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TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1991

(as amended)

PRESENT: Mayor Jan Reimer.Aldermen J. Bethel, M. Binder,B. Campbell, C. Chichak, R. Hayter,K.B. Kozak, B. Mason, S. McKay, H. Paull,L. White.

ABSENT: Aldermen P. Mackenzie, Staroszik.


R. Picherack, City Manager. J. Basey, City Solicitor. U.S. Watkiss, City Clerk. P. Tillenius, Assistant City Clerk.

Mayor Reimer called the meeting to order at 9:37 a.m.

Aldermen Mackenzie and Staroszik were absent.

Reverend Bruce Cowley, Edmonton Police Services, opened the meeting with a prayer.


RECOMMENDATION: That the Minutes of Meeting No. 42, dated May 14, 1991, be adopted as circulated.

MOVED Alderman Campbell – White

That Council concur with the recommendation.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

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Mayor Reimer stated the following:

I am pleased this morning to be able to welcome members of the Tax on Business Evaluation Committee and I would like to, on behalf of all members of Council, thank each member for contributing to a thorough study and insightful recommendations. It certainly was not an easy task.

The Committee began the task of reviewing the City's taxation system back in the fall of 1989. The Committee was given a tough assignment to find a way to integrate the business tax and the non-residential property tax with little or no impact and to study whether taxes within the business community are equitably distributed.

Certainly, the Committee did more than expected. They provided a set of sound and consistent principles that provide a solid basis for taxation policies. Your report dealt with some very basic and important issues in establishing fairness and equity in our tax system.

In addition, we certainly wish to thank you for the extensive research that you did in comparing Edmonton's tax system with that of other cities. Not only did you give useful information, you put it in a form that was easily understood. You helped to show that Edmonton's business tax is among the lowest in the country. You confirmed what we sense that Edmonton is a good place in which to do business and your proposals will help to keep it that way.

Among the reasons, I believe, for the success of the committee were first of all, you really did your homework and accept our thanks for that time and effort that you gave. Because the Business Tax Committee represented a broad spectrum of voices within the business community, its recommendations carry weight and, thirdly, the Committee worked in partnership with the Civic Administration and Randy Schwindt became one of you. It is an example for future reference in working together to solve problems rather than blaming one another.

Early this year, City Council approved the Committee's report in principle and directed the Finance Department staff to conduct further study. I understand they have been receiving full cooperation from the Provincial Government, and, indeed, assessment officers from the Province have been working closely towards this end.

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Your report will not sit on a shelf and gather dust. I think together we will see that and in recognition of your excellent service and useful advice, we are pleased to welcome you today and I would like to give a presentation to each one of you as a token of our appreciation. Thank you.

Council warmly welcomed the members of the Tax on Business Evaluation Committee.

Presentations were made to: Russ McKeever, Chairman of the Tax on Business Evaluation Committee; Jake Ens, representing the Edmonton Business Alliance; Lloyd Malin; William Rowe; William Newbigging; Bob Saari and Randy Schwindt.

Mayor Reimer stated the following:

As Rick Hilborn could not be here today, I would like to ask the Chairman to please convey that for us with our sincere thanks.

Thank you again, to all of you, for your contribution.

Alderman Campbell, on a Point of Privilege, stated the following:

I want to refer to Rotary International's group exchange for students around the world. It happens every year and I am pleased to introduce this morning a young lady from South Australia, City or Town of Port Pirie, which is 225 kilometres north of Adelaide. Adelaide is the capital of Australia.

Tammie is here. She is currently residing in various homes of members of the Rotary Club; and, this particular rotary club is the Edmonton Jasper Club. She is staying currently with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Roberts and Tammie Smalacombe has a presentation to you, Your Worship, from her mayor of Port Pirie and would like to that at this time.

Members of Council warmly welcomed Tammie Smalacombe.

Ms. Smalacombe made a presentation to the Mayor, Members of Council and the citizens of Edmonton on behalf of Mayor Dennis Crisp, elected members of Council and the citizens of the City of Port Pirie, South Australia.

Alderman Campbell requested that City Council recognize the Grade VIclass from Rio Terrace Elementary School.

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Members of Council warmly welcomed the students from Rio Terrace Elementary School and their teacher Giles Collins.


Alderman McKay stated the following:

Where is the report, please, that I requested on the One Percent Art Policy for this meeting, this morning? I received notice that it would be and, I believe, it is an emergent matter because we still do not know if it was proper for that Art Coordinator position to be advertised for at this point.

The City Manager gave a verbal report on the Art Coordinator position.


B.1. Aldermanic Inquiries

Alderman McKay referred to the procedures with respect to booking tee times at City-owned golf courses, in particular, at the Riverside Golf Course, and requested a report from the Parks and Recreation Department.

