Page 1: Microsoft Word 2016 - University at Buffalo

Microsoft Word 2016: What you need to know for your Legal Analysis

Writing and Research (LAWR) Class

Brian Detweiler Student Services Librarian

Terry McCormack Assoc. Director of Law Library

For PC and Mac

Page 2: Microsoft Word 2016 - University at Buffalo


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Quick Access


Basic Terminology:


Menu / Tabs: Interface Change options

on the Ribbon

Page & Status Bar Word (View) Layout &

Count Zoom-In/Out

Page 3: Microsoft Word 2016 - University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo

School of Law

Norma l •

Insert Design

.._ Cut

LI [~Cop~ Paste •

~ Format Painter



Nor ma l •


""' Cut

D [1:, Copy Paste •

~ Format Painter

Clipboard r.

Design l ayout

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Cal ibr i Light


Recently Used Fonts

0 Tcrioma 0 G ou d yO ld Style

References Mailins

A Aa • A

(Headings) ~ (Body) u

0 Times N ew Roman 0 G aramond All Fonts

0 Adobe Arabic

0 Adobt c..Jon Pro

0 Adel>< Cu i... Pro Bol.!

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48 72

References Mailings


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Insert Design

n mes New R... • 12

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10 10.5 11 ... 14 16 18

How to Set Font Type & Size 1. Select the Home tab

2. In the Font group you will see

drop down menus for font

type and font size

• The same method works for Mac

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University at Buffalo

"le Schooloflaw


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Line Spacinq Gp:io1~ ..

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. . . . . . jndents and Spacing Line and f age Breaks

Alignment LI L_ef_t __ ...JI'-•_.!

Qutl ine levet §"iir Text Fl O Collapsed by default

Indent ation

l eft

Bight :

ID Mirror indents


§efore: !Aut o

A!(er. !Auto


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ID Don 't add spase betwee

! abs ...

~p ed al: Br,

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Single L S li nes Doub le At least

How to Adjust Line Spacing 1. Place cursor in blank document or

highlight relevant paragraphs

2. From Home tab, select the Line and

Paragraph Spacing option

3. Under Line Spacing choose ‘Exactly’

4. Next choose the specific spacing (such as

24 point) or type in the spacing number

requested by your faculty member

Page 5: Microsoft Word 2016 - University at Buffalo

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c una nimous Decla ration of the th irtee n unit ed Statc3 of America.,

~'hen in :he Course of lllw:an c;:-ents, it becomes nccessaLT for one pco? le to d.i::soh·c tl-:c political ba.nch ,vhid1 have co.:nected tht:r:1 wjth ano ther, and co as1ume am:ing th e powers of the catth, th­scpaca:t- and C<'.JU.a] stat.ion to whjch rl1c ofNatl :fe and of1'"atun-·'s God entitle ri1em, a de:ccnt 'f"!i-pt-ct. tn the np i1l10.1s c,f rnanklnd ,eqnirrs tl~ y shonld d:o:c1ar<"' thf" cat\St':S which iin:, .llt"in tn

ri 1f' sep,ar:J-_ino

W/e hold :he-se m.1ths. to be ~elf-evident, that all men are c1eated equ-al, that they ,are el'X:owed by rt1eir y.,ith ren?.in rnuliPn:ih lt" Ri3hr.,;. rh:n imnne thP,~ art" T .itC"> T il;Frry anct rhe pnr;;.nit nf jH~ .,infs~ .. n ,:ir ro S('"{"llff> r·'1f>~e rivhrs, \-TOvr"rnrv:-nt~ arf" instinttffi ~mo n , Men : cierivinP. r'1ei·· jn~r

~ Kl'pa:t

~ Sc.w-r, fdlllllC

How to Add or Remove Space

Before or After a Paragraph on PC Highlight the paragraph(s) you would like to change 1.

2. Under the Home tab, click the Line and Paragraph Spacing menu and select the appropriate option

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University at Buffalo

"le Schooloflaw

vi11 Sample Securities Purchll3e Agreement :Competib i ity ti.1od1

Insert Oeslgr, Layout R&fer&nOK Mall ings

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Ai91t: 01

0 Automo.tico.lly adjuct r ight indent when d ocument grid c defined

Belo·~: ..QB!_

Alter: [opt pacing: ' Exactly a At: ~ _0

"' • D on't add space between paragraphs of the same style IJ"' snap to gt id when document grid is defined

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11, at st •: UASTCS l>Ul. CH.\SE.\G lltOAEIIT l th i! '"3,~,..,.~ , 4 t U•J -. <1l Jli,,1il t :, !014, <l "nt• .d ,nbby 1n ~ l ,ec.w..,t, 1 Kr11rnc,-JU1111,J :n 1rltlo. ~ Nc-# 't'J l't;(Ol l)Uliltl() U I U t' ff( <itn.NJ 1y· 1, .. 11,J '4!"1111.'IJ -::aiih', IL(,'1 Odir lll: l t' lln "le-J

l11ol illy l'>, ,..f!,1111y !l '>""'"' , ,, fh iK..,

Ca.nee! --

How to Add or Remove Space

Before or After a Paragraph on Mac

• Paragraph spacing options are located

under the Line Spacing menu

Page 7: Microsoft Word 2016 - University at Buffalo

9. Upon info1mation and belief, on or about Ap1il 1, 2014, the respondent ingested two 5/325~ ~ g Hydrocodone (Vicodin) tablets prescribed to the petitioner for pain following a surgical

9. Upon info1mation and belief , on or about April 1, 2014 , the respondent ingested two 5/325 mg Hydrocodone (Vicodin) tablets prescribed to the petitioner for pain following a

How to Insert Non-Breaking or “Hard" Spaces • Nonbreaking spaces are used to keep two words together,

avoiding separation by line breaks.

• Hold down Ctrl and Shift as you press the Spacebar and Word will not break the line between the selected text.

• The same method works for Mac.

