Page 1: MedStar NRH Today - Spring/Summer 2013

MedStar NRH

A MedStar National Rehabilitation Network Publication


A MedStar National Rehabilitation Network Publication


A MedStar National Rehabilitation Network Publication

TodaySpring-Summer 2013

The MedStar NRH Little League Team >>Page 2

Also inside:

MedStar NRH Kicks Off

$25 Million Adding Life to Years®

Campaign >> Page 4

Top to Bottom TMJ Therapy >> Page 6

Las Vegas Night: Big Win

for MedStar NRH >> Page 8

Celebrating Our Donors >> Page 9

Knowledge and CompassionFocused on You

A N N U A L G I V I N G R E P O R T 2 0 1 2

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2 MedStar National Rehabilitation Network

A Summer Full of Pain-Free SportsAdding Life to Years® — Helping You Live a Full and Healthy Life

The long dreary days of winter are long behind us—and summer sun entices us into outside activities.

But all too often, the intoxication of summer sports ends in injury that we could have avoided.

“It’s all about preparation,” says Laura Nemets, PT, MPT, OCS, regional director, MedStar NRH Network Ballston and McLean. “While muscles have memory, if you’ve spent months sedentary, even the most practiced muscles will rebel,” she explains.

Non-athletes who come out of hibernation to garden should also beware. “No matter the activity, from pulling weeds to a pick-up game of basketball, when you use your muscles in a way they haven’t been used in a long time, they aren’t ‘primed’ for that action. And that can cause injury.”

Of course, the best thing for our bodies is to keep them moving all of the time. “But with busy schedules and only just so much time in a day, many of us put exercise at the bottom of our to-do lists until the weather warms,” Nemets explains. “Then we overdo it.

“Overuse is the most common cause of low back, knee and shoulder pain. It can stop weekend warriors and active people in their tracks,” she adds.

The pain is most often the result a “pulled muscle,” which in reality is a small tear in a muscle or tendon that occurs when we push them beyond their limits.

“We are all a little resistant to the idea of taking time to build up to our desired activity. But I tell clients that recovery from injury is a far lengthier process.”

Use It or Lose It

What does Nemets advise? Months before warm weather beckons begin an exercise regimen that includes a little of each of these activities:

n Cardiovascular training: Use a treadmill or go outside for a walk to elevate your heart rate for at least 30 minutes a day.

n Strength Training: Use small hand-held weights or resistant bands and do squats or lunges.

n Stretching: Stretch to lengthen and loosen your muscles in your shoulders, thighs, calf, ankles and chest after you warm up with light exercise, like walking.

n Don’t forget your core: Strong abdominal and back muscles are critical. Try Pilates or yoga.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

If you spent a sedentary winter, Nemets advises you to start slow:

n Walk before your run. Begin with 30 minutes of walking regularly for a month before you run that mile, or play any sport.

n Practice makes perfect. Before you play any game, prime your muscles by practicing a little bit at a time.

n Check your endurance. Ask yourself if you have the physical stamina to sustain activity for hours. If not, play for short periods and rest.

n Take time out. If you are holding one position doing any activity, take a break every 30 minutes to move your muscles.

MedStar NRH Network’s Sports Medicine Program provides expert injury prevention and treatment for weekend warriors and pros.

To find a MedStar NRH Sports Medicine Program location near you, visit

On the Cover: Batter Up! MedStar NRH is sponsoring a McLean Little League Baseball Team—the Phillies. The 13 seven- and eight-year-old boys are strong hitters and began their season in April,

marching to the field where Washington Nationals outfielder Jayson Werth tossed out the first ball. MedStar NRH is supplying uniforms and equipment bags for the team and taking them

“out to the ballgame” where they will show off their “Natitude” when the Nats play a home game. MedStar Health is the official medical provider for the Nationals. Visit our McLean outpatient center at

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John D. Rockwood, President, MedStar National Rehabilitation Network; Senior Vice President, MedStar Health

President’s Message

A Grateful Thank You to Our Friends and DonorsEvery year, we take this opportunity to thank our donors publically in this Annual Giving Issue of MedStar NRH Today. It’s just one way to demonstrate our gratitude for the generous support of thousands of friends. Donors are vital allies who believe in and support our mission to:

n Provide persons with disabling conditions the best available rehabilitative care.

n Maintain our leadership in rehabilitation research.

n Foster education and training of rehabilitation professionals.

n Develop assistive technology to promote recovery and independence.

n Continue to advocate to increase access and opportunity for all.

Like many non-profit institutions in the U.S., we depend on the strong tradition of charitable giving to sustain us today—and to build our future. Americans are uniquely generous—nearly 90 percent of households reported giving to charities in 2012, according to the National Philanthropic Trust. We can see this impulse for giving demonstrated during every traumatic event in this nation—from the devastation of Oklahoma tornadoes to the terror evoked by the Boston Marathon bombers—Americans give their money and their time.

Donor Achievements

For more than 27 years, MedStar NRH has been the beneficiary of this kind of generosity. Donors have enabled us to operate day-to-day, expand services, and

help patients with limited resources receive the care and equipment they need.

The list of our donor-funded achievements is long and impressive. Some of the things made possible by the gifts from individuals, foundations, and corporations include:

n The Christoph Ruesch Research Center and new Research Annex.

n The National Center for Children’s Rehabilitation (NCCR) and the Ruth S. Willoughby Playground with fully assessable equipment.

n Independence Square®, our unique occupational therapy area.

n The Patient Education Center, cardiac and therapy gyms, and medical education program.

n Our beautiful Victory Garden and Fitness Courts.

n Our comprehensive adaptive sports program, including our Paralympic Sport center designation.

n Our continuing Nursing Education Program and GEICO Driver Training Program, the only program of its kind in the mid-Atlantic region for the physically challenged.

In addition to dollars, our Board of Directors, Board of Associates, and community volunteers provide vital leadership and a critical auxiliary work force. All together, our volunteers donated more than 10,000 hours in 2012, a tremendous commitment of their time and talent.

Our donors are as diverse as the community they represent: Grateful patients and

families, men and women, old and young, from all races, religions and political parties! Donations vary as well. From $1 to $1 million—all are deeply appreciated.

Our family of friends include those who have been with us since we first opened our doors. And each year we welcome new donors, as well. Many are from a growing segment of young people in the U.S. who are motivated to live more frugally and give more generously to causes that are meaningful to them.

New Challenges

Now MedStar NRH has launched a new fundraising campaign to build an addition to the hospital to house the National Center for Brain Injury and Stroke Rehabilitation & Research, expand outpatient services, and move the hospital to all private rooms, which is critical to providing top quality care.

The new center will provide state-of-the-art clinical care for brain injury and stroke rehabilitation, as well as space for our nationally recognized neuroscience research program to improve treatment for stroke and other brain disorders. You can read more about this project on page 4.

Our campaign goal of $25 million is ambitious! But, with our donors stepping up to the plate as they have done steadfastly over the years, we are sure to hit a home run! I consistently hear from patients, families, donors and volunteers, that MedStar NRH is a special place. I agree—I feel honored to be a part of it. Thank you to everyone who helps the MedStar NRH Network continue its work of Adding Life to Years.®

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MedStar NRH Launches Adding Life to Years® CampaignThe New Year marked the kick-off of Adding Life to Years®, a $25 million

fundraising campaign to create the National Center for Brain Injury and Stroke

Rehabilitation & Research at MedStar National Rehabilitation Network.

future, we know we need to expand our capacity.”