A petition from Ian W. Nicholson, #203, 12303 Jasper Avenue, T5N 3K7, containing 48 signatures, was tabled with the City Clerk.

B.2. Aldermanic Suggestions.



RECOMMENDATION: That the following reports be received as information.

MOVED Alderman White – Campbell

That Council concur with the recommendation for allitems.

Members of Council agreed to consider each item individually.

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C.1 Alderman Bethel re: Development of the Road into theCherry Grove Area

Members of Council considered a report, prepared by the Planning and Development Department, dated April 30, 1991.

Mr. V. Pirzek, Planning and Development Department, answered Council's questions.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

C.2. Inquiry of Alderman Bethel re: Closure of GlengarryHealth Centre

Members of Council considered a report, prepared by the Edmonton Board of Health, dated April 17, 1991.

Alderman McKay requested a further report from the Board of Health with respect to opening part-time clinics in community schools, and closing part of the time in other clinics to serve a broader area without increasing costs.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

C.3. Alderman Kozak re: Complaint from a Resident Regardingthe Old Gainers Site

Members of Council considered a report, prepared by the Planning and Development Department, dated May 13, 1991.

Alderman Kozak requested the Administration prepare a report for the first meeting of the Executive Committee in July, substantiating that the June 30th date has been met.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,

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Mason, McKay, Paull, White.ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

C.4. Alderman Mason re: Delay in the Paying of the City's Bills

Members of Council considered a report, prepared by the Finance Department, dated May 24, 1991.

MOVED Alderman Mason – Binder

That the report be referred to the Utilities and Finance Committee.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

C.5. Alderman McKay re: One Percent for Art

Members of Council considered a report, prepared by the Finance Department, dated May 7, 1991.

Alderman McKay requested a further report on the sources of funding for the $200,000 LRT art.

Alderman White requested that Enclosure I, Appendix "C" of the report be expanded to include the years 1980 - 1985.

Alderman Bethel requested the report address whether consideration has been given to utilize the $200,000 throughout the system. What process would be used and how would the projects be selected.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

C.6. Inquiry of Alderman McKay re: Feasibility of Combiningthe Prince of Wales Archives with the Aviation Museum

Members of Council considered a report, prepared by the Parks and Recreation Department, dated May 16, 1991.

The City Manager answered Council's questions.

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Alderman Mason left the meeting.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Mason, Staroszik.

MOVED Alderman Kozak – Campbell

That Council resolve into Committee of the Whole to consider Executive Committee Reports 76 and 77.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Mason, Staroszik.

Alderman White requested the permission of Council to introduce aMotion Without the Customary Notice.

Alderman Mason re-entered Council Chambers.

MOVED Alderman Bethel – Kozak

That Alderman White be permitted to introduce a motion without the customary notice.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

MOVED Alderman White – Paull

That two additional meetings be scheduled for October 25, 1991 at 9:30 a.m. and November 21, 1991 at 12:30 p.m. to discuss the 1992 Operating Budget.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

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Council resolved into Committee of the Whole to consider Executive Committee Reports 76 and 77 with Mayor Reimer in the Chair.

MOVED Alderman White

That Council concur with the recommendations for all items contained in Reports 76 and 77.

Members of Council requested the exemption of:

Report 77: 4, 5 and 6.

MOTION ON RECOMMENDATIONS (excluding the exemptions) put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

1. Bylaw No. 9787 - To Authorize an Agreement with HerMajesty the Queen in Right of Canada with respect to anAgreement for Payment for Upgrading and Repair of Waterand Sewer Systems and Surface Improvements at CanadianForces Base Edmonton


That it considered the above noted bylaw, together with a report prepared by the Planning & Development Department dated May 1, 1991.


1. That this item be received as information (i.e.that Bylaw No. 9787 be given the appropriatereadings).

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2. That the attached report (Enclosure II) be received as information.

(X-reference: Bylaw 9787 - G.1.k.).

(Council concurred with the recommendations.)

2. Alderman Reimer re: Policy on Chlorofluorocarbons (Utilities & Finance Committee Report #29)


That it considered the report, prepared by Public Works Department, March 20, 1991.


That this report be received as information.

(Council concurred with the recommendation.)

3. Letter, addressed to Alderman Staroszik, dated April 12,1991 from K.R. Smith, Assistant Deputy Minister, AlbertaEnvironment, Oxbridge Place, 9820-106 Street, Edmonton,T5K 2J6 re: Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) Regulation and theStatus of Alberta's Greenhouse Gases Inventory (Utilities& Finance Committee Report #29)


That it considered the above-referenced item.


That the letter from K.R. Smith, Assistant Deputy Minister, Alberta Environment, be received as information.

(Council concurred with the recommendation.)

