Page 1: Message from Nate...home of an unclean person and reclined in their dirty house!! This is no ... we were rescued from hellfire. They were given the land of Canaan; we’ve been given


FALL 2019

Message from Nate:

He who began a good work among us will carry it on to completion. We pray our love will overflow and we will

continue growing in His knowledge and understanding. - Philippians 1

Football, shopping, and Food! Isn’t that what November is all about? Thanksgiving has turned into the holiday where nothing else can be talked about or thought about. There has been much debate as of late whether this is good or bad. Stores are opening far too early, how can we be thankful when the television is always on football, things like this. I completely understand every family has different traditions, but no matter what yours is take advantage of every moment! See meals were very important, not just in the Old Testament but in the days of Jesus as well. I don’t mean food was in short supply or more valuable than today but meal time and the sharing of meals had great significance. Eating with someone in those time was usually to celebrate and rejoice. It gave an opportunity to share in fellowship, and this fellowship was seen as deeper and more intimate when a meal was involved. You were making a public statement that you shared a common bond with someone if you ate with them. People would even go as far as to say that you condoned their actions and that you were

Inside this Issue:

Note From Vonnie 2

Sign Painting 3

Calendar Events 4


Team Schedule 5

Celebrations 6

Thanksgiving 7

Womans World Day of

Prayer 7

Stewardship Note 8


“As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth, and he said to him, "Follow me." And he rose and followed him. And as Jesus reclined at table in the house, behold, many tax col-lectors and sinners came and were reclining with Jesus and his disciples. And when the Pharisees saw this, they said to his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?" But when he heard it, he said, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, and not sacri-fice.' For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners."” Matthew 9:9-13 ESV Not only is he eating with those people, but He even went to the home of an unclean person and reclined in their dirty house!! This is no doubt what the Pharisees were thinking. But here is what Jesus under-stood, sharing a meal is sharing life. It’s living life alongside someone. Relationships begin or are strengthened during a meal. You have conver-sations, talk about life, and even allow yourself to become vulnerable. Now I’m not saying that anyone that you will see this Thanksgiving will be unclean or have a dirty house. In no way am I stating they are sinners or need to be saved, what I am saying is no matter what it is this Thanksgiv-ing, shopping, food, playing football, watching football, going to a movie, etc. Take advantage of the time to live life with someone. Slow down, talk, have fun, engage in fellowship and most of all listen!


Nate Sales

Page 2: Message from Nate...home of an unclean person and reclined in their dirty house!! This is no ... we were rescued from hellfire. They were given the land of Canaan; we’ve been given

“The Lord is my strength and my song, and He has become my

salvation...Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You,

majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?”

(Exodus 15:2, 11)

The Lord Is My Salvation

Before Jesus became our Lord, Savior, and greatest Treasure, we were in great danger

against a greater enemy with even more at stake. However, God dove in and drowned for us.

Isaiah paints that picture for us: “Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. . . . He

was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities. . . . All we like sheep have

gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the

iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:4–6). This told of a more stunning picture of our salvation: a man lodged

between two beams of death, carrying the hideousness of our sin and facing the fury of hell. When

God drove back the seas for us, he drove the nails into Jesus’s hands and his feet. He was not

weak like us, but he became weak for us. He had not sinned like us, but he became sin for us. He

was not condemned like us, but he took our wretched seat on the cross. Our biggest fears look

small and insignificant compared to Calvary.

He Is More Than My Salvation

But God is more than our salvation. In fact, if he is also our song. Moses sings, “The Lord

is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise

him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him” (Exodus 15:2). When we stand before the cross, with dry

and safe ground under our feet, it would be outrageous to remain silent. When God led Israel out

of Egypt, he meant for them to parade like a choir. He wanted the joy dripping from their songs to

announce His strength, His mercy, His wisdom, His justice to anyone listening. So, they sang,

“Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in

glorious deeds, doing wonders?” (Exodus 15:11).

