Page 1: Microbial iron uptake in the naturally fertilized waters in the … · 1894 M. Fourquez et al.: Microbial iron uptake critical in environments receiving low Fe supply, like the high-nutrient,

Biogeosciences, 12, 1893–1906, 2015


© Author(s) 2015. CC Attribution 3.0 License.

Microbial iron uptake in the naturally fertilized waters in the

vicinity of the Kerguelen Islands: phytoplankton–bacteria


M. Fourquez1,2,3, I. Obernosterer2,3, D. M. Davies4,5, T. W. Trull4,5, and S. Blain2,3

1Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart 7001, Australia2Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR 7621, Laboratoire d’Océanographie Microbienne,

Observatoire Océanologique, 66650 Banyuls/mer, France3CNRS, UMR 7621, Laboratoire d’Océanographie Microbienne, Observatoire Océanologique, 66650 Banyuls/mer, France4CSIRO Oceans and Climate Flagship, Hobart 7001, Australia5Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Hobart 7001, Australia

Correspondence to: M. Fourquez ([email protected])

Received: 7 October 2014 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 24 October 2014

Revised: 4 February 2015 – Accepted: 11 February 2015 – Published: 23 March 2015

Abstract. Iron (Fe) uptake by the microbial community and

the contribution of three different size fractions was de-

termined during spring phytoplankton blooms in the natu-

rally Fe-fertilized area off the Kerguelen Islands (KEOPS2).

Total Fe uptake in surface waters was on average 34±

6 pmolFeL−1 d−1, and microplankton (> 25 µm size frac-

tion; 40–69 %) and pico-nanoplankton (0.8–25 µm size frac-

tion; 29–59 %) were the main contributors. The contribu-

tion of heterotrophic bacteria (0.2–0.8 µm size fraction) to

total Fe uptake was low at all stations (1–2 %). Iron up-

take rates normalized to carbon biomass were highest for

pico-nanoplankton above the Kerguelen Plateau and for mi-

croplankton in the downstream plume. We also investigated

the potential competition between heterotrophic bacteria and

phytoplankton for the access to Fe. Bacterial Fe uptake rates

normalized to carbon biomass were highest in incubations

with bacteria alone, and dropped in incubations contain-

ing other components of the microbial community. Inter-

estingly, the decrease in bacterial Fe uptake rate (up to 26-

fold) was most pronounced in incubations containing pico-

nanoplankton and bacteria, while the bacterial Fe uptake

was only reduced by 2- to 8-fold in incubations contain-

ing the whole community (bacteria + pico-nanoplankton +

microplankton). In Fe-fertilized waters, the bacterial Fe up-

take rates normalized to carbon biomass were positively cor-

related with primary production. Taken together, these re-

sults suggest that heterotrophic bacteria are outcompeted by

small-sized phytoplankton cells for the access to Fe during

the spring bloom development, most likely due to the limita-

tion by organic matter. We conclude that the Fe and carbon

cycles are tightly coupled and driven by a complex interplay

of competition and synergy between different members of

the microbial community.

1 Introduction

Microorganisms in the ocean are characterized by

widespread distributions, large abundances and high

metabolic rate activities. Consequently they play a pivotal

role in biogeochemical cycles of many elements (Arrigo,

2005; Madsen, 2011). Following the pioneering work of

Martin (1990), a major achievement in the past decades has

been the discovery of the tight but complex link between the

carbon (C) and iron (Fe) biogeochemical cycles in the ocean.

Thus, it is not surprising that microorganisms play a crucial

role in the functioning and the coupling of both cycles.

Autotrophs are a net C dioxide (CO2) sink and heterotrophs

are a net CO2 source, but both require Fe to process C.

Therefore, the balance between autotrophy and heterotrophy

and ultimately the air–sea CO2 flux should be influenced by

Fe availability for microorganisms. This issue is definitively

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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critical in environments receiving low Fe supply, like the

high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll regions (HNLC).

The role of heterotrophic bacteria has been far less stud-

ied than that of phytoplankton. However, essential data for

the understanding of the responses of heterotrophic bacte-

ria to Fe limitation have already been collected. Iron uptake

rates, Fe cellular contents and Fe :C ratios have been deter-

mined in various environments (Tortell et al., 1996; Maldon-

ado et al., 2001; Sarthou et al., 2008). Culture experiments

(Granger and Price, 1999; Fourquez et al., 2014) have eluci-

dated some of the metabolic pathways affected by Fe limita-

tion which may explain the changes observed in Fe-limited

heterotrophic cells or communities. Additionally, the obli-

gate requirement of Fe for heterotrophic bacteria and phy-

toplankton suggests that both organisms are competing for

Fe acquisition. The competition between phytoplankton and

bacteria was addressed experimentally (Mills et al., 2008)

and conceptually (Litchman et al., 2004) for the access to ni-

trogen and phosphorus, but this issue has been rarely studied

in the case of Fe (Boyd et al., 2012). Beside this possible pure

competition, both autotrophic and heterotrophic microorgan-

isms could also benefit from each other. Phytoplankton are

a source of C for heterotrophic bacteria and the production

of ligands by these latter could make Fe available for other

microorganisms (Amin et al., 2009; Hassler et al., 2011a, b).

The aim of our study was to further investigate the complex

interactions between heterotrophic bacteria and phytoplank-

ton with respect to the C and Fe cycling.

The Southern Ocean is the largest HNLC region in the

world ocean. However, in several places, natural Fe fertil-

ization sustains massive blooms (Blain et al., 2007; Pollard

et al., 2009; Nielsdóttir et al., 2012). These naturally fer-

tilized regions are exceptional laboratories to study inter-

actions between the Fe and C cycling and the role played

by microorganisms. The bloom located above the Kerguelen

Plateau was investigated in detail during KEOPS1 (Kergue-

len Ocean and Plateau compared Study, January–February

2005). KEOPS2 (October–November 2011) extended this

study to early stages of the bloom and to new investigations

in the blooms downstream the island. During KEOPS2 we

determined the Fe uptake of the bulk microbial community

and of different size fractions at stations characterized by

a wide range of responses to Fe fertilization. We also con-

ducted incubation experiments to specifically study the com-

petition between heterotrophic bacteria and phytoplankton.

