2 IDS1000 cluster


indoor machineof air conditioner

IT cabinet IT cabinetUPS

cabinetair conditioners

indoor machineof air conditioner



fire cabinet



Page 15: media/CNBG/Downloads/Product/IT/en... · 2015-11-11 · One-stop public clouds provide ICT services for more than 20 countries. In the Nebula Project, CTG has constructed a global


Huawei Cloud Data Center Helps Sinar Mas GroupIndonesia Achieve Diversified Development

Introduction  <<

Founded in 1962, Sinar Mas Group is headquartered in Jakarta,

Indonesia. Its businesses operate in different sectors such as Pulp and

Paper, Real Estate, Financial Services, Agribusiness, Telecommunications

and Mining. Sinar Mas Group owns over 400 incorporated companies

with approximately 150,000 employees worldwide. With a total asset

of about USD30 billion, Sinar Mas Group is ranked by Forbes as the

largest conglomerate in Indonesia.

Challenges  <<

Sinar Mas Group has been pursuing the diversified development

strategy. To seize commercial opportunities arising from emerging

technologies, such as the Internet and cloud computing, the company

set up an ICT subsidiary named Teknovatus Solusi Sejahtera to construct

ICT systems for the company and explore new payoff points at the

information age.

The first element at the information age is "quick": Only those who

quickly respond to market needs, shorten construction periods, and

speed services to market can take the initiative. However, traditional

data center (DC) construction usually takes six to nine months, hindering

DCs from quick profits and efficient operation.

Meanwhile, cloud computing brings innovations in commercial

modes. ICT resources can be operated like water and electricity. ICT

departments are not longer traditional service support departments

but have been transformed to innovation centers and profit centers.

Sinar Mas Group's operational DC is positioned to high-end enterprise

Executive Summary

Industry Enterprise

Challenges·Long construction period: six to nine

months to construct infrastructure

· I C T s e r v i c e q u a l i t y n e e d e d


·Wanted to seize opportunities in the

high-end DC operation market

Huawei Solution·Build service-critical modular DCs

by phases and on demand and enable

elastic capacity expansion

·Protect customer privacy

·Offer E2E management and unified

portal for services, IT facilities, and


Customer  Benefits· Improve the IT ef f ic iency and

service quality, reduce the total cost

of ownership (TCO) by 40%, and build

the IT department as the service-critical

innovation and profit center

·Facilitate the diversified development

and enhance the brand image in the

high-end DC operation market

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Distributed Cloud Data Center

Sinar Mas Group boasts e x t e n s i v e c u s t o m e r resources. Facing huge IT service markets, we need bes t s e r v i ce po r t fo l i o s and IT infrastructures to offer qual ity services to our customers. That's why we choose Huawei who enables us to easily deliver high-quality services.

—— Sinar Mas Group

markets. Therefore, customer privacy and quality service have become

key elements in constructing the operational DC.

Huawei Solution  <<

Customer orientation accounts for Sinar Mas Group's commercial

successes and is reflected in the construction of the operational DC.

Fully considering internal and external customer needs, Huawei offers a

solution to present efficiency, reliability, and environmental protection in

every detail, enhancing Sinar Mas Group's brand image.

Service-critical DC: modular construction and elastic expansion

The DC is positioned to serve high-end customers in and beyond the

company (in the finance, government, and large enterprise industries).

Sinar Mas Group plans to build 25 such DCs in the next five years.

Facing diversified services, traditional DC construction does not adapt

to quick service growth. Sinar Mas Group, therefore, determined to

choose Huawei's service-critical modular DC construction: building DCs

by phases and on demand, enabling elastic capacity expansion, and

avoiding wastes.

In the first phase, Huawei has deployed over 300 cabinets, allowing

100-odd departments and enterprises to reap benefits from DC rental.

To accommodate increasing customers and IT resources in the future,

the integrated DC construction mode allows Sinar Mas Group to expand

capacities within two weeks and quickly obtain profits.

High-end DC: protecting customer privacy

High-end customers pose high security requirements. Huawei uses a

unique detail design to help Sinar Mas Group build an exclusive DC for

each customer.

First, an enclosed modular equipment room is offered for each

customer. The equipment room has independent power supply, cooling,

and tailored channel-level access control systems, allowing each

customer to independently enjoy data center services.

With the same area, Huawei is able to deploy 32 modular equipment

rooms (30% higher than the industry average) to house 394 IT cabinets

(15% higher). Huawei also offers two cabinet sizes for high-end

customers to choose.

An engineer from Teknovatus Solusi Sejahtera commented Huawei's

customization as follows: "Huawei is very professional in in-depth

customization of data centers. Huawei took only one month in

customizing the access control system and planning data centers to suit

customer needs, helping us better serve customers."

Unified operation and maintenance: reduced costs and workload

Huawei also offers a unified operation and maintenance (O&M) solution

to perform end-to-end monitoring over services, IT facilities, and

infrastructures. With a unified portal, the solution enables automatic

resource dispatch to significantly improve DC O&M efficiency and

enhance IT service quality. The solution automatically reduces energy

consumption for the cloud platform and servers, and adjusts the air

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conditioning system to conserve energy and reduce carbon emission.

By doing so, the solution saves energy consumption by about 30% and

reduces 1/4 O&M costs.

With an over 10,000-square-meter construction area, the first phase

of the project is jointly constructed and maintained by Huawei and

CCS SOFT, a local IT service vendor. Thanks to extensive construction

experience and quality O&M capabilities, the two parties ensure the

operational quality of data centers in Sinar Mas Group.

Customer Benefits  <<In the second half of 2013, the Internet Data Center (IDC) was built for

Sinar Mas Group to serve hundreds of high-end customers. Huawei's

modular IDC solution has greatly improved the IT efficiency and service

quality, reduced the TCO by 40%, and built the IT department as the

service-critical innovation and profit center. The solution has laid a solid

foundation for Sinar Mas Group's presence and brand image in the

high-end data center sector.

"Based on our service requirements, Huawei offers best service

portfolios and IT infrastructures for us to easily deliver one-stop

quality services to our customers."

Energy consumption

30% ↓


40% ↓

O&M costs

25% ↓

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2Private c lo u d data center solution

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Huawei Cloud Data Center Solution Helps Phoenix TVto be globalized

Executive Summary

Industry Media

Challenges·Build a unified IT infrastructure to

apply to media services worldwide

·Achieve centralized management to

reduce OPEX

·Construct an omnimedia information

service platform to provide high-

quality information services to Phoenix

Technology Group

Huawei Solution·Provides a cloud-based distributed

architecture that consists of one dual-

core DC and seven DCs

· I m p l e m e n t s t h e c e n t r a l i z e d

management of global resources

and the fine management of internal

operating to achieve the most efficient

operation at the least expense

·Uses a cross-region DR design

to provide high-quality information

services for global users

Customer  Benefits·The integrated deployment of

modular equipment rooms not only

reduces the delivery period to 4 to

12 weeks, but also improves space

utilization by 30% and reduces the PUE

and O&M costs

·Resources are connected worldwide

and nine major cities support the global

services in the same way, improving the

Introduction  <<

Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Limited (Phoenix TV), founded

in 1996, is a Hong Kong-based broadcaster recognized as a leading

global Chinese-language media player. Phoenix TV is dedicated to

promoting a free flow of information and entertainment to Chinese

viewers worldwide. Phoenix TV has three main business units: Phoenix

Satellite Television, Phoenix Weekly, and Phoenix New Media. To date,

Phoenix TV operates six satellite TV channels that broadcast programs

to audiences in Asia Pacific, Europe, America, Latin America, Middle

East, and Africa, covering more than 150 countries and regions.

Challenges  <<

In 2012, Phoenix TV completed the construction of an international

media center in Beijing. This new media center became Phoenix

TV's fourth global media center, following the establishment of

media centers in Hong Kong, London, and Los Angeles. Serving as

a key program production center for the Asia Pacific region, this

multifunctional media center focuses on television program production

but also has significant administrative and commercial activities. This

media center also provides production facilities for the use of other

companies, generating a source of income as well as building a network

of industry partners.

Having efficient, highly-functional IT systems is a key competitive

advantage. The modern media industry depends on information

technologies in all areas of the media business, including program

production, Office Automation (OA), enterprise operation, and Human

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Distributed Cloud Data Center

service efficiency by three times

·P h o e n i x S a t e l l i t e Te l e v i s i o n

successfully provides high-quality

services to users worldwide and sets

up a strategic cooperation relationship

with Huawei, improving the Phoenix


Resources (HR) management. Phoenix TV's media center in Beijing is a

multifunctional center that requires a sound IT infrastructure to support

abundant IT applications. Regarding the construction of a sound IT

infrastructure, Phoenix TV executives said,"The IT system functions as

the media center's neural system, covering a variety of subsystems,

such as the media service, OA, and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

subsystems. As such, the Beijing international media center needs an

advanced, reliable, high-quality, energy-saving, eco-friendly, and cost-

effective IT system."

With limited resources, the Phoenix TV IT department faced challenges

in meeting all these requirements. In the second half of 2011,

the department invited Huawei to jointly design and build a new

international media center IT system, which needed the following


Integrated IT architecture

The media center required support for extensive IT applications, which

caused the following challenges for the IT department:

·IT needed to develop a complete TV program production system,

covering all aspects, such as collecting and editing materials, producing

and broadcasting programs, and storing data.

·As the media center is Phoenix TV's operation base in Beijing, IT

needed to offer a wide array of basic IT services, such as OA, enterprise

communications, campus networking, and video conferencing.

·IT needed to set up a comprehensive set of enterprise application

systems, such as the ERP, HR, and Customer Relationship Management

(CRM) systems.

·The new media center also included partner offices; therefore, IT

needed to offer OA and IT resource rental services to Phoenix TV's

business partners.

Amid these challenges, if Phoenix TV IT adopted a traditional

decentralized IT construction model, it could suffer many setbacks,

including the following:

·The entire construction period, from planning, design, bidding,

procurement, and deployment to acceptance, could be prolonged,

which would conflict with Phoenix TV's project timetable and increase

operating and procurement costs.

·Disparate IT systems would need to be deployed independently,

which would probably cause inconsistent Operation and Maintenance

(O&M) interfaces and complicate system O&M.

As a result, the Phoenix TV IT department needed a new, collaborative

IT construction model. At a technical exchange meeting, Phoenix TV

IT told Huawei, "We need an end-to-end solution. Obviously, if we

use multiple independent systems, we will suffer complicated system

management and extra initial investment and subsequent O&M costs."

Flexible, on-demand IT resource utilization

To support their global presence, Phoenix TV uses its four international

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media centers to broadcast programs and timely information to

audiences around the world. These four media centers provide 24/7

services, ensuring that Phoenix is the leading global provider of Chinese-

language media.

As the global media industry has marched into a digital and HD

broadcasting era, TV program production is now becoming increasingly

sophisticated. Before broadcasting an HDTV program, the TV station

often must collect source media, transcode data streams, edit video

clips, and store data in the program production systems. These

operations require massive IT resources, including computing, network,

and storage. Traditionally, expensive workstations were deployed in

each of the departments responsible for media production. This ensured

that work could be done quickly, but it had the following disadvantages:

·IT resource utilization was low. A program production team would

not use its IT resources around-the-clock; therefore, many IT resources

were wasted. For example, the server resource usage at Phoenix TV

ranged from 5% to 10%.

·When there was breaking news, the reporting departments could not

get required IT resources in a timely manner, which impacted program

production. If the TV station procured extra IT devices to cope with

these potential service requirements, the extra devices would be unused

most of the time.

In recent years, cloud computing technologies have rapidly developed

and matured. For digital TV, the One Net architecture has been widely

used to bring the benefits of cloud computing to TV stations. To keep

its technological superiority, Phoenix TV said, "We plan to develop a

cloud-based TV program production system that allows us to improve

IT resource utilization and reduce device procurement and system O&M

costs by flexibly distributing IT resources."

The company needed an optimal balance between security and

efficiency and convergence between office and program production


On-time and accurate program broadcasting is the most important

task for TV stations. It not only plays a major role in audience rating

improvement, but also affects a TV station's reputation and revenue.

To prevent incidents such as delays, errors, and failure in program

broadcasting, TV stations usually set up strict security management

regulations related to the program production systems. For example,

they may forbid access from office networks to servers and file storage

systems in the program production systems.

Due to regulations, post production operations, such as editing,

composition, and special effects processing, can be performed only in

the program production systems; however, program producers would

prefer that office and program production systems be converged to

enable them to:

·Promptly get media resources from the production systems and

perform program pre-editing in the office systems when the IT resources

Huawei has a solid track record in delivering end-to-end ICT solutions, which i s o f v i t a l i m p o r t a n c e f o r P h o e n i x T V. I n t h e international media center project, Huawei leveraged its advantages in end-to-end solutions and offered Phoenix TV a highly cost-effective ICT solution.

—— Phoenix Television

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Distributed Cloud Data Center

infrastructure layer, allowing for unified system deployment and O&M.

Compared with traditional IT systems, Huawei's solution reduced the

end-to-end construction period by more than 30% and reduced initial

capital costs by more than 20%.

Physical infrastructure

Huawei proposed a modularized equipment-room design to segment

the IT system into three parts: the server equipment room, storage

equipment room, and network equipment room. The power supply,

data links, and key service modules were all deployed in redundant

mode to ensure system reliability. Advanced techniques, such as

enclosed cold-air areas and precision air conditioning, reduce Power

Usage Effectiveness (PUE) to 1.5, significantly lowering the system's

energy consumption. Additionally, modularized equipment rooms

support service-based construction and feature high scalability,

maximizing Phoenix TV's Return on Investment (ROI).


To meet Phoenix TV's requirements, Huawei provided FusionSphere

virtualization software to transform the existing data center into a

distributed cloud data center, providing a wide array of services, such

as program production and management, OA, and IT resource rental.

For the One Net construction, Huawei partnered with Dayang (a China-

based broadcasting solutions provider) to build a complete network

based on media resource pooling. Dayang's media production system,

built on Huawei's cloud platform, can flexibly control Virtual Machine

(VM) resources in the resource pool, based on time segments and

services, which significantly improves server resource usage from less

than 10% to over 60%. In addition, One Net allows Phoenix TV to

concentrate massive IT resources within a short period of time, meeting

program production requirements when incidents occur.

For the office systems, Huawei used a cloud desktop solution, allowing

users to access the data center using Thin Clients (TCs), a solution

that also allows access from mobile devices. Huawei deployed unified

security policies in the data center to eliminate security risks, such

as operating system vulnerabilities and viruses, protecting system

security when production team members search the Internet for report

materials. Additionally, Huawei used VM clusters to enable business

partners to access the cloud desktop system, expanding the service

coverage of Phoenix TV's data center.


Huawei's end-to-end solution provided comprehensive security

protection for the IT system of Phoenix TV's international media center

in Beijing. For equipment room security, Huawei provided an enclosed

modularized equipment system and access control unit to prevent

intrusion. For network security, Huawei deployed office and production

systems on different sides of the campus network to physically separate

these two systems. For data center security, Huawei deployed two

Huawei CE12800 core switches in cluster mode and separated services

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in the program production systems are unavailable.

·Upload the pre-ed i ted programs to the

production systems to perform refined editing when

IT resources in the program production systems are


Such expectations can be met only when the office

and production systems are converged, rather than


No TV station possesses all materials, such as

images, texts, and video clips required in program

production, and program production teams must

search the Internet for more materials. However,

most installed media systems allow users to access

the Internet only from the office systems. Program

production teams must pre-edit programs in the

office systems, and then send the pre-edited

programs to the production systems for further

refined editing, which is time-consuming and error-


According to Phoenix TV, "We want to have a

change. We plan to leverage advanced technologies

to connect the program production and office

systems and develop a secure and efficient platform

that supports the integration of office and program

production systems; therefore, we can ensure

high work efficiency without compromising data


Huawei Solution  <<

In December 2011, Huawei es tab l i shed a

mult i -disc ipl inary project team to perform

a comprehensive requirements analysis and

architecture design for Phoenix TV's international

media center in Beijing. After several rounds of

consultation and cooperative design, Phoenix TV

approved the Huawei end-to-end ICT solution

design in March 2012.

Solution overview

Phoenix TV's international media center in Beijing

needed a large number of IT applications. If

deployed independently, these applications would

be expensive, difficult to administer, and take a

long time to build. In response, Huawei designed a

data center-oriented system that would centralize

the equipment rooms, servers, storage, network,

and security devices, and Unified Communications

(UC) systems. This comprehensive solution would

integrate all IT applications on a single physical

using advanced CSS + VS technology to reduce

device procurement costs, while improving system


For IT system security, Huawei physically separated

hardware, such as servers and storage units, of the

office system from that of the production system.

To enable network interconnection while ensuring

data security, Huawei developed a production

security center, a buffer zone between the two

systems. Program production teams can access

the production system from the office system and

transmit data between the two systems using web

portals on the production security center. This

design integrated the office and production systems

while ensuring the data security of the production


Customer Benefits  <<Huawei's end-to-end ICT solution completely met

Phoenix TV's IT system requirements in terms of

technological superiority, high quality and reliability,

while reducing energy consumption and improving


Huawei worked with Dayang to offer a cloud-

based One Net media solution and an integrated

production system solution based on a production

security center. The implementation of these state-

of-the-art solutions helped Phoenix TV improve

key service development capabilities, including the


·Comprehensive end-to-end solution reduces

construction time by more than 30% and lowering

device procurement costs by more than 20%.

