Page 1: Medicare, Medicaid, and the Elderly Poor - CMS · basic medical care can impede access to The authors are with the Henry}. Kaiser Family Foundation. The opinions expressed are those

Medicare, Medicaid, and the Elderly Poor Diane Rowland, Sc.D., and Barbara Lyons, Ph.D.


One out of every five elderly Americans faces each day on a limited income with little flexibility for extra or unexpected medical expenses. When medical care is needed, these 6 million poor and near-poor elderly Americans depend on Medicare for assistance with their medical bills. The uni­versal coverage of Medicare assures them entry to America's health care system and offers protection from financial catastrophe when illness strikes. However, gaps in the scope of Medicare's benefits and financial obligations for coverage can result in onerous financial burdens.

Low-income elderly people are particu­larly vulnerable because they are more likely to be experiencing health problems that require medical services than those who are economically better off, but are less able to afford needed care because of their lower incomes. Even routine care, such as physician visits or prescription drugs, can require older and poorer ben­eficiaries to make hard choices between basic necessities and needed health care services. Medicaid serves as an important complement to Medicare by assisting low­income Medicare beneficiaries with their Medicare premiums and cost-sharing and by providing coverage for prescription drugs and long-term care (LTC) services that are not available through Medicare. Without Medicaid's assistance, the costs of basic medical care can impede access to

The authors are with the Henry}. Kaiser Family Foundation. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not nee· essarily reflect those of the Henry J, Kaiser Family Foundation or the Health Care Financing Administration.

care and erode financial security for low­income elderly people.

This article profiles the economic and health status of the low-income elderly population served by Medicare, assesses the impact of Medicare, and examines the role Medicaid plays as a supplement to Medicare. Particular emphasis is given to the burdens medical expenses impose on low-income elderly people, the extent to which coverage to supplement Medicare can assist in alleviating the impact of finan­cial burdens on access to care, and the im­plications of potential changes in the scope and structure of Medicare and Medicaid for the elderly low-income population.


Despite general improvements in the economic situation of the elderly popula­tion over the last 3 decades, many elderly Americans continue to struggle to pay liv­ing expenses on low or modest incomes. Forty-one percent of the Nation's 31 million elderly people living in the community have incomes below twice the Federal pov­erty level (FPL) and 1 in 5 are poor or near­poor (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1996).

In 1994, the FPL was $7,100 per year in income for a single elderly adult and $9,000 for an elderly couple. Twelve percent of the elderly population-3.7 million people­had incomes below the poverty level and another 7 percent-2.2 million people­were near-poor with incomes between 100 and 125 percent of FPL (Figure 1).1

1The figures and tables appear at the end of the article.

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Together, these 5.9 million poor and near­poor people comprise Medicare's non-insti­tutionalized low-income elderly population. Another 1.4 million elderly reside in nurs­ing homes and receive assistance from Medicaid (Lyons, Rowland, and Hanson, 1996).

The likelihood of living on a low income is greatest for women, minorities, and the oldest Americans (Figure 2). Poverty rates increase with age, with 23 percent of people 75 years of age or over poor or near­poor, in contrast to 16 percent of those 65­74 years of age. Nearly one-fourth of eld­erly women are poor or near poor, reflecting their lower wage levels during working years, their increased risk of fi­nancial stress from widowhood, and lon­gevity that exceeds savings. Elderly mi­norities are particularly vulnerable to low incomes. Thirty-seven percent of black eld­erly people and 36 percent of Hispanic eld­erly people have incomes below 125 percent of FPL

Poverty is clearly linked to educational level and highly correlated with marital and living arrangements. Well-educated, married couples are financially better off than those who are less educated, single, and living alone. Educational levels corre­spond to different job opportunities and ca­reers, with the more highly educated likely to have better retirement benefits and more personal savings from their working years. Among today's elderly population, 42 percent have less than a high school education, but there are significant differ­ences by income. Seventy percent of the poor elderly, compared with 23 percent of the non-poor elderly, are without a high school diploma (Figure 3).

Marital status and living arrangement also differ significantly by income, with 42 percent of the poor compared with 21 per­cent of the non-poor living alone, and only one-third (31 percent) of the elderly poor

are married, in contrast to 72 percent of the non-poor elderly. This reflects the older age composition of the poor elderly (14 per­cent are over 85 years of age compared with 5 percent of the non-poor), and the toll time, illness, and loss of a spouse can im­pose on an individual's economic well-be­ing. Yet it also means that the poor elderly are less likely to have family or companions living with them who can assist with medical or financial needs.

Medicare coverage is especially impor­tant to low-income elderly people because they are in poorer health than higher in­come elderly people and have few financial assets to draw on when faced with high medical costs. Poor health status, multiple chronic conditions, and functional limita­tions are all more prevalent among the low­income elderly population than among those with higher incomes. These condi­tions increase the need for and utilization of medical services which in turn increases the out-of-pocket expenses for cost-sharing and uncovered medical expenses.

