  • 8/8/2019 MGR medical university MS ENT basic sciences march 2009 question paper with solution


    The Tamilnadu Dr MGR Medical University MS (ENT)

    Basic sciences

    Question paper March 2009 with solutions


    Dr. T Balasubramanian

  • 8/8/2019 MGR medical university MS ENT basic sciences march 2009 question paper with solution


    MS (ENT) Applied Basic Sciences

    March 2009

    I. Anatomy: Answer any fourFacial recess Is defined as an aerated extension posterior superior

    portion of the middle ear cavity medial to the tympanic annulus and

    lateral to the fallopian canal.


    Medial Facial nerveLateral Tympanic annulus

    Superior Incus buttress (near the short process of incus)

    Running through the wall between these two structures with varying

    degrees of obliquity is the chorda tympani nerve. Chorda tympani

    nerve always run medial to the tympanic membrane.

    Drilling in this area between the facial nerve and annulus in the angle

    formed by the chorda tympani nerve leads into the middle ear cavity.

    This surgical approach to the middle ear cavity is known as facial

    recess approach.

    Uses of facial recess approach:

    1. Used to reach hypotympanum of middle ear2. Used to place cochlear implant electrode into the cochlea via the

    round window.

    3. Horizontal portion of facial nerve can be accessed via thisapproach. Hence this approach can be used to performdecompression of horizontal division of facial nerve.

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    Occasionally cholesteatoma of middle ear cavity can invade the

    mastoid antrum without involving the aditus. It has been

    hypothesized that drilling this area can provide additional avenue for

    mastoid aeration.

    Land marks used to identify this region:

    1. External genu of facial nerve medially

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    2. Fossa incudes superiorly3. Chorda tympani laterally4. Tympanic membrane anteriorly and laterally.

    Trautmans triangle:

    This is a triangular space bounded by

    Bony labyrinth anteriorly

    Sigmoid sinus posteriorly

    Dura containing superior petrosal sinus superiorly.

    This triangle is a potential weak spot through which infections of

    temporal bone may traverse and affect cerebellum. Extra duralabscess involving the posterior cranial fossa is also possible when thin

    bone in this triangle gets breached in infections / cholesteatoma

    involving mastoid cavity.

    Since bone in this area is rather thin it can be drilled out to enter into

    the posterior cranial fossa. This can be used as an approach to

    posterior cranial fossa lesions.

    The size of this triangle is highly variable depending on the size of the

    sigmoid sinus. A large sigmoid sinus reduces the size of this triangle

    and also increases the angulation of the superior petrosal sinus with

    it. This impedes the venous drainage predisposing to the

    development of endolymphatic hydrops.

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    Recurrent laryngeal nerve:


    In order to understand the various neurological problems affecting

    the mobility of the vocal cord a clear understanding of the anatomy

    of recurrent laryngeal nerve is a must because it supplies the muscles

    acting on the vocal cord. The larynx is intimately involved in

    swallowing, breathing, coughing and phonation. These functions are

    dependent on normal movements of the vocal cords. These

    movements are controlled by muscles which are innervated by

    therecurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve.

    Anatomy: The recurrent laryngeal nerve is a myelinated nerve. It is a

    component of the vagus nerve. As the vagus nerve exits the medulla,the fibers of the recurrent laryngeal nerve are anteriorly situated in

    it. As the vagus traverses inferiorly, the fibers of the recurrent

    laryngeal nerve starts to rotate medially until they are ultimately

    separated from the vagus nerve.

    The course taken by the vagus nerve differs between the right and

    the left sides. The left vagus nerve follows the carotid artery into the

    mediastinum crossing anterior to the aortic arch. The recurrent

    laryngeal nerve arising from the vagal nerve just below the aortic

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    arch loops medially under the aorta and ascends within the

    tracheoesophageal groove. The anterior bronchoesophageal artery

    supplies the left vagus nerve. The right vagus nerve descends with

    the common carotid artery. At the level of division of the innominate

    artery, the right recurrent laryngeal nerve loops around the

    subclavian artery and ascends along the superior lobe of the pleura. It

    then approaches the tracheoesophageal groove behind the common

    carotid artery. The approximate length of the left recurrent laryngeal

    nerve is 12 cms, whereas the right nerve measures about 6 cms only.

    Considering the extra length and the distance the left recurrent

    laryngeal nerve has to travel, it is the common nerve affected by

    diseases / disorders / trauma etc. The right recurrent laryngeal nervedoes not get into the tracheoesophageal groove until it approaches

    the cricothyroid joint. In some patients the right recurrent laryngeal

    nerve is given off from the vagus nerve at the level of thyroid gland,

    this condition is always associated with an anomalous

    retroesophageal location of the right subclavian artery. This is also

    known as anon recurrent variationof the right recurrent laryngeal

    nerve. This condition places the nerve at risk during thyroid surgery.

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    Diagram showing the right and left recurrent laryngeal nerves

    Relationship of recurrent laryngeal nerve with inferior thyroid artery:

    The recurrent laryngeal nerve has significant but varying relationship with

    the inferior thyroid artery. On the left side, the recurrent laryngeal nerve passesbehind the inferior thyroid artery in 50% of the cases and anterior to the artery

    in 20% of cases and may lie in between the branches of the inferior thyroid

    artery in 30% of cases. On the right side since the recurrent laryngeal nerve

    approaches the tracheoesophageal groove more laterally, these relations are

    different on the right side. In half of the cases the recurrent laryngeal nerve

    passes between the distal branches of the inferior thyroid artery, in 30% ofpatients it may lie anterior to the artery, and in 20% of cases it may lie deep tothe inferior thyroid artery.

