
fiO Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 9.) A.. 1887








to r ictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 9.) A. 1887



---:o :---

31st December, 1886.


PAGL \RBPO !l'f OF THE D E PUTY MINISTER OF 1fI LITIA AND DEF ENCE ..................................... .. ix

Allowances, Drill, present syste:i1 unsatisfactory ................... _. ................ ,...... x Ammunition produced by Carindge Fac tory, amount and quality..................... x Aunual Reports, submitted..... . . ... .. . ... ........................................................ ix ArLillery, H.oyal Schools, reports satis factory ....... ........ . ............ ..................... x

do Projectiles manufacturt>tl a t Carltidge Factory.. ..... .......................... :x: Building for new School of Infantry_ at Lo.ndou . .••... •.. .................................... x \ ar tridge Factory, repor t on operations of . .. .... ............................................. x {;Jothin ..,, Canaclian manufacture of, 1 eport on........... ... ................................. x Comma~d of Districts by Uffil!ers commanding School Corps ........................... ix Commanding Officers, Drill allowances to, sys tem unsatisfactory............. ........ x Diti tric t :::Haff, remarks on r ecent changes in............................ ..................... ix

do Command, by Ufficera co mmanding School Corps ...... ......... ............... ix Drill instruction allowances, p resent system unsatisfactory............................. x Engineer Branch, work performrd by; ass is ta nce required............................. x Equipment, attention d rawn to remark o; of Gen era l Officer Commanding.......... x E xpenditure for the fiscal year . .. ...... .. . .................... .... ..................... ......... x, ~

do for N. \V. Hebellion . ..................... .......................................... xi

do for Mili t ia pensions .......... ..... .. ........ . ...................................... xi, xii-xv London, building at , for n ew l::ichool cf lufan try......... ..................... ............... x 1' . \Y. Rebellion, expendit ure connected with............................... . ............... xi

do P ensions to families of meu k illed........................................ xii do do for wou nds and injuries............ ............................ l:xiii-iy do do (gra tui ties) fo r minor injuries ................................. xiv

Pensions, expenditure for, l 885-Hi ........ .. .... .. ..•• ... ......... ......... ......... ............ xi do number of pensioners for J !i85-86 ... . ... . ...... .. ..•... ... .. .... . . . .. .. .......... xi do N. W. Rebellion, fam ilies of men killed .............. ... .... ..................... xi do do wounds and injuries ................. . ........................... ~-xiii-xiv do do gratuities for minor injuries................... ............... xiv

I'rojectiles, Artillery, manutactmed at Cartridge Factory............................... x Hevenue, Militia, for the fis<:al year. ... ............... .......................................... xii l1oyal Military College, changes in i') laff. ......... .. ........................................... ix

do accommodation for Cadets inadequate ........... ............ ix Schools of Military Instru ction, 1emarks on................................................... x

do do Command of Distric ts, by Commandants of l::ichools .................................... ............... ix

do do London, building in course of construction .... - x Shells, 9-pr. and 64-pr., manufactured a t Cartridge Factory.............................. x ::::>taff, District, remarks on recent changes in................................................ ix Veterans of 18121 &c., numbers of, antl amounts paid to................................. xi


No. 1.-Report of the Major-General Commanding the Militia......................... xvii

.Adjutant, appointment of, in School Corps, recommended ........... . Paid, adva ntageous to City Corps .............................. .

as :Musk etry Jnstr1wtor at Camps ....................... .. .Allowances, Drill, Eystem of payment, bad ................................ ..

xxi xxvi XXV'

60 Victori'1.. A. 1887


No. 1.-Report of Major-General Commanding-Continued. Ammunition for practice, 8chool Corps, more recommended......... xx:

(revolver) do do ......... xxi Appointments, Adjutant for School Corps, recommended............. xxi

do paid, advantageous for city corps............ xxvi District Staff; remarks on system. ......... .............. xxvi. Permanent Corps, do do .....•••••••.•••••• ...... xxi

Arms.-Revolvers for section lf'auers, Mounted Iufantry............... xix_ do issuf' to N. C. 0. of School Corps, recommended. xxi

Gatling Guns for t:lchool Corps, recommended ......... .••••••.. xx. do Uf'neral rema1 ks on qualities of.......... .• ..... •• xx:

Nordenleldt Guns, do do cto ...... .•.. ......... xx:. Martini-Henry rifles, i·ecommended for School Corps ..••••. xx, xxiv

do do do the Force............. x;i,;iv do carbines, for Cavalry and Artillery Schools... xxiv

Repairs of rifles now m u~f', recommended...................... xxiv Artillery guns. See" Artillery."

Artillery guns, oi obsolete pattern .............. . .......................... xxi 1', :xxvi P. E. I., two new guns rf'commended. ......•••..•........•...... xxvi Schools, inspection of, report on.................................. xv111

Moi e horses required..................................... xviii E:;'-ch School •honld have full equipment............ xvi ti Kmgoton Barracks, remarks on ...... .................• x1·iii Batterv in B. Columbia, not yet organized...... .... xviii School Corps to be sent to Brigade Camps.......... xx Incrf'ase in strength recommended...... ... ....••..• xxt Martini-Ilenry carbines, issue recommended....... xx1v

.')ee also "Permanent Corps.'' Belts, bi own leather, fur f:chool Corps, recommended .............•...•

Force genernlly, recommenJeJ .......••.••••• Books, rifle instruction, new ma11ual asked for ...•..•..... . ........••••..• Boots and spurs, for Cavalry. ag:iin recommended ........• .... .. ....•...• Brantford, inFpection of 38th Battalion, report ot ....................... . Brigade Majors, rewatks on system of a.ppomtruent .... ...... ... ......•• Camps.-f'chool Corps to be sent to ......................••..•..•.........••.

King3ton and Niagara Camps inspected ....................... . Short periods fo1r Camps useless ................................. . Target practice, good arrangements necessary .............. . Rural Corps, Hi days annually, necessary .................... . Under present system, whole period should be given to

rifle practice ...............................••••••.................• P. M:. 0, Field Hospital ancl supplies recommended ..... . Patrol jacket for camp duties, recommended ............. .. 16 days' annually ~hould be minimum of service ........... . Fixed place in each District advisable .......................... . City Corps. disarlvantagp or not being brigadAd in Camp. Prizes for iiflf' bhooting in C11mps recommended .......... ..

. Paid ;Adjutants cou lei act as Musketry Instruclors .........• Cap. fatigue, with helmet, again recommended .....•.•.•.....•.••.....•• Carbines, Martini-Henry, to equip Cavalry and .Artillery Schools .... Cavalry, inspection of, by Commandauts of School Corps, advisable.

Boots and spurs again recommended ............................. . School Cor1Js.-Jnspection of ...............•.......•.....••...•...•

Fixed quarterB, Quebec, desirable ..•...•.......• Riding School required .•••..••.•..•......•.••...... Untario, i-:cbool for, recommended ...........•• Commandants should inspect Cavalry Corps .. To be st·nt to Bri111,de Camps ................... .. Gatling for ~cho(•l recommendf'd ............... . Increa-e of stren~th recommended ......•..•..• Martini-Henry c•1bine, equipment with re-

commended ..........•.•....•.....••.••.••.....••• See also '- Permanent Corps."


xx: xxiv


xxiv xxiv xx vi

:xx: xxi

:xxii xxiii XXJU

xx iii xxiii xx.iv xxv xx:v xx vi xx vi xx vi :xxiv :xxiv xviii :xxiv xviii xviii xviii xviii xviii

xx xx



60 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 9 ) A. 1887

APPENDlOEs--Continued. PAGS.

No. 1.--Report of Major-General r,omroanding-Continued. City Regiments.- War g>\me recommended for . ... . .•••••••••••••..••••

:-.houl<l j0in Brigade Camps if possible ........... . ..,, . Paid Adjutants, advantageous .......................... .

Clothing.-Boots for Cavalry recommended _ .•.•.. .. .....•....•• Grey patrol jacket for fatigue duties recommended ...•. Helmet and fa1igue cap again recommended . •••.. ... • liospital clothing required for School Corps .•.........•

College. - See " Royal ~lili tary College." Commanding Officers-Drill allow'\nce sy.>tcm, &c., remarks on ••• Committees, RegimC'n tal -I:ema1·ks on duties ...........•.••..•• Depy. Adjt. Genl.-Renmrl,s on system of appointments ..• ••• . .•• Drill Sheds-Maintenance of present an <l erection of new, recom-

mendeci ...........................••..•• Drill. -Rural corps shoul(l drill ](j days 1innually .. ....•.........

16 days annually sliould be the minimum for the Force ... _. Allowance~, present system condemned._ ... _._. __ .....••

(See af,,o, and 'pecially, "Camps.")

xx vi x:x:vi xxvi xxiv xxiv xxiv

xxv xxv

xx vi

xxiii. xxv xxv

Engineers. - More Companies desirable._ ......... _ ............ _. xxvi Equipment. -- Brown leather belts recommended .••.. _ ..•. _ .. :xx-xxiv

Morris' tubes for l:;chool Cori s expected............. xx Valise equipm~nt 1ecommended .. .............. . _. :xxiv l'atro!Jacke1, grey, for· fatigue work, recommended.... xxiv Roots and spur;; for Ca\'alry, recommended ..•... _... :xxiv Water bottles bhould be obtained . . .. . . . . • . •. . . . . • :xxiv

Fatigue cap, with helmet, again recommended.................. :xxiv Force, Strength of. -Heduction of Active Militia rec<'mmended .. xxi-xxiv-v

North-West, regiments necessa1y tobeformed. :xxv Increase of Permanent Corps, as regulars, re-

corU1uender:I . . . . . . . . . • . . . ...... . ..• Infantry :::ichools, as nuclei of :Batta.lions . ...• , Engineers, more Companies desirable

-0-atlings being attached to :o;chool Corps, recommended ...•.• _ .. Remarks on qualities of . .........•....••....••........

XX! xx iii xxvi

xx xx

Guns for Artillery, of obsolete pattern .. ... ..... •.....•........ xxiv-vi Two 40-pr. B.L, for P.E.r. Brigadf', required . ............... Gatling See above.

llamilton, new Drill ShP.d, erection of ..•••...•......•••....•..• Helmet, with fatigue cap, recommended as head dress .. .•..•..• Horses for instructional purposes, rt. M. College, required ....... . llospital clothing required for School Corps . . . . . . . . ...•.••...••

Sergeant shouhl be added to strength of School Corps ... Field, with supplies, for Camps, recomr.µended .......•.

lnf&-ntry School Corps: -"A." Co., Fredericton.-Inspection in Camp, report on. . . . . ..

:xxiv xxiv xviii

xx xx


xix xx Gatling Gun for, recommended ... . .. .

J ncrease of strength recommended. . . xx xxi ::>hould appear as separate Corps in

.Militia List . . . . . ...............• "B" Co., St. John's, Q.-Inspection, report of . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . xviii

Jncrease of strength recommended... xx-x:ri Shouid appear as separate Corps in

Militia List .................•.•.• "C" Co., Toronto.-Inspection, report of ...............••••

Gatling Gun for, recommended ......... .

x:xi xviii

xx Increase of strength recommended xx-xxi Should appear as separate Corps in Militia

List ......................... . xxi In Camp at Niagara, report on ...•........ xxii

xx: xx

Company at London still looked forward to .........•........ -Generally-To be sent to Brigade Camps.... . . . . . ......•.

Increase of strength recommended........ . xx-xxi Should appear separately in Militia List . ..... • • • • xri See also "Permanent Corps."


50 Victoria. Sessionul Pnpen:i (Nu. 9.) A. 1887

.APPSIO>ICES--Con tin uerl.

No. 1.-Report of Major-General Commanding-Continued. Inspection of Cavalry by Commandants of Cavalry School Corps,

recommended - - . _ ...... -_ . . . . _ ...... _ .............•••••• Inspections, H.eports of-R. M. College .... __ - . - •...•.....•.•

School Corps .. _ .................•...... Camps, Niagara and Kingston._ ........ . 2nd and 10th Battalions, Toronto .•• ..... 5Tth do Peterborough. _. 90th do Winnipeg . .... . 38th do Brantford ..... .

