Page 1: MERRY CHRISTMAS 2!!fulghum/newsletters/FFFAN_Issu… · MERRY CHRISTMAS 2!! Shelby Carey Fulghum.our Editor of the family newsletter. was praised by President Frank and he authorized

faufleton, Saudi Carolina Qecemfier 1993



Accolades to Past President Frank T. Fulghum and PresidentCharles Fulghum and his Mississippi entourage who put on oneof our best reunions. There were ,4. 225 cousins from twenty‑frve states. One of the high priorities of the cousins was tolearn asmuch as they could about their ancient and honorableancestors. the Fulghams. the Fulghum and the Foljarnbes. Therewere many new faces and wewere delighted to see somanysmall children. In fifty years these children will be the leadersof our illustrious National Family Association.

Chairman Tommy Fulghum from Augusta. GA and hiscommittee are still studying the Fulgham/FulghumFamilyEducational Trust. The ExecutiveCommittee enthusiasticallyapproved of continuing work on establishing the Trust. TheAssociation needs a goal and here we have one - providinghigher education for worthy family children. We were urged byChairman Tommy to continue to contribute to the Trust. Writeyour checks toThe FulghaMulghumFamily Educational Trustand mail to Peggy FulghumWood. our Secmtary-Tmsurer.Her address is 4572 Ortega Forest Drive.Jacksonville. FL32210.


Shelby Carey Fulghum. our Editor of the family newsletter. waspraised by President Frank and he authorized gift of Maria‘schart to Shelby for the fine work that she is doing for thefamily. We agree that the newsletter is an important part ofwhat the Association can produce for its members. Themembers of the Executive Committee were urged to supportEditor Shelby by submitting timely articles for theFulglum/Fulghum Family Facts. A communicate with EditorShelby revealed that a recent accident had left her with a footinjury and would prohibit her travel to the reunion. She andCoy are very busy with the building of a new home. 'lhey arelooking at several more months before moving into their newhouse.

Accolades to our Mississippi cousins who used the profits fromthe sale of t-shirts to give to the Fulgham/Fulghum Educationalanst. 5250 and also 550 to the Trust to perpetuate the memoryof our beloved Dorothy Fulghum.

The 1994 reunion will be in Augusta. GA under the supervisionof Vice President Tommy Fulghum and President CharlesFulghum. More news will be coming from the planners. Thedate is established asJune 24-26. 1994. Knowing Tommy andhis capabilities I'm sure this reunion will bea great one.Memphis.TN has invited the reunion in 1995; and wewouldlike to goback to the Isle of Wight. VA the cradle of theFulghams in America. in 1996.

Join the Fulgltam-Fulghum FamilyAssociation Today! WeNeed You and You Need Us.

Page 2: MERRY CHRISTMAS 2!!fulghum/newsletters/FFFAN_Issu… · MERRY CHRISTMAS 2!! Shelby Carey Fulghum.our Editor of the family newsletter. was praised by President Frank and he authorized

(gold) between i t s ueslloos. or: the c r e s t is anar-oo JUN (‘01)coupled at the thigh with sour. quarterly. or. and sable. l'ho m t t ola-‘Soyes Fam.‘ or 'Se F l r l . ‘

of Saint Janos the Greater. who was the pa t r o n to nt of travel. andtherefore nu the badge of the a th r i l a syno l of travel denoting that one or core ancestors vent tothe cmsaooszt perhaps led by Peter the Mar-tr (Circa 1096. fi r s tcrusade) or by Richard Coour do Llon ("57-99) tn the third crusade( " 8 9 ) .

December. 1993 Fulgham-FulghumFamily Facts Page 2

THE FOUAMBECREST - At the reunion there were manyquestions ask of me as to the FoljambeFamily Crest. So let’sreview the historical facts. Sir Godfrey Foljambe. the son of SirThomas. wu born in 1318. Hewas knighted and given theFoljambe Crest by King Edward [ I I for his bravery in battle inanexemplification for the Abbey of Whallen against Frustan dePenkull. Circa 1345.Godfrey. age 27. was styled 'SecundariusBaro Scaecaril'.