2 Materials and methods

2.1 Site description

This study was carried out as part of the KEOPS2 expedi-

tion that took place from 9 October to 29 November 2011,

in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean in the vicinity of

the Kerguelen archipelago. For the present study, eight sta-

Figure 1. Map of the KEOPS2 study area showing the stations sam-

pled for Fe uptake experiments. The dashed line represents the po-

sition of the polar front. The base map shows the bathymetry in


tions were sampled (Fig. 1). Station R-2 is the reference sta-

tion located outside the bloom, west of the Kerguelen Islands

(Fig. 1). The E stations were located in a complex meander

south of the polar front and sampled in a quasi-Lagrangian

manner (d’Ovidio et al., 2015). An animation is given in the

Supplement that shows the development of the bloom over

the period of the cruise and position of the stations at the

time of sampling (see the animation in the Supplement).

2.2 Sampling and manipulation under trace metal

clean conditions

Seawater samples were collected with 10-L Niskin 1010X

bottles set up on an autonomous model 1018 trace metal

rosette especially adapted for trace metal work (General

Oceanics Inc., USA; Bowie et al., 2014). Each Niskin bot-

tle was acid-washed (2 % HCl) and rinsed with Milli-Q water

before the rosette was deployed. All metal springs are Teflon-

coated, and the crimps are made of aluminium. All samples

were carefully manipulated in a clean container under a lam-

inar flow hood (ISO class 5). Within less than 2 h after sam-

ple collection, the seawater was dispersed into 500 mL acid-

washed polycarbonate (PC) bottles and the incubations per-

formed as described below. The PC bottles were acid-washed

(10 % HCl Suprapur, Merck) three times, followed by three

rinses with Milli-Q water, and were subsequently sterilized

by microwaves (5 min, 750 W). The PC bottles were dried

and stored under a laminar flow hood before being used. For

the incubation experiments described below, seawater was

collected in the surface mixed layer at one depth, and incu-

bated at different levels of surface photosynthetically active

radiation (PAR). Characteristics of the stations are given in

Table 1.

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Table 1. Location, date, depth of sampling and main biogeochemical properties from studied stations. Experimental approach column refers

to Fig. 2, with (a), (b) and (c) related to incubations including the whole community, pico-nanoplankton plus bacteria, and bacteria only,


Station Latitude Longitude Date of Depth of SST NO−3+ NO−

2a PO3−

4a Si(OH)4

b Chl a c DFed Experimental

S E sampling sampling approache

(dd/mm/yyyy) (m) (◦C) (µmolL−1) (µgL−1) (nmolL−1)

HNLC reference

R-2 −50.3590 66.7170 26/10/2011 40 2.3 25.4 1.81 12.1 0.32 0.09 (b), (c)

Kerguelen Plateau

A3-2 −50.6240 72.0560 17/11/2011 20 2.3 25.2 1.75 18.4 1.6 0.18 (a), (b), (c)

Polar front

F-L −48.5320 74.6590 07/11/2011 20 4.3 18.5 0.900 6.45 2.8 0.26 (b)

Downstream plume

E-2 −48.5230 72.0770 01/11/2011 20 3.0 26.6 1.74 14.5 0.42 0.08 (b)

E-3 −48.7020 71.9670 02/11/2011 20 3.1 25.4 1.78 15.1 0.079 0.38 (b)

E-4W −48.7650 71.4250 12/11/2011 20 2.7 25.3 1.74 17.5 0.56 0.20 (b), (c)

E-4E −48.7150 72.5630 13/11/2011 20 3.2 24.3 1.62 12.1 1.3 0.19 (a), (b), (c)

E-5 −48.4120 71.9000 19/11/2011 20 3.3 25.0 1.73 11.5 1.1 0.06 (a), (b), (c)

a From Blain et al. (2015). b From Closset et al. (2014). c From Lasbleiz et al. (2014). d From Quéroué et al. (2015). e For details see Fig. 2 and Sect. 2.3.

2.3 Iron uptake experiments

Three types of incubation experiments were performed

(Fig. 2). In one set of experiments (Fig. 2a), 300 mL of unfil-

tered seawater was amended with Fe as 55FeCl3 (0.2 nM final

concentration of 55Fe, specific activity 1.83× 103 Cimol−1,

Perkin Elmer); incubated for 24 h at 75, 25 and 1 % surface

PAR; and then sequentially filtered through 0.8 and 0.2 µm

pore size nitrocellulose filters (47 mm diameter, Nuclepore).

These incubations, performed at station A3-2, E-4E and E-5,

provided measurements of the Fe uptake of the bulk commu-

nity based on the sum of the radioactivity measured on the

0.8 and 0.2 µm filters. The uptake of Fe by heterotrophic bac-

teria incubated with the whole community (bacteria + pico-

nanoplankton + microplankton) was also determined from

these incubations. In a second set of experiments (Fig. 2b),

seawater (300 mL) was pre-filtered through a 25 µm mesh

before 0.2 nM 55Fe (final concentration) was added. This

porosity was chosen to exclude microplankton by retaining

them on the 25 µm mesh. Following incubation at 75, 45,

25, 16, 4 and 1 % of surface PAR, the seawater was sequen-

tially filtered through 0.8 and 0.2 µm filters. The uptake of

Fe by pico-nanoplankton (0.8–25 µm, Supplement table), and

that of heterotrophic bacteria (0.2–0.8 µm) in the presence

of pico-nanoplankton only, was derived from these incuba-

tions. At the stations where these two types of experiments

were performed concurrently (stations A3-2, E-4E and E-5),

the Fe uptake by microplankton was obtained by the differ-

ence between the bulk Fe uptake (Fig. 2a) and the sum of

the Fe uptake by pico-nanoplankton and heterotrophic bac-

teria (Fig. 2b). In a third set of experiments, 300 mL seawa-

ter was 0.8 µm pre-filtered prior to the addition of 0.2 nM55Fe (final concentration) to exclude both microplankton and

pico-nanoplankton from the incubation. Following the 24 h

incubation at 1 % PAR level, the seawater was filtered on a

0.2 µm filter (Fig. 2c). Based on this type of incubation, we

determined the Fe uptake by heterotrophic bacteria in incu-

bations with bacteria alone. This experiment was performed

at stations A3-2, E-4E, E-5, E-4W and R-2.

For all the incubations, bottles were maintained at in situ

surface temperature (Table 1) in on-deck incubators supplied

continuously with surface seawater. The incubators were

equipped with a combination of nickel screens (LEE Filters,

UK) simulating light intensities from 75 to 1 %. Incubations

were conducted from dawn to dawn.