Kingston, Cavalry School at, recommended. . . . . . . . . • .•..•.... Barrack~, remarks on .......•....... _ . . . . . . ..•••••• Camp, Inspection of, Rerort on.... -. - ..........•....

London, Infantry School still look<>d forward to . ................ . Martini-Henry Hifle for School Corps, recommended . •........... .

Force, recommended ... ........•••••.... Carbine, for Cavalry and .ArtillPry Schools ........ .

MedicinE>s, field basket for Camps, recommended ... ........ .. .. . Militia List.-lnfantry School Corps should be shown separately ... . Morris' tubes, for School Corps, expectE>d ..... _ ........ _ .... . Mounted Infantry.-Q,uitable for N.-W. service .................. .

Should not fight as Cavalry ................. . Equipment for, remarks 011......... .. . • ... .

Revolvers, for section leaders, recommended .. . Mounted 'nf.intry School. - Inspection of, Report on... • ....... .

Four months, as course, recommended. Riding i::chool necessary ............. . Revolvers, for section leaders, recom-

mended ...................••...... Gatling Gun for, recommended . .... .. .

Musketry Instructors, paid Adjutants could act as, at Camps ..... . Niagara Camp, Inspection of, Report on . ' .. . .................. . Nordenfeldt Gun, remarks on qualities of . • . . . • . • . . . . . . North-West, necessary to form Regimente in. . . . . ....••..•..

Mounted Infantry, suitable fOT s0 rvice in ........... . Officers, permanent should rank senior to others .............. .

Remarks on system of appointments ..... . . . .Adjutant, for School Corps, recommended ....•....•...

paid, ~dvantageous for City Corps, &c ........ . Staff appointments, remarks on system of ............•.

Ontario, Cavalry School for, required .............. . ........... . Patrol jacket, for fatigue duties, recommended .. _. . .......• Pensions, for permanent Officers, on retirement, remarks ........ .

rema.rks respecting Distdct Staff appointments ........• Permanent Corp8.-'fo be sent to Brigade Camps ...................... ..

Gatling guns for certain Corps recommended ..... . · Hospital clothing recommended for ................. ..

do Sergeant should be added to establish-ment ................•............................

Officer.I!, should rank senior to other Militia ........ . Martini-Henry rifle recommended for .............. .. Brown leather equipment recommended for ....... ,. .Ammunition for practice, more recommended ..• Morris' tubes, supply expected ........................ . War game, supply looked for ......................... .. Rifle instruction, new manual asked for .......... .. Revolver shooting, attention to, recommended ... . Appointments of nfficers, remarks on 1ystem .... .. Increase, and organization as recom-

mended .................................................... . Adjutants, appointment of, recommended .......... . Infantry Schools, separation of, in Militia List ... .

do do could be nuclei of Battalions .. .. vi


xviii xvii

xviii xx ii

:xxiii xxiT xxiv xxiv xviii xviii xxii xx xx

xxiv xx iv :xxiii

xxi xx

:xix xix xix xix

:xviii xix xix

xix :xx

xx vi :xxii

xx xxv xix xx

:xxi x:xi


:xxvi :xviii :xxiv

:xxi xxvi

xx :xx xx

xx xx xx :xx :xx xx :xx :xxi :xxi ::W

:xxi xxi :xxi xxii

50 Victoria • Sessional Papers (No. 9.) A. 1887


No. 1.--Report of Major-General C?mman<Iing-Con_t fnued. . . Peterborough, inspectwn of 57th Battalion; new Drill Shed required Practice, see the Ann, also "Camps."


Prince Edward Island Brigade.-Guns required for...................... xxvi Prizes for rifle shooting in Camps, recommended......................... x.xvi Quebec, Quarters for Cavalry School, remarks on......................... xviii

Riding School required .. . .. ...... ............ ...... ......... .......... xviii Rank of Officers; permanent Militia should rank senior.............. . xx Reduction of ActivE' }'orce recommended ............................... xxi, xxiv-v Revolver for section leaaers, Mounted Inlantry, recommended .... xix

Shooting, attention to, recommended........................... xxi Rifle instruction, new manual requested, for Schools................... xxi

.Martini-Henry, for .Force, recommended ............................ xxiv Practice, new style Target requested, for Schools.................. xxi

whole pe1·iod of Camp (under present system) should be devoted to ............................................... .

Targets at Camp, too few ................................... .. Prizes reco1nmen<led for .................................. , ... ,

Royal Military College.-Changes in Staff ...... ......... ................. .. Jnspection by General Officer Commanding .. Cadet's quarters inadequate ...................... . ilorses for instructional purpo3es required .. .

School Corps. -- See the respective .Arms, also "Permanent Corps."

x:xili xxiii xx vi xvii xvii

xviii xviii

Spurs and Boots, for Cavall"y. again recommended........................ xxiv Staff; District, remarks on 5ystem of appointments..................... xxvi Strength of Force-Permanent Corps, increase recommended...... :xxi

Engineers, more Companies recommended....... xxvi Regiments in N.-W.1 formation necessary......... xxv Active Militia, reduction recommended ...... xxi, xxiv-v

Targets, new styles for ~chools, asked for................................. x.xi too few at Camps, for practice....................................... xx.iii

Toronto, Cavalry E::chool required at.......................................... xviii Inspection of Corps at................................................ xxiv New Drill Shed recommended....................................... xxiv

Valise equipment, again recommended....................................... xxiv War game, supply for Schools looked for................................. xx:

recommended for City Regiments........................... xxvi Water bottles, supply should be obtained................................. xxiv Winnipeg, Riding School required................. .......................... xix

See also 11 ~founted Infantry School."

No. 2.-Reports by Deputy Adjutants General:-:Military District "o. 1, Ontario......................................... 1

do 2 do .......................................... 8 do 3 do .......................................... 13 do 4 do .......................................... 20 do 5, Quebec.......................................... 24 do 6 do .......................................... 27 do 7 do .......................................... 30 do 8, Ne'v Brunswick............................... 33 do 9, Nova Scotia.................................... 4'1 do 10, :Manitoba and North-West Territories. 47 do 11, British Columbia............................. 51 do 12, Prince Edward Island...................... 52

No. 3.-Inspection Reports of Corps:-Military District No. 1, Ontario.......................................... 54

do 2 do ..................................•......• 64 do 3 do .......................................... 76 do 4 do .......................................... 84 do 5, Quebec ....................••••......... ·•••••'l•• 90 do 6 do .......................................... 100 do 7 do .......................................... 106 do 8, :!\ew Brunswick............................... 112


50 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 9.), A. 1887

Al'PENDICES-Continued. No. 3-Inspection Reports of Corps-Continued.

Military Di~trict No. 9, Nova Scotia .............. : ................... .. do 10, Manitoba ; (N.-W. Territories,-Nil.) do 11, British Columbia (1885-6) .............. .. do 12, Prince Edward Island ..................... .

.A.bstract ..•. , .... ~····· .............••..............•....................•.......

No. 4.-Inspector of .Artillery, Report of ..................................................... . .Assistant Inspector, Report of-Quebec .............................. . .Assistant Inspector, Report of-Ontario ............................. .. Credits awarded for efficiency:-

Field Batteries ........................................................ . Garrison Batteries ................................................... .

Summary of target practice returns ................................... .

No. 5.-Inspector of Engineers, Report of ................................................... . .A.-Gzow3ki Engineer Competition, 1886, Report of ............ . B.- do do do do Regulations ........ .. Platel.-do do do do 1st Prize.

do n.- do do do do 2nd do

No. 6.-" .A" Troop, Cavalry School Corps and School of Cavalry, Report of. •••• :.

No. 7-Regiment of Canadian Artillery, Report of ....................................... .. "A" Battery, Regt. of C. A., & R. School of .A.rty., Kingston .... .. "B " do do do Quebec ..... .. "C" do do do Victoria, B.C. "A" do Field service detachment .................. .


120 128 132 134 13&

137 140 142

145-146 1«

14t 15L 152


157 158 160 161 162

l'fo. 8.-School of Mounted Infantry, Winnipeg, Man., Report of................. ...... 165

No. 9.-Bchools of Infa.ntry and Infantry School Corps, Reports of:-Fredericton, N. B ............................................................ . St. John's, Que ................................................................. . Toronto, Ont ................................................................... .

No. 10.-Certifica.iles :-

163 171 175

Engineer Certificates......... ..... . . . .. . .. .. .... •• .. •• • ......... ••• .. ....... 177 .Artillery, Royal School of, Certificates.................................. 178 Cavalry, School of, Certificates............................................. 180 Infantry, Schooli of, Certificates.......................................... 181

No. 11.-Royal Milita.ry College of Canada, Report of..................................... 185 A.-Return of Cadets graduated in 1886...... ............. ........ .... 192

No. 12.-Director of Stores, Report of.......................................................... 194: A.-S. A. Ammunition issued for practice in 1886 ............... .,,. l 97 B.- do do on repayment, in 1886..... .... .••••• 201 C.-Gunp0wder, &c., issued for practice and salutes, in 1886... 213 D.-Ordnance in possession of Militia and in Store charge .... ._. 214

No. 13.-Engineer Branch, .Architect's Report. ............................................. 220

No. 14.-Governmen; Cartridge Factory, Report of........................................ 224

No. 15.-The Militia List .................................. •••••••••·········........................ I Abbreviations, Explanation of............................................. 3 Corps, List of, by Arms ..... ,................................................ 4:

do by Military Districts....................................... 6 Military Districts and Brigade Divisions, Limits of.................. 10 Department of Militia and Defence..................................... 1! Head Quarters Staff of Militia............................................. lS District Staff. .......... , ............... ,. ....................................... IS


60 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 9.) A. 18S7·

APPENDIOES-Continued. No. 15.-1'he Militia List-Continued.

Royal Military College:-~taff ........................................................... .. B ra.dJa}ev:·: .. ······"•'"""'""'""""''""'""""'"'··· Goa\

1 o 1s1tors ........................................... .

Genera.I and Fi~~d OIB~~r~ag::~~~·rt;"ii~'t.'"" ....................... . .Aative Militia :- · " .... ·· .................. ·

Permanent Corps .......................................... . C f0 do Stations of Officers ................ . r:xa ry .. d ..................................................... .. F'

1epen _ent Troops ....................................... .

ie ~ .Arhlle:y ............................................... . <;;:rr1son Art1ll01·y .................... : .................... .. E o~ntain .Artillery ......................................... .

ngmeers.. . . . ....... _ .. _ . _ ....... . Infantry a,nd ......... _ ... _ .... __ · · · · · · · ·

M d. l Otli do do Independent ~ ~:: R=t~~~ Fiel~to8m· .. - ........ - . - ....•.. - . .... - ..... - .......... ' ..

Active Militia, St~=~~th ~f::::::: _: ~:::: :· · · · · .. · · · · · · · · · · · ~o Abstract, City and Rura.1:::: · ·::::::

Corps, by Arms N:mber 0i 0 .... :rota!.····· · · · .. · · .. · · · · ·

Index to Office1;s in the List ....... · · .. · .. • ·· · .. · .. · · · · · · .. . do Places do .... · · .. · · .... · · .. · · · .... · · .. · ...... .. . . . .. ..................... - .. . . .. .. .. . ......... ..



16 17 20 20 21

31 33 35 45 47 5f)

65 65 67

225 229 235 242 254 256 258

i xvi"

60 Victoria . Sessional Papers (No.Q.) A. 1887


01' THE



OTTAWA, lat January, 188'1.

To the Honorable


Minister of Militia and Defence.

Sm,-With the following remarks I beg to lay before you the official reports showing in detail the working of the Department of Militia and Defence for the year 1886.