    The recurrent laryngeal nerve enters the larynx deep to the inferior constrictor

    muscle and posterior to the cricoarytenoid joint. Inside the larynx it divides into

    sensory and motor branches. The anteriorly directed motor branch is made up of

    1000 axons. About 250 of the axons innervate the cricoarytenoid muscle, since

    it is the sole abductor of the vocal fold. The trachea, oesophagus and pyriform

    sinuses receive their sensory fibers from the posterior division of the recurrentlaryngeal nerve before entering the larynx.

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    The blood supply to the recurrent laryngeal nerve comes from the inferior

    thyroid artery. The feeding branches are usually anterior to the nerve. Distally,

    the inferior laryngeal artery, a terminal branch of the inferior thyroid artery,supplies the recurrent laryngeal nerve.

    Figure showing left recurrent laryngeal nerve and its course

    The pretracheal fascia that covers the thyroid gland condenses and attaches

    the thyroid gland to the upper two tracheal rings is known as the Berry'sligament. The recurrent laryngeal nerve often passes through this layer to

    enter the larynx.

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    Figure showing the relationship between recurrent laryngeal nerve and

    Berrys ligament

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    Uncinate process:

    The uncinate process is a wing or boomerang shaped piece of bone. It

    forms the first layer or lamella of the middle meatus. It attaches

    anteriorly to the posterior edge of the lacrimal bone, and inferiorly to

    the superior edge of the inferior turbinate. Superior attachment of

    the uncinate process is highly variable, may be attached to the lamina

    papyracea, or the roof of the ethmoidal sinus, or sometimes to the

    middle turbinate. The configuration of the ethmoidal infundibulum

    and its relationship to the frontal recess depends largely on the

    behaviour of the uncinate process. The uncinate process can beclassified into 3 types depending on its superior attachment. The

    anterior insertion of the uncinate process cannot be identified clearly

    because it is covered with mucosa which is continuous with that of

    the lateral nasal wall. Sometimes a small groove is visible over the

    area where the uncinate attaches itself to the lateral nasal wall.

    Figure showing Type I uncinate process

    Type I uncinate: Here the uncinate process bends laterally in its upper most

    portion and inserts into the lamina papyracea. Here the ethmoidal

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    infundibulum is closed superiorly by a blind pouch called the recessus

    terminalis (terminal recess). In this case the ethmoidal infundibulum and the

    frontal recess are separated from each other so that the frontal recess opens

    in to the middle meatus medial to the ethmoidal infundibulum, between the

    uncinate process and the middle turbinate. The route of drainage and

    ventilation of the frontal sinus run medial to the ethmoidal infundibulum.

    Figure showing type II uncinate process

    Type II uncinate: Here the uncinate process extends superiorly to the roof of

    the ethmoid. The frontal sinus opens directly into the ethmoidal infundibulum.

    In these cases a disease in the frontal recess may spread to involve the

    ethmoidal infundibulum and the maxillary sinus secondarily. Sometimes the

    superior end of the uncinate process may get divided into three branches one

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    getting attached to the roof of the ethmoid, one getting attached to the lamina

    papyracea, and the last getting attached to the middle turbinate.

    Figure showing type III uncinate process

    Type III uncinate process: In this type the superior end of the uncinate process

    turns medially to get attached to the middle turbinate. Here also the frontal sinusdrains directly into the ethmoidal infundibulum.

    Uncinate process should be removed in all endoscopic sinus surgical procedures

    in order to open up the middle meatus. In fact this is the first step in endoscopicsinus surgery.

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    Rarely the uncinate process itself may be heavily pneumatised causing obstruction to the infundibulum.

    Nasal tip supports:

    Nose is the most prominent portion of face. It is also responsible for the

    aesthetics of the face. Surgical increase / decrease of projection of nasal tip in

    relation to face play an important role in the success of rhinoplasty

    procedures. Anatomically nasal tip area is very complex. Inadvertent damage

    to the support structure of nasal tip area during surgery will cause disastrous


    Tripod theory of Anderson: This theory explains the nasal tip supporting

    mechanisms. Anatomically the two alar cartilages form a functional tripod that

    supports the nasal tip. The right and left lateral crura comprise the two legs of

    the tripod, while the two conjoined medial crura forms the third leg. The apex

    of the tripod is considered to be the tip of the nose. This tripod is supposed

    to be the major support of nasal tip. Medial crura are shorter than the lateral

    crura. Tip rotations can take place either due to increase in the length of

    medial limb or decrease in the height of lateral limbs. These medial crura are

    further supported by attachments to superior and inferior portions of nasal

    septum. The nasal tip tripod is considered to be a dynamic unit suspended and

    supported by surrounding rigid structures. Other major nasal tip supports


    1. The attachment of medial crural feet to the caudal end of quadrangularcartilage

    2. Scroll like attachment of the caudal end of upper lateral cartilage to thecephalic margin of the lateral crura

    Tardys classification of nasal tip support systems:

    According to Tardy there are three major and six minor support mechanisms of

    nasal tip.

    Tardys major support mechanisms include:

    1. Size, shape, strength and resilience of medial and lateral crura

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    2. Attachment of medial crural foot plate to the caudal border ofquadrangular cartilage

    3. Attachment of upper lateral cartilages (caudal border) to alar cartilages(cephalic border).

    The six minor support mechanisms are supposed to augment the major

    support system.

