Page 1: Medicinal properties of Makhana: Sweet, astringent inflavour , … · 2020-01-30 · » Makhana increases the quality & quantity of semen, prevent premature ejaculation and help in
Page 2: Medicinal properties of Makhana: Sweet, astringent inflavour , … · 2020-01-30 · » Makhana increases the quality & quantity of semen, prevent premature ejaculation and help in

Medicinal properties of Makhana: Sweet, astringent in flavour , neutral in nature, Makhana is highly nutritious and digestive food.Due to itsmedicinal properties it is widely accepted/ consumed by all age group all over the world. It can reinforcethe spleen , kidney and improve appetite .It has the effect of preservating body essence and arresting chronic diarrhoea, seminal discharge,

spermatorrhea, and leucorrhagia. Being antioxident, makhana helps in respiratory systems, veins, digestion,

frequent urination .It helps in Cardio Protection. Makhana is very useful for women during pregnancy and post natal weaknesses. It is a superior

herb highly regarded for restoring sexual vigor and youthful energy even in older men also. It regulates blood pressure, relieves numbness and

aching near waist and knees. It is suitable for arthritis, impotence and even in premature aging.

Health Benefits» Makhana helps in Cardiac Protection.» It helps in building action in dysentery, frequent urination.

» Makhana contains rich in anti-oxidant.

» It is digestive for all age groups. Due to its astringent property, it is relieves one from diarrhea and helps

improve appetite.

» Makhana benefit the spleen, kidney, and heart.» It also has calming properties that alleviate restlessness,

palpitations, and insomnia. It is also rich in calcium.

» Makhana regulates blood pressure, relieves numbness and aching near waist and knees.

» It is suitable for arthritis, impotence and premature ageing.

» They help to detoxify the spleen, reinforce the kidneys and nourish the blood.

» It can also treat insomnia, palpitations and irritability.

» It is also recommended for the women during pregnancy and post natal weakness.

» It helps in building action in dysentery, frequent urination, kidney problems and improve appetite.

» It is digestive and advised to all age groups

» Being highly nutritive value it is advised in Arthritis & Rheumatic pains, impotence, and premature aging and

recommended for the women during pregnancy and post natal weaknesses.

» Having been the medicinal properties it is used in Herbal & Ayurvedic medicine and TCM (Traditional

Chinese Medicines)

» Makhana increases the quality & quantity of semen, prevent premature ejaculation and help in female


» Makhana Help to Improve Energy and Stamina.

» It is powerful energy booster.

» Makhana also maintaining proper respiratory system.

» Help to improves Improve Physical and Mental Strength.» Help to improve male and female infertility.» Remove weakness and fatigue.


» Useful for a healthy heart

» Good for weight loss

» Good for pregnant women

» A Vegetarian’s delight

» Anti-ageing

» Rich source of calcium

» Good for controlling high

blood pressure

» Beneficial for a diabetic patient

» It is a Proprietary Ayurvedic


» It is 100% natural.

» Made of pure herbs.

» Herbal remedy for Enhances

Energy and Stamina.» Natural and Safe Ingredients

for Nutritional Supplement.

» Works very effectively

general bodily Functions.

» No side effects.

» Extremely beneficial For

General Health.

» Tested and Approved DRI.» No reverse effect in any way.

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Why You Need Supplements Made from Food

April 12, 2019Shouldn’t we be able to get everything from our food?Doesn’t it make sense to eat dietary supplements from food!? After all, the co-factors, the phytochemicals, and even things we probably don’t know about yet are in our food but are not in synthetics. Synthetic vitamins were created because they are less expensive to manufacture but they only partially provide the nutrient spectrum that we need for optimum health.

সমূ্পরক অংশ

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The food we eat does not have what it takes to provide us with adequate nutrition.Scientific American published the results of a 2018 study by Donald Davis, a biochemist at the University of Texas at Austin. This study reported that our fruits and vegetables are not as vitamin-rich as they were in the past. The researchers found that of the 13 major nutrients found in fruits and vegetables, six have declined substantially due to modern agricultural methods.In another study, Jeffrey Christian compared data compiled in 1999 by Health Canada. the article, “Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods”, compared 7 vitamins and minerals found in 25 common fruits and vegetables between 1951 and 1972. It showed that 13 fruits and vegetables showed losses in 4 or more nutrients, while 6 fruits and vegetables showed gains in 4 or more nutrients. Broccoli showed losses in every nutrient studied and corn showed gains in every nutrient.Today we have food that has been altered by synthetic fertilizers, subjected to toxins from industrial production, grown too quickly and picked prematurely. Therefore, the daily recommendation for adequate nutrition has gone from 5-7 servings in 1995 to 7-13 servings of fruits and veggies per day. It is only through food-sourced dietary supplements that we can replace the natural nutrients our bodies require for optimal health. You need to take supplements. The question is, which ones?

