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Menachem Begin

Honor Society 2014

Dalya Adler, Devory Lebowitz, Rebecca Lipsky, Nomi Rabhan, Kayla Reich, Leora Spitz and Michal Yacker

“I was captivated by the integrality of Betar’s Zionism, the Land of Israel, the aspiration to establish a Jewish state in

our time.”

Childhood and Early Life

“We did not imagine that even one life would be lost. We did our best to ensure that everyone would be evacuated from

the King David hotel.”

Role in the Irgun

Early Involvement in Politics

“He [David Ben-Gurion] never understood that the very essence of Ze’ev Jabotinsky's teachings was the

establishment of a liberal parliamentary democracy.”

Accomplishments as Prime Minister

“It is for their work in laying a foundation for future peace between these two one-time enemy countries that the President of Egypt, Anwar al-Sadat, and the Prime Minister of Israel, Menachem Begin, have been

honoured with the Nobel Peace Prize for 1978.”

Menachem Begin in

1977 as leader of

oppositioncalls to stay in

Samaria and not give it to

the murderer


“There shall surely come a time in the bright future - הימים באחרית when our children and our children’s ,ויהי

children will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning books. גוי ישא לא

מלחמה״ עוד ילמדו ולא חרב גוי אל

The Lebanon War

“ Ladies and Gentleman, history is being made here tonight. This is the first time ever

that a wholly kosher meal under strict rabbinic supervision is being served in the White House and this is in honor of and out of respect for,

our esteemed guest of honor, Menachem Begin.”

Unique Role

“His life was about doing something. Those who continue to dismiss him repudiate his

tactics, yet take for granted the existence of the state that he helped create.”


“He understood that to love all of humanity equally is to love no one intensively.”

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