The Fella-ho Coat of Am is described as fella-a: Sable. a bond

The ascalloor. when used in heraldry. are the insignia or s y uo lThus. the sscalloos

The «callous are soon often as nliooour smel l . the painting or the h e t t u of Jesus. shows John the Baptist holdingwater tn anascalloo shell.

I. The Cannon Chemo. a. 215.Z . Jornn fi l l s y. '5.o High Peak moored. Vol. t .

From the Wall Street Journal July 6. 1993: Robert Fulghumwants to promote more than his next book. 'Maybe (MaybeNot)”. on 22-city tour in September. In each city. tickets willbesold to see him tell stories and perform. with the prmedsgoing to local charities.

Tune to Sacrifice the Queen“ is published in August 1993Reader's Digest. page 136 and ”Do Not As I Do' is in theAugust-September issue of ModernMaturity. page 86. Botharticles are from cousin Robert's ”Maybe (MaybeNot) and arerecommended for your reading pleasure.

All the Fulghums. Fulghams and Foljambes.worldwide. wishyou. our dear family cousin. continued success in the sale ofyour new book. This book will surely beanother bestseller.Any free samples?

An informative letter was received from cousin Judson Fulghumwhotellsusthathenowhas6900namesinthedatabmandthat 200 were gained asa result of the 1993 reunion. Wecontinue to be thankful to Judson for all the excellent work thathecontinues to do for the family.

At the reunion one of my dear family cousins brought mea1900 uncirculated silver dollar. Now wasn‘t that a thoughtfulthing to do? Thank you again. Dr.Gwin. you set a goodexample. May your tribe increase.

I had a nice letter from our cousin Grey FulghumMcDonaldwho says she looks forward to the Fulghum/FulghamFamilyFacts. She is a true North Carolina Fulghum who lives in St.Petersburg but looks forward to the day that she can go back tothe old north state and get tar on her heels. We are devoting815 to the FulghamlFulghum Family EducationalTrust in GreyFulghumMcDonalds honor.

GOOD NEWS - Please beadvised that our book ”The Fulghum(Fulgham. Foljambe) and Kindred Families" has beenmicrofrlmedby the Family History Library of The Church ofJesus Christ of latter-Day Saints. Salt Lake City. Utah. Thismicrofilm of the book can beobtained. on a rental basis. byrequesting your loeal Film and History Center, The Church ofJesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to obtain it for you. The filmisNO. 1711453“:2. There isasmall rental fee for the useof these films.

Wewere very sorry to learnof the recent illness of CoyFulghum of Pendleton.South Carolina. Wewish you averyearly recovery.

I have been in contact with Mr. James Bolles of Norwalk.CT.Jim is the director of The Family Society To m who proposesto plan a visit for our family members to visit the villages ofour English ancestors during July or August 1995. Moreinfatuation will be forth coming on this proposal asit isdeveloped. Mr. Bolles is very knowledgeable of the Foljambesof England.

Jacolyn and I attended the 50th anniversary of the USSCasablanca. CVESS. an aircraft carrier which was commissionedJuly 8. 1943. I w the Senior MedicalOfficer and FlightSurgeon on this ship and served from July 8. 1943 toNovember. 1944. I enjoyed weing my shipmates in CorpusChrist. Texas. September 75-October 2. after= 50 years.

My best wishes to all Foljambes and Fulghams and Fulghurnsall over the world. Don’t faget to teach your children andgrandchildren thehistoricalbackgroundoforn'ancientandhonorable family and good name. Our ancestors were on thecolony of Virginia 150 years before The Declaration ofIndependence was written.


Join the Fulgltam-Fulghum Family Asmialion Today! WeNeed You and You Need Us.

Page 3: MERRY CHRISTMAS 2!!fulghum/newsletters/FFFAN_Issu… · MERRY CHRISTMAS 2!! Shelby Carey Fulghum.our Editor of the family newsletter. was praised by President Frank and he authorized

December, 1993 Fulgham‐FulghumFamily Facts | Page 3

FAMILY FACTSWilliam L. Fulghurn. Sr.