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The Problems with Modern Food

Agriculture began to change farming and food processing methods as early as the beginning of the 20th century. The industrial revolution stimulated population growth. People began to leave their farms and move to the cities, creating a need for food to be transported and kept fresh during the journey from farm to city.Unfortunately, knowledge about nutrition and dietary needs was limited at the time. Scientists believed that all we needed from food to be healthy were fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. They understood nutrient depletion on a small level, but vitamins were not well known until the 1930’s.At the beginning of the century, people also were beginning to understand the role of germs in disease. They assumed that only germs and dirt caused problems in diet, originally. So, they began sterilizing food (think of pasteurization) early in the century get rid of bacteria, mold, and toxins. Sterilizing milk with heat stabilized it and kept it from going bad. It reduced deaths from dysentery and saved many lives. That is why you won’t see raw milk or cheese in the market. However, the sterilization process destroyed vitamin C, and that caused rates of scurvy to increase. This was just one of the reasons we saw a need to develop dietary supplements.

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Shelf LifeThe need for a shelf life became an issue as the population grew. One of the ways to reduce mold and increase the shelf life of rice and other grains was to eliminate husks and bran. Unfortunately, this this destroyed the B vitamins in the grain and raised the sugar to fiberratio, as well. That led to two of the era’s most common diseases: pellagra, a deficiency of niacin, whose symptoms include sores and delusions; and beriberi, a deficiency of vitamin B1, or thiamine, which damages nerves and can lead to paralysis.

Diet Deficiencies During WWIIThere was a blatant need for developing dietary supplements that showed up during the war. As many as one-third of the men conscripted to serve in WWII suffered from disabilities that came from poor nutrition. Consequently, President Franklin D. Roosevelt convened the National Nutrition Conference for Defense in 1941. This resulted in the first set of government-sponsored Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for six vitamins and two minerals. Although more nutrients have been discovered and added to the list since then, the first RDAs began to define the multivitamin as we know it today.

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Pesticides and Herbicides!During WWII scientists were hard at work developing chemicals to fight the enemy. Chemical warfare had been used to some extent in WWI but things ‘blew up’ during the 30’s and 40’s. Lots of chemicals were developed for killing life. In fact, DDT was originally developed to remove lice and other insects from soldiers! After the war, there was not as much of a need to have a chemical arsenal to kill people, but the technology was there and so a new industry emerged – pesticides and herbicides.This new industry served the ever-growing population. The baby boom started in 1946 and didn’t stop until the late 50’s. During that time, we started developing insecticides and pesticides on commercial produce to increase the production. We added chemical fertilizers to grow foods faster. It a was terrific advance to help deal with the booming post war population. After all, if we kill the insects and weeds that are ruining a percentage of the produce, we will have more for us!

Green HarvestAs the fifties moved into the sixties, we saw the emergence of the fast food restaurant. I can remember when the first McDonalds came to my area. We loved the fries and were hooked. McDonalds led the way for other fast-food restaurants to emerge. As mothers entered the workforce, we began to eat at fast food restaurants instead of at home.Supermarkets proliferated across Canada and the United States with the growth of automobile ownership and suburban development after World War II. People started consuming processed foods that had additives to keep them fresh and wrapped in plastics in amounts never before seen. Why? The food was no longer locally grown but was picked green and artificially ripened just before it was put on the shelves.Today, we eat produce that comes from foreign countries and it is ripe, but it doesn’t have what it used to have. The valuable phytochemicals in the plants that give tomatoes and berries that taste explosion became less and less available because of green harvest.

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The History of Synthetic Dietary SupplementsAs you can see, the emergence of modern food processing resulted in nutrient deficiencies and developed the need for dietary supplements in the first half of the twentieth century. In 1912, a polish scientist found something in rice that was good for us and had a positive effect on the disease called pellagra. He called it ‘vitamine’. This discovery led to the development of a number of synthetic vitamins that were used to enrich grains and other foods. So, as early as the 1930′s Big Pharma stepped in to provide us with synthetic vitamins and rock sourced minerals as a response to this nutrient deficiency problem. As a result, over 50% of the population currently takes a synthetically made vitamin and virtually everyone consumes synthetically enriched, processed food products.

The Emergence of the Synthetic Vitamin SupplementThe first One-A-Day appeared in 1943—made from synthetic vitamins. By the late 1950s, many multivitamins were being promoted through TV advertising and became a ‘must have’ for every home to be kept on the table, next to the salt and pepper shakers. While this idea was the best, cheap solution to our health problems, it did not work. What was needed was supplements made from food!

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Early Food-Sourced Vitamins Were Not a ContenderThere were a couple of early vitamin products on the market that were extracted from food (food-sourced supplements). But by the late 1930s, it was cheaper and fasters to synthesize them in a lab. This cut the costs and set the stage for mass distribution. The rationale is that vitamins and minerals looked identical under a microscope. At the time, they did not know that co-factors are necessary. They were looking for single vitamin and mineral molecules that would produce a specific result. Think of vitamin C vs bioflavonoids.Once scientists began to recognize the role of vitamins in health, more multivitamin-type products were produced. But they were being made from synthetics instead of supplements made from food.

