  • 7/27/2019 Michigan Bicyclist Magazine


    LMB Annual Awards

    Reimagine Washtenaw

    Survivor Storytelling Project

    State Senator Rides Hotspots

    Pedal and Paddle in Three Rivers

    And More

    Also in this issue:

    BicyclistMICH IGAN


    August 2013

    Western UP onBike-Friendly Roll

    Advocacy Day RecapPage 7

    Bikes on Trains Test RBack Page

    PALM Highlights StatesBikeabilityPage 3

  • 7/27/2019 Michigan Bicyclist Magazine


    1 MICHIGAN BICYCLIST | August 2013

    Small Revolutions Create Change

    What is todays date?

    Wow, summer is almost

    over, and time really ies

    when you are having un

    on your bike.

    Your LMB makes havingun on your bike easy,

    particularly i you enjoyed one o the our sup-

    ported tours LMB oers: Pedal and Paddle,

    Sunrise, MUP, and Shoreline West. I you have

    not yet enjoyed one o these tours, mark it

    down now or next year. I you are looking or

    a un day ride, a challenge ride, or even an epic

    ride, check out LMBs online Ride Calendar.

    LMB started its outdoor un with the Lucinda

    Means bike parade on May 22. Following the

    parade, LMB was back to business with the2013 Advocacy Day. This edition reviews the

    successes o Advocacy Day. Over 100 citizens

    just like you attended and advocated or our

    rights as cyclists. A special thank you to each

    o them.

    This edition also reports on the LMB awards,

    which were announced at Advocacy Day. The

    accomplishments o each recipient are

    pressive. Congratulations to each recipien

    On behal o the LMB Board, we welcome

    two newly elected board members, Sarah

    legrove and Sarah Sidelko. We look orwar

    working with them, and sharing with us tknowledge, insight and enthusiasm. They

    great additions to the Board.

    Your LMB continues to advocate or y

    rights, and we encourage you to join us.

    can help by responding to LMBs calls o

    sistance or by calling on your state or ed

    legislator to support bicycle-riendly polici

    Bicycle advocacy starts at home. You ad

    cate or the rights o cyclists to use the ro

    ways when you ride your bike. You mak

    dierence when use your bike to run erranto go to events; to go to dinner; to go to a p

    to go to work; or just to enjoy your hometo

    Each revolution o your pedals makes a di

    ence you will create change.

    Create change get on your bike and ride.

    STEVEN ROACH, LMB Board Chair

    Michigan Bicyclist Copyright 2013On the Cover: Sam Keranen of Painesdale,Michigan (age 3 when the photo was taken inNovember, 2009) biking the non-motorized

    Houghton Waterfront Trail. This 4.5 mile

    asphalt path along Portage Lake is popular

    with bike commuters, recreational riders,

    and pedestrians. The pathway, linking parks,neighborhoods, downtown Houghton and

    the Michigan Tech University campus, is anintegral part of Houghtons bicycle network and

    one reason the city of 8,000 is a Bike Friendly

    Community. For more information on bicycleplann ing and advoc acy in the Weste rn Uppe r

    Peninsula, please see page 6. Photo by Ray Sharp.

    Editor, Art & Design:JOHN LINDENMAYER

    Letters/Comments/Advertisements may be

    directed to:[email protected]

    LMB Directors






    RORY NEUNER, Vice Chair


    BARBARA SCHMID, Secretary




    StafRICH MOELLERExecutive Director

    [email protected]


    Advocacy & Policy Director, Webmaster

    [email protected]

    JENNY JENSENAssociate Director

    [email protected]

    The League o Michigan Bicyclists (LMB)

    is a 501(c)(3) non-proit organization

    devoted exclusively to the advancement

    o bicycling. Our mission is to promotebicycl in g a n d in crea se th e sa ety o

    bicyclists on the roadways in Michigan.

    M i c h i g a n B i c y c l i s t M a g a z i n e i s a

    beneit o membership in LMB, and is

    published three times a year as part othe Leagues ongoing eorts to inorm

    Michigan cyclists, law enorcement, policy

    makers, the engineering and planning

    community, and others on issues aectingbicycling in Michigan.

    416 S. Cedar St. Suite A, Lansing, MI 48912(888) 642-4537 | (517)

    League o Michigan Bicyclists

    Printed with

    recycled content

    Socialize with LMB - Find us at

    Chie Operations Ocer or the Michigan Department o Transportation Greg Johnson (ar right) enjoys bicycling wit

    MDOT sta and bicycle advocates in the Grand Region. The June 13, 2013 event was the second in a series o bicycle r

    and meetings MDOT sta has hosted in an eort to better engage representatives rom the bicycle advocacy commu

    across the state.

  • 7/27/2019 Michigan Bicyclist Magazine


    The cover photo on this

    magazine and the 2013

    Ride Calendar both show

    children on bicycles. It

    was not by design, but

    I think that it is a very

    clear signal to the valueo the work LMB is doing

    to promote bicycling and make the roadways

    sae to ride on.

    As a society, we always seem to want instant

    gratifcation. Whether it is getting rom point

    A to B as ast as possible; or talking on the

    cell phone while we are driving, or how we

    tend to check our email constantly on our cell

    phones. Same goes or our eorts to improve

    bikeability in our communities we want to

    see major inrastructure changes happen

    quickly and we want the mindset o roadway

    users and politicians to change overnight.

    In reality though, thats just not how it works.

    We can never let ourselves get rustratedthat changes are not coming ast enough

    or us to enjoy. There is a story about an old

    man building a bridge who is asked why he

    is building the bridge since he is so old that

    he wont be around much longer to enjoy it.

    He responds by saying the bridge is not or

    himsel, but or the young person that will

    pass by ater him.

    We will not change the mindset o drivers

    and politicians signifcantly over the

    ew years. Nor will we convert every s

    into a Complete Street within the next

    years. But i we dont start now, we will n

    get there. Think what Michigan roadw

    would look like i 25 years ago we had pa

    a Complete Streets policy. Think whatmindset o drivers and politicians woul

    today i 25 years ago we had a comprehen

    bicycle education program or our youth

    Being a grandpa has made me realize m

    than ever that what I am doing now

    promote sae bicycling is not or me, but r

    or my grandchildren. This alone strengt

    my resolve.