·Cloud-based One Net media solution improves

server resource usage to over 60% and increases

program production efficiency by about 30%.

·Cloud desktop system supports approximately

1,000 users and mobile office, reducing costs by

30% compared with traditional PC-based desktop


·Advanced data center solution features multiple

energy-saving designs to reduce the PUE to 1.5,

support unified O&M, reducing the number of IT

maintenance personnel by 50%, and improve TCO

by 16%.

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Distributed Cloud Data Center

Huawei DC² Solution Helps Xinhua News Agency with Strategic Transformation into omnimedia

Introduction  <<

Xinhua News Agency is the state press agency of China and also a global news agency. As an omnimedia agency, Xinhua News Agency covers various types of media. Headquartered in Beijing, Xinhua News Agency operates 160 foreign bureaus worldwide and maintains 31 bureaus in China. Xinhua News Agency has established a global network for news collection, processing, and release and has constructed a multilingual, multimedia, multi-channel, multi-level, and multi-function news release system.

Challenges  <<

Since the 1990s, news production and distribution as well as the media situation have been undergoing significant changes. Traditional media and emerging media are developed together. The communication, collaboration, and integration between the media industry and other industries are deepened. A global communication pattern that features cross-media and cross-industry integration is being formed.

To adapt to the changes, Xinhua News Agency is promoting a strategic transformation in order to integrate news agency business, newspaper business, network business, new media business, TV business, financial information business, and multimedia business into omnimedia business. By doing so, Xinhua News Agency hopes to build a modern communication system with advanced technologies, fast news distribution, and wide coverage, thereby enhancing the global news distribution capability. The existing traditional IT architecture, however, is far from meeting the requirements of strategic transformation.

The existing centralized IT architecture deployed at the headquarters

cannot support emerging media businesses nationwide or bureaus'

Executive Summary

Industry Media

Challenges· T h e e x i s t i n g c e n t r a l i z e d I T

a r c h i t e c t u r e d e p l o y e d a t t h e

headquarters cannot support emerging

media bus inesses nat ionwide or

bureaus' business development

· In the tradit ional stovepipe IT

architecture, dispersed and complex IT

resources in data centers form many

independent IT systems that cannot

be unified managed, leading to low

resource use efficiency

·Overburdened with heavy workload

and insufficient personnel, the O&M

department has difficulty in addressing

the O&M pressure caused by cloud

platform centralization

Huawei Solution·D C 2 s o l u t i o n t h a t s u p p o r t s

omnimedia and the "pushing battle

field forward" strategy

·ManageOne that manages data

center resources in a unified manner,

improving resource use efficiency

· R i g h t s - a n d d o m a i n - b a s e d

management and VDC solution that

mitigate headquarters' O&M pressure

and risks

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Customer  Benefits·R e g i o n a l b u s i n e s s e f f i c i e n c y

remarkably increased, with support for

regional business development and


·One cloud integrating and managing

resources of all data centers deployed

at the head office and all bureaus,

with resource use efficiency increased

from 15% to 50% and new media

application rollout time shortened from

90 days to 1 week

·The number of devices maintained

per capita increased from 50 to

300, allowing a cloud platform to

be smoothly built and put into use

without adding manpower to the O&M

department at the headquarters

business development.

Xinhua News Agency is still using a traditional IT architecture centrally deployed at the head office. That is, the IT infrastructure and application systems are all deployed at the head office. Bureaus of Xinhua News Agency worldwide remotely access business application systems over broadband networks. By centrally constructing application systems such as multimedia databases and news collection and editing platforms, this architecture implemented centralized construction and business data sharing, which promoted rapid development of Xinhua News Agency's traditional businesses in the early phase. However, under the guidance of the omnimedia strategy, bureaus of Xinhua News Agency actively carry out new media businesses. Rapid business development leads to an urgent need for various media resources. IT resources are centrally deployed at the head office, and bureaus cannot construct local application systems, lack of support for unique businesses in different regions. As a result, bureaus fail to carry out regional businesses rapidly and smoothly. After accumulating some audio-visual materials, a few bureaus in China that have experienced a rapid business growth started raising money themselves to build a small-sized media asset system, causing a great pressure on the IT infrastructure construction at the head office.

In the traditional stovepipe IT architecture, dispersed and complex

IT resources in data centers form many independent IT systems that

cannot be unified managed, leading to low resource use efficiency.

Based on years of IT development, the head office of Xinhua News Agency centrally built multiple data centers in Beijing, such as the equipment rooms in Xuan Wumen, 3rd working area, and northern suburb. In each data center, various resources are deployed, including midrange computers, physical servers, and VMware virtual machines. These data centers are IT islands that cannot share resources with each other. As a result, a large number of devices remain idle, causing low resource use efficiency. In addition, the traditional architecture fails to implement effective management. Business applications are basically deployed and adjusted manually, resulting in a heavy workload and poor efficiency. The average business rollout time is six months. As a result, requirements of new media business cannot be quickly met. The architecture is gradually becoming an obstacle to Xinhua News Agency's strategic omnimedia transformation.

Overburdened with heavy workload and insufficient personnel,

the operation and maintenance (O&M) department has difficulty

in addressing the O&M pressure caused by cloud platform


Xinhua News Agency has over 100 bureaus and uses over 30 large-scale business application systems. Maintenance of IT devices, such as servers, storage devices, and network devices, in multiple data centers as well as routine system installation, software upgrade, and new business deployment consume a lot of manpower. The existing workload makes the O&M department overburdened, and department personnel often jokingly called themselves "firefighters". Device centralization seen in the cloud computing platform brings even greater challenges to the overburdened O&M department. Furthermore, the cloud computing

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Distributed Cloud Data Center

changes the traditional IT procurement mode to service delivery mode. Therefore, the O&M department will face doubts and challenges from service users.

Huawei Solution  <<

Xinhua News Agency uses Huawei DC2 Solution to construct a global cloud computing infrastructure platform with a unified IT infrastructure resource pool, providing all bureaus with desktop cloud, virtual machines, flexible block storage, and virtual data center (VDC) services.

Huawei DC2 Solution

Based on Huawei DC2 Solution, the cloud computing platform of Xinhua News Agency adopts the 2+1 architecture. That is, the data center at the head office and those at bureaus compose two-level distributed physical data center architecture. In addition, a VDC is deployed at a level higher than the physical data centers to provide VDC service.

·Data center at the head office: This data center is used to support

the core business systems deployed at the head office and bureaus, including multimedia databases and the global integrated level-1 news collection/editing/processing/release platform. This data center also provides elastic resource pool service for upper-layer PAAS applications such as the test cloud platform, J2EE middleware, big data retrieval platform, text content analysis, video transcoding, and image processing, so that the integrated resources pool is shared with the upper-layer applications in a unified manner for on-demand and flexible resource allocation.

·Data centers at bureaus: These data centers are used to support

regional business systems that have a large business volume, including global integrated level-2 news collection/editing/processing/release platform and edge application services. In addition, based on the business development, a resource pool can be provided for a content delivery network (CDN) that is planned for the future. In the current phase, a data center will be constructed in Daqing to support regional businesses in Northeast China. In the future, based on regional business development and plan, level-2 data centers will be constructed in other cities in China such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong and even in Europe to better promote regional businesses of bureaus.

·VDC: The VDC is oriented to bureaus that have a small business

volume. In VDC mode, a logical resource pool is created in a physical data center near a bureau and then made available to the bureau. Computing/storage/ network isolation and quota management provided by the VDC ensure that bureaus can use DC logical resources independently and securely. Self-service O&M functions support construction of regional business application systems more flexibly.

ManageOne manages data center resources in a unified manner, improving resource use efficiency.

The cloud computing platform of Xinhua News Agency uses HUAWEI FusionSphere virtualization system to convert IT devices into resource pools and uses ManageOne to implement unified resource pool management for physical data centers deployed at the head office and bureaus. In this way, IT resources can be fully shared, elastically allocated, and automatically deployed.

·Midrange computers, physical servers, and heterogeneous

H u a w e i D i s t r i b u t e d Cloud Data Center (DC2) Solution fully meets Xinhua News Agency ' s p lan o f constructing a distributed global c loud computing system that i s or iented t o g l o b a l b u s i n e s s e s a n d c o n t a i n s m u l t i p l e data centers, where the head off ice is the core. T h e s o l u t i o n s u p p o r t s X i nhua News Agency ' s d e v e l o p m e n t t o w a r d s e m e r g i n g m e d i a a n d strategic transformation into omnimedia.

—— Xinhua News Agency

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virtualization systems (VMWare and HUAWEI FusionSphere) are monitored and managed in unified manner. Virtual and physical resources are requested and provisioned in a unified manner.

·The automation technology of the cloud platform

implements automated deployment of business applications, helping Xinhua News Agency quickly deploy a new media business system.

·The resource pool API interface of the cloud

platform implements cluster elasticity of upper-layer business application systems. Virtual machines can be added or reduced on demand, enabling the resource pool to respond to application systems more quickly.

Rights- and domain-based management and VDC

solution mitigate headquarters' O&M pressure

and risks.

I n t e rms o f t he O&M work l oad and r i s k centralization issues caused by the cloud platform, a two-level rights- and domain-based management architecture and a VDC solution are adopted to reduce the O&M workload and mitigate risks, improving system running efficiency.

·In terms of data center O&M and management, a

DC2 two-level O&M system is constructed for Xinhua News Agency based on the rights- and domain-based management function of ManageOne. The head office schedules and manages resources of all cloud data centers in a unified manner, implements O&M and management of IT devices in the head office, and monitors the KPIs of device resources in level-2 data centers. Bureaus monitor and maintain physical devices in local data centers. The hierarchical architecture enables bureaus to manage and maintain level-2 data centers, reducing the headquarters' maintenance pressure.

·In terms of resource pool management and

use, the VDC allocates IT resources to bureaus and secondary bus iness departments such as the international department and audio/video department in self-service O&M mode. In addition, administrators of bureaus and secondary business departments share s imple routine resource management work such as operating and monitoring virtual machines and operating application templates, thereby reducing the workload of the O&M department at the head office.

Customer Benefits  <<Huawei DC2 solution helps the basic cloud platform

of Xinhua News Agency gain significant advantages over traditional IT systems in terms of resource use efficiency and business rollout efficiency.

Data centers at bureaus and the VDC allow local

application deployment, improving business

efficiency and supporting regional business

development and innovation.

The DC2 allows local deployment of regional business application systems and construction of regional omnimedia news databases, improving regional business eff ic iency. In addit ion to promoting the local business growth, innovation and development of regional businesses are supported.

One cloud integrates and manages resources

of all data centers deployed at the head office

and all bureaus. The resource use efficiency is

increased from 15% to 50%. The new media

application rollout time is shortened from 90 days

to 1 week.

The DC2 provides IT resource pools to integrate and manage IT resources across all bureaus in a unified manner, improving resource use efficiency from 15% to 50%.

In terms of the new media business system that requires real-time processing, cloud-based automated deployment technology can shorten the business rollout time from 90 days to 1 week.

The number of devices maintained per capita is

increased from 50 to 300. A cloud platform is

smoothly built and put into use without adding

manpower to the O&M department at the


The DC2 unified O&M and management platform is used to set up a rights- and domain-based two-level O&M system so that bureaus share O&M of data center devices. In addition, the self-service VDC shares the resource management and scheduling work with resource users. The two measures effectively mitigate the head office's maintenance pressure and risks.

Automation functions, such as virtual machine template and application template, provided by the cloud platform also significantly reduce the routine O&M workload, enabling the data center devices maintained per capita to be increased from 50 to 300.

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Distributed Cloud Data Center

Huawei DC² Helps Sichuan Unicom Implement Hybrid Cloud

Introduction  <<

Sichuan Unicom, founded in February 1996, is a provincial branch of China Unicom. As the level-1 branch of China Unicom in Sichuan, Sichuan Unicom is responsible for operation, management, and development of telecom services in Sichuan. With sub-branches registered in 21 cities of Sichuan, Sichuan Unicom is a large state-owned telecom enterprise operating integrated telecom services, including mobile communication, data communication, toll calls, and local calls.

Challenges  <<

With the arrival of the mobile Internet era, the carrier business forms have fundamentally changed, and the concept of quadruple-play service is changed accordingly. As a traditional telecom carrier, Sichuan Unicom faces many challenges. On the one hand, Sichuan Unicom must improve service quality and meet increasing mobile Internet service needs to win more customers. On the other hand, Sichuan Unicom must explore business models in new fields and potential needs in the enterprise market. Therefore, Sichuan Unicom has made two strategic plans:

·Constructing a unified large service platform to improve the overall service quality

Based on a service process, a large service core platform streamlines data channels of service systems, integrates service capabilities and system functions of service systems, and provides a unified service capability support platform to help the large service system to covert service into value, thereby realizing a new business model for China Unicom to enhance its core competence.

·Exploring ICT service transformation oriented to the enterprise market

Executive Summary

Industry Carrier

Challenges·Dispersed IT systems and poor

overall service capabilities that need to

be improved

·Homogeneous public cloud services,

with new business models in need

·Long IT construction period and low

resource use efficiency unable to meet

service requirements

Huawei Solution·Constructed a hybrid cloud platform

to run the large service system and

other internal service systems of China


·Constructed a public cloud resource

pool with high availability to serve as a

cloud service supermarket for SMEs

·Adopted the DC2 architecture to

support sustainable development of

multiple data centers

Customer  Benefits·Helped Sichuan Unicom transition

from a traditional telecom carrier to an

ICT integrated service provider

·Improved resource use efficiency,

with server resources saved by 40%

and energy consumption reduced by


·Accelerated service deployment,

with the service rollout time reduced by


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The construction contents include a hybrid service operation platform that covers office desktop leasing, online backup, web disk, and cloud host. In addition, innovative product combinations and business models are provided based on enterprises' service needs.

If data centers are constructed based on traditional modes, the two strategic goals of Sichuan Unicom cannot be realized.

First, the core of a large service platform is unification, whereas traditional dispersed construction modes prevent services from sharing resources with each other, making it difficult to improve the overall service capability.

Second, public cloud services are homogeneous. Especially in the enterprise business field, innovative services with better flexibility and higher availability must be provided so that enterprises can use services conveniently.

Last, traditional data center construction requires a long period, which cannot keep up with quick business development of Sichuan Unicom or sustainable development of multiple systems.

Therefore, Sichuan Unicom wants to partner with Huawei to create an agile and efficient large service system with an advanced architecture.

Huawei Solution  <<

Huawei implemented requirement analysis and architecture design for the IT system of Sichuan Unicom and finally determined to use the DC2 architecture to construct a seed cloud for Sichuan Unicom.

Figure 1 Sichuan Unicom hybrid cloud architecture

resources management

large core service


desktop cloud

positioning system

Free online Backup

drain system

cloud cdc


eo surveillance





capacity management automation


Vertically integrated business


application platform




it regionVdc

own business


cooperation business


Private cloud resource pool

Public cloud resource pool

Private cloud Public cloud

Physical isolation

·Reserved interfaces for unified

operation of multiple data centers

in Sichuan and for enabling the data

center at the headquarters to form a

multi-level data center

H u a w e i d i s t r i b u t e d c loud data center (DC2) provides advanced IaaS architecture for Sichuan Unicom, greatly improving our efficiency in IT system construct ion and O&M, e n h a n c i n g o u r c o r e competence, and helping us better serve enterprises.

—— Sichuan Unicom

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Distributed Cloud Data Center

A hybrid cloud platform was constructed to run

the large service system and other internal service

systems of China Unicom

The large service core platform of Sichuan Unicom treats the call miss system, location system, and video surveillance system as internal systems and constructs them in private cloud mode. Office desktop, cloud host, online backup, and web disk are treated as external services and constructed in public cloud mode. Considering security and independence of different areas in a cloud, physical isolation is implemented. From the perspective of management, one cloud is logically unified for central management and monitoring.

A public cloud resource pool with high availability

was constructed to serve as a cloud service

supermarket for small- and medium-sized

enterprises (SMEs)

Through a survey and analysis, Huawei found that Sichuan Unicom can use the existing bandwidth and customer resources to develop a public cloud project with high availability. First, the following strategy was determined: Operate SaaS together with partners based on the IaaS service oriented to SMEs. Huawei constructed a public cloud resource pool and unified operation interface for the project and introduced product combinations suitable for enterprise business to the public cloud platform provider, thereby meeting the needs of SMEs in Sichuan within the shortest time possible.

In addition, based on SLA requirements, the seed cloud is divided into resource pools of different levels to meet f lexible service requirements of different customers. Resource isolation is implemented between tenants. Rights- and domain-based management enables each customer to use the public cloud service without worry.

