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Mentoring in the Agricultural Sector

AgriSETA Conference

22 October 2009

Deon van der Ross

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Current Situation



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World Fastest Growing City

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04/19/23 8= Unemployment

= % growth

=% increase in technical skills

South Africa 2020

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Background – development / mentorship program

OVK started with a development program for black farmers in 2007

A total of 60 farmers has completed a six month business management course

Sixteen farmers are currently in the commercialization project – (summer and winter crop)

Between OVK, VKB & GSA = 66 farmers in summer and winter crop projects > 3000 ha

Impact on food security by Agri - Businesses

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Basic knowledge about running a businessKnowledge – acceptable farming practicesExcess to fundingExcess to marketsBuilding a track record Lack of equipmentGovernment policies / strategies

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PartnershipsOVK, Grain South Africa and Free State Department of AgricultureAgriSETAMaize TrustWheat TrustIDCSuppliers• Monsanto

• Omnia

• Opticrop

• Wenkem, Novon Protecta

• Santam Agri

• Commercial farmers

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Training is a vital part of the development program and is definitely the foundation for success, but


In addition to information a person needs experience to operate effectively – something you cannot get from a



Mentorship refers to a developmental relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps a less experienced or less knowledgeable person

The mentor is not just a provider of knowledge but rather a guide.

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Sometime you have to admit that you need help

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Willingness from both partiesCompatibleRelationshipLocation

-------------ScopeDeliverablesExit strategy

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Current SituationTrained – basics about running businessKnowledge – acceptable farming practicesExcess to fundingExcess to marketsTrack recordSupport structure (mentor)

-------------Farmer organisationsBusiness Organisations

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2007 – One farmer to University (AgriSETA support)

2007 – First place – Dev. Grain Farmer of the year (GSA)

2008 – Second and Third place - Dev. Grain Farmer of the year (OVK & GSA)

2009 – First and Second place - Dev. Grain Farmer of the year (OVK,VKB & GSA)

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"Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to error that counts."Nikki Giovanni

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" You will learn and grow according to the nature and consequences of your actions."Robert Anthony

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You can do anything - or can you ?

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The woodpecker may have to go

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Address the challenges stop the blame gameEmpowerment vs. Beggar mentalityRelationships between all stakeholdersAvailable expertiseSupport form Government

Coming together is a beginning...Keeping together is progress...Working together is a success." Anonymous

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