Page 1: Microsoft Teams for the Teacher - LGfL

St Alban’s Catholic Primary school & Bishop Challoner Catholic College EdTech Demonstrator Programme 2020


St Alban’s Catholic Primary School Bishop Challoner Catholic College

EdTech Demonstrator Programme

Microsoft Teams for the Teacher Document Version 1.0 May 2020

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St Alban’s Catholic Primary school & Bishop Challoner Catholic College EdTech Demonstrator Programme 2020


Table of Contents

Further Support – YouTube ................................................................................................ 3

Creating a Team ................................................................................................................ 4

Adding students and Teachers after a Team has been created .................................................... 8

Communicating through Teams with students and staff .................................................... 9

Channels ......................................................................................................................... 10

Setting Assignments ........................................................................................................ 11

Setting an assignment – Teacher Perspective ............................................................................ 11

Complete an assignment – Student perspective ........................................................................ 15

Providing feedback – Teacher perspective ................................................................................ 18

Accessing feedback – Student perspective ................................................................................ 20

Adding class resources and files ....................................................................................... 21

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St Alban’s Catholic Primary school & Bishop Challoner Catholic College EdTech Demonstrator Programme 2020


Further Support – YouTube To further assist you in your journey with Microsoft Teams, a dedicated YouTube channel has been setup to provide video support and guidance around some of the topics discussed in this guide.

In this guide, whenever you see the following YouTube symbol, it is a link to a video which provides a visual representation to accompany the text-based guide. The graphic is hyperlinked and will direct you to the video resource.

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St Alban’s Catholic Primary school & Bishop Challoner Catholic College EdTech Demonstrator Programme 2020


Creating a Team

It is recommended that you use the desktop version of Microsoft Teams for best functionality.

The Teams homepage will look like this (there are of course Teams I have which you do not).

To begin I have clicked on ‘Join or create team’.

The following screen will appear. In this instance we are creating a Team so we will select that option from the two provided.

In clicking this option, the following screen will appear.

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St Alban’s Catholic Primary school & Bishop Challoner Catholic College EdTech Demonstrator Programme 2020


In this instance, select Class as we want a Team for our students. The following screen will appear when you select Class.

In here provide a suitable name and description for your team – class name is sensible. These can be changed later. Once created, you will automatically be taken to a screen which allows you to add people to the team you have just created. This is shown on the next page.

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St Alban’s Catholic Primary school & Bishop Challoner Catholic College EdTech Demonstrator Programme 2020


Because of the way the school email system is setup, you can search for students by typing their names. Furthermore, if you have created a class list email, that can be used as well.


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If the group has more than one teacher, this can be done using the Teachers tab on this screen.

Once all students and teachers have been added, click Create and you will be presented with the following screen. Your team has been created.

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St Alban’s Catholic Primary school & Bishop Challoner Catholic College EdTech Demonstrator Programme 2020


Adding students and Teachers after a Team has been created There may be instances where you want to add more students and teachers to a Team after it has initially been created. This simple process can be achieved by clicking on the 3 dots (…) next to the name of the Team. In the resulting menu select Add Member.

At this point you will be presented with the familiar screen detailed when creating a Team for the first time.

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St Alban’s Catholic Primary school & Bishop Challoner Catholic College EdTech Demonstrator Programme 2020


Communicating through Teams with students and staff Teams offers a great collaborative platform where communication with students and staff can be done in the same manner it is done in the classroom. At the top of the Teams window is the following tab bar:

Posts is the ‘home feed’ of the Teams and it is here that students will see messages and posts by teachers. This can include text-based instructions, changes made to files and folders and assignments that have been set.

The message box at the bottom has several options, predominantly used will be attach and the conversation box. Using the @ symbol within a comment or conversation will bring up a list of all the individuals within the group. This will allow you to tag someone within the group to alert their attention to something. Individuals are notified through office 365 if they are mentioned. Uploading files is also possible using the attachment tool which has been circled in the screenshot

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St Alban’s Catholic Primary school & Bishop Challoner Catholic College EdTech Demonstrator Programme 2020


Channels Channels allow you to have more than one section of your team. In the case of key stage 5 computing, there are two papers and a programming project. The two papers are taught by two teachers who will want to upload files and communicate separately from one another. Having a separate channel for this makes the process easier and less confusing. It will also reduce content in the main channel (now called General). Creating a channel

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St Alban’s Catholic Primary school & Bishop Challoner Catholic College EdTech Demonstrator Programme 2020


Setting Assignments Setting an assignment – Teacher Perspective One of the great tools of the platform is the ability to set assignments. This works very similar to what was the VLE: a date of submission can be set and as teacher, you will be able to see what has been uploaded, when and by who.