The DC2 architecture was adopted to support

sustainable development of multiple data centers

According to Sichuan Unicom's plan, the seed cloud project will be concurrently expanded and centrally

managed together with Sichuan Unicom HiSpace and customer private cloud. In addition, the seed cloud will interwork with the headquarters cloud of China Unicom.

Therefore, the project reserved management interworking interfaces for the data center architecture, making technical preparations for the seed cloud, HiSpace, and private cloud to form horizontally distributed data centers, unified resource O&M and management, and interworking with the headquarters cloud of China Unicom to form multi-level data centers. In this way, an advanced multi-level distributed data center architecture is constructed for Sichuan Unicom.

Customer Benefits  <<·The seed cloud built for Sichuan Unicom greatly enhances Sichuan Unicom's unified service capability, implements unified management, and increases service channels. The unified service process improves the collaboration capability. Unified data management and various data applications are provided. The unified platform improves service experience. Intelligent operation and management improve management efficiency.

·Sichuan Unicom has transit ioned from a traditional telecom carrier to an ICT integrated service provider, making progresses in exploring new business models in operating enterprise IT services.

·The agile and efficient cloud data center architecture improves efficiency in using data center resources, saving 40% of server resources, reducing energy consumption by 45%, and decreasing the service rollout time by 70%.

·The distr ibuted data center architecture seamlessly integrates O&M of Sichuan Unicom private and public clouds, simplifying data center operation. In addition, interfaces are reserved for unified operation of multiple data centers in Sichuan and for enabling the data center at the headquarters to form a multi-level data center.

cloud architecturedata center


40%of server resources

reducing energyconsumption by

45%decreasing the servicerollout time by


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Huawei Data Center Integration Solution AssistsEMTS Nigeria in Reducing Costs

Executive Summary

Industry Carrier

Challenges·The customer had insufficient IT

devices and the existing IT system could

not meet the service development


·Most IT devices were obsolete and

the device performance could hardly

support the service system expansion

·IT devices and service systems were

scattered, complicating management

and causing high OPEX

·No redundant IT resources were

configured for critical service systems

Huawei Solution·Constructed a highly reliable and

available IT infrastructure platform

using carrier-class networks, servers,

storage devices, and backup and

disaster recovery software. On this

platform, the service system stability

reaches 99.99%

·Integrated critical service systems

such as OCS, Billing, and CRM to high-

performance x86 servers instead of

Unix servers

·Implemented end-to-end monitoring

of services, IT devices, and equipment

room facilities and presents them on a

unified portal

·Provided powerful migration tools

and strong service migration capabilities

to migrate services smoothly

Introduction  <<

EMTS is the subsidiary of the ET group and one of the four biggest

carriers in Nigeria.

Currently, EMTS is maintaining the momentum of rapid development.

The number of new users is increased by 40,000 per day and the total

number of users reaches 16 million.

Challenges  <<

The capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operating expense (OPEX) of

the customer were high but the operation efficiency was low. The

management layer of the ET group hoped that EMTS could turn losses

into gains and enhance its competitiveness. That is to say, EMTS must

reduce IT system costs and improve the service support ability of the

system. EMTS expected to integrate IT resources to reduce CAPEX and

OPEX and increase operation efficiency.

The customer faced the following challenges:

·The number of EMTS's users increased sharply. However, EMTS had

insufficient IT devices and the existing IT system could not meet the

service development requirements.

·IT devices were obsolete. 50% of devices had been in service for over

five years. The device performance could hardly support the service

system expansion.

·IT devices and service systems were scattered. Device types and

versions of operating systems and databases were inconsistent. As a

result, the management was complex and the OPEX was high.

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Distributed Cloud Data Center

Customer  Benefits·The server integration rate was

increased to 6:1 and the resource use

efficiency was improved by 50%

·The space occupied by cabinets

was decreased by 50% and power

consumption was decreased by 60%

·The costs were decreased by 40%

since the CRM and Billing system were

deployed on x86 servers instead of

UNIX servers

·No redundant computing and storage resources were configured

for critical service systems. The stability and reliability of critical service

systems were low.

·The equipment room had no sufficient space for the expansion of IT


Huawei Solution  <<

Data center integration was the optimal solution to address existing

problems and met the customer's requirements. This end-to-end

data center integration solution upgraded traditional chimney-type

data centers to new-generation agile and efficient data centers that

supported resource sharing. Besides, this solution integrated high-

performance networks, servers, storage devices, and a unified data

center management platform.

This solution supported layered networks, service function areas, and

modular design. To deliver high availability, this solution used a cloud

computing platform and high-performance products to construct

dynamic infrastructure. In this architecture, IT resources could be flexibly

allocated. This architecture featured resource sharing, agility, efficiency,

security, stability, and heterogeneous device compatibility. This solution

integrated networks, servers, and storage devices, simplifying O&M and

improving operation efficiency.

·Future-oriented network platform Huawei used high-end switches

to construct a high-performance, high-reliability, and high-stability core

network platform. Huawei data center switches supported industry-

leading cloud network. The network platform constructed based on

these switches can meet the network evolution requirements in next 10


·Server integration and migration, carrying critical services

High-density blade servers and a virtualization platform were deployed

to improve the server integration ratio and reduce the demand for

servers. The Huawei virtualization platform greatly improved the server

integration ratio, increased the resource use efficiency, reduced the

demand for servers, and saved cabinet spaces. Critical service systems

such as Billing and CRM were migrated to high-performance x86

servers instead of UNIX servers.

·High-availability design, protecting data security

In this solution, data scattered on storage devices from different

vendors was migrated to carrier-class high-end storage devices of

Huawei for unified management. Besides, Huawei virtual tape libraries

(with the deduplication function) and backup software were used to

construct a data backup system for data centers. Synchronous and

asynchronous data replication could be implemented to achieve data-

level disaster recovery for data centers. The disaster recovery for virtual

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CRM&Bil l ing system on x86

Increased theserver integrationrate to


the resourceuse efficiency by


the space

occupied bycabinets by

50% power consumption by

60%Decreased costs by


machines was implemented on the virtualization platform.

·Unified management, achieving agile operation

Devices that had not expired were integrated to the cloud data

center platform for unified management. The platform supported

heterogeneous devices. With its powerful migration tools and strong

service migration capabilities, Huawei smoothly migrated scattered

service systems to the cloud data center platform. The unified data

center management platform simplified O&M, achieving agile operation.

Customer Benefits  <<·Increased the server integration rate to 6:1 and the resource use

efficiency by 50%.

·Decreased the space occupied by cabinets by 50% and power

consumption by 60%.

·Decreased costs by 40% by deploying the CRM and Billing system on

x86 servers instead of UNIX servers.

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Distributed Cloud Data Center

Huawei Container Data Center Helps HATCH CanadaSet up New Business Quickly

Executive Summary

Industry Enterprise

Challenges·High mining costs

·Difficult and costly equipment room

relocation due to harsh environments

·Existing IT systems cannot keep up

with rapid business growth

Huawei Solution·Huawei a l l - in-one data center

solution, complying with Tier-3 design


·IP55 dust-proof and water-proof

design standard

·Q u i c k d e p l o y m e n t , f l e x i b l e

relocation, and secure production

·Accommodates a maximum of eight

19-inch IT cabinets, meeting expansion

requirements from business growth in

the next five years

Customer  Benefits·Minimal civil engineering, one-week

installation period, and 40% reduction

in initial investment costs

·Low PUE ( less than 1.5) , 24/7

unattended operat ion, and 30%

reduction in O&M costs

· A d a p t a b l e t o a v a r i e t y o f

environments and simplified device

migration, meeting mobile operation

requirements in the mining area

Introduction  <<

HATCH is an employee-owned, multidisciplinary professional services firm headquartered in Canada. HATCH delivers a comprehensive array of technical and strategic services, including consulting, information technology, engineering, process development, and project and construction management to the mining, metallurgical, energy, and infrastructure sectors. HATCH has served clients for over 80 years, with project experience in more than 150 countries and more than US$35 billion in projects under management.

Challenges  <<

As an industry-leading consulting firm, HATCH provides dedicated services, such as geological prospecting, mining project design, system data management, technical information processing, and mineral dressing for enterprises in mining, mineral dressing, and metallurgy industries. In 2011, HATCH began a mining project solution for Canada-based Kinross, one of the world's biggest gold mining companies, to help improve operations at their mine in Tasiast, a desert area in Mauritania. The Tasiast gold mine is one of the world's largest.

In 2010, Kinross purchased 91% of Australia's Red Back Mining, Inc., the owner of the Tasiast gold mine, for US$7.1 billion. As part of the purchase, Kinross planned to improve exploration efficiency at the Tasiast mine.

To achieve this goal, Kinross needed to increase the efficiency of the already-in-place exploration points or look for new ones. In any case, Kinross sought to reduce production costs and improve Return on Investment (ROI). An expert from HATCH said, "As a consulting firm that has decades of experience in mining and mineral dressing, HATCH knows how to tailor a mining project solution to facilitate Kinross'

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desert mining exploration, lower operation costs, and maximize the project ROI."

The development of a secure and reliable data center would play a major role in HATCH's comprehensive mining project solution.

Since the 1960s, computing technologies have been widely used in all aspects of the mining industry, including exploration, design, construction, production, and management. These technologies cover multiple fields, such as scientific computing, data processing, automatic control, operation, and management. In the last few years, information technologies have become increasingly important in improving mining resource usage, protecting mining operation security, and lowering enterprise production costs. Mineral companies need a comprehensive IT infrastructure to improve their competitiveness.

The existing Tasiast gold mine data center and equipment room were designed for fixed-location deployment and had become somewhat outdated after many years of use, especially considering the rapid growth of the mining operation. Expansion of service requirements placed higher demands on the IT infrastructure. After studying the existing data center, HATCH believed that it lacked sufficient capacity to support Kinross' service expansion.

According to the expert from HATCH, "We carefully assessed the data center of the Tasiast gold mine and found that the equipment room was already at full capacity and no more free space was available for new devices."

As such, HATCH planned to build a new data center to cope with service expansion requirements.

The expert from HATCH further explained:

"Traditionally, we need to construct a new data center equipment room. The construction involves civil engineering, power supply, air conditioning, fire control, and cabling. These systems and operations will not only significantly raise the investment costs, but also require a longer data center construction period. In most mining projects, HATCH needs to frequently relocate devices and personnel to support exploration in different sites; however, the desert environment is quite different. If we construct permanent and semi-permanent data center facilitates, we will face challenges not only in site selection at present, but also device relocation in the future."

HATCH needed a new data center solution to solve all the preceding challenges and required that the data center meet Tier 3 requirements to eliminate the risk of a single point of failure, thereby ensuring service continuity.

Huawei Solution  <<

At the beginning of 2012, Huawei designed a complete solution for Hatch based on the Huawei all-in-one IDS1000-A container data center.

The IDS1000-A complies with Tier 3 standards. By integrating all required components in a single container, the IDS1000-A solution can be quickly deployed, relocated to any environment, and expanded based on service requirements. The container has a built-in power supply and distribution system, cooling system, cabinets, cables, fire control module, and security protection system, providing communication and collaboration services for onsite personnel.

H u a w e i ' s a l l - i n - o n e c o n t a i n e r d a t a c e n t e r solution has an impressive d e s i g n , a p p l y i n g t o HATCH's onsite operation environments. This cost-e f f ec t i ve so lu t ion fu l l y meets HATCH's data center serv ice requ i rements in the Tas iast gold mining project.


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The design of the all-in-one IDS1000-A solution impressed HATCH:

"First, HATCH no longer needs to worry about the design and operation of the data center equipment room because Huawei has already solved these problems ahead of time for us. Second, this mobile container data center can be easily deployed at any location where a power supply and a network connection are available."

HATCH was also satisf ied with IDS1000-A's environment adaptation capability, saying:

"The Tasiast gold mine is located in a desert that features harsh natural environments, large temperature differences, and frequent sand storms. Huawei's IDS1000-A meets the IP55 protection standards and has a working temperature range from –40°C to +55°C, meeting the Tasiast gold mine's operation requirements."

The IDS1000-A accommodates a maximum of eight 19-inch IT cabinets, which is anticipated to meet the Tasiast gold mine data center service requirements for the next five years. HATCH plans to migrate

the existing data center devices to the IDS1000-A system. In the next few years, the IDS1000-A system will become HATCH's mobile data center, allowing the firm to easily relocate IT system devices to new operation sites.

Customer Benefits  <<The IDS1000-A container data center solution delivers the following benefits for HATCH:

·All-in-one design, minimal civil engineering, one-week installation period, and 40% reduction in initial investment costs.

·Tailored, natural-cooling design, reducing the Power Usage Efficiency (PUE) to less than 1.5, and an intelligent Operation and Maintenance (O&M) and management platform, allowing 24/7 unattended operation and reducing system O&M costs by 30%.

·Adaptable to a variety of environments and simplif ied device migration, meeting mobile operation requirements in the mining area.






one-weekinstallation period

Efficiency (PUE)to less than


40%reduction in initiainvestment costs


24/7unattended operation

reducing systemO&M costs by



migrationmeeting mobile

operation requirementsin the mining area

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Huawei Cloud Data Center Helps China Merchants GroupExpand Businesses Quickly

Executive Summary

Industry Enterprise

Challenges·Wasted resources: 38 independent

equipment rooms for corporation


·High O&M costs : scattered IT

maintenance that requires 70 personnel

and a billion of expenditure

·High security risks: scattered data

centers that deliver only Tier 1 reliability

Huawei Solution·Provided a green data center solution

that optimized infrastructure and IT

devices to lower the PUE value and

achieve intelligent interworking

·Adopted a unified network plan that

reserved 2 TB capacity for core switches

to deliver 99.00% reliability and 100

ms latency for outstanding interaction

experience across WANs

Customer  Benefits·Reduced O&M costs, xxxx RMB saved

in a year

·Saved costs on equipment room

renovation, xxxx RBM saved in total

·Secure and stable IT operation that

meets the Tier 3 requirements

·Fast deployment of new nodes to

grasp new market opportunities

Introduction  <<

China Merchants Group is founded on December 26, 1872. As the forerunner in China's national industry and commerce, China Merchants Group is renowned as the "epitome of the century-long history of China's national enterprises. Headquartered in Hong Kong, China Merchants Group is a large-scale enterprise and has businesses covering industries such as transportation and real estate in many regions including mainland China and Southeast Asia.

Challenges  <<

As businesses grow, China Merchants Group needs an enterprise-class data center that serves the headquarters and subsidiaries in Hong Kong and Guangdong. Located in the Technology Building, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, this data center covers an area of 52,000 square meters.

After detailed service analysis, Huawei found that the existing IT system of China Merchants Group had a chimney-type architecture that failed to adapt to service growth.

Uneven data distribution in existing data centers caused resource waste. Most of the 38 equipment rooms constructed for subsidiaries of China Merchants Group were seldom used and occupied excessive space. The power per square meter of an idle equipment room was as high as 300 W.

Scattered data centers of subsidiaries were difficult to be managed centrally. Independent operation and maintenance (O&M) teams of the data centers varied in expertise. The O&M of some data centers failed to meet standard requirements. In addition, China Merchants Group's IT devices had over 32 models and 60 configurations, leading to complex management and increasing inputs in IT O&M.

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Distributed Cloud Data Center

Huawei Solution  <<

To improve service availability and lower IT O&M costs, Huawei provided enterprise-class data centers that are secure, highly available, stable, and energy-saving.

Data centers of enterprise-class reliabil ity in compliance with the cloud strategy

Huawei participated in China Merchants Group's IT planning and provided an end-to-end solution that covered consulting, construction, and service migration to support project management and implementation.

In Phase I, Huawei constructed Tier 3 data centers of enterprise-class reliability. In Phase II, a unified IT platform was constructed to migrate services of six subsidiaries. In Phase III, intra-city disaster recovery was implemented and more services were migrated for remote disaster recovery. After the three phases, the entire IT system of China Merchants Group is working on the cloud.

Green equipment room solution that meets

energy-saving requirements

Huawei provided an all-in-one green equipment room solution that has the following characteristics:

Energy-saving: Based on internal and interworking relationships, infrastructure and IT devices are optimized to lower the PUE value and achieve intelligent interworking, enabling new-generation data centers that are energy-efficient in design, construction, operation, and maintenance.

Intelligent interworking: Air conditioners interwork intelligently for lowered power consumption, redundancy backup, and longer life span.

High availability data center networks that ensure

continuous service growth

Based on standards on business continuity, Huawei provided a core switch solution that reserved 2 TB switching capacity and supported up to 1000 servers to adapt to service growth over the next five years.

To further enhance network experience, Huawei designed a high availability (HA) network platform that ensured 99.99% availability and 100 ms latency, del iver ing outstanding interact ion experience across WANs.

Moreover, China Merchants Group's network was planned in a unified manner. Disaster recovery and backup zones can be centrally managed to data center failover and disaster recovery.

Customer Benefits  <<A total of xxxx RMB was saved in the maintenance of equipment rooms of 38 subsidiaries.

Data centers met Tier 3 standard with an annual service downtime smaller than 1.6 hours and 99.842% reliability.

A to ta l o f xxx RMB was saved in annua l maintenance costs on manpower, devices, sites, electricity, and communications.