    From the Big WheelRICH MOELLER, LMB Executive Director

    LMBs Pedal and Paddle Tour held on May 18-19 in Three Rivers, MI

    was blessed with excellent weather. The local planning committee

    spent months working on the event and was rewarded or their e-

    orts with a great weekend to showcase the River Country area. We

    want to thank all the local volunteers or their eorts.

    49 riders participated in our frst Pedal and Paddle Tour held in

    Three Rivers. Riders rom Wisconsin, Ohio, and Michigan took part

    in the two-day event. The youngest was 19 and the oldest was 75.

    As usual, the women out numbered the men.

    Saturdays ride showcased the Amish settle-

    ments and the rivers that surround Three

    Rivers. Not only were we treated with see-

    ing many Amish on the roads in their bug-

    gies as we rode by, but the route took us

    past a live arm auction, where there were

    80-100 buggies tied up out ront.

    We also rode by the old Rawson King Grist-

    mill constructed in 1873 and hidden away

    between Mendon and Vicksburg. Riders

    then pedaled through the Langley Covered Bridge, which is the

    longest remaining wooden covered bridge in the state o Michigan.

    The bridge is named or Thomas W. Langley and amily, pioneers

    who helped establish the village o Centreville in the mid-19th cen-

    tury. In act, Langley was the very frst settler in Centreville.

    Ater enjoying a wonderul lunch at the Covered Bridge Park on the

    St. Joseph River, we headed back into Three Rivers to catch a shuttle

    bus upstream where we put our kayaks and canoes in the water or

    a relaxing aternoon on the Rocky River.

    St. Joseph County has more than 150 miles o navigable rivers

    more than any other Michigan county thus making the River

    Country name tied to the county entirely appropriate. While we

    only paddled a ew o those miles, participants enjoyed seeing

    many highlights, including passing under the Old Grass Bridge.

    That evening we were treated to a special short flm estival in the

    historic Riviera Theatre in downtown Three Rivers. This jewel has

    been restored to its original grandeur and was a hit with everyone

    who attended.

    We started Sunday o with breakast in

    Meyer-Broadway Park. The local caterer

    served their amous French toast which was

    a hit with everyone. We then proceeded to

    explore the lakes region west o Three Riv-

    ers, where riders had the chance to see the

    Old Grass Bridge rom the topside the

    same bridge we oated under the day be-

    ore. Sundays ride had many rolling hills,

    making the views spectacular.

    As the riders headed home, they did so with the satisaction that

    comes with a great weekend o riding. LMB and the local planning

    committee are already hard at work to make the 2014 Pedal and

    Paddle even better. This event, like all LMB tours, is an important

    unding source or LMBs advocacy and education eorts to make

    Michigan a more bicycle-riendly state. Please help us help make

    Michigan a better place to ride by participating in one o our tours

    in 2014. Learn more at

    Pedal and Paddle Receives Warm Welcome from Three Rivers

  • 7/27/2019 Michigan Bicyclist Magazine


    3 MICHIGAN BICYCLIST | August 2013

    Dont be ooled by the endless

    sea o pink-shirted cyclists that

    rolled into Luna Pier on June 28ater six days on the road. The

    PALM bike tour is not or sissies.

    Wait a sec. Yes it is. And also or

    babies. And seniors. And those

    with disabilities. In act, or 32

    years Pedal Across Lower Michigan has been empowering, educating,

    and engaging cyclists o all ages, shapes and sizes.

    PALM sends out a loud and clear public message that bicycling is acces-

    sible to everyone. And those are not just empty words. Daily optional

    add-on routes allow more riders o various athletic levels to participate

    without cramping the style o aster riders. The PALM committee makessure special needs are addressed with a minimum o uss. Each years

    century ride (a one-day, 100-mile optional route midway on the tour)

    is dedicated to the memory o Kevin Degen, a aithul PALM rider with

    cerebral palsy who was a prominent and popular role model and und

    raiser or those with special needs until his death at age 52 in 2010. On

    this years ride, I saw young people with autism and Downs Syndrome,

    two blind cyclists, hundreds o seniors on various styles o recumbent

    and tri-wheeled cycles, and countless amilies pedaling with an array

    o baby trailers, youth trail-a-bikes, and even multi-rider tandems. Free

    childrens activities are oered at the end o each days ride. A tireless

    army o 50-75 volunteer PALM staers are patrolling the roads, stang

    closely spaced rest stops, and preparing each nights site accommoda-

    tions so that even those completely new to multi-day touring eel sae

    and confdent about pedaling hundreds o miles across the entire state.

    From June 21-28, 2013, I biked PALM XXXII rom Norton Shores on Lake

    Michigan to Luna Pier on Lake Erie as part o my job or the Michigan

    Municipal League, which advocates on behal o municipalities to help

    build and sustain highly livable communities with a unique sense o

    place. Since physical design and walk- and bike- ability are key compo-

    nents to that goal, PALM was a great opportunity to see what Complete

    Streets progress is being made and to experience bikeability issues

    across the state literally rom the pavement up.

    I got a taste o bike-unriendly behavior in Norton Shores on my frst

    day on the tour. Some o us were riding the shoreline drive to wet our

    rear tires in Lake Michigan, a time-honored PALM tradition to christen

    the start o the ride, when a driver yelled at us to get those bikes o

    the road.

    He was the rarity, o course. Everywhere on the route, I encountered

    drivers who smiled and waved as they passed, and cars that slowed and

    waited patiently behind a group o riders until they had ample clearance

    to move ahead. While waiting or the light at an intersection in Clin

    a riendly emale passenger rolled down her car window to ask w

    we were all rom.

    Everywhere! one rider called back, returning the smile as the

    turned green and we all rolled orward together across the busy st

    Bicycle saety education can go a long way toward ensuring both

    clists and drivers understand and obey the rules to share the road s

    and eciently. League o American Bicyclists (LAB) certifed instru

    Al Lauland teaches a ree bike saety class every evening during PA

    But unless an education component is written into new legislation

    pretty much impossible to get the subject into any drivers educa


    There is a very common misconception among motorists that bshould not be on the road. I we had some education going on m

    that could change, said Lauland. Bikes are best when they act and

    treated as vehicles. In my estimation, the number one compone

    making Michigan more bike-riendly is to get drivers educated on

    to share the road with bikes and educate cyclists on how to share

    road with cars.