Additionally, to determine whether a steady state had been

achieved after 24 h of incubation time, we performed a sepa-

rate set of experiments where Fe uptake by bacteria and bac-

terial cell abundance was followed over 24, 72, 96 h and 1-

week incubation time. Due to the low bacterial Fe uptake

rates determined over 24 h, we did not perform any time se-

ries over shorter incubation times. Our results are therefore

based on the assumption of linearity in bacterial Fe uptakes

rates over the 24 h incubation period.

2.4 Determination of intracellular 55Fe

A first step for the assessment of the 55Fe uptake was the

removal of 55Fe not incorporated by cells, using a wash-

ing solution. Following filtration, the filters were washed

with 6 mL of Ti–citrate–EDTA solution (Hudson and Morel,

1989; Tang and Morel, 2006) for 2 min and subsequently

rinsed three times with 5 mL of 0.2 µm filtered seawater for

1 min (Fourquez et al., 2012). The filters were placed into

plastic vials and 10 mL of the scintillation cocktail Filter-

count (Perkin Elmer) was added. Vials were agitated for 24 h

before the radioactivity was counted with the Tricarb® scin-

tillation counter. Total radioactivity on the filter after correc-

tion for background represents intracellular 55Fe. For each

station, controls were obtained with 300 mL of microwave- Biogeosciences, 12, 1893–1906, 2015

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Figure 2. Schematic representation of experiments to determine Fe uptake by heterotrophic bacteria (0.2–0.8 µm), pico-nanoplankton (0.8–

25 µm) and microplankton (> 25 µm) during the KEOPS2 cruise (sw: seawater; HB: heterotrophic bacteria)).

sterilized seawater (750 W for 5 min, repeated three times)

incubated with the same amount of 55Fe and treated in the

same way as the live treatments. The radioactivity deter-

mined on these filters was considered as background and is

based on the amount of 55Fe adsorbed but not incorporated

by cells. Abiotic adsorption of 55Fe onto cells could be in-

fluenced by microwave irradiation if cell structures are al-

tered by the treatment. For technical reasons, we could not

use formalin to fix the cells at each station, but we performed

a series of tests to compare fixation by formalin and by mi-

crowave. The background radioactivity of the formalin-killed

seawater was similar to that of the microwave-sterilized sea-

water, validating our control. We performed one control per

station maintained for 24 h at 75 % PAR in the on-deck incu-

bator. The radioactivity measured on the control filters was

subtracted from the respective live treatments in all experi-


To determine the most appropriate concentration of the

radioisotope to be added, different amounts of 55Fe were

tested: 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1 and 2 nM of unchelated 55Fe (as55FeCl3, final concentrations of 55Fe). We determined that

the concentration of 0.2 nM 55Fe was the most appropriate

as it minimizes changes in dissolved Fe (DFe) concentration

and it still allows for detection of the incorporated radioactiv-

ity by scintillation counting (for 300 mL of seawater filtered).

We also observed that adding more than 0.8 nM of 55Fe (fi-

nal concentration) stimulates the Fe uptake by microorgan-

isms (pico-nanoplankton and bacteria; data not shown). Us-

ing our preferred small addition of 0.2 nM, consumption of55Fe during our incubations was negligible (1–4 % of total55Fe added), and the consumption of the corresponding total

DFe even smaller.

The Fe uptake rate (molFeL−1 d−1), noted ρFe (all sym-

bols are listed in Table 2), was calculated with the following


ρFe=A·55Fe on filter

t ·V, (1)


A=mol 55Fe added+mol DFe in situ

mol 55Fe added, (2)

55Fe on filter=(dpm on filter sample – dpm on filter control)

55Fe specific activity, (3)

where V is the volume filtered, t the incubation time, and

dpm disintegrations per minute.

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Table 2. List of abbreviations used.

Symbols Explanation

ρFe Total iron uptake


Bacterial iron uptake determined in incubations with bacterial cells alone (size fraction < 0.8 µm, Fig. 2c)

ρFe<25 µmbact

Bacterial iron uptake determined in incubations with pico- and nanoplankton only (size fraction < 25 µm, Fig. 2b)


Bacterial iron uptake determined in incubations with the whole community (unfiltered seawater, Fig. 2a)

ρFe : POC Total iron uptake normalized to particulate organic carbon

(ρFe : POC)alonebact

Bacterial iron uptake determined in incubations with bacterial cells alone (size fraction < 0.8 µm, Fig. 2c)

normalized to particulate organic carbon

(ρFe : POC)<25 µmbact

Bacterial iron uptake determined in incubations with pico- and nanoplankton only (size fraction < 25 µm, Fig. 2b),

normalized to particulate organic carbon

(ρFe : POC)wholebact

Bacterial iron uptake determined in incubations with the whole community (unfiltered seawater, Fig. 2a)

normalized to particulate organic carbon

2.5 Enumeration of heterotrophic bacteria

Subsamples for cell enumeration were taken at the start and

end of the incubations. To enumerate heterotrophic bacte-

ria, 2 mL samples were fixed with glutaraldehyde (1 % fi-

nal concentration), incubated for 1 h at 4 ◦C, and stored at

−80 ◦C until processed (Obernosterer et al., 2008). Het-

erotrophic bacterial cell abundance was counted with a

FASCCanto II BD flow cytometer (Becton, Dickinson). Het-

erotrophic bacterial cells were stained with SYBRGreen I

(Marie et al., 1997) and enumerated for 1 min at a rate of

30 µLmin−1. The machine drift was tested using calibration

beads (3 µm). Specific bacterial growth rates were calculated

from the slope of log-linear regression between the start and

the end of the incubation.

2.6 Carbon content of different microbial size fractions

The cellular C content for heterotrophic bacteria was es-

timated to be 12.4 fgCcell−1 as reported by Fukuda et

al. (1998). The C contents for pico-nanoplankton and mi-

croplankton were estimated from particulate organic car-

bon (POC) measured in surface seawater (< 1000 µm) on

300, 210, 50, 20, 5 and 1 µm pore-size filters (see Trull et

al., 2015). We assumed the total C biomass (representative

of the bulk community) to be the sum of all these fractions

plus the estimated C biomass for heterotrophic bacteria. For

pico-nanoplankton we assumed the sum of the POC concen-

trations on the 1 and 5 µm filters, corresponding to the 1–

20 µm size fraction, to be representative of this community.

To obtain the C biomass for microplankton, we subtracted

the POC concentration of the 0.2–20 µm size fraction of the

total C biomass.

