
Meet the IMPOSTORS Sent to Kenya by the Most Powerful

Spy Agency in the World

They are all foreign-born. They all posses FAKE Kenyan Birth Certificates. They are the

Kenyan IMPOSTORS. They include:

1. Rahamim Caveda alias Farouk Kibet – a top aide to the Deputy President of Kenya,

William Ruto;

2. Narok Senator Solomon Sidisto alias Ledama Olekina;

3. Nyali MP Yehuda Yacob alias Mohammed Ali (Moha JichoPevu);

4. Former Chairman of the Law Society of Kenya, LSK, Berhanu Sabahat alias

Ahmednasir Abdullahi (ahmednasirlaw);

5. Current Chairman of the Law Society of Kenya, LSK, Yehiel Melaku alias Nelson Havi;

6. Mombasa Governor Neggousa Bogale alias Hassan Ali Joho;

7. Lamu Senator Desta Pakada alias Anwar Loitiptip;

8. Jubilee Party Nominated Senator Isaac Mwaura;

9. Nyandarua Woman Representative Faith Gitau;

10. Garissa Woman Representative Gure Anab Mohamed;

11. Nyeri Woman Representative Rahab Mukami;

12. Former President University of Nairobi Students’ Union, UNSA (2019 – 2020), Pnina

Salmasa alias Ann Mwangi Mvurya;

13. Musician Samidoh (Samuel Muchoki Ndirangu);

14. Nairobi County nominated MCA Anne Thumbi;

15. Blogger Kinuthia Pius.

Some powerful non-African entities realised long ago that the easiest way to conquer a

country, is to first send IMPOSTERS who will act and speak like the locals, then use these

IMPOSTERS to weaken the country from within.

The MOST POWERFUL SPY AGENCY in the world was tasked with coming up with a

plan to secretly recruit some of their citizens, and train them about how to act and speak

as people of certain targeted countries do.

One of the targeted PRIORITY countries was Kenya.

The IMPOSTORS sent to Kenya do various jobs under the radar, undetected by Kenyans.

The jobs they do include:

1. Attending - in large numbers - political rallies of certain politicians, and cheering, to

make them appear to be popular on the ground;

2. Attending - in few numbers - political rallies of certain politicians, and heckling, to make

them appear to be unpopular on the ground;

3. Spying on targeted Kenyans;

4. Sabotaging businesses of targeted Kenyans;

5. Popularising certain political players, on the ground and online;

6. Slandering certain targeted Kenyans, on the ground and online;

7. Popularising certain policies, on the ground and online;

8. Misleading Kenyans about certain policies, on the ground and online;

9. Becoming embedded into certain targeted Kenyans - as business associates, friends,

girlfriends/boyfriends, or husbands/wives;

10. Using rumour and innuendo to cause suspicion and hate between different Kenyan


11. Being sent outside Kenya to act as just another Kenyan student/immigrant, and do

the above 1-10 jobs on targeted Kenyans abroad.

The IMPOSTOR Phenomenon

Take the case of FAKE Kenyan, Garissa County Women Representative Anab Subow

Gure (as she calls herself on social media). In parliament, she is known as Gure Anab

Mohamed. Her official parliament page has ZERO information about her. Education?


Why is that?

Because she is an IMPOSTER. She is neither Kenyan, nor Somali. Yet, on paper, she is a

citizen of Kenya, from Somali ethnic group.

I have studied this IMPOSTOR phenomenon extensively. From my analysis, the number of

these IMPOSTERS residing in Kenya currently is between 1,000-5,000 people. However,

most of them - around 90% - live in Mt Kenya and Nairobi regions.

Most of these IMPOSTORS are living in Kenyan villages and towns UNDETECTED.

From my analysis, some of these IMPOSTORS arrived in Kenya when they very young,

between 16-20 years. Some even attended Kenyan high schools, probably lying during

admission that they were younger than they really were.

It is important to note that, although some of them arrived in Kenya in their late teens,

they had already been trained extensively about Kenyan culture and language(s).

Very likely that all of them were also trained on how to handle and use various weapons

eg. knife, pistol, rifle etc.

For them to be able to live in Kenya undetected, they must have been trained about how

to lie with a straight face.

They must have been taught about not how to hide emotions, but how not to have any

emotions ie. to have no conscience.

None of these IMPOSTORS attended Standard 1 in a Kenyan Primary School. That is why

you will not see any of these impostors giving their life history thus:

“I was born in Gituamba village in Githunguri on 5th December 1980. I joined Standard 1

in 1986 at Gituamba Primary school…” (something that can easily be checked)

Instead, they say: I was born in Githunguri…I was born in Mandera…That is, they give big

geographical areas, so that you cannot pin them down and say, “I have a friend who was

born in that village around that time…He says he never saw you, or heard about you or

your family…”

Some of these IMPOSTERS are prolific posters on social media where they run multiple

accounts. It is very difficult to identify them because they even speak local languages.

Their job is to mislead Kenyans. They use these social media handles to bully and

intimidate patriotic Kenyans. Therefore, next time you advocate for a pro-Kenya policy,

and you find yourself being bullied by dozens of users, don’t give up - they may be the

non-Kenyan IMPOSTORS.

Some of them may even be members of your WhatsApp groups. They dominate debate in

these groups, and sway members to think that certain twisted beliefs are okay and

popular among Kenyans.

IMAGINE: If all the known IMPOSTERS were rounded up one morning, taken to DCI

headquarters, and told either to cooperate, or be sent back to where they came from!


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