The campaign will support the building of an addition to the hospital to house an inpatient unit for patients with stroke and other brain injuries. Dedicated family support spaces, as well as areas for physical and occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology, neuropsychology and vocational rehabilitation services will help to optimize patient recovery.

Expanded Space, All Private Rooms

“The campaign will also allow us to move the entire hospital to all private patient rooms, and provide funds to update our aging physical plant and expand our outpatient services,” says John Rockwood, MedStar NRH president and senior vice president of MedStar Health.

“Providing private rooms is an important component of patient-centered care. Today, we understand that privacy improves quality of care and the overall patient experience,” he says. “With

The center will provide state-of-the-art clinical care for brain injury and stroke rehabilitation, and house an expanded neuroscience research program focused on developing imaginative new treatment approaches to recovery from stroke and other brain disorders.

“From the very beginning of MedStar NRH, it was our intent to create a unique institution that would be a beacon of innovative rehabilitation research, care and education for the nation,” says MedStar NRH Founder Edward Eckenhoff, who serves as co-chair of the campaign. “Now nearly three decades later that goal continues to underlie everything we do. We have always tried to anticipate and prepare for the future—and we’ve designed this new fund raising effort to achieve this critical mission,” he explains.

Cutting-Edge Care for Brain Injury and Illness

What will the future hold? “Our population is aging,” says Michael Yochelson, MD, MBA, vice president of medical affairs and chief medical officer for the MedStar National Rehabilitation Network. “Millions of baby boomers are turning 60 this year. While they are living longer and more active lives, they are experiencing disabling neurologic conditions, such as stroke, as well.”

MedStar NRH already is one of the busiest—and most progressive—centers for advanced neurological care in the nation. “Our brain injury and stroke programs are accredited by CARF, the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, which means they meet—or exceed—the highest standards of quality care,” says Dr. Yochelson. “But to keep pace with the

“To keep pace with the future needs of the aging community, we need to expand our capacity for inpatient and outpatient neurological care.”

Michael R. Yochelson, MD, MBA, MedStar NRH Chief Medical Officer

”The new center is connecting basic, clinical and translational research to help accelerate the exploration of brain plasticity—the brain’s ability to heal itself.”

Alexander W. Dromerick, MD, MedStar NRH Chief Research Officer

“The campaign will also allow us to move the entire hospital to all private patient rooms, and provide funds to update our aging physical plant and expand our outpatient services.”

John D. Rockwood, MedStar NRH President

“We have always tried to anticipate and prepare for the future—and we’ve designed this new fundraising effort to achieve this critical mission.”

Edward A. Eckenhoff, MedStar NRH Founder and Co-chair, Adding Life to Years® Campaign

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MedStar NRH Adding Life to Years® Campaign will directly benefit patients by:

n Creating the National Center for Brain Injury and Stroke Rehabilitation & Research, a healing, state-of-the art clinical space for the recovery of stroke and brain injury and illness patients, and incorporating a research facility to foster the development of improved interventions for patients

n Ensuring the success of the Center for Brain Plasticity & Recovery to develop groundbreaking approaches to boost “brain plasticity”— the most exciting area of neurological research aimed at restoring cognitive, sensory and motor function after stroke and brain injury and illness

n Endowing five training fellowships to attract the best physicians in five specialized areas: Pediatric Rehabilitation, Spinal Cord Injury Medicine, Interventional Pain, Sports Medicine and Brain Injury Medicine

n Creating all private rooms to significantly enhance each patient’s experience by increasing privacy and accommodating family-member overnight stays

n Expanding outpatient therapy space to meet the growing need for top quality and convenient outpatient services for neurologically impaired patients

Adding Life to Years® Campaign Co-Chairs: Edward A. Eckenhoff, Founder, MedStar NRH James V. Reyes, Chairman of the Board of Directors, MedStar NRH

To learn more, contact the Philanthropy Office at 202-877-1776.

MedStar NRH’s chief research officer. “The brain is plastic and malleable. When one area of the brain is injured, other areas take over—and that recovery can continue for a lifetime. The brain’s amazing capacity to heal itself is called brain plasticity,” he says.

“What we are learning about how the brain functions and recovers after injury is going to reconfigure rehabilitation medicine in the next decade and be important to improving treatments

for all kind of disabling conditions—stroke, brain injury, spinal cord injury, MS, amputation, even Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease,” Dr. Dromerick adds.

“Bringing different kinds of researchers together under one roof sparks relationships between scientists and a more integrated approach to research. That will help jumpstart new ideas—and accelerate the translation of research into new treatments for our patients.”

private rooms, infection rates decrease, sleep improves and patients are happier.

“So many of our patients spend weeks—even months—hospitalized. We want them to feel comfortable, at ease, and to be able to share their private space with family and friends. It helps them face days of difficult therapy feeling more relaxed and motivated—and that means better outcomes.”

Research to Boost Brain Recovery

The addition will also provide expanded space for ongoing neuroscience research, and house the newly formed Center for Brain Plasticity & Recovery, an innovative partnership between MedStar NRH and Georgetown University Medical Center, which is connecting basic, clinical and translational researchers exploring brain plasticity—one of the most exciting and quickly evolving areas in medicine.

“We know that the brain isn’t hardwired,” explains Alexander Dromerick, MD, co-director of the new center and

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MedStar NRH Launches Adding Life to Years® Campaign

The proposed new and expanded MedStar NRH facility. Rendering by

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n Available at MedStar NRH Network Outpatient Center locations in D.C., Northern Virginia, and Maryland

n Treatment includes: — Manual therapy

— Jaw relaxation, stretching and control exercises

— Ergonomics, stretching and strength-ening programs

— Referrals for dental splints and mouth guards to realign the jaw and prevent

teeth grinding/clinching — Electromyographic biofeedback ,

heat packs, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation

— Evaluation and fitting for foot orthotics

MedStar NRH TMJ Disorder Treatment

Top to Bottom Therapy for TMJ

The joint connects the jawbones to the bottom of the skull and controls movement of the mouth involved in speaking, yawning, eating, and chewing. The bones of the joint are covered with cartilage, and are separated by a small disk that acts like a shock absorber to help keep the movement smooth. In people with TMJ disorders, the cartilage may be damaged, and the disk may move out of alignment, or even wear out.

“When this happens, the whole body can feel the effect,” explains MedStar NRH Physical Therapist Jodi Barth, PT, CCI. “Patients may first be aware of misalignment of the joint when they hear a clicking sound or grating sensation when they open their mouths or chew. Sometimes the joint will lock, making it difficult to open or close the mouth,” she adds.

“The causes of TMJ are as numerous as its symptoms—everything from arthritis and faulty dental work to stress, poor posture or trauma,” Barth adds. “We often get referrals for people who are suffering from back and neck pain, and who are unaware that the problem stems from their jaw.

“There has been research that connects gastrointestinal disorders to TMJ. Repetitive motion can also cause TMJ. We treat professional singers who suffer symptoms from overuse.”

No matter the cause, TMJ disorders can create a cycle of pain that can be complicated to treat. “That’s why we take a ‘top to bottom’ approach to evaluation and treatment,” says Gincy L. Stezar, PTA.

Getting to the Source of TMJ

MedStar NRH therapists look beyond the muscles in the face and jaw to determine the causes of TMJ and its troubling symptoms. Then they develop a plan of therapy to eliminate the condition and provide patients with tools to prevent its recurrence.

