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    Staying Alive When

    Worlds CollideStarring Brandon, Mason, and Zander

    By: Zander Franklin


    The amazing story that will conquer them all!!!

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    SCENE I, Underground Hideout, Day

    Fuehrer is pacing the length of the plain table when Officer

    speaks to him.


    Angela Merkel is weak. This is a time of disorder for the German

    world. The regime must resume his course. She has proven that

    negotiation is no longer an option. Invasion is the only course

    of action. We must act soon or the Fatherland will perish.


    You are correct General. But we must wait. Good things come to

    those who wait. We will bide our time and strike when ready.

    Only patience will save the Fatherland.


    Of course, Sir. Praise the Fuehrer. Praise his plan for theglory of the Fatherland.


    You will speak of no one about this plan. Surprise will be our

    key weapon in the takeover of the world. If any of the other

    Generals new of our plan, our entire situation would be

    compromised. Do I make myself perfectly clear?


    Of course, Fuehrer. I would always respect your wishes. Even, if

    it means that I have to sacrifice my own life for yours.


    Excellent, General. Let us hope that it does not have to come

    down to that though. Anyway, our only real threat is the

    American Army. But, most of their standing army is stationed in

    Iraq. They will never be able to respond.


    Besides, they could only be able to send their poorly, trained

    National Guard. We are sure to win with superiority.


    Of course, General. We shall succeed.

    They depart the room in separate directions.

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    SCENE II, Apartment, Morning

    Opening Credits

    Alarm Clock rings and Mizer hits it to make it stop. He gets out

    of bed and walks through front room past Fegley sleeping on the

    couch. He enters the kitchen and opens the fridge. He closes it

    when he realizes that there is no food inside beside a box of

    baking soda. He turns back to Fegley.


    Greg, Im heading off to work. Maybe you should go to the store

    today and pick up some foodunless you want to live on this box

    of baking soda.

    Fegley continues to snore and be completely oblivious to what

    Mizer is saying.


    Hey, Greg! Wake up! The sun is shining. Its time to stop

    hibernating and get moving again.

    After Mizer realizes that Fegley is not going to budge. He gets

    the Baking Soda and chucks it at Fegley.



    FEGLEY (still sleepy)Im up. Im up. What dya want.


    I said Im going to work. Could you go to the store today and

    pick up some basic stuff. Youre nighttime fridge raids have

    cleaned us out again.


    Sure, but my hunger pains are purely medical. I dont have a

    problem, Kody.


    Whatever. Just make sure it gets done.

    Mizer exits the apartment and shuts the door.

    MIZER (to himself)

    We all know its not medical, Greg. Its sapped us of our money.

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    SCENE III, Office Cubicle, Day

    Mizer is goofing off with his office supplies when Boss enters.



    Mizer is startled and quickly starts to straighten papers.


    Uh, yes Mr. Phillips.

    Boss circles around to face Mizer.


    Your sales are done again, Mizer. Ever since weve hired you our

    companys monthly income has dropped steadily. You seea company

    is like a centipede. It only works if all the legs are moving inthe same direction. Do you know what you are, Mizer?


    Uh, no Sir. I do not.

    BOSS (in his face)

    Youre a crippled leg. An insignificant, worthless, crippled

    leg. I have no choice but to let you go. Im terribly sorry but

    you are fired.

    MIZERBut, sir I need this


    No buts. You have one hour to get out of my sight. Good bye.



    Boss exits out of cubicle and down the hall. Mizer lays his head

    down on his desk in remorse and sadness.

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    SCENE IV, Outside Apartment, Evening

    Mizer exits car as Fegley exits apartment holding jar.


    Bad news.


    More? Great! You go first.


    Fine, guess what. Taxes are not going to be a problem now

    because we dont have a job.


    Well, budgeting is not going to be a problem because we have no

    money. (turns jar upside down)

    Mizer collapses on the front yard.


    Perfect. What are we going to do now, Greg? What are we going to



    I know. We could sell our bodies to science.


    No. That wouldnt work. We have to die to be able to do that. Wehave no money for food, water, or shelter. Jesus, well need a

    miracle to get out of this.