3 Results

3.1 Bulk iron uptake rates and contribution of

different size fractions

The Fe uptake rate (ρFe) for the bulk community, determined

from incubations of unfiltered seawater (Fig. 2a), was mea-

sured at stations A3-2, E-4E and E-5, and the volumetric

and integrated values are presented on Tables 3 and 4, re-

spectively. The integration of ρFe over the euphotic layer re-

veals highest values at station E-5 (1.74 µmolFem−2 d−1),

decreasing to 1.12 µmolFem−2 d−1 at station A3-2 and to

0.86 µmolFem−2 d−1 at station E-4E (Table 4). At these

three stations the contribution of heterotrophic bacteria to

total ρFe was less than 2 % corresponding to a mean daily

integrated uptake of 0.018± 0.005 µmolm−2 d−1 (Table 4).

The contribution of the two other size fractions was station-

dependent (Fig. 3). At station E-4E, microplankton and pico-

nanoplankton had almost equal contributions to total in-

tegrated ρFe (53 and 46 %, respectively). At station A3-

2, microplankton and pico-nanoplankton accounted for 40

and 59 % of total integrated ρFe, respectively. The contri-

bution of microplankton was the highest at station E-5 (69 %

of total integrated ρFe), whereas the contribution of pico-

nanoplankton was the lowest (29 % of total integrated ρFe)

at this site.

To account for differences in the biomass among stations,

we normalized ρFe to the concentration of POC of the mi-

croplankton and pico-nanoplankton size classes and to the

estimated cellular C content for bacteria, and both ratios

are referred to ρFe : POC (Table 3). For the bulk commu-

nity, a trend similar to ρFe was observed, with the high-

est ρFe : POC at station E-5 (5.3± 1.1 µmolFed−1 molC−1;

n= 3, mean ±1 SD of the three PAR levels), decreas-

ing to 3.0± 1.0 and 2.5± 0.4 µmolFed−1 molC−1 (n=

3, mean ±1 SD) at stations A3-2 and E-4E, respectively.

Because this variability in ρFe : POC could in part re-

flect differences in ρFe and C biomass contribution of Biogeosciences, 12, 1893–1906, 2015

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Table 3. Iron uptake rates (ρFe), carbon biomass (POC), and C-normalized Fe uptake rates (ρFe : POC) of the bulk community and the three

size fractions for incubations conducted at 75, 25 and 1 % of the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, % of surface PAR) on unfiltered

seawater (see text and Fig. 2a for details).

PAR Fe uptake rate C biomass C-normalized Fe uptake rate

(%) (pmolFeL−1 d−1) (µmolCL−1) (µmolFed−1 molC−1)

A3-2 E-4E E-5 A3-2 E-4E E-5 A3-2 E-4E E-5

Bulk community 75 33.2 28.1 39.5 10.2 10.1 6.2 3.26 2.78 6.33

(> 0.2 µm)∗ 25 19.0 26.5 32.7 10.2 10.4 6.2 1.86 2.56 5.27

1 39.8 22.6 26.3 10.3 11.1 6.2 3.87 2.03 4.23

Microplankton 75 15.5 13.4 33.7 6.9 5.4 2.9 2.25 2.50 11.56

(> 25 µm) 25 5.1 13.2 22.4 6.8 5.3 2.9 0.75 2.47 7.68

1 17.9 13.5 15.3 6.9 5.4 2.9 2.60 2.52 5.25

Pico-nanoplankton 75 17.7 14.3 5.3 3.0 12.0 2.7 5.84 1.19 1.93

(0.8–25 µm) 25 13.3 12.8 9.9 3.0 12.0 2.7 4.39 1.07 3.61

1 21.3 8.8 10.1 3.0 12.1 2.8 7.03 0.73 0.39

Heterotrophic bacteria 75 0.07 0.30 0.46 0.3 0.7 0.6 0.21 0.45 0.80

(0.2–0.8 µm) 25 0.60 0.43 0.41 0.4 0.8 0.6 1.69 0.52 0.73

1 0.57 0.34 0.39 0.4 0.7 0.6 1.37 0.49 0.66

∗ ρFe : POC for bulk community was calculated as the sum of the iron uptake rates of the three size fractions divided by the sum of particulate organic

carbon of each size fraction.

organisms, we also considered ρFe : POC for the differ-

ent size classes. At station E-5 microplankton revealed the

highest ρFe : POC ratios (5.25–11.56 µmolFed−1 molC−1),

while at station A3-2 pico-nanoplankton was highest (4.39–

7.03 µmolFed−1 molC−1). At station E-5, at 75 % of PAR,

microplankton revealed the highest ρFe : POC of all ob-

served values. This is driven by the Fe uptake rate because C

biomass was almost equally partitioned between microplank-

ton (47 % of total C biomass) and pico-nanoplankton (44 %

of total C biomass). Heterotrophic bacterial ρFe : POC

was quite homogeneous in incubations at different PAR

levels at stations E-4E (0.49± 0.04 µmolFed−1 molC−1)

and E-5 (0.73± 0.07 µmolFed−1 molC−1), but it presented

high variability at station A3-2, ranging from 0.21 to

1.69 µmolFed−1 molC−1 (Table 3). As expected, due to the

low contribution of heterotrophic bacteria to total ρFe, their

C-normalized ρFe was the lowest among the three size frac-


3.2 Heterotrophic bacterial iron uptake in the absence

of phytoplankton

To investigate whether heterotrophic bacteria compete with

other members of the microbial community for the access to

Fe, the bacterial Fe uptake rates and the bacterial growth rates

were also determined during incubations where microplank-

ton and both microplankton and pico-nanoplankton were ex-

cluded (experiments (b) and (c), respectively, in Fig. 2). The

bacterial Fe uptake rates were denoted (ρFe)wholebact if incu-

bated with the whole community; (ρFe)<25 µm

bact if incubated

with pico-nanoplankton only; and (ρFe)alonebact refers to bac-

Figure 3. Relative contribution of different size fractions to total

Fe uptake (ρFe). The percent contribution was calculated from Fe

uptake fluxes integrated over the euphotic layer at plateau (A3-2)

and downstream plume (E-4E and E-5) stations.

terial Fe uptake rates measured when bacteria were incu-

bated alone, with neither micro nor pico-nanoplankton. In-

cubations without microplankton were performed at six dif-

ferent light levels. At any given station, the variability of

(ρFe)<25 µm

bact determined at different light levels did not ex-

ceed a factor of 4 (Table 5). The unique noticeable excep-

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Table 4. Euphotic-layer-integrated Fe uptake of the bulk commu-

nity and three size fractions. The depth of the euphotic layer is 39 m

for A3-2, 80 m for E-4E and 41 m for E-5.