    We rode rom Norton Shores to Grandville past rolling felds o b

    berry bushes and asparagus felds, and quaint armhouses and cott

    overlooking quiet wetlands and lakes. We savored a midmorning

    termelon break on the shady shore o a slow-moving river at Eastm

    ville Bayou Park. In Allendale, the school band boosters treated usundraising lunch o sandwiches and homemade cookies in the sh

    serenaded by tuba players playing Louie Louie.

    We pedaled through rainstorms rom Lake Odessa to Charlotte,

    sheltered beneath a park pavilion in Vermontville, where the vi

    church opened its doors to hundreds o drenched cyclists seeki

    clean, dry restroom break. The night beore the tour hit Freeport

    owner o the Shamrock Tavern told us shed packed more than 100

    lunches in anticipation o drawing even a raction o the 800+ tou

    cycling through town.

    We sipped icy slushes next to a river dam in downtown Manchester

    gorged on pulled pork sandwiches at the Grass Lake Diner. In Dansthe mayor greeted us in the gym o the K-12 school, joking that w

    tripled the population o her village when we camped there overn

    In Washtenaw County, the Ann Arbor Bicycle Touring Society host

    rest stop heaped with resh ruit and homemade cookies.

    So it surprised me to learn rom route planner Gary

    yon that some communities want no part o being on

    PALM route, which changes each year. The reason is sim

    Theyre concerned about cyclists interering with trac, said Ken

    PALM XXXII: Putting the Pedal to Family RidePedal Across Lower Michigan Highlights States BikeabilitELIZABETH PHILIPS SHAW, Communications Coordinator,

    Michigan Municipal League

  • 7/27/2019 Michigan Bicyclist Magazine


    The east side is worse than west side; everybody is in a rush. The car is

    still king.

    As anyone whos ever planned a tour route undoubtedly knows, Kenyon

    spends months each year working out the complexities o moving hun-

    dreds o cyclists saely through heavily populated communities with mini-

    mum impact on trac ow. In Kent County this year, he had to nix plans to

    camp at Grandville High School because it was right across rom a major

    shopping mall on a busy multi-lane highway. Even so, leaving the middle

    school we had to crisscross a subdivision to avoid about three miles o

    heavy trac on the main road.

    Complete Streets policies are slowly changing this dynamic, but the un-

    derlying need to fx the states aging transportation inrastructure is a

    lengthy and costly process made even more challenging by shrinking

    local revenues. As o this writing, the state legislature has yet to vote on

    uture transportation unding.

    On Wednesdays ride rom Dansville to Manchester, PALM Mail Granny

    Ellie Knesper received an email rom a sel-described concerned mom

    and citizen. Heres an excerpt:

    Austin (Road) is a 55 mph no shoulder road a major route or gravel

    trucks which I (fnd) particularly intimidating as I am orced to be nose to

    nose with them time and time again...PALM, fnd another route, a sae and

    appropriate one or the sake o your riders and my children!

    I certainly understood this drivers rustration trying to get past our end-

    less line o cyclists. But I wonder i she realizes that her complaints ex-

    actly mirror those o most cyclists? She doesnt think bikes belong on a

    55 mph no shoulder road in heavy truck trac, and I wholeheartedly

    agree. I would like nothing better than to always ride on a separate non-

    motorized path, or on a wide paved shoulder thats marked as a dedicated

    bike lane. And I think its a pretty sae bet that most cyclists eel the same.

    But fnd a sae and appropriate route across Michigan where drivers are

    never orced to move into the oncoming lane to pass a cyclist? To be hon-

    est, Im not sure that route exists, at least not in its entirety.

    And that is exactly why, even people who would never, ever ride a bicy-

    cle should be standing on a soap box, demanding that Michigans road-ways be made sae and accessible or all users. I we want a physically ft

    population that uses less ossil uel and engages in healthy activities that

    promote amily and community interaction, then we need to support the

    kind o laws and inrastructure that encourage it. Thats why PALM do-

    nates $1 rom each registration ee to LMBs advocacy eorts, said PALM

    Chair Kevin Novess Sr.

    Rides like the PALM empower us all to share the road. Now we all need to

    do our part to ensure those roads are ft to share.

    Top Left: Elizabeth Philips Shaw, Communications Coordinator, Michigan

    Municipal League dips her ront tire into Lake Erie at the end o PALM XXXII

    Top Right: Local police and re trucks led the PALM parade celebrating therides end at Luna Pier on June 28.

    Bottom: These three cycling connoisseurs use the PALM each year as an

    opportunity to put aside their regular road bikes and show of their work

    o art. Left to right: Dave Talsma o Swartz Creek and Her Majesty, an ANT

    Truss bike, artist Mike Flanigans hand-built replica o a 1903 Iver Johnson

    track racing bike; Kim Moon o Flint and Sir Walter Raleigh, a 1930s single

    speed light touring Raleigh converted to a 5-speed; and Frank Rotondo o

    Farmington and his hand-made Stan Ridge touring bike .

  • 7/27/2019 Michigan Bicyclist Magazine


    5 MICHIGAN BICYCLIST | August 2013

    Washtenaw Avenue runs through

    the heart o Washtenaw County a

    fve-mile stretch o state trunkline

    that connects the Cities o Ann Arbor

    and Ypsilanti. The roadway is typical

    o many ound in the State o Michigan:sprawling, unplanned commercial develop-

    ment, with an auto-oriented design, intended to move trac and acili-

    tate access to adjacent business with the automobile. The heavy trac,

    peak hour congestion, high speeds, wide lanes, numerous curb-cuts, no

    bike lanes, and missing sidewalks means a dangerous and unriendly

    environment or all users, but particularly walkers and bikers.

