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TOEFL PowerPrep Test-1

1.W : I’ve been looking all over for Peter. I've got a book of his that he left behind in the

cafeteria. He might need it for his test tomorrow.

M : I met him a few minutes ago, and he said he was headed for the study hall at the student


Q: What will the woman probably do next?

a) Begin studying for a test.

b) Go to the student center.

c) Go to the cafeteria.

d) Try to find her book.


2.M: At this rate, I don't think I'm ever going to get better at writing. My composition marks

have been the same all semester, straight C's.

W : What does your instructor say is keeping your marks down?

Q: What does the woman assume?

a)Most of the students are getting low grades.

b)The instructor is not very helpful.

c)The man has spoken to his instructor about his work.

d)The man will not be able to improve enough to raise his marks.


3.W : Did you hear that a real professional theater company has scheduled a performance

right here on campus.

M : You bet I did. I haven't been this excited about a campus performance since the musical

two years ago.

Q: What does the man mean?

a) He is looking forward to seeing the play.

b) He is not that excited about the performance.

c) He had not heard about the performance.

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d) He is hoping to try out for the musical.


4.W : Kate's been working night and day to finish her documentary for film class.

M : She could’ve been done by now. But she insisted on being so independent.

Q : What does the man imply Kate should do?

a) Get someone to help with the film.

b) Ask for an extension of the deadline.

c) Concentrate harder on her schoolwork.

d) Stop complaining about her schedule.


5.M : Could I borrow your notes from this morning's biology lecture? I'm so mad at myself

because I stayed up late studying and then overslept.

W: Well, if it makes you feel any better, you were far from being the only one who didn't

make it this morning.

Q: What does the woman imply?

a) There were many people absent.

b) Her notes are incomplete.

c) The man should have gone to bed earlier.

d) She is mad at her biology Professor.


6.W: Oh, Richard, I didn’t expect to see you today. I thought you work at the bookstore on

Thursday afternoon.

M: I do, but I’m switching days with someone else so I can finish my lab report. I’ll be there

on Saturday instead.

Q: What does the man mean?

a) He was too ill to go to work.

b) He wants to quit his job.

c) He changed his job schedule.

d) He will be in the lab on Saturday.

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7.M: I heard that modern art exhibition at the university museum’s great. I've been trying to

get there, but I am so busy with papers for my classes.

W : Well, It won't be here much longer. You really ought to make time for it.

Q : What does the woman suggest the man do?

a) Ask her friends about the exhibition.

b) See the exhibition next time it comes to campus.

c) Spend some time studying about the exhibition.

d) Go to the exhibition soon.


8.M : I don't know how I'm going to get all of this done tonight. I've got two chapters of

history to read and thirty calculus problems to finish for tomorrow. And boy, do I have

trouble with calculus.

W : Well, you know, it's usually best to get the hardest work done first.

Q : What does the woman suggest the man do?

a) Get some help with the calculus problem.

b) Study his favorite subject first.

c) Start by doing the calculus problems.

d) Study more than he usually does.


9.W : Did you notice that the student concert is next week?

M : Notice? I’m the one from the choral club who will be taking tickets.

Q : What does the man mean?

a) The concert conflicts with a club meeting.

b) He will not be able to attend the concert.

c) He will be in his music class then.

d) He will be working at the event.


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10.M : You know, the smell of chemical preservative from our biology lab gives me a

headache. Doesn’t it bother you, too?

W : Not any more. I have come to realize that there are just certain things that biology majors

have to put up with.

Q: What does the woman imply?

a) The smell is intolerable.

b) She has gotten used to the smell.

c) She uses a different chemical than the man.

d) She is considering changing her major.


11.M: The chorus needs someone to accompany them on piano. You play, don’t you?

W: Well, lately I’ve just been working on the guitar, so I’m a little rusty

Q : What does the woman mean?

a) She likes to sing in the chorus.

b) She has not played piano very much recently.

c) She practices piano every day.

d) Her guitar needs to be repaired.


12.M: Professor, I’m really sorry, but my paper’s just not going to be finished by this

afternoon. Is there any way that you could give me an extension?

W : If I gave one to you, I’d have to give one to everyone.