Page 8: Microsoft Word 2016 - University at Buffalo

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26 u.s.c. 74 (2012).

Q:uK• ol a.n(Ni~ urut,: , 1he C...prchm.,.ivc: l:JWllon,n("llt :il Rt$pOrl5C, Com.

pt'n'OWU, iu:ld l.lll~l'f AC'I, n t'XldiScd In !be t],-11,vJ $t{lltt ~ d/(,(,J'-««1 ---- ___ _,__ ,

(.omprehitnsh•e EnvnOl'lrM-l'lta1 a,s.ponse. CoK1pensbtlon, arid tiablbty Ml. 42 U.S.C §§ 9601•9675 (l012).

" -,'L --~~ -'----...,_.aftoo:-t'Cll!iv"- ,w,t u_,;c. ~r~"' UCtl!l"S)r~lt..S"'.,.

tlllffV'ftlcl q# ... C'UCI o'lttl~•VO\olrr,;,t..i,;t,r

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1C Q Equatio n Symbo l


© * ( f

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How to Insert Symbols (¶, §, ©, etc.) on PC

1. Click the Insert Tab on the


2. Click on Symbol menu on

the far right

3. If you don’t see the symbol

in the quick view window,

click on the ‘More Symbols’ option at the bottom of the

drop down menu

4. Select the symbol and click Next time… Insert

• Bluebook Rule 12

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University at Buffalo

School of Law

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LJealgn Layout Refelente'$ Mailings Review View

The j udgmen t of th

30, 20 15. PlaintiffKowa ls

Circuit on February 15, 20

U.S.C. I 1331 and appe llate «,:,

® ~

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th is Court app lies a de novo standard of review because the court is face

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Ke;·:·oo.ld S hor:cJt :

A•.rteCcn !CL. j J K!·;e osrd C~rte •Jt.

How to Insert symbols on Mac

1. Click the Insert tab on the


2. Click Advanced Symbol on

the far right

3. If you don’t see your symbol

in the default menu, select

the ‘Special Characters’ tab

4. Select the symbol and click


Next time…

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University at Buffalo

School of Law

Print Web Layout Layout




No rmal •

Design Layou t References Mailings Review

D Navigation Pane


tltl Multiple Pag es Zoom 100%

View Ruler

Show rulers next t o your docume nt.

You can see and set tab stops , move tab le borders , and line up objects in t he document. Also, you can measure stuff .

◄~► Page Width

Zoom 1 .

Document! - Wo rd

V Tell me what you want to do ...

EJ New Arrange Split

Windo w All


rn1! Synchronous Scrolling

~ Reset Window Pos it ion



Setting Indentation of Paragraphs and Headings

1. Click the View tab and check the box labeled “Ruler” if the Ruler does not appear by default

• The same method works for Mac

Page 11: Microsoft Word 2016 - University at Buffalo

B I .!! • allE x, x' IJ:,, • o/ • _e.. • = '= = - !~ • ,. Paragraph ,. Stylts

Th e D claration of Ind epend en ce

I IN CONGRESS, Jul y 4, 1776.

I Th e miani1nous D eclara tion of the thirteen unit ed States of America,

f'lt, hen in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one pe politict b;nds which have connected them with another, and to assume amon earth, tl~e separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and ofNatur a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare impel them to the separation.

! !

\Ve holcl these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they their C~eator with certain unalienable Rights, tha t among these are Life, Liberty

Creating a First-Line Indent with the Ruler

2. Place cursor where you want to add the indent

3. On the Ruler, drag the First Line Indent Marker (the top triangle located on the left side of the ruler) to the position where you want the text to start

• The same method works for Mac

Page 12: Microsoft Word 2016 - University at Buffalo

f:t)rma tti nl( <tf Qut 1t:dioni-

(a) Qw"1Uti1)11:-1)fflJ\y n,· 1nore wn,-d.-..

(!) Jndtm:ttion ,10d quotltll'>ll ni.·u)::.(. T!t< (fl.'t)!11lon ~hoold ho! 1ldt.! 11t•du11

rti c· 1/'0 Mid rii :ln WithOlll ~l! ff :Uk l\ 1n; rl:~,il ll!'I ')U.-lf:-Ui:''11 flU lt' ~ \\'ith.Jl. !l l lock

11u,.m1tio.,'O ~l:b.:111'.I " rpi ,r ;1$ 11,~ ~ (hJ u , •b•.: :.-0.<rio;..I·

► (Tlhis p,e :;umpli\'e pri•tilege mus t b.!,ide ,~ in li_ght (If our hl-;1ork r.(')mmi1men1101he ,u!e of l;;v:. Thk 's nc'flhtrrti' mo,{!"' pmfo 111wJ1-,, l'll,l nl'n~, rh.111 In (:ljf'.M'l•,•1h.,1"1l1t> l\" tlfokJ J 111 ICJIC1if'I na! l'.JSUCCI l!i tna.t ~J ill s11.:rll n-:H C!itnpe ,.;:.· iuno­ccn,:e sutte,." 'Ne ha,•.: ctcckd to crrp !o,• .in a<l-.-ers;Hy :.,rstE-m of criminal j ustice-In which the part ies C.;)llf ?!it ".II L:;sues before ,1 oourt c~ !a·11 ••• • Th: ends o-t .:rimiiv.l ,11<.1lt 1;_< wnu !d bn d.-,fe,1hid Ir judg me nt!> we ro t o be fou11dl)d 0 11 ct

pa1hl l o: specJlaUvc prcsen:,;t roo 01· tll(! IJ<tS. Th•.! •1?.1~•

lrt cg'fityo r thc .11.tdlci.1: sy~tcm :ind public to-nt icknce in :hP S~'Stem depend on lull diSCIOSUIC of ;:II the tatl s. win in :he> tramevic rtc ot the ruk s otcviden c~. To ensure tt; ,1t j !.5tki, Is d,;nP., it i;; impe1.ith<e t !'I t he tune.lion of r.our:o; thnt <nmf)l•l• ;;01\• proce-5$ tie J\•.Jltab!~ for the prodt.e1!011 of C-\'ldcno• f,ccded eitl'iefb•; lh-e Pf:>$t,Cution <>t by the dcfors~.