The burden of illness is a serious prob­lem for many poor and near-poor elderly people. Overall, one-fourth (24 percent) of the elderly population reports their health status as fair or poor (Figure 4). Over one­third (36 percent) of the poor and nearly one-third (32 percent) of the near-poor eld­erly report their health as fair or poor com­pared with only 17 percent of the non-poor elderly with incomes above 200 percent of FPL. Poor health status has been shown to be highly predictive of the need for medical care (Marming, Newhouse, and Ware, 1981).

Chronic conditions requiring increased contact with the medical care system and ongoing health care costs are more preva­lent in the elderly population than in the non-elderly population and can be particu­larly burdensome for low-income elderly people. All elderly people are at increased risk of chronic illness, but low-income

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people are more likely to have chronic health problems than non-poor elderly people (Figure 5). Nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of poor elderly people suffer from arthritis that can impair mobility and result in the need for medication for treatment and pain relief. Similarly, the prevalence of diabetes and hypertension, both illnesses requiring substantial medication costs and ongoing physician supervision, is highest in the low-income cohorts of the elderly population.

Functional disabilities contributing to the need for LTC assistance further com­pound the medical problems of elderly people (Rowland, 1989). Among non-insti­tutionalized elderly Medicare beneficiaries; 7.8 percent report needing help to perform one or more activities of daily living (ADLs), such as dressing, eating, and toileting, and many more report difficulty in carrying out these activities due to health problems. The rates are higher for the poor and near-poor elderly, with 12.9 percent of the poor and 10.5 percent of the near-poor reporting such limitations (Fig­ure 6). Low-income elderly people are also more likely to have three or more ADLs and increased dependency because of mul­tiple limitations than those with higher in­comes. Elderly people with functional limi­tations are often financially strained by non·medical needs and expenses as well as by the need for additional services and spe­cial transportation arrangements to obtain medical care.

In sum, poor and near-poor elderly people are more likely to be experiencing health problems for which they require medical services than elderly people who are economically better off, but they are less able to afford needed care because of their lower incomes. For those who need medical care and incur large out-of-pocket expenditures, medical expenses can lead to

impoverishment The extent to which in­surance is available to assist with medical bills becomes a crucial factor.


With the enactment of Medicare in 1965, basic health insurance protection for hospi­tal care and physician services was ex­tended to nearly all elderly Americans. The universal nature of Medicare coverage means that virtually no elderly person is without insurance. Medicare facilitates ac­cess to physician services and guarantees admission to a hospital when needed. It means that coverage for the elderly does not vary by State of residence and does not limit the elderly's choice of providers in the mainstream of American medical care. Over its 30 years of operation, Medicare has provided elderly Americans, and espe­cially poor elderly Americans, with the op­portunity to benefit from the many ad­vances of American medical technology, most notably treatment for heart disease and cataract surgery, and to gain improved access to the health care system (Madans and Kleinman, 1980; Davis and Rowland, 1986).

Low-income elderly people have been particularly reliant on Medicare coverage because they are in poorer health than high-income elderly, and therefore, are more likely to use health services. Al­though Medicare provides basic health in­surance to promote access to care. it is not an all-inclusive comprehensive and free medical plan for the elderly poor and near­poor. Financial concerns can still impede access to needed medical care, especially for those who have the most health needs. Medicare beneficiaries in poorer health are more likely to report barriers to care than beneficiaries with better health (Rosenbach, Adamache, and Khandker, 1995).

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Some of the financial burdens for care stem from the design and scope of the Medicare benefit package. Modeled after private insurance coverage for the non-eld­erly population, Medicare has substantial cost sharing requirements and financial ob­ligations for beneficiaries. The hospital in­surance (Part A) component provides fairly extensive coverage of short-term hos­pital care and some coverage of post-acute skilled nursing facility and home health services. The supplementary medical in­surance (Part B) component of Medicare covers physician care and related ambula­tory services and home health visits. Medi­care requires beneficiaries to pay a pre­mium for coverage under Part B, a deductible for hospital care under Part A, and a deductible and 20 percent coinsur­ance for most physician and ambulatory care services under Part B (fable 1).

For many elderly people, Medicare thus provides essential, but incomplete, protec­tion against medical expenses. In addition to the required premiums and cost shar­ing, Medicare's benefit package does not cover the full range of health services needed by many elderly people. Particu­larly absent from the Medicare benefit package is coverage of outpatient prescrip­tion drugs, vision care, and dental serv­ices. In addition, Medicare does not cover chronic LTC needs, most notably nursing home care for the disabled elderly (Feder and Lambrew, 1996).