After having attended every reunion since our first at RockRidge School Grounds.Wilson,NC. in May 1985. it was quitea_disappointrnent to miss the Palestine.Texas reunion in 1992.Of course, the 'Family Facts" did a goodjob offilling usin onwhatitwasthatwernissed. Butasl‐IazelandIradFrank’s"President's Message" and the 'Noaee" from Peggy and Shelby,our minds were made up. We just couldn‘t miss Mississippi!And.thanltsbemtheGoodLord.wemadeitl

The barbecue and catfish along with some truly entertainingactivities like dancing (or watching others dance) and the follsyhumorofamosttalentedafwrdinnerspeakerwereallpartofthe reward for visiting with our cousins from almost everywhere(especially Mississippil). But a big bonus came for usaswemet and got to visit with cousin Jim Mills from Wadley, GA.

OnedaylastMarchthaewasthisreallybigofficiallookingenvelopeinourmail. ItwasfrornalamesF.Mills.CFE.SeniorFinancial Examiner.State of Georgia. OHMYGOSH! Itmight aswell have said James F. Mills, IRS-FBI-ClAlAnything that offic'mlfm'therblurs myvisionnowadays. Butdismaybecamedelightaslread'DearBill“.andasl‘unmywentontointroducehirnselfasthesonofmyDad'sfirstcousin.Mary FulghurnMills. Further. the contenn poured outdetailafterdetailoncousimanduncleswhosenamesl'donlyheardasakidlisteningtomyUncleBobtellmossystorieeaboutowkimhedintheSwainsboro‐WadleywctionofGeagiaandmorespecifically.ColernanIake...storiesthatwould getakid’s attention right off asthey would eventually'lead to a greatyarnaboutfishinginTI-IESWAMP. Andthiswouldmeanavisittotheboolrmsefor‘l‘HEdefinitiverefereneebook-his1926 editionof'l-listoryofOkfenokee Swamp'.

Of course limmyhadUncle George’slinemappedoutandthatreallynunedoverthebucket. BacktoUncleBob. Whenhereally got going hewould always mention his UncleGeorge(Tommy's Grandfather). Now.Uncle George must have been afetching fellow indeedasAunt Hilda and Mama would nevermisstheoppormnitytosay.'He'ssmelythernosthandsomeFulghumoverthere." Andthentheywouldjustassmelysay.'Youknowhesurehasawaywithmoney.‘ and'YoushouldseeCarloahehathemaneofabear.‘ (Youmnimaginewhatsuchuthatconjuredtpinaheadalreadyfullofimageryassociatedwith'l'HESWAMP.) Smihaveacopyofthatpictmeofalloflosephl-Iarrison’sboysandsmeUncleCarlosdidhaveanoumtandingbrmhatthetimethatpicturewasstruck. ButMotherandI-Iildajustlaiditontoothick. ’CornemmhrkofitumgmindlatpicuueUncleGeorgedidlookthepart. Grandpalohndidn't. Nooneloolringatthatmildmarmaedcountenancewmldimaginehimsnatchingmeblew

Deal’s ernancipatingREA electric service lines from the side ofhis home and waming the installing interlopers not to comeback. Kerosene lamps. well buckets.wood stoves, fireplaces.wash pots. ice boxes and 'outdoor plumbing' served his needsjustfinethankyou. Hedidn‘tseeelectricityasanenluncement to his fiddle playing and it certainly wouldn’t doanything f t ! the lyrics to 'FroggyWent A-Courtin' and othermarvels with which he enchanted his grandchildren. A Sundaylazyfrontporchswingwithroomforhirn.thefiddleandacouple of pdrs of dangling legs. not quite long enough to reachthe unpainted hut-pine floor, was more than enough. Grandpalohn....howmany times did herecite 'Little Robert Rad“?EnmghsothatlwellunderstoodthatGrandpawasasobermanandthatsornewheretherewasalittle fellanamedRobertReedwhodidnotsmokeordrinkandthwghttobaccoa'filthyweed'. Andthisoneenoughsothatlrememberitalmosttothe word.



Don‘t view mewith acritic's eye.But pass my imperfections by.

For thmdering streams from little fountains flow.Tall oaks from little acorns grow.


WdLbleuhislteuaGrandpaJohntriedtopointusallinthefish! I' .