United States v. Ni,:or , 4l~ U.S. os1, ; oa-09 (197,(1 (se::011d «rn~r• auon Ill Jlf l\h' aO (<lfJIIOll omltte-d;. n·e (.(lUlf men tld!dm.~d lhi!> lntN<:~t .Jt~i n:;t the < (of fo •tc d dl:;dc::'.lrc. Id. :it 710.

--...o , . . .~------------------------------------------------- !:"'..i~htlnc.:r~-

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

' l'llf ~ nnani m ou$.1lt":C'lsuatio n o fr .hE" th irr~~n n n ir.ecl Sriu~s of Ame ric:n,

\Vhcu iu the Co u-1~c of hwrn ui cv.;:ul:;, it bcc.:oui<.:> u c\.:<.:~~u ~ fo1 ou<.: people lo <li~solvc U1e pulilic al bau d,, \Vlll<.:h h~l\'t' <.:uuue"c.·tttl tl u:•111 \vllh guotht<1, ~mc.1 to ~L-;srnru: g1uoug lb~ p o·,..,·f:'1~ o f l~ ~ u th, I.lie, st'pnrnl t' ~md equal station to which th e Law; of Kature and oi Nr,tw:e's God entitle tl1em. ,1 decent respect to the opinion. o f 1cquil.c:,; 1.lul tlu:y :;houk l t.k.d.:uc th e ciu scs wllld1 llnpcl th<.:u l lo th e sl.-p;uali.<Ju.

\\:;~ hol d t:h~~f" r111t:h~ to hr:. ~f':lf-t:'\."ldt:nr, th:it ;11) m~11 :tr~ c-rt::1tf"d ~'!,•~J, th~tt tht:.y :lt !": r:ndo'\vt-d

b;- their "~th ce::tain u:lali.enab!e Richts . tha t runone these re Life, Liberty and the o:· l ~si.ppin.E-ss.. Th~:- to sec ure th es.e ri:~l~~-, (;.overn.:le ~ts ~.ce lllstiruted ~n1oni 1\ien., ~nTi ng thf':1r ;u~t po'\Vf':t'~ fro m tht- ro n~:=:nr. o t rn~ go~f':fr'I!":~ -- l h:1t v:h~ nt-v:=:r :1ny ronn ot

Government becomes dcstnictivc of these ci:.ds, it is tbc Rieht of the People :o alter o: co a\HJli;h it. ~rn.1 to iu">Lilut:.: !l(.'\V Co'1t·u11ill'11~ ~ yiug its :o uutlat iou ou such aud o rg;'l11i,:ing it~ pov.•e:.r:t in ~nr.h 70rm. :1~ to thf':m ~hall ~t:.f':m mot,t likf':ly to f':7'7f':ct thf':ir Sat~ty

and Happit:.css. Pm dcncc, indeed, will dicta:c that Go,mun ci:.ts Ion~ ~sl:lbli.shed shot:ld no bt- cl~ ug.t't.l (01 lighl ~ud lut11~l1:'11l n !U'.ie">; ~u1d tll'C01t[ngl } }u'uce lrnth 0;,he\'tll! 1.11:dl rn::.nkind ~ c~ .nor~ di~po~~d to \uff ~r~ v.i'lilr. ,-sil~ ~.r~ t,nft~ rah l~. th'lln to righr d'IP.m~t:lv~.._ hr •ilb oli;hl.11~ lb:.:. fouus Lo wL.icl1 Lhcy arc ar<.:uslOu:c<l. But wh<.:u :t !ong tu .ill o f ibu~<.:s au<l U'.itllf~lio:is, puisui.J1g:l1v•;ulil.W} Lht -;milt' o u:,tc.·t t'Vlllt:t'~" tlt'si.6'll lo u:dUl't' llli:'111 u11de1 r, ~oTtt~-r,<":;potim~ ff ~ m ir~ hr.irt ~ ~ d11'y, ffl: hffl'w ff f W h 'r"'n'W~ n,n?' n("a'n cM'o -p ro'\."ldf: lif':W (°";11:1rcl~ fo r th~ r ti11:Ti:rf': ~t:.r.11r1'r~;.--Snd1 b~t, hf':~J'I tht- p:1tit:nt ~ufft:..rr .. 1'IC"~ of tht-~f': Colo 1~es; ~nd such is oow :he necessity '"illch constrLJ'ls them to dte .r :hek: :'oc1ne.: Systen1s o7'( ~o,.~rn rn:=:nr. · 11-.f': hi c.tor y of tl'I~ p r<"~f.m King of c.;rt ·U l\rit..tin i~ : .. h 1~tory of':1tP.d

i.njurie$ and usurpations, all !::avin!'; i."1 di:ect o bject the establishmem off- ,ibsolut ovci tl1csc To p1ovc thi:., k t Falts be sul,u ll1..t.ctl to~ <.:a.u<li<l wotlc.1.

H e: h~~ rt-fn~!"d h i\ ,·\~~P.nt to I .:1 .. ~,~, tht: mo~t -~vhol!" -~ ~nd nr:<:e~~:1ry for th~ puh lic: g<>nd.