Effective treatment begins with a thorough patient assessment, including a patient’s medical and dental history. “This is important information for understanding the possible source of the TMJ disorder,” Barth says.

Therapists will also evaluate a patient’s range of motion in the jaw and neck, and look at their posture—the way they stand, walk and sit.

Tailored Therapy

Then team will design a treatment plan to relieve pain, decrease inflammation, relax tightened facial muscles, and realign the jaw, neck, back, legs and feet in order to eliminate the muscle pain that can result from chronic TMJ.

Treatment could include a number of techniques including heat packs and massage of the muscles in the face, and a home exercise program to help patients improve posture, relieve tension and restore normal joint movement.

Some patients also will need a program to build muscle strength and improve range of motion. Others may benefit from a dental splint or mouth guard to

prevent grinding and help to realign the jaw. Psychological support for stress reduction may sometimes be useful.

“We may use electrical stimulation or biofeedback, or refer patients for ultrasound treatments or orthotic devices for use in their footwear to improve posture,” says Barth.

“It often takes an interdisciplinary approach to treatment to help relieve TMJ symptoms,” she explains. “That’s why we work closely with dentists, orthodontists, physician specialists and psychologists to help ensure success. And we work hand-in-hand with patients to help them develop life-long practices to reduce the chance the problem will return.”

TMJ disorders affect millions of Americans, who can suffer a host of symptoms as a

result, everything from headaches, dizziness and earaches to back pain. The culprit is

the temporomandibular joint—one of the most complex joints in the human body.

“TMJ can create a cycle of pain that can be complicated to treat. That’s why we take a ‘top to bottom’ approach to evaluation and treatment.”

— Gincy L. Stezar, PTA

To learn more and to find a MedStar NRH Network location near you, visit

Biofeedback is one therapy used to treat TMJ.

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MedStar NRH Updates

New MedStar NRH Physicians

Sepideh Haghpanah, MD, is an attending physician at MedStar NRH’s outpatient center in Bethesda. Dr. Haghpanah specializes in musculoskeletal/sports

medicine, fluoroscopic spine injection techniques and occupational medicine. She also recently completed training in acupuncture.

Prior to Joining MedStar NRH, Dr. Haghpanah was the Medical Director for the Spine Team Maryland and Division Chair for PM&R at Doctors Community Hospital in Lanham, Maryland.

Dr. Haghpanah completed her Fellowship in Spine Medicine-Interventional Spine Procedures at Cleveland Clinic, and her residency in PM&R at MetroHealth Rehabilitation Institute of Ohio/Case Western Reserve University.

Abha Lokhande, MD, was named an attending physician at MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital, MedStar Georgetown University Hospital and MedStar

Montgomery Medical Center. Dr. Lokhande is responsible for consultation on acute care inpatients and the care of inpatient rehab for patients with TBI, stroke, musculoskeletal disorders, spinal cord injury and disease, and limb amputation. She has a special interest in nerve blocks, joint injection and trigger point injections. Dr. Lokhande completed an internship at Montifiore Medical Center, and her residency in PM&R at MedStar NRH.

Lori Nelson, MD, recently joined the MedStar NRH medical staff, serving MedStar NRH’s outpatient center in Bethesda. Dr. Nelson previously served with

Capitol Spine & Pain Centers, following a position as attending physician at Performance Spine and Sports Physicians in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, where she completed a fellowship in Interventional Spine and Pain Medicine.

Dr. Nelson completed her internship in Internal Medicine at Drexel University– Hahnemann Hospital in Philadelphia and her residency in PM&R at Boston Medical Center, where she served as Chief Resident.

Thomas Heckman, DO, who recently joined MedStar NRH, is board certified in Pain Medicine and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. His clinical interests include

acute chronic neck and low back pain, neuropathic pain and sports-related pain.

Dr. Heckman completed his residency in PM&R at MedStar NRH, and his fellowship in Pain Medicine at MedStar Washington Hospital Center.

B. Elizabeth Delasobera, MD, has joined the MedStar NRH Network as an attending physician specializing in sports medicine at MedStar NRH’s outpatient center in McLean.

Dr. Delasobera completed a residency in emergency medicine at MedStar Washington Hospital Center-MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, and a fellowship in Sports Medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University. In addition to her role as a sports medicine specialist at the McLean outpatient center, she works as an ER attending at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital.

Heechin Chae, MD, joins the MedStar NRH Network team as an attending physician providing services to patients with traumatic brain injury.

Dr. Chae is board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Pain Medicine and completed his PM&R residency at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital through the Harvard Medical School system.

Dr. Chae spent more than 15 years at Spaulding, serving as medical director of it’s Brain Injury Program and instructor at Harvard Medical School. In 2011started a new TBI Department at Fort Belvoir Community Hospital in Virginia. Dr. Chae has received a number of special recognitions, including the Teacher of the Year award and the Young Mentor Award from Harvard Medical School.

Dana L. Casson, CFRE, Named MedStar NRH Vice President & Chief Philanthropy Officer

Dana Casson has joined MedStar National Rehabilitation Network as vice president and chief philanthropy officer leading the Network’s fundraising efforts,

including its ambitious $25 million Adding Life to Years® campaign to create the National Center for Brain Injury and Stroke Rehabilitation & Research.

Before joining MedStar NRH, Casson spent eight years in fundraising positions for Henry Ford Health System (HFHS) in

Michigan. Under her leadership at HFHS, the program broadened it’s donor base and increased philanthropic investment through direct donor cultivation.

Casson received her BA in communication from Michigan State University, and is a Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE).

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On April 19, more than 400 MedStar NRH friends and supporters

helped turn the National Museum of Women in the Arts into a Las Vegas

casino for the night to raise fun and funds to benefit programs and

services for patients and people with disability.

This year’s Las Vegas Night was dedicated to the memory of Pat Skantze, founding member of the MedStar NRH Board of Associates and long-time hospital supporter. Proceeds from the evening help MedStar NRH continue the work Skantze admired most: the network’s mission to help people with disabling injuries or illness reach their maximum level of function and independence. She also had a special place in her heart for the wounded warriors who have given so much for their country.

MedStar NRH designed Las Vegas Night to attract young Washingtonians and future supporters who turned out in “spades” for the event. Old and new friends used “funny money” and tried their luck at gaming tables featuring Craps, Roulette, Black Jack, and Texas Hold’em Poker, testing their skills against against each other and the “house.”

Guests chowed down on great food and posed for souvenir pictures in a photo booth, while a guest DJ played tunes. A silent auction and raffle offered up a great bounty of items including VIP tickets to the Preakness, a Las Vegas getaway, gold estate jewelry, dinner for 10 at Ping, a Capital Grille gift certificate and a Jack Daniel’s “Jack and Coke” gift basket.

Double Down Sponsors Morrison Healthcare Food

Services Reyes Holdings, LLC

Casino Royale Sponsors Beveridge Seay MedStar Health George & Thene Mernick Nauticon

Lucky 7s Sponsors CPS Gumpert MedStar NRH Medical Staff Rolyn Companies, Inc.

Wheel of Fortune Sponsors Rafael J. Convit, MD, FACS Francis and Julia Creighton Rich Daniel Joel Jankowsky Juran Institute, Inc. Hassan Massali and Shahin Mafi Ourisman Automotive of Virginia Annie Totah Michael and Julia Van Zetta

Full House Sponsors Marriott Wardman Park Hotel Mid Atlantic Lift, Inc.

