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  • Middle Ages in Europe Suffered from WAR and PLAGUE Survivors wanted to celebrate life and human spirit People began questioning their institutions (especially the church)
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  • Renaissance (1300-1600) revival of art and learning Wanted culture of Ancient Greece & Rome back Led to placing importance on individual Spread from Italy to rest of Europe 3 Reasons: 1.Thriving cities 2.Wealthy merchant class 3.Heritage from Greece/Rome
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  • Trade and the Crusades led to growth of Italys cities N. Italy was more urban than rest of Europe Bubonic Plague- hit cities killing 60% of population Economic changes occurred Merchants began pursuing art
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  • Smaller city-states High citizen participation in gov. merchants dominated politics Did not inherit power- had to be earned Individual achievement became important Medici Family Cosimo de Medici- wealthiest person in Europe Bribed ruling council to become dictator Ruled for 30 years
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  • Study of classical texts (Greece/Rome) led to humanism Intellectual movement focused on human potential & achievement Influenced artist/architects to continue classical style Education- history, literature, philosophy
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  • Middle ages- rough clothes/plain foods Humanists enjoy life w/out offending God During Renaissance the wealthy enjoyed material luxuries, good music, & fine foods Many remained devout Catholics Spirit of Renaissance was SECULAR Worldly rather than spiritual (concerned w/ here and now)
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  • All educated people were expected to create art Patrons- financially supported arts Ideal person strove to master all areas of study Castiglione- wrote The Courtier how to be that person Charming, witty, well-educated in the classics Dance, sing, play music & write poetry Skilled rider (horse), wrestler, & swordsman
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  • Upper-class were better educated than Medieval women Most had little influence on politics Inspire art but NOT create it Isabella Married ruler of another city state Built famous art collection Skilled in politics
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  • Brought back perspective technique Shows 3D on a flat surface Painters began to paint prominent citizens Emphasis on individual Michelangelo- realistic style depicting human body Donatello- made sculpture realistic by carving natural postures/expressions Raphael- School of Athens Leonardo Da Vinci- Mona Lisa & Last Supper
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  • Painter, sculpture, inventor, & scientist Studied how things work (muscles/veins) Used finds in art Best known pieces Mona Lisa The Last Supper
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  • Writers reflected their time and used techniques we use today Many followed example of Dante (Medieval writer) Vernacular- wrote in native language (Latin) Writers wrote for self-expression or portray the individuality of their subjects Petrarch**** Father of renaissance humanism Great poet Wrote in Italian & Latin Wrote sonnets- 14 line poems
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  • Machiavelli Examined imperfect conduct of humans Political guidebook The Prince-book Discovered people are selfish, fickle, & corrupt More concerned with politically effective rather than morally right Vittoria Colonna Women writer Personal subjects not politics Pg. 43 (read poem)
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  • William Shakespeare The most famous writer of the Elizabethan Age Greatest playwright of all time Most famous plays: 1.Macbeth 2.Othello 3.Romeo & Juliet 4.Hamlet
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  • Johann Gutenberg Craftsman from Germany 1440- created printing press Some say it was more influential than invention of computers Produce books quick and cheap Made books/knowledge available to all people Most books were religious books (Bible)
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  • Changes in Art Drew on classical styles from Rome/Greece Painting/sculptures were more realistic Secular works not just religious Praised individual achievement Changes in society Printing press made information cheap/available Availability of books promoted desire for learning New discoveries, maps, and charts led to discoveries People began to question political structures and religious practices
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  • 1.Who invented the printing press? 2.What country was the printing press invented in? 3.How long did it take to make one copy of the Bible before the printing press was created? 4.What book was printed the most after the creation of the printing press?
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  • Social Values of humanism and secularism led people to question the church Printing press helped spread those ideas Political Powerful monarchs vs. church for supreme power People viewed the Pope as a foreign ruler and challenged authority Economic European Princes and kings were jealous of churchs wealth People resented paying taxes to the church Religious Church leaders had become worldly corrupt Sale of indulgences (pardon) was unacceptable
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  • Occupation/career- Monk & teacher Taught religious scripture @ University of Wittenberg (Germany) 95 Theses Made public stand against Friar Sold indulgences-released sinners from penalty imposed by pope Raising $ for St. Peters cathedral Luther wrote formal statements criticizing the Friar and published them on church door
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  • 3 Principles 1.People could win salvation only by faith in Gods gift of forgiveness Church taught faith by good works got salvation 2.All church teachings should be based on words of the Bible Both church & pope were false authorities 3.All people with faith are equal People do no need priests to interpret Bible for them
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  • Pope Leo X Punished Luther by excommunicating him from the church Charles V- Holy Roman Emperor Devout catholic Called Luther to town of Worms- demanded that he take back his statements (Luther refused) Edict of Worms- Imperial order No one in the empire was allowed to giver Luther food or shelter Books were to be burned Prince Frederick the Wise Sheltered Luther @ one of his castles Luther translated New Testament to German Lutheran Church 1522 ideas were put to practice Started a separate religious group (Lutherans)
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  • Wanted to use Luthers ideas in society Demanded end of serfdom- like slavery Wasnt granted- Peasants rebelled Raided/burned monasteries Luther was horrified by their actions Rebellion was put down (100,000 est. peasants were killed)
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  • Norhthern/Southern German princes disagreed on whether to accept Luthers teachings War between Protestants & Catholics Saw his teachings as a way to seize church property and be independent from Charles V Protestants Protesting princes Term describes Christians who belong to non-Catholic Churches Peace of Augsburg Granted each prince to decide whether his subjects would be protestant or catholic
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  • King of England Challenged Catholic Churches authority Wanted a son Needed an heir to prevent a civil war after his death 1 st wife gave birth to a daughter (Elizabeth) Wife was eventually executed Pope refused to grant him a annul---divorce Reformation Parliament Passed laws that took England out of the Catholic Church Made King/Queen head of the church in England Henrys Legacy 3 rd wife gave him a son (Edward)- became King @ age 9 and ruled for 6 yrs 1533 Henrys 2 nd daughter (Mary) took the throne and returned English Church to rule of the pope---very unpopular Elizabeth inherited throne in 1558 after Mary dies
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  • 1 st Daughter of Henry 8 th Became queen of England in 1558 Created Church of England Anglican Church Appealed to both Protestants and Catholics End religious conflict in England
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  • Book- Institutes of the Christian Religion Expressed ideas about god, salvation, & human nature Men & women are sinful by nature Predestination God chooses few people to save the elect God has known since the beginning of time who is saved & who is not saved Calvinism- people that followed John Calvins teachings Theocracy Calvins ideal gov. Gov. controlled by religious leaders John Knox Followed Calvin Started Presbyterian church in Scottland
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  • Movement to stay loyal to Catholic church Jesuits Religious order created by the pope Mission: 1.Set up superb schools in Europe 2.Convert Christians to Catholics 3.Stop spread of protestant religion Council of Trent (pg.65) Meeting of Catholic bishops & cardinals Agreed on new policies for the church
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  • Social New religions Stronger Catholic church New emphasis on education (parish schools, colleges, universities) Political Monarchs gained more power Development of modern nation-states Excites exploration/expansion Challenging of authority lays groundwork for Enlightenment (ch.6)

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