He ha~ forbidden his Govern ors to pass Laws oi immediate ai1d pressinc impomnce . u nless mspended in

1. Left click to highlight the relevant paragraph(s)

2. Slide the left and right indents to the desired locations on the ruler.

Paragraph Indentation

• Bluebook Rule 5.1

Page 13: Microsoft Word 2016 - University at Buffalo

For rnattifl~ of Quotation ~ (..1) Qoc>1/\tion.S Offi.ft) • or t110 rt "-'<l,l'Cl$,

(1) L.ldro t.i.tion M d quo1aci()l l mark,.. Th< quoc,ufon ~tould t:e .1)()c1JtW v:.i Ott l~n mid rit?h1 • ...,llhllOI i., ti:.i11 ow l.s. :1ml ~IUl.ll.:tl\UU !1~ '11.i- w11t1:n :l hl:;r k' 'JU(•t11iOO SM lll(I :tppr Ar .1-! lJ \(Y «i o, rl;l(' ,. .. ri3Jo~J•

► .TJhis prcsumpti-.:e p•i..,itcsc mu~t be considcrtd In light of our hi-.!or ic r.omrnilmi:-r111n Ill.! rule 1,r l;;.w. Thi<;:~ nc:whNt 1110,c-profou;tdl•,-mJnlfest tl"\lll In OUf •JI~\\' t~.Jt "the: h1'ufold aim (ol <rim n:I justic~) is t t-,;11 guilt shall notes<ape o · irino · ~~nllJ £.uff~,." 'l.'c hi.Jvc <:IL•(.l~U to ~mµ!uy a n adv,,m,ar'( sysm r, ot criminal ju$fc e in which the pa~tie~ contest i,;s.ul:!Sbt-'url!a loort uf b.1•11 • •.. lh1:1~u.Jso fu m1ina l u!.tice would be d-:ifoat~d 1: jud~meots were-to be fountlG.d, a :nu t ial or speculative pr~~enlati-,n ol 1h!: tact s. The •1err1 ·nlfit ri t't oft hl" judid .;1,,;y:c.lf>m u, rl 1~11:">!i( r.,mfJd.,1v 1~ in th1t­sy£1em de pend () r, lull diSCl()£Ure ,1 a !l th.<.: •acts. within the ·, <'ue'""'V ' k vf l11t l l1!P ;.:; f t-vi:l"."llt t-, Tu "11W 1'!' Und IU!tli::e s dnne, it is impc:r<lt i\-c to the tuncJio-. of r.ow·t:c. thM , nn 11ul• !,Ory proct ss bt 3\•al!abte for the prodLctlon of cvid,nce llf!O!d~d e it~,er h\• th~ p1tt 'i!er..utfon rub y the ~ ft, l'S-l:':.

Unl:ed $tatts v. N xon. 418 U.S. 61>3. :os- ~ {1;,7,i1 (sccord .tltP.r­<lliu n in :,tijtif" (t il;11io-· 01 i!IP.t1). The r,:mrl t r,Pn ha lr ncP.d :his lntc,cst .ig.Jlnst the evils '3f fo•ccd dl::ctosurc .. 'd. ~t 710.

.J l\ / !J. • IO,; X, ,: ' ~ • ••" , A , 5=: :5=: ~ J i: , -~· . ~ . 1' :, ., , . ,.,, ,. ; ,, ,. , - A ~ ,

Ol>)Otr , r, 11 ~u 9r~p~ ,

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l1t 'l' f'1 1i : ' >-------------------------

JN CONGRP.SS,J 1 /;; / -;'.~ ~~;;:: ~·:;; ~:~:~ ', ,~1;,,..... ',

Tfu: 1n1turi1mmH n<:1·lar: ll i1m c1f 1.t1r 1l1ir1ccn 1u ,i l1-:<I Sl:llt :s~"'-i n11:ric:a 1 ...... \ \ :IK"H iu the Co ua.H· o f.' bu rn:Ju e ve:tl s, it bc:-L'r.>m e'> 11~·e 'S.$:u.y f o1 o ue p 1:op]~<44; li~$Oh •e" p:.i:i ti~al b :m.d~

>.~'!lic-:h h,:..-~ r.0 1l1Hi,.tr>d th,,...-., w ith 1111ot hPr, !Ind b."J MS,1\.tn e. 11mo ng th :'! 1-x-i,.~-e.~. of r'rt-.,,~ rth .• thP 1-<":p sa.1\lt~ ,,;nd <":r1n:.,I :<.hltio n to •s'!lic-:h thr-J . .; "<\••; of 'h .,"'10.1-., :u,d of N:.h 11x ':<. GC"Jd :-:ntitl r th<-;m_. :.. d ,::r r.,;t ~ n :-:r.t tn r.h.-. (';p inin 11!"o

of u1a u.\iu <l l ("(.{l tlles Lh~t tl lt' :,' $hr~ull1 d t-d:u~ lb t" ~~tU'>e '> wai d1 iuq:d the m to lht- ~ep :u :~Liou . , ,

:\VE 1:old :hese-u1.11tbs to be ~elf eti de:1t, thac 9[ m~r. ~e c1Nt-ed ~ l111l,. that :hey 11r-e e-ndo~.'ed I h)· thr-it Crr-..tor '\"t"11h r:-.rhin n n:.lir-1uh k. Right:<., th:1t .11no ng thr:c.:-. :l l' I"' l .ifo, T.ihr-.rt:;• .u;d rhr p •usnl l. 11( H:tE,i>lw:s'i.·•T lm1 lo ;t·cmc. 11w,.,:: t igh 1~. \lcw1·111m:·11I!-> :ttc· im,1.lh1h:d :cm rn ,g M::11_ I cleri'f.11.t th-ei:.' it,st' po,"t"tt$ ti:o:n :he coc.1ent of the ?,Ot"emed, Th 1tt •~he-1:et"e-r t:1y r or.-n of I C.ovr: m mrnt hr-c-:om.-.~ d,; :<.tmrfo:r (';f th-:-:~(. r 11d~, it i~ thr- (';f th -:-: P,"':(';pk. to ,lltr:r or to

abolish it, 1:1d t'O i1u::inrc-e 1le".'7 Got"> 11:,ill?, :!$ fouudn ioc. oc. ~uch priuc.:.9le$ ac.d I o,~ni.zing iu powers ill mcl: torn·-,. lls to them shtl: seem most likely to etlfct S·.:.fety ac.d Tfopp inr-M. P111,kn(.-.', ind:-:::.d. will di(t:" that Co;; r:rn mrn t~ long, .-•.:<.t:ih li~hc-:d ·:.hmtld not hr I chMtgEd :or liP,ht ru1d trru1~em cames: s:1d accorctiu;;::~,. all expt:"'.Ence h11th $}1.e'h!.\ th~t