High Rollers Karlen Francis Leonard and Linda Greenberg Treazure Johnson Richard Keller and Jennifer

Sheehy Keller Dr. and Mrs. Rafik Muawwad Pat Murphy Sheehy Terrance Sheehy

8 MedStar National Rehabilitation Network

Honorary Chair Carole M. Randolph

Event Chairs: Charles and Christiana Chiang Colleen Evans

Shahin Mafi Howard and Dotsy Steele Timothy and Patricia Trudeau

Thanks to Our Sponsors

Las Vegas Night Wins Big for MedStar NRH


Loren and

Colleen Evans

L to R: Carlie McCallie, Meredith Renegar, and Caroline Mernick

L to R: Barbara McConaghy-Johnson, Janie McNamara, and Idy Marcus

L to R: Dr. Hassan Massali and Mrs. Shahin Mafi, Timothy and Patricia Trudeau, Carole M. Randolph, John Rockwood (President, MedStar NRH), Robert Hartmann, and Annie Totah

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Thank You to Our Generous DonorsEvery year, we take this opportunity to say ‘thank you’ to MedStar NRH’s generous donors and

celebrate their dedication to our mission and vision. For more than 27 years, our supporters

have been critical to the development of MedStar National Rehabilitation Network as an

internationally respected clinical, education and research facility.

We will now be recognizing our most generous donors on an annual basis through The Victory Society. The Victory Society demonstrates our commitment to use every dollar our donors entrust to us with thought and care. We understand that each philanthropic gesture is a confirmation of the work we do each day.

Donors enable our patients to be victorious in their battle against disabling injury and illness. Donations enable us to continue to provide the best medical rehabilitation care in the region, allow our researchers to develop innovative advancements in rehabilitation medicine, and provide the funds we need to recruit top rehabilitation professionals.

The Victory Society recognizes any individual, trust, corporation, or family foundation who donates $1,000 or more to MedStar NRH during a calendar year. We’ve named each level within the Victory Society to correspond to the letters in the word ABLE—which means having the capability to perform.

We believe it’s a fitting representation of the true meaning of MedStar NRH. Rehabilitation is focused on helping people re-learn the skills of day-to-day life after suffering a disabling injury or illness—it’s treatment to make them able to live fully and independently.

The Victory Society levels: Achiever’s Circle--$1,000 - $2,499 Believer’s Circle—$2,500 - $4,999 Leader’s Circle—$5,000 - $9,999: Edward A. Eckenhoff Founder’s Circle—$10,000 and more

No matter what our supporters are able to give, they are a very important component to our success and we are grateful for the steadfast devotion of our growing family of donors and friends.


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MedStar National Rehabilitation Network Victory Society All contributions—small or large—combine to become a powerful force for change. Our accomplishments are not possible

without the confidence and consistent support of our loyal friends. We gratefully recognize the commitment demonstrated by

donors who have made annual gifts of $1,000 or more in support of MedStar National Rehabilitation Network in 2012.

Edward A. Eckenhoff Founder’s CircleRecognizing Annual Gifts of $10,000 or GreaterAlexander and Margaret Stewart TrustAnonymousMr. and Mrs. James W. CarterClark-Winchcole FoundationMr. and Mrs. Daniel L. CohenCompass Group, The American DivisionMr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Ronald CrawfordMr. and Mrs. Edward A. EckenhoffMr. and Mrs. Peter J. FitzGerald, Sr.Frank M. Ewing Foundation, IncGEICO Philanthropic FoundationLeonard A. and Linda K. Greenberg

Charitable Foundation, IncDr. and Mrs. E. Claiborne IrbyThe James M. Johnston Trust for

Charitable and Educational Purposes

Mr. and Mrs. Joel Jankowsky, Esq.Mr. and Mrs. William M. Lane, CPAMedStar Health, Inc.Mr. Edward F. Mitchell, Jr.Estate of Barbara A. MosgraveThe Nancy Peery Marriott FoundationMr. and Mrs. A. Wallace Moore, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. OurismanMrs. Jeanne RueschMr. and Mrs. Charles E. WagnerWalter Brownley TrustThe Wonderful Life Foundation

Leader’s CircleRecognizing Annual Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999Alan & Amy Meltzer Family FoundationBodman Family FoundationBP Products North America Inc.Mr. and Mrs. John R. Clark IIIMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Collamore, Sr.CPS || GumpertDarren Star FoundationMr. J. Scott FechnayRoger S. Firestone FoundationKPMGMary and Daniel Loughran Foundation, IncThe Meltzer GroupNauticon Imaging Systems, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. PadoPriceWaterhouseCoopers, LLPDr. and Mrs. Paul R. RaoMr. and Mrs. Robert E. ReiverMr. and Mrs. John D. RockwoodGuy T. Steuart FoundationVolkswagen Group of America, Inc.Mrs. Earthaleen Woods

Believer’s Circle Recognizing Annual Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999Mrs. Pamela L. Ashby Bank of America Merrill LynchCerasoli Stafford Media ManagementCerner Corporation CFC National Capital Area Global Impact Clyde’s Restaurant Group Colex and AssociatesDion Johnson FoundationMs. Andrea E. Ferris Mr. and Mrs. Alan GrahamThe Hartford Hill Management Services Inc. Mr. Wallace F. Holladay, Jr.James S. Jelinek, MD Mr. Russell C. Lindner Ms. Ann B. Malcolm The Merrill Foundation, Inc.Rolyn Construction Corporation Martha Washington Straus & Harry H.

Straus Foundation, IncMr. and Mrs. Stuart Rothenberg Mr. Terrence C. Sheehy

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard P. Steuart II

Achiever’s Circle Recognizing Annual Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499ab+c Creative IntelligenceAmerican Physical Therapy AssociationAMN HealthcareApple Signs, Inc.Mrs. George ArnoldMr. Norman B. Asher and

Dr. Jeanne P. AsherMs. Carol B. BartlettMs. Virginia W. BergstenMr. and Mrs. Michael BoemmelMr. and Mrs. John C. BrickleyMs. Patricia G. Farmer BrownMr. Frank P. BuckleyPatricia C. Bullard-Bates, MDCenter Radiology, PCThe Chalfont FoundationChicken Out RotisserieColoplast Medical Supplies, Inc.Comm-Tronics, Inc.The Community Foundation for the

National Capital Region Rafael J. Convit, MD, FACSMr. and Mrs. John H. Costello IIIMr. and Mrs. William K. Coulter, Esq.Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. CreightonMr. and Mrs. Michael J. CurranDeco Recovery ManagementDr. and Mrs. Gerben A. DeJongDell CorporationMr. and Mrs. Martin T. DonnellyDr. and Mrs. Alex W. DromerickMr. and Mrs. Le Roy R. Eakin IIIMr. and Mrs. Bruce C. EllisMs. Mary C. EllisMr. and Mrs. George W. Ford II Ms. Yvonne M. FrancisMr. and Mrs. Jeffery E. FrankMr. and Mrs. John J. Geer, Jr.Genesis HealthCare CorporationGleason, Flynn, Emig & Fogleman CharteredGoodell, DeVries, Leech & Dann, LLPDr. and Mrs. Stephen F. GuntherLt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. George A.