    Tardys Minor tip support system includes:

    1. Ligamentous sling spanning the domes of alar cartilages2. Dorsal portion of cartilaginous nasal septum3. Sesamoid complex extending the support of lateral crura to the pyriform


    4. Attachment of alar cartilage to the overlying skin and musculature5. Nasal spine6. Membranous portion of nasal septum

    This classification of support systems of nasal tip is based on clinical experience

    rather than anatomical models. According to Tardy the tip recoil mechanism

    can be used to study the contribution made by these different nasal tip

    support systems.

    Janeke and Wright nasal tip support hypothesis:

    This hypothesis proposes that fibrous connection between the upper and

    lower lateral cartilages play a vital role in the nasal tip support mechanism.

    This is in addition to the support structures suggested by Tardy. According to

    Wright this fibrous connection between the upper and lower lateral cartilages

    play a vital role in determining the nasal tip tripod structure.

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    Figure showing the nasal tip support structure

    Figure showing the nasal tip tripod as viewed from below

    II. Physiology: Answer any fourStapedial reflex:

    The Stapedial muscle inserts into the head of stapes. When it

    contracts it stiffens the ossicular chain mechanism. Contraction of

    stapedius muscle increases the impedance of middle ear conduction

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    system thereby protecting the inner ear from the damaging effects of

    high intensity sound.

    If the hearing is normal a sound intensity level of 8o dB is sufficient to

    evoke Stapedial reflex. Broad band sounds evoke Stapedial reflex at

    sound pressure levels of 20dB level.

    Stapedial reflex is usually bilateral. If sound is delivered to one ear

    stapedius muscle on both sides contract via the acoustic facial reflex

    arc. Reflex generated on the side of stimulation is known as

    ipsilateral reflex (uncrossed reflex). Reflex generated on the opposite

    side is known as crossed (contralateral reflex).

    Stapedial reflex threshold Is defined as minimum sound pressure

    level needed to produce measurable change in the tympanicmembrane impedance.

    Ipsilateral reflex pathway:

    Ipsilateral ear





    Facial nervenucleus

    Facial nerve


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    Contralateral reflex pathway:

    Uses of Stapedial reflex measurements:

    1. It provides an objective measurement of patients hearing levels2. Helps in identification of probable site of lesion in patients with

    facial paralysis

    3. Can identify malingerersComplete absence of Stapedial reflex may be due to:

    1. Ossicular chain pathology2. Vestibular schwanomma3. Cochlear / retrocochlear deafness4. Brain stem lesions (multiple sclerosis, haemorrhage)5. Diseases involving facial nerve6. Diseases involving stapedius muscle (myasthenia gravis)


    Superior olivarycomplex


    Contralateralsuperior olivary


    Contralateralfacial nerve


    Facial nerve


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    7. To assess the pure tone threshold in a deaf mute child in order toselect a hearing aid.

    8. In otosclerosis to select the ear for surgery.

    Stapedial reflex testing protocol:

    Ipsilateral testing: The probe ear is stimulated using tone pulses at

    500- 4000 Hz or with broadband stimuli at sound pressure levels of 70-90dB

    above the hearing threshold. The first recordable change in the impedance is

    recorded as Stapedial reflex threshold level.

    Contralateral testing: The same impedance recording is performed inthe opposite ear. Contralateral reflex is dependent on the integrity of superior

    olivary complex decussation.

    Advantages of acoustic reflex threshold estimation:

    1. It is an objective test2. Non invasive3. Assess middle ear function accurately4. It is possible to test children5. Malingering can easily be detected.

    How to perform this test?

    1. Patient should be alerted that loud sounds will he heard in eitherear. They should be advised to sit quietly and calmly.

    2. The immitance probe is placed in the ear canal that is to be tested(probe used for tympanometry). The contralateral probe shouldbe placed in the opposite ear.

    3. Tympanometry is performed first. This is a must because acousticreflexes should be measured with the ear canal pressure set to

    obtain the maximum compliance for 226Hz probe tone.

    4. It is not advisable to go above 105dB sound pressure level unlessthe patient has conductive deafness

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    5. Tones are presented to the test ear at 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHzfrequencies at 70-80dB sound pressure level in 5dB increments till

    acoustic reflex is obtained.

    6. If the tone presented is loud enough to evoke Stapedial reflex theimmitance probe will record it.

    7. It should be ensured that the reflex is a true one and not anartefact by repeating the test at the same frequency and sound

    pressure levels.

    Theories of hearing:

    There are various theories attempting to explain how sounds are

    perceived by the brain. The following are the commonly proposed


    Place theory:

    This theory was proposed by Hermann Helmholtz. This theory is

    based on the assumption that pitch discrimination takes place at the

    level of cochlea. Helmholtz was able to demonstrate that the basal

    turn of cochlea responded best to high frequency sounds while the

    apical portion of cochlea responded better to low frequency sounds.

    He assumed that the middle portion of the cochlea responded to

    various middle frequency sounds. He considered the basilar

    membrane to be tuned like a string of a piano. When sound reaches

    the ear the various frequencies stimulate various portions of thebasilar membrane playing a role in pitch discrimination. Experiments

    particularly the present day ones have not categorically proved that

    pitch discrimination occurs at the level of cochlea, it has to be

    accepted that certain amount of gross pitch discrimination takes

    place at the level of cochlea.

    Telephone theory (Pitch theory):

    This theory was proposed by Rutherford. This theory suggests that

    pitch discrimination takes place at the level of auditory nerves.