Out-of-pocket spending on acute care medical services and insurance premiums for both Medicare and private supplemen­tal policies are significant expenses in the budgets of elderly Americans (Moon and Mulvey, 1996). The average dollar amount of out-of-pocket spending increases with in­come, averaging $1495 in 1994 for non­poor elderly and $913 for poor elderly people (Figure 7). The lower level of spending by low-income elderly people

reflects both their limited financial ability to pay substantial amounts and the likeli­hood that some of the low-income elderly are assisted with their medical expenses and premiums by Medicaid. Although the poor elderly spend a lower dollar amount on out-of-pocket medical expenses than higher income elderly, that spending con­stitutes a much larger share of the overall income of the poor. Health expenditures for acute care services and premiums by the elderly represent one-third of the family income of poor elderly people com­pared with 16 percent for non-poor elderly families (Figure 8).

To provide assistance with cost sharing and additional protection, most elderly people have private insurance and/or Med­icaid coverage to supplement their Medi­care coverage (Figure 9). In 1992, 81 per­cent of Medicare's elderly beneficiaries had private supplemental insurance, often called medigap insurance, in addition to Medicare. An additional 9 percent of eld­erly beneficiaries received assistance from Medicaid because of their low incomes. However, 10 percent of Medicare beneficia­ries had neither Medicaid nor private in­surance to supplement Medicare. For these Medicare-only beneficiaries, any ex­penses uncovered by Medicare are out-of­pocket liabilities.

The pattern of insurance coverage varies significantly by income. Private insurance to complement Medicare is most common among the elderly non-poor population and less extensive as a form of financing for those with lower incomes (Figure 10). Among the elderly poor, over one-third (36 percent) have Medicaid supplementary coverage, 46 percent have private medigap policies, and 18 percent rely solely on Medicare. For the near-poor elderly, pri­vate insurance coverage is more extensive, with 64 percent privately insured. Among the near-poor elderly, 15 percent have

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Medicaid coverage and 21 percent rely solely on Medicare, reflecting the lower penetration of Medicaid coverage for the near-poor population.

Affordability of private insurance poli­cies to supplement Medicare is a major barrier to coverage for many low-income elderly beneficiaries. Higher income eld­erly beneficiaries are much more likely to have retiree benefits that provide health in­surance coverage to supplement Medicare. Low-income people are less likely to have had the types of jobs during their working years that offer private health insurance af­ter retirement as a benefit. As a result, higher income elderly are more likely to have employer-sponsored coverage, while low-income elderly are more reliant on medigap coverage.

An individually purchased medigap plan in 1992 averaged over $1,000 (Chulis, Eppig, and Poisal, 1995). The high cost of medigap coverage results in a greater fi­nancial burden on low-income beneficia­ries compared with more economically advantaged elderly people. For a poor eld­erly individual living on an annual income of less than about $7,000, spending $1,000 on a medigap policy can substantially strain resources. In recent years, Medicaid has helped to fill this gap by providing assis­tance with Medicare's financial obligations to low-income elderly Medicare beneficia­ries, but the large share of both poor and near-poor elderly people relying solely on Medicare for coverage underscores the limits of Medicaid's reach.


Medicaid makes Medicare coverage af­fordable for over 4 million low-income eld­erly Medicare beneficiaries by serving as their medigap policy For those who qualify for assistance from the means-tested Med­icaid program, Medicaid coverage is an

important source of health care financing. Medicaid will pay the Medicare Part B pre­mium for Medicare beneficiaries with in­comes below 120 percent of FPL plus the Medicare cost-sharing for those with in­comes below FPL. Elderly cash assistance recipients and others covered at State op­tion can also receive additional benefits from Medicaid to supplement Medicare, including prescription drugs and LTC coverage.

In recent years, Medicaid coverage of the elderly has been expanded consider­ably to assist low-income Medicare benefi­ciaries with the growing cost of Medicare premiums and cost-sharing. Most notably, as part of the Medicare Catastrophic Cov­erage Act of 1988, States were required by July 1992 to provide Medicaid assistance with the Part B premium and Medicare cost-sharing to all elderly individuals and couples with incomes below FPL and as­sets of less than $4,000 for individuals and $6,000 for couples. The individuals covered under this provision are referred to as Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries (QMBs). The act also required States to phase in by 1995 assistance with Medicare's Part B premium to individuals with incomes be­tween 100 and 120 percent of FPL. For this group, known as Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries (SLMBs), assis­tance is limited to the premium payments. States are not required to provide either group with wrap-around benefits to supplement Medicare.

The over 4 million low-income elderly people on Medicaid qualify for assistance by various routes, as shown in Figure 11. Over one-half of the elderly with Medicaid coverage obtain eligibility as "categorically needy" because they are recipients of cash assistance or eligible for assistance under the Supplemental Security Income pro­gram. Other individuals are covered at the option of the State as "medically needy"

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eligibles. These individuals, accounting for 20 percent of elderly Medicaid beneficia­ries, have incomes above welfare cash as­sistaoce levels, but incur expenses for health services that reduce their available income to below the income staodard for eligibility.