    Beginning in 2008, Washtenaw County led an eort to work with the

    our communities through which the corridor traversed, the Cities o

    Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, and Townships o Pittsfeld and Ypsilanti, to re-

    vitalize the corridor and re-imagine its possibilities. It made sense to

    initiate this kind o eort, not only or congestion, saety and other phys-ical issues, but because the corridor is a vital transportation network. A

    diverse set o institutions, commercial areas, and urban centers rely on

    the corridor or exchange o goods, services, and customers. There are

    two public universities, one college, two hospitals, 4,500 housing units,

    and the Countys two biggest cities. US-23 also has a major interchange

    on the corridor, unneling thousands o drivers every day to various des-


    The Washtenaw Avenue corridor carries about 4,000 transit users per

    weekday, on top o between 25,000 and 40,000 vehicles per day. The

    Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority (the bus system that serves

    the two largest urban areas in the County) operates a bus line along thecorridor, and is experiencing double-digit annual ridership growth. A

    plan emerged in 2010 to redevelop the corridor around public transit,

    pulsing high-density, mixed-use development nodes at seven strategic

    locations along the length o the corridor. Encouraging development

    at these strategic node intersections in conjunction with adjacent en-

    hanced, modern bus stops is the key economic devel-

    opment strategy or the eort.

    A Complete Streets approach is being used,

    which considers all users o a roadway,

    not just vehicles. The communities

    are reviewing bicycle lane and pe-

    destrian network designs along the

    entire length o the 5-mile corridor.

    The communities recognize that be-

    ing a multi-modal corridor, providing

    saer and reasonable alternatives to

    the automobile, is also an economic

    development strategy. Its also a ne-

    cessity, in that the corridor will con-

    tinue to increase in congestion and start to ail or automobiles m

    requently. By encouraging denser development, more housing,

    concentrating commercial development in walkable nodes, trip len

    will decrease, and drivers will increasingly use transit, bikes, and wal

    as a mode o transportation, all o which reduce roadway conges

    and add capacity. There is growing demand or livable, walkable cmunities with dierent transportation choices available. The ma

    right now is statistically dominated by Baby Boomers and Millenn

    who are both seeking livable, walkable, vibrant neighborhoods

    transportation choices and access to cultural, service, and recreati


    ReImagine Washtenaw is actively working on multiple ronts to im

    ment the previously-adopted 2010 vision. Reimagine Washtenaw i

    ing HUD unding to review corridor alternatives or adding bike la

    dedicated transit lanes, sidewalks, transit stops, mid-block cross

    and other acilities that better balance auto trac with other mo

    Most scenarios being considered require mode-shit to successaddress the increasing congestion on the corridor. This is not los

    the planners leading the eort, so they recently brought the largest

    ployers together with Smart Growth America to study Transporta

    Demand Management (TDM) strategies. TDM includes a menu o

    tions or employers to consider that reduce impacts at peak period

    the corridor. For example, a TDM best practice may be to allow emp

    ees to telecommute once per week, or provide ree bus passes o

    employees, or charging more or on-campus parking to discourage

    use o an automobile. An eort is also underway to allow the buse

    the corridor to control the lights along the corridor, which would a

    a bus to get through a green light to stay on schedule. Finally, all

    communities are updating their Master Plans and Zoning Ordinancrequire compact, dense, walkable development in the uture. Appro

    ate development regulations should be in place by 2014.

    Washtenaw Avenue A Future Complete StreetNATHAN VOGHT, Economic Development Specialist,

    Washtenaw County Ofce o Community & Economic Development

  • 7/27/2019 Michigan Bicyclist Magazine


    The rugged and remote Keweenaw Peninsula is known as a mountain

    biking mecca, with an International Mountain Bicycling Association

    Epic Ride Center in Copper Harbor, which has some o the gnarliest

    single-track trails and toughest races in the Midwest, and recently was

    eatured in several national magazines. Meanwhile, a core group o cy-

    cling advocates have been working quietly or years to make streets in

    the regions small towns riendlier or bike commuters.

    The Keweenaws largest city, Houghton,

    was named a Bike Friendly Community

    by the League o American Bicyclists

    in 2010 and Houghtons Michigan Tech

    University was awarded Bike Friendly

    Campus status in 2013. In order to co-

    ordinate bike planning and promo-

    tion eorts and reach out beyond the

    Houghton city limits, volunteers rom

    Houghton, Hancock, and Calumet have

    ormed a new regional advocacy group,Bike Initiatives Keweenaw, or BIKE!

    BIKE! ounders helped the bike and pe-

    destrian committees o Houghton and

    Hancock conduct a cycling survey last

    all and analyze and map the results.

    More than 700 people rom a two-

    city population o 14,000 responded

    to the on-line survey, describing their

    bike commuting routes and how oten

    they ride those routes in each season.

    Volunteers aggregated the data and

    produced maps o principal routes inHoughton and Hancock, color-coded

    by total trips per season. More than

    20,000 bike trips per year were report-

    ed on Houghtons College Avenue and

    across the Portage Lit Bridge, extraordinary fgures or an area with six

    months o winter and up to 300 inches o snow per year.

    Survey results including route maps, trip data and comments are used to

    identiy needs and prioritize inrastructure improvements. The Hough-

    ton Bike and Pedestrian Committee incorporated fndings into its Non-

    Motorized Transportation Plan, which was approved by the citys plan-

    ning commission and council in June as part o a fve-year master plan.The plan documents improvements to bike and pedestrian acilities

    since a prior survey and bike plan was conducted in 2007, and identi-

    fes projects or the next ew years, including more bike lanes and bike

    racks, installation o signs or saety and way-fnding, and development

    o a bike boulevard connecting West Houghton with the university area

    on the east side o town.

    In 2010, Houghton passed a bike-parking ordinance or apartments

    and businesses, and a Complete Streets ordinance, the frst o its kind

    in the Upper Peninsula. The bike and pedestrian committee flled

    the Leagues on-line Bike Friendly Community application in July o

    year with the intention o using it as a planning rubric and gap an

    sis. Houghton was pleased to receive the bronze-level BFC award o

    frst try, and has reapplied this summer in hopes o moving to the s

    level. Improvements over the last three years include additional pa

    bike lanes, bike parking acilities and connector trails, expanded BikWork Day and May Bike Month activ

    in workplaces and schools, Sae Ro

    to School planning, and plans or c

    walk improvements near the elemen

    and high school unded or 2014.