The changes which have taken place during the year in the Staff employed do not appear to have in any way impaired the efficiency of the Department. The Royal Military College more than any other branch has been taxed in this respect. The Commandant has been changed. The retiremen t of Colonel Howett was a great loss to the College, but his foresight was such that in Colonel Oliver he had pre· pared a worthy successor. The other changes in the College are due to the death of Professor Bayne and the i·esignation of Professor Raban. The changes in the Military Staff of Districts have been caused by the retirement of Lieut.-Colonels Denison and Milsom, who, in consideration of their long and faithful services, have been given a retiring gratuity. The principle of concentrating the command of the Militia Force of the District in the Officer commanding the School of Military Instruction, as inaugurated in District No. 8 (New Brunswick), has been followed on the retirement of Lieut.-Colonel Denison from Military District No. 2; and Lieut.-Colonel Otter, who is Commandant of the Infantry School Corps in Toronto, is now also in command of the Militia Force of that District. This now depar· ture appears to give satisfaction and to work well. It has also the advantage of being more economical.

Referring to the Royal Military College at Kingston, it is evident that the time has now arrived when some expenditure is necessary to make provision for the increased number of Cadets that offer. The available space now at our dis­posal is not at all adequate for the incressing requirements, and in this particular


60 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 9~) A. 1887

I most reRpectfully call your attention to the remarks of the General Officer com­manding in his annual report. I was present in Kingston at the closing of the

Royal Military College in June last, and was very much pleased with everything I

saw connected with the College.

The annual reports on the Royal Schools of Artillery and other Schools of

Military Instruction show that these institutions are increasing in popularity with the Force; nearly two thousand ~Jrti:ficates of qualification have been issued from

them since their formation.

The building in London now in course of construction for our new School of Infantry promises to supply all the advantages which practical experience gained

from other localities has taught us to secure.

I beg to call attention to the very practical remarks made by the General

Officer commanding the Militia on the equipment of the Force, and particularly to

his rematks concerning the mode of payment to Commanding Officers of the allowance for drill instruction to their Corps. I have already recommended that

the Regulations in this respect be changed, and hope that Commanding Officers

will have no cause of complaint on this score for the future.

The clothing for the Force has been supplied by Canadian contractors, from cloth manufactured in this country. The scarlet cloth, which until last year the

Department had to import, is now manufactured in the Dominion and promises to

give great satisfaction.

The small Staff of the Engineer Branch of the Department has been kept very

busy, and requires some assistance. This Staff consists of only two Officials; and when plans are required for a new building the routine and ordinary work of the

Branch must necessarily suffer.

The Cartridge Factory has manufactured during the year 1,748,720 rounds of service ammunition. A large quantity of this is made with the brass coiled case,

which in use proves to be superior to the paper-lined case. Over half a million of

blank ammunition has also been manufactured during the year. The preliminary trials of the new Artillery projectiles manufactured at tho

Factory hn:rn given very good results. The report ,.fa Board of Artillery Officers, specially appointed to examine and report upon these shells after trial, has

warranted a further expenditure, and a lot of 9·pr. and 64-pr. shell on the new principle will be manufactured and distributed to the Force for ordinary practice.

The expenditure for the year, and the receipts from different sources, were as

follows:-Militia Expenditure for 1885-86.

Salaries, Military Branch and District Staff............. $25,512 06

Brigade Majors .......................... ........•..... ··- ..... ..

Royal Military Collejie ...................................... . x

12,932 79

57,727 66

~O Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 9 )

Ammunition, Clothing and Military Stores......... . . Public Armories and Care of Arms ..................... ..

Drill pay and Camp purposes ............................ . Drill instruction ............................................ .

Contingencies ..................... , .................... ....... ..

Dominion of Canada Rifle Association ................... . Drill Sheds and Rifle Ranges ............................. . Care of Mili~ary Properties ................................ . Construction and repairs, Military properties .......... . "A""B" d"C"Btt · Sh , an . a eries, c ools of Artillery .. Cavalry and Infantry Schools ............................. . Lingan. Riots, Sydney, C.B ................................... .

A. 1887

238,772 25 59,739 01

241,20i 91

35,955 00

43,721 37 10,000 00 9,853 42

11,985 97

73,920 79

152,0.W 3~ 198,821 55

1,472 00

------Total of ordinary Militia services.: ........ $1,178,65!) IO

Expenditure consequent on the Rebellion of 1885 in

the North-West Territories............. .. ........... 2,851,895 51

----Total ......... ......... . ............................. $4,030,554 61

E:cpenditure or Militia Pensions.

Upper Canada Militia Pens10ns, War of 1812 .......... . Lower do do do ........ ..

Militia Pensions (Fenian Raids, &c.) ................. .. .. Pensions to Veterans of 1812-15 Pensions, Active Service (Reb~;;i·o-n°, .. N: w~~::· ~~·~~·;

Total., .................... : .............. , . . ..••

Number of Pension~rs, 1885.86.

$4,120 00

120 00 3,853 00 9,870 00 6,805 57

$24,768 57

Upper Canada Militia Pensioners, War of 1812........... ....... 52

Lower do do do . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. 2 Militia Pensioners (Fenian Raids, &c.).............. .......... ...... 25

do (Veterans of 1812-15) ........................... 329

do (Active Service, Rebellion of 1885, N.W.T.) *51

Number of Pensioners •. • • ee •• •• I••• 1e • • • eee f eee e II ee e• II I I 459

• Tbis number bas been add d t · tb I · pages. e 0 smce e c ose of the Fiscal Year, as will be seen by the followinr

9-o~ xi

60 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 9.) A. 1881




OTTAWA, 31st December, 1886.

Sm,-In submitting my Annual Report for your informatio.n, I have the ho!'-1or to forward herewith, as usual, tho Annual Reports of the different responsible Officers under my command, comprising those of tbe different districts, the Regi­ments of Artillery and the Schools of Iostruction attached thereto, the Cavalry and Infantry Schools of Instruction, tho Inspecting Officer of Engineer Militia, and the Commandant of the Royal Military College.


Since my last report there have been several changes among the officials. The late Commandant, Col. Hewett, RE., C.M.G., has left, having received a higil appointment from the Imperial Government. It is hardly necessary for mo to expatiate to you on the valuable services of that Officer in his capacity as the first Commandant of the College, they boiug well known to you. But I feel it due to him that I should place on record my very high estimation of him, and to express my opinion that the great success of tho Royal Military College is largely attribut­able to the tact and ability he brought to bear in the performance of his duties. Col. Oliver, R.A., whom, on my re~ommendation, you appointed to succeed him, and who has served under Col. Hewett almost from tho formation of tho ColleRe, will, I am sure from long perRonal acquaintance, and his succebsful career as a Professor, prove a worthy successor to Col. Hewett. Th3 College has also sustained a most serious loss by the death of the late Dr. Bayne, Professor of Chtimii,,try, Physics and Sciences-. This gentleman also served at tho College almost from its formation, and carried out most ably the arduous and scientific du ti ea of hiil appointment to the most perfect 1:1atisfaction of his superioi·s, ut the same time gaining the reE<pcct and love of his fellow-workers, his pupils, and all connected with tho College. Dr. Bayne ha!:l been Eiucceeded by Mr. Wad1lell, whose name was submitted to you, after careful consideration of his qualifications and tcstimonialil, with those of other appli­cants for tho appointment. The other changes among the Profe~sors and Instructors were consequent on tho promotion of Col. Oliver and the resignation of Major ;Rab~n, RE. The one point worthy of notice being that one cf tho new Instructors ~s Lieut. Vao Str:i.ubeozeo, R.E., who is a grnduate of the Royal Military College itself, having left it in 1881. This is carrying out the idea and hope I expressed in my la~t year's report on this subject.

I u ,,;pccted tho Royal Military College on the 6th and '7th of October and was perfectly sati1:dled witu all I saw and convinced myself that the institu ~ion had not suffored by tho change of Commandants.

~t 'vu:;, howe-.or, with regret that I found some of the Cadets doubled up two 1Il a room, and that even then thc~rooms which had been temporarily set apart as a hosp ,al wore obliged to be utilized as dormitories-and this crowding exists though there 1110 not the full number of Cadets at the College owing to several having taken commissions in the Imperial service.

60 Victoria.. SessionaJ Papers (No. ti.:) A. 1887

This is a state of affairs much to be doplored, particularly, as of course, moro Cadets will have to be admittod next year than will be loaving. I venture therefore to hope that the proposed additions, on which subject I have already addressed you, will be proceeded with as soon as possible, as it would be a thousand pities to check the advance of an Institution which has beon formed with such care and whose existence is of such palpable advantage to the Dominion.


I inspected the different Schools of Instruction on the dates given below:­()avalry School, Quebec, Lt .. Col. Turnbull, 2nd August. "A" Battery, R.S.G., Kin g-ston, Lt.-Col. Cotton, 8th September. "B" do do Quebec, L t.-Col. Montizambert, 31st July. School of Mounted Infantry, Winnipeg, Lt. ·Col. Taylor, 16th and 17th No.

vember. "A" Company, Infantry School Corps, Fredericton, N.B., Lt.-Col. Maunsell,

4th August. "B" Company, Infantry School Corps, St. John's, Que., Lt.-Col. d'Orsonnens,

9th August. "C" Company, Infantry School Corps, Toronto, Lt.-Col. Otter, 19th August.

I made careful inspections of each School and the results were on the whole very satisfactory.

The zeal of the Commandants and the Officers appears to be unabated and the work done bas, I feel sure, benefited the Force at large as well as the country •

. The Cav~try 9chool is still working ~t a great disadvantage in having no fixed residence~ berng compelled to move to Pornt Levi (lamp in the summer and back to Quebec Citadel, where there is not sufficient room, in the winter. The strength is aJso too ~mall to enable it to do full justice to itself. A Riding School is much wanted at. the Citadel, not only for the Cavalry but for the Battery, especially during the wmter months. At present they have only the old Drill Shed, which is quite unfit for the purpoFe of teaching riding. I consider that another Cavalry School should be ~ormed at Toronto, half of it to be sent by turns to Kingston, where it would be available for the very necessary instruction in equitation of the Cnaets end for Ontario in general, that Province being much in want of a Cavalry School.

When tho second School of Cavalry is established it would he advisable to .arrange for an inspection, by the two Commandants, of those R('giments that attend Camps and those Cavalry Corps at Quebec and Toronto which alone do not go into Camp. •

The ~oun ted portiom1 of the A~tillery Schools after the"r long stay in the North· West requued u great deal of refittrng. "A" Battery left their guns by 01der in the North-West, and they have been since supplied with two new gun i'. They should have horses enough to horse two guns and waggons complete as it is impos~ible to teach Field Artillery drill properly without that, and each Sch~ol should have t he full equipment for four guns in their possession. I would beg to draw fl ttention to the re!Ilarks o~ the Inspector of Artillery concerning- the Tete de Pont Bar racks, at Krngston, m which I fully concur. Tho ilrd or "C " Battery School has not yet been organized at British Columbia, owing to certain difficulties in the way which will, I hope for many reasons, be soon removed, '

I was particularly pleased with the progress of the new School of Mounted Infantry, at Winnipeg. At the time I was there .Lieut.-Colonel Tay lor hnd only 16 horses, officers' chargers included, which were nearly all of the r ight stamp of horse for mounted Infantry-short .cobby bronchos, easy to mount and able to go. I had all th£> men w~o had been trarned out on the horses for jumping, aud I fo und most ?f them ?ould JU~p a?d that the men were able to go at a good speed and take their JUmps with the rifies m the buckets. The next day I tock them out on tho prairie


60 Victoda.. Sessiona.l Papers (No. 9.) A. 1S87

· · h throu h thefr field firing. This is done by each some miles off a~d saw t ~m fo t off atg11. gallop pulling up at a flag 500 yards from sectio~ of fours rn turn, ~e~ ~i~~ount the horses being held by the 4th man while the t~rget. T~ree meire 3 rounds ~ach. They immediately re·mount and gallop the d1smounte men t 00 ards where they fire 3 rounds more, and so on up for~:rfa!~ J~! ~:~~g~a:ds4rroii:. the' target. The:vea~her was very cold being below to t ''\ fi .· ve y good indeed cons1derrng. zero,~~:h~~~!r~ t~ 1~h~ :~~rserat tho Mounted Infantry School, I would sugg~st t~a~ four m~nths instead of three should be allowed for those Offi~ers and men':" .° w;~ to go through the Mounted Infantry courses ; those who o not, romamrng e three months only. · d. · · th Tta

Th fon of Mounted Infantry proper is still under 1scuss10n ID e m1 ~ ry Id :nauc~~ada has, I think, taken a wise step in forming this a.mall force of it, as

~~r n~cessit of some force of Mounted Infantry seems to be umverrnlly .ack_no~­ied ed and ~here can bo no doubt tha.t for service in the ~ orth- Wost .Ternt?~ies it wo~ld 'be most valuable always provided that it is strictly confined to its leg~t~mat~ functions and use, viz., that of Infantry moving on ponies or horses for rap1d1ty o movement only and never attempting to fight mounted.