Both the categorically needy and medi­cally needy groups receive Medicaid ben­efits to complement Medicare's benefit package as well as assistaoce with Medi­care premiums and cost-sharing. The eld­erly in nursing homes with Medicaid cov­erage are included in both the categorical and medically needy groups. The QMB/ SLMB beneficiaries with their coverage mainly for Medicare financial obligations represent 13 percent of Medicaid's elderly beneficiaries. The remainder of low-in­come elderly beneficiaries qualify for cov­erage under coverage provisions that are at State option.

Despite Medicaid's iroportaot role in providing protection for Medicare pre­mium and cost-sharing requirements, Medicaid spending on behalf of elderly beneficiaries goes primarily toward cover­age of more costly LTC services. In 1993, Medicaid spending totaled $125 billion, of which $34 billion was spent on services for the low-income elderly (Liska et a!., 1995). One-fourth of this spending went towards acute care services and Medicare pay­ments, and the remainder was devoted to LTC spending on nursing homes and com­munity-based services (Figure 12). In 1993, Medicaid paid $2.7 billion to the Medicare program on behalf of low-income Medicare beneficiaries for premium and cost-sharing obligations and spent an addi­tional $6 billion to supplement Medicare's coverage of hospital and physician care and to cover other medical services, such as prescription drugs not covered by Medi­care. These expenditures for acute care

and Medicare premiums accounted for 7 percent of total Medicaid spending.

Medicaid thus plays a critical role in pro­viding financial protection to low-income elderly people. However, the scope of Medicaid's protection remains limited in terms of the share of the poor and near­poor population with coverage. Only one­

. third of the elderly poor and 15 percent of the near-poor elderly have Medicaid cover­age despite the financial benefits of such coverage. Lack of awareness and under­staoding of the assistaoce Medicaid pro­vides, complex enrolhnent processes, lim­ited outreach activities by Federal and State governments, and reluctaoce to apply for help from a welfare-linked program all contribute to low levels of participation in Medicaid by the poor and near-poor elderly (Neumann eta!., 1995).


The level of insurance protection to alle­viate financial barriers to care is clearly an important element in securing access to care for the low-income elderly population. Although Medicare coverage is universal, ability to pay for Medicare's cost-sharing requirements varies for elderly people at different income levels and with different levels of insurance supplementation. Lack of supplementary coverage through pri­vate insurance or Medicaid to fill gaps in Medicare coverage influences access to health services by elderly people. One-half of the population that relies solely on Medi­care are poor or near-poor and likely to ex­perience financial burdens that jeopardize access to care.

Examining utilization of ambulatory care services by income status and insurance status shows that Medicare coverage has helped to reduce differentials in access to

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care by income, but differentials still remain when variations in insurance are taken into account. Those with Medicare­only coverage do not have comparable ac­cess to those with private or Medicaid cov­erage to supplement Medicare. Levels of physician services are comparable across income groups and, currently, reveal somewhat higher use rates for the low~in­come population, reflective of their poorer health status (Figure 13). However, physi­cian visits by insurance status, not control­ling for income, show that the Medicare­only population has fewer physician visits than the privately insured and notably fewer visits than those with joint Medicare and Medicaid coverage (Figure 14). The higher rates for the Medicaid population reflect their higher rates of chronic illness and disability.

These statistics, however, combine the effects of income and insurance coverage on utilization. Using Medicare spending as a proxy for health services utilization shows lower levels of access for beneficia­ries without supplemental insurance. Low­income beneficiaries who rely solely on Medicare are less likely to use any Medi­care covered services over the course of a year. Among poor and near-poor Medicare beneficiaries, 30 percent of those with only Medicare coverage received no Medicare reimbursement for services, compared with 17 percent of those with private supplemental insurance and 11 percent with Medicaid (Figure 15).

When access to care is assessed by in­surance status and income level, it is appar­ent that to be low-income and covered only by Medicare is associated with access problems. Measures of access problems, including no usual source of care, difficul­ties in obtaining care, and lower satisfac­tion levels for particular aspects of care, are indicative of problems in gaining entry to the health care system and in using

services (Weissman and Epstein, 1993). Having a usual source of care, or a particu­lar place where care is obtained, is com­monly viewed as an indicator of access to medical care and an important component of primary care. Low-income Medicare beneficiaries who rely solely on Medicare are over twice as likely as those with addi­tional coverage to be without a usual source of care. Nearly one-fourth (22 per­cent) of Medicare-only beneficiaries report no usual source of care compared with 8 percent of those with private insurance and 9 percent of those with Medicaid (Figure 16).

Problems in obtaining care, such as de­lay in seeking care due to cost, provide di­rect evidence of the impact of financial bar­riers to care. Problems in obtaining care may compromise health status and result in prolonged suffering and increased mor­bidity. If care is eventually obtained and the problem has become more severe, it may be more difficult and costly to treat be­cause of the delay. Low-income elderly Medicare beneficiaries who have only Medicare are two times as likely to delay seeking needed medical care as those with additional private insurance or Medicaid. One-fourth of low-income Medicare-only beneficiaries indicate that they delayed seeking medical care in the past year be­cause of worry about the cost (Figure 17). In contrast, only 13 percent of those with Medicaid or private insurance reported such delays due to cost. Having additional coverage substantially lowers the likeli­hood of problems in gaining entry to the health care system.

