
The bamboo buzzer is known variously as the balingbing or bunkaka (Kalinga) and batiwtiw (Central Philippines). The bamboo buzzer is a bamboo tube which is open or split at one end. The sound is produced by striking the split end against the palm of the hand. This instrument is also used to drive away evil spirits.

Is one of the most ancient percussion instruments among the tagalogs. It is played by striking one piece against the other. Those who speak tagalog and visayan dialect will easily understand the meaning of the word kalutang, where KA means company, as in kasama (tagalog word) and LUTA (visayan word) means separated. The two syllables together produce kalutang, which means two separated wood sounded together to produce a musical sound or rhythm.

Two stringed lute made of wood, one string for the melody, one for the drone. Eight frets originally held in place placed on the neck of the lute by a sticky rubbery substance, propolis, produced by honey bees to repair damages and openings in the hive. The lute is decorated with floral motives; the tail is carved to represent a stylised crocodile head. Dimensions: length: 152 cm., width: 11,5 cm.

The Bukidnon prefer small gongs with narrow rims and with a boss but in practice, they use gongs of different shapes and sizes, whatever kind of gong is available. All these gongs are called agung. The small gongs are hung by a rope which is held with one hand by the player while the other hand beats on the boss with a padded mallet. The Banwaon and Umayamnon sometimes hang a big agung in front of them and beat it usually with two blank, unpadded sticks on the rim, resulting in a high-pitched, metallic sound obviously considered the ideal gong sound for dancing in these areas. Gongs are usually played alone. The Banwaon, on the other hand, seem to prefer playing the agung in combination with the drum gimb (gimbal), which they probably adopted from the Agusan Manobo. Drums which are constructed in exactly the same way are used among several other ethnic groups in eastern Mindanao, including the Tboli, Blaan, Bagobo, Mandaya and Mansaka. This drum is made from a log of wood whose length approximately matches its diameter. It is covered with skin at both ends but, as it is standing on the ground on one drum head only one skin is beaten with two sticks.

Played using a bow and a fro. Also known as Dayuday in Mindanao.

The dayuday (dayuray) is a spike fiddle with only one string. The Banwaon adopted the name kugut from the identical instrument of the neighboring Agusan Manobo. The body of the instrument is made from one half of a coconut shell, the open end of which is covered with snake skin or pigs bladder. A bamboo strip is pierced through two holes in the coconut shell with one half sticking out; this projecting half is then inserted into a thin bamboo stick which serves as the neck. The bow is also made out of a bamboo strip. The string of the dayuday is made of abaka hemp or from a purchased guitar steel string, the bow's string of abaka.

Bamboo tube, closed at one end by a node (on the right on the picture). Dimensions; length: 31,5 cm., diameter: 1,5 cm Lantoy are generally distinguished according to the construction of their mouthpieces. In this respect, the Bukidnon have three types of flutes, which are all made out of bamboo: one type of long flute and two types of short flutes that come in different varieties, depending on the arrangement of the fingerholes. All flutes have something in common: the position of their fingerholes is determined by using the circumference of the bamboo reed as a measuring unit; it depends on the type of flute how many times this measuring unit is copied to the reed and marked by scratched lines on the bamboos surface.

A set of eight iron plates with boss on a wooden frame. The plates are tuned and played as a kulintang. The set is considered to be a practice set for children, although adults also play the instrument. Dimensions: length: 95 cm., width: 14 cm. height: 9 cm. Referring to the musical instrument composed of 7-8 graduated gongs laid horizontally on a rack, played by a pair of soft wooden sticks.

The "tambuli" is a Filipino horn prepared from the horn of a carabao, the beast of burden in the Philippines. And, perhaps an authentic photo of a Tambuli. Its use here to symbolize "Community Voices" is more historic in origin.

In the old days, the "town crier" blows the "tambuli" to alert the community people to gather, come to a meeting and hear an important news or event that has significance to the community. This then signals the meeting of the people in the "barangay" (i.e., the smallest political unit, also called the "baryo", in the Philippines), usually led by the "kapitan", i.e., the barrio captain. The "tambuli" is used also to signal the presence or potential of incoming danger. In both respects, these are accurate embodiments of the goals of "Community Voices", and the appropriateness of "tambuli" to symbolize these aspirations.

The palendag, also called Pulalu (Manabo and Mansaka), Palandag (Bagobo), Pulala (Bukidnon) and Lumundeg (Banuwaen) is a type of Philippinebamboo flute, the largest one used by the Maguindanaon, a smaller type of this instrument is called the Hulakteb (Bukidnon). A lip-valley flute, it is considered the toughest of the three bamboo flutes (the others being the tumpong and the suling) to use because of the way one must shape one's lips against its tip to make a sound. The construction of the mouthpiece is such that the lower end is cut diagonally to accommodate the lower lip and the second diagonal cut is make for the blowing edge. Among the Bukidnon, a similar instrument with the same construction except that it is three-fourths the length of the palendag, is called the hulakteb

Xylophone with 17 keys made of bamboo, separated by metal nails. The resonating case is decorated with floral motives. At the sides are two mirrors. The beaters are made of wood with a piece of tube rubber. Dimensions: length: 102 cm., width: 51 cm. height: 37 cm. The Gabbang can be played as a solo instrument. Sometimes a duo is formed with a 'biula', a local violin.

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