    Mizer turns his head on the ground and notices a U.S. Army

    recruitment poster. He picks it up and stands up.

    MIZER (reads)



    What? What is it?

    MIZER (happily)

    Yes. This is it. This is our miracle, Greg. God is shining on us



    Well, what is it?

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    The army, Greg. The army.

    FEGLEY (confused)

    The army?


    Yes, Greg. The army.

    FEGLEY (still confused)

    The army?


    Yes, Greg. Thee army! Free food, free shelter. Its what we

    always wanted.


    What about mycondition?


    I dont think that they have it man but you can make it. I know

    you can. I have faith in you.


    Sweet, man. The army it is!

    They high-five and yell/whoop.

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    SCENE V, German Camp, Late Evening

    The German troops are mobilizing while Lieutenants give out

    orders and commands. The camera pans to several Panzers rolling

    out of the motor pool onto the road. Officer exits bunker and

    walks up to Fuehrer standing in the TC position on the tank. He

    gives a salute to the Fuehrer.


    Hail, the Fuehrer. Everything is going as plan.


    Excellent, General. How many troops did we manage to mobilize?


    We have 20,000 infantry units so far and 80 Panzers ready for

    action when you are ready, sir.


    Wonderful. Keep them on high alert. Inform me of any new



    Yes, sir.

    Officer marches off-screen while Fuehrer continues to observe

    his glorious army march into their barracks.

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    SCENE VI, U.S. Army Camp, Late Day

    Fegley and Mizer are wearing fatigues drenched in sweat,

    breathing heavily.


    Oh, my God! Why! Why, Lord, Why!


    Why did they have to wake us at 2:00 in the morning?


    Why did we not eat til six hours later?


    Why did we have to do so many push-ups?

    FEGLEYWhy did we take that twenty mile run?

    Molock walks on screen in his NCO fatigues.


    Why did the Corps give my unit a bunch of cry-babies? Man, up

    privates! Show same backbone! You are not in Kansas anymore. You

    are in the U.S. Army Corps. There is no way that you can get out

    now besides in a body bag. You are mine and mine aloneand its

    my job to mold you maggots into an efficient, fighting unit.

    FEGLEY (still exhausted)

    Who are you, again?

    MOLOCK (in his face)

    I am Sergeant Fernando Molock! And you will address me as

    Sergeant or Sir! Do I make myself clear, maggot!

    Mizer and Fegley snap to a sloppy attention.


    Everything except what a maggot it is

    Molock gives him a nasty glare.



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    Good. There is going to be a few changes around here, now. Be up

    and ready at 0300 hours tomorrow. Get ready for our daily march.

    The platoon has just got it approved. Fifty miles every day!

    Molock exits off-screen. Mizer and Fegley remain at attention

    until they are absolutely sure that he is gone.


    Does this mean we passed basic training?


    I hope so. Im done running around for a while.


    I dont knowbut all that running was good for you. Its kept

    you away from your problem.

    FEGLEY (flustered)

    I dont have a problem. Its gone now.

    MIZER (accepting)

    All, right. But lets get down to the bottom of this before we

    find out the hard way.

    They both walk off to the NCO barracks.

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    SCENE VII, NCO Barracks, Early Night

    Mizer and Fegley walk up to the Staff Sergeant behind the

    counter and asks to talk to Molock.


    Privates? What is so important that it got you out of your



    Sir, we need to talk to Sergeant. Molock.


    Well maggots, the Sergeant is terribly busy. He is with the

    Colonel discussing the mission to come.


    Mission. We never heard about any mission?


    Id be surprised if you did. You see, Sgt. Molock is a Vietnam

    veteran who has also seen action in Afghanistan. Dont get on

    his bad side. The Division doesnt have very many specialized

    forces to deploy since most of them are already in Iraq. Itseems that Command wants a small mop-up mission completed

    somewhere. Molock and his crew got killed during their last

    attack and was transferred here. Personally, I like the old man

    here. Gives the base a false sense of security, but it doesnt

    seem like it will last that way for long. He is to be shippedout with a small group of men tomorrow morning.

    MIZER (confused)

    Wait. So youre saying that we are being shipped off somewhere?