4. 1991 Operating Budget Adjustment - Fire Department Asbestos Abatement (Utilities & Finance Committee Report #29)


That it considered the report, prepared by the Finance Department, dated April 9, 1991.

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That the 1991 Operating Expenditure Budget in the Fire Department, Program No. 705, Equipment and Buildings, be increased by $96,000.00 from $2,349,000.00 to $2,445,000.00. This will be a one-time expenditure to be funded from General Council Contingency.

(Council concurred with the recommendation.)

Executive Committee Report 77 .

1. Bylaw No. 9794 - Construction of a Street Mall andAmenities Thereto - Streetscaping Along Stony Plain Road - 123 to 125 Streets - Local Improvements Property Share as per Attached Appendix.

Bylaw No. 9797 - Lane Lighting Local Improvements Property Share as per Attached Appendix.


That it considered the above noted bylaws, together with respective reports from the Finance Department.


That these items be received as information (i.e. that Bylaws 9794 and 9797 be given the appropriate readings).

(X-reference: Bylaw 9794 - G.1.l.Bylaw 9797 - G.1.m.).

(Council concurred with the recommendation.)

2. International Symposium on Cold Region Development -Request for Funding


That it considered the above noted item, together with a report prepared by the Office of the City Manager dated May 8, 1991.


That The City of Edmonton contribute a maximum of $1,500.00 to this symposium, to match financial assistance offered by the Edmonton Economic Development

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Authority. Source of funds: General Council Contingency.

(Council concurred with the recommendation.)

3. 1991 and 3 Year Cast Iron Water Main Renewal Plan


That it considered the above noted item, together with a report prepared by the Environmental Services Department dated May 7, 1991.


That approval be given to use $2.8 Million from the 1991 Cast Iron Water Main Renewal Program to replace cast iron water mains in Athlone and Sherwood, to be coordinated with the Transportation Department 1991 Neighbourhood Rehabilitation Program.

(Council concurred with the recommendation.)

4. Board of Directors for the Proposed Alberta Municipal Assessment Corporation


5. Equal Opportunities Policy C101


4. Big Lake Area Structure Plan (Draft), County of Parkland No. 31


5. 1991 Audit Schedule


That it considered the above noted item, together with a report prepared by the Office of the City Clerk dated May 9, 1991.

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That the Auditor General's revised 1991 Audit Schedule (Enclosure I) be received as information.

MOVED Alderman McKay

That the Auditor General's revised 1991 Audit Schedule (Enclosure I) be approved.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

8. Proposed Amendment to the Public Works Department CapitalBudget (Utilities & Finance Committee Report #30)


That it considered the report, prepared by the Finance Department, dated May 7, 1991.


That the Public Works Department Capital Budget be increased by $11,053,000 as identified in Enclosure I.

(Council concurred with the recommendation.)

4. Board of Directors for the Proposed Alberta Municipal Assessment Corporation


That it considered the above noted item, together with a report prepared by the Finance Department dated May 6, 1991.


That Council request, through the Municipal Statutes Review Committee, that the Board of Directors for the proposed Alberta Municipal Assessment Corporation be comprised of no more than eight members and that the cities of Edmonton and Calgary each appoint one memberand that the A.U.M.A. appoint two members.

Alderman Binder stated for the record the following:

Council MinutesMay 28, 1991 2001

I think this is a trap and the trap is that once the Provincial Government gets control of assessment then it is going to be very easy to take the next step and that is pooling. If that happens, the City of Edmonton, who is supportive of Market Value Assessment, which is tied in directly to this Provincial Assessment Corporation, one would not be proposed without the other, it is a trap. Members of Council should be aware of that.

It is very easy to figure out. The Provincial Government downloads whatever is costly, especially in terms of social services. More and more requesting the municipalities and the school boards to pick up the costs of those expensive services. On the other hand, what is proposed is to take away from the municipalities, part of their jurisdiction which is assessment. The reason, again, should be crystal clear. Once the Province has control of assessment on a provincial basis, then it is going to be very easy to move into pooling, corporate pooling of taxes. Once that happens, everybody will be really screaming.

Messrs. R. Ardiel and B. Jesse, Finance Department, answered Council's questions.

MOVED Alderman Campbell

That the report be referred back to the Administration to report to the Executive Committee the City of Calgary's position with respect to the composition of the proposed Corporation.

Alderman Mason requested the report also identify what Edmonton's interests are with respect to having representation on the Corporation and whether there are amendments to the structure of the proposed corporation which would enable the City to protect that interest.

Mayor Reimer requested that the report identify the advantages of uniform assessment.

Alderman Binder requested that the report also include the position taken by the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, AGREEDChichak, Kozak, Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Bethel, Hayter.ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

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5. Equal Opportunities Policy C101


That it considered the above noted item, together with a report prepared by the Personnel Department dated May 7, 1991.