Similarly, lower levels of satisfaction with out-of-pocket costs reflects inadequate in­surance coverage and can be indicative of access problems. Over one-fourth (27 per­cent) of low-income elderly Medicare-only beneficiaries report that they are unsatis­fied or very unsatisfied with the out-of­pocket costs they paid for medical care

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(Figure 18). Those with private supplemen­tal coverage also reported similar levels of dissatisfaction. Highlighting the financial protection Medicaid provides for the low­income population, only 12 percent of beneficiaries who had Medicaid were unsatisfied with out-of-pocket costs.

In sum, Medicare has contributed sub­stantially to the well-being of the elderly by facilitating access to care and reducing fi­nancial burdens. The program provides coverage of medical care for virtually all elderly Americans, but Medicare's gaps in coverage and financial obligations are par­ticularly difficult for poor and near-poor elderly people to handle. Medicaid plays an essential role in supplementing Medicare's coverage and makes Medicare work for many low-income Medicare beneficiaries. However, Medicaid's assistance does not extend to all low-income elderly people; those who are left to rely on Medicare alone are at substantial risk for access problems.


The three decades of experience with Medicare as a primary insurer and Medic­aid as a supplement for the low-income elderly demonstrate the importance of both basic coverage for all elderly people and additional financial assistance for low­income elderly people. For those in the eld­erly low-income population jointly covered by Medicare and Medicaid, access to care, financial protection, and satisfaction with the cost of medical care are all notably higher than for low-income elderly who depend solely on Medicare. With the uni­versal base of Medicare as a building block for health care coverage, the elderly poor and near-poor with Medicaid supplementa­tion are able to access mainstream medical care without severe financial burden.

The partnership between Medicare and Medicaid has enabled millions of low-in­come Medicare beneficiaries to realize the full potential of Medicare coverage, but the ability to maintain and expand that partner­ship to reach more of the low-income eld­erly population is uncertain. Proposals to increase financial obligations under Medi­care or shift the program from a defined benefit to defined contribution approach could result in significant increases in ben­eficiary costs and undermine the adequacy of protection for the poorest beneficiaries. In the past, Medicaid coverage has been used to fill in and compensate for changes in Medicare coverage. However, proposals to convert Medicaid to a block grant to States with a fixed and potentially reduced federal contribution could restrict Medic­aid's ability to serve as a Medicare safety net. Such a shift in Medicaid's structure could also jeopardize the continuation of the current level of coverage Medicaid provides to low-income Medicare beneficiaries.

As the future of Medicare and Medicaid are debated, particular attention needs to be given to the elderly poor. One in 10 Medicare beneficiaries count on Medicaid to help with their medical expenses and Medicare financial obligations. Even with Medicaid assistance, the elderly poor de­vote one-third of their family income to health expenses. Low-income elderly Americans experience more health prob­lems and have greater use of health serv­ices with the associated cost for treatment and medication than higher income eld­erly. The 1 in 5 low-income Medicare ben­eficiaries without Medicaid to supplement Medicare are particularly at risk. Even with Medicare's basic protection, the cost for premiums, cost-sharing, and uncovered services can compromise access to care.

To assure Medicare's adequacy for coverage in the future, it is important to

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maintain assistance with financial obliga­tions and additional benefits that Medicaid provides today. It is critical to either main­tain the Medicare-Medicaid partnership for the low-income elderly or to provide direct federal assistance to supplement Medicare for the elderly poor. Without such guarantees, Medicare's notable progress in reducing gaps in service use between poor and non-poor elderly could be undone and millions of low-income eld­erly Americans could have their access to medical care compromised.


The authors greatly appreciate the re­search assistance of Patricia Seliger and Kristina Hanson of the Kaiser Family Foun­dation and the computer programming as­sistance of Laurie Pounder of the Urban Institute.


Chulis, G., Eppig, F., and Poisal, J,: MCBS High­lights: Ownership and Average Premiums for Medicare Supplementary Insurance Policies. Health Care Financing Review 17(1):255-75, Fall 1995. Davis, K., and Rowland, D.: Medicare Policy: New Directions [or Health and Long-Term Care. Balti­more, MD. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986. Feder,)., and lambrew, j.: Why Medicare Matters to People Who Need Long-Term Care. Health Care Financing Review 18(2):99-112, Winter 1996. Health Care Financing Administration: Medicaid Statistics: Program and Financial Statistics, Fiscal Year 1994. HCFA Pub. No. 10129. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1996.

Liska, D., Obermaier, K, Lyons, B., and Long, P.: Medicaid Expenditures and Beneficiaries: National and State Profiles & Trends, 1984-1993. Report of the Kaiser Commission on the Future of Medicaid. Washington, DC. 1995.