Q: What does the woman imply?

a) This afternoon's class will be canceled.

b) She will help the man with his paper.

c) Everyone has asked her for an extension.

d) The man must turn in his paper on time.


13.M: Thanks for lending me your chemistry study guide. I promise I'll return it at dinner.

W : Forget it! I'll be knocking at your door late tonight.

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Q : What does the woman mean?

a) She needs her study guide back before dinner.

b) She will let the man keep the study guide

c) She will make sure she gets her study guide

back tonight.

d) She does not remember where the man lives.


14.W : I tried for half an hour to print my paper on that laser printer downstairs. But it kept

jamming. Do you have any suggestions?

M : That's certainly news to me. It's always been completely reliable for me.

Q : What does the man imply?

a) He is surprised that the printer is not working properly.

b) He is not familiar with the laser printer,

c) The printer will be replaced soon.

d) He does not like using the laser printer.


15.M : Are you disappointed that Bill won the election? I mean you would’ve been a great

president for the debating team.

W : You know, with all of my course work, I feel like a two ton truck has been lifted off my


Q : What does the woman mean?

a) She plans to compete in the election next year.

b) She plans to select another course.

c) She is relieved that she lost the election.

d) She is angry with Bill.


16.M : Hey, Mary! One of my students had decided to stop taking piano lessons from me. I

could give you her spot on Tuesdays from 8 to 9, if you wanted.

W : Gee. Maybe I've given you the wrong impression. I'm not that serious about playing.

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Q : What does the woman mean?

a) She does not want to take piano lessons.

b) She plans to quit taking lessons with the man.

c) She would prefer a different day.

d) She does not play the piano as well as the man thinks.


17.M : I never thought Nancy Smith would be interested in joining the debating team.

W : That just goes to show how well you really know her.

Q : What does the woman imply?

a) She is just as surprised as the man is.

b) The man was mistaken about Nancy's interests.

c) The man has not met Nancy yet.

d) The man should join the debating team.


18.M : Excuse me, I don’t know my way around campus yet. Where is the science building


W : I’d like to help you, but I’m new here myself.

Q : What can be inferred from this conversation?

a) The science building is easy to find.

b) The speakers are unfamiliar with the campus.

c) The woman is able to help the man.

d) The science building is not located on campus.


19.W : I just wanted to let you know your paper on 18th century France showed a particularly

good understanding of the subject matter.

M : Actually, I didn't have much time to do the research, so I was worried you were calling me

in to criticize it.

Q : What can be inferred about the student?

a) He turned his paper in late.

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b) He thought he would get a better grade.

c) He has not written any other papers for the professor.

d) He is relieved by the professor's reaction.


20.W : I have to figure out the car rental shares for our trip to the lake. Should I count you in?

M : I'm happy to report I'm available. I finally caught up with my reading.

Q : What does the man mean?

a) He has to figure out if he has enough money.

b) He is satisfied with the paper he just completed.

c) He wants to take part in the trip.

d) He needs to finish his reading assignment.


21.W : I'm so busy with both work and classes that I never seem to get around to cleaning my


M : It wouldn't hurt to call an agency to see if you can afford to get some help.

Q : What does the man suggest the woman do?

a) Hire someone to do the cleaning.

b) Spend more time studying.

c) Get advice from another friend about her problem.

d) Pay him to clean her house.


22.W : Oh, I’m glad I find you. I left my notebook in the lab, and it’s locked.

M : We locked up all the rooms at 8 o’clock.

W : But I need my notes, I have an exam tomorrow.

M : I can’t let anyone in. Wait here, and I’ll take a look myself.

Q : What will the man probably do?

a) Find a key for the woman.

b) Ask the woman to come back later.

c) Tell the woman he can't help her.

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d) Try to find the woman's notebook.


23.M : I just found out that I can’t attend the student conference in October. But I already

sent the registration fee.

W: Relax, I’m sure they’ll refund you all but 10 percent if you let them know right away.

Q: What does the woman mean?

a) The man should try to attend the conference.

b) The conference is too expensive.

c) The man can get most of his money back.

d) The man registered too late for the conference.


24.W : Don’t forget! Our sociology papers are due today.

M: I know Professor Miller’s going to be upset. But I need to work on mine more.