    Oh, youre his new unit! Well, maggotsthings are about to get

    ugly. This maybe boot camp but its a lot worse out there.

    Staff Sergeant ends with a cynical smile and laugh.

    Fade to black.

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    SCENE VIII, Military Plane, Early Morning

    Mizer and Fegley are in the cargo hold strapped into chairs with

    full gear on and secured.


    I dont like the Staff Sergeant. He seems to change his story a

    lot. Hes creepy.


    I know but thats not a problem now. What is a problem is why we

    are here and where we are going.


    Yeah man, weve been on this plane for hours.

    Molock exits front of plane and enters into cargo hold.


    All right, maggots! This is how we do it in the corps! We are

    going to Deutschland! Say your prayers and your hallelujahs!


    Deutschland? Ive never heard of that place before?


    Maggot, shut up. We are going to Germany. Were going to kill us

    some Krauts now just like my pa.

    MIZER (slightly scared)

    Sir, is it World War III?


    When we succeed, no. A small group of Krauts have declared

    independence and started a skirmish campaign to take over the

    German Government. Only with preemptive strike will we succeed

    in taking down these Krauts. Its our job to do so.

    FEGLEY (scared also)

    Sarge, when are we going to land?

    MIZER (still scared)

    Uh, sir. What do you mean by say our hallelujahs?

    Molock gives them a smile then Mizer and Fegley look at each

    other with fear in their eyes.

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    SCENE IX, Sky over Germany, Day

    Mizer, Fegley, and Molock are at the end of the plane ready to


    MIZER/FEGLEY (mumbled)

    I dont wanna do this, make it stop, mommy!, etc.

    Molock steps to the side of them.

    MOLOCK (smiling)

    All right, maggots. Its time to fly.

    Molock pushes Mizer and Fegley off the end and they both fall,

    screaming like little babies of course.

    Scene goes on for several minutes as Mizer and Fegley tumble

    through the air. Molock is in a spread eagle formation as Mizerand Fegley notice him. They both look at each other and then

    continue screaming. After five seconds, Molock pulls his

    parachute cord. Mizer notices and pulls his. Fegley continues to

    scream and tumble a while but then pulls his cord. Molock

    descends to the ground feet first with a thud. Mizer hits the

    ground and stumbles head first.

    MOLOCK (smiling)

    Nice job, maggot for a first jump.

    MIZERThanks. Where is Greg?


    Up here! Spider! Spider! Spider! Big ol spider. Get me down!

    Mizer and Fegley both look up to see Fegley wiggling in a tree.

    MOLOCK (confused)

    How in heaven did he pass basic training?

    Fade to black.

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    SCENE X, German Forest, Day

    March through forest montage.

    Molock is taking point while Mizer and Molock follow.

    MOLOCK (holding up a fist)

    Halt. (silently)

    Mizer stops and Fegley bumps into him.


    Hey, whats going on up there?

    MOLOCK (silently)

    Shut up, maggot. There is a Kraut patrol up ahead. See em

    through the trees. (points)


    Well, what are we going to do Sarge?


    Were not going to do anything. If we take out that Kraut unit,

    well make so much noise well wake the entire forest. Plus,

    theyd be onto us if that unit didnt check in at its proper



    So were going to do nothing?


    Fine with me. I could use some rest. Anybody got any snacks? Im



    Whats his deal with food? Hes used up half our rations.


    Well, sir. He had this drug problem

    Fegley leans on a tree as a branch pulls the trigger on his sub-

    machine gun letting it unload a couple rounds. Molock curses

    loudly as the German Patrol hears them and starts marching

    hesitantly this way.


    Way to Greg! Theyre coming now!

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    Im sorry


    Shut up, private! Its not going to matter anymore. When those

    Krauts meet us. We have to be ready. Mizer, you take that log

    over there as cover. Fegley, get over there behind that tree!


    But, Sarge! Where are you going to be?

    Mizer is stunned as Molock climbs up the tree despite his age.

    MOLOCK (whispering)

    Get to cover, now!

    Mizer and Fegley rush to their respective cover.

    MOLOCK (whispering to self)

    Now its game time fellas.