They were rescued from Pharaoh; we were rescued from hellfire. They were given the land

of Canaan; we’ve been given heaven. They were entrusted with a promise; we have met the

Messiah. So, what will we sing?

Thanks be to God for his indescribable gifts! 2 Corinthians 9:15

Vonnie Houchin

Who is like the Lord our God

Strong to save, faithful in love

My debt is paid and the victory won

The Lord is my salvation

Glory be to God the Father.

Glory be to God the Son.

Glory be to God the Spirit.

The Lord is our salvation.

First Baptist

Church accepts


donations. If you

would like to

donate electronically, please go to

the church website (

and follow the link!

Page 3: Message from Nate...home of an unclean person and reclined in their dirty house!! This is no ... we were rescued from hellfire. They were given the land of Canaan; we’ve been given

If you have an event, announcement, or

anything else that you would like included in

the October newsletter, please submit it

to the office by:

November 22!

f irs tbapt is trc@gmail .com

PAGE 3 FALL 2019

Page 4: Message from Nate...home of an unclean person and reclined in their dirty house!! This is no ... we were rescued from hellfire. They were given the land of Canaan; we’ve been given

November IN- TOUCH • NOVEMBER, 2019 PAGE 4

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2



4 5


4 - CE

6 - Tech

6:30 - PM




8:30 - Prayer


8 9














1:30 -

Ann Judson



8:30 - Prayer


15 16





Sign Making


4 - Deacon


6– Mission


19 20



8:30 - Prayer















6 - Council


26 27






10:30 - X-mas


B-day Party

for Dorothy



Oldert Meet

and Greet

The Safeway

grocery store

chain offers a

program to


organizations like churches where

we (the church) can receive 5% of

our grocery and gas purchases

back in cash! The leadership here

at First Baptist wants to encourage

you to take part in this program

with us.




Monday - Friday

Saturday & Sunday - Closed


Stay on top of all the current

events happening at FBC with

just a click! To be added to the

e-mail list, contact the office at



To stay connected and for

words of encouragement,

follow us on Facebook at



The Quilt Raffle fundraiser for the Church of Hope is complete and a

total of $160 was raised!

Thank you to everyone for a successful fundraising for Church of Hope and a chance

to win a beautiful quilt.

The drawing will be held on December 8th and I will let you know the name of the winner.

- Carol Misterek-

Page 5: Message from Nate...home of an unclean person and reclined in their dirty house!! This is no ... we were rescued from hellfire. They were given the land of Canaan; we’ve been given


More Thoughts from Stewardship- “Thankful, Grateful and Blessed.”

As we approach this Thanksgiving season, it gives us the opportunity to continue our thoughts about tithes and offerings as it relates to us in the New Testament era according to

Dr. David Jeremiah out of his book, The Grace of Giving. The differences between the Old Testament Giving and New Testament Giving is as follows:

“In the Old Testament it is a Specific Giving; In the New Testament it is a Sacrificial Giving.” In 2 Corinthians 8:1-3, the Macedonian Christians gave out of their own poverty to relieve the suffering of the church in Jerusalem. The story of the poor widow in Mark 12: 41-44 is another example of that giving. “In the Old Testament it is Giving By Law; In the New Testament it is Giving Out Of Love.” The primary motivation in the Old Testament for giving was it was the law. Paul’s description of the Mac-edonian Christian’s giving shows an internal motivation. “Giving is to be characterized by willingness (2 Corinthians 8:3), cheerfulness (2 Corinthians 9:7) and eagerness (2 Corinthians 8:4). Only the grace of God can motivate giving that is based on love instead of law. Giving in the Old Testament looked only at what was given, but New Testament giving looks not only at the gift but the attitude of the heart behind it. God does not want us to give grudgingly. The attitude of our hearts should be that giving is a privilege.”