Maintenance fee of equipment rooms of 38 subsidiaries is saved

Data center met Tier 3 with an annual service downtime <1.6 hoursTCO reduced by 30%

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Huawei Helps Shanghai Dredging Modernize Data Center

Executive Summary

Industry Transportation

Challenges·The customer expected the data

center to be leading and practical over

the next ten years

·The data center must prov ide

redundancy design to deliver high


·The customer wanted to build the

data center in phases. The first phase,

the data center must meet immediate

business needs and future smooth

capacity expansion

·The data center must be energy

efficient to reduce energy consumption


Huawei Solution·Deployed the All-in-Room IDS 2000

to deliver a modular data center

·Deployed the intelligent management

system to centrally manage data center


·Deployed carr ier-grade 50 kW

precision air-conditioners in 3+1 mode

and used the R410A refrigerant to

reduce energy consumption

Customer  Benefits·Tier-5 reliability

· 1 0 % r e d u c t i o n i n e n e r g y


·S imp l i f i ed O&M and reduced

maintenance costs

Introduction  <<

Shanghai Dredging of China Communications Construction Company

(CCCC) is the largest dredging company in China. It is responsible for

waterway dredging, exploration, design, and measuring; shipbuilding;

dredging software development; and dredging equipment and

navigation mark manufacturing.

Challenges  <<

To accommodate quick business growth, CCCC Shanghai Dredging

planned to build a data center to provide 24/7 data services.

While building the data center, the customer faced the following


·Leading technologies

The customer expected the data center to be leading and practical over

the next ten years.


The data center must provide redundancy design to deliver high



The customer wanted to build the data center in phases. The first

phase, the data center must meet immediate business needs and future

smooth capacity expansion.

·Energy efficiency

The data center must be energy efficient to reduce energy consumption

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Distributed Cloud Data Center


Huawei Solution  <<

Because the service volume did not reach 100 kW, CCCC Shanghai

Dredging decided to deploy Huawei's next-generation efficient modular

data center solution. The All-in-Room IDS 2000 solution delivers high

integration, security, and reliability, while reducing noise, footprint,

and energy consumption. With a compatible architecture, the solution

can be easily and flexibly installed, which fully met the customer's

requirements for small and medium data centers.

·The solution neatly combines the modular uninterruptible power

supply (UPS), energy-efficient precision air-conditioner, integrated

power distribution unit (PDU), fire control system, confined cold aisle,

and modular capacity expansion technology to remain competitive over

the next ten years.

·The solution deploys two UPS5000-E 80kVA modules in parallel

redundant mode to deliver 96% energy efficiency and uses the N+X

redundancy to achieve reliability higher than 1+1 redundancy.

·The solution also deploys carrier-grade 50 kW precision air-

conditioners in 3+1 mode and reserves expansion pipelines and

interfaces for the second phase, which facilitates future capacity

expansion. The precision air-conditioners use the R410A refrigerant to

reduce energy consumption.

·In the first phase, the solution deploys two data center modules,

each with 16 cabinets, including integrate network cabling cabinets and

power distribution cabinets. The solution offers emergency ventilation

to automatically open skylights in case of an air-conditioner fault and

ensure temperatures within the normal range.

·The solution deploys an industry-leading intelligent management

system to centrally manage data center infrastructures, intelligent link

L1 and L3, simplify operation and maintenance (O&M), and reduce

energy consumption by about 10%. The solution also offers open

interface protocols to interoperate with third-party devices.

Customer Benefits  <<Huawei has helped Shanghai Dredging Co., Ltd build the first modular

data center at CCCC. Huawei's solution has brought the following

compelling benefits for the customer:

·The All-in-Room data center uses redundancy design to deliver Tier-5


·Intelligent L1-L3 linkage improves management efficiency and

reduces energy consumption by about 10%.

·The intelligent monitoring system displays and monitors the running

status of devices in real-time and 3D manner, which greatly facilitates

O&M while reducing maintenance costs.

H u a w e i ' s d a t a c e n t e r solution helps us enhance data center efficiency and s imp l i f y opera t ion and maintenance. It has set a benchmark for future data center projects at CCCC.

—— CCCC Shanghai

Dredging Co., Ltd.

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Huawei Helps China Shenhua Group Build an EfficientMining Data Center

Executive Summary

Industry Energy

Challenges·Low performance and resource

utilization, unable to support new

service requirements

·High O&M workload and costs

·Low data reliability and security

Huawei Solution·Deployed a holistic cloud data center

solution based on the cloud computing


·Used the ManageOne system to

manage IT resources and perform

centralized O&M

·Deployed high-end servers and

storage devices as well as virtualization

technology to ensure data reliability

and security

Customer  Benefits·6 0 % i n c re a s e i n I T r e s o u rc e


·50% decrease in O&M workload and

30 deduction in O&M costs

·Support for future business growth

Introduction  <<

Founded in October 1995, Shenhua Group Corporation Limited (Shenhua

Group) is a leading state-owned mining and energy company in China

and the largest coal-producing company in the world. Its main business

includes coal production and sales, railway and port transportation of

coal-related materials, as well as power generation and sales. Shenhua

Group was ranked 178th on the Fortune 500 list in 2013.

Challenges  <<

In recent years, Shenhua Group has been attaching great importance to

information-led transformation. As a subsidiary of Shenhua Group, Yulin

Shenhua Energy Co., Ltd. planned to build a high-level digital mine.

However, the existing IT system and its architecture could not meet

business growth any more.

·Low performance and resource utilization, unable to support new

service requirements

In terms of performance and reliability, Shenhua Group's existing IT

system could not meet resource requirements for the forthcoming

office or production system, or continuous business growth in the next

few years. The stovepipe architecture utilized only 10% to 30% of IT


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We s ing led out Huawei because its solution would integrate sof tware and hardware and meet our performance requirements. The solution has helped us dramatically reduce IT ma in tenance work load while safeguarding data security.

—— Information Center,

Yulin Shenhua Energy Co., Ltd.

·High O&M workload and costs

Shenhua Group gradually introduced mutually separated management

systems to manage the infrastructure, IT and network devices, and

upper-layer applications. Maintenance personnel had to perform

operation and maintenance (O&M) and fault location among these

management systems, resulting in high O&M workload and costs.

·Low data reliability and security

The customer was also greatly concerned about low data reliability and

security of the existing IT system.

Huawei Solution  <<

In response, Huawei proposed a holistic cloud data center solution

consisting of the cloud computing architecture, unified O&M platform,

servers, 10GE networks, storage systems, security systems, and backup


The cloud computing architecture integrates physical machines and

virtual machines (VMs) to meet immediate and future business needs

and support differentiated service features of production and office


The solution offers clustered RH5885 servers to bear key database

applications and deliver 99.9999% reliability. The solution also provides

four-socket high-density computing blade servers E6000 (BH640) and

the FusionSphere VM software to bear web, middleware, and VM

applications, supporting multi-service resource sharing and on-demand

resource allocation.

To effectuate multi-service and high-load data storage and expand

performance, capacity, and bandwidth in the future, the solution uses

Huawei's high-end storage system OceanStor 18500. OceanStor 18500

intelligently and efficiently manages massive data, including Automated

Tiered Storage (ATS), Information Lifecycle Management (ILM), hot data

access acceleration, and automatic load balancing. To accommodate

multi-service differentiation, OceanStor 18500 leverages cache partition

and intelligent quality of service (QoS) technologies to provide exclusive

or priority storage resources for key services. In addition, OceanStor

18500 uses two-node clusters and dual arrays to deliver high availability

and ensure service continuity, and works with an integrated backup

system to provide periodic data backup.

The new data center bears the customer's production and office

networks. It reinvents terminals in the office network through Huawei's

FusionAccess virtual desktop and centrally stores IT resources. This

simplifies routine terminal O&M without compromising data security.

Huawei incorporates the concepts of agile data center and agile IT into

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the management system ManageOne that provides

unified data center O&M for the customer's

maintenance personnel. The ManageOne allows

maintenance personnel to perform active O&M

over data center facilities, IT infrastructures, and

application systems; centrally allocate physical

and virtual resources; and maximize legacy

devices and comply with third-party software and

hardware resources. By doing so, the ManageOne

significantly reduces O&M costs while improving

O&M efficiency.

Customer Benefits  <<Huawei's solution has brought remarkable benefits

to the customer. In addition to high performance

and support for new services, the solution leverages

virtualization technology to improve IT resource

utilization to 60%; uses ManageOne to reduce

maintenance workload by 50% and O&M costs by

30%; and centrally stores IT resources to enhance

data security.

The new data center powerfully implements Yulin

Shenhua's digital mine strategy and provides a

highly scalable platform for the customer to achieve

greater business success in the future.

IT resource utilization

60% ↓ Maintenance workload

50% ↓

O&M costs


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3diSaSter recoVery solution

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Huawei Active-active Data Center Solution Secures China Petroleum Pipeline Businesses

Low service reliability: a big IT problem

Established in 1973, China Petroleum Pipeline (CPP) is an international enterprise that is engaged in site survey, design, implementation, and management for long distance pipelines, large oil tanks, electric power, and communications.

CPP has high requirements on IT systems. Zhang Jiandong, chief of the Information Center, said, "Business development depends on stable and reliable IT systems. For core services, we require zero service interruption and zero data loss when disasters occur."

CPP hopes to construct a brand new IT system based on virtualization architecture, in which the production center and disaster recovery (DR) center are constructed in a unified manner to provide highly secure and reliable IT infrastructure services for CPP and its subsidiaries and support the running of application systems and large software of CPP.

Active-active data centers improve service reliability.

CPP services are deployed in two data centers. The separate construction mode not only wastes resources but also provides low service reliability. To

The pro jec t const ructed by Huawei s h o w s t h a t I T c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d management capabi l i t ies of Chinese e n t e r p r i s e s a r e c o m p a r a b l e w i t h those of foreign enterpr ises. We are i m p r e s s e d b y H u a w e i ' s e x c e l l e n t performance in project planning, project organization and implementation, and project management with advanced technologies. It is wise to choose Huawei as our partner. We would like to have close cooperation with Huawei in the future.

—— Information Center in China Petroleum Pipeline

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streamline the two data centers and construct active-active cloud data centers is the key to resolve the reliability problem for CPP.

After investigation, using physical data centers in CPP and China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Corporation (CPPE), Huawei customized an active-active data center solution based on virtualization architecture for CPP.

·Service-oriented solution

Based on service analysis, Huawei divided 56 service systems that require DR into three levels and provided different solutions for services at different levels, as shown in the following table.

Huawei formulated a DR construction framework for CPP. According to the framework, storage devices on the cloud platform are constructed in active-active mode, a data backup system on the cloud platform is constructed, and a remote DR system is constructed, ensuring zero data loss and 24/7 running of core services when disasters occur.

·The DR solution allows for flexible site selection.

To ensure high service reliability, the distance between the production center and DR center must be long enough. This attaches importance to site selection of the DR center.

With advanced storage and transmission technologies, Huawei makes site selection easy for CPP. A high-reliable IT system with CPP and CPPE data centers as the active-active DR platform is established. The transmission latency between the two data centers is minimized. The two data centers function like one data center although locating in different places.

·Joint commissioning and simplified management

To verify the stability of DR systems, Huawei implements joint

Service Level Required RPO/RTO Huawei Solution

Level 1 The RTO/RPO is near 0

Active-active application DR + Local data backupThe RPO is 0, and the RTO is near 0, meeting customer requirements.

Level 2The RTO/RPO is

2 to 5 hours

Active-active data DR + Local data backupThe RPO is 0, and the RTO is hour-level, beyond customer expectations.

Level 3The RTO/RPO is1 day or longer

Local data backup.The RTO and RPO are day-level, beyond customer expectations.

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commissioning with application vendors and provides the best end-to-end practice integrating storage devices, networks, optical transmission devices, and applications, involving mainstream databases, such as Oracle, and virtualization platforms, such as VMware and FusionSphere.

Huawei is adhering to the customer-centric concept, which is reflected in its service for CPP.

The Huawei active-active data center solution allows CPP to maintain and upgrade hardware without interrupting services. Infrastructure resources, including network devices, storage devices, and servers, in the production center and DR center are centrally monitored and managed, simplifying system management and maintenance. The mirroring function supported by the solution ensures that each write request from the service host is


Virtualization platforms




Huawei Active-active Data Center Solution

Active DataCenter A

Active Data Center B

written into two data centers in real time. When a data center is faulty, no data will be lost, ensuring security for information assets.

Huawei solution secures CPP services.

In May 2014, the CPP active-active DR centers were established. Zhang Jiandong, chief of the Information Center in CPP, appraised Huawei highly, "Huawei active-active DR solution ranks first in aspects of technology, business, and service. Huawei provides a solution that meets all of our requirements. We are impressed by Huawei's excellent performance in project planning, project organization and implementation, and project management with advanced technologies. It is wise to choose Huawei as our partner. We would like to have close cooperation with Huawei in the future."

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Huawei Disaster Recovery Solution SafeguardsBusinesses of China Huaneng Group

Executive Summary

Industry Energy

Challenges·Impossible to ensure the continuity

of 30 disparate business systems by

simply backing up data

· A d d i t i o n a l p u r c h a s e s a n d

maintenance costs as well as waste of

resources if a homogeneous disaster

recovery (DR) system was built

Huawei Solution·Provided a custom high reliability

architecture after a full analysis of

business impact and TPS on the live


·Replicated database and middleware

data from UNIX servers to X86 servers

·Fully utilized storage virtualization

products and Huawei's OceanStor

18800 high-end storage solution,

improving system performance and

protecting investment

·Used Huawei's flagship TRILL-capable

data center switch to enable smooth

upgrades in the future

Customer  Benefits·Business-specific DR, with up to Tier

5 DR as defined in SHARE 78 standards

·Replacement of the UNIX server

arch i tecture with an X86 server

Introduction  <<

China Huaneng Group (Huaneng) is the largest power generation company in China. In 2013, Huaneng ranked 231st in Fortune 500 Companies. The company currently has 48 wholly-owned subsidiaries and branches, with a workforce of 150,000. Its core business divisions cover electric power, coal, and finance sectors.

Challenges  <<

Huaneng considers IT development as a long-term priority. With safety and reliability at the forefront, Huaneng is dedicated to building a highly reliable data center to ensure business continuity. However, the company faced many challenges that compromised business continuity:

·Huaneng had more than 30 mission-critical business systems, including enterprise asset management (EAM), comprehensive database applications, HR management, office automation (OA), email, and portal systems. These systems interacted with each other but were disparate in system characteristics and priorities. One of these systems had crashed twice, which seriously affected the company's business. So, what measures could be adopted to ensure business continuity for all systems? Huaneng was unable to meet this goal by simply backing up data. Therefore, after reviewing all business systems, the company decided to pursue business-specific end-to-end continuity measures.

·To ensure business continuity, Huaneng required a disaster recovery (DR) system. The DR system generally carried no load under normal conditions. If Huaneng built a homogeneous DR system, it would incur additional purchases and maintenance costs as well as significantly waste resources, resulting in a low price/performance ratio. Therefore, Huaneng sought a DR system with a high price/performance ratio that could accommodate their rapidly growing business demands now

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architecture to build DR, increasing the

price/performance ratio by 50%

·R e u s e o f l e g a c y e q u i p m e n t ,

protecting investments worth millions

·Purchase and operat ing costs

reduced, while not compromising

system reliability

We attach great importance to h igh business reliability. Following a thorough ana l y s i s o f ou r bus i ne s se s , Huawe i provided us with a custom solution to meet our needs. This solution has helped us resolve business continuity issues. We now have trouble-free IT systems in place, which will act as the cornerstone for our future business growth.

—— China Huaneng Group

and in the future. (Note: In its production systems, Huaneng had used a large number of UNIX servers.)

Huawei Solution  <<

After a meticulous selection process, Huaneng selected Huawei's Business Continuity Disaster Recovery Solution. Huawei's solution entailed the following:

·Provided a custom high reliability architecture after a full analysis of business impact and transaction per second (TPS) on the live network.

After conducting a business impact analysis (BIA) on the live network and fully considering the characteristics of each business system, Huawei provided a custom business continuity DR solution with the following features:

·Disparate business systems use varied recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO) solutions.

·DR measures are risk-specific, including city incidents, in-building events, storage system crashes, and host logic errors.

This custom DR solution implements Tier 5 DR defined in SHARE 78 standards, guaranteeing the business system continuity in the face of a variety of


· Introduced an X86 architecture, replicated database and middleware data from UNIX servers to X86 servers, and increased the price/performance ratio by 50%.

Huaneng pr imar i ly used UNIX servers in i ts production systems. Huawei analyzed the TPS of all business systems running on the live network and found variation in TPS levels across these systems.

Based on these findings, Huawei proposed to continue using UNIX servers to build DR for business systems with heavy workloads and to deploy X86 servers to build DR for business systems with light workloads. Huawei also made it possible to replicate database and middleware data from UNIX servers to X86 servers. All these factors increased the price/performance ratio by 50% while not compromising system reliability.

·Reused legacy resources to protect investments.