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    According to this theory all portions of the basilar membrane are

    stimulated by every frequency and the pitch perception depends on

    the number of times the auditory nerve fibers discharge. Studies

    have demonstrated that maximal discharge rate of auditory nerve

    fibers is 1000/sec. This indicates that pitch discrimination of

    frequencies above this frequency cannot be perceived hence this

    theory is also not a complete explanation of sound perception by


    Volley theory:

    This theory was proposed by Weaver. This theory is a judicial

    combination of place theory and telephone theory. Perception of

    sound with frequencies up to 5000Hz depends on the firing rate ofauditory nerves (pitch theory) and frequencies above 5000 Hz

    depends on maximal excitation of various portions of cochlea (place


    Travelling wave theory of Bekesy:

    This is one type of place theory. This theory holds that pitch

    discrimination is determined when a certain place along the basilar

    membrane is set into maximum vibration. The auditory nerve fibers

    supplying the maximally vibrating portion of basilar membrane start

    to fire in response to it.

    Nasal cycle:

    This is defined as rhythmic alternating side to side fluctuation of nasal

    airflow. This fluctuation is caused by alternating congestion and

    decongestion of nasal mucous membrane and changes in the size of

    nasal turbinates.

    Kayser first coined the term nasal cycle even though it was known toyogis for a long time. These cyclic changes occur between 4-12 hours

    and are constant for each individual.

    Even though nasal cycle is demonstrable in nearly 80% of adults it is

    more difficult to see in children.

    The cyclical changes seen in nasal cycle are produced by vascular

    activity, particularly by the amount of blood present in venous

    sinusoids (capacitance vessels). These changes are dependent on

    discharge of autonomic nervous system.

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    Nasal secretions are also cyclical. Secretions are found to be

    increased on the side with the greatest airflow.

    Factors that modify nasal cycle:

    1. Allergy2. Infection3. Exercise4. Hormones5. Pregnancy6. Fear / emotions7. Sexual activity8. High levels of CO2 in the inspired air causes a reduction in the

    nasal resistance

    9. Drugs that block the action of noradrenaline cause reduction inthe nasal cycle.

    The reason for nasal cycle still remains to be studied.

    Mechanism of speech:

    Speech process involves:

    1. Speech centres in the brain2. Respiratory centre in the brainstem3. Respiratory system4. Larynx5. Pharynx6. Nose / nasal cavities/sinuses7. Structures of mouth and facial musculature

    Speech centres in central nervous system:

    Centres for speech recognition and production is situated on the left

    hemisphere in 90% of right handed individuals, 60% of left handed individuals

    and in 30% of ambidextrous individuals. Speech recognition and linguistic

    expression are located in the Wernickes area of brain. This involves input

    from visual and auditory areas. From this area stimuli are sent to Brocas area

    where vocalization control is located.

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    Coordination of oral motor mechanism is very essential for generating complex

    speech sounds. This takes place at the level of cerebral motor cortex.


    Respiration before phonation is slightly different from that of normal

    breathing. Inspiration is somewhat quicker and expiration is slightly slowed.

    Vocal fold vibrations:

    These vocal folds open and close allowing air from subglottic area to escape in

    a phased manner. The rate of vibration of vocal folds produces sound. The

    frequency of these vibrations is highly individualistic and is known as the

    fundamental frequency of the individual. The fundamental frequency can beadjusted by contraction of intrinsic muscles of larynx especially the

    thyroarytenoid which is known as the tuning fork of larynx. Positions assumed

    by vocal folds play a vital role in phonation.

    1. When a sound like (f) is produced the vocal folds are held wide apart.2. Sometimes during speech the vocal folds are completely closed and

    suddenly open to release air from subglottis due to increasing subglottic

    pressure levels. The sound thus generated is known as glottal stop.3. Vibrations of vocal folds this involves four stages. The first stage is

    closure / adduction where the vocal folds are brought together by

    contraction of laryngeal muscles. In the second stage the flow from the

    lungs still persists against the closed glottis causing an increase in

    subglottic pressure. This stage is known as compression. During the

    third stage the compressed air in the subglottic region would force the

    vocal folds to part and would escape. This is known as stage of release.

    During the fourth stage air flowing between vocal folds they are brought

    together due to the elasticity of vocal folds and the phenomenon known

    as Bernoullis effect. Bernoullis effect is development of negative

    pressure between the two vocal folds as air flows at a rapid pace

    between them. The glottis closes and the subglottic pressure rises

    again. This cycle keeps repeating during the act of phonation and is

    known as glottic cycle.

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    The loudness of voice is increased by increased contraction of abdominal

    muscles which increases the effective subglottic pressure causing an increase

    in the volume of sound generated.

    The average rate of glottic cycle in female is about 200 300 times / sec.

    In males the average rate of glottic cycle is about 150 times / sec. The rate of

    glottic cycle can be varied by individuals showing differences in pitch.


    Resonance of sound produced is due to the presence of air in the nasal cavity,

    nasopharynx and sinuses. Resonances can be adjusted by changes in the

    position of tongue, jaws and lips.


    These give life and meaning to the voice generated. The articulators include:

    1. Lips2. Jaw3. Teeth4. Different regions of tongue5. Gum ridge6. Hard palate7. Soft palate8. Glottis

    Importance of tongue as an articulator:

    The tongue is the most mobile structure inside the oral cavity. It is

    effectively composed of three articulators tip, blade and back of the

    tongue. These areas of tongue by articulating with teeth, gum, hard

    palate and soft palate generate various consonants. The jaw moves

    upwards and downwards altering the size of the oral cavity thereby

    providing the space necessary for tongue movements.