Click on Create (above).

For now, I am going to create an assignment which will be a Word document containing questions I want them to complete digitally.

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St Alban’s Catholic Primary school & Bishop Challoner Catholic College EdTech Demonstrator Programme 2020


I have titled the assignment appropriately. The tagging process can be used to group pieces of work related to one topic. If for example, these were past paper questions, I could tag it as paper 1 or paper 2.

I have also provided adequate instructions to the students for completion. To attach the Word document, I am going to use, I click on Add resources. The following screen will be shown.

I have a multitude of options for files. I can use my OneDrive, any files I have uploaded to the Teams. In this case, I will choose Upload from this device as I have just created the document and don’t want it to be part of the resources they can access.

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The Word document is shown below.

Once the document is uploaded you should see this:

When the document is first uploaded the option will automatically be set to Students cannot edit this document. I want it so that they can edit their own copy which they can then submit. To do this I click on the three … and select ‘ students edit their own copy’. Students not editing the document would be useful for a task where they are to go away and create something from scratch. Say for example, the Word/PDF document provides instructions or images that are to be used as part of a report in PowerPoint or another piece of software – When students submit work they can upload documents as part of that submission.

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St Alban’s Catholic Primary school & Bishop Challoner Catholic College EdTech Demonstrator Programme 2020


The final thing I wish to alter is the submission date. I will choose Tuesday 12th May 2020 and leave the time as 23:59 (anytime on this Friday to submit is fine).

Assignments do not have to be assigned to students straight away. Clicking Save out of the 3 options shown below allows you to save the assignment but not publish it – much like saving an email as draft.

In this instance I am going to choose Assign as I would like the assignment to go live. In doing so the assignment is now broadcast onto the main ‘conversation’ area shown below.

Clicking Assignments across the top shows me the following:

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This is the assignment that I created earlier. At a glance I can see that 0/2 have handed it in. By clicking onto it I can see the following:

Once it is handed in, I will be able to provide feedback to the students. Complete an assignment – Student perspective I will now login as EdTech Student01 to demonstrate the process from the student perspective.

When a student logs in in they can choose Assignments on the left hand side. From here it will give them a list of classes (Teams) that they are currently a part of. In this instance there is only one class that they are currently assigned to.

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Once inside that class it will show them any assignments that are currently Assigned to them and also, any that have been completed previously – a student can therefore be asked to refer to work that they completed previously – feedback will also be stored and remembered. Clicking on the assignment, the student will see the following:

The instructions tell the student to complete on the Word document. Clicking on the Word document link produces the following:

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St Alban’s Catholic Primary school & Bishop Challoner Catholic College EdTech Demonstrator Programme 2020


In order to edit this document, the student will have two options when clicking Edit Document:

Edit in Browser is advised as they will be able to answer the questions in the Microsoft Teams application.

Once a student is satisfied that they have completed the task they click Close in the top right corner.

Clicking close will return the student to the overview screen of their work. However, any changes that they have made to the document (answering the questions) remain. At this point, a student may choose to finish the work and press Hand In.

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St Alban’s Catholic Primary school & Bishop Challoner Catholic College EdTech Demonstrator Programme 2020


A student will be notified of the time that they handed it in but also, will be able to Undo the hand-in if they want to change their answers to the question. Providing feedback – Teacher perspective

Navigating to the assignment, I can see that one of the two students in this class have handed in their work. Clicking into it further presents me with the following:

To look at EdTech Student 01’s work I click handed in.

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This screen shows me their work alongside a feedback box that can be filled in on the right-hand side. This feedback will be returned to the student once Return is pressed – feedback can be edited. For the purpose of demonstration, I am going to provide the following feedback:

From here I press return and the following happens:

On the assignment overview page, it now shows that EdTech Student 01 has been marked and this is reflected like so:

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Accessing feedback – Student perspective

When a student logs in and navigates to their assignment, they can see the feedback that has been provided by the teacher. Furthermore, they can continue to edit the document, make changes and Hand in again. This is useful for when you want a continuous feedback loop and have instructed a student to double check for example, their answer to question x. Finally, if a student looks at the assignment page for their class they will be presented with the following:

Here it shows that this assignment has been completed. As mentioned before, this assignment will remain here for as long as this class exists, allowing both the student and the teacher to refer to previous work.

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Adding class resources and files From the top bar for the team click on Files.

In here you will find one folder, ‘Class Materials’ that is already there. This can of course be deleted / renamed to your needs. In computer science we use the specification numbers to create folders and share resources with students. In the screenshot below this folder architecture is shown (I have also removed ‘Class Materials’).

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