Station Euphotic-layer-integrated Fe uptake

(µmol Fe m−2 d−1)

Bulk Microplankton Pico-nanoplankton Heterotrophic

community bacteria

(> 0.2 µm) (> 25 µm) (0.8–25 µm) (0.2–0.8 µm)

A3-2 1.12 0.44 0.66 0.019

E-4E 0.86 0.45 0.40 0.013

E-5 1.74 1.21 0.51 0.023

tion was station E-3, where (ρFe)<25 µm

bact was about 2 or-

ders of magnitude higher at 75 % light level. To compare

(ρFe)<25 µm

bact among stations, we integrated over the euphotic

layer and the mixed layer depths. The outlier value at E-3

(at 75 % PAR level) was not considered for the integration.

The lowest depth-integrated values were observed at stations

R-2 and E-5 (4.7 nmolFem−2 d−1 at both stations; mean of

euphotic- and mixed-layer-integrated fluxes) and the highest

values were observed at station E-3 (18.4 nmolFem−2 d−1).

Integrated Fe uptake did not show any clear temporal evolu-

tion for the stations at the quasi-Lagrangian time series E-2,

E-3, E-4E and E-5 (Table 5).

The bacterial Fe uptake rate normalized to cellular C

content was also determined in the incubations where

microplankton was excluded (noted (ρFe : POC)<25 µm

bact in

Table 5). The high value of (ρFe)<25 µm

bact measured at

E-3 (at 75 % PAR level) resulted in a high value of

(ρFe : POC)<25 µm

bact (21.4 µmolFed−1 molC−1) that is consid-

ered as an outlier. All other values ranged from 0.06 to

2.94 µmolFed−1 molC−1, and they were 2- to 8-fold lower

than those in the corresponding incubations with the bulk

community (ρFe : POC)wholebact (stations A3-2, E-4E, and E-5).

The normalization does not modify our general observation

that there was no significant difference in the rates between

the different light levels and between the different stations

(two-tailed, unpaired Student’s t test, p = 0.27). In consider-

ation of this, the values at one given station are now treated

as biological replicates.

At the three stations A3-2, E-4E and E-5 we compared

the bacterial Fe uptake when bacteria were incubated with

the whole community ((ρFe : POC)wholebact ) with that when in-

cubated with pico-nanoplankton only ((ρFe : POC)<25 µm

bact )

and that with bacteria alone ((ρFe : POC)alonebact , Fig. 4). For

all stations, we found that bacterial Fe uptake was the

highest in the absence of any other larger cells and the

lowest when incubated with pico-nanoplankton only, with

(ρFe : POC)alonebact > (ρFe : POC)whole

bact > (ρFe : POC)<25 µm

bact .

When bacteria were incubated with the entire microbial com-

munity, (ρFe : POC)wholebact was 2–8 times higher than in the in-

cubations with pico-nanoplankton only ((ρFe : POC)<25 µm

bact ),

but still lower than when bacteria were incubated alone. Sim-

ilarly to (ρFe : POC)alonebact , bacterial growth rates were by 2 to

5 times higher when bacteria were incubated alone compared

to incubations with pico-nanoplankton only (Fig. 4b).

3.3 Growth rates and iron quota of heterotrophic


In all the incubation experiments the abundance of het-

erotrophic bacteria was determined at the beginning and at

the end of the incubation period. Assuming an exponential

growth during the incubation provided an estimate of the

growth rates. The lowest growth rate (0.02 d−1) was deter-

mined at the station R-2. For the other stations, the growth

rate ranged from 0.12 (E-5) to 0.36 d−1 (E-3). We also mea-

sured (ρFe : POC)alonebact after 24, 72, 96 h and 7 days of incu-

bation. The (ρFe : POC)alonebact was similar after 24 and 96 h of

incubation and decreased after 1 week of incubation (data not

shown). This suggests that 24 h of incubation provides a mea-

surement of steady-state Fe uptake rate. Thus, we derived the

Fe quota for heterotrophic bacteria (QFe) based on the equa-

tion ρ = µQFe (Fig. 5). The Fe quota of heterotrophic bac-

teria was 4× 10−20 molFecell−1 for stations R-2, E-5 and

E-4W, and 8×10−20 molFecell−1 for station E-2, F-L, A3-2

and E-3.

4 Discussion

4.1 The microbial iron demand

In the vicinity of the Kerguelen Islands, natural Fe fertil-

ization produces many blooms with different dynamics re-

sulting from a combination of hydrodynamic and ecological

drivers. These sites provide excellent opportunities to investi-

gate the demand of different members of the microbial com-

munity for Fe, as well as how these members interact. During

KEOPS2 we visited a variety of early spring blooms located

above the Kerguelen Plateau and in offshore waters north and

south of the polar front. We start our discussion by putting

our results in the context of previous studies related to Fe

uptake by the microbial community in the Southern Ocean.

In the early spring bloom located above the Kerguelen

Plateau (station A3-2), the total Fe demand, defined here

as the steady-state Fe uptake rate by the bulk community,

was 33.2 pmolFeL−1 d−1 in surface waters. This Fe demand

is more than 6 times higher than that determined during

KEOPS1 at the same site during the declining phase of the

bloom (5.3± 1.2 pmolL−1 d−1 for a mean value of A3-4

and A3-5, 50 % of PAR; Sarthou et al., 2008). The Fe de-

mand during KEOPS2 is also higher than that measured dur-

ing the artificial Fe fertilization experiment SOIREE in the

Antarctic zone. At about 13 days following the Fe addition,

a time point which corresponded to the growing phase of

the bloom, Bowie et al. (2001) determined an Fe demand

of 11.9 pmolL−1 d−1 (mean mixed layer). The differences

in the Fe demand between these three studies likely do not Biogeosciences, 12, 1893–1906, 2015

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Table 5. Bacterial abundance, C biomass, Fe uptake rates, C-normalized Fe uptake rates and integrated Fe uptake (to the euphotic layer

depth, Ze; to the mixed layer depth, MLD; average, avg). Values given in the columns (POC)<25 µmbact

, (ρFe)<25 µmbact

and (ρFe : POC)<25 µmbact


relative to incubations with bacteria and pico-nanoplankton only. Values given in the columns (POC)wholebact

, (ρFe)wholebact

and (ρFe : POC)wholebact

are relative to incubations performed with the bulk community. Integrated values are calculated from incubations with bacteria and pico-

nanoplankton only. nd: no data available. Cell numbers refer to the end of the incubation time (24 h).