    Also on tap or the summer o 201

    a major highway repaving project

    our miles o M-26 rom Hancock,

    through Ripley to Dollar Bay. This sec

    o two-lane state highway is avoide

    local cyclists because o narrow, crbling shoulders. Through a $500

    enhancement grant, MDOT will upg

    bike acilities along this stretch that

    Houghton and Hancock to the Torch

    shoreline communities o Tamarack

    Hubbell and Lake Linden. From Hanc

    to Ripley, there will be a 4-oot pa

    bike lane, a curb and gutter, and bey

    that, a raised 4-oot multi-use path. F

    Ripley to Dollar Bay, MDOT will pro

    an 8-oot paved shoulder with rum

    strips. The Houghton and Hancock and pedestrian committees have

    with MDOT engineers several time

    make suggestions and review plan

    the project, including redesigned

    access rom the Portage Lit Bridge to M-26. This partnership will en

    that the project addresses cyclists concerns and advances the go

    developing sae bike commuting routes to the Houghton-Hancock

    rom all directions.

    BIKE! hopes to work with government ocials in Hancock and Calu

    to adopt Complete Streets policies and bike plans, to raise aware

    o cycling through education and promotion, and to advocate or scycling conditions, all part o its stated mission o empowering pe

    to ride bikes more oten. Local cyclists envision a uture when the

    weenaw region will be known as a great place to bike or daily trans

    tation, as well as or mountain biking.

    For more inormation, see the BIKE! web site, www.bikeinitiativ, and fnd Houghton policies and plans at www.cit .

    Western Upper Peninsula on a Bike-friendly RollRAY SHAR P, Manager o Community Planning and Preparedness at Western U.P. Health Department and and avid bike commuter

    An eight-foot asphalt non-motorized trail was installed October 2011

    to connect residential and commercial neighborhoods in Portage

    Township with the Houghtons waterfront and downtown area.

  • 7/27/2019 Michigan Bicyclist Magazine


  • 7/27/2019 Michigan Bicyclist Magazine


  • 7/27/2019 Michigan Bicyclist Magazine


    9 MICHIGAN BICYCLIST | August 2013

    rom across the state emailed their rep-

    resentatives to urge them to cosponsor

    the bill package. In total, 161 emails were

    sent to 74 separate Representatives dur-

    ing the short online action. The com-

    bined eort paid o, with 15 Represen-

    tatives signing on as co-sponsors to the

    bills. The vulnerable roadway user billswere introduced shortly ater Advocacy

    Day as HB 4792 and HB 4799. Both were

    reerred to the Criminal Justice Commit-

    tee, chaired by Representative Heise,

    who has since committed to holding a

    hearing on the legislation.

    PEAC was excited to be a new partner

    or Advocacy Day because individu-

    als with disabilities do not have an easy

    venue to share ideas. Advocacy Day

    provided a unique opportunity or ourstudents to share their stories, said John

    Waterman, Executive Director o PEAC.

    Non-motorized transportation is big or

    people with disabilities. For many, non-

    motorized transportation is the only way

    they can get where they need to be. We

    need to guarantee access or all and pro-

    tect non-motorized users through policy

    such as the proposed vulnerable roadway user legislation.

    Ater Advocacy Day, LMB received numerous communications rom

    lawmakers requesting additional copies o the various publications thatthey received during Advocacy Day including the Michigan Ride Calen-

    dar, What Every Michigan Bicyclist Must Knowand What Every Young Michi-

    gan Bicyclist Must Know, and the Michigan Trail Director. Additionally, our

    Michigan Bicycling inographic was well received (see previous page).

    As a frst time attendee, I was impressed with the organization and the

    enthusiasm o the cyclists who participated. It was rewarding to be able

    to remind our legislators o the act that many o their constituents are

    cycling enthusiasts, stated Ted W

    Director o Advocacy or MMBA,

    served on the Advocacy Day plan


    Ater the legislative meetings, nu

    ous legislators participated in our

    cheon on the Capitol lawn, inclu

    Representative Wayne Schmidt, C

    o the Transportation and Inrastruc

    Committee, who presented LMBs

    Lindenmayer with a ramed copy

    House Resolution 142 proclaiming

    as Bike Month in Michigan.

    Following the Bike Month presenta

    LMB held a short annual meeting w

    LMB Board Chair Steven Roach pre

    ed a slate o board candidates or

    membership to vote on. See page 1

    more about the election.

    During the Advocacy Day lunch

    LMB also presented our 2013 Aw

    to numerous bicyclists who emb

    the mission o the organization in

    work to promote and advance bicy

    across the state. You can read m

    about our 2013 award recipients

    page 10. We once again congratulate these individuals or their e

    to make Michigan a more bicycle-riendly state.

    The day was concluded with a post-event bicycle tour around the CLansing, guided by Tim Potter o MSU Bikes and Andy Kilpatrick, a

    cyclist and engineer or the City o Lansing who highlighted a numb

    recently installed bicycle acilities around the city.

    We hope you will join us in 2014 or this important day o action w

    cyclists speak with one voice to improve bicycling in Michigan. In 2

    Advocacy Day is scheduled or May 21.

    Representative Wayne Schmidt, Chair o the Transportation and In-

    rastructure Committee, presenting LMBs John Lindenmayer with a

    ramed copy o a House R esolution 142 proclaiming May as Bike Month

    in Michigan.

    LMB is seeking bicyclists from across the state, from communities large and small, tohelp advance bicycling in Michigan. The Ambassador Program is a new LMB programaimed at building a strong network of volunteers across Michigan. An Ambassadors du-ties depend completely on you! We work with you and what you feel comfortable doing tohelp your community and Michigan become more bicycle-friendly. Involvement dependson your interest and available time. Sign up or learn more by contacting Jenny at [email protected] or visiting

    ADVOCACY DAY, cont. from page 7

  • 7/27/2019 Michigan Bicyclist Magazine


    Annually, LMB recognizes Michigan bicyclists that embody the

    mission o LMB in our work to promote and advance bicycling

    across the state. Our 2013 award recipients were honored at a

    luncheon on the Capitol Lawn during the Lucinda Means Bicycle

    Advocacy Day held on May 22nd.

    Please join us in congratulating our 2013 honorees or their lead-

    ership and dedication.

    Bicycle Advocate Award

    Bryan WaldmanBryan is an active bicycle racer, participating in road races, criteri-

    ums and cyclecross. When not racing he is pursuing his career as

    a lawyer with the Sinas Dramis Law Firm. Over the last 20 years, he

    has represented numerous cyclist and outdoor athletes. Most are

    cyclists hit by cars or injured in dog attacks. This past summer he

    represented LMBs John Lindenmayer in his successul deense

    against an Impeding Trac ticket. He authored A Legal Hand-

    book For Michigan Cyclists, which is available through his frm.