Huawei's solution was maximally compatible with heterogeneous systems. It enabled replication of database and middleware data from UNIX servers to X86 servers, but also fully utilized storage virtualization products and Huawei's OceanStor 18800 high-end storage system as DR equipment for the original storage arrays in the product systems. Therefore, original storage arrays were reused. This ensured high I/O performance, enhanced DR capabilities, and maximally protected investments.

·Fully leveraged network advantages to support smooth capacity expansion in the future.

The DR system needed to be able to smoothly expand to meet future business demands. To meet this requirement, Huawei provided its CE12800 data center switch — a flagship switch that supports Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL), an open large Layer 2 technology — to flatten the network structure. With its million-level input/output operations per second (IOPS) and scale-out architecture, this switch makes it possible to seamlessly scale up the DR system.

Customer Benefits  <<·Business-specific DR, with up to Tier 5 DR as defined in SHARE 78 standards

·Replacement of the UNIX server architecture with an X86 server architecture to build DR, increasing the price/performance ratio by 50%

·Reuse o f l egacy equ ipment , p ro tec t i ng investments worth more than millions.

·Purchase and operating costs reduced, while not compromising system Reliability.

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Huawei Helps Chinese Commercial Bank Tanzania Branch Safeguard Its Critical Businesses

Executive Summary

Industry Finance

Challenges·A new disaster recovery center

constructed for the new production

center in Tanzania as required by the

financial industry

·Time-consuming service rollout

caused by the traditional long IT

purchase and construction period, and

huge investment

·A lack of unif ied remote O&M

of sys tems at the headquar te rs

and disaster recovery site, causing

insufficient IT O&M engineers, long

fault rectification duration, and difficult

business operating

Huawei Solution·Selected products and planned and

designed the solution based on the


·Employed highly efficient modular

UPS modu le s and p rec i s i on a i r

conditioners, saving over 30% energy

·Deployed core banking databases,

application servers, domain controllers,

backup systems at the headquarter

data center, and deployed the same

applications at the disaster recovery site

·Configured ManageOne at the

headquarter to remotely monitor and

maintain all ICT devices

Introduction  <<

As a member of Chinese-Tanzania Enterprise Association that is oriented

to Chinese-funded enterprises in Tanzania, Chinese Commercial Bank

(CCB for short) had only 50 employees in the early stage and gradually

expands its businesses, including critical business such as bank deposit

and loan as well as daily office businesses such as employee email and

website management.

Challenges  <<

According to financial regulations in Tanzania, disaster recovery centers

must be built for banks' IT systems. Therefore, CCB needed to construct

a disaster recovery center outside its newly established production

center in Tanzania, and manage and maintain the disaster recovery

center regularly. However, the IT team of CCB Tanzania Branch was

lack of specialized skills to build a disaster recovery center and had

insufficient knowledge of the underlying IT system. For this reason,

CCB Tanzania Branch was in urgent need of an end-to-end ICT product


·Time-consuming system rollout, resulting in difficult business


CCB Tanzania Branch had obtained a temporary license to start business

in Tanzania and required its businesses to be rolled out within one

month after the approval. However, the traditional system rollout would

certainly affect CCB's businesses.

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Customer  Benefits·Reduced the IT system deployment

period from three months to one week

·Unattended IT system at the disaster

recovery site, eliminating the need

of recruiting IT system maintenance


· 8 0 % r e d u c e d I T - r e l a t e d

troubleshooting period

·Saved time and energy for critical

businesses thanks to the IDS2000

standard design that tackled issues

caused by planning and design, and

product selection and purchase

·A shortage of IT professionals, incapable of fully understanding IT

system services On the one hand, as a newly-established bank, CCB

Tanzania Branch's IT team had profound knowledge of the upper-layer

service system, but did not have a clear understanding of IT system

services' requirements. On the other hand, the Tanzania banking

industry had demanding requirements for the IT system construction,

but the IT team did not have explicit ideas about how to construct a

disaster recovery center. The disaster recovery center construction was

even complicated due to the fact that the existing bank service systems

and database systems were provided by Oracle.

·A lack of maintainability in Tanzania and unsatisfactory local


Because of the importance of bank businesses and lack of professional

integrators, CCB Tanzania Branch required a vendor that could maintain

and provide protection for its IT system.

Huawei Solution  <<

In the first half of 2014, Huawei put forward a packaged solution to

cope with CCB Tanzania Branch's challenges and requirements. The

solution used the service-centric modular data center IDS2000 as the

equipment room, deployed the core banking service system at the

headquarters and the disaster recovery system at the disaster recovery

site in a unified manner, and employed ManageOne to remotely monitor

and maintain the ICT systems. The solution has the following highlights:

Modular construction mode, ensuring fast service rollout

The IDS2000 adopted the all-in-one design and put power supplies,

sensors, servers, storage devices, network devices, firewalls,

wireless control devices, and voice communication devices in a

single cabinet. Incorporating the preinstalled operating system and

network management software, the IDS2000 enabled CCB Tanzania

Branch's other application systems to be easily deployed, reducing the

deployment time to one week and thereby allowing the first batch of

services to be rolled out within one month.

ManageOne remote management, making constant attendance by

an engineer unnecessary and simplifying O&M Huawei provided the

ManageOne eSight unified management software that enabled IT staff

to remotely monitor and maintain the ICT systems at the headquarters

and the DR center, and to manage power supplies and IT devices inside

the IDS2000 in an integrated and visual manner. Because the power

distribution devices and environment monitoring system delivered

with the IDS2000 featured high reliability and security, IT maintenance

personnel only needed to perform preventive maintenance regularly

(such as once half a year) on storage devices without the need of

emergency maintenance, significantly relieving personnel from heavy

workloads. One-stop services from consultation to implementation,

ensuring the successful project delivery Considering that the IT team

of CCB Tanzania Branch was lack of specialized skills to build a disaster

recovery center and had insufficient knowledge of the bottom-layer IT

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H u a w e i h e l p s u s s u c c e s s f u l l y e n t e r t h e Tanzania market with its professional IT solutions a n d s e r v i c e s . H u a w e i ass i s ts us in bu i ld ing a disaster recovery system for our cr i t ica l systems w i t h i n a s h o r t p e r i o d of t ime, ensuring stable critical service running.

—— CCB Tanzania Branch

system, Huawei coordinated several experts inside China to frequently

discuss technical issues encountered with CCB's as well as Oracle's

executives and engineers, and designed the solution that could apply to

the application layer and other lower layers, ensuring the smooth project


Customer Benefits  <<·Quick service rollout thanks to the IDS2000-based one-stop ICT


·Ensured core-banking businesses and zero data loss because of the

disaster recovery technology at the database and storage layers

·Light O&M workloads, simple O&M, and 80% reduced IT-related

troubleshooting period due to remote monitoring and maintenance that

made constant attendance by an engineer unnecessary

·Saved time and energy for critical businesses thanks to the IDS2000

standard design that not only tackled issues caused by planning and

design, and product selection and purchase, but also enabled CCB

Tanzania Branch to easily deploy its checkout systems and financial

systems on a pre-commissioned IT base platform

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Huawei Active-active DR Solution Assists Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration in Safeguarding Business Continuity

Executive Summary

Industry Government

Challenges·Over 50 appl icat ions provided

s e r v i c e s t o s h i p m a n a g e m e n t

departments, channel management

d e p a r t m e n t s , m a r i n e c h a r t i n g

departments, mar ine emergency

response departments, mariners, and

the public. Service interruption would

bring huge adverse impact

·Over 90% devices were running out

of service life, prone to single points

of failure. Data backup and protection

measures were insufficient. A data

center disaster recovery (DR) platform

was in urgent need

Huawei Solution·Intra-city active-active data centers:

The two data centers use the mirroring

technology provided by the OceanStor

VIS6600 to synchronize data between

the OceanStor 18000 and storage

devices on the live network, supporting

application-layer active-active DR

· R e m o t e D R : T h e m i d - r a n g e

OceanStor 5600T was dep loyed

in the remote data center. Huawei

developed a unique technology to

asynchronously replicate data between

disk arrays of unified storage products.

Introduction  <<

Established on June 18, 1999, Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration

is a department-level entity administered directly by the Ministry

of Transport of the People's Republic of China. This department is

responsible for safeguarding marine safety, preventing pollution

from ships, inspecting ship and maritime facilities, and managing

the charting of harbors and channels. Besides, Shanghai Maritime

Safety Administration is in charge of the planning, construction,

and management of navigation marks in the East China Sea area

(including sea areas of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, and Shanghai). Main

responsibilities of Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration include

the management of ships, mariners, channels, ship inspection, risk

prevention, navigation marks, and surveying. To keep up with the

informatization development, Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration

has built an e-marine system. However, it faces more and more

challenges in protecting business continuity.

Challenges  <<

·Wide service scope, imposing high requirements on business


The data centers of Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration

carried over 50 application systems, which provided services to ship

management departments, channel management departments, marine

charting departments, marine emergency response departments,

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This technology achieved remote data

protection and application-layer remote


Customer  Benefits·Business Impact Analysis (BIA) and

Result Analysis (RA) were implemented

based on services, providing basis for

the design of the service RPO and RTO

·DR technologies and DR policies

were chosen based on service levels

mariners, and the public. Some services were manually backed up,

resulting in low efficiency. Some services were not backed up at all.

·Devices running out of service life, prone to single points of failure

Over 90% devices were running out of service life, prone to single

points of failure such as disk faults, network faults, and server faults.

Data backup and protection measures were insufficient. A data center

DR platform was in urgent need.

·Complex service systems and service architecture, making it

difficult to ensure business continuity 

Service systems of Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration mainly

ran on the VMware 5.1 platform. Services running on other physical

platforms would be migrated to the VMware platform. Virtual machines

on the VMware platform mainly ran the Windows and Linux operating

systems. Those virtual machines carried diversified service systems

and database applications, including Sybase, SQL Server, Oracle, and

MySQL. Sybase databases were the main databases. Storage devices on

the live network included NetApp FAS3000, IBM DS5000, and Huawei

S5600T. In such a complex environment, ensuring business continuity

and consolidating resources to implement application-layer DR were big


Huawei Solution  <<

Huawei provided an active-active 3DC solution and constructed a

backup system to back up all data, including operating system data on

virtual machines.

Intra-city data-level active-active data centers: storage network

virtualized to construct a data-level active-active DR platform

One OceanStor VIS6600T was deployed at the two equipment rooms

respectively in Zhangjiang high-tech park. The two OceanStor VIS6600T

devices formed a four-node cluster. The VIS6600T devices consolidated

storage resources of the two data centers into share volumes and

provided them to upper-layer application hosts. Besides, the volume

mirroring technology provided by the VIS6600T was used to synchronize

data between the data centers in real time.

Intra-city application-level active-active data centers: VMware

vSphere cluster and Oracle RAC used to construct an application-

level active-active DR platform

All the ESXi servers in the two data centers formed a VMware vSphere

cluster. In this way, if servers at one data center failed, the other data

center could automatically take over upper-layer applications. The

share volume technology supported by Huawei active-active storage

solution provided cross-data center shared storage space to Oracle RAC

applications. In this way, RAC nodes in the two data centers formed a

cross-data center Oracle Extended RAC cluster.

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Remote data- level DR: storage mirror ing

replication used to construct a remote backup DR


Huawei high-end OceanStor 18000 was deployed in

equipment room B located in the Zhangjiang high-

tech park, whereas Huawei mid-range OceanStor

5600T was deployed in equipment room C located

in the old office building. The mirroring replication

function was used to remotely back up data

between the two equipment rooms. In addition,

backup ESXi servers were deployed in equipment

room C. These servers functioned as DR hosts. If

both the two data centers in the Zhangjiang high-

tech park failed, DR data in equipment room could

be used to start services on DR hosts to ensure

business continuity.

Remote application-level DR: application systems

and databases deployed on remote VMware

virtual machines

Application systems and databases were deployed

on remote VMware virtual machines. If the two

intra-city data centers failed, applications and

databases deployed on the remote VMware virtual

machines and backup data on the OceanStor 5600T

could be used to recover services.

Customer Benefits  <<·BIA and RA were implemented based on services,

providing basis for the design of the service RPO

and RTO.

·DR technologies and DR policies were chosen

based on service priorities. (The intra-city active-

active solution applied to critical services, whereas

intra-city high-reliability solution and remote DR

applied to non-critical services.)


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NatioNalclouddata ceNter

NatioNal clouddata ceNter solution

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Beijing Municipal Government Cooperates with Huawei to Construct an Efficient E-Government Cloud Data Center

Executive Summary

Industry Government

Challenges·E-Government extranets of nearly 30

commissions, offices, and bureaus were

constructed independently, causing

resource waste and increasing O&M


·Multiple Internet egresses existed,

causing security risks

Huawei Solution·Consolidated data centers of nearly

30 commissions, offices, and bureaus

into one and provided an integrated

e-Government c loud data center

solution based on the cloud computing


·Combined multiple Internet egresses

into one and provided an all-round

security protection solution.

·Employed an automatic migration

tool to ensure smooth and efficient

service migration

Customer  Benefits·The re sou rce u t i l i z a t i on was

improved from 16% to 55%

·The number of O&M personnel

was decreased from 70 to 5 and the

security risk was decreased to 5%

Introduction  <<

Beijing releases the Xiang Yun Project Plan, aiming to consolidate high-end talents, venture investments, industry bases, and innovative enterprises in the cloud computing industry and promote the development of the cloud computing industry. By implementing this plan, Beijing hopes to win in the new round of international information technology competition. It is planned that the cloud computing industry chain can create a production value of 200 billion in 2015.

The e-Government cloud data center for Beijing municipal government is an important demonstration project in the Xiang Yun Project Plan. Beijing municipal government hopes to apply cloud computing in the e-Government construction, advance the e-Government development, and foster the cloud computing industry chain in Beijing.

Challenges  <<

Since Beijing is the capital of China, the Xiang Yun Project Plan is the most eye-catching part in the national cloud computing trial project. Beijing municipal government leads the project. In the Xiang Yun project, a commercial cloud computing site needed to be built to implement experiments and verification. This site was also a demonstration project of cloud computing. Among diversified information systems of governments, the e-Government cloud platform was the system that was in the most urgent need of cloud computing. E-Government extranets had inherent problems in the construction mechanism and technologies. New architecture and technologies were required to resolve those problems.

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Distributed Cloud Data Center

By implementing thorough research and tests of the e -Government ex t ranet a p p l i c a t i o n s c e n a r i o s , Huawe i ob ta ined deep understanding about the munic ipal government's requi rements . Huawei 's c o m p r e h e n s i v e s e r i e s of products and st rong t e c h n i c a l s t r e n g t h s i m p r e s s e d u s . T h i s p r o j e c t a d v a n c e d t h e e - G o v e r n m e n t development of Beijing.

—— Beijing Municipal Commission

of Economy and Information


Scattered Construction of E-Government Extranets, Resulting in Low


Existing e-Government extranets were scattered. For example, the online service center, digital legal person identity authentication platform, and online consulting system were scattered in small data centers of nearly 30 commissions, offices, and bureaus, causing information islands. As a result, information and resources could hardly be shared and an efficient and unified e-Government website group was difficult to be constructed. Since those scattered business systems did not share their physical computing and storage resources, the resource use efficiency was lower than 16% on average, leading to the waste of resources.

Multiple Internet Egresses, Causing Security Risks

The existing nearly 30 small data centers had their own Internet interfaces. Over 100,000 security threats occurred on each interface every month. Since the security protection capabilities of commissions, offices, and bureaus varied, the e-Government extranets had potential security hazards.

High IT O&M Costs

Two or more IT O&M personnel were assigned to each small data center. In total, there are over 70 O&M personnel for the nearly 30 small data centers. However, those personnel lacked expertise in IT O&M, resulting in low troubleshooting efficiency. Besides, since those small data centers were scattered, the O&M personnel could not share their knowledge or experience, hindering the public service development.

Huawei Solution  <<

To resolve existing problems of Beijing e-Government extranets, Huawei designed a comprehensive resource consolidation solution based on mature cloud computing technologies, maximizing the values of the e-Government cloud platform.

Adhering to the principle of overall planning and proper concentration, Huawei worked with its partners to help the customer:

1.Plan and construct municipal-level e-Government cloud. E-Government cloud infrastructure for resource sharing was constructed. The unified e-Government cloud infrastructure provided fundamental software and hardware support services and O&M assurance for public e-Government service applications of the municipal government.

2.Build a municipal-level e-Government cloud support platform. This platform provides mature and advanced application components and flexible and custom application development and integration services for public e-Government service applications of the municipal government.

3.Select, optimize, and package batch of stable, applicable, and ease-of-use common functions and applications. These functions and applications can meet common requirements of municipal government departments' websites. Departments can configure functions and applications based on service and management requirements.

A batch of services and applications were smoothly migrated to one cloud and are running stably and continuously. The services and applications include Beijing talent recruitment, training, and support system, the Capital Military-Civilian Relations website, online service

P2V physical machinesto virtual machines

V2Vvirtual machines

to virtual machines

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center, online consulting system, and the one-stop service customization system, digital legal person identity authentication platform, and One Number Link You (ONLY) management platform of the Official Website of the Beijing Government.