That Policy C101, as revised, be approved by City Council.


That Subsection 1.11 a) 3) be amended by deleting the following phrase:

"practical jokes which cause awkwardness or embarrassment, persistent staring at a person's body" ;

and the deletion of the phrase subsection 1.11 a) 4):

"pornographic other offensive pictures " and "displayed in the work area," and adding the words" and pictures" after the word "objects"

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Hayter, Kozak. LOSTOPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder,

Campbell, Chichak, Mason, McKay, Paull,White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.


That the words "sexual orientation" be added at the end of Subsection 1.09 Discrimination:.

Mrs. F. Gossell, Personnel Department, answered Council's questions.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREEDCampbell, Hayter, Kozak, Mason, McKay,Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Alderman Chichak.ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.


Mr. W. Fisher, Personnel Department, answered Council's questions.

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Alderman McKay left the meeting.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, McKay, Staroszik.

6. Big Lake Area Structure Plan (Draft), County of ParklandNo. 31


That it considered the above noted item, together with a report prepared by the Planning & Development Department dated May 10, 1991.


1. That the City of Edmonton request that the County of Parkland prepare an environmental impact study before the adoption of the Big Lake Area Structure Plan (Draft) to determine the capacity of the lake and its wildlife habitat to withstand the proposed development.

2. That the City of Edmonton advise the County of Parkland of concerns regarding the extent of residential development in the Big Lake AreaStructure Plan (Draft) and propose that developmentbe limited to the area east of Highway 60.

3. That the Administration meet with the County ofParkland and discuss the City's position and other issues including servicing, effects of runoff,transportation linkages, integration of resource extraction facility sites and populationprojections.

Mr. B. Duncan, General Manager, Planning and Development Department, answered Council's questions.

Alderman Mason requested a report (to be provided directly to him) on the proposal to turn the area around Big Lake into a Provincial Park.


That Recommendation 3 be amended to insert "the Edmonton Metropolitan Regional Planning Commission and" after thewords "meet with".

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Recommendation 3, therefore, now reads:

3. That the Administration meet with the Edmonton Metropolitan Regional Planning Commission and theCounty of Parkland to discuss the City's position

and other issues including servicing, effects of runoff, transportation linkages, integration of resource extraction facility sites and population projections.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREEDCampbell Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, McKay, Staroszik.

Alderman McKay re-entered Council Chambers.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREEDCampbell Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, McKay, Staroszik.

MOVED Alderman White

That the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, AGREEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

The Committee of the Whole rose and Mayor Reimer reportedconsideration of Executive Committee Reports 76 and 77, recommendingadoption as dealt with.

MOVED Alderman White – Binder

That Executive Committee Reports 76 and 77 be adopted as dealt with.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

MOVED Alderman White – McKay

That items E.1.b. and E.1.c. be brought forward to bedealt with at this time.

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FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

E.1.b. Status Report on Feasibility Study - EdmontonAviation Heritage Society - Heritage Hangar and MuseumProposal

E.1.c. Business Plan/Feasibility Study, Edmonton AviationHeritage Society Aviation Heritage Hangar and MuseumProposal

Members of Council considered a report, prepared by the Public Works Department, dated May 14, 1991 and the letter from W.J. Cottrell, President, Edmonton Aviation Heritage Society, dated May 15, 1991.

MOVED Alderman White – Campbell

That William Cottrell, Dr. Rob Hursey and Michael Zuk be permitted to make presentations to City Council.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Alderman Mason left the meeting.

Alderman McKay tabled a petition, containing 2,300 signatures, with the City Clerk.

Mr. W.J. Cottrell, 4216 - 105B Avenue, T6A 1C7, made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Mason re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman McKay requested the permission of Council to extend the limits for debate.

MOVED Alderman White Chichak

That Alderman McKay be permitted to extend the limits for debate to complete her questions.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

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Alderman White left the meeting.

Alderman Kozak left the meeting.

Alderman White re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Kozak re-entered Council Chambers.

Dr. Rob Hursey, 5204 - 90A Avenue, T7B 0P8, answered Council's questions.

Alderman Binder left the meeting.

Alderman Mason left the meeting.

Alderman Binder re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman White left the meeting.

Alderman Mason re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman White re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Paull left the meeting.

Mr. Cottrell, President, Edmonton Aviation Heritage Society, answered Council's questions.

Alderman Paull re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Kozak left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Alderman Hayter left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Alderman Bethel left the meeting.

MOVED Alderman McKay - No Seconder

That this matter be tabled until 7:00 p.m.NO SECONDER

MOVED Alderman Binder – Campbell

That Orders of the Day be extended to hear the remaining two presenters: Mr. Zuk and Major Wakefield.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Mason, McKay,Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Hayter, Kozak.ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Mackenzie, Staroszik.