It has been' suggested at home that regular re~i~ents of Moun~ed Infantry should be formed as part of the standing force; to this it has been obJe~ted, and I think rightly 80 that if this were done a great diffieulty would be found m preve;~ in these regim~nts from becoming Cavalry, in whic?- ?ase they would prove, as I

th~ old Dragoons bad and expensive Infantry and md1fferent Cavalry, and that. the better plan would be to have a certain number of Infantry! Officers and m~n tra~~d to Mounted Infantry work in peace time, from whom regiments could be OrJ?e i;i time of war, and this I believe most certainly the best plan to be adopted ID this country. 1 d h · ·

By the above remarks I do not mean to say that I have a tere t e opm10n ex ressed in my Inst year's report, that it would be advisa?le to ~ave .one or two Co~ps of Militia Mounted Infantry in the North West. I still consH.ler it would. be the proper organization there and it would not ~b.em to the danger of trymg to become Cavalry if under proper command and superv1s1on. .

As regards the equipment, it is probable that. some alterat~on must be m.ade for our purpoees from that laid down for the Impena~ Army, whJC~ , howev~r, is what our prestint equipment is baeed on. In the meanwhile we 8:re quietly mak1_ng exper­iments, which I trust will end in our getting the best suited for our climate and

wants. f k" "th When I was in England the other day I bad an opportunity o i;pea mg w1 Major Hutton, tiOth Rifles, who formed and commanded iwo re~iments of Mo.anted In1aotry in tho Soudan, and be informed me that 1hey fou nd rn Egypt that it 'Yas absolutely necessary to give the Mounted Infantry man f' weapon to defen~ him· self with if overtaken, when on horseback, by the enemy's ~avalry, and for this pur­pose a revolver was furnished to each section leader, that rn, t? every four~h man. Major Hutton bowover said be preferred the double-barrelled pistol, such as is made by Lancaster,' llF\ it was'not so dangerous a weapon to its. owner as the revolver, ~nd better aim could be taken with it. Of course the latter is only a matter of practice, as a man can be trained to shoot perfectly with a r evolver, and I would recommend that one be issued to each section leader in our Mounted Infantry School Corps, and that ammunition be supplied for practice, and men and Officers be encoura~ed to perfect themselves in the uses of the revolver. In Enghnd Lhoy are now m. the habit of accu~toming those using a revolv~r i.o ~hoot w~t~ either hand, a practrne I should have carried out here on account of its evident utility.

A riding school is absolutely necessary at Winnipe~ for the Mounted Infantry, I have already in conjunction with Colonel Taylor's selected ~ ~pot, and .have for­warded to yo~ !!Jans and estimates, and trust that the work will be rnnct1oncd and executed as soon as possible.

When I arrived at Fiedericton to inspect ''A " Company School, I found that xix

6G Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 9~) A. 1887

LIST of Oertifi.c&tes-Ooncluded.

Date of Certificate.

Name and Rank . Corps. ------- Grade. Couroe . First~ I Second Class. Class.

~es, 2Cnd Li~Af.""B.:= 13th Battalio_n _____ -----~- ------

Ross, orporal T. P. •••·•·····•·······•·· 8th do ..... .......... M ...... 3 .. 1... ar. 31... A ..... . Short. oss, Sergeant W ........................ 31st do .............. ar. ·•· ····•••• ..... . .. ... B do

Rayder, Sergeant G. P ................... 7lst do ............... j"''""~ 2 .... June 30... .... . B do yerson, Cap tain J. W ................. 39 th do .............. une 2... ... .. ........ ..... B do

Schell, Sergeant R. H: .......... ........ : 59th do ......... .................... Oct. 28... A ...... Special ~eott, 2nd Lieutenant F ............... !st do ............... M ............ June 21... ..... B :Short. • t:icott, 2nd Lie~teuant J. H ... ........ 32od do ............... A ar. 31... ............... A ...• . Special . ~eaman, 2nd Lieutenant J. D ........ s~nd do ...... ·····•••· ug. 14... ...... ........ A .•••• do t:iheatber, Private A 90ih d .............. . . ... .. ........ July 20 A do Sears Ser ii; t M ·• ···' ••••·•••• .... · 0

•• ....... • ••• Nov 30 ·•· B · S . h . ean ......................... 74!1.l do ............... Jun~ 21 ""' ......... ...... .••.•. ao

8 m~t , Private T .. ....................... 90th do .............. ·rs 3 ··· ............... ...... B do

Smith, Serg.eant T .. ...................... 90tb d.> ov • 0... ... ·••···••· ...... B Short.

.pencer, Private J. H .................. 35th do ..••.•• ~ .................... . June 30... ...... B do ~tayner, 2nd Lieutenant E. G ....... 66tb d ........................... Dec. 17... ..... B do ~tcvens, 2nd Lieutl'nant O. H . ...... 54'th d~ ............... tan. 3

31... ............... A ...... Special.

, tewart, Ser~eant H. D. . ............ 36th do .......... ..... ec. ... . ....... ...... A ...... ~bort. ~tracban, Private A ..................... 35th do ............................. Dec. 17... ...... l:l do l:>trange, 2nd Lieutenant F ........ 14th do ...... .... ... . ··•·• ......... Jnne 30... ...... I:! do ~.trathy, Captain J. A. L ............ ::: 5th do ••·····•· ..................... Dec. 16... A ...... do •.ascbereau, Lieutenant E. R. A .... 4 ,rd d .............. ·· ··• ........ July 3... A .•.• Special. ~ ~omas, Sergean~ J. A ............. ..... 6~th d~ ............... Mdar. ~1... ...... ........ . A .•••. Short. ,uomps?n, 2nd Lieutenant W. J .... 30th do ·••·· ......... 0 1. .. ····•·· ..... . ...... B do

'I;>rry, l::ergeant R ........ ........ ..•.. 31st do ••······· ...... . . ...... ······ Mar. 31... A do 'lroup, Private T. H .. .................. BSth do .............................. June 30... ...... B do ~ulloch, 2nd Lieutenant H. D ....... 90th do .... ..... .. .. .. ......... •••· Dec. 14... ...... B do 'l urner, Serg~ant B. L ......... ....... 418 t do ...... ... ..... ·•···· ......... Mar. 20... A ...... Special. ~~dal, 2nd Lieutenant C. E K ...... 6th do ··:··········"' ............... do 31... B Short. '!lleneuve, 2nd Lieutenant A . ..... 65th d •• ··· ···-·· ........ ·····•··· June 30... A •.• ,. do '\\ alker Private J 0 ............... July 1 A d Walsh 1Private A .................... 5-ith do .. .... ........ ........ . .. D·~~ """"2""' ... B... o W • . • ....................... "B" Company I S C M ..... . ... ...... do

., PrivateJ. E F ..... . ......... 11th Battalion' ... ar. 31. .. ................... B do Wsylmg, _2nd Lieutenant J ............ Uth d ........ ................... . !\far. 31... ...... B do "etib, Private J R "B., C 0

............... •••••••• ••••• Oec. 16 A do We:lderburn, 2nd Li·~~i~~~~·t "Bj""'i,"' Bth R ~mpanb, I. S. C .. .. ......... .. Mar. 31... B do White, l::ier_geant w. J, B ......... .' ..• .' 14th B!~~fi~~ avalry ··· Dec. ll,'85 ........... ::~ '"A.' do ~bit~, MaJ ·Jr W. W ............. •••••••• 130tb do '.'.'.'.'.'.:::·.:::: · D · .... ..... Dec. 17... ....•. B do

1ggms, Uorporal G. S .......... .... B7th do · J ec. 16 .............. _., A do W1ll~ams, Color-Sergeant J. F ...... b7tn d ..... ·· ···••·· uue 25... ... ...... ...... •... B do l\;11lie.mson_, Sergeant W ............... 11th dg ... ............ Mar. 31. .. ····••···•·•••· ...... B do \\ 1laon Pr1vatn A ... ... .. ....... do 31 B d \V ' l ' ' v ...................... "A" Company I S 0 d 31... .. ..... .. ••••. . ...... o

. 'son, Corporal N ....... ............. 16th Battali ' · · · 0

... .. ............... I B do ~ 1thers, Lauce ·Corporal H 46th d on ....................... ·· ·•· · Mar. 31... B do \" d ' ..• ......... 0 d ..... . •.oo , t .ap!ain C. H ................... 59tb do ............... ..... ........ o 31... .. ••. B do

\\ ood, Captain W. S ..... ............... 39 th do ········• ...... ··•••• .. ...... do 31... A do Wo_odworth, Lieutenant H. H ........ 67th do ··•·•· ····•···· ...... _.. ...... . do 31... A ....... do \Vnght, Private W . G ... ..... .......... 31st do .............. A.pnl 30... ............. A do Wynne, Color-Sergeant J. H ......... 27th do •••••• ··•····· · ······•·· ·••••· 1 Dec. 16... ...... B do ······•· ...... ····· ......... do 17... ••.. . B do

Total..... ...... ••.•••••• ... ..... ---- ----- -- __ ----...... ········· ···• · ......... ...... 89 138 107 iao 227


First Class.

Second Class.

Gngin;;------------··-- --- ----Artiller ......... ····•···• ......... ........... ....... ·······•· 13 5

Cava1J.::::::.:·::: .. :·.::·::::.··::::.:·:··· ········· ..........



44 lnfantry ...... .. .... ... ... ..... 20

..................................... ········ ........ 9.i 139 T t l ---- --o a .. ... . . ............ . .... ... ..... .. 182 208-


"A" "B" Total.

1 17 18

Ji 1J: I 2iL 145 245 390

60 Victoria.. Sessiona.l Papers (No.. 9 ) A. 188'1'




(From the Commandant Royal Military College, to the General Offi. 1er Ccmmand ing the Militia of Canada.)

KINGSTON, 4th November, 1886.

Srn,-1. I have the honor to submit the Annual Report on the Royal Military College-

for the year 1886. Graduates of June, 1886.

2. The undernamed gentlemen Cadets having completed their full period of service and instruction, have received Diplomas of Graduation dated ~9th June, 1886 :-

Battalion Sergeant-Major W. C. Yorston.

Sergeant C. P. Newman. Company Sergeant-Major J. N. C. Kennedy.

do E. P. C. Girouard. do J. N. Newcomb.

Serge11.nt C. R. F. Coutlce. do R. McColl.

Company Sergeant-Major A. C. Macdonell. Lance-Corporal A. R. Roe .

Full details relative to these gentlemen are given in Appendix A.

Medals Presented for General Proficiency. 3. The medals presented annnally by His Excellency the Governor General for

general proficiency throughout the whole course of four years have this year been

awarded as follows:-Gold Medal.. ....................... Battalion Sergeant-Major Yorston . Silver Medal.. ...................... Sergeant New man. Bronze Medal.. .................... Company Sergeant-Msjor Kennedy.

Sword for Gocd Conduct and Discipline. 4-. The sword awarded annually for good conduct and discipline has been won

by Batt. Sergt.-Major W. C. Yorst0n. I have great pleasure in specially bringing to your notice the zeal, ability and trustworthiness which have been invariably displayed by this gentleman in the discharge of his important duties; and I may add thllt Uolonel Hewett before leaving Canada, desired me to place on record bis opinion, that he is the best Sergt.-Major the College has yet produced.

