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EnvironmEntally EfficiEnt procEssing of complEx and hazardous wastEs

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contEnts:3-4 Background5-6 minergy vitrification technology7-8 minergy waste processing Experience9-10 minergy technologies and applications11-12 minergy technology application range13-14 technology deployments15-16 technology deployments, continued17-18 Business objectives19-20 minergy opportunities Examples21-22 minergy opportunity case studies23-24 mswi Bottom ash, asr and minergy status25-26 minergy Bottom ash and asr opportunity in Europe27-28 mswi fly ash, apc and minergy status29-30 minergy fly ash and apc opportunity in Europe31-32 spent pot lining and minergy status33-34 minergy spl opportunity35-36 summary37-38 contact us

minErgy corporation

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minergy processes high volume, complex/hazarous waste in a highly efficient and environmentally sensitive manner

patented, award winning, proven vitrification technology for treatment of multiple waste streams

founded in1993, originally as a subsidiary of wisconsin Energy

constructed four fully functional plants

minergy plants are compact, have low emissions, and the only by-product is inert glass aggregate

three versions of minergy technology developed to address a wide range of waste streams

over €75m(us$100m) in aggregate r&d investment to date

technology has been endorsed by the us Epa and 3 of the largest environmental services companies in the world

minergy has developed a number of unique solutions for specific industries


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vitrification is a process that melts materials with heat and fusion

feedstocks may include inorganic and organic materials

organic fraction is a renewable fuel source

inorganic fraction transforms into inert, beneficially reusale glass aggregate.

glass aggregate byproduct approved for use in:

asphalt pavements

pozzolan substitute (cement extender)

floor tiles

utility trench fill

roofing shingles

Blasting grit

minErgy vitrification tEchnology

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minErgy wastE procEssing ExpEriEncE

over the past 17 years, minergy has successfully tested and processed in ex-cess of 4.5 million tons of 50 different waste streams including:

chemical plant processed biosolids

paper mill sludge

gas plant remediation waste

paint sludge

contaminated river/harbour/lake sediment

wastewater sludge

auto shredder residuals (asr)

fly ash/bottom ash

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minErgy tEchnologiEs and applications

glass furnace

processes low organic waste streams such as fly ash

successfully processed;

fly ash and Bottom ash from European municipal solid incineration company

auto shredder residuals (asr) from major European processor

hazardous river bed sediment in a project with the Epa in the us

glass aggregate

medium organic waste streams such as deinking mill sludge

plant has been operational in usa since 1998 processing more than 250,000 tonnes of waste per year

glass pack

high organic waste streams such as municipal biosolids

demonstrated expertise in processing waste from more than 15 municipal solid waste businesses

Built a us plant to process municipal solid waste in 2007

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minErgy tEchnology application rangE

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fox valley glass aggregate plant

operational from 1998 –present

processes paper mill sludge and produced glass aggregate and steam

plant sold by minergy in 2003

currently processes more than 250,000 tonnes of paper mill sludge per year

oak creek minergy plant

operational from 1994 –2000 at wisconsin Energy oak creek coal powered power plant

processed fly ash from coal and municipal biosolids

produced 100,000 tonnes of light weight aggregate per year

ceased operation due to change in coal source

tEchnology dEploymEnts

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winneconne vitrification r&d facility

waste to energy plant

processed fly ash, chemical plant processed biosolids, biomass fuels, manufactured gas plant remediation wastes, contaminated river sediments, auto shredder residuals, paper mill sludge, wastewater sludge and paint sludge

operational from 2000 – 2008

closed prior to sale of business

north shore sanitary district sludge recycling center

processed municipal biosolids to produce glass aggregate

ceased operation due to change in process and landfilling policy

operational from 2007 –2009

tEchnology dEploymEnts


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in conjunction with partners, pursue opportunities for the processing of high volume waste where:

regulatory environment is currently, or is becoming, favourable

conventional disposal methods do not represent a viable long term solution

continuous supply of 30,000 – 200,000+ tonnes per year of a specific waste stream

in conjunction with partners, build/own/operate waste processing centres (or license technology in special circumstances):

minergy has design and construction expertis

minergy has an operational team with more than 10 years experience in managing and operating minergy facilities

BusinEss oBjEctivEs

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minErgy opportunitiEs ExamplEs

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Market Opportunity Minergy Experience

Fly ash/bottom ash

Large scale international opportunities to process municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) fly/bottom ash & coal fly ash (potential for more than 50 plants worldwide)

Successfully operated fly ash - aggregate waste plant for 7 years; experience in processing incinerator fly ash /bottom ash; Minergy technology endorsed by multiple large MSWI processors in Europe

Auto Shredder Residuals (ASR)

In 2015, 95% of all end-of-life vehicles must be recycled in Europe; Minergy technology can process ASR mineral fraction

Minergy technology endorsed by the Netherlands Government mandated organization responsible for all ASR processing

Hazardous waste Significant opportunity worldwide

The US EPA endorsed Minergy, successfully concluding a multi-year study processing PCB's from river bed sediment