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Mr. Michael Zuk, 12315 - 135 Street, T5L 1X3 (representing Branch 24, Montgomery Legion) made his presentation on behalf of the Cadets and answered Council's questions.

Major Stephen Wakeman, #104 Air Cadets Squadron, 9637 - 101 Street, T5K 0W7, (representing the Cadet leaders) made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

(Cont'd. on page 2033.)

Council recessed at 12:14 p.m.

Council reconvened at 1:41 p.m.


Mayor Reimer stated the following:

For those of you, who have never attended a Public Hearing previously, the procedure will be as follows: the Clerk will call all of the Bylaws. We have some of you, who have registered. We will also ascertain if there is anyone else in the audience, who wishes to speak to the bylaws. We will then work through the housekeeping bylaws, followed by those where there is some amount of controversy.

Each bylaw will be dealt with by having the Administration first give a presentation or overview as to their recommendations. This will be followed by those people, who have indicated they are in support of the bylaw. Each delegate will have five minutes in which to speak. A yellow light will come on when you have one minute left. When the red light is on, we would ask you to sum up your comments as your time is up. Members of Council may then wish to ask you questions.

Following those people who have spoken in support will be those people in opposition. Council will then ask questions of the Administration. If any new information has been provided following that, I will ask those who have presented on the bylaw if they wish to speak to that new information and ask you to identify it. Following that, Council will debate the bylaw.

Members of Council were requested to consider the bylaws andresolution for public hearing in the order, as listed:

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F.1.a./G.1.a. Bylaw 9764F.1.b./G.1.b. Bylaw 9765F.1.c./G.1.c. Bylaw 9767F.1.d./G.1.d. Bylaw 9784F.1.e./G.1.e. Bylaw 9785F.1.f./G.1.f. Bylaw 9788F.1.g./G.1.g. Bylaw 9792F.1.h./G.l.h. Bylaw 9795F.1.i./G.1.i. Bylaw 9793F.1.j./E.l.a. Resolution

F.1.a./G.1.a. Bylaw No. 9764 - To Amend Bylaw No. 7469, as amended, being the West-Ingle Area Redevelopment Plan.

HISTORYThe Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.

At its regular meeting of January 17, 1989, City Council directed the Planning and Development Department to undertake an amendment to the West-Ingle Area Redevelopment Plan to include the nine blocks bounded by 107 Avenue, 124 Street, Stony Plain Road and 121 Street.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to undertake an amendment to the West-Ingle Area Redevelopment Plan to include the nine blocks bounded by 107 Avenue, 124 Street, Stony Plain Road and 121 Street. As part of this exercise, a number of corrections have been made to the West-Ingle Redevelopment Plan. In addition, the corrections include the redistricting of the City transit turnaround at the southeast corner of 108 Avenue and 124 Street from CB1 (Low Intensity Business) District to AP (Public Parks) District. This will reflect the plan to develop the site as a park facility as part of the 124 Streetscape Improvements. The other redistricting is of the City-owned property adjacent to the CN tracks between 108 Avenue and 107 Avenue from RF3 (Low Density Redevelopment) District to AP (Public Parks) District.

The City Clerk stated if there were any persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 9764, they would now be heard.

No persons were present.


F.1.b./G.1.b. Bylaw No. 9765 - To Amend the Land Use Bylaw fromCSC (Shopping Centre) District, RA8 (Medium RiseApartment) District, IH (Heavy Industrial)District, CO (Commercial Office) District and DC5(Site Specific Development Control) District to CB1

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(Low Intensity Business) District, CB2 (General Business) District and RA8 (Medium Rise Apartment) District for Lots 1 & 2, Block 7, Plan XXII: Lot 11 & S1/2 of Lot 12, Block 7, Plan XXII: Lots 9 & 10, Block 2, Plan XXII: Lots 1 & 2, Block 2, Plan XXII: Lot 20, Block 7, Plan XXII: Lots 9 & 10, Block 7, Plan XXII: Lot B, Block 1, Plan 4404 CF: Lot 9 & W1/2 Lot 10, Block 1. Plan XXII: Lot A, Block 1, Plan 4404 CF: Lots 11 & 12, Block 1, Plan XXII: Lot A & closed portion 122 Street, Block 1, Plan XXII: Lots 16 to 20 inclusive, Block 8. Plan XXII: Lots 4 to 8 inclusive, Lots 13 to 16 inclusive & Closed Lane, Block 1, Plan XXII: Block D, Plan 2572 EU: Lots 11 to 20 inclusive, Block 2, Plan XXII: located south of 107 Avenue and east of 123 Street, Groat Estate.


