Page 1: Message Notes Lifecycles #3 Student Offering—Get Wisdom

May 17, 2015

Message Notes Lifecycles #3

Student Offering—Get Wisdom Joel K. Johnson

Message: Get Wisdom

Six Ways to Find Wisdom

First, ___________________ wisdom. Proverbs 4:8; 2:4

Second, look for it in the ___________________ . Psalm 19:7

Third, serve the ___________________ . Proverbs 21:13

Fourth, ___________________ ! 1 Kings 3:11; James 1:5

Fifth, think frequently of your ___________________ . Psalm 90:12

Sixth, come to __________________ . Matthew 12:42

Worship in Song

Praise the Father, Praise the Son I Am Psalm 23

Community Life


This Is Living


“Student Offering—Get Wisdom”

Pastor Joel K. Johnson


Brynn Erb

Prayer of Blessing

Laurie Pohlad, Small Group Leader Rainer Erani, Sibling Lori Lhotka, Parent Micaela Pekarek, Former Student Josh Miller, Pastor of Student Ministry

Closing Song

Oh Lord, You’re Beautiful

Page 2: Message Notes Lifecycles #3 Student Offering—Get Wisdom

Life Cycles #3

Student Offering—Get Wisdom Small Group Discussion Questions

1. Can you recall words of wisdom that was shared with you when you graduated from high school? What were those words and who shared them and how have they played out in your life?

2. The focus of this week’s Life Cycles series was on graduating seniors but the message, Get Wisdom, applies to all of us no matter the life cycle we find ourselves in. Pastor Joel used many scripture texts to show that the happiness we long for is found in God. Read Proverbs 3:13; 13-14; 19:8. Summarize what these passages say to you about happiness and wisdom.

3. How do you practically find wisdom? Pastor Joel gave six clear biblical directives. Review each one and share with each other which one you have found to be most true and how, as well as which one you could learn to practice more in order to grow in wisdom.

#1 Desire wisdom. Proverbs 4.8; 2:4 (Do you have an appetite for it and run after it, prize it and cherish it?) #2 Look for it in the Bible. Psalm 19.7; Proverbs 18:4 (Pastor Joel talked about the impact of reading the Bible or books about God for 15 minutes a day – can you recall what he said will happen if you do? Have your seen this happen in your own reading of the scripture? #3 Serve the poor. Proverbs21:13; Matthew 25:35-46. (T/F Jesus comes to us through the poor; how do you serve the poor or give to the poor?) #4 Pray! James 1:5 (do you ask God for wisdom?) #5 Think frequently about your death. Psalms 90:12 (why is thinking about the shortness of this life and the infinite length of the next life helpful in getting wisdom?) #6 Come to Jesus. Colossians 2:3; Matthew 12:42 (there are a lot of voices speaking to you about who you are, why you are here, and where you are going. How do you keep from having the voice of Jesus be diminished by the voices of others?)


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