Obviously,ShelbyhugottoputastoptothisbefcrewemnoutofspmJutletmementionhowmuchlimmy‘swtrkmean t ime . HehaearefullyalignedallthosesonsoflosephHarrison...lohn.£noch.lirn.Carlos,lesse.George.Oscar.Ethan and little'l'oby (there were nogirls) and their progeny.NotonlythaLheincludedaparalleltoDrJ‘un'sandludson'sworkonlohnGlermandMathew. (J‘mtmystoppedshortoftracingbeyoodMathewasthingsgotmm'kymereIunderstand.)

Onelastname. IknowthatwithinourFamilylieeaworldofmanoryoflittlethingsthatshouldbesharedandpreserved.Butonlyyouemgivevoicetoyomyestadays. Don'tbeshy.We’refamilyl AndithadbetterooncernmallthatwithoutDr._lim'sselfleesworkincoruriburingitemafterituntothisNewsletteritjustmightnot'gotopess'oneofthesedays.

Join the Fulgham-FulglrmFamilym i n i a - Today! WeNeedYou and YouNeedUs.

Page 4: MERRY CHRISTMAS 2!!fulghum/newsletters/FFFAN_Issu… · MERRY CHRISTMAS 2!! Shelby Carey Fulghum.our Editor of the family newsletter. was praised by President Frank and he authorized

December, 1993 Fulgham‐Fulghum Family Facts ' Page 4

IN MEMORIAMIn memory of Haywood Fulghum of Wadley. Georgia. age 60.who died October 30. 1993. Haywood was the brother of our_'I‘ominy Fulghum of Augusta. Georgia and whose father wasOscar Thomas Fulghum of Wadley. Georgia.

'4 loving memory of Annie Sue Jones. the Mother of our own-elby Fulghum. who died October 13. 1993 in Anderson.

South Carolina. Shelby, we share your grief in your Motherspassing. Please accept our deep sympathy.


FAMILYFrank Fulghum

A few years ago. my Dad was eighty at the time. it dawned onme how little I knew about my own family and ancestry.

With that in mind. I sat out to get as much information on thefamily asI could. My expectations were not great. f t ! in allmy life it was seldom that the Fulgh'm name was encounteredoutside of my immediate family.

My Dad. as it turned out. knew very little about his family pasthisfather. Hehadseenhisgrandfatheronlyonceinhislifewhich was not uncommon for the early nineteen hundreds. HisMotherhadtoldhimthenameofhisgreatgrandfatherandthatwas about all he knew.

Fortunately for me. my grandmother was one of thesewonderful people who loved the family and kept every scrap ofinfatuation about any of the family no matter how remote. Herfamily Bible was full of the information I wanted. When mywife and I were getting information onmy great-greatgrandfather we found tlnt his father's name was Micajah. Iremembered my grandmother lutd told me. at some time. howthe name was pronounced.

When I had gotten back asfar asMicajah. someone had alreadydone the genealogy on the family all the way back to CaptainAnthony. Along this time. one of my California cousins toldme there was a national Fulgh'm family association. I couldscarcely believe it. head on my previous experience.

Join ( I n Fulgham-Fulghum Family Associaubr Today! WeNeed You end You Need Us.

My first national reunion was at Isle of Wight, Virginia. RobertLeewasthereandlwonderedatthetimehowl-‘ulghamgotchanged to Fulghum. I may have resented it a little then. butwassooneonfrontedwiththefacaifitwerenotforthellumswe probably would not have a Fulgh’m association.

There are many benefits in The Family Association for someonelike myself. When we decide to have the reunion on Texas. Dr.Jim gave me names of people who could help with that venture.As it turned out Gwin and Frances Fulgham. Gwin's sisterEvelyn Fulgharn Crow and Gwin's sister-in-law Swan Fulghamalllivedaboutthirtymilesnorthofusand hadlivedtherealltheir lives. We have become fast friends and visit otten. Gwinand I found that heand I are related through Micajah‘s sons.Mieajah had twelve children. His seventh child was EdmundBrantley. Gwin‘s great-great grandfather. My great-greatgrandfather was Robert Cummings. Edmund Brantley’s brotherand Micajah's eleventh child.