;:rnkind :i « mor r: di~p-i!'.r-d t.o mffr .r? wh ik ,vih :"1.r,; :<.n':':r-r:ihk.,. <h.111 to right th rm~d~ ::~ hy I :lho li~hing the:. form ~ to wh irh t:l;.-•:;y u:-. :.c:01...,tnm:-rl. fint whr n .; long .r:. in of :ihm -., ~ :u;d I m\1rp-:1tior.s> pui:s\iill?, h-:.vufa.bl7 die s~me Obje-ct evinces a. de$,jP,G :o redtice chem under :lh ~n lntr D<":':poti~n1, it i~ rl-:, .ir ,~gb\ it i i:. <h i::ir dnt:y, t ('; thff'R': off ~ud ; \oo~:-:m m i::nt , :rnd to I pw·: idt" :It°\\ ' G vm,h L<..U U:ell folw.c-'>t-l·ulll :: . Sud t }!.:,1~ bt"e11 U:.e p!lti::-nl ::t1rf::-uUKt" of the-.e -:1c.d $UCh i~ oow tte oe-ces1i~.' which co1:1tra:J1s tll-e:n to alter tt-e-=.J: fonne-, Sf'St'-ems I o': G ovrm mrnl T h(. hi:<.tnry o i th-:-: p r-,, i::nt K ing o f \o r.;n Rrit:.i n i~ -1 l·,i<;t1,ry of rrp ,·:.1r:-:d

mj ltUe-:; a::,d t1:;u1p~lions> ~n u. ... \·)q~ :.ll <llled objt-d lhe -c"sbibli::h.:.1:.eul o:· ~u ab ~oluk '1' uw: v I ml'l"'r thr: ~r S~t ,':\. T n prm;:- thi,;,, k t P :1rh hi; ~nhm ittr .d to:.. c :i11did '\'.'orlrl. I

H <: h .T;; 1d' u scd tll ; A $scu t to L:tw s. HK· mosl •.vhuk•oom :· ~m d m· l ·:·H :11 :t foL tb.:· p ubli<: gov:.l. He. has fotbidden his Gov-e-01oi:s. to ?i<SS La,,._~ of jmmedia.te act~ ?.:essine impo1ta.uce, \mless sm? ent.:ed in

Paragraph Indentation (cont’d)

3. Justify the paragraph

(under Home tab)

• Bluebook Rule 5.1

• The same method works for Mac

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University at Buffalo

"le Schooloflaw

0--~ ◄arc ..

r1M-,n-.-;,-, -.,.-,-~

'Th• O,da,a tion oflnrl•p•n<•

IN CONGRESS, J 11ly 4, 1776.

T he- unnni.m o us Decl.arntio11 of the th.U:tieen united Stntes of America,

' . . "'.

l !>'i'~ n t:.:£ Cotusie ofhum,a n events.~ it becomes n.e-cess~u7 !Oc one people- to dissolve the politic,a l b9.u d s. - 1 ~\-}Leh l.:~n.-E' connecte d them with i:inother . ~.nd to ~~stm.:e an1ong the po'\•; oft:.:.e-e·uth~ th.e .~:=:~rm-if" :inc t:q 11:1 l ~r:1tlo11 t.o vlh ic:h rt".f': J .:1w~ of :--.l':ltllff": :ind of "'1~h:rf":

1~ Goct t:nt1T~~ tl':f':m~ :1 &o:rt:nr

I f t-\p~c-t to the: oc ini()ll~ of m:rnkinC re:gnir~~ tJ1:H i ht:y ~hou ld ~d;l (~ T .t":. rmt.~f':~ \Vhi<"h imef":I thf":m to

I th • s.porotion.

~\7;,Jioli:I these tn 1d1s to 15: sclf-ct~dcut, iliat ill men arc created equal. thlt di~ arc endowed 15y their Crcato · ~,ith ccrnun ull.lllicna:>k Rieb.ts, that amone these :<re Life. Lbcrty :u:d the purscit of fupp incss .-­~ h~tt to sec-:re tbes.e ci.g.hts? Govenu ::.ents. -ace ll1stitu ted -an.10ng 1·Ie-n, deriving t heir j·:s: pO\\,"eJ:~-from the conse-nt of the go;1erne-cl, That wh,e,11e'1~c any fiorm of Gove i:nm.,e,llt beco dest11:ct.ive of. thes.e end~, it is :he Right of th,e, Peop le :o •alte-, or to ~.bOOsh it? to ills.ti.rote-oe-u.1 Gov,e,n:inent ~-aylllg i:s tO":nd~tio.!.l on su ch prillc ip les -aud oi:grulizing_ its powets jn stich form, ~ts to the h. · ~f':f.m mot,;t likt>ly t.o t:ff~rt th S~f,:~; :1nd H~ppinf.~t,. P rn di:-nr.t:, in&:.F:ct, \Viii rlir.t:lt~ tl':ML--~-~ (~ovi"rn mF:nr~ long f":~t:1hli~hi:-d t,;honld not hf': r.h;111gt:d fo r lighr ~n d tr:in~ iF:nr c::1mf':'.f.;: ~tid ~c:c:orc11ngly -~JI t::-.11F:rii:-nr.,: l1:1th ~hf'\V11, vh:1t. m:1nkind ~ff': more: di~pot,;~d to ~uffe:r, \Vhilf': ,:v'!h :lff: imf:·~r~h l::-, tJ1:111