    Molock takes out lead German with a headshot. Mizer hesitates a

    moment but starts firing his rifle. Fegley unloads on full auto

    with his sub-machine gun nailing a German with a spray of shots.


    Get some!

    At that moment, the German notices him and hits Molock in the

    chest with a grenade.



    Fegley unloads the rest of the clip into the last German. Both

    rush over to Sarge who has fallen out of the tree.

    MOLOCK (dying)

    Good job, boys. When we get back, Im putting you two in forCorporal.


    No, Sarge. Stop talking. Save your breath.


    It dont matter. Hold my hands. Ive got something to say.

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    Mizer and Fegley each grab an arm. Each respective hand has been

    blown off leaving only a stump with blood running down it.

    MOLOCK (noticing)



    It doesnt matter, Sarge. Tell us what you have to say.

    MOLOCK (beginning to die)

    You guys have got to go on. More of them will be here. Complete

    the mission. Do it fordo it fordo it forme.

    Molock collapses on the ground dead.


    What do we do now, Kody?


    Collect his tags, Greg. We move on.

    Fegley collects Molocks tags as they continue down the forest.


    Wait, Greg. We need to get rid of these bodies before another

    patrol finds them. Take their uniforms too. They might come in


    They both turn around to get the bodies.

    Fade to black.

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    SCENE XI, Underground Hideout, Evening

    Officer is reviewing maps and battle plans when Junior Officer

    enters the room.


    What is it, Captain?


    General, one have our forest patrols is four hours overdue for a

    check in. I do believe there is something wrong.


    Dispatch a unit to investigate. Reinforce all checkpoints with

    additional infantry. We cannot let anything go wrong.


    Of course, General. Hail the Fuehrer.


    Indeed, Captain. Now be gone.


    Of course, sir.

    Junior Officer exits room as Officer continues to look over


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    SCENE XII, German Forest Clearing, Dusk

    Small montage of Mizer and Fegley through forest.


    Well, what are we going to do now, Kody?


    We gotta keep moving, Greg. We cant stop. Weve gotta continue.

    FEGLEY (desperate)

    Come on, Kody. Weve got to stop. I have to rest. Cant we rest

    for a little while? I know youre tired. Please, just take five.

    MIZER (turns around)

    Alright. Well stop for a bit. But check your gun before you sit

    down this time. We dont need another one of us dying.

    Mizer and Fegley lean up against a tree.


    Hey, Kody? Do you have anything to eat? Im starving.


    Greg, youve eaten most of our food already. All we have left is

    a few pieces of jerky that we need to save for later. Just sit

    there and rest. We have to get moving soon.

    Fegley begins to twitch uncontrollably.

    FEGLEY (yelling desperately)

    I cant take it! I have to have some, Kody! Tell me you have

    some! Please, tell me you have some!

    MIZER (whispering)

    I already told you! We need to save some for later!

    FEGLEY (still yelling desperately)

    No, not that! The drugs, Kody! The drugs! I need em.

    MIZER (whispering loudly)

    Greg, Shut Up! Theyll here us!

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    SCENE XIII, German Forest, Dusk

    A second German Patrol is walking through the forest when they

    hear Mizer and Fegley arguing in the distance.

    GERMAN SERGEANT (to radio)

    Command, this is Patrol Johannes. Weve got enemy activity in

    the distance. Requesting further instructions.

    JUNIOR OFFICER (over radio)

    Search and apprehend. Bring them in, alive.

    GERMAN SERGEANT (to radio)

    Orders confirmed. Search and apprehend.

    German Sergeant signals the German Patrol to follow.

    Small cut scene of them advancing. Arguing gets progressivelylouder. They approach clearing where Mizer and Fegley are

    wrestling on the ground.


    What are they doing?

    German Patrol watches Mizer and Fegley. Attention goes to Mizer

    and Fegley wrestling. They stop when they hear distinct metallic


    FEGLEYUh, Greg. Did you hear that?


    It sounded likeguns.

    They roll over to see the sub-machine guns pointing at their




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    SCENE XIV, German Camp, Morning

    Officer is standing at Barracks when Junior Officer approaches.