    He has also assisted LMB over the past year by writing positionpapers on various bills aecting bicyclists. Locally, Bryan has de-

    veloped a standard letter pointing out the risks o sub standard

    road conditions

    that he sends to

    local road authori-

    ties whenever he

    encounters a road

    that is dangerous

    or bicyclists.

    LMB Volun-

    teer Award

    Terri RiopelleTerri has been a

    long-time LMB vol-

    unteer. Over the

    years, she has vol-

    unteered or the

    Sunrise and MUP Bi-

    cycle Tours and has

    been a tireless ad-

    vocate or bicycling

    in the Alpena area.In 2012, she was in-

    strumental in the

    relocation o the

    Sunrise Bicycle Tour rom Rogers City to Alpena, working with various

    community leaders to encourage them to pursue becoming the host

    city or the event. She then took a leadership role in recruiting a planning

    committee made up o local residents in the Alpena area. Her tireless e-

    orts helped make the frst Sunrise Tour in Alpena a huge success.

    Bob Gibbs Passifor Pedaling AwaD o n n a M oDonna has been a lie lo

    cyclist, and an inspira

    to many since she be

    long distance touringher youth in Michigan

    New England. In 2003

    rode across America

    San Diego to St. Augus

    raising $38,000 or Br

    Cancer in her 76th year.

    riding or her own en

    ment is not the only w

    she inspires bicyclists.

    has been a local ride le

    er or the past 12 years

    continually invites n

    people to enjoy the sp

    o cycling. She starts e

    o her rides with a sh

    lecture on some aspec

    bicycle saety. In 2005,

    organized the frst R

    o Silence event in Bo

    City. In 2006, she brou

    together a wide rang

    stakeholders in the Bo

    City area to improve interace between cyc

    and motorists.

    J im Dougher

    D i s t i n g u i s h

    Service Awa

    Michael SproMichael has been a l

    time LMB supporter

    volunteer. In 1998 he

    came a member o

    Board o Directors. O

    the years he has vo

    teered or various L

    tours and other event

    addition to serving on the LMB board. He has been a tireless advoc

    or bicycling in his community. He can oten be seen attending vari

    public meetings vocalizing the need or accommodations or bicyc

    He routinely works with bike shops in his community to make sure

    See AWARDS, next p

    2013 LMB Award Recipients (Top to Bottom), all

    with Rich Moeller, LMB Executive Director: Bicycle

    Advocate Award - Bryan Waldman; Bob Gibbs Passion

    for Pedaling Award - Donna Moll (Photo of Jerry Swift

    accepting the award on behalf of Donna Moll, with Bob

    Gibbs); Jim Dougherty Distinguished Service Award -

    Michael Sproul; LMB Volunteer Award - Terri Riopelle;

    Community Support for Bicycling Award - Auburn

    Hills Police Department (accepted by Officer Brian

    Miller). Not pictured: Bicycle Educator Award - Fred

    Schaafsma; Ralph Finneren Encouragement Award -

    Re-Bicycle Lenawee.

    2013 LMB Award Recipients

  • 7/27/2019 Michigan Bicyclist Magazine


    11 MICHIGAN BICYCLIST | August 2013

    they have LMB educational materials and Ride Calendars. He has served

    liaison with numerous local bike clubs. Michael has also advocated or s

    cycling by regularly meeting with local and state politicians. He atte

    LMBs Bicycle Advocacy Day each spring, and oten meets with his st

    legislators when they are back in their district. Michael stepped o the L

    Board in 2013 and become a member o LMBs new Ambassador Progr

    where he will continue his outstanding service to bicycling in Michigan

    Community Support for Bicycling Award

    Auburn Hills Police DepartmentAuburn Hills Police Department (AHPD) has been a great advocate a

    supporter or bicycling in Auburn Hills, MI. They have a dedicated o

    that works to keep the roads o Auburn Hills sae or motorists, pedes

    ans, and bicyclists. AHPD sends ocers to area health and saety eve

    distributes saety booklets or bicyclists including LMBs What Ev

    Michigan Bicyclist Must Know, and hosts trainings or ocers to better

    derstand the Michigan Vehicle Code as it applies to bicyclists. They

    perorming community outreach around local Complete Streets impmentation to ensure the public is aware o the new inrastructure

    provements. The Auburn Hills Police Department is a shining exampl

    how supportive a police department can be o bicyclists and other mu

    modal options o transportation.

    Bicycle Educator Award

    Fred Schaafsma (posthumously)Bicyclists in Michigan and the Traverse City area lost a tireless bicy

    educator in November o 2012 with the passing o Fred Schaasm

    For his services, we honored Fred posthumously with the Bicycle E

    cator Award. Fred was a member o the Cherry Capital Cyclist Club.

    organized their Education and Saety Committee and worked with a

    through that group to make the Grand Traverse area a better place

    bicycling. He was also concerned about statewide issues and annu

    attended LMBs Advocacy Day and worked with LMB sta on various

    cycle saety issues. Not only was Fred a passionate educator, he loved

    have un and compete. Many would say what made him so special w

    his wide-ranging interests and his passion or people and his passion

    cycling. He would oten remark, who is going to look out or these kid

    Ralph Finneren Encouragement Award

    Re-Bicycle Lenawee

    Re-Bicycle Lenawee is a bicycle co-operative in Adrian, MI dedicato reurbishing donated bicycles to any person interested in riding

    transportation, ftness or un. Re-Bicycle Lenawee provides bicycle sa

    education and equipment along with the bicycles. Anyone is eligible

    receive a bike, but their priority has always been children, the homele

    those on public assistance and the working poor. The organization

    no paid sta, but a small group o volunteers work with clients to rep

    bicycles and educate them. They also sponsor local recreational rides a

    support other community events.

    LMB held their annual meeting on May 22nd in conjunction

    with the 2013 Lucinda Means Bicycle Advocacy Day. The

    annual meeting was held in Lansing during the luncheon

    on the Capitol Lawn where LMB Board Chair Steven Roach

    presented a slate o board candidates or the attending

    membership to vote on.

