Page 1: Memoirs of Just Another Day

Memories of just another day

D day starts wid a new hope. wid every ray of d sun d gloom of d night dat had canvassed d sky b4 seems to get lifted. D birds chirp, shakin off d slumber from dere wings. D trees also wake up though their momentum is too slow to notice, they also raise deir leaves to catch d first glimpse of sun. the nyt fades, d nytmares are gone. A new day has begun, promising new hopes, new beginnings and may be endings of a lyf led in misery.I end up questioning myself each day, y hadn’t I slept a bit earlier d nyt b4. wat had kept me from fallin asleep as a free soul. den I am reminded, dat my lyf is not a normal one. I ve to endure wat lays on my path. I am undaunted but am also afraid to sleep. Cuz nw I can’t differentiate between a nytmare and the reality.It all cums to me at last. I ve to tread on again, continue wid a smile purched among my lips. Cuz u can be sad but if ur frends and d world cums to know dat u r sad, u feel miserable. So d journey begins- of another tiring day, wishing every moment to be my last. I embrace whatever comes on my path. Am humble and honest, I can’t do wat I can’t do. I live on.How long will it last? I keep on askin myself. Wat is d meaning of existing lyk dis? Den I remember I ve made some promises and I am a man of principles. I never break my promise. So I will secure my obligations first, after dat I am free. I need to earn money. Be it by hook or crook. As d days pass by my tym draws near. D curtain will soon fall on me. Its tym to mint money…

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