    General, An American taskforce was captured on the perimeter of

    the forest. They would have escaped our troops if we hadnt

    apprehended them. Since they were heading in the opposite

    direction of the camp, I assume they are spies with important

    information on the base. They were wearing our uniforms too,

    which confirms my theory.


    Excellent, Captain. You were right to approach command of this.

    I will inform the Fuehrer of the incident. He will want to be

    informed of these developments.

    OFFICERUnderstood, General. Hail the Fuehrer.

    They both depart in different directions.

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    Hey, man. Sorry about the whole calling you a big, stupid



    Forget about it. You kind of reminded me of my family when you

    said it. I never knew my parents.

    Mizer looks around the room and notices two guns.


    Come on, buddy. Lets do this.

    They grab the guns, look at each other, load the magazines, and

    cock the guns. They start to head out the door when Mizer stops.




    Whats wrong?


    Lets do it for Sarge.


    Yeah, Kody. For Sarge.

    They shake hands. Bust out of the door jumping into the airfiring randomly when it freeze frames.

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    SCENE XVI, German P.O.W. Chamber, Day

    Mizer and Fegley in prisoner attire are rope-tied together and

    blindfolded to a pole, again.

    MIZER (sarcastic)

    Well, that was a very successful attempt.

    FEGLEY (not understanding sarcasm)

    No it wasnt. That guy even tied my hands together this time.

    Door being slammed can be heard in the distance.

    OFFICER (in distance)

    Mein Fuehrer, kann nicht warten. Die Amerikaner sind fnfsig

    Meilen aus dem Lager.

    FUEHRERStill. Dies ist wichtig fr mich.Dies wird nicht lange dauern.

    Sagen Sie dem Beamten mobolize zu.

    MIZER (whispering)

    Hush. Someone is coming.

    FEGLEY (whispering)

    They sound German.

    Fuehrer and Officer enter Chamber.


    Well, Guten Tag, gentlemen. I do hope that you are comfortable

    here. We all want you to feel at home. Now, gentlemen. Tell me

    what information you have stolen.

    Mizer and Fegley remain quiet and dumbfounded. for several


    OFFICER (to Fuehrer)

    Sie werden auch nicht zu reden. Tten wir sie und erfahren Sie

    mehr wichtige Dinge.

    FUEHRER (aside to Officer)

    Bugeld. Bindet sie los und bringen sie an den Galgen.

    Fuehrer turns his attention back to Mizer and Fegley.

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    Well gentlemen. Since you are not going to talk. My Heerfhrer

    and I have no choice but to execute you.

    Fuehrer leaves as Mizer and Fegley begin to plead desperately.


    Halt den Mund!

    Mizer and Fegley still continue to plead desperately.


    Halt den Mund!!! Jetzt!!!

    Seeing that they wont calm down he hits them with the back of

    his hand. After they quiet down he calls in the second German

    Patrol to escort them out of the room. They are still


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    SCENE XVII, German Camps Gallows, Day

    German Sergeant is carrying Mizer to Gallows while the other

    second German Patrol unit carry Fegley. Junior Officer is pacing

    behind. Officer is already at the Gallows waiting patiently.

    FEGLEY (terrified)

    Ah, how are we going to get out of this one?

    MIZER (terrified)

    I dont know, Greg. I honestly dont know.

    Mizer and Fegley are escorted up the steps and their heads are

    put in the noose.

    OFFICER (to German Sergeant)

    Entfernen Sie die Augenbinden. Ich mchte sehen, das Leben

    verlassen ihre Augen.

    German Sergeant begins to take off their blindfolds.

    OFFICER (to Junior Officer)

    Sind die Truppen bereit?


    Noch nicht, Allgemeine.Aber bald.MIZER

    Well, Private Fegley. (gulps) A miracle got us into this mess.Only a miracle is going to get us out.

    Officer (to German Sergeant)


    Mizer and Fegley close their eyes.

    OFFICER (to German Sergeant)


    A giant rumbling along with gunshots breaks the Officersconcentration. American soldiers advance through the trees

    firing towards the cameras direction. A massive battle ensues

    as Officer retreats towards the Underground Hideout. Mizer and

    Fegley notice Molock with a sling on his arm and bandages around

    his stomach.

