Page 1: Memento Opening Analysis

The text fades in from being on a black background and the first thing we see is a Polaroid picture, at first its not completely clear what the picture shows at first glance but you can see a flash of red which connotes death or danger.

The cold blue on the contrasting background of the Polaroid makes it seem somewhat sinister as its also in serif font which is a serious type of font generally used in letters and newspapers so we know the picture is showing something grim.

Page 2: Memento Opening Analysis

As the person in the scene waves the photo, at first we think its developing the picture but really it’s fading which tells us the scene is going backwards. This is effective because it lasts for a long time and it is a very calm scene before any real tension appears.

Secondly, we can see there is a small tattoo on the characters hand, although it’s not very clear what it says this is an important detail that identifies the person and could be important later on in the story.

Page 3: Memento Opening Analysis

This is the first time that we can notice the character is wearing a suit, it makes the audience question why he is in the situation because someone wearing a suit shouldn’t be taking pictures like this.

The Polaroid has fully faded to black by this point. By now, if we haven’t figured out what is in the picture, there isn’t a chance to see it and this creates a sense of ambiguity because the picture isn’t clear and neither is the situation.

Page 4: Memento Opening Analysis

Here we can clearly see that the character took the picture, which is suspicious because it makes us question whether he had something to do with the events that took place. Its also shows that whatever he is taking a picture of, it is directly in front of him and rather than calling someone for help he is documenting the events, again very suspicious.

Page 5: Memento Opening Analysis

This is the first shot of the characters face which is a big close up and it is a good shot type to use to introduce characters because it shows a focus on certain characters.

He is a young male, he looks shocked at what he is seeing and he has a distinctive scar on his face. These are the first things we notice and the directors would have planned it to be like this so that we see he’s not just an ordinary person and he has a lot of relevance to the events.

Page 6: Memento Opening Analysis

There is blood dripping down the wall and it goes backwards up the wall which is effective because it shows where the blood is coming from. This looks sinister and you can tell that we are very close to seeing the events that have taken place. The pace also starts to get noticeably faster here building up the tension and causing the audience to get more excited.

Page 7: Memento Opening Analysis

The bullet on the floor tells us that someone has been shot which highlights that the situation wasn’t accidental and someone has clearly been murdered. This shows even more interest in what happened in the photo.

This is a very simplistic shot but tells us a lot about the situation, the sound even makes us feel like the tension is building up to a certain point and everything will become clear.

Page 8: Memento Opening Analysis

These glasses give us a small idea about the identity of the victim. We can see it is likely to be a male, because males would stereotypically wear these glasses and there was a struggle before death because his glasses have fallen off. There are also clear blood spatters over the walls.

Page 9: Memento Opening Analysis

Face down on the floor, we can’t see who has been murdered yet but we link the scene with the photo taken earlier in the opening scene and we see clearly now that the character took the picture of the victim laying on the floor.

This creates a sense of mystery because we still have no idea as to who he is and why he is on the floor, the pace and music are also building up causing there to be an extremely tense moment.

Page 10: Memento Opening Analysis

Here we can see the gun fly back into the characters hand, showing us that he infact shot the person who is dead on the floor. This is very effective as we wonder why he shot this person and whether he is the ‘bad guy’ or ‘good guy’.

We can see that there is a makeshift curtain over the window, the location looks very abandoned and tells us they are somewhere they shouldn’t be.

Page 11: Memento Opening Analysis

All the tension builds to this point and the events suddenly start to take place in real time, we see a quick flash of the victims face but not enough to fully identify who he is but it shows us he is wearing glasses and he looks quite official. He shouts but its not clear what he says, it does tell us he put up a fight against the person who murders him and attempts to fight back.

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