Mining and mining refining waste

Opportunity for 20+ Minergy plants world wide

Minergy has unique patent pending technology to process Spent Pot Lining (SPL) waste

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on the following slides are high level reviews of 3 opportunity case studies, which collectively represent a potential for 50 minergy plants in the next 10 – 15 years:

European municipal solid waste incineration (mswi) bottom ash and asr

European mswi fly ash and air pollution control (apc) residue

spent pot linings (spl) from alumina processing

minErgy opportunity casE studiEs

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in 2006/2007, minergy successfully processed:

Bottom ash from one of the largest European mswi operators

complex mineral fraction from the leading asr reprocessing company in Europe

not further progressed at that time due to lack of scale at each facility

re-engaged clients in 2010/11 and updated conceptual designs

secured interest from multiple new parties in 2011

have received letter of intent (loi) from asr reprocessing company

minergy’s technology has been endorsed by a number of leading mswi companies in Europe

active discussions underway with mwsi companies representing more than 35% of the total Europe market

minErgy status

more than 60m tonnes of municipal solid waste (msw) is incinerated in Europe each year, producing about 15m tonnes of bottom ash

currently certain fractions of bottom ash can be re-pro-cessed.

traditional means of processing remaining bottom ash fractions – through stabilisation and back filling of mines – are not a sustainable as regulations are changing

minergy technology represents an economical and envi-ronmentally sensitive long term solution

mswi Bottom ash and asr

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investment opportunity is greater than €1B (us$1.4B)

aggregate annual revenue opportunity is more than €600m (us$800m)

substantial additional bottom ash opportuni-ties in other geographies

minErgy Bottom ash and asr opportunity in EuropE

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number of plants

Cost per plant Revenue per plant per year

€30M – 40M €20M

US$40M – 55M US$30M

€30M – 40M €20M

US$40M – 55M US$30M

Bottom ash 20 - 40

ASR 3 – 5

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minergy has successfully processed fly ash from one of the largest mswi companies in Europe at its test facility in the usa

a unique aspect of the minergy proprietary design is the ability to process waste streams with a high salt content (5–50%+) as this is critical when processing some apc residues

minergy’s technology has been endorsed by a number of leading mswi companies in Europe who have need for an alternative means of processing fly ash/apc residue

active discussions underway with mwsi companies representing more than 20% of the total Europe market

minErgy status

approximately 3m tonnes of mswi fly ash/apc residue produced each year in Europe

additional large volume of fly ash produced by a wide range of other industries

fly ash treatment process has a number of similarities to treatment process for bottom ash

minergy represents a superior long term solution to other approaches

mswi fly ash/apc rEsiduE in EuropE

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typical plants will treat 100,000 – 200,000 tonnes per year

market opportunity is for 5 – 10 plants

plant investment should be similar to comparably sized fly ash plants:

€30m – 40m

us$40m – 55m

yearly revenue per plant:



total market opportunity:

€250m (us$350m) of capital investment

€150m (us$200m) of revenue per year

minErgy fly ash/apc rEsiduEopportunity in EuropE

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in 2011 minergy developed a patent pending system for the treatment of spl

the minergy design is highly innovative and combines a number of proven tech-nologies (including minergy’s glass furnace technology) into a single integrated plant

multiple by-products are produced by the treatment process, which can be resold commercially – some at a significantly value

the minergy design has been reviewed in detail by one of the largest environ-mental services companies in the world

minErgy status

aluminum production is a continuous process where different materials are molted within a refractory lined ‘pot’

spl is produced as a waste stream from this process

approximately 500,000 tonnes of spl produced each year, and volumes are steadily increasing

spl is expensive to treat, with no sustainable solution to-date

much spl is being stockpiled around the world in hope that a viable long term solution will be developed in the future

substantial r&d has been invested over the years to develop a long term solu-tion by numerous governmental and industry parties, without success

spEnt pot lining

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regulatory conditions globally continue to evolve to support de-ployment of minergy technology for the treatment of spl.

currently about 50% of world-wide spl producers (i.e. 250,000 tonne) can justify a minergy solution

typical plants will treat 25,000 – 75,000+ tonnes of spl per year

plant investment:

€35m – 50m us$50m – 70m

yearly revenue per plant will typically be:

€20m us$30m

total market opportunity is

€200m (us$275m) of capital investment €150m (us$200m) of revenue per year

minErgy spl opportunity

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minergy technology is patented, award winning, proven vitrifica-tion technology for treatment of a wide range of waste streams

minergy solutions are:

cost effective Environmentally sensitive compact in size with low emissions Built upon minergy’s 18 years of industry experience

over €75m(us$100m) r&d investment in minergy technology

minergy has developed a number of unique solutions for specific industries and waste streams such as spl, asr, fly ash & Bottom ash

minergy technology has been endorsed by governmental agencies and global environmental services companies


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minergy corporation limited

phone: +44 207 617 7424fax: +44 207 117 4460

Email: [email protected]

contact us:

EnvironmEntally EfficiEnt procEssing of complEx and hazardous wastEs

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