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    MIZER/FEGLEY (relieved)


    The Americans consolidate their ground as Molock and US Private

    run towards the Gallows.


    Its great to see you, Sergeant.


    Sir, youre alive! How did you find us?


    It seems that Command sent an additional unit in case our

    mission failed. They found my body half-breathing in the forest

    where we were attacked.

    MIZERThats great. (remembering tags) Oh, these are yours.

    Mizer reaches into his pocket and extends the tags.


    Hold on, private. This war aint over yet. You take Fegley and

    clear out that building that that Kraut Officer entered. Me and

    my boys are going to mop up any resistance.


    Can do, Sir.

    US Private throws them each a gun.


    Come on, Gregory. We have a Fuehrer to catch.

    Close up on Mizer cocking his gun.

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    SCENE XVIII, Underground Hideout, Day

    Mizer and Fegley open the door and advance down the stairs. They

    search each room eliminating any resistance that they encounter.

    They get to the end of the hall and flank the door. Mizer holds

    up a hand and counts on his finger to three. On the third finger

    raised, they both rush through the door and stop dead in their

    tracks. They find Fuehrer and Officer lying on the ground with

    blood everywhere. Fuehrer is holding a pistol.


    Are they really?


    I think so, Greg. Come on, lets go. There isnt anything else

    to see.

    FEGLEY (compliant)Alright.

    Mizer and Fegley turn to head for the door when Fuehrer silently

    stands up. He raises the pistol and fires at Fegley. There is a

    slowed down sequence of Fegley noticing the gunshot and falling.

    Mizer silently screams and fires his sub-machine gun at the

    Fuehrer. The Fuehrer is riddled with bullets and collapses on

    the floor.

    FUEHRER (to himself)

    This is the way it should be. Complete victory or utter defeat.

    Fuehrer silently passes on as Mizer rushes over to Fegley

    convulsing on the floor. His stomach has blood gushing.

    MIZER (exasperated)

    Come on, Greg. Keep it together man

    FEGLEY (dying)

    Its alright You know what, Kody? Im not going to make it, but

    it doesnt matter. You did it. You completed the mission.

    MIZER (frightened)

    No. No. No. Dont talk like that, Greg. Youre going to make it


    FEGLEY (still dying)

    No Kody, Im not. But that isnt important Kody, youve been

    like a brother to me. Dont ever forget that

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    MIZER (starting to weep)

    I wont. I wont ever forget.

    FEGLEY (finally dying)

    Goodbye Kody

    Fegley collapses as Mizer bows his head in sorrow.

    Fade to black.

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    SCENE XIX, Cemetery, Two Weeks Later, Day

    Mizer is standing at Fegleys tomb silently saying his prayers

    when Molock walks up. Both are in formal attire.

    MOLOCK (to Mizer)

    You did good out there, Corporal.

    MIZER (grieving)

    It doesnt matter anymore.


    Yes it does. He died for his country and no death can be greater

    than that. Man up, Corporal. Keep a stiff upper lip.


    (sighs) Yes, sir.

    Taps can be heard off-screen as Mizer and Molock look towards

    Boss. The camera pans toward him playing taps.

    MIZER (confused)

    Mr. Phillips? What are you doing here?


    Ive come to pay my respects. I was once a soldier like yourself

    in Vietnam. That was some nasty jungle, Mizer. But, I never did

    lose anyone that I admired If you werent interested in

    continuing in the military, I thought you might want your oldjob back

    MIZER (interrupts)

    Sir, I already have a job. No, a purposein life.

    BOSS (surprised)

    Oh. Well, you dont seem like the military type, Mizer. But I

    respect your decision. Now if you will excuse me, I must get


    Boss leaves via his car.


    So Corporal, are you going to reenlist?


    I dont know, Sarge. I still have to think about it.

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    Well what are you going to do until then?


    I dont know, Sir. I truly dont know.

    Mizer turns and walks towards the road. Close-up of Molock

    shaking his head and smiling. Mizer continues to walk down the

    road out of the cemetery.

    Ending Credits

    Mizer continues to walk until the credits end.


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