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    Circulation of CSF:

    Cerebrospinal fluid is present between the arachnoid and piamater.


    CSF is produced from arterial blood by the choroid plexuses of lateral

    and 4th

    ventricles. Actual production of CSF is by a combination of

    diffusion, pinocytosis and active transfer. A small amount of CSF is

    produced by ependymal cells.

    Total volume of CSF in an adult is 140 ml. CSF is produced at a rate of

    0.2 0.7 ml /min. Total production ranges about 600 / 700 ml/day.

    The circulation of CSF is aided by the pulsations of the choroid plexus

    and by the motion of the cilia of ependymal cells. CSF is absorbedacross the arachnoid villi into the venous circulation. The arachnoid

    villi act as one-way valves between the subarachnoid space and the

    dural sinuses. The rate of absorption correlates with the CSF


    CSF circulates from the lateral ventricles through foramen Munroe

    into the third ventricle. From third ventricle it traverses the aqueduct

    of sylvius to the 4th

    ventricle. From the 4th

    ventricle reaches the

    subarachnoid space via foramen of Lushka and Megnedie. CSF

    returns back to the vascular system by entering the dural venous

    sinuses by reabsorption via arachnoid granulations. CSF is also

    known to flow along cranial and spinal nerve roots from where it may

    be absorbed via lymphatic channels to reach venous circulation.

    Circulation of CSF is facilitated by:

    1. Hydrostatic pressure during its production2. Arterial pulsations3. Directional beating of ependymal ciliaCSF acts as a cushion that protects the brain from shocks and

    supports the venous sinuses. It also plays an important role in the

    homeostasis and metabolism of the central nervous system.

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    Figure showing CSF circulation

    III. Biochemistry: Answer any threeEndolymph analysis:

    Among the extracellular fluids present in the body, endolymph has a

    unique ionic composition. It has a low sodium content and high

    potassium content.

    Endolymph is produced by marginal cells of stria vascularis. The

    following enzymes have also been demonstrated in the

    endolymphatic fluid:

    1. Sodium potassium ATPase2. Adenyl cyclase3. Carbonic anhydrase

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    These enzymes play a vital role in maintaining the ionic concentration

    of endolymphatic fluid. Maintenance of ionic concentration is vital for

    maintenance of normal endocochlear potential. Glucose concentration in the

    endolymphatic fluid mirrors that of plasma. Cells of the stria vascularis obtain

    nourishment from endolymphatic fluid.

    Metabolic alkalosis:

    In metabolic alkalosis pH of blood is elevated beyond the normal

    range (7.35-7.45). This is usually caused by a decrease in the

    hydrogen ion concentration which causes an increase in the levels of

    bicarbonate leading on to alkalosis. Direct increase in the

    concentration of bicarbonate also will lead to metabolic alkalosis.

    Two organ systems are commonly involved in the genesis of

    metabolic alkalosis i.e. Kidneys and GI tract.

    Pathogenesis: of metabolic alkalosis involves two processes i.e.

    generation of metabolic alkalosis and the maintenance of the same.

    Both these phases tend to overlap.

    Generation of metabolic alkalosis occurs with either loss of acid or

    gain of alkali. Sometimes, contraction of extracellular fluid

    compartment with a consequent change in bicarb concentration canlead to metabolic alkalosis.

    Role of kidneys:

    Kidneys have enormous capacity to excrete excess bicarbonate in

    order to restore normal pH in patients with metabolic alkalosis.

    Kidneys make this possible by increasing the excretion of bicarbonate

    ions as well as by reducing its reabsorption.

    Metabolic alkalosis can be generated by any of these four


    1. Loss of hydrogen ions: When hydrogen ion is excreted,bicarbonate ion gets gained into extracellular space. Loss of

    hydrogen ion can occur via the kidneys or GI tract. Vomiting /

    nasogastric suction may induce metabolic alkalosis by excessive

    loss of gastric hydrochloric acid. Renal excretion of hydrogen ions

    may occur when sodium concentration increases in the distal

    convoluted tubule due to increasing levels of aldosterone.

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    2. Shift of hydrogen ions into intracellular space: This invariablydevelops with hypokalaemia. As extracellular concentration of

    potassium decreases, potassium ions move out of cells. To

    maintain neutrality hydrogen ions move in to the intracellular


    3. Alkali administration: Administration of sodium bicarbonate inamounts that exceed the capacity of the kidneys to excrete this

    excess bicarbonate may cause metabolic alkalosis. This capacity is

    reduced when a reduction in filtered bicarbonate occurs, as

    observed in renal failure, or when enhanced tubular reabsorption

    of bicarbonate occurs, as observed in volume depletion.

    4. Contraction alkalosis: This is associated with contraction ofextracellular fluid. Loss of bicarbonate-poor, chloride-rich

    extracellular fluid, as observed with thiazide diuretic or loop

    diuretic therapy or chloride diarrhoea, leads to contraction of

    extracellular fluid volume. Because the original bicarbonate mass

    is now dissolved in a smaller volume of fluid, an increase in

    bicarbonate concentration occurs. This increase in bicarbonate

    causes, at most, a 2- to 4-mEq/L rise in bicarbonate concentration.

    Maintenance of metabolic alkalosis:

    The following factors are responsible in the maintenance of metabolic


    1. Decrease in renal perfusion2. Stimulation of Renin angiotensin mechanism

    Most common causes of metabolic alkalosis are:

    1. Use of diuretics2. External loss of gastric secretions

    Types of metabolic alkalosis can be divided into:

    Chloride responsive alkalosis (urine chloride 20mEq/L)

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    Causes of chloride responsive alkalosis (urine chloride

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    Nasal crusts:

    Crusts are whitish plaques seen in the nasal mucous membrane.