Q: What can be inferred about the man?

a) He would like the woman’s help.

b) He did not attend his sociology class.

c) He has an appointment with Professor Miller.

d) Hw may not finish the paper on time.


25.M : Richard has been so happy since he heard from the graduate school.

W : Yeah, he’s been floating on air ever since he got his acceptance letter.

Q : What does the woman say about Richard?

a) She plans to write him at graduate school.

b) The graduate school took a lot of time to accept him.

c) He wants to wait a year before starting graduate school.

d) He is excited that he has been admitted to graduate school.


26.W : I have two classes this afternoon then I have to work tonight and I feel miserable. Do

you have any cold medicine?

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M : Sure, I’ve got half a bottle you could have. But you’ll get over your cold a lot faster if you

just take it easy for few days.

Q : What does the man suggest the woman do?

a) Take the medicine with water.

b) Take easier classes.

c) Finish the medicine within a few days.

d) Try to rest more.


27.M : All the photos I took on my trip with my new camera are ruined. For some reasons the

film didn’t advance through the camera.

W : Well, did you read the instructions carefully before using it?

Q : What does the woman imply?

a) The man should have used different film.

b) The instructions for the new camera were not


c) The man may not have operated the camera


d) The camera probably needs to be repaired.


28.W : Are you coming along or what? We’ll be late to class.

M : Save me a seat. I can’t show up without my assignment.

Q : What can be inferred about the man?

a) He'll walk to class with the woman.

b) He usually gets to class early.

c) He hasn't finished his assignment.

d) He doesn't know what the assignment is.


29.M : Hey, Julie, I wanted to ask you if the washing machines in your dormitory are working,

because ours have been broken for weeks, and it's getting kind of desperate.

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W : As far as I know they are, but why don't you take laundry over to the gym until they fix

the problem. Students are allowed to use the machines there.

Q : What does the woman suggest the man do?

a) Hire someone to fix the washing machines.

b) Use the washing machines in the gym.

c) Notify the maintenance people.

d) Ask someone in her dormitory to wash his clothes.


30.M : I can’t find this book on the shelf. Can you check the computer and see if it’s checked

out. I need it right away.

W : It’s checked out. But there is another copy at the other library. I can get it for you in about

two days or you can drive over and get it yourself.

Q : What will the man probably do?

a) Go to the other library.

b) Ask the librarian to order the book.

c) Check the computer again.

d) Call the person who has the book.


31.W : I’m signing up for that training course next Saturday on how to prepare for a job

interview. How about you?

M : If it were only an hour or so I’d go, but I just can’t spare a whole afternoon this weekend.

I think it’s offered again next month though.

Q: What will the man probably do?

a) Sign up for the course in an hour.

b) Recommend the course to another friends.

c) Take the course at a later date.

d) Attend the course.


32.W : It's really hard to concentrate with that humming noise in the background. Do you

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know where it's coming from?

M : Yeah, it's the printer, but don't worry it only does that when it's warming up.

Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?

a) The noise will be gone soon.

b) The man is finished using the printer.

c) The noise does not bother the man.

d) The woman turned off the printer.


33.W : I'm really not making any progress on this lab report. The data I’ve collected so far just

doesn't seem to make much sense.

M : If you’d like, I can review what you have and then we can go over it together.

W : I appreciate the offer. But I think I just need to keep chipping away at it on my own

before I ask anyone else to take a look.

Q: What will the woman probably do?

a) Begin collecting new data.

b) Put the report aside for a while.

c) Review the data by herself.

d) Have the man check her work.


34.W : I'll be back in an hour or so. I’ve got to meet with the housing director on campus.

M : You might want to wait till this afternoon. It’s pretty hectic over there this time of the


Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?

a) Arrange to live off-campus.

b) Go to campus in the morning.

c) Meet the director later in the day.

d) Make an appointment with the housing director.


35.M : Can I borrow that book when you finish with it?

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W : You have to talk to Laura. I promised to give it to her next.

Q : What does the woman imply?

a) She will not be able to finish reading the book.

b) She needs the book from the man.

c) She can not lend the book to the man right away.

d) She borrowed the book from Laura.


36.M : Do you know how I can get to the research lab from here?

W : Walking from here is out of the question and the last bus out that way is gone already. Do

you have a car?