Huawei used the cloud computing technology to build IaaS platforms for the e-Government data center. Huawei also adopted a solution that integrated servers, storage devices, switching devices, security devices, a cloud platform, and a unified O&M management system. These measures effectively reduced costs, improved efficiency, reduced energy consumption, and enhanced reliability. In this solution, one cloud platform runs services of nearly 30 small data centers. The architecture supports information sharing, improving the average computing resource use efficiency to 55%. This solution integrated the original nearly 30 internet egresses into one and provided comprehensive security protection, reducing security risks and achieving fast and unified protection and control. Originally, the nearly 30 data centers operated independently. Currently, they are managed and maintained in a unified manner in the e-Government cloud data center. Besides, Huawei provided ManageOne, which is a visualized unified O&M system. The ManageOne greatly improves the O&M professionalism and reduces the demand for O&M personnel. Huawei has proprietary intellectual property rights of products involved in the solution and is capable of developing and customizing core technologies. Therefore, this solution met the localization and information security requirements.

During the delivery, cloud-based service migration was a specialized service process, including site status assessment, planning, implementation verification, trial operation, and service launching. Huawei accumulated rich experiences in cloud-based service migration and has mature methods and processes. Besides, Huawei developed a series of automatic migration tools for P2V (physical

machines to virtual machines), V2V (virtual machines to virtual machines), and database migration. These methods, processes, and tools ensured quick and smooth migration of cloud platform services and improved the efficiency and accuracy of migration.

Customer Benefits  <<Although cloud computing platforms spread in China, only a few of them can efficiently run services. The cloud computing platform constructed by Huawei could quickly launch live network services and run stably. Within three months, a batch of livelihood-related extranet services (including family planning, social security, and Beijing video) were migrated and launched on the e-Government cloud platform. Those services and applications migrated to the cloud run stably and continuously. The services and applications include Beijing talent recruitment, training, and support system, the Capital Military-Civilian Relations website, online service center, online consulting system, and the one-stop service customization system, digital legal person identity authentication platform, and One Number Link You (ONLY) management platform of the Official Website of the Beijing Government. The cloud platform efficiently supported the service-oriented government construction and the implementation of the Xiang Yun project. Since the e-Government cloud platform constructed by Huawei supported quick launching of services, eliminated information islands, and achieved efficient resource sharing, the cloud platform became a model in resource consolidation.

After the Huawei solution was put into use, the average computing resource use efficiency was improved from 16% to 55%, the number of security threats such as network attacks and virus attacks was decreased to 5% of the original quantity, and the number of O&M personnel was reduced from 70 to 5.

the average computingresource use efficiency

was improved from 16%to 55%

network attacks& virus attacks

was decreased to

5%of the original quantity

the number of O&Mpersonnel was reduced

from 70 to 5

Page 60: media/CNBG/Downloads/Product/IT/en... · 2015-11-11 · One-stop public clouds provide ICT services for more than 20 countries. In the Nebula Project, CTG has constructed a global


Distributed Cloud Data Center

MOI Saudi Arabia Chooses Huawei Cloud Data CenterSolution to Improve Service Efficiency

Executive Summary

Industry Government

Challenges·Forensic did not have standardized

data centers. The designs of network

and IT devices were ineffective, and

system capacity must be expanded


·No high re l iabi l i ty des ign was

available for the whole IT system,

presenting considerable risks to security

Huawei Solution·Use standard modular equipment

room IDS2000 and take into account of

both space and energy consumption

·Use data-level backup solutions and

application-level HA designs to ensure

the proper running of core systems.

Use IDS1000 as the backup equipment

room and configure the OceanStor

18800 enterprise storage systems and

VTL devices

·Use c loud data center as the

infrastructure, which carries multiple

core services such as ERP, email, and

evidence collecting system and over

300 desktop office systems

Customer  Benefits·S ign i f i can t l y improved space

utilization, resource utilization improved

by ove r 60%, and d ramat i ca l l y

decreased. CAPEX

·Greatly improved management

efficiency and OPEX decreased by 45%

·Service systems running properly

Introduction  <<

MOI Forensic is the political legal department of Saudi Arabia. Its main responsibility is to supervise political legal systems. Major services of MOI Forensic include collecting, storing, and retrieving forensic evidence, such as texts, audio, and videos. MOI wants to construct brand new ICT infrastructure which can support the efficient operation of over 20 service systems.

Challenges  <<

The existing ICT system in Forensic has been in use for many years and must be upgraded in the following 2 years. The investigation indicated that the existing data center in Saudi Arabia MOI is facing the following challenges:

The existing IT infrastructure was unable to support growing services. Forensic did not have standard data centers, and the deployment was chaotic. More than half of the space in the equipment room was taken up by improperly designed network and IT devices. Accordingly, upgrade for the IT infrastructure in MOI was not for a single product but required a comprehensive solution to re-plan and re-design the layout and functions of the data center.

Besides, Forensic currently had over 20 application systems, such as evidence collecting systems and evidence storage systems. The growing service volume imposed more demanding requirements on servers, whereas the existing several physical servers were far from meeting those requirements. Without a high reliability design, the reliability of the whole IT system was low, presenting considerable risks to security. The requirement of high availability on Forensic services cannot be satisfied.

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Without much experience in IT design and planning, Forensic wants an end-to-end ICT solution provided by a solution supplier with rich experience in planning and construction.

Huawei Solution  <<

Based on analysis of the status quo, Huawei provided Forensic with customized end-to-end solutions, covering a whole series of ICT devices and equipment rooms.

Standard and environmentally friendly equipment

rooms met the government's requirements on


To make full use of the space in the equipment room, Huawei used standard modular equipment room IDS2000, which takes into account both space and energy consumption. By designing modular equipment rooms based on services, the need of IT and network devices was accurately computed and analyzed, satisfying high-end devices' requirements on equipment rooms.

Moreover, HUAWEI IDS1000 and IDS2000 feature easy deployment and smooth capacity expansion without imposing special requirements on equipment rooms, which was suitable for constructing a data center within a short time.

A highly stable ICT platform ensures excellent

reliability and superb security of service systems.

Huawei provided Forensic with customized solutions based on their service requirements of high reliability and high security.

The dual-center backup solution chose IDS1000 as the backup equipment room of the data center and configured VTL as the data backup system to improve data reliability of core service systems.

Additionally, application-level HA was provided for

core service systems, and the OceanStor 18000 enterprise storage systems were selected to protect the security and reliability of core service systems.

Cloud-based core service systems reduced TCO.

Statistics showed that the average resource utilization of Forensic servers was below 15%. For this reason, Huawei solution chose the cloud data center as the infrastructure, which carried a variety of core services such as ERP, email, and evidence collecting and over 300 desktop office systems. On the cloud architecture, the IT resource utilization is expected to exceed 60% and the CAPAX to be lowered by 40%.

Featuring integration, Huawei data center comes with a unified O&M system ManageOne that serves as a unified management platform for a variety of platforms and devices, enabling IT O&M personnel to monitor systems, and analyze and resolve problems in a unified manner. This can reduce OPEX by 45%.

Customer Benefits  <<The newly constructed cloud data center can not only meet the current requirements of applications, but also support service development in the following 3 to 5 years.

·Using standard modular equipment rooms, infrastructure can be deployed properly, improving space ut i l izat ion and cutt ing down energy consumption.

·The cloud computing technology improved resource utilization by 60%, dramatically reduces CAPEX, simplif ies O&M, boots management efficiency, and cut OPEX down by 45%.

·The data-level backup solution and application-level HA design ensured the stable running of service systems, raising reliability to Tier 5.

Page 62: media/CNBG/Downloads/Product/IT/en... · 2015-11-11 · One-stop public clouds provide ICT services for more than 20 countries. In the Nebula Project, CTG has constructed a global


Distributed Cloud Data Center

Guangzhou Chooses Huawei Cloud Data Center Solution to Build an Efficient E-Government Cloud Service Platform

Executive Summary

Industry Government

Challenges·The Smart Guangzhou e-Gov cloud

platform was required

·The traditional IT system resources

cannot be reused efficiently

·Government resources are developed


Huawei Solution·Provided eight IT resources and

services that can be leased on demand

and rolled out within minutes

·Enabled unified management and

easy O&M of both physical and virtual


·Utilized a design that ensures secure

cross-institution end-to-end service

isolation and service reliability

Customer  Benefits·Time taken to release new services in

institutions has decreased sharply

·O v e r a l l c o s t s o f d e v e l o p i n g

information resources and O&M costs

were lowered

·H u a w e i s o l u t i o n m e e t s t h e

requirements of national classified

security protection, and over 200

services are running on the online

service cente

Introduction  <<

As a national central city in China, Guangzhou is an important national

economic, financial, trade, transportation, exhibition, and shipping

center, and it is also the political, military, cultural, science, and

educational center in south China. Responding to the national policy

of building service-oriented governments, Guangzhou is endeavoring

to build the Information Guangzhou and Smart Guangzhou projects,

in which an e-Gov service platform that is based on advanced cloud

computing technology plays a critical role.

Challenges  <<

A large number of service systems are involved in the project

of constructing a comprehensive, full-process, and full-lifecycle

government service center which will be available for the public,

enterprises, and society management. This project is impossible without

the support of powerful information infrastructures and resources. With

the further and rapid development of the Smart Guangzhou project, the

e-Gov service must be improved accordingly, and public services must

be advanced. Against this background, the information construction

in government institutions is also speeding up, whereas existing

information construction models failed to keep pace with constantly

changing structures and technologies.

With growing new service requirements in government institutions,

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To eliminate existing and future resource bottlenecks i n g o v e r n m e n t a l institutions, we urgently need to bu i ld a un i f ied e-Gov cloud service center in a centralized and cost-e f f e c t i v e w a y. H u a w e i provides us with a feasible and qua l i t y i n teg ra ted solution and services.

—— Science and Information

Bureau of Guangzhou

existing IT resources cannot be reused efficiently, and it took 3 to 6 

months to roll new services out.

Although 90% of government departments were running services

online, and 95% of government institutions had a portal website along

with a collaboration system, Guangzhou e-Gov platform was still in the

process of development, and most of the information resources were

independently developed. Presently, governments of Tianhe and other

districts are planning or already had built an internal e-Gov private

cloud. However, resources in the private clouds can only be used by

internal users with low reuse efficiently. Statistics indicate that more

than 200 information construction projects in different institutions

require new software and hardware be installed in the near future. If

traditional construction methods are used, it will take as long as 90

days to install the new software and hardware and roll new services

out. If new services cannot be rolled out quickly, institutions will fail to

provide the public with services in a timely manner, which may damage

the image of a service-oriented government.

Government resources were developed independently, causing

high construction costs, complex O&M, uncertain security, and

questionable reliability.

Existing online service centers and online consultation systems were

scattered in small data centers of dozens of institution offices, which

gave rise to information islands. Information and resources cannot be

shared, and a unified and efficient e-Gov website group was difficult

to achieve. This made it difficult to cut down the overall construction

costs, and O&M was extremely complex and time consuming, because

IT personnel were facing devices of different models and different


In addit ion, lacking municipal ity- level unif ied guidance and

specifications, institutions' abilities to develop their own information

resources was heavily dependent on the resource development company

they choose. Difference among these companies' abilities leads to

variations among the informatization levels of institutions. This left

the security and reliability of these information systems questionable.

Therefore, it is essential to implement municipality-level overall planning

and verification for constructing and using public cloud computing

resources, which can standardize the procedure of constructing and

using cloud resources in institutions.

Huawei Solution  <<

Provided eight IT resources and services that can be leased on

demand and can be brought online within minutes by creating VDCs.

Based on the status quo of Guangzhou e-Gov websites, by creating

virtual data centers (VDCs), the e-Gov cloud platform solution provided

on-demand, reliable, and efficient hardware/software services and

guaranteed O&M for e-Gov public service applications in all institutions.

IT resources applied by an institution can be provided online, ensuring

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Distributed Cloud Data Center

that services can be rolled out within minutes. Additionally, these

virtual data centers can flexibly match the configuration of different

institutions, and an institution only needed to pay attention to its own

IT resources. These resources function like an exclusive logically isolated

data center.

In Phase 1 of the project, eight infrastructures as a service (IAASs)

were provided for all Guangzhou government institutions, including

equipment room service, computing service, storage service, backup

service, network service, security service, management service, and

system migration service. These IAASs covered three logically isolated

e-Gov external subnets: e-Gov dedicated service network sub-cloud,

e-Gov security island sub-cloud, and e-Gov Internet access sub-cloud.

In follow-up phases, software public platform services of municipality-

level e-Gov cloud platform will be constructed. These services provide

mature and advanced application components (PASS applications such

as identity authentication service and data exchange service). What's

more, the solution will provide a series of stable, fit for use, and easy-

to-use universal functions and applications (SAAS applications such

as portal website and office automation) after extracting them from

mature and widely used functions and applications. In this way, not only

the universal requirements of the websites of different departments are

satisfied, but also different departments can customize and manage

their configuration based on their needs.

Centralized and cost-effective platform construction mode enables

unified management of physical and virtual resources and easy O&M.

The solution adopted a centralized and cost-effective platform

construction model, which eliminated the necessity for different

departments to construct and maintain their exclusive databases

and IT systems. Huawei data center and virtualization management

system provided a unified O&M and service management platform

for Guangzhou e-Gov cloud platform. The system can manage the

devices in equipment rooms, IT infrastructure, and application systems

in an active and visual manner. It can also manage and allocate both

traditional resources and cloudified virtual resources in a unified manner.

Besides, it supported the customization of products, service procedure,

and role permission, and services can be provisioned as VDCs in it.

Utilized a design that ensures secure cross-institution end-to-end

service isolation and service reliability.

In terms of security, the cloud platform was designed based on the

security regulations of the e-Gov public platform. In addition to

comprehensive network boundaries and internal protection solution for

the physical security of equipment rooms, the cloud platform hardened

host security by deploying terminal security devices. This solution

satisfied the requirements of national classified security protection.

Time forbringing institutions'new services onlinehas decreased from

90 daysto

1 week

enormously improving

government image

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The virtualization of full series of security devices enabled different

institutions to customize their security service and can provide level-3

protection area security hardening solutions for customers with special

requirements, making level- and area-based security protection possible.

In terms of system reliability, the cloud platform adopts a variety

of designs, including virtualization reliability design, storage high-

reliability design, critical data protection design, and network path full

redundancy design. Aside from these backup and recovery abilities, the

solution also adopted backup services and flexible backup policies such

as local backup and remote backup, meeting requirements of system

reliability and data protection.

Customer Benefits  <<The solution for Guangzhou e-Gov cloud service platform employed a

centralized and cost-effective construction model, leveraged the cloud

computing technology to manage resources in a unified manner and

allocated resources based on needs, and brought noticeable benefit for

Guangzhou Bureau of Science and Information and other institutions.

·Time for bringing institutions' new services online has decreased from

90 days to 1 week, enormously improving government image.

·The overall costs of information resource construction have been cut

down by 40% and costs of O&M are lowered by 30%.

Meanwhile, the solution meets the requirements of national classified

security protection, and more than 200 external network services

including mailbox, office automation (OA), file share, online service

center, and portal websites have been migrated to the cloud service

platform and are running properly on it, assisting government

institutions in providing more convenient and timely services. The

solution laid a solid foundation of the Guangzhou cloud computing

ecological chain and Smart Guangzhou.

The overall costs ofinformation resource

construction have beencut down by


costs of O&Mare lowered by


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5remote S i t e ict solution

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Huawei Helps Codelco Build a Mobile and Reliable Data Center

Executive Summary

Industry Mining

Challenges·Required a data center to support

mobile operation and to adapt to harsh

environments in mining areas

Huawei Solution·Delivered a green, secure, and

reliable all-in-one container data center


·Deployed a variety of IT devices,

including servers as well as storage,

network, and security devices, to

implement mining operation and office


Customer  Benefits·Completed onsite deployment and

commissioning within a week

·Greatly reduced investment costs

·Reduced about 40% heat dissipation,

25% power consumption, 35% CAPEX,

and 30% O&M costs

·Dramatically enhanced protection

automation and promoted IT- led


Introduction  <<

Codelco is the largest state-owned enterprise in Chile and the largest copper mining company in the world, owning 20% of the world's known cooper reserves. The company and its subsidiaries have a total workforce of about 20,000 internal employees and 40,000 outsourced employees. It boasts over US$20.835 billion in assets and produces 1.78 million tons of refined copper (including its interest in the El Abra Mine), 11% of the world total.

In order to improve mining efficiency and production security, Codelco attaches great importance to information and automation technologies. Over the past years, the company has invested billions of dollars in transmission, network, data center, software, and automation fields. Its investment continues to increase annually.

Challenges  <<

Codelco required a data center to monitor environment indicators and control the operation of unmanned trucks in mining areas. The new data center had to meet the following requirements:

·To automatically control mining operations, the data center must be as close to mining wells as possible to ensure high security and reliability of device operation.

·The data center must support high mobility, so that it can be migrated to another mine when mineral resources in a mine are exhausted.

·The data center must adapt to harsh environments in mining areas, including sparse population, inconvenient transportation, unstable power and water supply, and heavy dust.