Prizes. 5. The undermentioned Cadets of the graduating class have obtained prizes for

the subjects specified, having gained, respectively> the highest total of marks in each during the entire course:-

Conduct ar:d Discipline ........... Batt. Sergt.-Major W. C. Yorston. Drills and Militury .ll.xercises .... (Jo. Sergt.-Major J. N. Newcomb. Mathematics and Mechanics ..... Sergt. C. P. Newman.


60 Victoria Sessional Papers (No. 9 . ) A. 1887

Military Engineering S Practic~l Geometry ~~d· .E;;gi~·- ergt. C. R. Coutleo. eerrng Drawing II S Artill~ry (Theory and·C~~·st~~~~ . !oggett. t10n of) .......... G S 0 t . Su · p . ····· · ········• · . ar wright

rveymg, ractical Astrono· · my and Military Topo-graphy ....... ···· •·· Co S t M · 'T Reconnaisance ··· ·····••· · erg ·· apr .1.~ewcomb.

Military Hist~;y·· · ···Str·a··t·e·· ··· Co. Sergt.·Majvr E. P. C. Girouard. T t• M'J" ' gy, . ac JCS, i itary Admin· istration and Law C S English................ .. . ........... s~· teru&t.R-MaCjor E. P. C. Girouard.

French.......... .. ·••···•••· · ··· r~ · · . outlee. Physics ........... :::::::::::····· · ... Co. Sergt.-Maj01: E. P. C. Girouard. Chemistry ········ · Batt. Sergt.-MaJOr W. C. Yorston Geology ...... , ..... · ··· ·• ......... Sergt. 0. P. Newman. · Freeharni'i)~~;i~·;·~~d·P~: .. t ..... Sel'gt. C. P. ~ewman. Civil Engineering in rng ~0· Sergt.-Ma.1or J. N. Newcomb.

The .following Cadets h~~~·~bt~i~·~:i· erg~. V. P. Newman. for the h11rhest total of marks obtained d th~ pntzhes awarded to the difforent classes

1st Class urrng e term: -2nd Class·.:::::·.::::: ...... "·········· •·•····• Co. Sergt.-Major E. P. C. Girouard 3rd ClaEs ··' · · ··" · · ··· ·· '· Ser gt. A. Davis. • 4th .Class.'.'.'.'.'.':.'::::·:::::::::::::::·: Lance Corp!. H. G. Joly.

. The subjects of Artiller and En :·····:·· Cadet~· H. Fraser, third year, prizes for them w!re awarde~rnt~er~n~ frAawmg. being completed in the e1g • . Davis, who was fir1:1t in both.

Honorary Distinctions. 6. The undermentioned Cad . h . e s ave received honorary badO'e9 of d" t• t• o IS lilC lOil.

tllass. Na.mes. Subjects. Badge3. ·

---------- ------------------ ----l<t C S M . f MFi_rl~t in Class.................. ...•.•••• 1 " · ····· · o. . . Girouard 1 11ta.ry Topography · ••··· •···• ...... •·••••••·

..... l ~~iu~~ .. iii~i~~-y··-· .::::::.:···:::::::::·· .. :·::::::: :::::: ::::::::: ~ 2 Stars. I t s { Geology ..... •·······• ·••·•· ······ •····· · ................. J s .. ..•••. ergt. Newman Oh . t .••••••• ••••.•••• ••••. •••.•• .••••• •• } ·•···••••· em1s ry ·••······ ··•·• ....... ..

Civil Engi·~~~;i~g.':···· ·····-······· ·····• '"...... ...... ..... l Star.

r Fir;;t in Ulass ····••• ··•·•· ·••••· ·•·•·· • •···· ·•••·• ...•••••• Military Engi~·~~;{~;; ·•···· ...... ···•·•······ """ ....... ·••••· l

2n<l ••... . Sergt. Davis J Physics. .. . "········· ···•····• ··•·••• ····••··•··· ••••· ~ ······· ' ····· l Chemistry·.:::: '.:::::::::· •··•··•·•······ ......... · ······ ···••• ··•··• I Ma them a.tics ••.•..•. ······ ........... ·····• .•..• •··••· ' 3

3 d l l\rtiJlery ······· ···•··•·• ......... ········· ···•·· •• .•.•••.•..•. J r · ····· · Lance Corp! Joi F. ·. ········· ····• ······•·• • · Y········· 1rst m Cla3s ·· ...................... ···· ······•·•

3rd Oad t F { Military Engi~~~~·i·~g······· ···•····• ······ ······ ····· ····•· ···•••••· l Star. . ..... e arwell ...•.• ...... Artillery ....•• .........••• ······ ..................... }

4th c d Military B:°i';t~·~y·· · .............. ·· ·· ...... ···••· ······ ····•· · .... l Star. • .•..•. a et Fraser ................ First in Llass ····•··· ........................................ .

···•· ..... , ·••·•• ··•••· ··•·····• ••···· ........ ··•·•• ..... l Star.

CommissitJns Awarded in Her Majesty's Regular A 'l. The following graduate~ of 1886 acr,e t u ., . . . rmy.

anu have been gazetted to the C . , p e Uomm1ss10ns tn the Imperial Army orps specified: Com~~ny Sergean~ .\fojor J. W. C. K<innerly, Royal .Engineers.

o A. C. Macdonell, Royal Artillery le6 ·

iO Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 9.) A. 1887

The two Commissions in the Cavalry or Infantry which are offered annually

have not been taken up this year. The undermentioned graduates of 1886 might have obtained Commissions in the Imperial Army in the branches of the service specifieJ, had they so desired:-

Batt. Sergt.-Major Yorston, } .Royal Engineers, Hoyal Artille1 y, Cavalry Sergeant Newman or ldantry. Co. Sergt .. Msjor Girou11rd, \

do Newcomb\ Sergeant Coutloe r Royal Artillery, Cavalry or Infantry .

do McColl I Lance Corporal Roe. )

Additional Commissions O.tfered this Year. 8. A communication was received in the spring from the Imperial authorities

aEking how many Cadets of the Royal Military College of Canada could be recom· mended this year for commistiions in the Royal Artillery. Unfortunately the only graduate who was able to avail himself of this offer was Company Sergeant-Major Macdonell. This is to be accounte<l. for hy tbe fact that last year the greater portion of this year's senior classes had the option of taking commissions at once had they wished it. Those left behind were naturally, as a rule, the Cadets who were looking forward to a civil, or at any rate, a Canadian career.

Shoeburyness Team. 9. Sergeant-).!ajors Yorston and Newcomb, two of the graduating Class, availed

themselves of the opportunity of j'>ioiog tho Artillery Team which went to England this year under the auspices of the Dominion Artillery AEsociation.

General Conduct and Discipline. 10. The conduct of the Cadets during the past year has been in general very

satisfactory. General Results of Instruction and Examination. 11. Owing to the large number of Cadets who were last year gazetted to Com­

missions in the Imperial Army, not only from the graduates, but from tho 2nd and 3rd Classes, the two senior classes of the pa,t Term have been very fmall, numbering only nine each. The effect of thi~ has been to a certain extent to diminish competi-

tion in those clailses . The conditions of qualification for promotion from one class to another and for graduation have recently been altered and a system introuuced by which excellence in one ~ubject is made to counterb3lance failure in another.

Extracts from Examiners' Reports.

12. The several Examiners report as follows:­Surveyin!?, Military Topography and Reconnaissance-

lst Class.-The best topographical draftsmen are Mes~rs. Girouard, New-comb and Kennedy. Six Cadets took up the voluntary course in Practical Astronomy and Geodesy. All passed fairly" good examina­tions. Girouard and Newman were first and equal.

2nd Class.-Messrs. Gaudet., Clapp and Van Straubenzee have done best in. the examinatioLs in the order named.

Mr. Davis is an accompli!1hed topographical draftsman. 3rd Class.-The general result has been good. Messrs. Knight, Joly, Le3slie,

Farwell and (Jrant all pmsed very good examinations in the order

named. Military Engineering- . 1st Clas~.-The work cf this claes has been good. Sergeant Coutlee obtams

the pr ze, being first both in work of tbiti Term and on the whole Col­lege course. His w01 k bas been very satisfactory throughout.


60 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 9.) A. 1887

During the part term Messrs. McColl, Kennedy and Yorston have also done very well, the former having made most marked improvement and being second on the work of the 'l'erm.

Mr. Macdonell has worked exceedingly well. Good. projects of different kinds were done by Messrs. Couclee, Girouard. McColl, New. comb, Yorston, Newman, Macdonell and Kennedy. The class as a whole worked well at Engineering D rills and Exerci~es , but owing to their very small numbers it has been difficult to get much work done.

The signalling of Messrs. Newcomb, Kennedy, Newman, Yorston and Girouard has been very satisfactory. .

2nd Class.-Cadet Davis has passed a good examination and is first by many marks .

3rd Olass.-Cadets Farwell and Joly have passed good examinution~, the former obtaining full marks in one paper and being first in the class. The term work of Cadets Farwell, Grant and Williams has been very good.

Cadet Mackay is worthy of special mention for the steady way in which he has worked and the marked improvement he has made.

4th Ulass.-The cla~s have worked faitly well, and have taken an interest in their work.

Engineering Drawing-3rd Class.--Oadets Knight, Joly and Farwell have done well on the whole,

the former being first. Geometrical Drawing-

4th Class.-Cadet H. Williams is first in the class; Cadet Fraser a very close second; Cadet Benn is probably the best draughtsman.

Artillery-2nd Clas~.-The examinations just concluded have not been quite as satis­

factory as usual, but it must be 1 emombercd that many of the seniors of this class were commissioned last term. Messrs. Davis, Gaudet and Adams obtained ·85 on the obligatory work of the Term.

3rd Ola s.-Jn this class there has been a very marked improvement. Cadets Farwell and Joly have obtained almost ·8J,

The average decimal this examination is ·66 against ·53 last time. Military History, &c.-

lst Class.-Mr. Girouard has given me good papers in both Strategy and Tactice.

2nd Cla$S.-Mr. Van S Lraubenz ·~ e has done well, and sent in as good papers in Tactics as he did last term in Administration and Law. None failed to qualify.

3rd Clasl.l.-Messrs. Farwell, Heneker and Joly have sent in good papers in both Administration and Law. ·

Mathematica and Mecbanics-1st Class.-The marks gained by Mr. Newman;77, and Mr.Yorston, ·73, are

\ery satisfactory, Mr. McColl getting ·G9. In the voluntary portion of tho course, Mebsrs. Newman, Yorston and McColl got ·42, •44, •32 respectively. .

2nd Cla .. s.-ln the second class all have attained the requisite decimal. Mr. Davis shows marked ability but is not pushed by the others. I hope next year several of the class will take np the voluntary portions they have not been able to do this year and which they appear to wish to do.

3rd Class.-This class has improved a great deal upon last year. Messrs. Joly, Lesslie and Knight have done well.

4th Class.-This class appeared particularly behind band when they joined, and require an amount of individual attention it is difficult to give so large a class. However they are diligent, and I think they will make good any deficiencies next year.


• I

r;o Victoria. Sessiona.l Papers (No. 9 .) A. 1881

Phvsics CbemiPtry and Geology- y . t Newman Gi1·ouard and Kennedy • lst'Class.-ln _Phys~cs Me~srs. o;~~~'in Chemistry Messrs. Newman and

are deservrng _of espema men ls Newman and Girouard . Yorston, and rn Geolog:y: Mdessr . d average percentage in all those

Mr. Newcomb obtarne a goo

departments. . G d t d Clt1pp have secured good averages 2nd Class.-Messrs. Dav1El, au e an

on the work of the term.

Civil Engineering- h d ne ood work and that every 1st Class.-1 consider that ~h? claslsl a\~ d J practice Civil Eogineerin~

individual member of it is we qua. t e -as an occupation. en of marked ability who

Messre. M:i.cdonel.l and_ Yors~on a~e 1:'1 n and will be an acquisition. who ought to rise rapidly Ill ~be1~ pro e~s~~a'1 ualities. to any staff on accountdo~their h1g~r:e sshow; distinguished industry,

Messrs. McColl an r ew~m Coutlee and Roe are deserving energy and ability. Mes~rs. fwm~n, as the four gentlemen previously of almost the rnme expres.sd10n} o ll~~=egentlemen of this class that their named It may be sa1 o a

·and attainments are above the average. power d"d

French- S . ·f: t ·y -Messrs. Macdonald, Newcomb ar.d Newman l 1st Clase.- atii, ac o1 . very well.