Q: What does the woman imply?

a) The research lab is closed.

b) She does not know the way to the research lab.

c) The research lab is far away.

d) She does not know how late the buses run.


37.W: I saw your note on the bulletin board. I thought you already had a roommate.

M: Yeah, but he’s graduating in June. So I thought I’d better start looking for someone now.

W: Well, the location couldn’t be better and the rent’s not that bad.

Q: What does the woman imply?

a) The rent is too high.

b) The man should find another apartment.

c) It would be better for the man to live alone.

d) The man will probably find a new roommate easily.


38.M : Hey, Jane! Where have you been lately?

W : I've been spending most of my afternoon in the psychology lab. I had no idea what I was

getting into when I signed up for this course.

M : Yeah! I took that class last year and practically had to move into the lab.

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Q: What does the man mean?

a) He lived near the psychology lab last year.

b) He plans to enroll in the same psychology

course as the woman.

c) He is taking a psychology class in the afternoon.

d) The course took a lot of time.


39.M : I finally finished the chemistry lab. Did you have a chance to work on yours yet?

W: The problem is the results weren’t what I was hoping for. If I have time, I am going to do

it over again.

Q : What does the woman mean?

a) She hopes to get better results by redoing the experiment.

b) She doesn't understand the chemistry assignment,

c) She hasn't received her lab results yet.

d) She wants to compare her lab results with the mail's .


40.W: So, the varsity club's planning another fund raiser. Will you be in charge again this year?

M : Unless I can get out of it.

Q: What does the man mean?

a) He doubts the club will make a lot of money.

b) He is not eager to organize the project.

c) He cannot afford to join this year.

d) He plans to quit the club soon


41.W : Amy's going to tutor Scott again tonight.

M : But she's got three papers due this week. Shouldn't she be working on them?

Q: What does the man imply?

a) Scott should ask Amy for help.

b) Amy does not have time to help Scott.

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c) Scott should tell Amy about the assignment.

d) Amy has already completed her paper.


42.W : Can I look at your notebook from yesterday’s class? I can’t read some of what I wrote


M : Sure, help yourself, but I should warn you. I spent most of the time daydreaming.

Q : What does the man imply?

a) The woman's handwriting is better than his.

b) His notes may not be complete.

c) The woman should learn to write more neatly.

d) He lost his notebook.


43.M : I just need one more class to complete my schedule. I can’t decide between calculus

and music appreciation.

W : Well, I’m no counselor but you want to be an engineer and I don’t think that music course

is going to help you up very much.

Q : What does the woman imply the man should do?

a) Sign up for calculus.

b) Talk to a guidance counselor.

c) Ask for help with music course.

d) Take an engineering course next year.


44.W: Have you been studying for the history test on Friday?

M: Yeah, but I can’t believe it covers the whole semester’s material. I’ll never be ready.

W: Well, it does help to keep up with the reading assignments during the semester.

Q: What does the woman imply?

a) The reading assignment has been changed.

b) The man has been studying for the test since Friday.

c) The man should have studied throughout the semester.

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d) She’ll help them the man prepare for the test.


45.W : I can’t believe I missed the deadline for the discount basketball tickets.

M : Oh, don’t worry. That was for the general public. University students have it until the end

of the month.

Q: What does the man imply?

a)University students are not eligible for the discount.

b)The student tickets are not available until next month.

c)He has already purchased a ticket for the woman.

d)The woman can still purchase discount tickets.


46.W: Do you think we’ll be able to go to the basketball game on Sunday?

M: Actually, I’m waiting to hear from my brother. He might be coming to visit this weekend

W: When will you know for sure?

M: Check with me tomorrow afternoon.

Q: What does the man imply?

a) He’ll confirm his plans soon.

b) He doesn’t like to watch basketball.

c) He’ll see the woman on Sunday.

d) He might play basketball with his brother.


47. M: I shouldn’t have taken so many courses. It’s really hard to keep up with all my class


W: Well, you are taking an extra course. You should remember that when you sign up for

classes next term.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

a) Register for few classes in the future.

b) Ask his teachers to give him less work.

c) Drop one of the classes he is taking now.

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d) Take more difficult courses next term.

TOEFL PowerPrep Test-2

1.M : Are you ready to walk over to the biology lab?