    LMB is pleased to welcome Sarah Side-

    lko to the LMB Board. Sarah was part o

    the initial core-group that developed

    and coordinated Back Alley Bikes (De-

    troit) in 2001-2007. In the Fall o 2009,

    she helped to co-ound Fender Bender

    Detroit. Fender Bender is a women,

    queer and trans centered bicycle workspace rooted in jus-

    tice principles that values the bicycle as an accessible and

    air transportation option and also as a vehicle or trans-

    ormation within Detroit. The Fender Bender Detroit shop

    also organizes a bi-yearly seven week mechanic training se-

    ries, public-access repair hours, community conversations,

    group rides, private tours, as well as sells and rents reur-

    bished bicycles. Sarah has also worked closely with Wheel-

    house Detroit as an employee, and currently teaches on-sitebi-monthly bike maintenance classes.

    We are also excited to welcome Sarah

    Colegrove to the board. Sarah has

    been practicing law or 21 years. Her

    frm, Briggs Colegrove, P.C., oten help

    athletes injured in bicycle and sports-

    related accidents. She co-authors

    articles or the LMBs Michigan Bicy-

    clist Magazine that address legal issues acing cyclists. She

    serves on the Board o Directors o Back Alley Bikes in De-

    troit, and is an avid cyclist. Sarah looks orward to serving

    on the Board o Directors to help urther the LMBs goal o

    promoting cycling and saety on Michigan roadways.

    Rounding out the election slate, Rory Neuner o Lansing

    and Jim Carpenter o Redord were both reelected to serve

    another term on the LMB board. Jim ormerly served as

    Board Chair and Rory currently serves as Vice Chair.

    LMB Holds Annual Meeting Welcomes New & ReturningBoard Members

    AWARDS, cont. from page 10

  • 7/27/2019 Michigan Bicyclist Magazine


  • 7/27/2019 Michigan Bicyclist Magazine


    13 MICHIGAN BICYCLIST | August 2013

    In June the Michigan Department o Transportation (MDOT) partnered with

    T.Y. Lin International to conduct a series o Training Wheels courses in com-

    munities throughout Michigan. The bicycle acility design program is now

    in its 8th year o helping to educate Michigan planners, engineers, and other

    community ocials and stakeholders about the benefts o on-road bicycle

    acilities and how to properly design them. The fve communities hosting

    this years training included Manistee, Grandville, Dexter, Coldwater, and

    Niles. Each community was encouraged to invite neighboring communities

    and approach incorporating bicycle acilities rom a regional perspective.

    Each session had up to 25 participants and lasted rom fve to six hours. Se-

    nior transportation proessionals rom T.Y. Lin, Nate Rosenberg, P.E. and Mike

    Amsden, AICP, began each class with a two hour presentation or communi-

    ty stakeholders on the design criteria o various on-road bike acilities based

    on updated guidance rom the American Association o State Highway O-

    fcials (AASHTOs) Guide or the Development o Bicycle Facilities 2012.

    Following the presentation, participants rode a bicycle route planned by

    the host community with assistance rom MDOT, and T.Y. Lin. The route

    was designed so participants could experience a variety o common road

    cross-sections, some with bicycle acilities such as bike lanes or shoulders,

    and some without these acilities. The group stopped at key points along

    the route to discuss possible solutions or applying bicycle acilities to give

    cyclists a more comortable place to ride on the road.

    To conclude the class and synthesize the inormation rom the classroom and

    bike tour, participants were divided into small groups and provided with an

    aerial image o a primary or typical road condition in the community. They

    were asked to brainstorm how these roads could be redesigned to better

    accommodate bicycles. Each group then sketched their design on the aerial

    map and presented their ideas to the other participants. The purpose o this

    exercise was to help community stakeholders see dierent approaches to

    the same roadway or intersection, while also providing the host community

    with ideas or incorporating bicycle acilities ater the course.

    Training Wheels

    DAVE HARTWELL, Vestry Member

    Saint James Episcopal Church

    Saint James Episcopal Church in Grosse Ile, Michigan cel-

    ebrated the 2nd Annual Blessing o the Bicycles on Sunday,

    April 21, 2013. The weather was heavenly and the response

    rom both our church amily and the Grosse Ile communitywas enthusiastic.

    The aternoons activities began at 1 pm or those cyclist

    who arrived to take advantage o ree Earth Day bicycle saety

    checkups. Tire pressure checks, seat height adjustments, and

    brake inspections were some o the services provided by Sain

    James church amily volunteers. The Blessing o the Bicycle

    ceremony started just ater 2 pm as the steeple bell in the his-

    toric Saint James Chapel rang out.

    Ater a warm welcome to everyone in attendance, Father Phil

    accompanied by his guitar, led us in singing the hymn How

    Great Thou Art. Ocer Julie Cortis o the Grosse Ile Police

    Department then read verses rom the book o the Prophe

    Ezekiel (1:15-21). Father Phil spoke to us about the invention o

    the bicycle and how it, much like the home computer, has em

    powered people by expanding our worlds and enriching ou

    lives. Ater leading us in prayer, he blessed all the bicycles, mo

    torcycles, and other wheeled vehicles with holy water. Fathe

    Phil then made the ollowing benediction, May the road rise

    to meet you. May the wind be ever at your back. May all you

    journeying be joyous. And until we meet again, may the Lord

    hold you and your bicycles in the palm o his hand. Amen.

    Ater a brie saety talk by the Grosse Ile Police Department, wedeparted or a short ride, complete with a police escort.

    A good time was had by everyone and we look orward to

    hosting the 3rd Annual Blessing o the Bicycles next Spring.

    Blessing of the BikesALY ANDREWS and DEBRA ALFONSO,

    Michigan Department o Transportation, Intermodal Policy Division

    Join the conversation on the new MichigBicycling Forum at

    Training Wheels participants in Grandville, MI learn about potential on-road bike facility options.




  • 7/27/2019 Michigan Bicyclist Magazine


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    Bikes on Trains, Cont. from back page

    booth (two total) Amtrak made ample

    room or our angled bike racks. The racks

    have a oor base that the bicycles ront

    wheel sits in and use simple bungee style

    tie downs to secure the bike tight against

    a padded posts that supports the bike in

    multiple places.