“In the Old Testament it is Obligation; In the New Testament it is Opportunity.” The Macedonians saw suffering in Jerusalem as an opportunity, not an obligation to give. Giving can be an “opportunity to reciprocate—to give when we have much and to receive when we have little. Giving is an opportunity to bless and be blessed in the Body of Christ.” “In the Old Testament it is Giving By Percentage; In the New Testament it is Giving by Proportion.” 1 Corinthians 16: 1-2 illustrates the difference between percentage and proportion. “Paul says that we are to set aside money for the Lord each week, “storing up as (we) may prosper.” When we prosper, we should give more because the proportion we are giving is a larger amount as our total wealth increases. The more we give, the more we will be blessed. “In the Old Testament Giving is a Responsibility; In the New Testament, Giving is a Response.” “The spiritual person will recognize all that God has done for him in Christ and will want to respond gener-ously and with gratitude. Giving in the New Testament is a response to the gifts we have received from God. Giving to God is not a repayment for what He has done as that would be impossible. Instead of a repayment, it is a response, a gesture of our gratitude.”

“There are many promises in the Word of God which tell us what God is committed to doing in response to those who give faithfully to Him (Proverbs 3:9-10; Luke 6:38; 2 Corinthians 9:6-8; Galatians 6:7-10; Phi-lippians 4:19). In short, He says He will give grace to meet our every need; He will give in the same meas-ure with which we give; He will cause our “barns and vats” to overflow. Remember: the open hand that gives to God is the same open hand He promises to fill with His blessing in return. May you begin and/or continue proving that you can never out-give God!”

FALL 2019

Website………….....…… Nate………[email protected] Colby………….…[email protected] Vonnie……….…[email protected] Heidi……………[email protected] Office………[email protected]


Wednesday duty time 5:00 pm – 7:45pm

Wednesday Nov. 6: Mike Woods, Todd Carda

Wednesday Nov. 13: Tracy Koskan, John Wrede

Wednesday, Nov. 20: Steve Kuske, Tim Skinner

Wednesday, Nov. 27: No W.O.W.

November 2019

Sunday duty time 8:00 am -11:15 am

Sunday, Nov. 3: Zach Style, Troy Oldert

Sunday, Nov. 10: Jim Hearn, Corey Burks

Sunday, Nov. 17: Ken Wrede, Mike Woods

Sunday, Nov. 24: Brett Johnson, Erik Olness

Emergency - 911 Dispatch - 394-4131

November Meetings

Mary Martha Circle

Tuesday, Nov. 12th, 6:00 PM

Hostess: Donna Skinner

Ann Judson Circle

Wed., Nov. 13th, 1:30 PM

Hostess: Marella

Devotions: Peg

Roll Call:

If you found a $100 bill

on the path, what would you do with it?

Page 6: Message from Nate...home of an unclean person and reclined in their dirty house!! This is no ... we were rescued from hellfire. They were given the land of Canaan; we’ve been given

Chase Toms 2

DeeDee Carda 5

Duane Miller 6

Shirley Miller 7

Linda Briggs 9

Teresa Barnhill 9

Michelle Sosa 10

Donna Skinner 11

Holly Buehler 11

Michael Meyer 12

Pat Parks 13

Deloris Millar 14

Ruperto Reyes 15

Sam Munsch 18

Cora Boerman 20

Russ Kirth 22

Tori Peterson 22

Eli Hemmen 24

Leroy Brassfield 24

Dorothy Whisler 26

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare

and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11




If we have missed your special day,

please contact the office so we may

add you to our celebration list!

November 1

Warren & Janice Fisk




John Boersma

Todd Carda

Bernie Christner

Diane Kirchhevel

Brett Johnson

November 10

Zach Style

Mike & Jeannene Woods

Pat Parks

Holly Buehler

Heather Anderson

November 17

Jim Hearn

Erik Olness

Cyndy Strand

Roger Pryor

November 24

John & Margie Wrede

Jerry & Linda Ross

Jeanette Nilson

Tracy Koskan

FALL 2019 PAGE 7

Info for the Annual ISI Dinner

coming soon!

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