W : Actually, I'm not feeling well. Do you think it'll be okay if I skip class this afternoon?

M : Well, it's only the first class you’ll have missed all term.

Q : What does the man imply?

a) Missing the class would not harm the woman.

b) He does not want to go class either.

c) The woman has already missed one class.

d) They are required to attend the first class of the term.


2.W : You’ve finished the novel for American literature, haven’t you?

M: Yeah, right. I’ve read the whole first chapter.

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Q: What does the man mean?

a) He has one chapter left to read.

b) He has only started the assignment.

c) He thinks they only have to read the first chapter.

d) He finished the whole novel.


3.W: I saw you at the visiting scholar’s lecture yesterday. I didn’t know you were interested in

behavior modification.

M : I’m not, but my psychology professor gave us extra credit for going. And I really need it.

Q: What can be inferred about the man?

a) He is not doing well in his psychology class.

b) He needs information about behavior modification.

c) He really enjoyed the psychology lecture.

d) He could not go to the lecture because he had

too much work.


4.W : My lab instructor said we could switch lab sessions to whenever is most convenient. So

I've been going right after lunch. She doesn't care as long as the work gets done on time.

M : I wish ours would let us do that. I have to be there at 8 o’clock in the morning.

Q : What can be inferred about the speakers?

a) They have different instructors.

b) They do not have time for lunch.

c) They prefer to have lab early in the morning.

d) They have lab at the same time.


5.M: Do you know if the travel office at the student center is still giving out those discount

airline coupons?

W: If you want one, you'd better make that your first stop.

Q. What does the woman suggest the man do?

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a) Go to the student center right away.

b) Cancel his reservation at the travel office.

c) Call a travel agency for information.

d) Decide on his travel itinerary.


6.M: I’m filling out that application for off-campus housing that you were doing last week. Do

you remember if you had to include the name and phone number of the manager of the

dorm where you live now?

W : I asked in the housing office and they told me it’s optional.

Q: What does the woman imply?

a)Off-campus housing is too far away from the campus.

b)The man can include the name of the dorm manger if he wants to.

c)The man should ask someone else for the information.

d)The man should ask the dorm manager for a reference letter.


7.W: I have to write a lot of papers this semester and I'm thinking about getting a computer,

but I just don't know if the expense is worth it.

M: Well, I just got one and I don't know why I waited so long.

Q: What does the man mean?

a) He wishes he had bought a different computer.

b) The woman can use his computer.

c) He does not know why the woman wants a computer.

d) He has found his computer very useful.


8.M: I'll walk to class with you if you wait for a second. I just have to make a quick phone call.

W: Okay. But we'll be late if you don't shake a leg.

Q: What does the woman mean?

a) The man should make the call quickly.

b) Their class has already begun.

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c) She is not going to wait for the man.

d) She will make the phone call later.


9.W : It turns out I need to take a statistics course as a requirement of this master's program.

Now that will cost me another twelve hundred dollars tuition.

M: Well, you don't have to take that course at this university. The community college offers it

to outside students for much less.

Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?

a) Take the course at a different school.

b) Pursue a master’s degree in statistics.

c) Look for a job at the community college.

d) Have the statistics requirement waived.


10.W : Say, Bob! Congratulations! I was really excited to hear about your new part-time job.

M: What? You mean I got it?

Q: What does the man mean?

a)He did not understand what the woman told him.

b) He was hoping to work full time.

c) He is surprised to hear he has been hired.

d) He has decided not to take the job.


11.W : The campus bookstore is all out of those folders that the professor wants us to use for

our reports. I’ve got to find one fast. The reports are due tomorrow.

M : There’s a new office supply store a couple of blocks away. They have everything.

Q: What does the man imply?

a) The report can be handed in without a folder.

b) The woman should go to the campus

bookstore tomorrow.

c) The new store has not opened yet.

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d) The woman can get the folder at the new



12.M: I'm just swamped with work in Dr. Colby’s literature class.

W: Really? I was beginning to think I was the only one.

Q. What does the woman mean?

a) She thinks the course is easy.

b) She has a lot of work to do.

c) She is thinking about taking literature.

d) She is taking only one class.


13.M : It’s such a beautiful day. Too bad I’ve got to work in the computer lab all afternoon.