The Painful Results of Supplementing with Synthetic Vitamins#1. Study using synthetic beta carotene and Vitamin A halted.18,314 smokers and asbestos workers were given synthetic beta carotene and synthetic Vitamin A. The study was stopped when rate of death from lung cancer increased 46%, and death from cardiovascular disease increased 26% over the placebo group. –New England Journal of Medicine, 1996.

#2. Birth defects increased for women on synthetic supplements.22,000 pregnant women were given synthetic Vitamin A. The study was halted because birth defects increased 400%. – New England Journal of Medicine, 1995.#3. Study in Journal of American Medical Association Says Synthetic Vitamins Increase Risk of Death.A meta-analysis of 47 clinical trials found that the supplementation of synthetic forms of vitamin A, beta carotene, and vitamin E, at doses larger than commonly found in a balanced diet, actually increased mortality risk. Interestingly, researchers pointed out that their observations do not apply to natural antioxidants [vitamins] such as those found in fruits and vegetables. This is why you need dietary supplements from food!

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You Need Supplements Made from FoodStatistics show that taking synthetic vitamins is not enough to counteract the effects of the deficiencies in the food. The news is full of stories about the poor quality of food in the industrialized world, and very sad statistics on the state of health in the United States. If you aren’t taking supplements made from food, you are losing the battle for good health over the course of your life.I was one of the lucky onesI was raised in a suburb of Los Angeles where we had plenty of fresh produce. Heck, we had to drive a few hours just to see snow! My mother was a Home Economics teacher. She always had us eat the ‘Four Basic Food Groups‘. She prepared all of our meals. For dinner, she always prepared a meat, a vegetable, a salad, and a glass of milk. We didn’t often have starches and almost never went out to eat. We also had our daily vitamin pill.I started reading about nutrition and supplements in the late 1960’s when I was in high school. Health foods were the new counter-culture. I devoured information from Adele Davis and started getting into organic foods, cutting out red meat, and eating brown rice and herb teas.It wasn’t until the mid 1970’s, however, that I started studying the effects of vitamins and minerals on health. Most of my counter-culture friends were into bottled water, body work, and healthful eating, so it was easy for me to follow the behaviors of my friends and live a healthful lifestyle.One of my favorite books in the 1980’s was The Vitamin Bible by Earl Mindell. I started purchasing individual vitamins and minerals and creating my own combinations to create the optimum mix. I did this until the mid 1990’s when I was introduced to supplements made from food.

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The Current Health CrisisThe millennials will not fare as well as I did, as a baby boomer. Not only was I well fed, I was also interested and paid attention to my nutritional needs. This is not so true for the millennials. For example, a recent study showed a marked increase in colon cancer levels in younger people. Additionally, diabetes rates for millennials are on the rise. Now, what does that say about the American diet? One big solution is for everyone to take food-sourced vitamins and minerals.

What to Look for in Supplements Made from FoodWe are transitioning from the ‘Wild West’ days of supplement manufacturing. Regulations for the manufacture and content of supplements are becoming more stringent every day. This does a lot to ensure that we are not wasting our money on supplements that simply ‘end up in the toilet as expensive urine’. You are going to have to pay more to get quality supplements. But, sustaining a high quality of life is our goal, so the key is to find the best supplements for the best price.There are a number of things you need to look for when choosing the right supplements:

1. Are they Plant Based?When you think about it, doesn’t it make sense to eat what mother nature intended for us? Could it be that all of the co-factors, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals that our bodies need would be found in our food?Well, sure!But…as we discussed earlier, it’s just not in the food, so we need to find supplements that are plant based and not synthetic.This goes for minerals, as well as vitamins. Remember the game ’20 Questions’? Is it animal, vegetable, or mineral? Well, all minerals are in rock form. But, if you eat a rock, even if it’s pounded very, very small, you will not assimilate it the way a plant can. Plants live on minerals! Plants can provide the minerals we need if they are eaten in great enough quantities. This is very difficult without supplementing

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2. Are they Standardized?You cannot count on something that is just ground up and put into a pill. You actually need to extract the active molecules standardized. As a result, every single nutritional fingerprint is going to be consistent for every single pill that you put in your mouth.Every spinach plant is unique. It may have a different nutrient content from its neighbor. It may have received less light, water, and nutrients from the plant next to it. Even different leaves may have different nutrient content from one another.It’s very important to understand that if you grind up a plant and put it into a pill, it will not deliver a consistent amount of nutrients to your body. That’s why you need to make sure your supplements are Standarized. Standardization is a rather expensive process that ensures that each pill made has the exact same nutrient fingerprint and quantity.