Lyons, B., Rowland, D., and Hanson, K: Another Look at Medicaid. Generations: 24-30, Summer 1996. Madans, ]., and Kleinman, ].: Use of Ambulatory Care by the Poor and Nonpoor. In: Health United States, 1980. Hyattsville, MD. Public Health Service, 1980. ­

Manning, W.G., Newhouse, }.R., and Ware, J.E.: The Status of Health in Demand Estimates: Be­yond Good, ExceUent, Fair, and Poor. In Fuchs, C.R. (ed.): Economic Aspects of Health. Chicago. Chicago University, 1981.

Mentnech, R.: An Analysis of Utilization and Ac­cess from the National Health Interview Survey: 1984-92. Appendix IX in Summary Report to Con­gress: Monitoring the Impact of Medicare Physician Payment Reform on Utilization and Access. Health Care Financing Administration, 1995.

Moon, M., and Mulvey, ].: Entitlements and the Elderly: Protecting Promises, Recognizing Reality. Washington, DC. The Urban Institute Press, 1996.

Neumann, P., Bernardin, M., Evans, W., and Bayer, E.: Participation in the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Program. Health Care Financing Review 17(2):169-78, Winter 1995.

Rosenbach, M., Adamache, K, and Khandker, R.: Variations in Medicare Access and Satisfaction by Health Status: 1991-93. Health Care Financing Review 17(2):29-49, Winter 1995.

Rowland, D.: Measuring the Need for Home Care. Health Affairs 8(4):39-51, 1989. U.S. Bureau of the Census: Current Population Re­ports, Consumer Income Series P00-189, Income, Poverty, and Valuation of NonCash Benefits: 1994. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1996. Weissman, J,, and Epstein, A: Falling Through the Safety Net: Insurance Status and Access to Health Care. Baltimore, MD. The Johns Hopkins Univer­sity Press, 1993.

Reprint Requests: Barbara Lyons, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 1450 G Street, NW: Suite 250, Washington, DC 20005, E-mail: [email protected]

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Figure 1 Distribution of Elderly, by Poverty Level: 1994

Near-Poor 7%

Pom 12%

Modest 22%

Non-Poor 59%

NOTES: Estimates of non-institutionalized population. The Fedeml poverty level (FPL) in 1994 was $7,100 for a single individual and $9,000 fora couple. Poor is below 100 percent of FPL. Near-poor is 100-125 percent of FPL. Modest is 125-200 pnrcent of FPl. Non­poor is 200 percent of FPL or greater.

SOURCE: (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1996).

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Figure 2 Percent of the Elderly Who Are Low-Income, by Age, Sex, and Race: 1994


Hispanic 35.9'"<' Black 37.2

'"" ' White 16.9~

~ . ,,'

~ 8' ~Poor

Female 23.5~ ' ' ' ' D Near-Poor

Male 12.0"' 75 Years of

Age or Over '

' 22.6

65-74 Years of Age

,,'' 15.7

' 0 10 20 30 40

Percent NOTES: Estimates of non-institutionalized population. Poor Is below 100 percent ol the Federal poverty level (FPL). Near-poor is 100-125 percent o1 FPL.

SOURCE: (U.S. Bureau of the Census. 1996).

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Figure 3 Characteristics of Elderly Medicare Beneficiaries: 1992

Less Than High School Education

85 Years of Age or Over ..

~ ~•8' E .!


Living Alone








•All Elderly

D Non-Poor

D Pooc


0 20 40 80 80 100 Percent

NOTES: Includes oon-lnslitutlonal continuously enrolled beneficiaries. Poor Is below 100 percent ol the Fed­eral poverty level (FPL). Non-poor is 200 percent of Ff'L or greater.

SOURCE: Estimates prepared by the authors based on analysis ol the 1992 Medicare Current Benellclary

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Figure 4 Percent of Elderly Medicare Beneficiaries Reporting Fair or Poor Health: 1992






Total Pooc Near-Poor Modest Non-Poor

NOTES: Includes non-institutional continuously enrolled beneficiali&s. POOl is below 100 percent of the Federal poveny level (FPL). Near1100r is 100-125 percent of FPl. Modesl is 125-200 percefltof FPL Non-poor is 200 percent of FPL or greater.

SOURCE: Estimates prepared by lhe authors based on analysis of the 1992 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey.

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Page 14: Medicare, Medicaid, and the Elderly Poor - CMS · basic medical care can impede access to The authors are with the Henry}. Kaiser Family Foundation. The opinions expressed are those

Figure 5 Percent of Elderly Medicare Beneficiaries With Selected Conditions: 1992





Diabetes f£3Modesl





0 20 40 60 80


NOTES: Includes non-inslilutional con~nuously enrolled beneficiaries. Poor Is below 100 percent of tl'le Federal poverty level (FPL). Near-poor is 100-125 percent of FPL Modest Is 125-200 pei'Cenl of FPL. Non-poor Is 200 percent of FPL or greater.