    These crusts when removed leaves behind a bleeding base.Crusting involving nasal cavity is commonly caused by increased

    drying of nasal mucous membrane / infections involving nasal


    Common causes of crusts in the nasal cavity:

    1. Infections tuberculosis / syphilis /diphtheria2. Atrophic rhinitis Crusts are greenish and foul smelling3. Extensive surgeries involving nasal mucosa4. Gross deviations of nasal septum causing directional changes in

    the nasal airway causing drying and crusting of nasal mucosa.

    5. Exposure to toxins like chromium6. Wegeners granuloma of nose


    When crusting of nasal mucosa occurs the area is covered with dried

    nasal secretions and the normal ciliated columnar epithelium gets transformedinto keratinized squamous epithelium.

    These crusts can be removed by moistening the nasal mucosa by using saline


    IV. Pharmacology: Answer any threeAminoglycosides:

    These are a group of antibiotics derived from bacteria belonging to

    Streptomyces genus. Drugs belonging to this group act by binding to

    the bacterial ribosome 30 s subunit. Some of the drugs belonging to

    this group may bind to 50 s subunit of bacteria. By binding to these

    ribosomal subunits bacterial replication is prevented. This binding

    also causes error in protein synthesis with premature termination of

    protein synthesis.

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    Drugs belonging to this group are active against a wide variety of

    gram positive and negative bacteria.

    Examples of drugs belonging to this group:





    Drugs belonging to this group are not reliably absorbed from the gut

    and hence it should be administered parentally for optimal effect.


    1. Drugs belonging to this group are ototoxic2. Nephrotoxic3. Neurotoxic in high doses

    These drugs are used to treat predominantly gram negative


    Chemicals used for cautery:

    Many chemicals are known to cause tissue destruction. This property

    can be made use of in stopping bleeding from anterior nasal cavities.

    This procedure is known as chemical cautery. Sometimes chemical

    cautery can be used to freshen the edges of tympanic membrane

    perforation stimulating tissue overgrowth over the edges of

    perforation leading to closure of perforation.

    Drugs used in chemical cautery include:

    1. Silver nitrate2. Copper sulphate3. Tricholoroacetic acid4. Cantheridin

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    Topical steroids:

    These are topical forms of steroid preparations. These are used to

    treat skin disorders. Topical steroid preparations are preferred for

    their anti-inflammatory properties.

    Nasal administration of topical steroid in aerosol form is preferred in

    the management of allergic rhinitis.

    Weak concentrations of topical steroids are used in disorders

    involving eyes, facial skin, body folds, axillae, groin etc.

    Advantages of topical administration of steroids:

    This route of administration does not affect the pituitary axis. Dose

    of steroid used is much below toxic limits of the drug. When

    administered as nasal spray its dose is metered and is about 100

    micrograms per puff. It has impressive topical effects while systemic

    absorption is very minimal and hence does not cause Cushings

    syndrome.Another important topical use of steroids is in the management of

    bronchial asthma. It is delivered to the site of action (bronchioles) by

    means of metered aerosol spray.

    Soft steroids:

    Topical steroids belonging to this group have very low incidence of

    side effects but excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Drugs

    belonging to this group include:

    Hydrocortisone aceponate

    Hydrocortisone buteprate

    Methylprednisolone aceponate


    This is an amino amide type of local anaesthetic. It is used as:

    1. Topical anaesthesia2. Infiltrative anaesthesia

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    For topical anaesthesia it is used in 4% / 10% concentrations. 4%

    xylocaine is used to anesthetize nasal mucosa. The topical anaesthesia lasts

    for about 30 minutes. If mixed with adrenaline its anaesthetic effect could be

    safely prolonged up to 1.5 hours. 10% xylocaine spray is used while

    performing upper GI endoscopy procedures.

    For infiltrative anaesthesia xylocaine should be administered in doses of 1-2%

    concentration. Infiltrative anaesthesia is commonly used in nasal and ear

    surgeries in otolaryngology. In this concentration the effect lasts for about 1

    hours. If mixed with adrenaline its effect can be prolonged to about 3 hours.

    Xylocaine acts by blocking neuronal conduction by blocking the fast gated

    sodium channels. This blockage will prevent pain signals from propagating to

    the brain.

    V. Pathology: Answer any threePathology of meningioma:

    Meningiomas are usually globular and well demarcated neoplasms.

    They have wide dural attachment and may become invaginated into

    brain without involving it. They are gritty on being sectioned. Cut

    section of meningioma is usually pale / reddish brown in color. Some

    meningiomas occur as a sheetlike extension that covers the dura but

    does not invaginate the parenchyma; this variant is called

    meningioma en plaque. The last morphologic variant is the cavernoussinus meningioma that infiltrates the cavernous sinus and becomes

    interdigitated with its contents. The 3 most common histologic

    subtypes of meningiomas are the meningothelial (syncytial),

    transitional, and fibroblastic meningiomas. See images below for

    representative pathologic views of various subtypes.

    Meningothelial meningiomas reveal densely packed cells that are

    arranged in sheets with no clearly discernible cytoplasmic borders. Although

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    not prominent, whorls are present (calcified whorls are termed psammoma

    bodies). Nuclei show intranuclear vacuoles.

    Fibroblastic (fibrous) meningiomas reveal sheets of interlacing spindle cells.