W : At least my botany lab is meeting in the greenhouse. I guess it could be worse.

Q: What does the woman imply?

a) She prefers being in the greenhouses to the

computer lab.

b) She doesn't like her botany class.

c) She works part time in the computer lab.

d) She needs to go to the lab after her class.


14.M : I think I’m going to edit the campus newspaper this semester.

W : If I were you, I’d reconsider. That’s a big job, and you’re already over-committed.

Q: What does the woman tell the man?

a) He does not have enough time for another


b) He is not qualified to work on the paper.

c) She might want to work on the paper.

d) The editor's job is not as difficult as he


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15.M : Do you suppose I can sign up for 5 classes this semester instead of 4?

W: I'm quite sure there’s no rule that says you can’t.

Q: What does the woman mean?

a) No one can take more than four classes per


b) Students have to get special permission to

take extra classes.

c) Students are permitted to take five classes at


d) Taking five classes in one semester would be

too difficult.


16.W : That new copy machine in the student lounge is a real pain.

M : Why? What’s the problem?

W : You name it, even just adding paper.

M : Have you looked at the manual? That’s kept right next to the machine.

Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?

a) Use a different copy machine.

b) Have the machine repaired.

c) Read the instructions.

d) Add more paper.


17.M : It’s not going to storm on Saturday, is it? The Latin club is supposed to have a party on

the front lawn.

W: Well, if what I heard is right, you’d better find a large room somewhere.

Q : What does the woman suggest the man do?

a) Go to a different party.

b) Study in his room instead of attending the party.

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c) Plan to have the party indoors.

d) Invite more people to the party.


18.W: Why is professor Peterson’s economics class so popular?

M : She used to be an economic advisor to the president of United States.

Q:What does the man imply about Professor Peterson?

a) She has valuable experience in economics.

b) She is a very popular faculty advisor.

c) Her classes are easy.

d) She used to be the president of the university.


19.M: Can I borrow your notes from class? I missed the lecture yesterday.

W: I guess you didn't hear. Professor Nylon was out with flu.

Q: What does the woman imply?

a) The lecture was canceled.

b) She has been sick lately.

c) She had trouble understanding the lecture.

d) The man should speak to his professor.


20.W : My history professor has just scheduled a study session for this afternoon. I hope you

don't mind.

M: But, we make our presentation in Cultural Anthropology tomorrow morning.

Q: What can be inferred about the speakers?

a) They are ready to give their presentation.

b) They had agreed to meet this afternoon.

c) They are both taking a history class.

d) They have just been introduced to each other.


21.W : I really hate walking into class late. At least the professor didn't seem to notice.

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M : I'm not so sure about that. She sounded kind of angry to me.

Q: What does the man mean?

a) The woman may have upset the professor.

b) The woman got to class on time.

c) He wishes the woman were not always late.

d) The professor did not notice that the woman was late.


22.W: I haven't seen your friend Mike for a while. How is he doing?

M: He transferred to Cider College last semester. You have been busy, haven't you?

Q: What does the man imply?

a) The woman has not had time to notice Mike was gone.

b) The woman will be transferring to a new college.

c) The woman was gone last semester.

d) The woman missed Mike’s graduation.


23.W: The guy in the next apartment keeps blasting his stereo all day!

M: I know. And I can't get any work done with all that noise. I think I'll have to pay him a


Q. What will the man probably do?

a) Move to another building.

b) Turn on his stereo.

c) Talk to his neighbor.

d) Visit someone friends.


24.M : I’m really worried about my grades.

W : You’re doing just fine. After all, you’re only human.

Q: What does the woman imply about the man?

a) He does not spend enough time studying.

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b) His grades are better than most people's

c) He should hire a tutor.

d) He expects too much from himself.


25.W : What did you think of the poem we had to read for class today?

M : After I read it, I couldn't understand why the writer won so many awards.

Q: What can be inferred about the man?

a) He has read many of the writer’s poems.

b) He gave the writer an award.

c) He liked the poems.

d) He does not think the poem was very good.


26.M : I'm really disappointed that you didn't enjoy the weekend at Mark's house.

W : I promise you it wasn't the people, it was the rain.