to righr r:hf.mH•hre:~ hy :1holi~hing vht: form~ to which t h ~y ~t !": ~c:r.n~tomt:ct . P,11t .. ~vh!":n :1 long tr:1in ot ~bu.5:..:s arnl l~mp aLious: pu1suir:r iu \·~b ly th::: ~amc Objec t c\·irn.:c~ a <l.:.:S.:.v1 to 1cJ ut·:.:. LhCJu w1<l:..: ~bsolutc Dc.;spolh111i, it is th::.:l Light, it i:s Lhci1 tluty, t.o tluo\ v off HJ.c.:h Go vn 11111c11L, :.trnl lo pro vide utw Cu:u d> :0 1 lh:.:.:J. Cutwt · ,;c:c.:w.ity.--Suda :1.ts h::cn lhl' palic:11l ,;u ffc:uu 1t;.:: oft lu.·R· Colonil ·'S~ .trn.1 .:ud1 i'S uow tl.Jt: uu •,:.:s-:ity -.vl l:d1 cu11-,tuiu-, thl'!l l lo allc1 thd 1 (01m.i.·1 Sy'>ll'Ul'> of Go vn n:rn.:ul. T h:: hi~tnry o7.thf. pr ~~f.nt K ing o:·( .;.r:=::1t. Urit:li11 i~ ·:l hi~tn,~; o:· r<"pf.:1t:=:d injn rit:~ :1nrl 1H11rp:1tJO!l~ .. :tl1

h :1ving in d iru:r oh je=:rt thf. f.c.r:1.hl ishm~n t :1h~o ~nr y··.11my ,_-f':· r° "'(,t": St";.< · · pr qyµ h i~, f. F:1c.~ ht:. ~11·:)m ltt M to :1 <'~nd id world.

•II -~r~ .... :. I

1. Select relevant


2. Slide bottom indent

(bottom triangle) to


Hanging Indent

• The same method works for Mac

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University at Buffalo

"le Schooloflaw

File Home ln:.:rt

;:~ Lirel\urr-ber s•

!>ac C.:ol~nns b( Hyp~e1atio1 " - . l u:stom ~ctb ng O . ,. 1• 3u .. vm: .v 1

-'f" • ~icht l " Le-:: J -

fbrrow T:ip 0.5' 1r : o.~·

Wide T 'I' 1' Le~: 2°

fAlrror ed

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?og c s

M,un,,:ie pages: INorna1 H

1. Click the Layout tab on the ribbon

2. Click on Margins

3. There are a variety of options to

choose from. If your professor

requests a unique margin setting

then choose the Custom Margins

option at the bottom of the drop

down menu

How to Set Margins

• The same method works for Mac

Page 16: Microsoft Word 2016 - University at Buffalo

< 1-orrrat 1-'a nter

Clipboa1c r.. =ont

I "'1:o.uin;J 1- l:r ,l"lf)l'F!r 1 1-4:,;

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Qe'i1e l\e,\ ' Multilevel List ...

Oe=i1e l\.ew ~i•t St1le. ..



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Number format

Enter f2rmattin9 for number.

font ...

Number style for this level: Include level number from:

~ 2, 3, ... L:] [ E1

NJ!mber alignment L[l:_e_ft ___ _.l_•~I Aligned at [f rrJ] rrJ] I S,tt for All levels ... Text jndent at: o.2s·


,More>> Cancel

Creating and Indenting Bullet Points and Outline Sections

Under the Home Tab, select from the outline options on the ribbon; there are three types

to chose from and an option to customize your outline. Use Tab (right) and Shift + Tab

(left) to change levels.

Bulleted Multilevel Lists Numbered Lists


• Mac uses a similar operation

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University at Buffalo

School of Law

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of l."::~:llili.nd J:C~\1.Uci 1bit th~j should .:kd.i,~ dtc ( 3.\\SC$ -which !IU?d th <:t.i.'. t<I cb~ -~l:i .u:iti oa ' '

\\ .',.. I.o ld 11,.,::~ h uli:-, hi h i- :<l':lf e-\•id..,111. 1b.1l i11! m"'u ,;1"' 1:-.r,•d~ll :-()11:tl. i.h:il l1,.,y 1:1l:- .,udnw :-d ll;c 1!1i-,i1 Cu•,ql~ ►I

wi ::h r,~,~lli.n 1r.;:,lit"1uh lr: Ri;i!,ht.c", r:h~r Jmwmh th rf,t" i;;,\~ J.<fh. 12h,~r~ ~~d r;~r. ,-.11tf,d 't (')f I k p p;n,~f,r, . 'l' h~t M

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IN CONC:RF.SS, J ·•l;lJ ,..,..,. I.;,.-" .. . ., .. . . 1, lv •. h11n ·, El

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\\l e hoki d1.<1c trutb.1 to b: sd f~ t·!dCll.t~ tlut ,lil men ;l~ ctCl t'Cd ~c,\1;'1), tl\.:\t th¢',' :UC bv (~;dr U:,::i,tQl'. \',i i.h r l':11,;ia 111mli:-.a :1.h l"' Rigl,t.~. 1.h:11 ,;111rn 1g 11!,.:.I" :11" T .ii.,. ... 1ly .<i:it l 11,,. pm i:11i1.11f H,;ppiu'".i<;. T l,nt w :it'CUtt' ll 1e:ie. '.:1 th , GQ· 1<UUll t.ll b t<tt' in:-litule:.i $.ltt<Jta~ Meu,. ueu_.: ,;~ Utell h1:il P OWt•U fw m lli.::. o,;o;:itit"Ul <.if

... ......