3. Are they made to GMP Standards?GMP stands for Good Manufacturing Practices. This is a procedure that ensures that the product you are getting has in it what it says. Make sure it has been thoroughly tested so you know it’s not toxic, has a good shelf life, and has a valid amount of the active molecules.

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4. Are they Guaranteed?Most consumer goods have some kind of guarantee. The exception is pharmaceuticals and almost all dietary supplements. The doctors don’t guarantee that the medication they prescribe will fix your ailment. But, you buy it anyway, don’t you? You are running a greater risk when buying supplements.When it comes to supplements, it’s typical that you go to a health food store, listen to the clerk’s recommendations [they are all highly educated in nutrition and can easily show you which are the best supplements—NOT] and then buy a product that may or may not work. Your hard-earned money and potential health goes down the drain.Look for companies that meet all four criteria and you will dramatically improve the quality of your life and health. Contact me for recommendations.

We need supplements(সমূ্পরক অংশ) made from food.Why? Food is the source of nutrition. But, you know how hard it is to eat correctly. Most us don’t have a stay-at-home mom or a full-time chef to prepare all the meals, give us a boxed lunch full of fresh, organic food, or make sure we are getting our 7-13 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day.But, let’s say you did? What if you had that magic person to give you an abundance of natural, non-processed food? What if you had the luxury of time to sit down to three balanced meals each day? Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Yes, but even then, you would not be able to get all the nutrients you need from today’s foods.

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Context: According to recent study, air pollution contributes to diabetes Diabetes and its Types

•Diabetes is a chronic disease caused when either pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the cells in the body do not respond properly to insulin.•It is a non-communicable disease-non-infectious or non-transmissible.•There are three types of diabetes –•Type 1 when pancreas does not produce enough insulin•Type 2 -cells in the body do not respond to insulin properly, and•Gestational Diabetes - formed during pregnancy.•Diabetes is characterized by prolonged elevated blood sugar levels which further expose a person to risk of developing a range of health issues including cardiovascular diseases.

Diabetes in India- Fast Facts:•The World Health Organization (WHO) projects that diabetes will be the 7th leading cause of death by 2030.•India currently represents 49% of the world’s diabetes burden. There are more than 60 million cases

•In India, an estimated 7.8% of the population above 18 years of age has raised blood glucose level or are on treatment for diabetes. However a large section of population remains unaware of the disease•Tamil Nadu had the highest death rate (53/ 100,000) from diabetes among Indian states, followed by Punjab (44) and Karnataka (42)•Diabetes, directly or indirectly accounts for 2% of deaths in India annually


•According to a report by Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington while diabetes rate had increased by 45% globally, it has increased by 123% in India between 1990 and 2013

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Causes of Increasing Prevalence of Diabetes:•Genetics:•Genetic susceptibility is an important factor contributing to the onset of diabetes. According to studies, the South Asian population is four times more likely to develop the diabetes than Europeans. However, diet and environmental conditions contribute to more than 50% of the risk•Rapid urbanization and associated change in lifestyle:•Obesity, a diet rich in fats and refined cereals, lack of exercise and increased levels of stress are important causes of diabetes.Relationship between diabetes and economic development:•Diabetes is often termed as a ‘lifestyle disease’ and becomes more

prevalent as populations accumulate wealth. In general, inactivity and consumption of high calorie food is associated with economic development.•Various studies have shown that with economic growth, diet has changed both in rural and urban areas- intake of excess calories mainly from refined carbohydrates.•According to a 2017 study by Indian Council of Medical Research, states with higher per-capita gross domestic product (GDP) have a higher prevalence of diabetes. Among the 15 states/ UT surveyed, Chandigarh had the highest GDP ($3,444) and the highest prevalence of diabetes at 13.6 percent. On the other hand Bihar with the lowest GDP of $682 had 4.3% diabetes prevalence.

•Rising levels of Pollution:•According to a recent study by Washington University School of Medicine and VA St. Louis Health Care System, US, the risk of incident diabetes increased with rising concentrations of PM2.5•As fine dust enters the bloodstream through the lungs, it reduces insulin production, causes inflammation and leads to increasing risk of developing diabetes.•According to the researchers, the risk pollution related diabetes is more likely in lower-income countries such as India that lack the resources for environmental mitigation systems.•Tobacco and Alcohol:•According to studies, smokers are 30–40% more likely to develop type 2

diabetes than non-smokers. Smoking can make body more resistant to insulin which can lead to high blood sugar levels•Several studies have suggested that even alcohol consumption might lead to enhancement the risk of diabetes