Station PAR Cell abundance Biomass Fe uptake rate C-normalized Fe uptake rate Integrated

level Fe uptake

(%) (×105 cellsmL−1) (µgCL−1) (pmol Fe L−1 d−1) (µmol Fe d−1mol C−1) (nmol Fe m−2 d−1)

(POC)<25 µmbact


(POC)<25 µmbact


(ρFe)<25 µmbact


(ρFe : POC)<25 µmbact

(ρFe : POC)wholebact

Ze MLD avg

E-4E 75 10.82 6.49 13.42 8.05 0.10 0.30 0.09 0.45

45 6.74 nd 8.36 nd 0.19 nd 0.28 nd

25 5.89 7.95 7.30 9.86 0.16 0.43 0.26 0.52

16 6.89 nd 8.54 nd 0.40 nd 0.56 nd 9.7 12.8 11.3

4 7.80 nd 9.67 nd 0.23 nd 0.28 nd

1 7.07 6.73 8.77 8.35 0.17 0.34 0.23 0.49

A3-2 75 nd 3.50 nd 4.34 0.25 0.07 nd 0.21

45 3.52 nd 4.36 nd 0.19 nd 0.51 nd

25 3.75 3.45 4.65 4.28 0.10 0.60 0.26 1.69

16 3.60 nd 4.46 nd 0.11 nd 0.30 nd 6.6 13.1 9.9

4 6.39 nd 7.92 nd 0.18 nd 0.27 nd

1 3.78 4.01 4.69 4.97 0.16 0.57 0.40 1.37

E-5 75 5.29 5.59 6.56 6.93 0.05 0.46 0.10 0.80

45 5.55 nd 6.88 nd 0.06 nd 0.10 nd

25 5.18 5.39 6.42 6.68 0.07 0.41 0.13 0.73

16 5.45 nd 6.76 nd 0.06 nd 0.11 nd 5.2 4.2 4.7

4 6.66 nd 8.26 nd 0.13 nd 0.19 nd

1 5.18 5.74 6.42 7.12 0.14 0.39 0.27 0.66

R-2 75 2.84 3.52 0.07 0.23

45 2.55 3.16 0.04 0.14

25 nd nd 0.00 nd

16 2.90 nd 3.60 nd 0.25 nd 0.82 nd 4.4 5.0 4.7

4 2.85 3.53 0.05 0.16

1 2.65 3.29 0.05 0.19

E-2 75 4.30 5.33 0.07 0.16

45 4.84 6.00 0.05 0.09

25 5.48 6.80 0.06 0.11

16 nd nd nd nd 0.27 nd nd nd 5.8 5.8 5.8

4 5.68 7.04 0.05 0.09

1 5.32 6.60 nd 0.06

E-3 75 6.98 8.66 15.50 21.4

45 5.83 7.23 0.25 0.41

25 7.85 9.73 0.41 0.51

16 6.96 nd 8.63 nd 0.25 nd 0.35 nd 20.0∗ 16.8∗ 18.4∗

4 8.49 10.53 0.32 0.36

1 7.27 9.01 0.29 0.39

F-L 75 5.23 6.49 0.84 1.56

45 7.80 9.67 0.36 0.45

25 7.80 9.67 0.58 0.72

16 0.82 nd 1.02 nd 0.25 nd 2.94 nd 14.0 18.4 16.2

4 3.82 4.74 0.50 1.26

1 22.36 27.73 0.49 0.21

E-4W 75 6.63 8.22 0.17 0.25

45 6.70 8.31 0.21 0.30

25 5.07 6.29 0.71 1.36

16 19.40 nd 24.06 nd 0.23 nd 0.11 nd 13.8 16.6 15.2

4 13.90 17.24 0.21 0.15

1 7.75 9.61 0.29 0.35

∗ Integrated value measured at 75 % was excluded from the calculation.

result from differences in biomass, because POC concentra-

tions in the surface mixed layer were similar between studies

(10–12 µM; Bowie et al., 2001; Sarthou et al., 2008; Trull et

al., 2015).

For the KEOPS expeditions, different stages of the bloom

provide a temporal framework to interpret these observa-

tions. However, this is not the case for the differences ob-

served between KEOPS2 and SOIREE, which were both

sampled during the early phase of a bloom, even if the

blooms occurred at different seasons. Besides the seasonal

differences, the location of the study could explain the vari-

ability in the Fe demand. Finally, the results of FeCycle

provide a comparison with the Subantarctic Zone. The Fe

demand determined for the steady-state microbial Fe bud-

get was 26–101 pmolL−1 d−1 (Strzepek et al., 2005), thus at

the upper bound or higher than during KEOPS2, although

C biomasses were similar (10.2 µM, average for the mixed

layer; Strzepek et al., 2005). From all these comparisons it

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Figure 4. Bacterial Fe uptake normalized per C biomass (a) and bacterial growth rates (b) in incubations conducted with whole community

((ρFe : POC)wholebact

, unfiltered seawater), with pico-nanoplankton only ((ρFe : POC)<25 µmbact

, 25 µm prefiltered seawater), and when bacteria

were incubated alone ((ρFe : POC)alonebact

, 0.8 µm prefiltered seawater). As no significant effect of light on Fe uptake was observed for any

station, we consider the values measured at the different levels of PAR as replicates. The bars for unfiltered seawater represent the aver-

age±1 SD of the three light levels (75, 25 and 1 % of surface PAR). The bars for 25 µm prefiltered seawater represent the average±1 SD of

all the light levels (n= 6 for stations E-4E, E-5 and E-4W; n= 5 for stations A3-2 and R-2).