Find and Replace on PC • From the Home tab, select either Find or Replace on the far right-hand side of the screen

or use CTRL + F

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University at Buffalo

School of Law

~ NDLS App Brief

lnsart Dtisign Layout RefAmnras Ma ilings Reviaw

I :::yo ut I llyo ut ~ Dtaft


Navigation Pane

l;Jl;J Mcltip lc Pages Zoom 20011 to

1 n11% •!ID• Pa,JC Widlh New A·rangc Split

W in,1nw All Switch

Wo rlow~ M1cros

disassoc iate the schoo l with the d issemina tion of inappropr iate mater ial. 1 azelwood , 484 U.S. at

276. The decision reaffirmed Fraser ' s acknowledgement of the need for pub lic schools to

d istance themselves from lewd and indecent speech wh ile farther recogn izing the need for

schools to censor speech at school events that might be perceived to "associate the school with

any position other than neutrality on matters of politica l controversy." azelwood!, 484 U.S. at


0. • List Matcnes ,n Sidebar O I Replace . ..

Find and Replace on Mac

• Search using the field at the top of the page next to the magnifying glass

icon or use command + F

• Click on the arrow next to the icon to replace the word

Page 19: Microsoft Word 2016 - University at Buffalo

Univer sity at Buffalo

School of Law

Norm al •

File Home Inse rt Design Layout References Mailings

Word Count

Smart Lookup


Typos? Not on our watch . Let us ch eck your spelling and grammar .

Trans late Language


New Delete Previous Next Show Comment Comments


Q Tell me what you wantto do ...

i-• ~ Show Markup• Track

Changes . liEJ Reviewing Pane •

Tracking r;,

Home Insert Design Layout Referenoos Mailings

• Thou uru-s: Word Lon~u:gc- N~w Oclc-h Don~ Pr<vio.1, IJe)t Q.> .m l Q.> .,.; 114.;111

Spelling & Grammar Check

• Located under the Review tab

• Remember to reproof your document manually!

Do not rely solely on Spelling & Grammar

check to catch all of your miss takes! • The same method works for Mac

Page 20: Microsoft Word 2016 - University at Buffalo

, ~ : range how w: r:I corrects .and •o' rrats. your te>:t.

AutoCorrcct options

¥/hen correcting spe!llng In IAkroso~ OfHce programs

@ .gn:-rcwo1ds n ..!·1-'LIKA!.,L 2) "9n-.u• w t11d,;,·· 11·r.-.ntl'in ,u,, - b,.·\

~ :411.,10: lt1. : m : l e1nJ !ii : :1JJ,~:.on

El :n•:rc; ;)C:cntcd uopcro sc in French

D ;;u;gc.s:t1on-1m1n dt:tl:-nuyonly

!_11-d'n · , 1)1r h ~nl' t1,.\ .. ' I .,..,~h !!:!_n:-;.,.~ I 1111'1 t ,n ,11 11nd n..-11 \ j, f' hn9 \ • I Soa'i~h 'OOC~: ITuteH ·e •c•fot"ll$Orly I• I

¥/hen correctlnq spe!llnq and qrammar In Ylord

rz) : hc:k s~cUi1g :,:; >·ou ,ycc

2) \111·.: :111,::mn f'ttt'lr< l' \y-. u -J1 l f

D : ,0:1.jU:!!l '! :. .. r fu:.-.,J wu · -~

Granmar and style 2,pticrs :

~ ouerncns ~ Rela:1ve claLSe! El ::,ubJect-veit aareemmt ~ v erD orra!es

Stvie: ~ l ict-P<. Cr llnn ui;i i<m< . .:inti ;iri:,nr ~ lnnlr:ttt inn;:

D F1agme1t . !~ list ic SLgge;ticrs ~ Gender .specific words

0 Hyphm a:Ed and compou1d words 0 fVi!Lsed words styli;tic sugge!t ion;

0 Nu,ib c rs

EJltiffii,,@i!' ~ ro $scssivc; .:,nd plurd $ . $t)'lis:ic sLggc;ticrs

._ __ o_< _ _,] I c .11ro 1

The dog chased the c.At.

The (\!It wns chased _by the do_g.

Managing AutoCorrect and other proofing options on PC

1. Click File tab • Passive voice check

2. Select Options,

then Proofing

3. Make desired


Enable (or disable) for ALL CAPS or numbers

Enable or disable spell check and grammar features

Page 21: Microsoft Word 2016 - University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo

School of Law

File Edit Vie

Abo ut Word

Hon Prefere nces... X,


Au t hor ing and Proof ing Too ls

GE-nera 1 View EOlt

ou tput and Shar ing

D .4!,,.;i·11!'i. !',.1199;:; :c-.t (';O'TP.C: io ; ;c;,

D Chet:k. spel in;1 .i.s you lyp~

fl =-1c:1.y rl:11)11.:l't~u wo rd !:>

D gnc re lntern&t a1d file pa:h add·uses

Cu '>Wm d it:liomtr)•: CL>'>l:m 1 ) id ion ar~•

4dvanc9d La.ng1,,age S;tt lr gs •••

Gra mm.w

D Ct-ed: g ran mrt1· M, yo 1J type

D Ct-eek g ran ma1· with spe lli 19

_J Sho·.,, r~ci:.:alJility

East As ian Larguages

=a I Oid bn ;,uil:c's .. .

Writing style: I Gramma r=riJ

Grammar and style opt ions:

0 Passive Voice with Unknown Actor

0 Wordiness 0 Words in Split Inti n it ives (more than on e) 0 Gender-Specif ic Language

0 Cliches



Punctu ation Required With Quotes don 't checCIJ

Space Between Sentences don 't checCIJ

I Cance l J --

Managing Spell Check & AutoCorrect on Mac

1. Select Word menu

2. Select Preferences

3. Make desired • Enable passive voice check


Page 22: Microsoft Word 2016 - University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo

School of Law

1,:1 .,. 0 ...

l>J.-...• rltlrt~ rnir.K l>Jnt <..iJrltllo:t"ll

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-~ Lod: Tu TrackChtflses:fCtrl- S-hlft -0

K:-:-ll t'-'lrk r' r~1n r;:-<. ¥ ' 1t t,l'li <; dxuu t nt,

·11~ ~ n v~1<1Hy .1~.t '- I l ·" tlYu,.,rnr •~:ilMt-"ltlt'lr , """'

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e Tcll mc rnorc


~lnu RMJ-irt

,"lull J•• tt.: ·" ':I -tc ~ct

Exhib• 11.20

Th~ SECURITIES PURCHASE AG REEt.,1ENT (th~ "Agreem e nt"), dated' as d April 1, 2014, is entered into by and

bet'Neen ',hs.r'I 8 0!1r1Kra.m&riea lndu&tries, a New Yor1( co:poration (th• "Company) , attd Seinf&ld Capital, LLC, a

De laware limite ::I liability company (the "Purchaser ") .