Impact:•Health Impacts:•Gestational diabetes can cause health problems during pregnancy for both the child and mother. Children whose mothers had gestational diabetes have an increased risk of developing obesity and type 2 diabetes.•Adults with diabetes have an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and strokes•Diabetes may also lead to foot ulcers, infections and eventual need for limb amputation•Diabetes also adversely affects health of eyes and may lead to blindness. According to WHO, 2.6% of global blindness is attributed to diabetes•Diabetes also a major cause for kidney failures•Economic Burden:•According to a World Economic Forum Report, in 2010, healthcare expenditures on diabetes accounted for 11.6% of the total healthcare expenditure in the world.•Higher prevalence of diabetes will add to India’s financial burden incurred in

healthcare. India is expected to lose $140 billion by 2030.•Diabetes largely adds to the economic burden of an individual. Health care expenditure for people with diabetes is two to three times higher than people without diabetes.•Diabetes and other non-communicable diseases can lead to:•increased absenteeism•reduced productivity while at work•inability to work as a result of disease-related disability•lost productive capacity due to early mortality

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Government Initiatives:•In line with WHO’s Global action plan for the prevention and control of NCDs 2013-2020, India aims to

reduce number of premature deaths by 25% and control NCDs by 2025•Target 3 of India’s National NCDs Targets: Halt the rise in obesity and diabetes prevalence

Key action points include:•Implement promotion of breastfeeding policies•Develop and conduct evidence based public health campaign for early detection and treatment of obesity and diabetes; and promotion of healthy food options•Develop and promote nutrition policies to limit content of sugar in food and non-alcoholic beverages, limit excess calorie intake, reduce portion size and energy density of foods•Develop and implement policy measures for food producers and processors for reducing saturated fatty acids in food and replacing them with unsaturated fatty acids, and replacing trans fats with unsaturated fats in food products•Develop and implement policies and guidelines on marketing of foods and beverages to children•Reduce tax and increase subsidies on food products containing unsaturated fats•Create health and nutrition monitoring environments in educational institutions, work places, health facilities etc.•Promote physical activity through public awareness campaigns, promotion of physical activity in schools, creation and maintenance of spaces meant for physical activity.

National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancers, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS) in 2010 Objectives:

•Health promotion, Awareness generation and promotion of healthy lifestyle•Management of chronic Non-Communicable diseases, especially Cancer, Diabetes, CVDs and Stroke through early diagnosis, treatment and follow up through setting up of NCD clinics•Provide support for diagnosis and cost effective treatment at various levels of health care•Capacity Building at various levels of health care for prevention, early diagnosis, treatment

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Way Forward:•Measures should be taken to prevent overweight and obesity, promote healthy diet and physical activity. Policies to be initiated that increase the price of foods high in fat, sugar, salt to discourage their consumptionBest Practice: Mexico: Mexico which has had a very high prevalence of diabetes

implemented a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) in January 2014. It also initiated various nationwide campaigns against junk food and towards healthier lifestyle.•Early Childhood nutrition should be improved. Measures should be taken to improve maternal health and nutritional status and infant and young child-feeding practices•Trade policies to promote healthy diet- Trade measures have proven effective in reducing the availability of unhealthy foods and changing people’s diet.

Example: In 2000 Fiji banned the supply of high-fat mutton flaps under the Trading Standards Act.•Measures should be taken to promote physical activity in schools, work places. It important to develop and preserve environments that support physical activity.•Infrastructure and capacity development for early diagnosis and treatment of non-communicable diseases like diabetes•Citizen awareness about consequences of unhealthy diet, sedentary diet is utmost necessary to prevent increasing diabetes prevalence

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Assists in Arthritis:fox nuts help patients with arthritis. They soothe the pain and numbness

in joints. Lack of calcium in the diet causes calcium to deposit which leads

to joint pain. The high amount of calcium content in is beneficial to

maintain the proper calcium level in the body and prevent osteoarthritis.

Spl thanks for Dr Naidu

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Beneficial in diabetes:Makhana has plenty of fiber and low content of fats. makhana is well known as very high in fiber but the content of fat is

relatively low,This is a double benefit for diabetics and people with gastric disorders because fiber helps in the movement of

food through the intestines and low fat means lesser sugars are released into the blood stream. Thus, makhana improve

digestion and make for a fulfilling meal. It is good for diabetic patient with digestive problem while the low fat means lower

sugar released.

Calcium rich:Euryale ferox has good calcium content. Calcium intake is necessary for the health of bones and teeth in the body. If there is a lack of calcium, the bones start to become frail and weak and chances of fracture increase. Pain in bones may result due to weak bones. Ensuring the consumption of fox nuts fulfills the calcium needs of the body and helps the patients of osteoporosis and also other joint problems. This is the reason why it is also used traditionally in the treatment of arthritis.Contains a good amount of Calcium. Calcium is the major component of bone building and is an essential element of attaining peak bone mass. If you are struggling with calcium deficiencies then eating makhana can be seriously beneficial for you.