The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Land Use district Map as follows: i) from CSC to CB1 and CB2 to allow a districting change to correct a mistranslation from the previous Land Use Bylaw to the present one; ii) from RA8 to CB1 to allow commercial development on vacant land to reflect the commercial uses along 107 Avenue; iii) from DC5 to RA8 to allow additional apartment development; iv) from IH to CB2 to allow redevelopment of an obsolete heavy industrial area for commercial uses that are compatible with adjacent general business uses; and v) from CO to CB2 to allow commercial development to be more appropriate with the surrounding general business uses.

The City Clerk stated if there were any persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 9765, they would now be heard.

No persons were present.


F.1.c./G.1.c. Bylaw No. 9767 - To Amend the Land Use Bylaw fromRF3 (Low Density Redevelopment) District and CB1(Low Intensity Business) District to AP (PublicParks) District for Lots 13 to 20 inclusive, Block3, Plan XXII and Lot A EX RD, Plan 917 NY, Block25, Plan 851 EO; located south of 108 Avenue andeast of 122 Street and at the south-east corner of124 Street and 108 Avenue, Groat Estate.

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The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Land Use District Map from RF3 and CB1 to AP to allow the addition of park space along the 121 Street road right-of-way (CN Tracks) to continue Grad Park south of 108 Avenue and to develop a park in conjunction with the 124 Street Streetscape Improvements.

The City Clerk stated if there were any persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 9767, they would now be heard.

No persons were present.


F.1.d./G.1.d. Bylaw No. 9784 - To Amend the Land Use Bylaw fromAGU (Urban Reserve) District to Us (Urban Services)District for Lot 1, Block 8, Plan 802 2146; locatednorth of 172 Avenue and west of 91 Street, LagoLindo.


The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Land Use District Map from AGU to US to allow development of an elementary school site.

The City Clerk stated if there were any persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 9784, they would now be heard.

No persons were present.


F.1.e./G.1.e. Bylaw No. 9785 - To Amend the Land Use Bylaw fromIM (Medium Industrial) District to IB (IndustrialBusiness) District for a portion of Lot 7, Block 5,Plan LVIII; located south of 112 Avenue and east of156 Street, High Park.


The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.

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PURPOSEThe purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Land Use District Map from IM to IB to accommodate an existing minor service station and convenience retail store.

The City Clerk stated if there were any persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 9785, they would now be heard.

No persons were present.


F.1.f./G.1.f. Bylaw No. 9788 - To Amend the Land Use Bylaw fromDC-RDA (Direct Control - Edmonton RestrictedDevelopment Area) District (County of Parkland LandUse Bylaw) to IB (Industrial Business) District;Lot 1, Plan 902 3060, located east of 199 Street,south of future alignment of 95 Avenue, LewisFarms.


The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.PURPOSE

The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Land Use District Map from DC-RDA (County of Parkland Land Use Bylaw) to IB to allow development of a religious assembly.

The City Clerk stated if there were any persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 9788, they would now be heard.

Mr. R. Teskey, 14019 - 91A Avenue, T5R 5A8, on behalf of Meadowlark, Westland Baptist Church, was in attendance to speak in favour of the passing of Bylaw 9788.


F.1.g./G.1.g. Bylaw No. 9792 - To Amend the Land Use Bylaw fromAGU (Urban Reserve) District to RF1 (SingleDetached Residential) District, PU (Public Utility)District, US (Urban Services) District and AP(Public Parks) District; a portion of SW and SE12-52-24-W4M, located south of 40 Avenue and westof proposed 38 Street, Kiniski Gardens, Burnewood.


The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.

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The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Land Use District Map from AGU to RF1, PU, US and AP, in order to allow the development of single detached residential dwellings, a stormwater management lake and associated park and an elementary school/public park site.

The City Clerk stated if there were any persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 9792, they would now be heard.

No persons were present.


F.1.h./G.1.h. Bylaw No. 9795 - To Amend the Land Use Bylaw fromAGU (Urban Reserve) District to RF1 (SingleDetached Residential) District and A (MetropolitanRecreation) District for portions of NW12-52-24-W4M and SW 12-52-24-W4M, and Lot 25 PUL,Block 3, Plan 902 2684; located west of proposed 44Street at 41 Avenue and Mill Creek Ravine, KiniskiGardens, Burnewood.


The Planning and Development Department supports this amendment.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Land Use District Map from AGU to RF1 and A to allow development of single detached residential dwellings and to provide appropriate districting for the lands below the top-of-the-bank line.

The City Clerk stated if there were any persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 9795, they would now be heard.

No persons were present.


F.1.i./G.1.i. Bylaw No. 9793 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw fromAGU (Urban Reserve) District to CHY (HighwayCorridor) District for all that portion of the mostwesterly 45.72 meters (150ft) throughout LegalSubdivision 14 of 33-52-25-W4M, excepting thereoutPlan 882 1527; located between Stony Plain Road and100 Avenue, west of the 180 Street right-of-way,Place La Rue.