Guthridge IIIMs. C. Anne HarveyMs. Linda M. Hooks

10 MedStar National Rehabilitation Network

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MedStar National Rehabilitation Network Victory Society Ms. Susan J. IrvingMs. Treazure R. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Steven D. JoyceMr. and Mrs. Steven J. KarrMr. Richard D. Keller and

Mrs. Jennifer C. KellerMr. and Mrs. Robert J. KenneyMr. and Mrs. Daniel L. KorengoldDr. and Mrs. Dallas A. Lea IILeach Wallace Associates, Inc.Legal ResourcesLifeStar Response of MD, Inc.Mrs. Valailuck H. LimpawucharaMr. and Mrs. Robert MarstellerMrs. Rosa N. MartinDr. Hassan Massali and

Mrs. Shahin D. MafiMs. Cynthia McDonaldMedStar NRH Medical StaffMr. and Mrs. George H. Mernick IIIMiles & Stockbridge Foundation, Inc.More Direct, Inc.Ms. Lorraine E. MurphyNascott Orthotics & ProstheticsNCO Group, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Olza M. NicelyMr. and Mrs. Philip A. OdeenMrs. Thomas W. Perry, Jr.Pi Kappa Phi Theta Eta Chapter

American UniversityPotomac Valley Amateur Hockey

AssociationProgressions Salon Spa StoreMr. and Mrs. Albert RitzenbergMrs. Donna T. RobertsMr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. SametMr. and Mrs. Marc SchieMr. Alan W. Smith, Jr. and

Mrs. Marcia MarshMr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Somerville, Jr.Ms. Lunar SongStreetsense Consulting, LLCMs. Christine M. SwearingenMs. Catherine M. SzenczyCassidy TurleyThe Kiplinger FoundationThe Lemon FoundationTrion GroupEric R. and Laura M. WagnerMr. and Mrs. Seth A. WatkinsJacqueline A. Watson, DOWashington Marriott Wardman Park HotelMs. Rosemary C. WelchDr. Michael R. Yochelson and

Mr. Guy ParkerXerox Corporation

It was all picture perfect—a sunny day and a great view of all the noisy action from their curbside table. Then Lenny noticed a frightening change in his wife. “Her speech slurred suddenly and her face drooped on one side,” Lenny says. “I knew right away that she was having a stroke.”

Across the crowded street, EMTs were staffing an ambulance as part of the festival. The EMTs rushed to Linda’s side, quickly stabilized her, put her in the ambulance and sped away to nearby Suburban Hospital, where she was intubated and administered tPA—a clot-busting drug that can prevent or diminish damage from stroke.

But Linda needed complex care, so she was air lifted to MedStar Washing-ton Hospital Center. While she had gotten help quickly, Linda was critically ill and in a coma. “The medical team was preparing us for a poor prog-nosis,” says Lenny. Then Jonathan Slotkin, MD, stepped in to take over Linda’s care.

“Dr. Slotkin turned things around,” Lenny adds. Within days, Linda was making progress. In two weeks, she was ready for rehabilitation at MedStar NRH.

“I simply can’t say enough about the incredible culture of healing at Med-Star NRH,” says a very grateful Linda. “They put me through my paces—it’s hard work. But everyone was so skillful and caring—from Dr. Brendon Conroy

and my physical therapist Liz Marra—to the janitorial staff. Everyone knew my name, everyone said hello, and every-one cared about my progress.”

After a month of inpatient rehabilita-tion, Linda was on her way home. And with outpatient therapy at NRH Rehabilitation Network, Montrose, she quickly moved from a wheelchair to a walker and ultimately to a cane. Today, Linda is strutting her hard-earned independence, working with a trainer, and happily sitting behind the wheel, grateful to “be able to just get in my car and go anywhere I want,” she says.

The Greenberg’s appreciation for her care is “immeasurable,” and they felt a special connection to Marra, who spent hours a day coaxing Linda into recovery. “Len called Liz the ‘stroke whisperer,’” Linda says, laughing.

To commemorate Linda’s recovery, and as a token of their regard, the Greenbergs commissioned artist Phil-lip Ratner to create a plaque of Marra’s image with angel wings, pushing a pa-tient in wheelchair—and emblazoned with the words “Stroke Whisperer.”

Now the couple is demonstrating their gratitude in a more substantial way. They have become generous donors, and Lenny, a successful busi-nessperson, has joined the MedStar NRH Board of Directors. “We want to ensure that this remarkable hospital is always here for anyone who needs it,” Linda says.

PhilanthropyFace of

One sunny day in May 2011, Linda Green-berg felt a bit under the weather. Still she pushed the feel-ing aside when her husband Lenny came home, and suggested a walk to check out a street festival in downtown Bethesda, and lunch at an out-door cafe.

L to R: Lenny Greenberg, Liz Marra, Linda Greenberg and Artist Phillip Ratner

Page 12: MedStar NRH Today - Spring/Summer 2013

12 MedStar National Rehabilitation Network

MedStar National Rehabilitation Network Benefactor SocietyThe Benefactor Society was created to recognize donors who have made substantial gifts to MedStar National Rehabilitation

Network, which cumulatively amount to $50,000 or greater. We proudly acknowledge the following loyal friends whose

generosity has had a significant impact on the lives and health of the community we serve.

Aaron and Lillie Straus Foundation, Inc.HRH Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin

Abdulaziz Al-SaudAlexander and Margaret Stewart TrustAltria Group, Inc.Dr. Nasser I. Al-RashidAnne and Henry Zarrow FoundationAnonymousThe Honorable Elizabeth F. Bagley and

Mr. Smith W. BagleyBank of America Merrill LynchMr. and Mrs. Eric F. P. Billings, Jr.The Honorable Ann W. Brown and

Mr. Donald A. BrownThe Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz FoundationThe Coca-Cola CompanyEstate of Esther M. CookBuch Construction, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. CiveraClark-Winchcole FoundationMr. and Mrs. Daniel L. CohenColex and AssociatesCompass Group, The American DivisionContinental AirlinesMr. and Mrs. Ronald S. CooperCoordination Council for North

American AffairsCrothall Healthcare, Inc.

Ms. Priscilla Doris-SiegalMr. and Mrs. Edward A. EckenhoffEmbassy of the State of KuwaitFrank M. Ewing Foundation, IncMrs. Elinor K. FarquharFedExMr. and Mrs. Peter J. FitzGerald, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. George W. Ford IIRobert M. Fisher Memorial FoundationRoger S. Firestone FoundationGEICO Philanthropic FoundationGeneral Motors CorporationGeneral Re CorporationMr. and Mrs. Alan GrahamThe Honorable C. Boyden B. GrayMr. and Mrs. Leonard A. GreenbergLeonard A. and Linda K. Greenberg

Charitable Foundation, IncMonica and Hermen Greenberg FoundationMr. and Mrs. Robert T. HealeyHealthcare EverywhereDrs. Edward and Cheryl HealtonHewlett PackardMr. Wallace F. Holladay, Jr.Hospital Satellite NetworkDr. and Mrs. E. Claiborne IrbyThe James M. Johnston Trust for

Charitable and Educational Purposes

Mr. and Mrs. Joel Jankowsky, Esq.The JM FoundationMr. and Mrs. Morris Kanfer Mr. William M. Keck IIKeyser Family FoundationMr. Daniel L. Korengold and

Mrs. Martha L. DippellLand Rover Mr. and Mrs. William M. Lane, CPAThe Lemon FoundationMary and Daniel Loughran Foundation, Inc.Chauncey and Marion Deering McCormick

FoundationMr. John P. McDanielMedStar NRH Medical StaffMedStar Health, Inc.MedStar Washington Hospital Center

CorporationMedStar Washington Hospital Center -

Surgical Dept.Mr. and Mrs. George H. Mernick IIIMilbank Foundation for RehabilitationMr. Edward F. Mitchell, Jr.Mobil Foundation, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. A. Wallace Moore, Jr.Morrison Healthcare Food ServicesMr. and Mrs. Robert B. OurismanParalyzed Veterans of America

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MedStar NRH Today • Spring-Summer 2013 13

MedStar National Rehabilitation Network Benefactor Society

This generous philanthropic gesture began when a very inquisitive Owin asked his mother what happened to children who were hurt and in the hospital. Mom—Adeline Vanderver, MD, a pediatric neurologist at Children’s National Medical Center—tried to explain the inexplicable. “Some kids are injured so badly that they might not be able to walk, talk or even eat,” she told Owin.