Figure 5. Relationship between the intracellular bacterial Fe quota

and growth rate. Black squares: stations E-4W, E-5 and R-2; re-

gression line r2= 0.99, y = 4.8× 10−14

+ 8.9× 10−15. Grey cir-

cles: stations E-2, E-3, A3-2 and F-L; regression line r2= 0.99,

y = 10× 10−14+ 1.4× 10−15. Calculations are based on bacterial

Fe uptake and growth rates measured when bacteria were incubated

with pico-nanoplankton only.

appears that, besides the variability driven by temporal or

spatial factors, a plankton-based mechanistic explanation is

certainly required for a better understanding of the observed


Culture studies (Sunda and Huntsman, 1995, 1997;

Strzepek and Harrison, 2004; Marchetti et al., 2009) and

molecular approaches (Allen et al., 2008) have shown that

there are multiple strategies for phytoplankton to deal with

Fe limitation. The consequences are that bulk cell properties

like the Fe uptake rate, the intracellular Fe concentration or

the elemental Fe : C ratio are species-dependent. However,

the use of this basic knowledge to interpret field results is not

straightforward. This is primarily due to the complexity of

the natural phytoplankton community, but it is also obscured

by possible regional differences as shown by Strzepek et

al. (2012). Southern Ocean phytoplankton species responded

to Fe-light acclimation differently than temperate species

(Sunda and Huntsman, 1997; Strzepek et al., 2012). In the

case of heterotrophic bacteria, culture studies (Granger and

Price, 1999; Armstrong et al., 2004; Fourquez et al., 2014)

and metagenomic analysis (Hopkinson and Barbeau, 2012;

Toulza et al., 2012) have also provided foundations for our

understanding of the responses of bacteria to Fe limitation

but extrapolation to field observations face the same con-

straints as mentioned for phytoplankton.

A step forward to obtain some insight into the role of

the community composition is to compare parameters in dif-

ferent size fractions. In Fe-fertilized systems in the South-

ern Ocean, the largest size fraction (> 25 µm), named mi-

croplankton, is almost entirely composed of diatoms. In the

early spring bloom above the Kerguelen Plateau, this fraction

contributed 40 % of the total Fe uptake. This is substantially

lower than during the declining phase of the bloom, when

62 % of total Fe uptake was accounted for by microplankton

(Sarthou et al., 2008). This decrease in the contribution of

microplankton is consistent with the idea that the early phase

of the bloom is dominated by a succession of rapidly grow-

ing diatoms of different sizes, and that larger, slow-growing

and silicon-limited diatoms accumulate at the end of the sea-

son (Quéguiner, 2013). At the onset of the bloom above the

plateau, pico-nanoplankton were the main contributor to Fe

uptake (69 %), and this size fraction also revealed the highest

C-normalized Fe uptake rates. This fraction contains mainly Biogeosciences, 12, 1893–1906, 2015

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1902 M. Fourquez et al.: Microbial iron uptake

small diatoms because non-diatom phytoplankton, as deter-

mined by flow cytometry, had a minor contribution to POC

in this size fraction at station A3-2 (7.4±0.4 %, n= 6). This

suggests that the diatoms belonging to this size class are more

competitive than larger cells for the conditions prevailing at

this period of the season. The same observation holds for the

FeCycle experiment in the Subantarctic where the Fe uptake

was dominated by photosynthetic pico-nanoplankton during

the early bloom (Strzepek et al., 2005; Boyd and Ellwood,


In addition to ρFe : POC, we have also calculated the

Fe : C uptake ratios based on in situ primary produc-

tion measurements (Cavagna et al., 2014). In the South-

ern Ocean, Fe : C uptake ratios (noted here ρFe : ρC) re-

ported in the literature range from∼ 5 to 50 µmolFemolC−1

(Sarthou et al., 2005; and references herein) and can

reach up to 100 µmolFemolC−1, as it was reported in

some artificial Fe fertilizations (Boyd et al., 2000). During

KEOPS2, the ρFe : ρC ranged from 3.7 (station A3-2) to

22.9 µmolFemolC−1 (station E-5, Fig. 6). The values deter-

mined for the plateau station A3-2 (3.7–11 µmolFemolC−1)

are similar to those reported for the declining phase of the

bloom during KEOPS1 (5.0± 2.6 µmolFemolC−1, average

for stations A3-1, A3-4 and A3-5; Sarthou et al., 2008).

These ρFe : ρC ratios are also consistent with values mea-

sured during the two FeCycle studies where ρFe : ρC com-

prised between 5.5 and 19 µmolFemolC−1, and did not vary

much with depth and over time (Strzepek et al., 2005; King

et al., 2012). By contrast, at the stations located down-

stream of the plateau (E-4E and E-5) the ρFe : ρC values

were overall higher than above the plateau (range from 10

to 22 µmolFemolC−1).

4.2 Phytoplankton–bacteria competition for iron


During KEOPS2, heterotrophic bacteria contributed less than

2 % to the total Fe uptake (ρFe). This is similar to the low

contribution of heterotrophic bacteria of 1–5 % to the to-

tal ρFe during FeCycle (Strzepek et al., 2005), but con-

trasts with observations from the subarctic Pacific, where

heterotrophic bacteria dominated the Fe uptake (20–45 %;

Tortell et al., 1996).

Heterotrophic bacterial Fe uptake was negatively affected

by the presence of pico- to microplankton, suggesting com-

petition between these members of the microbial community.

Competition for the limiting nutrient is not unexpected, how-

ever, this issue has rarely been addressed in previous stud-

ies (Boyd et al., 2012). Bacterial and pico-nanoplanktonic

cells could compete for nutrients as both have comparable

metabolic rates and high capacities for resource acquisition

(Massana and Logares, 2012). Our observation of the overall

low contribution of heterotrophic bacteria to bulk Fe uptake

suggests that the access to not only Fe but also organic C

could have limited the bacterial response to natural Fe fer-

Figure 6. Comparison between total Fe : C uptake ratios, noted

ρFe : ρC (black bars), and Fe uptake by the bulk community nor-

malized to C biomass noted ρFe : POC (grey bars) at three differ-

ent surface PAR levels at stations A3-2 (plateau), E-4E and E-5


Figure 7. Relationship between the C-normalized bacterial Fe up-

take ((ρFe : POC)alonebact

) and euphotic-zone-integrated primary pro-

duction. The plotted line was obtained by least-squares regression

(r2= 0.97 with p = 0.002). Empty symbol represents the reference

station R-2 and filled symbols are for Fe-fertilized stations.

tilization. This idea is supported by the relation between the

extent of stimulation of bacterial Fe uptake in fertilized wa-

ters and the increase in primary production (Fig. 7).

The bacterial Fe uptake rates were highest when mea-

sured in the absence of any larger cells and lowest in in-

cubations where microplankton was excluded and bacte-

ria were incubated with pico-nanoplankton only (Fig. 4a).