Q: What does the woman mean?

a) She did not like the people she met.

b) She will try to have more fun the next time.

c) There were too many people at Mark's house.

d) The weather spoiled her weekend.


27.M : I can't find my history textbook anywhere. I don't know what I did with it.

W : Well, if you by chance left it on the bus, you might as well accept the fact you'll have to

buy a new one.

Q: What does the woman imply?

a) She takes the bus to her history class.

b) She knows where the book is.

c) The man should not ride the bus

d) The man will probably not get his book back.


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28.W: We’re having a party tonight in the student lounge. Want to come?

M: I don’t think the activity director wants a senior attending an orientation party for first year


Q: What does the man imply?

a) He has another commitment for that evening.

b) He will accompany the woman to the party

c) He will invite the activities director to the party

d) He would not be welcomed at the party.


29.M : I’m so busy these days, but I like to keep up with the news. By the time I get home at

night, I’ve already missed the 10 o’clock news program on TV.

W : So, read the newspaper instead. If you get it in the morning, you have all day to go

through it.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

a) Get up earlier in the morning.

b) Read the newspaper.

c) Try to get home sooner.

d) Watch an earlier news broadcast


30.M : I'm debating whether to go to the French Club meeting this afternoon. I've got other

things that I've got to take care of today.

W: No problem. I will be there and can fill you in later.

Q: What does the woman mean?

a) She thinks the man should go to the meeting,

b) She thinks the meeting will be canceled.

c) She heard that some problems will be discussed at the meeting.

d) She will tell the man what happened at the meeting later.


31.M : Is this where I get the books Professor Reynolds put on reserve?

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W : Not that I know of. But you might want to check at the main desk, just in case.

Q : What does the woman suggest the man do?

a) Choose a different book.

b) Talk to his professor about the books.

c) Ask someone else to help him find the books.

d) Try to reserve the books in advance.


32.W : I really had a lot of trouble getting the classes I needed this semester.

M : Well, you did register late. You might want to take that into account next time.

Q : What does the man suggest the woman do?

a) Take classes that meet late in the day.

b) Register for classes in her major first.

c) Register earlier for classes next semester.

d) Take an accounting class next semester.


33.M : Excuse me. Isn't the A-bus supposed to come this way?

W : Well, yes, but not on weekends. You’ll have to walk over to the student center to catch it.

Q: What can be inferred about the A-bus?

a) It takes a different route on weekends.

b) It doesn't stop at the student center.

c) It's free during the week.

d) The man just missed it.


34.W : My interview for the management position really covered a lot of ground, but I'm still

worried about getting the job.

M : Lucky for you, your University programs gave you a wealth of experience and


Q: What does the man imply about the woman?

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a) She will probably get the job.

b) She will be better prepared for the next interview.

c) She will have to travel a lot in the new job,

d) She will be disappointed by her salary.


35.M : Do you mind if I turn on the radio?

W : Fine, but it would be nice to listen to something other than classical music for a change.

M : I didn't realize you felt that way. Be my guest and change the station.

Q : What can be inferred about woman?

a) She can’t find a radio station that she likes.

b) She doesn’t enjoy listening to the radio.

c) She doesn’t want to listen to the same music any more.

d) She thinks the music is too loud.


36.W: Say, Peter. Your name came up at the international club meeting the other day.

M : Oh, yeah? Why?

W: We’re organizing a special program for United Nation’s day. Someone nominated you to be

one of the speakers.

M : Hmm! I’d be honored

Q: What can be inferred about man?

a) He'd like to give a talk at the event.

b) He's never heard of the international club.

c) He wants to help organize the program.

d) He plans to join the international club.


37.M : We really need the rain that is forecast tomorrow, but what about the graduation


W : Well, I'll bet you anything we'll all be crammed into the auditorium.

Q: What does the woman think will happen?

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a) The ceremony will be in the evening.

b) It will stop raining in time for the ceremony.

c) The ceremony will be held inside.

d) Graduation will probably be canceled.


38.M: The check from my summer job hasn't come through yet and I need to pay tuition or

they'll charge me a late fee.

W: Have you considered asking the dean's office for an emergency loan?

Q. What does the woman suggest the man do?

a) Borrow money to pay his tuition

b) Wait for his check arrive

c) Lend money to the woman.

d) Pay the late fine.


