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This shot shows main character seated in a chair with something green on his face, green thing looks like a laser or something also this could foreshadow what might happen in film as character of Hulk changes into green monster, in the shot we can also see that the character is in lab and it seems that he is being experimented on and by the look of characters body language he seems to be very calm and not bother.

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This is extreme close up on main characters face, we can see that he is not bother and not scared what is going to happen

to him. Extreme close up is shot where you only see certain part of

character and here we can see characters emotions because we have clear view of his eyes.

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Close up shot is shot where audience can see the characters whole face and can see their emotion because they have clear view of their face. In this shot we have characters face and we can see that he is bit nervous.

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Medium shot is showing half of the character and what she is doing this helps audience understand what's is going on in the opening sequence. Medium shots are good to show what characters are doing and what might happen in the next scene and they also explain the characters emotions.

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Tracking shot is shot where camera is following action or where its tracking something. This shot is good for chasing scenes and good for following action. This shot above is shot of camera tracking across news paper and this shows more to the audience and it explains more about the film.

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Pan shot is horizontal movement of camera form left to right or other way round and its usually used to build tension or quickly go to the other part of film. However in this section it is used to show some drugs on table and go of to the bigger table.

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Zoom is illusion of camera moving towards or away from something without camera moving. This shot is showing metronome and title and camera zooms in at both of them.

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Diegetic- diegetic sound is when character hears it. In the opening sequence character doesn't hear any diegetic sound.

Non-diegetic- non diegetic sound is when character doesn't hear it at all e.g. music over the clip. In the opening sequence there is only non-diegetic sounds.

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Actor shows good understanding of his character when he acts when he turns into Hulk he shows that he is scared and when he hits woman and he shows how angry he is.

Other actors like guard show their anger when main character shows up in hospital to see woman and they kick him out straight away.

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