“Sometimes doctors in regular hospitals have done all they can to make them better with medicine. When that happens,” she explained, “doctors will transfer these children to a rehabilitation hospital. That’s where therapists and special doctors work to help make their bodies work better, so they can once again do the things kids love to do, like play, and run around,” Dr. Vanderver explained.

His mother’s words affected Owin so much that he decided to donate his allowance to children in the MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital’s pediatric unit, the National Center for Children’s Rehabilitation.

“Owin gets $2.00 every week for household chores. He had $50.00 and wanted to give it all to the children. That’s six months of savings for him—money he had wanted to use to purchase a much-wanted Lego set,” explained his mother.

Still, $50.00 wasn’t quite enough for the entrepreneurial brother-sister team. Owin and Emma decided they wanted to raise more money with a bake sale, and Dad

suggested pumpkin pie in honor of Thanksgiving.

The next day, Owin and Emma canvassed the neighborhood and came home with unexpected news: They had orders for nearly 30 pies! That’s when a family tag team worked in tandem in the kitchen—the kids rolled the dough and mixed the filling. Mom handled the oven.

At $8.00 apiece, the Vanderver “pie kids” raised more than $500 for the children at MedStar NRH—and are already thinking ahead to Turkey Day 2013.

PhilanthropyFace of

Nine-year-old Owin Vanderver loves Thanksgiving with all the trimmings—turkey, sweet potatoes, yummy desserts and a long holiday weekend. But last year Owin and his 7-year old sister Emma put a little extra “thanks” in the holiday when they made a very grownup decision to become philan-thropists—and two of MedStar NRH‘s youngest donors.

Cissy Patterson Trust Pepco Holdings Inc.Marjorie Merriweather Post FoundationPremium DistributorsPriceWaterhouseCoopers, LLPPrimark CorporationDr. and Mrs. Paul R. RaoMr. and Mrs. John D. RockwoodRolyn Construction CorporationRoyal Embassy of Saudi ArabiaFrances M. SargentDouglas P. ShepherdMr. Alan W. Smith, Jr. and

Mrs. Marcia MarshMr. and Mrs. Gerard C. SmithSouthern EngineeringMr. and Mrs. Leonard P. SteuartMartha Washington Straus &

Harry H. Straus Foundation, Inc.Guy T. Steuart FoundationMs. Josephine M. ThompsonUpjohn CompanyThe Variable Annuity Life Insurance Co.Verizon Walter Brownley TrustWatson Wyatt & CompanyMr. and Mrs. Jay S. WeissRuth S. Willoughby FoundationRuesch Family FoundationMrs. Earthaleen WoodsThe Anne & Henry Zarrow FoundationMrs. Jean K. Zell

MedStar President John Rockwood with Dr. Sally Evans, and Emma and Owin Vanderver

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14 MedStar National Rehabilitation Network

Honor and Memorial GiftsMedStar NRH is grateful to those donors who made a gift to the hospital

during 2012 in honor or in memory of the following individuals:

Diana Abdalla Cassandra M. Gray

Suzanne Anderson, MD Dan Jamborsky

Pamela L. Ashby Elspeth D. Salzman

Barbara Ayers Richard Gnospelius

Michael A. Boemmel Elspeth D. Salzman

Kathleen Brady Dennis McClearn

John C. Brickley Elspeth D. Salzman

Linda D. Briggs Elspeth D. Salzman

Alquietta Brown Paul R. Rao, Ph.D.

Robert D. Bunning, MD Victoria HaroldRobert L. Saloschin

Dana L. Casson Elspeth D. Salzman

Nancy M. DiBenedettoElspeth D. Salzman

Alex W. Dromerick, MDElspeth D. Salzman

Edward A. EckenhoffThe Community Foundation for

the National Capital RegionElspeth D. SalzmanSeth A. Watkins

Jeremy H. FitzGeraldPeter G. FitzgeraldRobert Hahne

Harry B. FreedmanMilan A. Matey

Howard A. Gilmer, DODudley Williams

Therese M. GoldsmithMedStar National

Rehabilitation Network

Constance GuercinHenry A. Jordan

Lauro S. Halstead, MDMargaret AdenijiCharles A. BaynardMarcia BergeronJacqueline K. BrittainEleanor F. CarpenterCharles W. CraigJ. S. CrossenHelen H. FordWilliam D. HillPamela J. HindmanRubye HughesCarolyn J. HuntCarolyn F. LarrimorePaul M. LewisPaul M. MunafoBill B. SmithMary SprandelJoe F. ThomasonMarjorie A. Watt

Robert S. HartmannElspeth D. Salzman

Jennifer C. KellerPat M. Sheehy

Elizabeth LjungJoshua JustinMerck Partnership for Giving

Elizabeth MarraJoshua JustinMerck Partnership for Giving

MedStar NRH Network Nursing and PT Staff

Barbara B. Frink

George H. MernickJohnnie M. Chaplinski

Thene Martin MernickJohnnie M. ChaplinskiDolores E. MernickBarbara H. Winnik

Diane NicholsDennis McClearn

MedStar NRH SCI Nurses, Techs and Therapists

Dudley Williams

MedStar NRH-Second Floor Nursing and Techs PT & OT

Edward A. EckenhoffJoshua JustinMerck Partnership for Giving

Occupational Therapy and Speech Language & Pathology Month

MedStar NRH Network Care Coordination Team

Abel PutuNikia L. Taylor

Paul R. Rao, Ph.D.Elspeth D. Salzman

Sara E. RegesLaurie M. Goldberg

James RichardsAndrew Miller

Spenser RobbinsJames Robbins

John D. RockwoodElspeth D. Salzman

Elspeth D. SalzmanSusan H. BlackCarolyn N. Mucciaro

Sandeep Simlote, MDStanley L. BerlinskyJames S. Stanback

Rosemary C. Welch Elspeth D. Salzman

Curtis Whitehair, MD Elspeth D. Salzman

Michael R. Yochelson, MD Paul R. Rao, PhDElspeth D. Salzman

In Honor of:

Page 15: MedStar NRH Today - Spring/Summer 2013

MedStar NRH Today • Spring-Summer 2013 15

Honor and Memorial Gifts

Justin M. Carter Aijaz AhmedArmando AlfanoJeffrey R. AllumArete Associates Matching

Gift ProgramThe Boeing CompanyDavid BrennanBrett BuehlMary E. CardwellBrent A. CarterJames W. CarterRobert A. CarterNickie ChenLeslie D. CheneyMarie ColemanTim CottonAlan CummingRoland D. DamianiEdward A. EckenhoffHenry J. EggertElizabeth El-NattarAndre FernandesTracy GoetzCarl GuildCambria HamburgSteven E. HarrisIan W. HromadaMichael A. InterbartoloForrest KnowlesAlison M. LichyRobert MarstellerDonald MoricleRoy G. NyrenCharles OnthankJessica ParkerDavid L. PuretteLaura Pyle

Pyramid Systems, Inc.Paul R. RaoAnthony P. RicciardoneKerry RichardJohn D. RockwoodElspeth D. SalzmanSteven M. SlossStephen R. StanvickGail S. SteinJustin StuparitzLeroy E. TirrellDenise M. VandenheuvelSara K. VandenheuvelAimee WhittenMichael R. Yochelson, MD

Pauline A. Craver Linda L. Payne

James J. CromwellAin & Bank, PCManal AlaswadiEdmund B. CroninJo Ann H. CruzEdward A. EckenhoffWilliam D. FooteArrel GodfreyRuth C. HooperJim Coleman ToyotaAlan G. KirkThe Lemon FoundationWalter H. MagruderMcCarthy Wilson. LLPMiles & Stockbridge

Foundation, Inc.James A. MorrillPerennial Garden ClubC J. Ritchie

Rockville Cemetery Association, Inc.