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Distributed Cloud Data Center

Huawei Solution  <<

After meticulous analysis of customer requirements, Huawei offered Codelco a green, secure, and reliable mobile data center solution to automate mining operations and promote IT-led transformation.

The following figure shows the overall architecture of the solution.

Huawei's all-in-one container data center solution uses a single cabinet to neatly integrate a wide assortment of modules, including IT cabinet, power supply, cooling, fire control, generic cabling, monitoring, and surge protection.

The solution also deploys a variety of IT devices, including servers as well as storage, network, and security devices for:

· Information-led production scheduling

·Production automation

·Production monitoring

·Positioning and attendance check of underground workers

·Office automation

In addition to features offered by a traditional data center, the solution supports outdoor deployment and flexible migration.

The efficient, eco-friendly, and high-density solution poses low requirements on infrastructure and adapts to a variety of environments, dramatically reducing the customer's capital and operating expenditures.

Customer Benefits <<Huawei's solution brought the following compelling

benefits for the customer:

· Quick deployment:

Completed onsite deployment and commissioning within a week.

·High mobility:

Supported data center migration from exhausted mines to new mines, greatly reducing investment costs.

·Strong adaptation:

Perfectly adapted to harsh environments.

·Low power usage effectiveness (PUE) and high integration:

Reduced about 40% heat dissipation, 25% power consumption, 35% CAPEX, and 30% operations and maintenance (O&M) costs.

·High efficiency:

Dramatically enhanced protection automation and promoted IT-led transformation.

All-in-onecontainer datacenter solution

Positioning & attendancecheck of underground workers


Production monitoring

Office automation

Information-led production scheduling

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Huawei Assists with Pirelli's Data Center Construction

Executive Summary

Industry Enterprise

Challenges·Time-consuming construction

·Varying IT personnel capabilities and

limited O&M capabilities

·High IT total cost of ownership with

less profit margins

Huawei Solution·A unified data center architecture

solution was used to build the standard

IT system at the HQ, and then the

configuration was quickly replicated by

Pirelli's global branches

·The HQ implements O&M and

management of the 24 branch data

centers in a unified manner, reducing

O&M costs and ensuring service quality

·A more cost-effective data backup

solution was deployed to periodically

b a c k u p p r o d u c t i o n d a t a a n d

synchronize it to the backup center 1

km away

Customer  Benefits·Branch DCs were completed within

only one month, and quick capacity

expansion is allowed in the future

·T h e r e s o u rc e u t i l i z a t i o n h a s

improved from 5% to over 70%,

and management eff ic iency also

experienced a great boost

·An efficient distributed DC mode is in

place, enabling unified management of

branch DCs and regional collaboration

Introduction  <<

Pirelli, the world's fifth largest tyre manufacture, has a market presence in over 160 countries. Established in 1872, the Italy-based company is the largest sponsor of A. C. Milan football club. It owns 24 factories located in twelve countries, including Italy, Brazil, U.K., and Germany. As a time-honored tyre manufacturer, Pirelli has been a supplier of original tyres for a number of celebrated automobile makers such as Audi, Bentley, Ferrari, Lamborghini, BMW, and Mercedes Benz.

Challenges  <<

Pirelli operates its businesses across the globe. However, the capabilities of IT personnel at Pirelli's branches vary considerably, inimical to regional collaboration and global business expansion. Therefore, Pirelli hopes to construct its branch data centers (DCs) in a brand-new fashion with the help of a Chinese vendor.

Although each branch does not require a large-sized DC, they run an abundance of ICT applications, including OA systems, IP phone, email, Wi-Fi, and video conference. If adopting a scattered deployment strategy, Pirelli would face the following challenges:

First, the DC construction is time-consuming. The ICT applications involve a number of subsystems for office networking, data communication, computing, storage, and security surveillance. Relying solely on local IT teams would result in a lengthy planning, design, procurement, and deployment process, which is completely unacceptable for a company with exigent business pressure.

Second, O&M is complex. Different vendors provide the ICT systems. During the DC construction, Pirelli has to coordinate the systems among these vendors, complicating project management and delaying project delivery. What is worse, all these vendors will participate in post-

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Distributed Cloud Data Center

the IT resource

utilization 5%


delivery routine maintenance, including software upgrade, device component replacement, and troubleshooting. If the vendor responsibilities are not clearly defined, problem handling will be delayed and cause a great loss.

Lastly, the total cost of ownership is high. Manufacturers have small profit margins. Therefore, one of Pirelli's focuses is to lower the internal operating costs. Regarding ICT systems in branches, Pirelli expects a small space occupation and unattended maintenance for less IT maintenance personnel. Experience shows that device installation sizes will differ greatly and the maintenance operating interface cannot be unified if multiple vendors exist. Consequently, installation space is inefficiently utilized and unified O&M is impossible.

Huawei Solution  <<

The global DC engineering of Pirelli involves three solutions: the Chinese branch DCs solution, remote management solution, and data backup solution. The project objective is to promote the availability, manageability, and reliability of small-sized DCs in the branches.

To help Pirelli achieve that objective, Huawei has designed the following solutions:

Unified branch DC solution

To meet the application needs of Pirelli's Chinese DCs, Huawei deployed a DC solution that integrated massive storage and blade servers. The solution configuration was then translated into the standard IT system at Pirelli's HQ, while branch DCs all replicated the standard configuration. This new, standard mode of IT system construction greatly shortened the deployment period of IT systems.

Remote centralized management solution

After deploying DCs for Pirelli's global 24 branches, Huawei realized unified O&M and management of these DCs at Pirelli's HQ, reducing O&M spending and ensuring service quality.

Cost-effective backup solution

To improve the stability of a production system, a backup solution must be deployed to periodically back up the data at the production center. Therefore, Huawei designed a data-level backup solution for Pirelli and deployed the solution at a backup site 1 kilometer away from the production center. If the production center is damaged, the backup center can be used to restore data. This solution resolved the reliability issues of branches

that have poorly-established IT infrastructure.

Pirelli is now planning to build disaster recovery centers to implement application-level disaster recovery for core production systems in each region.

Customer Benefits <<DCs for Pirelli's factories in China were completed within only one month, and quick capacity expansion is allowed in the future. In addition, Huawei's cloud computing and unified management solution improved the IT resource utilization from 5% to 70% with a significant management efficiency boost. The solution not only resolved the IT O&M issues for the branches but also ensured high-quality IT service for core business development. Pirelli's IT department, which used to be an expense-consuming center, has now become a profit contributor.

Thanks to Huawei's cloud DC operating and management mode, the successful deployment of Pirelli's branch DCs in China has set a good example for its global DCs. Because of this distributed DC deployment mode, unified branch DC management, regional collaboration, and global DC deployment become possible.

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Huawei Helps Amazing Oriental Netherland BuildBranches with unattended IT

Executive Summary

Industry Retailing

Challenges·IT system rollout takes a long time

and fails to support rapid service


·No centra l management of IT

systems is available so that devices can

only be maintained onsite regardless of

day or night in case of faults

Huawei Solution·A MicroDC at headquarters centrally

deploys the service system and desktop


·MicroDCs in branches deploy video

surveillance system and TCs

·Each branch can be cent ra l l y

superv ised and mainta ined over


Customer  Benefits·Time for deploying IT systems in

branches is reduced from 3 months to

1 week

· I T s y s t e m s i n b r a n c h e s a r e

maintained in unattended mode,

requiring no new IT staff

·The average troubleshooting time is

shortened by 80%

·Amazing Oriental gains its fame and

speeds up its expansion

Introduction  <<

Amazing Oriental was founded in 1996, the grandest chain supermarket for Asian food in the Netherlands. With its headquarters located in Amsterdam, Amazing Oriental now owns 19 branches, distributed in each metropolis across the Netherlands, such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Haag, and Utrecht.

Challenges  <<

In the past several ten years, the chain-oriented, IT-based, and large-scale retailing industry has been rapidly developing and become the one of the pillar industries in the global economy.

During the scale-up development of the chain supermarkets, IT-based development plays an important role, covering from store services (scanning product bar codes, digital scales, POS credit card swiping), distribution center services (management of goods requests, distribution, warehousing, suppliers, and settlement), to the management of the headquarters (products, operation, finance, and VIPs). It is proved over practices that the IT-based system works effectively to lower warehousing cost, speed up cash flow, improve goods distribution efficiency, and promote shopping experience. The depth of IT-based development has become the core competence of all chain supermarkets.

Chain supermarkets often have many branches that are distributed in all regions so that IT-based development should cover each branch to integrate logistics and cash flows, promote operation efficiency, and ensure consistent shopping experience for customers. However, the range of IT devices required is complex, from bar code and goods registration system, cashier system, office system, IP phones, video surveillance system, and data communication systems, regardless of

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the size of the branch. As statistics from Amazing Oriental shows, more than 10 types of IT devices should be used for each branch. The complexity of IT devices makes it difficult in device procurement, system construction and system O&M.

Slow rollout of systems results in problematic service development.

Apart from the 19 branches in the Netherlands, Amazing Oriental is planning to establish more branches in Spain and Germany. Based on traditional IT construction mode, Amazing Oriental has to first acquire quotations from suppliers before ordering and purchasing devices. Whereas the goods delivery cycles of each supplier are different, it takes a long time to collect all the required devices. After the arrival of all devices, Amazing Oriental has to install and commission the devices by themselves. Once any problems occur on the devices, they have to turn to multiple suppliers who tend to respond very slowly and avoid responsibility. Hence, the entire deployment of the IT-based system usually takes up more than 3 months and adversely affects the rapid service development.

The long recovery of faults adversely affects the operation.

Due to lack of central management of devices from various suppliers, Amazing Oriental fails to operate, maintain, and manage the IT devices in branches from the headquarters. Out of the control of labor cost, only a few of IT maintenance personnel are employed at the headquarters. Once the IT systems in branches become faulty, the IT department has to send maintenance personnel to the site for troubleshooting. As branches are distributed geographically, it usually takes the IT maintenance personnel hours or even half of the day to reach the target site, during which, the operation of the supermarket has been adversely affected and hence the reputation of Amazing Oriental may be damaged. What's worse, IT maintenance personnel often receive commands during deep nights and are always tired from running to the site to rectify the faults. Along with the expansion of Amazing Oriental in Europe, this old-fashioned IT maintenance mode cannot continue to serve the business requirements.

"We once wanted to employ more staff to address this problem.

But the increasing operation cost troubled us. We are now very in

a paradox." said the helpless IT manager of Amazing Oriental.

Huawei Solution  <<

In later 2013, when shopping in Amazing Oriental, a Huawei IT salesman happened to see the fault of its cashier system. He communicated with the cashier and learned about the challenges that Amazing Oriental were faced with. He immediately recommended a MicroDC-based overall solution that perfectly addresses the challenges. A MicroDC at the headquarters deploys service systems (for example, the cashier system) and desktop cloud while MicroDCs in branches

P r e v i o u s l y, w e h a d t o spend a l o t o f t ime i n selecting and purchasing d e v i c e s f r o m m u l t i p l e vendors , ins ta l l ing and commissioning the devices, and run back and forth between the branches at middle nights to maintain and inspect I T dev ices . Huawei MicroDC perfectly resolves the issues that we were facing.

—— Amazing Oriental

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deploy video surveillance systems and TCs, both providing services (such as VDI, VPN, IP phones, and video surveillance) and sufficient IT capability. Central management and remote supervision of each branch are implemented over MicroDCs.

The MicroDC adopts integration design that allows various devices to be gathered in one cabinet (such as the power distribution and supply devices, environmental sensors, servers, network devices, firewalls, wireless controllers, and audio communication devices). With the basic software (such as the OS and network management system) preinstalled, users need only to deploy customer application systems. It only takes one week to complete the onsite deployment.

Meanwhile, Huawei developed central management software ManageOne is available at the headquarters to remotely supervise and maintain MicroDCs in all branches. Thanks to the high reliability and security of the power distribution and supply devices and environmental supervision system of the MicroDCs, the IT maintenance personnel need only to perform some preventive inspection periodically (for example, half a year). Onsite emergencies seldom occur, which is very labor-saving.

”Previously, we had to spend a lot of time in selecting and

purchas ing dev ices f rom mult ip le vendors , insta l l ing and

commissioning the devices, and run back and forth between the

branches at middle nights to maintain and inspect IT devices.

Huawei MicroDC perfectly resolves the issues that we were facing.“

Huawei MicroDC had good live-network performance in the initial test and in the running of the phase-one project. Therefore, Amazing Oriental thought highly of Huawei MicroDC and promised to use it for the ICT construction of the rest of its branches.

Customer Benefits <<The one-stop MicroDC-based ICT solution helps Amazing Oriental build IT systems in its branches within one week (traditionally, 3 months are required), which satisfies the rapid service operation and development in the branches.

The remote supervision and maintenance allow the IT systems in branches to work in unattended mode, reduces the IT O&M workload and difficulty, and shortens the average IT troubleshooting time by 80%. The IT maintenance personnel no longer need to run back and forth between the branches.

The standard design of the MicroDC also solves the issues of complex planning and model selection for the customer. The customer needs only to deploy its cashier and financing system in the commissioned IT infrastructure platform, which is very time and energy efficient.

IT systems inits branches within

one week (traditionally,

3 months are required)

shortens the averageIT troubleshooting time by


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MicroDC Helps S.F. Express Expand the Branch Network

Executive Summary

Industry Logistics

Challenges·Quick deployment of a large number

of transfer depots and service regions

to adapt to service growth

·S h o r t a g e o f I T m a i n t e n a n c e

manpower and in need of remote


·Complex deployment of various IT

devices in different branches resulting

in difficult management

·Frequent migration and in urgent

need of capacity expansion

Huawei Solution·MicroDC solution dedicated to


·All-in-one ICT system that integrated

servers, networks, wireless access,

power supplies and distribution, and

environment monitoring

·End-to-end planning, design, and

delivery services

·Unified and easy maintenance for

all equipment room facilities and ICT


·Standard planning and construction

of 260 branches nationwide

Customer  Benefits· T h e p e r i o d f r o m I T s y s t e m

construction to service rollout was

reduced from 3 months to 40 days

Introduction  <<

Headquartered in Shenzhen, S.F. Express is a representative of China's logistics companies. Providing seven service sectors, S.F. Express has 55 service regions and more than 6000 branches in over 300 large- and medium-sized cities and 1900 counties. S.F. Express serves over 90% of China's population and regions.

·S.F. Express' branches consist of region offices and transfer depots. Region offices are used for office only and are categorized as large-, medium-, and small-scale offices. Transfer depots function as distribution centers of goods.

·Semi-automatic sorting systems deployed in S.F Express' 200 distribution centers enable goods to be sorted in pipelines.

·Over 350 million bills are processed in S.F. Express' distribution centers in mainland China each year.

·The most advanced full-automatic sorting devices introduced from Holland have been deployed in branches in Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Beijing. Each device can process 15,000 bills per hour with an accuracy of over 96%.

·In the second half of 2013, S.F. Express and Huawei set up a joint workgroup. Based on Huawei's two decades of experience in branch information management and end-to-end product portfolios, the workgroup analyzes information requirements of S.F. Express' full- and semi-automatic transfer depots and regional call centers, sets up data center construction specifications and standards, and adopts the MicroDC solution that enables all-in-one quick delivery and unified remote management to adapt to rapid service growth and lower the total cost of ownership (TCO) and manpower input to the O&M. With Huawei's standard MicroDC products, S.F. Express improves its

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With MicroDC cabinets, s ite del ivery t ime in the Hainan region is shortened b y 5 0 % a s c o m p a r e d w i t h o t h e r r e g i o n s . M o s t c o m p o n e n t s a r e preinstalled or integrated in the cabinets. This unified management remarkably c u t d o w n m a n p o w e r inputs in operat ion and maintenance (O&M) and t h e re b y i m p ro v i n g t h e O&M efficiency.

—— Hainan region head from

S.F. Express

·IT device deployment was simplified

· O & M w a s s i m p l i f i e d a n d

implemented in a unified manner,

lowering the TCO by 27% in one year

·Easy migration and quick expansion

were ensured

capabilities of managing and controlling ICT devices in China and all over the world.

Challenges  <<

S.F. Express has 260 branches in China. The branches include call centers, offices, and transfer depots. As the most important part of a

logistics company, branches demonstrate the company's information

capabilities and up-to-dateness.

A logistics company usually has a large number of branches scattered in

different regions, and wants its new branches to be quickly deployed in

a standard manner to adapt to rapid service growth.

Dedicated O&M personnel with expertise are required to operate and

maintain transfer depots that have various IT devices. The scattered

transfer depots cannot be monitored in a unified manner, leading to

high labor cost and low management efficiency.

To address these problems and achieve smart logistics, S.F. Express

requires an up-to-date and intelligent solution that can manage, plan,

deploy, and maintain its branches in a unified manner.

Huawei Solution  <<

S.F. Express is in urgent need of a solution suitable for its branch

network to achieve the objective of smart logistics. Based on the

requirements, pain points, and characteristics of S.F. Express' branches,

Huawei provides the MicroDC solution tailored to S.F. Express' branch

network. This ICT solution adapts to the development trends of

enterprise data centers and meets the requirements for standard IT

systems, fast service rollout, remote maintenance, and high security,

thereby improving the IT agility of branches and enabling S.F. Express to

concentrate on its core businesses and processes.