    The intercellular stroma is composed of reticulin and collagen. The transitional

    variety reveals features common to both the meningothelial and fibroblasticvarieties; others include angiomatous, microcystic, secretory, clear cell,

    choroid, lymphoplasmacyte-rich, papillary, and metaplastic variants.

    Meningiomas may be associated with hyperostosis. The exact nature of the

    cause of this hyperostosis is controversial (ie, reactive versus tumoral



    Immunohistochemistry can help diagnose meningiomas, which are positive for

    epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) in 80% of cases. They stain negative for

    anti-Leu 7 antibodies (positive in schwannomas) and for glial fibrillary acidic

    protein (GFAP). Progesterone receptors can be demonstrated in the cytosol of

    meningiomas; the presence of other sex hormone receptors is much less

    consistent. Somatostatin receptors also have been demonstrated consistently

    in meningiomas.

    Vasovagal attack:

    This condition is caused by over activity /excessive stimulation of

    vagus nerve. This condition is also known as Neurocardiogenic

    syncope. This condition is more common in females.

    Mechanism of vasovagal attack:

    When vagus is stimulated the impulses reach the nucleus solitaries

    present in the brain stem. Stimulation of this nucleus enhances

    parasympathetic tone while inhibiting the sympathetic tone. Thisleads to a variety of hemodynamic responses which include:

    1. Inhibition of cardiac muscle This leads to negative chronotrophiceffect causing a drop in the heart rate. The contractility of the

    cardiac muscle is also reduced there by causing a reduction in the

    cardiac output. This causes loss of consciousness.

    2. Vasodepressor response This results in vasodilatation leading toa gross reduction in the blood pressure of the individual causing

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    unconsciousness. The heart rate could be normal in these


    3. Majority of people could have a mixture of both cardiac andvascular phases of depression.

    Signs & symptoms:

    1. Weakness2. Visual disturbances3. Sweating4. Nausea5. Low blood pressure6. Slow heart rate7. Fainting

    Triggers of vasovagal attacks:

    1. Prolonged standing / upright sitting2. Standing up very quickly3. Stress4. Painful unpleasant stimuli5. Sudden emotional disturbances6. Abdominal straining7. Hyperthermia8. Pressing down on throat / eyes etc.9. High altitude10.Drug induces

    Tests for diagnosis of vasovagal attacks:

    Tilt table test

    Holter monitoring

    Electrophysiolic studies


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    1. Avoiding provoking stimuli2. Increase consumption of salt and fluids3. Voluntary tightening of leg muscles by crossing / uncrossing legs4. In acute cases Beta blockers and steroids will be helpful

    Histopathology of atrophic rhinitis:

    Pathologically atrophic rhinitis has been divided into two types:Type I: is characterised by the presence of endarteritis and periarteritis

    of the terminal arterioles. This could be caused by chronic

    infections. These patients benefit from the vasodilator effects of

    oestrogen therapy.

    Type II: is characterised by vasodilatation of the capillaries, these

    patients may worsen with estrogen therapy. The endothelial cells lining

    the dilated capillaries have been demonstrated to contain more

    cytoplasm than those of normal capillaries and they also showed

    a positive reaction for alkaline phosphatase suggesting the presence of

    active bone resorption. It has also been demonstrated that a majority

    of patients with atrophic rhinitis belong to type I category.

    Once the diagnosis of atrophic rhinitis is made then the etiology should

    be sought. Atrophic rhinitis can be divided in to two types clinically:

    1. Primary atrophic rhinitis - the classic form which is supposed to arise

    denovo. This diagnosis is made by a process of exclusion. This type of

    disease is still common in Middle East and India. All the known causes

    of atrophic rhinitis must be excluded before coming to this

    diagnosis. Causative organisms in these patients have always been

    Klebsiella ozenae.

    2. Secondary atrophic rhinitis: Is the most common form seen in

    developed countries. The most common causes for this problem could


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    1. Extensive destruction of nasal mucosa and turbinates during nasal


    2. Occurs following irradiation

    3. Granulomatous infections like leprosy, syphilis, tuberculosis etc.


    1. Metaplasia of ciliated columnar nasal epithelium into squamous


    2. There is a decrease in the number and size of compound alveolar


    3. Dilated capillaries are also seen

    Brain abscess pathology:

    Stages of formation of brain abscess:

    Stage of cerebral oedema: This is in fact the first stage of brain abscess

    formation. It starts with an area of cerebral oedema and encephalitis. This

    oedema increases in size with spreading encephalitis.

    Formation of capsule: Brain attempts to wall off the infected area with theformation of fibrous capsule. This formation of fibrous tissue is dependent on

    microglial and blood vessel mesodermal response to the inflammatory process.

    This stage is highly variable. Normally it takes 2 to 3 weeks for this process to

    be completed.

    Liquefaction necrosis: Infected brain within the capsule undergoes liquefactive

    necrosis with eventual formation of pus. Accumulation of pus cause

    enlargement of the abscess.

    Stage of rupture: Enlargement of the abscess eventually leads to rupture of the

    capsule containing the abscess and this material finds its way into the

    cerebrospinal fluid as shown in the above diagram.

    Cerebellar abscess which occupy the posterior fossa cause raised intra cranial

    tension earlier than those above the tentorium. This rapidly raising intra cranial

    pressure causes coning or impaction of the flocculus or brain stem into the

    foramen magnum. Coning produces impending death. If the walling off process

    (development of capsule) is slow, softening of brain around the developingabscess may allow spread of infection into relatively avascular white matter,

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    leading to the formation of secondary abscesses separate from the original or

    connected to the original by a common stalk. This is how multilocular

    abscesses are formed. Eventually the abscess may rupture into the ventricular

    system or subarachnoid space, causing meningitis and death.