Good for the kidney:

Kidneys function properly when there is a steady blood flowing through them in a well-balanced pressure. As fox nuts help

maintain the blood pressure, the pressure of blood flowing through the kidneys is pretty constant. This ensures that our

kidneys are working at optimum level. According to Ayurveda, fox nuts, being natural astringents acts as a good cure against

kidney disorders. This also means it relieves the body of problems like inability to control urine flow (incontinence), frequent

urination (polyuria) or kidney failure.

Acts as aphrodisiac:Makhana or fox nut has been traditionally considered as an enhancer of libido in both men and women. According to Ayurvedicand Unani beliefs, Makhana have aphrodisiac properties. They increase the libido in both male and female, thus leading to more sperm count in men and an improved fertility rate in women.

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Anti-inflammatory Properties ,Reduces Inflammation:Fox nuts contain flavonoids, which are secondary metabolites in plants. They have been shown by many experiments to have a positive effect on human health. They bring about antioxidal reactions, help reduce inflammation and reduce the chances of cardiovascular diseases in the body. They are also shown to be antibacterial in experiments. Fox nut being flavonoid rich, affects the body in a good way and helps maintain good health. The flavonoids are anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial that maintains the overall health of the entire immune system of the body. Flavonoid also reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Rich in protein:The protein content in fox nut is about 14.52%, which is quite high as compared to the processed grains and other foods we have these days. Protein rich food is very good for the muscular tissue of the body. Proteins make up the muscles and are regularly needed to repair the wear and tear in the body. They are required as structural, functional and regulatory elements in the cells of the body. They can be antibodies, enzymes, messenger, structural or storage and transport in nature. All these functions belong to the protein and thus they are required in optimum quantities or else the systematic operation of the body is affected in a bad way. Proteins are abundant in fox nut. Thus, it is necessary to include fox nuts in the diet to provide the body with ample protein.

Detoxifies the spleen:

Fox nuts or Euryale Ferox helps to keep the spleen clean. Spleen is a part of the immune system that acts as a blood

filter. Old red blood cells are recycled in the spleen, and platelets and white blood cells are stored there. makhana rid the

body of dead blood cells and purify the blood stream. They boost proper functioning of spleen and keep it healthy. The

spleen is the graveyard of blood cells, i.e., it cleans up the blood stream, ridding it of dead blood cells. While red blood

cells are recycled in spleen, white blood cells and platelets are stored. It is also a part of the immune system in the body.

Fox nut has therapeutic effect on the spleen and it helps the spleen to function well.

Regulates blood pressure:The fox nut contains low sodium but high potassium. This implies that it helps the patients with hypertension or high blood

pressure to keep the blood pressure regulated. Sodium always increases the blood pressure and potassium tries to bring it

down. Thus, low level of sodium in fox nut is like a boon for hypertension patients.Fights Infertility :Fox nut is a hydrant. It helps keep the moisture locked in the body. Due to this, the secretions of the body are also moremoisturized. Thus, it enhances the quality and quantity of semen in a male body and is of use to patients of reproductivedisorders and infertile couples. As it moisturizes the internal organs, it helps relieve the burning sensation in visceralorgans also. Fox nuts maintain the natural water content of the body, which in turn, makes the secretions of the bodymore hydrated. Fox nut or Makhana is considered to be good for those having reproductive and sexual disorders. It’sbelieved the consumption of makhana can enhance the quality and quantity of semen in male body

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Anti-aging:The enzymes, which exist in makhana are supposed to inhibit aging. L-isoaspartyl methyltransferase is the enzyme that assists the repairing and maintaining of the damaged proteins within the body. The Contained Special Enzyme to Fight Aging, makhana has been proven to have rich medical properties but also rich of kaempferol which is a well-known anti-aging property.

Calming effect:makhana are supposed to have calming effects and are antispasmodic, which means, your nerves relax better and you get better sleep. It also helps the dilatation process of the blood vessels and helps y rejuvenated. This is thanks to the presence of isoquinoline alkaloids in makhana.

Gum Tissue:People suffering with gum tissue related problems are recommended to consume makhana, because of the healing properties exist ing within makhana. The makhana have been long used in medie medicines. makhana have proven to be so very effective in a variety of health conditions. It has now found its way into the new medicine world.

Good for Pregnant Women:Same with health benefits of walnut during pregnancy, fox nut also very important to pregnant woman. The high nutrients contained in makhana are good for pregnant woman who is facing high ri gestational diabetes, hypertension and the high calcium contained in makhana is very good for the fetal development.

Low Glycemic Index:Makhana is low on GI, which means it will slowly release the energy levels in your body, keeping you feeling energetic throughout the day. This will keep you far away from stress and even keep youhealthy.

Release Stress:Contained Calming Properties to Release Stress Too much pressure at work could lead a person having stress issue. Just relax and enjoy a handful of makhana could be a natural remedy to deal with stres because it contained claming properties.

Fighting Impotency:As mentioned in health benefit no 4, makhana is recommended natural solution to enhance your sex life and at the same time could help men in fighting the risk of impotency due to the semen quan contained in this super nuts.