Smart Thesaurus Looku p

ABC ml Word Count


Tracking Changes • Select the Track Changes option under the Review tab

• Mac uses a similar operation

Page 23: Microsoft Word 2016 - University at Buffalo

iGl + >i,c~m:s C·1linc 'Sh >~ Sn~rtJ.rt :11~~ S:1:,~n~o :


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Pa9e numberin9

(!, ~ontinue from previous section

e) Start it : [

Inserting Page Numbers on PC

Location options

• Formatting page #’s:

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University at Buffalo

School of Law

0 • • ID B ,0. ~ § ~ Rio:Act C." 5•~<HC' · [,-:,,:un*r·1 .:.1-Hom~

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Full Text of the Riot Act (c.1714 - 1715)

An net for preventing tumults end riotous csscmblics, end fur the more speedy ai:d effcetucl pun isbiug th e. riulcrs .

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'\\' ht:n:as of late many n:heHinus rioL"i: anci turnu1L.._ h:-1,·c heen in ,livers parl.s of thi~ king ,lom , to the disturbance of the public!: peace, and the endangering cf hi; Majesty's person and NuTibers


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tc such heinous oftcnces; and by such rio maliciously and falslv tr36ucc<i, with 3n i the people from his Majesty therefore for tum ults, am l fhr Lhc mnre Sf1C,~dy and e ffc

the King's most excellent majesty, by an temporal ond of the commons. in tnis pre 5?.mc; Th~t. if any pc rsnn~ to th e nn n1 her

tumultuously assembled 10gctber, 10 the Inst day of July in ihe year of our Lord on required or commanded by any one or m th e county, or l1is umlt-:r-sh eri ff. or hy the

j ustice of the peace of any city or town c to be mode in the King's name, 111 tl:e fo

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Changing Page Number Font PC:

1. Double-click the page number in the Footer

2. Right click the number to bring up the editing options

3. Adjust font type and size using the drop-down menus

MAC: Double-click the page number and

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Insert o s: ct on br cok ond s:ort th : n:w

Inserting Next Page Section Breaks

1. Place cursor at the

desired location for the

page break

2. Under the Layout tab,

click the Breaks drop

down menu and select

Next Page

• The same method works for Mac

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Changing Page Number Fonts Within the Same Document

1. Double click the

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page after the

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Full Text (1f the Riot Act (c. 1714 -1715) I

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An act for.i' revent ing tumults and rioto us assemblies, and for the mo re speedy and effectua l

pun ishin t he rioters.

Whereas of late many rebellio us riots and tumu lts have been in divers parts of thi s kingdom, to

Creating Section Headings 1. Insert page numbers

2. Select headings to be included in the Table of Contents

by holding Ctrl and left-clicking (highlighting) each one

– Mac users: hold command while highlighting

3. Choose a heading format under Home tab

• The same method works for Mac

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University at Buffalo

"le Schooloflaw

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An act for preve nti ng tu mults and riotou s assemblies, a Autom,n, T>hiP 7

punis hing the rioter s.

Section I. Whe reas of late many rebe llious riots and tum ults hav

the disturba nce of the pub lick peace, and the endange

govern ment , and the same are yet continued and fem

Majesty, presuming so to do, for t hat the punishments

not adequate to such heinous offences; and by such ri

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More Ta, le~ of Contents f •c,m Jff T :1bh: vf Clofllt:11L::: ..

Bcmo'Vc T.ibb ~f Cortcrt ~

1. Place cursor at

the desired

location for the

Table of Contents

2. Under the

References tab

select the Table of

Contents menu

Building a Table of Contents

3. Choose desired format

for Table of Contents

• The same method works for Mac

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Table of Contents Section 1,,,,., .. ,, ... ,.,,.,,,.,,.,,.,.,.,,,.,.,,,,.,.,,,, .•.. ,,.,,,.,,.,,,.,,.,,,,, .. ,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,, .• , .. , •.•.•. ,,., .. ,.,.,,.,,.,,,,,,.,,.,,, .. , •.•... ,,.,.,,., 1

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Sect ion X

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An act for preve nting tumult s and riotous assemblies, and for th e more speedt and effectua l

punishing the rio ters .

Section I. Whereas of late many rebelliou s riots and tumults have been in divers parts of t his kingdom, to

the disturba nce of the pub lick peace, and the endangering of his Majesty's person and

gove rnment, a nd the sa me are yet co ntinued and fomen ted by pers ons d isaffecte d to his

Majesty , pr es um ing so tc do, for t hat the punishme nts provided by the laws now in being are

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ull Text of he Riot Act (c.1714 - 1715) Table of Contents

le of Contents

Updating a Table of Contents

1. Left click in the Table of Contents

and select “Update Table”

2. Choose “Update page numbers…” and click OK a) If you changed the name of one

or more headings, select “Update

entire table” instead

• Updating a TOC in Mac

is essentially the same

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Creating a Table of Authorities

1. Select and mark your citations 2. Place cursor at the desired location

for the table and click OK

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Enabling Text-to-Speech on PC

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All Commands list and 2. Select Options,

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in the Toolbar; an automated voice

will read the text aloud.

Access Toolbar

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Enabling Text-to-Speech on Mac

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2. Select Dictation

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be read and hit

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542 O’Brian Hall [email protected]

(716) 645-2831

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