SOURCE: Estimates prepared by the auttlors based on analysis of the 1992 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey.

HEALTH CARE FINANCING REVIEW/Winter 1996/Volume t8,Number 2 74

Page 15: Medicare, Medicaid, and the Elderly Poor - CMS · basic medical care can impede access to The authors are with the Henry}. Kaiser Family Foundation. The opinions expressed are those

Figure 6 Percent of Eldwly Medicare Beneficiaries Needing Help With ADL Limitations: 1992


14 L2J 1·2 ADls 12.9

II 3 ADls or More12





6 5.0




Total Poor Near-Poor Modest Non-Poor

NOTES: Jnchldes norHnstJtutJonaJ continuously enrolled beneficiaries. ADL Js activity of daily Jiving. Poor is below 100 per­cent of the Federal poverty level (FPL). Near-poor Is 100-125 percent ol FPL. Modest is 125-200 percent of FPL. Non-poor is 200 percent of FPL or greater.

SOURCE: Estimates prepared by the authors based on analysis of the 1992 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey.

Table 1

Out-of-Pocket Payments Under Medicare for Hospital and Physician Se1Vices1

Hospital Insurance (Part A) Coverage for Inpatient Hospital Services

Hospital Deductible $736 per Spell of Illness Coinsurance Days 61-90 $184 per Day Coinsurance lor 60 Ufetime Reserve Days $368 per Day

Supplemental Medical Insurance (Part B) Coverage tor Physician and Related Services

$510 per Year Premium ($42.50 per Month) Deductible $100 per Year

Coinsurance 20 Percent of Medicare Allowable Charges

'Effective January 1,1996.

SOURCE: Health Care Financing Administration: 1996 Data Compendium. Bureau of Data Management and Strategy.

Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, March 1996.

HEALTH CARE FINANCING REVIEW/Winter 1996/Volume t8, Numl><r2 75

Page 16: Medicare, Medicaid, and the Elderly Poor - CMS · basic medical care can impede access to The authors are with the Henry}. Kaiser Family Foundation. The opinions expressed are those

Figure 7 Out..of-Pocket Health Care Spending by the Elderly: 1994





Poor Near-Poor Modest Non-Poor

NOTES: Spending Includes acute care services and premiums. Poor Is below 100 percent of the Federal pover1y level (FPL). Near-poor is 100-125 percent of FPL Modest is 125-200 percent of FPL. Non-poor Is 200 percent of FPL or greater.

SOURCE:(Moonand Mulvey,1996).

HEALTH CARE FINANCING REVIEW/Winter 1996/Votume ts. Number2 76

Page 17: Medicare, Medicaid, and the Elderly Poor - CMS · basic medical care can impede access to The authors are with the Henry}. Kaiser Family Foundation. The opinions expressed are those

Figure 8 Health Expenditures by the Elderly as a Share of Family Income: 1994




Near-Poor Modest Non-Poor



NOTES: Spending includes acute care serviee.s and premiums. Poor Is below 100 percent of !he Federal poverty level (FPL). Near-poor is 100-125 percent of FPL Modest is 125-200 percent of FPL. Non-poor is 200 percent of FPL or greater.

SOURCE: (Moon arK! Mulvey, t996).

HEALTH CARE FINANCING REVIEW/Winter 1996/Volume 18, Number 2 77

Page 18: Medicare, Medicaid, and the Elderly Poor - CMS · basic medical care can impede access to The authors are with the Henry}. Kaiser Family Foundation. The opinions expressed are those

Figure 9 Insurance Coverage of Elderly Medicare Beneficiaries: 1992

Medicare Only




Medicare/Private 81%

NOTE: Includes non-inslitutional continuously enrolled beneficiaries.

SOURCE: Estimates prepared by the authors based on analysis of the 1992 Medicare Current Beneficial)' Survey.

HEALTH CARE FINANCING REVIEW/Winter 1996/Volume ts, Numl>er2 78

Page 19: Medicare, Medicaid, and the Elderly Poor - CMS · basic medical care can impede access to The authors are with the Henry}. Kaiser Family Foundation. The opinions expressed are those

Figure 10 Insurance Status of Elderly Medicare Beneficiaries, by Poverty Level: 1992

Poo• Near-Poor




• Medicare/Private

wMedicare Only Modest Non-Poor

Medicare/Medicaid3% 5% D


NOTE: Includes non-InstitUtional continuously enrolled beneficiaries.

SOURCE: Estimates prepared by the authors based on analysis or !IK!1992 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey.

HEALTH CARE FINANCING REVIEW/Winter 1996/v.:.Jume 18, Number2 79

Page 20: Medicare, Medicaid, and the Elderly Poor - CMS · basic medical care can impede access to The authors are with the Henry}. Kaiser Family Foundation. The opinions expressed are those

Figure 11 Distribution of Elderly Medicaid Population, by Eligibility: 1994

Medically Needy 20%

Other 14%

Categorically Needy 53%

NOTES: QMBISLMB ls Qualified Medicare Benellcial}'fSpecilled Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries. other includes eligibility through legislation prior to 1988.Total equals 4.0 million benefiCiaries 65 years of age or over.