    The prototype racks are a vast improve-

    ment over their initial design. All in all, LMB

    is very pleased with the new design. While

    the racks were relatively intuitive, we did

    encourage Amtrak to

    provide signage with vi-

    sual instructions on how

    to use the racks. When

    we tested the racks, the

    ca car was empty, so

    we also noted that it

    could be a bit more di-fcult to board the train

    and park your bike dur-

    ing peak times.

    Our biggest concern was

    not so much about the

    racks themselves, but

    simply about the board-

    ing process. Without raised platorms at

    most Michigan stations, a bicyclist must

    carry their bike through a very narrow

    door and up narrow stairs, beore makingan immediate 90 turn to get into the ca

    car. We were traveling light during the test

    ride, but having additional luggage would

    likely make the boarding process more di-

    fcult. This problem can likely be addressed

    by having Amtrak attendants available to

    help bicyclists with the boarding and de-

    boarding process. Since bicyclists will be

    required to reserve space or their bicycles

    in advance, however, Amtrak would know

    when and where bicyclists were getting on

    and o, and could have an attendant avail-able to assist.

    The current racks will not accommodate

    non-traditional bicycles such as tandems,

    recumbents, tricycles, or oversized items

    like pull behind trailers. We are optimistic

    that in the uture Amtrak will be able to ac-

    commodate these larger bikes within the

    baggage cars currently under construction.

    Lastly, LMB encouraged Amtrak to oer

    bike service at no additional cost to passen-

    gers, as is currently the policy on a number

    o their lines across the country including

    the Capitol Corridor, San Joaquin, Pacifc

    Suriner, and Piedmont lines.

    Pending the eedback rom the Michi-

    gan bicyclists involved in the May 15th test

    ride, and a previous demonstration that

    involved bicyclists rom Active Transporta-

    tion in Chicago as well as the Illinois DOT,

    Amtrak plans to system-

    atically install bike park-

    ing within existing ca

    cars. Due to unding cuts

    caused by the sequestra-

    tion, however, Amtrak

    is currently unable to

    comment on how long itwill likely take to modiy

    enough o the existing

    ca cars to ocially oer

    this as a service on Michi-

    gan lines. They currently

    plan to retroft ca cars

    one at a time as the cars

    are brought in or service.

    To make the service widespread across

    Michigan they will need to convert at least

    seven to nine ca cars to ensure consistent

    service across the system.

    Amtrak considers expanded rail travel one

    o the solutions to address climate change

    and trac congestion. Marrying passenger

    trains and bikes is a no-brainer and a win-

    win or the traveling public. Well continue

    our work at making it easier or our custom-

    ers to complete that last mile to or rom our

    stations, whether on oot, by transit, or on

    a bike, stated Derrick James, Director, Gov-

    ernment Aairs - Central Amtrak.

    While bikes on trains is still not yet a reality

    in Michigan, LMB is pleased that we contin-

    ue to make positive strides towards accom-

    modating bicyclists. We sincerely thank

    Amtrak and MDOT or inviting us to partici-

    pate in the demonstration ride and we look

    orward to promoting the new service once

    it is ocially available across the state.

  • 7/27/2019 Michigan Bicyclist Magazine


    LMBs bikes on trains campaign took a major step orward recently,

    with an Amtrak demonstration ride that took place on May 15th. The

    demonstration was aimed at generating eedback rom bicyclists on

    new prototype bike rack design Amtrak is feld-testing.

    Amtrak and MDOT organized bicyclists to board and deboard Train#350 at various legs along the Wolverine service route. Bicyclists par-

    ticipated at stops in Chicago, Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, Jackson, Ann

    Arbor, Detroit, and Royal Oak.

    John Lindenmayer, LMBs Advocacy & Policy Director and Rory

    Neuner, LMBs Board Vice Chair were along or the demonstration

    which showcased a recently retroftted ca car outftted with an-

    gled bike parking to accommodate our bicycles.

    Amtrak currently does not allow bicycles on board most o their

    Midwest routes, including all that pass through Michigan. For the

    past several years LMB has actively lobbied Amtrak to change their

    policies and urged them to modiy their existing cars with bike racksto help bridge the last mile problem many commuters and poten-

    tial commuters ace.

    The connection between bicycling and transit is undamental,

    said Lindenmayer. Passengers can currently travel rom community

    to community by Amtrak, but how do they get to where they need

    to go once they step o the train? Allowing bikes on trains will pro-

    vide seamless multi-modal connections or passengers, giving them

    options to travel to and rom train stations by bike.

    With Michigan being home to over 300 annual bicycling events

    each year, with a number hosted in or near Michigan communities

    serviced by Amtrak, many Michigan communities could also ben-

    eft rom increased tourism spending rom both in and out o state


    Thats why LMB is excited Amtrak is taking positive steps to accom-

    modate bikes on board trains servicing Michigan and applaud them

    or responding to the requests o the Michigan cycling community.

    LMB worked to ensure that bicyclists were included in the Michi-

    gan State Rail Plan, said Lindenmayer, and we delivered a petition

    that collected over 3,500 signatures in a short period o time urging

    Amtrak to accommodate bicycles on Michigan service lines. Thomas

    C. Carper, Amtrak Board Chairman at the time, responded avorably

    stating, Amtrak has placed an order or 130 new, single-level cars.

    This order...includes 55 new baggage cars and 25 new baggage-

    dorm cars. These two types o cars will be equipped with bicycle


    Additionally Carper stated, Amtrak Mechanical has been working

    on designs to retroft ood service cars used on some Michigan ser-

    vices to accommodate bicycle racks. One design has been tested

    and proved unsatisactory, but our design team has developed analternate solution based on what was learned rom the initial design.

    LMB provided eedback on that initial design, which indeed proved

    unworkable, as it had three parallel oor wheel racks that were

    boxed in on three sides. The tight spacing made it nearly impossible

    or it to be used by more than one bicyclist at a time.

    The May 15th demonstration, however, showcased Amtraks take

    two on a proposed ca car retroft. By removing an additional



    416 S. Cedar St. Suite A, Lansing, MI 48912




    PERMIT #686

    Dated Material: August, 2013



    Amtrak Bikes on Trains Demo LMB Along for the Ride

    Rory Neuner, LMBs Board Vice Chair and John Lindenmayer, LMBs Advocacy & Policy

    Director with Derrick James, Director, Government Aairs - Central Amtrak during theMay 15th bikes on trains demonstration ride.

    See Bikes on Trains, page 14

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