2nd Class.--Pretty good.

3rd ClaRS.- Poor. d M' r err deeerves Epccial mention. 4th Class.-Very goo . i. \..

English- T has comprehended Rhetoric an<l Pub· The course of~ectures for the pa~~ ~rn~ Classes, and Language, Literature,

lie Speakrng, for the I.~~ a for the 3rd and 4th Classes. Rhetoric, and Com pos1 10n, . all these su hjPcts. .

Considerable progress has been mG"?.e 1~ d and .McColl excel in Public Speak· 1st Class.-Messrs. CouLlee, trouar

ing. M G d t has attained conciderable proficiency in tho 2nd Class.- r. au e f:lnbject. f M Joly Leslie G. J ohnston, Mackay and.

3rd Class.-The work o essrs. f 't. ' Farwell is especially worthy o r;:eKe1;rndeserve commendation.

4th Olass.-Messrs. MuHay, .Ber.n an

Freehand Drawing- btained the highest number of marks f~r 1st Olass.-Mr. Newcomb has oF· hand Drawing llnd Painting and l'i

obligatory and voluntary ~e~ f ' ame. Me>1i<rs. Gironar<l trnd entitled to the pr!ze awa~seenti~~n; them to" Distinguished ." Kennedy have obta10od mar d Gaudet and Clapp have made very

2nd Cl'lss.-Messrs. Macdonald, A ams, satisfactory provess. p t have done very gooc', work Mr.

3rd Class.-Messrs. J?remner and an~ b t failed in examinati0n in pen~pe<:-Crawford al :io did very good wor u

tive projection. f th' class are very diligent and with two ex<:ep-Ol The members o is

4th ti~~s~-;_e making satisfactory progress.

Instruction in Riding. .RC A being away in tho ?forth·

13 Owing to the horses of '.'A'.' B~tt_ery f th~ C~dets of the enior ...:\ufil-< hnol W est the ul"ual course of instruction rn rid1hn~re~r horse·s towards the end of tb.u 'ro::r m.

. Th h d a few lessons on l u to be curtailed. ey a 189

i\J Victoria.. Sessional Papers (No. 9 . ) A. 1887

Instruction of Militia Officers. 14. The following Militia Officers joined in Maroh for th ·

through the tbree months' course at the RM C h' h . e purpose of gomg Long Course Certificates. . . . , w IC is necesf.ary to qualify for

MaJ·or D. M Yinoe B · ht E · c · · · · ·· ·· ·· ··· ·· ·· ·· · .. · · · rig on ng1neers. ,apt. 0. H. Bowen ... .................. 53rd Battalion do J. A. Bremner "A" C I f · Lieut W ......... ... ......... o., n an try School Corps.

· . E. Russel.I ..................... 7 lst Battalion do L B D k' . . on 1n ...................... !:l31·d Battalion

. do W. J.C. Gadsby ................. 15th Battalion: ~ieut. Russell, I much regret to say, died shortly after his arrival

Class~our of these officers have qualified for 1st Class Cei·tifioate.s, and one for 2nd

Major Vince ....................... I Ca pt. Bowen ................ ,...... I

do Bremner ...•••.... .......•.. r 1st Class Long Course Certificates. L!eut. Gadsby ......... ........... J L10ut. Donkin 2 d Cl

T · ............... ······ ·•• n ass Long Course C t'fi t

be ID~t.ructors in the different subjects were:- er I ca e. ~1htary Topography an.ct Reconnaissance ...... Col. Oliver RA St~~tegy, ~a~tws and Military Administration. Major Nash .RA.

Tb M1h~ary Engrneermg................................. Capt David' · RE hers uf ~~: ~~~:~·s speak in higb terms of the application and. indu3tr~~f the. mem-

Instruction of Militia Engineers. . 15._A detachment consisting of 22 N. C. Officers and Sa · · · .

arn ved m February and went through th E . . Sh ppers, Militia Engineers, Ra.ban, R .K, and Sergt.-Major :BirtleF. e "ogrnoe1 ort Course under Major

Work of the past year. 16. The members of the Instructional St ff h · · zealous and industrious. a ' ave without except10n, been most

Tbe late Dr. Bayne, Professor of Chemi tr d Pb · · in tJddition to his ordinary College work carr~e/oa~ !sics,£ during tbe past ye~r, cloth used for Artillery cartrid<re bacr~ , H I u a sanes o anal:yse3 of tbe silk Commist:>ion, analyzed the diffe1~nt m~t.erial: uas!~' .as t~ membe{ ot the Cartridge ttmmunition. This last was a very tedious . f ID ·ke manu ~cture of small arm . p10ce o wo1 , occupyrng several months.

. Changes in the Sta.ff during the pa~t. 17. Smee I took over the duties of Command t f c

RE' the College has sustained what I may al ~nt rom ?lonel Hewett, C.M.G., death of Dl'. Bayne. I have elsewhere brou h~os er.m an irreparatle Joss. by the yea1s' services at the R M.C., to the notice of. th:~ ve?' valuable nat~re of his seven tbut, to say nothing of his high scientific attain:vernment, and will only add here lllbt1 uctor and possessed in addition . ~nts, ~e was l;lo most successful lor "."OJ k at a Military College. Sio~:r:~:~le~~ahJ1~ w;10h particularly fit.ted him rng in Chemistry and Physics has beon carried on ob c{· t a;y-n! t~e work of IDstruct-

By the resignation of Major Ra.ban R E p Y ap am. : · Cochrane. College bus lobt a fluent lecturer and a' m~st' , r~fessor ~ M1htar:y ~ngineering the httt> bef'n succeeded by C?lpt. Davidson RE z:a ou3 an energetic Instructor. He r;nginecring has been taken by Lieut 'A 'y'' w Sosa pbla1e as Instructor of Military tJollcge. · · an trau enzee, R..lll., a graduate of the

My former appointment as P ofi f S · V. B. Mayne, R.1£. r essor o urveyrng has been accepted byCaptain

, - Increased Facilities for Instruction. l~. The new astronomical observatory will b ·

o l Su1·veying in teaching the use of o t· LI ea gre~t as.sBtance to the Profe3sor P r

1 ~U e astronomwal m~trnmen ts. U ofortun-

60 Victoria.. Sessional Papers (No. 9.) A. 1887

ately the heavy additional duties which, during the fine spring weather, fell on me, prevented me from utiliz :ng it as much as I E>hould have wished.

A sot of meteorological instrumentR wa.B laRt spring supplied to the College by the Meteorological Service at Toronto, and the Cadets of the senior class regularly took the required obRervations and furnished the returns. They were fully instructed in the wor~e late Professor Bayne, who took great pains in perfect-

ing them in this dtajT. The College has since received a complete set of instruments of its own, and it is intended that in future the senior clabS shall receirn systematic instruction in this.

work A model of ground for instruction in practical tacticA, 12 by 8 feet, has recently been constructed by Mr. J. Wilde, from designs furnibbed by Major Nash, R.A., and will doubtless prove of great use ID the instruction both of Cadets and Militia

Officers. Training Imparted. }! I. I have often noticed that the people of this country in general were not

aware of the great educational advantages offered by the Royal Military College. That this ignorance is being gradually dispelled is evidenced by the fact, that within th& last few months 1 have received a large number of applications for information from persons who wished to obtain admission for their 1:1ons or relations. I may here 1emark that I have had numerous proofs of the very high reputation borne by the graduates in general, both as regards those who have chosen a military career and those who have preferred civil occupations.

New Works Completed or Authorized . 20. Three rnoms on the upper flat of the Educational Block, hitherto occupied

by officers, have been converted, OJ)e into a room for models relating to Military Engineering! the other two in to a Gcologica l Museum.

The rooms in the bgsemont, hitherto mwd aR a hospital, boing most unsuited to the purpOfle, it is a matter of congratuli..tion thu.t tl:.e erection of a proper detached building has bt>en sanctioned by U-overnmen t,

It will become especially valuable 1:1hould any contagious disease at 1:1ome futu~ time unhappily brMk out. The College has, fortunately, hithtn to enjoyed perfect immunity in this respect.

A new gateway, with iron gate, for tbe outer entrance to the Qollego groundst which bad long been needed, has been recently built.

New heating arrangements tor the Dormitory Building have also buen com-

pleted. New Wcrks R£quired. 21. As bas been frequently represented, sleeping accommodation for a larger

number of Cu.dets than at pret!eut exists is urgently needed. At present the dormi~ tories are overcrowded, and eighi of the Cadets have to sleep in ho1:1pital wards. The present number of Cadets is seventy-three. lf twenty.four more are admitted next year, the strength will be eighty·eight, as there are only nine in the senior class. lt seems, too, a pity that a larger number of tbe youth of Canada should not be able to take advantage of the very high course of training givc1n at the College lf a new Durmitory Building were erected, part of it might be fitted up for officers' quarters, a thing very much needed. 'fbere are at present ouly four officers' quarters. There ought to be quartars for at least the Staff Adjutant, the two Captains of wing.sand four officers doing orderly duty.

A drill shed (for both infantry and Artillery Drill) is much neeled. Also houses for two Staff 8ergeants, who at pre~.c nt live at a distance.

1 havc1 th 1 honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant,

J . R. OLlV.EH, Colonel R. A., Commandant, R)yal M 1litary College.


'60 Victoria..


Sessional Papers (No. 9.) A. 1887

Names (in alphabetical

order). -


RETURN of Gentlemen Cadets who

Province (belonging


Relative position of the GraduatAS as determinPd from date of joining to date of leaving the

In each Subject of Instruction.

,,; ~

"" 0 .. ti -.. ... ., '"' ~ IS

" 0 " "" 0 <l 0 z 0 - -------------------------------

139 Sergeant ..... Coutlee, C. R. F-... Ontario ...... 7 I 2 8 6 6 0 7 5 6 ... 6 3 4 6 • 7

147 Co. S.-K ...... Girouard, E. P. 0 ... Quebec ....... . 9 3 4· l l 4 1 5 4 4 2 2 7 8 5 4

137 Co. S.-M ...• .. Kennedy, J. N. 0 •... Manitoba .... 4 4 5 5 3 l 6 4 3 3 6 3 4 6 9 5

llil Co. S.-M ...... Macdonell, A. C ...... Ontario ...... 8 7 6 4 9 7 4 2 7 •8 ... 7 9 2 I 2

149 Sergeant ..... McColl, R .............. Nova Scotii. 3 9 7 6 7 9 7 6 8 514

8 6 7 4 6

141 Co. S.-M ...... N'ewcomb, J. N ....... Manitoba .... 5 6 8 9 2 5 2 1 6 7 5 1 5 1 3 3

145 Sergeant ..... Newman, C. P-...... Quebec ...... .. I 5 3 3 4 3 3 8 I 211 9 1 9 7 • 7

143 Lance Corpl Roe, A.H ............... Ontario ....... 6 8 9 7 8 8 8 9 9 •8 ... 5 8 5

:I·· "' I'·· s.-M·-·r'""·· w. o ......


.,.. srott•I ' 2 1 2 5 2 9 3 2 1 3 4 2 3

I I I I I I •Equal.


60 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. !1 .) A. 188'1


Graduated during the Year 1886.

by Marks obtained II.. M. Oollege.

In Oombined Snbjeets.

TotAl Ma.rka


"Diploma," or

"Diploma. with Honors.''

Award on Graduating.

Subjects for which entitled to record of "Distinguished•~ on Diploma.


------ - ------ --------------------------34718 6 Diplom11o ............... l. Civil Engineering.

40769 4 do ..... ········· 1. French. 2. Geology and Mineralogy. 3. Civil Engineering.

40845 3 do ...... ......... l. Practical Geometry and Engineering Drawing. 2. Freehand Drawing and Painting. 3. Civil Engineering.