Good Antioxidant Source:Are you dreaming of having a fairer skin? Consuming foods which is rich of antioxidants is the easiest

way and makahan is the powerful source of antioxidant.

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Conclusion / Weight Loss Solution:Makhana is a phenomenal food with lots of nutrients, antioxidants and fiber. High in fiber and low in fats are two benefits of makhana. Fiber could help in metabolism system and make your stomach while low fat is a quality of snack everybody will look for during weight loss diet program. The makhana contains a number of antioxidants which helps slow down the ageing process. Eating makhana is beneficial for skin, hair and also helps you keep the blood pressure in check. It also contains calcium, fiber and has low glycemic index which can keep you fuller for longer and hence help you in w loss.

High Phenol Content:Fox nuts have high phenol content than any other nuts or cashews. This property, makes the fox nuts, an effective agent in fighting against atherosclerosis and cancer. According to this study, the bioactiv phenolics may be related to their antioxidant behaviour, which is attributed to their ability to chelate metals, inhibit lipoxygenase and scavenge free radicals.

Against Constipation & Helping Dealing with Digestion:Makhana is not only healthy to be consumed daily but also recommended for those who have digestion problem because makhana is very highin fiber which is proven to be good for body metabolis makhanas are fiber-rich which helps keep the digestive tract healthy and averts constipation and digestion problems.

Cure for Diarrhea:Makhana or the fox nuts have astringent properties that helps cure diarrhea. If you are suffering from prolonged diarrhea, the eating makhana can be beneficial for you because it contains the high q caustic properties which is known to be beneficial in checking diarrhea and increasing appetite.

Assists in Arthritis:

Gorgon nuts help patients with arthritis. They soothe the pain and numbness in joints. Lack of calcium in the diet causes

calcium to deposit which leads to joint pain. The high amount of calcium content in is beneficial to maintain the proper

calcium level in the body and prevent osteoarthritis.

Treats Insomnia:Makhana are a natural sedative that keeps insomnia at bay. makhana are supposed to have calming effects and are

antispasmodic, which means, your nerves relax better and you get better sleep. It also dilatation process of the blood

vessels and helps you feel rejuvenated. This is due to the presence of isoquinoline alkaloids in makhana.

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Excellent source of proteinThose who rely on plant based protein, makhana is the best choice for them. It has around 4.1 grams of protein per single 100 gram serving. So if you are a vegetarian and rely solely on Paneer or soya for proteins then think about this snack too.The good thing about consuming makhana for protein is that it does not have any negative by products that you would normally get when you consume meat based proteins.If you want to be on LCFH (Low carb high fat) diet, including makhana will be a good choice. In fact, it makes an excellent fit for a Vegetarian Indian Keto diet.

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Aids in InsomniaIt has been observed that a handful of makhana daily as a snack helps to improve the sleep pattern as well corrects the sleep disorders.It has the nerve stimulating properties that helps in inducing sleep by reducing the stress.A handful of Makhana daily during Snacks backed by Lauki juice on empty stomach in the morning is the sure fire way to get rid of insomnia.Having said that if you are suffering from Insomnia then, there is much more you would need to do.You can try Banana peel tea at night, Lauki juice in the morning and Roasted Makhanafor Snacks. Follow this decorum for at least a month to see the visible effects.

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Makhana for weight lossThis is huge, Makhana has now become the prominent choice amongst nutritionists these days.Multiple research on this amazing food has found that it helps boost the metabolism by detoxifying the liver.

It improves the digestive system thereby easing the fat assimilating capacity of the body.If you are following a healthy diet i.e. including Lots of fresh juices and vegetables in your diet, then addition of Makhana simply boosts the fat burning process as you are not giving your body what it needs to produce negative results.So next time when you feel hungry in evening a handful of Makhana can give you truckloads Furthermore, as per Ayurvedic experts consumption of Makhana not only helps to reduce weight but also help to keep the kidneys in good shape.Therefore, don’t hesitate to include Makhana in your diet if you are following an ayurvedicdiet to treat obesity, kidney disorders, diabetes, blood pressure, heart ailments and other lifestyle diseases.

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Improves heart functionWhen we talk about health benefits of Makhana it’s simply hard to ignore how beneficial it is for our heart.In fact there was a study conducted on rats to understand the effect of Makhana.A group of rats were fed Makhana for 21 days to study its effect on ischemic heart disease, got to say the results were phenomenal.All the rats that were treated using Makhana had significant improvement.The study therefore concluded that Makhana has healing properties on our heart.Therefore it’s recommended that you consume a handful of Makhana at least 3 times a week.Furthermore, technically Makhana’s are good for health due to its potassium and Manganese content. High potassium content in lotus seeds help to keep the heart rhythm and muscles in healthy condition.Moreover it helps to balance a perfect potassium and sodium content.Also it has been observed that regular consumption of Lotus seeds helps to reduce the serum cholesterol levels keeping sudden heart attack at bay.