This was the case for all stations where the experiment

was conducted with (ρFe : POC)alonebact 5 to 26 times higher

than (ρFe : POC)<25 µm

bact , except for the reference station

R-2. Considering that a higher degree of Fe limitation

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should result in an increased cellular Fe uptake rate raises

the question of whether different degrees of Fe limitation

of bacteria and pico-nanoplankton could explain the ob-

served pattern. To evaluate the degree of Fe limitation,

we compared bacterial and pico-nanoplankton Fe uptake

rates (Table 6). Two clear features emerge. First, Fe uptake

rates for bacteria ((ρFe : POC)alonebact ) and pico-nanoplankton

((ρFe : POC)pico-nano) are very similar for a given station,

suggesting that they experienced a comparable degree of

Fe limitation before the beginning of the incubation exper-

iment. Second, the bacterial Fe uptake rates when incubated

alone ((ρFe : POC)alonebact ) are higher in fertilized waters than

at the HNLC site, suggesting that bacteria are not Fe-replete

at the fertilized stations. The strong correlation between C-

normalized bacterial Fe uptake rates when incubated alone

and primary production (n= 5, r2= 0.97 and p = 0.002,

Fig. 7) suggests that C availability is the main driver of the

Fe uptake potential of heterotrophic bacteria. Interestingly,

no such correlation was obtained when bacteria were in-

cubated with pico-nanoplankton only (n= 5, r2= 0.31 and

p = 0.32). These observations strongly suggest that for the

stations located in Fe-fertilized regions, phytoplankton, and

in particular pico-nanoplankton, competed with bacteria for

Fe acquisition.

We propose two non-exclusive explanations for the ob-

served positive correlation between these two parameters.

First, the increase in primary production could be driven

by an increase in Fe availability that may also benefit het-

erotrophic bacteria when competition with larger cells is al-

leviated. Second, the increase in primary production could

result in an enhanced amount of phytoplankton-derived dis-

solved organic carbon (DOC), which in turn provides energy

to synthesize more Fe transport molecules to cope with a

certain degree of Fe limitation and also stimulates the bac-

terial Fe demand. In the absence of microplankton, the sup-

ply of phytoplankton-dissolved organic matter is likely to be

lower, which could explain the strong decrease in bacterial

Fe uptake rates in these incubations (ρFe : POC)<25 µm

bact . Both

mechanisms are likely to occur, as independent experiments

during KEOPS2 revealed that bacterial production was stim-

ulated by both single additions of Fe and organic C (Ober-

nosterer et al., 2014).

Dissolved organic carbon is undoubtedly one of the most

important substrates provided by autotrophic phytoplankton

cells to heterotrophic bacteria. The amount of DOC pro-

duced by phytoplankton during the bloom is likely to play

a role in Fe demand by bacteria. Kirchman et al. (2000) sug-

gested that low Fe availability leads to increase the C de-

mand, and more recently Fourquez et al. (2014) provided

some evidence that marine heterotrophic bacteria reallocate

their inner resources to sustain this increase in the C de-

mand when Fe-limited. Here, we also show that high C avail-

ability leads to an increase in Fe demand. Finally we note

that the minimum values of (ρFe : POC)<25 µm

bact in compari-

Table 6. Carbon normalized Fe uptake rates for bacteria and pico-

nanoplankton. Columns (ρFe : POC)<25 µmbact

and (ρFe : POC)alonebact

are for bacteria incubated with pico-nanoplankton only and bacte-

ria incubated alone, respectively. The column (ρFe : POC)pico-nano

stands for pico-nanoplankton. We note that this Fe uptake rate for

pico-nanoplankton was measured during incubations with bacteria.

Because pico-nanoplankton largely outcompeted bacteria, this rate,

(ρFe : POC)pico-nano, is a good approximation of the Fe uptake rate

for pico-nanoplankton incubated alone. Values are from incubations

performed at 1 % of the PAR level.

Station ρFe : POC

(µmolFed−1 molC−1)

(ρFe : POC)<25 µmbact

(ρFe : POC)pico-nano (ρFe : POC)alonebact

A3-2 0.40 7.04 5.17

E4-E 0.23 0.73 1.54

E-5 0.27 3.88 1.43

E4-W 0.35 4.13 9.13

R-2 0.19 0.14 0.24

son to whole-community (ρFe : POC)wholebact and bacteria-only

(ρFe : POC)alonebact incubations could arise via other microor-

ganism allelopathic interaction mechanisms than competi-

tion for Fe. As such, further research is needed to examine

interactions between pico-nanoplankton and bacteria across

a wider range of conditions, i.e. including non-limiting Fe

and C substrate levels.

Our observation that small diatoms were particularly com-

petitive in removing Fe during the early stage of the spring

phytoplankton bloom induced by natural Fe fertilization in

the Southern Ocean suggests an intimate connection between

heterotrophic bacteria and pico-nanoplankton. If this is the

case, a progressive shift in the community composition from

small to larger diatoms in the course of a bloom (Quéguiner,

2013) would affect the bacterial Fe uptake rates over time.

This could partly explain why heterotrophic bacteria ac-

counted for 17–27 % of the overall Fe uptake in the late stage

of the spring bloom (Sarthou et al., 2008), in contrast to 1–

2 % at the onset of the bloom. Together, these results demon-

strate that the bacterial Fe and C metabolism are closely cou-

pled, and that the structure of the microbial community has

a marked effect on the extent of bacterially mediated Fe cy-


The Supplement related to this article is available online

at doi:10.5194/bg-12-1893-2015-supplement. Biogeosciences, 12, 1893–1906, 2015

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1904 M. Fourquez et al.: Microbial iron uptake

Acknowledgements. We would like to thank the captain, Bernard

Lassiette; the chief scientist, Bernard Quéguiner; and the crew of

R/V Marion-Dufresne II for assistance on board. We gratefully

acknowledge Emmanuel Laurenceau-Cornec for making the

satellite chlorophyll animation available and Laurent Besnard for

his assistance in creating Fig. 1. We thank the two anonymous

reviewers, who helped to improve a previous version of the

manuscript. This work was supported by the French research pro-

gramme of INSU-CNRS LEFE-CYBER (Les enveloppes fluides

et l’environnement – Cycles biogéochimiques, environnement et

ressources), the French ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche,

SIMI-6 programme, ANR-10-BLAN-0614), the French CNES

(Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales) and the French Polar Institute

IPEV (Institut Polaire Paul-Emile Victor).

Edited by: G. Herndl


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