31895 8 do . ............... 1. Drills and Exercises. 2. N.-C. Officera' Discipline.

34203 7 do ................ 1. Civil Engineerini.

38963 5 do ............... 1. Civil Engineering. 2. Drills and Exercises.

40963 2 do ··············· l. Mathematics and Mechanics. 2. Physics. 3. Geology and M'ineralo gy. 4. Civil Engineering.

28787 9 do ............... Nil.

44437 1 do ............... l. Mathematics and Mechanics. 2. Practical Geometry and Engineering Drawing. 3. Chemi~try. 4. Physic~. 6. Uivil Engineering. 6. Drills and Exerciees. 7. N.-C. Offic_ers' !Jiscipline.

J. R. OLIVER, Col., R.A .• Commandant Royal Military College.



fiO Victoria.. Sessional Papers (No. 9.) A. 1881







50 Victoria. Session al Papers (No. 9.) A. 1887


Col. z ••••••••••• •••••••••••• • •••••• ••••• •••••• ••••• 1<> . t• • •••••• ••••••• • ~ Ab brev1a ions....................... . ••.•••...•.•.•..••••• •• ••••.••• •• •••••• • •. •• .• • lZ

.Aide-de-Camp, tot thhe GQou~=~~~;~G~~~~~i:~: •.••••..••• •······•••••••••••·••••• •·•••• ••••••• 13 do to e ..................... ········ ····· do to the General Officer ...................... -· •••••·•••••• ··•·••••. 47

. ·········· ········.. .. .... .. .. . . . ... ... .. 55 Artillery Field ...••.••. ····••••· •·•• •....•.•.••••••. • ••••••••· •• •••• ·· •• 6

"' , • •••••••• •••••• ••••• t.t

do Garr1BO? · · ·· · · ••••· ·••·••••· · ..••••• _ .••••....••.•.••.•.•••• ··•• ·· •·••· ••·•••·•· ·••• 31 do Mountain .••.•..••••.•.••• ····· ••··•••···• ···•••·•· ·••·•· ···•·•• ·•••••••••••• ••••••• 19 d Royal Schools ..•.•.••• ·•······•· .•....•••.••••••

o . M C 11 •••••• ·••••••·••·•··••••••·•••••• ..•••• .. 35 B d of Visitori;i .R o ege...... • ................. . oar ' ....................................... •• •• •·••••• · ·· .. . . .. •. •••••• 31 Cavalry..................... . ................................ • .......... 16

do School of.. .................... . . ................ ••••••••·····• ...... 4 M·1·t • •••••• •••·••••••• College, Royal i I ary .•••••••• ·••••••• •• ....... .. .. . • .• ...... .......... •. •• .. •• • •• •• .. 6

Corps, Active Militia, byD Aymt ~··t·· ............ •••··•·•••·•••·•·••·•·•••·••·•·••••••·••· 66 d do by is r1c s ......... ·•·· ·•· •· • ......... ....... .

o. ............... .................................... •• ............ 21 Engmeers .......... : .. ""'."t ••..........••..•..••...••• ·••··••••·•••••• 233 Fi Id Officers Active Lis ···•••······· ••••••··••••·••••••••. e ' · d d ....... ···· ·• .... ·•·•••••·•••••· 13 21 do Retire o .•••••••• ·•• • · · • • ...•. • ·· ...... •• '

........... ... ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 13 General Officer ··: .......... •••••••••. • ..................... •·•••· ............. •• ••.• •. •••••• 19 do AH.le-de-Camp........... . •..••••.••••.••• .... .............. ...... 1~

Gentlemen Cadets, R M College.............. ...... • ••••·• ......... ···••· •..•. .•.•...•.• l'"' . l ········· ....... ········ ..... ....... ' Governor-Gene1 a .• . . .• .. . . . . . • . . ..••••••..••..... •• •• • • .. . •. .• •. 3<>

Mell .................. Cl. Graduates, R o ege... •. • .. •••.•• . ......... ·•.. •.•• ..... .••• .. .• •• . •••• •. • 67 I nfantry Schools of ....... ••••••••••• .•.•..•. ·••••·•.. . . . ..... ••. ................... •. • ..•••• ..• 229

' R':fi •••••••••·•·••·• • do and ' es ··•··· . ······· •. . ............ ······. ....... t<> •• •••••• ••• ••• •••• •••• •. ••••• !j 1\1edical Officers ...••......• •••••••....••.• . .....••......... ·••••• •. .• •• .• .••• 10 Militia Dopartment .......... ~ ............... ·············::: •••••••• ·••·••••·•·••••••••·•••••••• 3<>

. . t •·•••••·••···•·••··• ~ Military D1stric s....... ................. ······························· ······················ 31 Mounted Infantry, School of············· •••••··••••·· .............. ••••••••• 23"' c ............................. ..... ., Permanent oFrpsl.d .. Offi~~-;~···· .. ············ ······ ...... ························· 16 .Retired List, ie .•••. .• •• .. •. ••••••• .... ··••• .•.•••.. ·······•••• .................. •• 31 R l Mi'litary Colleae ..•.•.... ··•·••·•••• ..................... . ~ya . o .............. ••••••••••••••• ••••• 33 School of Artillery -· · ·:················ • ···••·····•• ·····•••···••••••·•••••••·••••··•••• 31 (Station) ... ······.......... . .............••••

····••·••·•••••• 33 do Cavalry ..• ···•·····•••·•·•·••••·••••• ·•·•·· ·· ·· •· • · .. .. •. · · ••••••··••· •••• ••••·• 3<> . ) ................ ,. " (Station ... ··················· .............•... ······••···••·••••• 34 do Infantry .. ·••··• ·•••··•·••••· · ··•··••··• • •·•·· •· · · ••••••......••• ·••••••· · •••••••••

3z (Station) ........................... •·•···• •.••..•.•.••.•••

• ... ••• ... ••• ..• .. .•••• ·••••••••.. 34. d Mounted Infantry................. • ................... . 0 . ) •••••••• •••••• ••• • •••••• •• 21 (Station .•. · •· ······ ···•••· ••.•••••••.••.••• . .. . . . . . . ...... ~ ...... ····· ...... .. .. .. . . .. .. 221

Seniority L1st .... ··•••••·••···•••• •••• - •••••••••••·••••··••••••• ·•••••• 13 . . ......... ········· ...... ········· ... . ............. . .Spemal .................. ·••• .••••...•••.••.•.••••• ·•••·•••• · ·•· •· • ·•• 13 Staft, Headquarters. . . . •• .• ... • . . • . . •.• . • • ••••.•••••••••••••••••••• •· •• •• 240 ' . . ... ········· ............ . Do D~str1ct............................. . .................................. . :Strength, Active Militia .....••••••••..••••••• ·••••·••••·••••• d of book.)

(For Index to Names and Places, see en

-00 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 9.)


M D ... •..•.......•••...•• Military District. Prov ......•.• ••...••.... Provisionally appointed. l c .. ..••......•...••..•.••• Lieutenant-Colonel. lt ........................... Lieutenant. m .....•.•..••••• ..•.•..•.• Major. a c ....•••.••.•••• ........ Artillery Certificate. cc ....... .. ............... Cavalry " m s ...•••••• .............. Military School Certificate.

A. 1887

g s ....•.................... Gunnery " " gs e .• ••••.........••.••..•• Engineer Certificate obtained at Royal School of Gunnery. gs i ........................ Infantry Certificate obtained at Royal School of Gunnery, q f o ........ •••.•.•.•.•••.• Qualified former Provincial Organization. r m c ....... ........... Royal Military College Diploma . rs a ......... ............. Royal School of Artillery Certificate. s c ............... •••••••••. School of Cavalry " s m i .... .................. School of Mounted Infantry " s i ........................ School of Infantry " :in q .................... Military Qualification " v b . ....................... Board of Examiners " 37-8 ........................ Served during rebellion of 1837-38. F .. .. . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . . " " Fenian raid. R....... ...... ...... ...... " Red River Expedition. NW ........... ......... '' during N. W. rebellion, 1885. m ........................ Medal for war services, Imperial Army. 0 B ....... ................ Companion of the Order of the Bath. G 0 M G ...•.•..•••••••. Grand Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. Georges. K 0 MG .............. . . Knight Commander " " " 0 M G .................. Companion " ·' "

~Errors and omissions will be rectified on notification thereof through tha proper channel of commumcation.


60 Victoria. ~e~siunal Papers (No. 9.)



A. 1881

} Oliver Col. John Ryder (R. Art.),

Commandant ........................... ••••••• ' 16th July, 1886;..

Professor of Surveying! Military Topo-} Mayne, Major Charles Blair 1~~~p~~:t.~f[8~: graphy and Reconnaissance............. .

Professor .of Mathematics, Mechanics} Rigg, Major Robert Addison 1\~~Pte!:, ~~~i: and Artillery ............................ · · ·

1st July, 1883. }

McGill, Lt.-Col. Sydenhem, Clitherow,

Staff Adjutant................................ (Lt.-Col. 22nd Oct., 1886.)

Professor of Fortifica_tion, Milit~ry En-} Davidson, Capt. Stuart (Lieut. R. Eng.), gineering, Geometrical Drawing and 1st Sept., 1886. Descriptive Geomeiry .......... ......... .

p~f::::?Jnd~~~~Y_.~~~~~~:.:.~~~~~~~:} Nash, Major Edward (Cap\!thAA~~ .• 18~4• . } Fairtlough, Lt.-Col. Samuel Gerrard (Major

Professor of Mathematics and Art!llery. R. Art.), 18th July, 1878.

Instructor in Fortifica.tion, Milit<!-ry En-} Van Straubenzee, Capt. Arthur Hope gmetring, Geometrical Drawing and (Lieut. R. Eng.), 7th Oct., 1886. Descriptive Geometry .................. ..

Assistant .Instructor. in Mathem~ii?s,} Wurtele, Capt. Alfred George3;J~;b:,' 1883. Geometrical Drawing and Descriptive (Ca t. 30th June, 1885.) Geometry .......................... · · · ·· · · •· P

Assistant Instructor in Sur.veying, .1.lf.ili-1 Cochrane, Capt. John Bray, 3rd Feb. 1882.

::~~;y .. ~:..~:~~~~:::.~.~y.~i.~~.~~~.~~~~:) (Capt. 30lh June, 1885.)

} Jones, Rev. Kearney !Jeonard, B.D.,

Professor of English and German........ . 1st Sept., 188i.

Pr°J,:~o~ng~~ .. :.~~~.~~:.~ •• ~:~.~:~: ... ~~.~}Day, Forshaw, Esq' R.O.tlth March, 18i9.

} Duval, Arthur Duponth, Esq ., M.D ..

Professor of French.......................... ~rd Apnl, 18~ 9.

} Harris Robert Carr, Esq., O.E.,

Professor of Civil Engineering............. ' 1st May, 1879.

Pr;J::t:;y .~: ... :.~:~:~~: ••. ~~~~:~~~: ••• ~~.~}Waddell, John, Esq ., B. ~·· ~~h ~ov., .18H86•


Rm Neilson, Surg. MaJor John Lewis ., Medical Officers .......... ·............. ...... M.D. (" B" Battery, R.C.f s~h June, 1880.