Standard construction

Standard equipment rooms: The same power supplies, cabling, and

dynamic environment monitoring are arranged for all cabinets and

equipment rooms. Cabinets can function as equipment rooms.

Standard IT device planning: Unified routing, security measures, and

access devices are arranged for IT devices. Typical configurations are

provided to avoid jumbled device models.

Fast site deployment: Integrated equipment rooms are preinstalled.

Unified management and remote maintenance on eSight

Headquarters perform unified O&M and branches can be unattended.

Faults are automatically reported to shorten troubleshooting period.

Various fault notification means are provided such as SMS and email.

Performance reports are provided to help users proactively identify risks.

Various topologies such as logical and geological topologies are

available to assist with status checking and fault diagnosis.

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Smooth capacity expansion

Management sof tware i s compat ib le wi th

heterogeneous devices and existing resources are

reused to improve return on investment (ROI).

Cabinets can be smoothly expanded at the same

time and easily relocated with components installed.

Redundant UPS are equipped for IT devices to

improve reliability.

Based on the characteristics of office work

in service regions, two standard micro DCs

are deployed to meet basic IT requirements.

Distribution cabinets are deployed in large-,

medium-, and small-scale service regions for

office terminal connection.

In branches and transfer depots where goods

sorting systems reside, two standard micro DCs

are deployed to support the IT system operation

and enable broad compatibility, scalability, and

upgradability. In Phase I, branches and transfer

depots are categorized as full-automatic transfer

depots, semi-automatic level-1, semi-automatic

level-2, and semi-automatic level-3.

Customer Benefits <<Huawei's MicroDC solution supports the office

work of 200 S.F. Express staffs in the Hainan service

region and makes S.F. Express' Hainan service region

a paragon of branch management. By now, S.F.

Express has applied the MicroDC solution in its 13

branches for unified construction and management.

The MicroDC solution also contains the high

reliability (HA) solution designed for S.F. Express'

headquarters and HUB sites nationwide. With

the MicroDC solution, S.F. Express can implement

standard construction and unified management.

·The period from IT system construction to service

rollout in each branch is shortened by 54%, and the

site deployment period is shortened from 14 days to

3 days.

·All branches use the same devices and unified

construction standards.

·O&M is greatly simplified. Branches, which were

managed by over 1500 maintenance personnel, can

be unattended now, and only 2 to 3 maintenance

personnel are required for a service region, reducing

the number of maintenance personnel by 80%.

·Headquarters can manage and monitor all

branches in a unified manner, lowering the TCO by

27% in one year.

IT system rollout

54% ↓Site deployment period

14 days to

3 days

Number of maintenance personnel

80% ↓


27% ↓

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Huawei MicroDC Helps BOC Expand into thePortuguese Market

Executive Summary

Industry Finance

Challenges·Long construction period

·Complicated O&M

·High TCO

Huawei Solution·Huawei a l l - in-one data center

solution, complying with Tier-3 design


·IP55 dust-proof and water-proof

design standard

·Q u i c k d e p l o y m e n t , f l e x i b l e

relocation, and secure production

·Accommodates a maximum of eight

19-inch IT cabinets, meeting expansion

requirements from business growth in

the next five years

Customer  Benefits·Deployment time to less than 1

month from 46 months

·Reduce TCO over 30%

·Improving routine O&M efficiency by

over 60%

Introduction  <<

Bank of China Limited (BOC) was established in February 1912 and is

one of the China's "Big Four" banks. In 2009, BOC ranked No.11 in

"The Banker's Top 1000 World Banks" ranking in terms of the key asset.

As China's most international and diversified bank, BOC provides a

comprehensive range of financial services to customers across the

Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and 36 overseas

countries. In 2011, BOC was enrolled as a Global Systemically Important

Financial Institution, the only financial institution from China or any

emerging economy to be recognized as such.

Challenges  <<

In April 2013, BOC's Lisbon Branch went into trial operation. The Lisbon

Branch was BOC's first branch in Portugal and fifth branch in Europe

following Rotterdam, Brussels, Warsaw, and Stockholm.

BOC Lisbon Branch's plan was to open businesses within the shortest-

possible time. For financial companies, well-deployed IT systems are

critical for their daily business operations and strategic growth. The

BOC Lisbon Branch needed to build a completely new end-to-end

Information Communications and Technology (ICT) system that covers

everything from Office Automation (OA), IP phones, email, Wi-Fi,

videoconferencing, video surveillance, private data network and local

banking systems. However, when planning to construct this ICT system

using traditional methods, the Lisbon Branch faced multiple challenges:

Long construction period

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Huawei MicroDC solution considerably shortens IT system deployment period and simplifies O&M, fueling BOC's expans ion in the Portuguese market.

—— BOC's Lisbon Branch

ICT applications in the BOC Lisbon Branch involved multiple subsystems,

including OA, enterprise networking, computing, security protection,

and wireless communication, which normally called for application-

based planning, design, procurement, and deployment. Under this

scenario, it would take 4–6 months to complete such a comprehensive

ICT system, which would undermine the Lisbon Branch business goals.

Complicated O&M

Traditional distributed deployment normally involved multiple vendors,

requiring the Lisbon Branch to collaborate with multiple vendors, which

greatly complicated the delivery and project management. In addition,

having products are from multiple vendors and comply with different

management and maintenance standards. This dramatically complicated

Operation and Maintenance (O&M), (such as software upgrade, part

replacement, and routine troubleshooting) and increased the O&M


High TCO

In the European banking industry, having a low internal Operating

Expense (OPEX) helped banks gain a competitive edge. To achieve

industry-leading Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), the Lisbon Branch

required an ICT system that consumed little space and could operate

unattended, which saved both real estate and maintenance costs.

However, in distributed construction mode, installation requirements

and O&M user interfaces varied from vendors and did not support

unified installation and maintenance, which reduced space usage and

complicated O&M.

Huawei Solution  <<

In evaluating solutions for meeting these challenges, the branch

executives decided to rethink and re-strategize. After talking with

multiple ICT vendors, the BOC Lisbon Branch discovered the Huawei

MicroDC solution, which met and exceeded all their needs.

One executive of the BOC Lisbon Branch said, "We need an innovative

solution that ensures a short deployment period and simple

O&M with the best cost-efficiency. After meticulous analysis and

comparison of solutions from multiple vendors, we found that

Huawei's MicroDC solution was what we were looking for."

Huawei's MicroDC solution has been developed to provide an

integrated micro data center for enterprises that have multiple branches

located in different geographic areas. The MicroDC solution is an

integrated data center that incorporates power supply/distribution

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devices, sensors, servers, storage devices, network

devices, and wireless Access Routers (ARs). Pre-

assembled basic software, including Operating

Systems (OSs) and network management software,

ensures fast deployment and provide a function-

rich infrastructure platform that operates efficiently

and securely when unattended.

Huawei deployed three sets of MicroDC to provide

the required ICT applications needed by the Lisbon

Branch, including OA, video surveillance, and IP

phones. Huawei also deployed Huawei's industry-

leading eSight network management software

for the Lisbon Branch to enable the unified

management of equipment room facilities and all

systems in the MicroDC.

Customer Benefits <<The Huawei MicroDC solution dramatical ly

shortened solution planning, design, procurement

and deployment, reducing the deployment time

to less than 1 month from 46 months. Huawei, as

the integrator, provided end-to-end maintenance

services and greatly simplified the O&M user

interfaces for the Lisbon Branch.

The Huawei MicroDC solution took less than

one square meter for one cabinet and was fully

functional when unattended. These features

enabled Huawei's solution to reduce TCO over 30%

compared to other solutions. Another highlight

worth mentioning, Huawei eSight network

management software uniformly managed MicroDC

and equipment room facilities, improving routine

O&M efficiency by over 60%.

reducing the deployment time to less than

1 monthfrom 46 monthsreduce TCO over 30%compared to other solutions

improving routine O&M efficiency by

over 60%

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Great Wall Securities Accelerates Its Business Transformation with Huawei MicroDC

Executive Summary

Industry Finance

Challenges·The securities industry is in urgent

need for business transformation.

Lightweight equipment room-free

business departments should be set up

to develop new services (for example,

f inancia l management) and new

customer groups

·Service rollouts of fifteen lightweight

branches should be accomplished as

soon as possible

·The bus iness departments are

distributed in eight provinces and no

dedicated IT personnel are employed


Huawei Solution·MicroDC securities appliance does

not need equipment room deployment.

It enjoys three standard models for

different scenarios. Its deployment over

USB flash drive is enhanced

·One MicroDC at the headquarters

can centrally and remotely manage

the ICT dev ices for a l l bus iness


·The good compatibi l i ty of the

MicroDC allows the interconnection

with a third-part firewall

Introduction  <<

Great Wall Securities Co., Ltd. (Great Wall Securities) is one of the first

founded securities corporations in China and has grown into a full-

service and comprehensive securities corporation with its services

crossing China. The strategic orientation of Great Wall Securities is to

become the first class investment bank of China specialized in resource-

oriented infrastructure industry. So far, the Company has engaged in

brokerage, investment banking, fixed income, securities investment

and research, financing and securities lending, and asset management,

forming a multi-functional and coordinated banking business system

and enhancing its service capability. Till the end of 2010, with a total

asset of RMB 17.838 billion, a net asset of RMB 6.42 billion, and net

capital of RMB 4.596 billion, Great Wall Securities topped the list of

securities firms of China. Great Wall Securities runs more than 50

business departments in cities across China, such as Beijing, Shenzhen,

Shanghai, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, and Dalian. It enjoys the

most advanced securities trading system and leads the industry by its

high average net revenue of agent trading.

Challenges  <<

Driven by the dual forces of deregulation and transformation of

brokerage, many securities firms expand their business by setting up

lightweight branches under the wing of government policies. Compared

with other financial institutions, such as banks or insurance companies,

securities firms have limits in asset management and investment

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Customer  Benefits·On l y one day i s t a ken fo r

deploying the IT systems in the

lightweight branches, speeding up

the strategic deployment of Great

Wall Securities

·No onsite maintenance personnel

are requi red for the bus iness

d e p a r t m e n t s . A l l d e v i c e s i n

branches are remotely and centrally


·B ranches can be pe r f e c t l y

i n t e r c o n n e c t e d w i t h t h e

headquarters , which protects

customer investments and ensures

the reliable networking operation of

all the business departments

bank business as they have few branch offices and channels. The

development of its traditional brokerage business also slows down due

to the turbulence of the A-share market and the fierce competition of

the business. With the development of online trading technologies,

the front-end functions (onsite trading and information release) are

weakening. Brokerage business is shifting its focus from business

department operation to brokers and network systems.

Many securities firms have begun to curtail the scale of business

departments due to the pressure of operation cost. For example, they

remove the retail investor halls and reduce the footprint of the business

departments. More and more securities firms become aware that the

traditional hall mode has failed to keep pace with the IT-based securities

development and the diverse operations of financing products.

Lightweight branches constructed without equipment rooms are now

the urgent need for the securities firms. The development of lightweight

branches is beyond expectation. The fifteen lightweight branches of

Great Wall Securities in eight provinces are approved in the second

half of 2013 to be built. How to quickly and effectively construct these

branches to grab market opportunities and optimize strategic layouts, is

the challenge Great Wall Securities is faced with.

Based on traditional IT construction mode, securities firms or IT

integrators have to first acquire quotations from suppliers before

ordering and purchasing devices. Whereas the goods delivery cycles of

each supplier are different, it takes a long time to collect all the required

devices. After the arrival of all devices, the customers have to install and

commission the devices by themselves. Once any problems occur on the

devices, they have to turn to multiple suppliers who tend to respond

very slowly and avoid responsibility. Hence, the entire deployment of

the IT-based system usually takes up more than 3 months and adversely

affects the rapid service development.

As the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) gradually softens

strict policies regarding outlet construction, securities firms have

more control over the construction of lightweight branches and are

authorized to open outlets in less competitive areas, such as in cities,

counties, and towns. As a result, lightweight branches will be scattered

around the country, and securities firms will have to figure out how

to uniformly manage and maintain these branches and how to ensure

that the operation of every branch is strictly aligned with security and

operation regulations. It is also a great challenge for system integrators.

Huawei Solution  <<

To address the foregoing challenges, Huawei works together with the

well-known securities and finance software developers and system

integrators at home to launch a MicroDC-based securities lightweight

branch solution. The solution is designed with principles of simplicity,

security, and modularity, and compatible with network access and

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O&M, information security auditing, and daily office work. The ISV

partners and professional service teams of Huawei help the securities

customers quickly construct and deploy the system.

This solution is based on the MicroDC securities appliance and provides

several sub-solutions, such as the desktop cloud, account opening

witness, and data center access area reformation. The solution satisfies

various demands, such as the infrastructure network and security,

branch office desktops, offsite account opening, and subsequent data

center reformation.

Securities appliance: Highly integrates IT devices, network routers and

switches, security modules, and UPSs. The idea of "cabinet as equipment

room" not only facilitates the connection of weak-current devices of the

business departments, but also allows all devices to be centrally laid out

and managed.

Account opening witness: A Huawei Media PAD10 and the industry

customized methods are used to witness the account opening.

Desktop cloud: The provided TCs are compatible with all peripherals,

mainstream securities brokerage business systems (such as an integrated

cabinet), and all Internet Explorer plug-ins (password soft keyboard or

image processor). Hence they can perfectly satisfy the quick rollout of


Data center access area reformation: Solutions for reforming the data

center are available to address the challenges brought by the enormous

development of new business departments and the Internet bandwidth

access for the account opening witness terminals.

As the core of the solution, the MicroDC securities appliance uses a

24 U cabinet, provides integrated wired and wireless connection, and

reduces the device rollout time by enhanced deployment over a USB

flash drive. Apart from the embedded 3G and WiFi modules, flexible

WLAN access and reliable 3G backup links are supported. Counters

are supported by wired access while all other areas are covered with

wireless access. Grain-level network control is supported by online

behavior management modules based on service types and regions.

Service channels secured by the VPN technologies enable the secure

data transmission with the headquarters. A Huawei developed software

management software ManageOne eSight centrally and remotely

manages and maintains all ICT devices without dedicating IT O&M

personnel for each branch.

Fields and IT systems for onsite trading are no longer needed in the

lightweight branches. Instead, these branches use the IT resources

at the headquarters or the regional center. There are three types of

branches, model stores, central stores, and common stores, which have

different investment costs, access amount, and requirements of WiFi

coverage and reliability. Therefore, Huawei MicroDC securities appliance

provides three packages to flexibly fulfill diverse business requirements,

D u r i n g t h e i n n o v a t i v e business transformation of Great Wall Securit ies, M i c r o D C s e c u r i t i e s a p p l i a n c e s o l u t i o n , featuring easy maintenance and good compatibi l i ty, brings brand new mindsets for the construction and O&M of the l ightweight branches and effectively supports the rapid business d e v e l o p m e n t w i t h i t s integrated delivery.

—— Great Wall Securities

Page 83: media/CNBG/Downloads/Product/IT/en... · 2015-11-11 · One-stop public clouds provide ICT services for more than 20 countries. In the Nebula Project, CTG has constructed a global


All devices are preinstalledand commissioned beforedelivery,

savingthe onsite labor forassembling& lowering technical skills.

Deployment enabled overa USB flash drive allows non-technicalpersonnel to finishthe networking configurations & makes the IT systemdeployment complete

withinone daydesktops of all branchescan be centrally released, & the overall deployment efficiencyis improved bymore than


that is, simple configuration, standard configuration, and enhanced


In the POC test before delivery, the MicroDC securities appliance solves

the issue of connection with the third-party firewall at the headquarters,

which had not been solved by other vendors before. It is proved that

the MicroDC securities appliance enjoys great compatibility and protects

customer investments to the utmost extent.

Customer Benefits <<The MicroDC securities appliance makes an equipment room out of

a cabinet, integrating all infrastructure devices in one cabinet, such

as the devices of communication, security, monitoring, and power

supply. It can be transported with all boards installed. All devices are

preinstalled and commissioned before delivery, saving the onsite labor

for assembling and lowering technical skills. Deployment enabled over a

USB flash drive allows non-technical personnel to finish the networking

configurations and makes the IT system deployment complete within

one day. Hence, the strategic deployment of Great Wall Securities is

speeding up, desktops of all branches can be centrally released, and the

overall deployment efficiency is improved by more than 70%.

Huawei ManageOne eSight centrally monitors, remotely operates and

maintains all ICT devices in all branches, allowing the IT system to work

in unattended mode. Web network management is supported with

graphic operation, management of third-party devices, making a visible,

controllable, and smart management platform.

The MicroDC securities appliance interconnects with the headquarters

stably and reliably, protecting customer investments and ensuring the

secure and reliable interconnected operation of all branches.


Page 84: media/CNBG/Downloads/Product/IT/en... · 2015-11-11 · One-stop public clouds provide ICT services for more than 20 countries. In the Nebula Project, CTG has constructed a global

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