    VI. Microbiology: Answer any threeHIV virus:

    This lentivirus a member of retrovirus family causes

    Immunodeficiency syndrome. Infection with HIV is caused by:

    1. Blood transfusion2. Semen3. Transfer via body fluids4. Breast milk

    HIV virus infects the vital cells of human immune system like the T

    lymphocytes. Specifically it affects the CD4 population of T lymphocytes. On

    entering the target cell the viral RNA genome is converted to double stranded

    DNA by the reverse transcriptase enzyme present inside the virus. This viral

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    DNA is integrated into the host DNA by another substance coded by the virus

    known as integrase. On infection two things are possible:

    1. The virus may remain dormant (latent stage) allowing the cell to performits normal functions

    2. The virus may begin to proliferate and start to infect other cellspromoting viral transmission

    Stages of HIV infection:

    Incubation period This asymptomatic phase could last anywhere between 4-6


    Second stage Causes acute symptoms like fever, lymphadenitis, pharyngitis,myalgia and malaise.

    Stage of latency Asymptomatic phase could last anywhere between 2 weeks

    to 20 years.

    Final stage This is brought out by the presence of opportunistic infections

    due to suppression of immunity.

    Diagram showing HIV viron particle

    Structure of HIV virus:

    HIV virus is roughly spherical with a diameter of 120 nanometer. It is about 60

    times smaller than that of red blood cell. It contains two copies of single

    stranded RNA that codes for the 9 genes that are present in the virus. The

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    single-stranded RNA is tightly bound to nucleocapsid proteins, p7 and enzymes

    needed for the development of the viron such as reverse

    transcriptase, proteases, ribonuclease and integrase. A matrix composed of the

    viral protein p17 surrounds the capsid ensuring the integrity of the viron

    particle. This in turn is surrounded by the viral envelope that is composed of

    two layers of fatty molecules known as phospholipids. These fatty molecules

    are derived from the membrane of human cell. Embedded in the viral

    envelope are proteins from host cell and about 70 copies of complex HIV viral

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    Figure showing HIV replication cycle

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    Immunoglobulin A:

    This immunoglobulin plays an important role in mucosal immunity.

    More amounts of IgA are secreted over the mucous membranes of

    the body than anywhere else in the body. It has been estimated that

    about 2-5 g of IgA gets secreted each day in GI tract alone. It exits in

    two forms IgA1 and IgA2 forms. This immunoglobulin can exist in two


    The classic IgA

    Secretory IgA This form is commonly seen in mucous secretions,

    tears, saliva, colostrum etc. This type of immunoglobin is resistant to

    the degradation effects of proteolytic enzymes.

    IgA on binding to the bacterial / viral antigen initiates the antibody

    dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity.

    IgA is a poor activator of complement system. It is also considered to

    be a poor opsonizing agent.

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    Figure showing IgA.

    1 H chain

    2. L chain

    3. J chain

    4. Secretory component


    Candida is a type of yeast. Candida albicans is a diploid fungus. It

    could cause opportunistic infections involving oral cavity and genital

    in humans.

    Candida infections are an important feature of opportunistic

    infections in immune compromised individuals. In healthy individuals

    candida albicans is present as commensal in the oral cavity and gut.

    Candida infections occur in:

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    1. HIV infected / immunocompromised patients. In the oral cavity itcauses oral thrush.

    2. Altered normal body flora Loss of normal bacterial flora due toexcessive use of antibiotics / steroids

    3. Altered normal physiology Indwelling catheters / cardiacsurgeries

    Candida albicans exist in two forms:

    1. The Yeast form this form is the resting / commensal form2. Filamentous form this is the infecting form (multicellular)

    Factors contributing to the virulence of candida albicans:

    1. Presence of surface molecules that permit adherence of theorganism to other structures

    2. Acid proteases and phospholipases that could disrupt the cellmembrane

    3. Ability to exist in dimorphic formBetahemolytic streptococci:

    These are spherical gram positive cocci, non- sporing measuring

    about 0.5 1.2 m. This was first described by Billroth in 1874 from

    patients with wound infections. Later came the Lancefield

    classification based on M protein precipitin reactions. Lancefield

    established the critical role played by M protein in disease causation.

    In preantibiotic era streptococcal infections caused great morbidity

    and mortality. With the advent of modern antibiotics the morbidity

    and mortality levels due to this organism has come down a last.

    Streptococcus cause suppurative and non suppurative disorders.The suppurative spectrum includes:

    1. Pharyngitis/tonsillitis2. Impetigo3. Pneumonitis4. Necrotizing fasciitis5. Osteomyelitis6. Otitis media7. Sinusitis

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    8. Meningitis9. Brain abscessNon suppurative sequelae include:

    1. Rheumatic heart disease2. Acute glomerular nephritis

    The cell wall of this organism is very complex and chemically diverse.

    The antigenic components of the cell wall contribute to its virulence. The

    extracellular components responsible for the virulence of the organism include

    invasins and exotoxins. The outer most capsule is made up of hyaluronic acid.This outer capsule is more or less similar to that of host cell. It is this feature

    that helps the organism to escape from the immune mechanisms of the body.

    Virulence factors:

    1. Extracellular products & toxins2. Pyrogenic exotoxins3. Nucleases4. Other enzymes like neuraminidase etc.

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