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RECOMMENDATION: That Bylaw 6857, being a Bylaw to amend the Land Use Bylaw from AGU (Urban Reserve) District to CHY (Highway Corridor) District and IB (Business Industrial) District be struck from Council's agenda.


Council gave Bylaw 6857 first reading but withheld further readings pending the City's acquisition of land necessary for road widening for 100 Avenue and 180 Street. This Bylaw is redundant as it will be superseded by Council's approval of proposed Bylaw 9793.

The Planning and Development Supports this amendment.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Land Use District Map from AGU to CHY. The proposed amendment will bring the existing motel development into compliance with the Land Use Bylaw.

The City Clerk stated if there were any persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 9793, they would now be heard.

No persons were present.


F.1.i./E.1.a. Resolution to Rescind the 1987 Terms of Reference Associated with the 114 Street Redevelopment Plan.

RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That City Council rescind the following Resolution, which was passed at its regular meeting of July 14, 1987:

"That preparation of an Area Redevelopment Plan be approved for the 114th Street Corridor as defined in the Terms of Reference for the 114th Street Corridor Planning Study".

2. That following Council's holding of a Public Hearing on the Transportation Bylaw, scheduledfor June 12, 1991, the Planning and Development Department, having first consulted with the community, will prepare a report for Council reviewing options for resolution of remaining land use issues within the three neighbourhoods.

The City Clerk stated if there were any persons present to speak to the afore-mentioned Resolution to Rescind, they would now be heard.

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Mr. D. Grimble, 7331 - 118A Street, T6J 103, on behalf of the group of communities, was in attendance to speak in opposition to the Resolution.

Mr. T. Engel, 11416 - 73 Avenue, T6G 0E1, was in attendance to speak in opposition to the Resolution.

Mr. T.E. Bate, 7211 Saskatchewan Drive, T6G 2A4, was in attendance to speak in opposition to the Resolution.

Mr. Donald McMann, 8020 - 119 Street, T6G 2L4, was in attendance tospeak in opposition to the Resolution.

Margaret Asch, 11663 - 72 Avenue, T6G 0B9. was in attendance to speak in opposition to the Resolution.

Sally-Ann Mowat, 10940 - 74 Avenue, T6G 0E6, was in attendance to speak in opposition to the Resolution.

Beverly Zurbot, on behalf of the Parkallen Community League, 6531 - 112A Street, T6H 4R4, was in attendance to speak in opposition to the Resolution.

Audrey Rogers, on behalf of the McKernan Community League, 11239 - 79 Avenue, T6G 0P2, was in attendance to speak in opposition to the Resolution.

1:50 - 1:52 p.m.

F.1.f./G.1.f. Bylaw No. 9788 - To Amend the Land Use Bylaw fromDC-RDA (Direct Control) - Edmonton RestrictedDevelopment Area) District (County of Parkland LandUse Bylaw) to IB (Industrial Business) District;Lot 1, Plan 902 3060, located east of 199 Street,south of future alignment of 95 Avenue, LewisFarms.

Mr. Teskey made his presentation, and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Chichak entered Council Chambers.

MOVED Alderman Binder – White

That Bylaw 9788 be now read a first time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Kozak, Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Hayter, Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Bylaw 9788 was read a first time.

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MOVED Alderman Binder – White

That Bylaw 9788 be now read a second time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Kozak, Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Hayter, Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Bylaw 9788 was read a second time.

MOVED Alderman Binder – Chichak

That Bylaw 9788 be considered for third reading.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Kozak, Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Hayter, Mackenzie, Staroszik.

MOVED Alderman Binder – White

That Bylaw 9788 be now read a third time and finally passed.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Kozak, Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Hayter, Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Bylaw 9788 was read a third time and was finally passed.

1:52 - 4:00 p.m.

F.1.j./E.1.a. Resolution to Rescind the 1987 Terms of ReferenceAssociated with the 114 Street Redevelopment Plan.

RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That City Council rescind the following Resolution, which was passed at its regular meeting of July 14, 1987:

"That preparation of an Area Redevelopment Plan be approved for the 114th Street Corridor as defined in the Terms of Reference for the 114th Street Corridor Planning Study".

2. That following Council's holding of a Public Hearing on the Transportation Bylaw, scheduled for June 12, 1991, the Planning and Development Department, having first consulted with the community, will prepare a report for Council reviewing options for resolution of remaining land use issues within the three neighbourhoods.

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Members of Council considered a report, prepared by the Planning and Development Department, dated April 30, 1991.

Mr. M. Garrett, Planning and Development Department, made the Administration's presentation.