John D. RockwoodLeonard P. SteuartThe Calvin H. Cobb Jr.

Revocable TrustCharles E. WagnerG. K. WallJeffrey L. Ward

Sidney DeJong Gerben A. DeJong, PhD

Virginia FreemanPeter J. FitzGerald

Kempton B. JenkinsNorman J. AsherGilbert R. CallawayEdward P. CurtisEdward A. EckenhoffGeorge T. EsherickStephen L. GordonRobet R. GosendeJohn GriffithFred C. HartMaurice K. HeartfieldMarvin KalbKeith LoehleinElizabeth F. LuttrellRobert MarstellerMargaret McKelwayCasey MillerJames A. MorrillNorthfield Mount

Hermon SchoolNossaman LLPElizabeth L. Nottingham

Henry RavenelCameron H. SandersSara ScherrRobert H. ShorbNancy E. Symington

Rosalie P. KeiserKenneth Keiser

John P. LeachmanE C. Irby

Suzanne S. MitchellEdward F. Mitchell

Patrick M. ScanlonEllen M. CaseCohen, Weiss and Simon LLPCommunications Workers of

AmericaJames B. CoppessLeonard J. GoldmanMatthew HarrisKaren A. PhilippsJacqueline ProcacciniThe Newspaper Guild

Communications Workers of America

United Mine Workers of America

Patricia SkantzeMarilyn H. Rose

Margery E. Zylich Catherine M. Szenczy

In Memory of:

Page 16: MedStar NRH Today - Spring/Summer 2013

Renoir Society

Pierre-Auguste Renoir, the gifted French Impressionist painter, struggled with

the disabling effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis. He persevered, however, and from

his wheelchair he created assistive devices that enabled him to continue creating

the art that we still enjoy today.

The Renoir Society recognizes donors who have included MedStar NRH in their estate planning. These donors believe in the hospital’s mission of Adding Life to Years®, by remembering MedStar NRH in their wills or through some other type of estate planning.

For more information on how you can make a difference and become a member of the Renoir Society, please visit our website at or contact the Philanthropy Office at 202-877-1772.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. CohenDr. and Mrs. Gerben A. DeJongMr. and Mrs. Edward A. EckenhoffMrs. Betty B. Elmore *Jeremy Hardy FitzGeraldMrs. Swananoa P. Hill *Lucy Crichton Jenkins and

Kempton Jenkins *

Mr. Robert MarstellerMr. and Mrs. George H. Mernick IIIMr. and Mrs. A. Wallace Moore, Jr.Ms. Carole M. RandolphDr. and Mrs. Paul R. RaoMs. Marilyn H. RoseMr. A. W. Smith, Jr. and Mrs. Marcia MarshMr. and Mrs. Leonard P. Steuart II

Mr. Peter L. ViolanteRev. Howard Lee Williams *Mrs. Earthaleen Woods and

Mr. Willie WoodsDr. Michael R. Yochelson and

Mr. Guy Parker

* Deceased

“The pain ends, but the beauty endures.”—Renoir

Pierre-Auguste Renoir, SELF-PORTRAIT, 1876. Oil on canvas; sight: 70.8 x 54.61 cm(27 7/8 x 21 1/2 in.), framed: 98.11 x 82.23 x 6.35 cm (38 5/8 x 32 3/8 x 2 1/2 in.)Harvard Art Museum, Fogg Art Museum, Bequest from the Collection of MauriceWertheim, Class of 1906, 1951.61Photo: David Mathews © President and Fellows of Harvard College

Ways to Give to MedStar NRHThere are many ways that you can make contributions in support of the MedStar NRH mission, including personal contributions of cash, appreciated stock and certain personal property. Patients and their families often ask about making tribute gifts in honor or in memory of a friend or loved one. We recognize planned gifts that support the future of the hospital through the Renoir Society. Individuals, corporations and foundations may also contribute through sponsorship of our special events.

To learn more about the many ways you can support MedStar NRH, please visit our website at or contact the Philanthropy Office at 202-877-1772.

16 MedStar National Rehabilitation Network

Page 17: MedStar NRH Today - Spring/Summer 2013

Instead, he met a force of nature named Ed Eckenhoff, founder of MedStar NRH. The encounter changed Jimmy Reyes’ life. Ecken-hoff cut a striking figure—a tall man with braces on his legs, leaning against especially designed adap-tive equipment that allowed him to swing his club with expertise, despite paraplegia.

“He was amazing to watch,” says Reyes. “I knew I was meeting a ‘one of a kind’ person. He has enormous energy and passion for everything he does.” After the golf game, Reyes took a tour of MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital and quickly became a “believer.”

“I was blown away by what I saw,” he adds. “It was such a wonderful environment –cheerful, caring, life af-firming.” A few years later, Reyes fol-lowed his brother on to the MedStar NRH Board of Directors. Last year, Reyes became board chair.

Today, the network is benefitting from his vast experience as director

of a highly successful, international food and beverage distribution company. Reyes is working hand-in-hand with Eckenhoff as co-chairman of the $25 million Adding Life to Years® campaign to establish the National Center for Brain Injury and Stroke Rehabilitation & Research at the hospital, update the hospital’s physical plant, expand inpatient and outpatient services, grow fellowship programs, and convert the hospital to all private rooms.

“Health care has changed a great deal since MedStar NRH first opened its doors,” Reyes says. “And we know that MedStar NRH must change, as well. For example, we once believed that sharing a room promoted recov-ery. Now we know that privacy is crit-ical to a good outcome for patients. And today an aging population means greater numbers of people suffering disabling illness and injury, and we need to keep pace with this growing need. We also want to continue to be an important part of neurologic research about how the brain functions and recovers, which is helping to revolutionize rehabilita-tion.”

MedStar NRH is on the cutting edge, Reyes adds. “The campaign is designed to keep us there.” MedStar NRH initially framed the fund raising campaign as a five-year-long effort. But Reyes, a generous donor himself, says, “I’m optimistic we’ll reach that goal sooner. We’re expanding our donor base, and educating more and more people about the ‘hidden jewel’ named MedStar NRH.

“Every day, the staff at MedStar NRH is making miracles,” he adds. “We’re going to build a future that will allow them to keep making miracles for years to come.”

PhilanthropyFace of Ten years ago, Jimmy Reyes was invited to play 18 holes of golf with his brother Jude and some friends. Jimmy was anticipating a nice day, getting some sun, chatting up the guys and maybe sinking a few good putts.