The Bible is filled with accounts of genealogy and it appears tobe very important. not only to the families who recorded theirancestry.buttothosewhocomeafter. IthinkRobertLeeFulghum may have put his finger on the pulse of what I'mtrying to say. In his sermon at the Virginia reunion. hesuggested that we write our great-great grandchildren a letternow.andletthemknowwhoweareandwhatwewantthemtoknowaboutusandourhopesforthem. Afterallwearemortalbeings and when we die. what is left of us except our memoryand memoirs. We can make sure our grandchildren have a partofwhoweareandsornething theywillsmelytressure. Itseems wherever you go you hear stories about your family andrelatives. This wems to create tremendous interest within thefamily and it is told and retold till it becomes a part of familyfolklore.

This Family Association has indeed many opportunities foranyonewhowisheswpartieipate. 'I'hisAssociationismuchlike any family. It requires an effort from evayone if it is tofunction asa whole. The benefits are rich with fellowship andasenseofbelongingfilledwithloveforoneanother. ’I‘hereisnothing so wonderful 3 being a part of family.

Page 5: MERRY CHRISTMAS 2!!fulghum/newsletters/FFFAN_Issu… · MERRY CHRISTMAS 2!! Shelby Carey Fulghum.our Editor of the family newsletter. was praised by President Frank and he authorized

December, 1993 Fulgham-Fulghum Family Facts Page 5


By Peggy FulghumWood

What a great reunion! Mississippi folks really know how tohave a good time and show great hospitality to their guests.Every year] think the reunions are gelling better. perhapsbecause it really is getting together with "family".

If you missed this year. remember we are having another one in' June 1994 in Augusta. Georgia. We hope to see a large groupat the 1994 reunion.

There were at least 225 family member and friends at the "93reunion from Friday night through Sunday services. A lot ofnew names were added to our mailing list. If you have familymembers not on our mail list. let me hear and we will add theirnames so they can be included with the family.

We now have 181paid members for 1993 to the association. Ifyour dues have not been paid. send $10 check to me. Checkyour mailing label for the ’93 if you have paid.

FFFAPEGGY FULGHUMWOOD4572 Ortega Forest DriveJacksonville, FL 32210




We have had a great response to our Family History Book. Wesold several at the reunion. If you have not purchased one foryour family. they are still available at $45 acopy. Once all ofthese books are sold, they will not beavailable. Send checkmade out to Family History Book to meand I will see that youreceive your copy. A

FROM THE EDITORShelby Carey Fulghum

Dear Family:

This newsletter has been in development for quite a fewmonths. I planned it for August or September at the latest.Due to uncontrollable elements. it just didn’t happen. But it isan exceptional issue and has a magnitude of wonderful familyinformation. Be sure to read it from to back. Please you read. that without your contributions of articles there isno newsletter.

This has been aneventful year for me. It has been filled withmuch sadness due to the death of my precious Mother. I missher every day and night. There has been a void left that I knowwill never leave me. With the Lord‘s help and a wonderfulhusband and family I will continue on.

The magic of Christmas is all around usaswe behold thebeauty of this wonderful season of the year. Candles glow onwindow sills. trees are adorned with lights and family treasures.packages are brightly wrapped and excitement fills the air.

But let us not forget what Christmas is all about. The realmagic of Christmas lies in the word itself-CHRIST. As wecelebrate the joys of this holiday season. let us celebrate the joyof Christ and His influence upon our lives and the blessings wereceive from Him. Let usbethankful to God for the birth ofHis Son. Jesus Christ.

May God bless each of you with a Christmas filled with thelove of family and friends.

1993‐1994 OFFICERS





(Oklahoma '.|EDITOR .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SHELBY CAREY FULGHL'M

(South Carol ina)

Join the Fulgham-Fulghum Family Association Today! WeNeed You and You Need Us.

Page 6: MERRY CHRISTMAS 2!!fulghum/newsletters/FFFAN_Issu… · MERRY CHRISTMAS 2!! Shelby Carey Fulghum.our Editor of the family newsletter. was praised by President Frank and he authorized

December, 1993 Fulgham-Fulghum Family Facts Page 6



Fulgham-Fulghum Family Assoc.Peggy FulghumWood4572 Ortega Forest DriveJacksonville, FL 32210Address Correction Requested

BULK FWEu.s.Poems


Join the Fulglxam-Fulghum Family Assacialion Today! WeNeed You and You Need Us.

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