SOURCE: (Health Care Financing Administration, 1994).

Figure 12 Medicaid Expenditures for the Elderly: 1993

Medicare Payments 8%

Acute care Benefits Community-Based Care




Institutional74% 62%

NOTE: Total expenditures equal $34 billion.

SOURCE: (Liska at at, 1995).

HEALTH CARE FINANCING REVIEW/Winter 1996/Volumo 18, Number2 80

Page 21: Medicare, Medicaid, and the Elderly Poor - CMS · basic medical care can impede access to The authors are with the Henry}. Kaiser Family Foundation. The opinions expressed are those

Figure 13 Mean Annual Physician Visits for Elderly Medicare Beneficiaries, by Income Status: 1984-92



1984 1990 1992

Year NOTES: Poor Is below 100 percent of the Federal poverty level (FPL). Low-looome beneficiaries are those with in­comes below 125 percent of FPL. Non-poor is 200 percent ol FPL or greater.

SOURCE: (Mentnech, 1995).

Figure 14 Mean Annual Physician Visits for Elderly Medicare Beneficiaries,

by Health Insurance Status: 1984--92


,!!••> 0 ~•" 8.1E, z








~ Medicare Only


8.3 7.6




8.9 9.5

1990 1992


SOURCE: (Mentnech, 1995).

HEALTII CARE FINANCING REVIEW/Winter 1996/votumetS.Numberz 81

Page 22: Medicare, Medicaid, and the Elderly Poor - CMS · basic medical care can impede access to The authors are with the Henry}. Kaiser Family Foundation. The opinions expressed are those

Figure 15 Percent of Elderly Beneficiaries With No Medicare Reimbursement for Services: 1992





ii• 15 l





All Elderty To1oJ Medicare Medicare/ Medicare/ Medicare Beneficiaries Only Private Medicaid

Low-Income Beneficiaries

NOTES: Includes non-instilutional cootinll(lusly enrolled beneficiaries. Low-Income beneficiaries are those wilh inoomes below 125 percenl of the Federal poverty level.

SOURCE: Estimates prepared by the authors based on analysis of the 1992 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey.

HEALTH CARE FINANCING REVIEW/Winter 1996/V..Iume 18, Number2 82

Page 23: Medicare, Medicaid, and the Elderly Poor - CMS · basic medical care can impede access to The authors are with the Henry}. Kaiser Family Foundation. The opinions expressed are those

Figure 16 Percent of Elderly Beneficiaries Whh No Usual Source of Care: 1992







o--'- ­All Elderly Total Medicare Medicare!

Medicare Beneficiaries Oo1y Private Medicare! Medicaid

Low·lncome Beneficiaries

NOTES: Includes non-institullonal conllnuously enrolled beoeflclaries. Low-Income beneficiaries are those with Incomes be­low 125 percent of the Federal poverty level.

SOURCE: Estimates prepared by the authors based on analysis of !he 1992 Medicare Current Benellclary Survey.

REALm CARE FINANCING REVIEW/Winter 1996/V..lume 18, Number 2 83

Page 24: Medicare, Medicaid, and the Elderly Poor - CMS · basic medical care can impede access to The authors are with the Henry}. Kaiser Family Foundation. The opinions expressed are those

Figure 17 Percent of Elderly Beneficiaries Who Delayed Getting Care Due to Cost: 1992


All Elderly Total Medicare Medicare/ Modlca<e/ Medicare Beneficiaries Only Private Medicaid

Low-Income Beneficiaries

NOTES: Includes nofHnstltutlonal continuously enrolled benellciarles. Low-income beneficiaries are those with incomes below 125 percent or the Federal poverty leveL

SOURCE: Estimates prepared by the authors based on analysis of the 1992 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey.

HEALTH CARE FINANCING REVIEW/Winter 1996/Yolume18.Numberz 84

Page 25: Medicare, Medicaid, and the Elderly Poor - CMS · basic medical care can impede access to The authors are with the Henry}. Kaiser Family Foundation. The opinions expressed are those

Figure 18 Percent of Elderly Beneficiaries Who Are Unsatisfied With Out-of-Pocket Costs Paid

for Medical Care: 1992

All Elderly Medicare Beneficiaries


Total Medicare Medicare/ Medicare/ Only Private Medicaid

Low-Income Beneficiaries

NOTES: Includes non-institutional continuously enrolled benellciaries. Low-income beneficiaries are those with incomes be­low 125 percent of the Federall):)verty level.

SOURCE: Estimates prepared by the aulhors based on analysis of lhe 1992 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey.

HEALTII CARE FINANCING REVIEW/Winter 1996/Volu""' ts, Number2 85

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