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Mindful Meridian Therapy(my brand of Emotional Freedom Techniques)

Like emotional acupuncture without the needles, this rapid technique is good for ridding one’s self of all negative emotions, non-serving beliefs and many physical pains that have an emotional component.  Once the negative is gone, you can enhance the process by visualizing your success and anchoring a positive in.  (Note: Make sure you are well-hydrated before doing any of these techniques.)

Energy Psychology, Energy Medicine, Meridian Therapies, Tapping – All therapies that use the energy system of the body in concert with the powers of the mind to change cognition, feelings, habits, and memories.  They are like emotional acupuncture- without the needles.

Subjective Unit of Distress (SUD) – On a scale of 0-10, how much is the problem/pain disturbing you.  Take a SUD level before and after you tap.

Full-Body Breath – This breath is slow and gentle.  Never holding the breath, silently and gently inhale through the nose filling the diaphragm all the way up into the throat, and then gently release through your open mouth, allowing the air to “fall all the way out.”  Let your shoulders drop.  There should be no forcing or pushing or holding.  It's all very gentle and quiet.

1. Set the intention for the healing by speaking or thinking it.  It is also quite helpful to write it down.  (Example: “I want to release this feeling of being angry at my mother-in-law for butting in with the kids and instead to feel at peace.”)

2. While staying tuned in and focused on the problem, negative emotion, or pain, tap or rub on both sides of your body unless you are driving or have another need for one of your hands, then you can tap or rub with one hand on the following points:   Top of the Head (TH), Eyebrow (EB), Side-of-the-Eye (SE), Under-the-Eye (UE), Under-the-Nose (UN), Chin (CH), Collar Bone (CB), Under-the-Arm (UA), Under the Wrists (UW), Top of the Wrists (TW),  All Fingertips (AF).  TAKE A FULL BODY BREATH. Check your SUD.  Tap through the points until you feel at peace.

3. Check to see if you have released the problem/negative emotion/pain.  Do as many rounds as it takes to feel confident that you

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have released the problem, negative emotion, or pain that you have been working on.  You might be happy that you are at a SUD level one or two.  That is perfectly fine.  If you feel good about it, I feel good about it.

4.  Once you have released the problem, negative emotion, or pain, close your eyes and imagine yourself enjoying exactly the feeling / experience that you do want.  Imagine it with great detail.  Imagine yourself in your own body experiencing whatever pleasurable feelings you want to feel.  See the colors and details, hear the sounds, smell the smells.  Enjoy a vivid internal experience of your desired state.  You can even take a minute or two to once again focus on your desires as if they are here and now.  While you are doing this, place your thumb and forefinger together. Later, when you want to feel those good feelings again, just place your thumb and forefinger together.

(Notes: If you want to tap so that nobody knows you are tapping, tap each finger with your thumb and that will bring some relief.  You can do this all day long and enjoy a lot of peace and relaxation in your life.  Consider doing this while you are on the phone, out walking, or watching television.  Don't forget to breathe!  When tapping through the points of the body, try tapping alternating sides.  For some folks this has even a more profound effect.  If you're not getting enough relief, try the 9-Gamut Procedure):

The 9-gamut procedure - While tapping on your gamut point (between the pinky and ring finger on the back of the hand), close your eyes, open your eyes, look down hard to the left, look down hard to the right, roll your eyes in a clockwise circle, roll the eyes counterclockwise, hum (any song for a few notes), count to five, hum again.  TAKE A FULL BODY BREATH.  Check your SUD.  If you aren’t down to a one or two, repeat step 2.

Remember:  Try it on Everything!  Life is too short to feel bad if you don't have to.  -Stephanie Rothman

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