39.W: I don't know if I'll make the deadline. One of my professors is away and probably

won't send in the letter of recommendation for two weeks.

M: Oh, that's just a formality. Just send in the job application form.

Q. What does the man imply?

a) Letters of recommendation are not essential.

b) It is probably too late for the woman to apply.

c) The deadline for application is in two weeks.

d) The woman should request a more formal



40.W: The forecast says it might rain on Sunday. Do you think we should reschedule the

architectural field trip? I mean, we'll all be outdoors walking around the city.

M: We'll just tell everyone to come prepared.

Q. What will the man probably tell the people who plan to go on the field trip?

a) The trip has been canceled.

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b) They should bring rain gear.

c) The date for the trip has been changed.

d) They will meet in a different location.


41.M : I heard you were working 20 hours a week this semester. Guess that eliminates soccer,


W: It's not that bad. Plus, the boss let me work flexible hours. Don't count me out yet.

Q: What does the woman mean?

a) Her class does not meet every week.

b) She may still be able to play soccer.

c) Her boss does not like soccer.

d) Her job is more important to her than playing soccer is.


42.W : Professor Jones, the door to our classroom is locked and I can’t find a custodian.

M : We can have class out in the court yard. It’s reasonably quiet out there.

Q : What will the speakers probably do?

a) Look for the custodian.

b) Have class outside.

c) Go to the professor’s office.

d) Find an empty classroom.


43. W: I need some cold medicine and the campus health center is closed. Do you know

where I can get some?

M : Tailor’s is open 24 hours. It’s 2 blocks past the art building.

Q: Where does the man suggest the woman to go?

a) To the campus health center

b) To a pharmacy

c) To the air art building

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d) To a hospital


44.W : I'm organizing this semester's bicycle club trip. It's two weekends from now and we're

going to bike and camp along the river. Am I right to assume that you and Jeff are going to

come along?

M : Well, you can probably count on Jeff, but my bike was stolen last week and I can't afford a

new one right now.

Q : What does the man mean?

a) He is not going to go on the bike trip.

b) He needs to have his bicycle repaired.

c) He does not want to go camping.

d) He needs to talk to Jeff before he can make plans.


45.W : I’m so annoyed. I haven’t got my schedule for next semester yet. You know, I pre-

registered by phone last month.

M : Hmm, well, the registration office is right down the hall, maybe they got your address

wrong or something.

Q: What does the man imply the woman should do?

a) Go to the registration office.

b) Complain to the post office.

c) Wait for the mail to arrive.

d) Phone in her schedule again.


46.M:I left a message on your answering machine last week. How come you haven't got back

to me?

W: Oh, sorry! My roommate gets home before I do.

She takes the messages off the machine, and doesn't let me know.

Q: Why didn't the woman call the man?

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a) her answering machine was broken.

b) She did not have time.

c) She did not receive his messages.

d)She did not have his telephone number.


47. M:I can leave the studio open late tonight so you can work on drawing.

W: Thanks Professor Carry, otherwise I'd never get this assignment done on time.

M: That’s why I offered.

Q: What can be inferred about the man?

a) He knows the woman needs extra time.

b) He is offering the woman a job.

c) He is pleased that the woman has handed in her work.

d) He needs help in the studio tonight.


48. M: I wonder if I need to wear a coat today.

W: Well, you do have classes until late tonight. A sweater might be a good idea.

Q: What does the woman imply?

a) The man doesn’t have a coat.

b) It will be cool in the evening.

c) The man will be late for class.

d) The man needs to buy a new sweater.


49.M: I really like that necklace. It’s a beautiful design.

W: Oh, these beads? Thanks. It belonged to my grandmother and she passed them on to me

when I graduated from high school.

Q: What does the woman say about the necklace?

a) It doesn’t belong to her.

b) She got it from a relative.

c) It isn’t beautiful.

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d) It was designed by her grandmother.


50.W: You look like someone I knew in grammar school.

M: Really? Did you go to Hillside, too?

W: No, I must be mistaken.

Q: What does the man imply?

a) He remembers the woman from grammar school.

b) He attended Hillside grammar school.

c) He knows the woman's sister.

d) The woman should visit Hillside grammar school.

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