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Helpful in ArthritisMakhana benefits us not only by shedding few pounds but by also strengthening our bones due to high calcium content in it.Modern day diet such as pizza’s or burgers lack good dietary fibers and much needed nutrition required for our body to stay in good shape.Consuming this nutritious snack helps to fulfill the daily nutritional needs. Remember arthritis is not an incurable disease. In fact it exists due to deficiency.

Benefits respiratory systemMakhana benefits your respiratory system as it’s loaded with boat loads of antioxidants that have been proven to benefit the respiratory system.It is due to its high antioxidant levels that we get such astounding results. Moreover it also has detoxification capabilities, thereby fighting free radicals.

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Excellent source of antioxidantsLotus seeds are loaded with antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase, Magnesium, Vitamin A and Selenium.Each antioxidants have a vital role to play when it comes to well-being of your body. Regular consumption of these Antioxidants in form of Lotus seed helps to build immunity as well.

Helpful in controlling blood pressureBenefits of Makhana is goes beyond blood pressure regulation.It’s a holistic food that focuses on overall wellness, having said that regulating optimum pressure levels is just a positive by product of this food.Due to its high Potassium levels and low Sodium count it maintains a very good balance of sodium to potassium ratio. This helps to maintain an optimum pressure levels.Furthermore, antioxidants present in Lotus root also helps to repair the damage caused in the endothelial linings. The better your arteries are then better will the pressure handling capacity of your body.

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Loaded with calciumInstead of switching to synthetic calcium tablets that have no health benefits try Lotus seeds. It’s a natural calcium supplement with no animal products in it.Lotus seeds or Makhana is loaded with calcium and regular consumption of this seed far exceeds the benefits derived by consuming synthetic calcium tablets.It is due to high calcium content it fights bone disorders and arthritis.

Low Glycemic index (Diabetes friendly)Lotus seeds are excellent for those who have elevated sugar levels.It is mainly due to it low glycemic index. What this means is that anytime you consume Makhana as a snack or food, the glucose released to the blood stream will be gradual.So if you are diabetic it’s recommended that you consume more foods that have low glycemic index.The gradual release of glucose in the blood stream helps your body to produce correct amounts of insulin.

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Anti-inflammatoryLotus seeds are anti-inflammatory food. Therefore if you are suffering from inflammation then this is your go to food.Lotus seeds contains “kaempferol” A natural flavonoid known to fight inflammation.Consumption of lotus seeds over a period of time helps to regenerate dead tissues and fight chronic inflammation.Instead of artificial supplements, why not give this amazing seed a try?

Helpful in InfertilityRegular consumption of Lotus seeds acts as an excellent tonic to cure and fight Infertility, especially amongst women. It’s well known to strengthen the linings of Uterus.Furthermore, it also helps to increase the sperm count as well quality of sperm amongst males.Therefore, for those suffering from infertility can use Makhana as a supplement. In Ayurveda lotus seeds are prescribed to heal the infertility issue and serious issues like erectile dysfunction.

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Corrects Hormonal ImbalanceHormonal imbalance is pretty common in women especially after delivery i.e. during post pregnancy phase.Regular consumption of Lotus seed corrects the hormonal imbalance as it balances the Vatta, Pitta and Kappa.

Helpful in Neural Tube defectsHave you ever wondered why your gynecologist prescribed Folates when you were pregnant? If not then let me tell you why folates are prescribed.Folates are prescribed mainly to fight or strengthen the neural tubes.Regular consumption of Makhana gives you tons of folates which in turn helps you to maintain a healthy Neural tubes. Therefore it promotes delivery with less complications.

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Helpful for pregnant (Under doctors supervision)Pregnant women who have low hemoglobincounts, have tons of danger during delivery. Therefore doctors advise list of items and multivitamins helpful in boosting the hemoglobin count.Since this seed is less popular, lot of us don’t know how beneficial it is in increasing the hemoglobin count. Due to its high iron content and immune boosting capacity it corrects the issues related to low hemoglobin levels.Optimum hemoglobin count means ability to deal better in case there is excess loss of blood.

Saturated fat 0.1 gPolyunsaturated fat 0.3 gMonounsaturated fat 0.1 gCholesterol 0 mgSodium 1 mgPotassium 367 mgCarbohydrates 17 gProtein 4.1 gVitamins and Minerals

Vitamin A 1μgVitamin B6 0.2mgVitamin B12 0μgVitamin C 0mgVitamin D 0μgCalcium 52.2mgIron 1.1mgPhosphorus 200.3mgMagnesium 67.2mgZinc 0.3mgManganese 0.7mgCopper 0.1mgRetinol 0μgRiboflavin 0mgThiamine 0.2mgFolate 33.3μgNiacin 0.5mg

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