MedStar National Rehabilitation Network Board of Directors

MedStar NRH Today • Spring-Summer 2013 17

James V. Reyes Chairman

Daniel L. Cohen Vice Chair

Robert B. Ourisman Treasurer

Thene Martin Mernick Secretary

John D. Rockwood President

Michael Boemmel Assistant Treasurer

Michael R. Yochelson, MD Vice President for Medical Affairs and Chief Medical Officer

Kenneth A. Samet, FACHE President & CEO, MedStar Health

Samuel J. Bergman John R. Clark III Thomas J. Collamore Rafael J. Convit, MD Honorable Carol T. Crawford Julia B. Creighton Edward A. Eckenhoff Jeremy Hardy FitzGerald J. Scott Fechnay Leonard A. Greenberg Edward B. Healton, MD E. Claiborne Irby, MD Joel Jankowsky James S. Jelinek, MD Daniel L. Korengold William M. Lane Candace C. Somerville Charles E. Wagner Jacqueline A. Watson, DO

MedStar NRH Board of DIrectors President Jimmy Reyes

Page 18: MedStar NRH Today - Spring/Summer 2013

Average Length of Stay — Days

2002 20.22003 19.22004 17.92005 17.22006 17.32007 16.62008 17.42009 16.42010 17.22011 17.02012 17.6

Disability Class (FY 2012)

Amputee 3.6%Arthritis 0.3%Stroke 27.6%Cardiac 4.7%Other Neurological 13.5%

Head Trauma 21.6%Spinal Cord Inj. 5.5%

Other 6.8%Orthopedic 16.4%

Total 100.0%

Financial Class (FY 2012)

BlueCross 19.3%Medicaid 13.3%Medicare 32.5%Other 2.6%Workers Comp. 2.2%

Managed Care 23.0%Commercial 4.5%

International 2.6%

Total 100.0%

Patients’ Resident State (FY 2012)

Maryland 47.4%D.C. 41.3%Virginia 8.2%

Other States 2.7%Foreign Countr. 0.4%

Total 100.0%

MedStar National Rehabilitation Network Consolidated Revenue and Expense Statement and Statistical Highlights FY 2012

Statistical HighlightsInpatient Admissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,078 Average Length of Stay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.6Average Daily Inpatient Census . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101.7Outpatient Visits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342,977

18 MedStar National Rehabilitation Network

Consolidated Revenue and Expense Statement Fiscal Year Ended 6/30/2012


Gross patient care revenue: Inpatient services $ 95,171,658 Outpatient services $ 62,150,780 Gross patient service revenue $ 157,322,438 Less contractual allowances and charity care $ 59,496,074

Net patient service revenue $ 97,826,364 Other operating revenue $ 2,133,662

Net operating revenue $ 99,960,026

Operating Expenses

Salaries and related expenses $ 60,580,134 Supplies $ 5,210,096 Purchased services $ 10,214,427 Other expenses $ 10,683,944 Allowance for bad debts $ 2,714,838 Interest expense $ 2,156,938 Depreciation and amortization $ 4,107,918

Total operation expenses $ 95,668,295

Earnings (loss) from operations $ 4,291,731

Non-Operating Gains (Losses)

Investment income $ 420,400 Grant revenue $ 3,123,931 Grant expenditures $ (3,123,931)

Net gain on sale of investments $ (286,475)

Total non-operating income (expense) $ 133,925

Excess of revenues over expenses to reinvest into physical plant and patient care operations $ 4,425,656

Unrealized gain on investments held for physical plant improvement $ (816,864)

Income tax provision $ (122,627) Excess of expenses over revenue $ 3,486,165

Page 19: MedStar NRH Today - Spring/Summer 2013

Interdisciplinary Comprehensive Arm Rehab Evaluation (I-CARE) Stroke Initiative July 1, 2007- July 31, 2013 Funding Source: University of Southern California; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health

Grip Force Control as a Diagnostic Tool for Mild TBI September 1, 2010 – January 31, 2012 Funding Source: Navy Bureau of Medicine

SISTERS: Spasticity in Stroke – Randomized Study September 19, 2012 – September 18, 2017 Funding Source: Medtronic International

Left Lateralization Using Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 Funding Source: Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

Assistive TechnologyAssistive Technology and Research Center at MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital December 6, 2004 – October 28, 2014 Funding Source: U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC)

Functional Ambulation: Standard Treatment vs. Electrical Stimulation Therapy (FASTEST) Trial in Chronic Post-Stroke Subjects with Foot Drop June 1, 2010 – May 31, 2013 Funding Source: Bioness, Inc.

Overground Gait Training with a Novel Dynamic Body-Weight Support System October 1, 2010 – September 30, 2013 Funding Source: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, U.S. Department of Education

Center For Post-Acute Innovation And Research A Practice-Based Evidence Study in SCI Rehabilitation (SCI-REHAB) October 1, 2006 – September 30, 2012 Funding Source: Craig Hospital; National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, U.S. Department of Education

Spinal Cord InjuriesRehabilitation Research and Training Center on Secondary Conditions in SCI October 1 2009- September 30, 2014 Funding Source: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, U.S. Department of Education

Brain InjuryImproving Outcomes in Acute Rehabilitation for TBI November 1, 2007 – June 30, 2012 Funding Source: International Severity Information Systems, Inc.; National Institutes of Health

Individual Planning for the First Year Following Acute Rehabilitation October 1, 2008 – September 30, 2013 Funding Source: The Ohio State University Research Foundation; National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, U.S. Department of Education

StrokeReach Forward: Mechanisms of Practice-Induced Reaching Improvement after Stroke January 20, 2010 – December 30, 2014 Funding Source: Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health; National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, U.S. Department of Education

Stroke Disparities Project: PROTECT DC September 30, 2007 – August 31, 2012 Funding Source: Georgetown University; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health

*Research grants and awards ongoing and pending January 1, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012.

ZeroG™ overground weight support system Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Rehabilitation Robotics


MedStar NRH Today • Spring-Summer 2013 19

Page 20: MedStar NRH Today - Spring/Summer 2013

102 Irving Street, NWWashington, D.C.

James V. Reyes, Chairman, Board of Directors John D. Rockwood, PresidentKenneth A. Samet, FACHE, President and CEO, MedStar Health

MedStar NRH Today is produced by Marketing & Strategic DevelopmentRobert S. Hartmann, Vice President Emily R. Turk, Writer-Editor

If you no longer wish to receive information from MedStar NRH, please contact us in writing at the above address.

MedStar NRH is accredited by:

CARF, the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities

The Joint Commision

MedStar NRH is a Not-for-Profit Hospital. Please Remember us in Your Will.


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Save the Date:

October 30, 2013 Gala Victory Awards®MedStar National Rehabilitation Network will celebrate its 2013 Gala Victory Awards®

on Wednesday, October 30, at the historic Omni Shoreham Hotel. Senator and Mrs.

Timothy Johnson will co-chair the evening, which will feature a live and silent auction,

seated dinner and the presentation of the annual Victory Awards.

MedStar NRH created the Victory Awards® in 1986 to celebrate the Victory of the Human Spirit and to honor individuals who best exemplify exceptional strength and courage in the face of physical adversity.

Over the years, the Victory Awards® have honored 74 people from all walks of life. Many of them have been celebrities from the fields of arts and entertainment, sports and politics. Others have been extraordinary community leaders, advocates for disability rights, champion athletes, teachers, parents, and students.

The event raises significant dollars for the network’s world-class services, helping to provide high quality care for persons with disabling illness and injury.

To learn more about the 2013 Victory Awards®, contact [email protected].

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