} Strange, Hon. Capt. M. W. (4th Regt. Ca8~6' Paymaster ......... ,..................... ..... 15th Jan, l •

16 Royal Military College of Oanadct,,

60 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 9.) A. 1887



NW Perry, Aylesworth Bowen ............................ :-io June 80 Lieut 16 July 80 Macpherson, Duncan ............................................ 30 June 80 Lieut 16 July 80-Spelman, Jamos ................................................. 30 Juno 80 L ieut 10 July 80 NW Wise, Henry Ellison ................... ....... .......... ao June 80 .Lieut Seo R1f

Fairbank, Charles Oliver ..................................... 30 June 80 Davis, William Mahlon ....................................... 30 June 80 DesB!'isay, Charles Albert.. ...................... . ............ 30 June 80 Wurtele, Alfred George Godfrey ..................... ., ..... 30 June 80 Cochrane, John Bray ............. .. ............................ 30 June 80 m NW Freer, Henry Cortlandt ................... ........ ao June 80 Keefer, Harold Waloruf ........................................ 30 June 80 NW H.ivorl'l, Victor Breroton ................... .. ........... . 30 June 80 NW JJixon, l!'.ranc1s Joseph .................. ............... 30 Juno 80 Davis, Fl'cdt!rick .............................. .. ... .............. ::i O June 80 NW Laurie, Rich:ud Carney ................................ 2.1 Dec 80 Van Siraubenzee, Arthur Hope . ............................. 23 Dec 80 .Ross, Alexander Bell. .......................... ........ . ....... 23 Dec 80 Gibson, John Gordon .......................... ................ 23 D<1c 80 Clark, John Curtis .............................................. 23 Dec 80 NW Doucet, Arthur Emile ................................. 23 Dw 8V

. Mackay, Buntly Brodie .......................... ............. 25 June 81 Campbell, Berbert Montgomery .................. ............. 25 June 81 NW Coryell, John Abraham ..... ......................... 25 June 81 Dunscomb, Wm GeoBarnstor:ff ............................. 25 June 81 Daniel, Allan Wilmot ......................................... 25 June 81 McElhinney, William John ...... ........... . ................... 25 June 81

Hogan, Henry Hunt ........................................... 25 June 81 Yates, Berton WJnn ........................................... 25 June 81 m NW Sears, James Walker ..... ........................ 25 Juno 81 l!'ord, Edward .......... .... . .................................... 25 June 81 Shaw, George William ........................................ 25 June 81 NW Cartwright, Robert ..................................... 25 Jone 81 NW Groig, William Robert ................................. 25 June 81 NW Hubbell, Ernest Wi:son ............................. 25 June bl Drury, Edmund Hazen ....................................... 35 June 81 Robinson, William Henry ............................... ...... 27 Juno 82 Latimer, Frank Herbert ....................................... 27 June 82 Skinner, Frederick St. Duthus ..... ......................... 27 June 82 Duffus, Graeme Sym ....... .................................... 27 Jone 82 Taylor, Edward 'l'hornton ............ ..................... 27 June 82 Duff, George Mowat ....................................... .•• 27 June 82

NW Wood, Zachary Taylor ................................. 27 June 82 Kirkpatrick, Alexander King ............................... 27 June 82 Greenwood, Henry Smith .................................... 27 J:rne 8~ Wetmore, Andrew Rainsford ................................. 27 June 82 Stairs, William Grant ........................ ................. 27 June 82

Hooper, George Robertson .............................. ...... 2-t; June 82 Hodgins, Arthur Edward ..................................... 27 June 82 NW Tomlinson, Alfred Thomas ........................... 27 June 8~ NW Ogilvie, George Hunter ............................... 27 June 82 Wurtele, Ernest Frederick .................................... 27 June 82

Graduates. 9a-2

Capt 28 Oct 84 Liout 16 Jnly 80 Lieut 16 July 80 Li1·ut 16 July 80 C;;pt 30 June 85 Capt 30 June 85 Lieut S Staff R Lieut 10 July 80 Lieut 16 J aly 80 Lieut 16 July 80 Lieut 16 July 80 Lieut 13 Jan 8 l Lieut R Eng Lieut 13 .Jan 81 Lieut 13 Jan 81 Lieut 13 Jan 81 L ieut 13 Jan 81 Lieut R Eng Lieut R Art Lieut 25 June 81 Lieut 25 June 81 Lieut 25 June 81 Lieut R Eng Lieut 2a June 81 Lieut 25 June 81 Lieut 25 J uue 81 Lieut S Staff R Lieut 25 June 81 Lieut 25 June 81 Lieut :::5 June 81 Lieut 25 June 81 Lieut 25 June 81 Lieut 25 June 81 Liwt R Eng Lieut 27 Juuo SJ Lieut R. Su~s. R Lieut R Art Lieut Ches .R Lieut R Eng Lieut 27 June 82 Lieut 27 June 82 Lieut 27 June b2 Lieut 27 June 82 Lieut 27 June 82 .Lieut R Eng Lieut 27 Juno 82 Lieut 27 June 82 Lieut 27 June 82 Lieut 27 Juue 82 Lieut 27 June 82 Capt 30 July 86


60 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 9.)

Anderson, Frederick Charles ............................... 27' June 82 Clarko, Horbert ................................................. 27 June 8~ NW Laidlaw, George Edward ............................ 27 June ~:2 Stewart,, William J .............................................. 26 June 83 Lang, John Irvine...... .....• .. . ......•.........•..•.....•••. 26 June 83 NW Leonard, Reuben Wells ...................... ........ 26 June 83 NW Weller, John Laing ... .................................. 26 June 83 ..NW Casgrain, Philippe Henri DuPerron.. .• .. • .. •••••• 26 June 83

Korby, Forbes Murray .......................................... 26 June 83 Gray, Phillips Easson ......................................... 26 June 83 Van Straubenzee, Bowen William Sutton ................... 26 June 83 Almon, Mather Byles ........................................... 26 June 83 White, James......... . ........................................ 26 June 83 Lambe, Laurence Morris ....................................... 26 June 83 NW Nanton, Herbert Colborne .... .. ................. ......... 26 June 83

Campbell, Donald Colin ........................................ 26 June 83 Twining, Philip Geojfrey ........................................ 26 June 83

Carruthers, Wallace Bruce Matthews ........................ 26 June 83 NW Strange, Barry Bland ............... .................. 26 June 83

Baker, Jotil A .................................................... 26 June 83 Woodman, John .................................... ; ............ 26 June 83 · NW Chalmers, Thomas Wellington ...................... 26 Juno 83 Neyland, Mayo Williams ..................................... 26 June 83 Joly, Alain Chartiere de Lotbiniere ......... ., . ................ 26 June 83

Benson, Thomas .................................................. 26 June 83 Evans, Arthur Thomas Kelly ................................. 26 June 83 f"!arey, Herbert Clement .......................................... 26 June 84 Hearn, John .................................................. 26 June 84 Crawford, Frederick Lindsay ................................. 26 June 84 Yan Buskirk, William Fraser ................................ 26 June 84 NW Cartwright, Conway Edward ........................ 26 June 84 White, Frederick William ..................................... 26 June 84 Smith, Edward Osborne ..................... .................... 26 June 84 Sanders, Gilbert Edward .................... ................... 26 June 84 Drayner, Frederic ........ . ...................................... 18 Sept 84 Carner on, Kenneth Boswell...................................... 2 Oct 84

Ridout, Dudley Howard ................................ .•....••. 30 June 85 Von Bugel, 1!17orman Guy ..• .................................... 30 June 85 Moren, James Alexander ..................... .................... 30 June 85 Skinner, Thomas Carlyle ............••• ......................... 30 June 85 Bre1nner, Allan Pollock .................. ....................... 30 June 85 Tilley, William .Fairbairn ............. ......................... 30 June 85 Macdonald, Arthur Cameron .................................. 30 June 85 Almon, Charles Francklyn ................ , ..................... 30 June 85 Bodgins, Charles Richard ....................................... ~O June 85 Duffus, Edward John ..................................... ...... 30 June 85 Primrose, Philip Carteret Hill .............................. 30 June 85 Yorston, William Gardiner ... .... . ............................ 29 June 86 Newman, Cecil Platt .......................................... 29 June 86 Kennedy, John Nassau Chambers ..•.••••. .................... 29 June 86 Girouard, Edward Percy Cranwill.. ......................... 29 June 86 Newcomb, John Northup ................................. ., •• 29 June 86 18 Graduates.

A. 1887

Lieut 27' June 82 Capt J 6 Oct 85 Lieut 27 June 82 Lieut 26 June 83 Lieut R Eng Lieut 26 June 83 Lieut 26 June 83 Lieut REng Lieut 26 June 83 Lieut 26 June 83 Lieut R Art Lt S Wales Bord Lieut 26 June 83 Lieut 26 June 83 Lieut 26 June 83 Lieut R Eng Lieut 26 June 83 Lieut 26 June 83 Lieut R Eng Lieut 26 June 83 Lieut 21 Hrs Lieut R Art Lieut 26 June 83 Lieut 26 June 83 Lieut 26 June 83 .Lieut 26 June 83 Lieut 26 June 83 Lieut R Eng Lieut 26 June 83 Lieut 26 June 83 Lieut 26 June 83 Lieut R Eng Lieut 26 June 84 Lieut 26 June 84 Lieut 26 June 84 Lieut 36 June 84 Lieut 26 June 84 Lieut North'n R Lieut 26 June 84 Lieut 18 Sept 84 .liieut Arg and

Suth'd Bighrs Lieut R Eng Lieut R Eng Lieut R Art Lieut REng Lieut R Eng Lieut R Eng Lieut 30 June 85 Lieut R Art Lieut R Art Lieut R Art Lieut 30 .June 85 Lieut 29 June 86 Lieut 29 June 86 Lieut R Eng Lieut 29 June 86 Lieut 29 June 86

60 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 9.) A. 1887

Coutlee, Charles Robert Foran ............................... 29 June 86 Lieut 29 Juno 86 McColl, Roderick ................................................. 29 June 86 Lieut 29 June 86 Macdonell, Ar:chibald Cameron ........................ ....... 29 June 86 Roe, Richard .Log:i.n ............................................ 29 June 86 Lieut 29 June 86

NoTE.-The Graduates are arranged according to standing with date of graduation placed oppesite their respective na"'lles. Their militia rank and date thereof follow, ex cept those who have elected to take commissions in Ber Majesty's Regular Army-wh?se names are in Italics-when, if appointed, their army rank and corps are given,


Powell, Col Walker, Adj.-Gen. Members.

Colonel C S Gzowski, Lt-Colonel Maunsell,

Lt-Colonel Montizambert, Lt Colonel Duchesnay.


1883 Adams, Alexander Bowie, George Shepherd Clapp, Joseph Malcolm Davis, Arthur Lowry Patrick Gaudet, Frederic Mondelet Jack, Robert Brydone :Macdonald, Reginald James Morrow, Harold A Van Straubenzee, Casimir Cartwright

1884 Barker, Frederick Edward Lloyd Bremmer, Arthur Grant Oayley, Arthur Macaulay Crawford, Arthur Louis Farwell, Charles Bowers Grant, William Wright Gunn, James Alexander Hamilton, Edmund Charles Honecker, William Charles Giffard Johnston, Georgo Napier .Johnston, Henry Wentworth Joly, Henry Gustave Knight, Merle Shafto Lesslie, William Breck Mackay, James Drummond Murphy, Martin Joseph M:ylne, John M.allock Mackenzie, Alexander Panet, Alphonse Eugene

18b5 Armstrong, Bennett Hornsby Baker, Godfroy Rugh Massy Benn, Francis Hamilton Bermingham, Chl'istopher William Fraser, Basil Hall Gilmore, Edward Theodore Barclay Hamilton, William Allardice Howard, John Chester

19 Board of Visitors. 9a-2!

Hudon, Mario Leo Edmond Kerr, William Archibald Hastings Macaulay, William Kirby Young Murray, Charles Gr11ont McLennan, Bartlett O'Brian, Donald Patteson, Godfroy Barkworth Ritchie, Hazen Rogers, Henry Schofield Rose, William Herchmer Simpson, Robert William Smart, John Alder Newton Strickland, D' Arey Ed ward Whitehead, Edward Ashworth Williams, Herbert Henry

1886 Amos, Louis Joseph Auguste Anderson, Frederick Barlee, George Toker Brock, Reignald Arthur Browne, Thomas Hay Campbell, Harold Benjamin Donald Cleghorn, Andrew Taylor Cooke, William Edward Dobell, Charles Macpherson Domville, James William Emery, Frank Bouchier Fleming, Walter Arthm· Hampson, Robert Houliston, John Jones, Frank Percy Leckie, Robort Edwards Matheson, Arthur John Morris, Edmund Merritt Morris, Robert Cochran McDougall, Edgar Mill McDowell, John Sidney N ewmau, Percy James Rose, George Gildersleeve · Williams, Leopold Trefussis Wells Genllemen Cadets. 2()

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