Mr. Grimble made his presentation.

Alderman Bethel entered Council Chambers.

Copies of his proposed amendment to Recommendation 2 were distributed to all members of Council present.

Mr. Grimble answered Council's questions.

Mr. Engel, on behalf of the 114 Street Area Protection Coalition, made his presentation.

Alderman Paull left the meeting.

Alderman Hayter entered Council Chambers.

Mr. Engel answered Council's questions.

Mr. Bate made his presentation.

Mr. McMann made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman White left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Alderman Kozak left the meeting.

Alderman Paull re-entered Council Chambers.

Mrs. Asch made her presentation.

Alderman Kozak re-entered Council Chambers.

Mrs. Mowat made her presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Binder left the meeting.

Alderman White left the meeting.

Mrs. Zurbot, on behalf of the Parkallen Community League, made her presentation and answered Council's questions.

Mrs. Rogers, on behalf of the McKernan Community League, made herpresentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Mason left the meeting.

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Alderman Bethel left the meeting.

Alderman White re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Mason re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Binder re-entered Council Chambers.

Mayor Reimer stated the following:

Is there anyone who wishes to speak to this item that has not previously registered?

Mr. Bradley Odsen, 11415 - 74 Avenue, T6G 0E7, was in attendance to speak in opposition to the Resolution.

Mr. Odsen made his presentation.

Alderman Paull left the meeting.

Mayor Reimer stated the following:

Is there anyone else present who wishes to speak to this Resolution?

There was no one present, who indicated a desire to speak to this Resolution.

MOVED Alderman Hayter – Chichak

That Council concur with the recommendations.

Alderman Bethel re-entered Council Chambers.

Mr. R. Caldwell, Planning and Development Department, answered Council's questions.

Alderman Paull re-entered Council Chambers.

Mr. Garrett, Planning and Development Department, answered Council's questions.

The City Solicitor answered Council's questions.

Members of Council requested the recommendations be split for votingpurposes and that Recommendation 2 be dealt with first.

Alderman Bethel left the meeting.

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Mr. Caldwell, Planning and Development Department, answered Council's questions.

Alderman Bethel re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Campbell left the meeting.

MOVED Alderman Kozak – Chichak

That Orders of the Day be extended to complete this item.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDChichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason, McKay,Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Campbell, Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Ms. L. Sherwood, Office of the City Solicitor, answered Council's questions.

Mr. Caldwell, Planning and Development Department, answered Council's questions.

Alderman Campbell re-entered Council Chambers.

Alderman Chichak requested the permission of Council to extend the limits for debate.

MOVED Alderman Kozak – McKay

That Alderman Chichak be permitted to extend the limits for debate to complete her questions.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Alderman Paull left the meeting.

Mr. Garrett, Planning and Development Department, answered Council's questions.

Mayor Reimer stated the following:

Has there been any new information provided as a result of the questions that have been asked by members of Council to which those individuals, who have made earlierpresentations, would wish to speak to?

No persons indicated a wish to speak.

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Alderman Paull re-entered Council Chambers.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman White – Campbell

That Recommendation 2 be amended, as follows:

That following Council's holding of a Public Hearing on the Transportation Bylaw scheduled for June 12, 1991, the Planning and Development Department strike a Committee composed of representatives from each of the three community leagues, a representative from each of 1) the Planning and Development Department, 2) the Community and Family Services Department, and 3) the Transportation Department, and a representative from the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues (EFCL); that this Committee be given a mandate to research and to report back to Council by the first meeting of Council in September 1991 with recommendations on a community participation model and terms of reference to replace the 114 Street A.R.P.; and that the City make available to the Committee such existing administrative resources as will enable the Committee to research and develop its recommendation.


That after the phrase "strike a Committee", add the phrase "that they will chair".

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Campbell, Chichak, Hayter, CARRIEDKozak, Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder,Mason, McKay.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.


That the phrase "to replace the 114 Street A.R.P." be deleted.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDChichak, Campbell, Hayter, Kozak,McKay, Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Alderman Mason.ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

MOTION OF ALDERMAN WHITE put and declared.

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FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDChichak, Campbell, Hayter, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Alderman Kozak.ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, Chichak, Campbell, Hayter, Kozak, Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

MOTION ON RECOMMENDATION 1 put and declared.FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIED

Chichak, Campbell, Hayter, Kozak, McKay,Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Alderman Mason.ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Orders of the Day were called.

Council recessed at 4:00 p.m.

Council reconvened at 4:25 p.m.


4:25 - 5:45 p.m.

G.1.j. Bylaw No. 9609, As Amended - To lend the Land UseBylaw from IC (Industrial/Comercial) District (Countyof Parkland Land Use Bylaw) to DC5 (Site SpecificDevelopment Control) District for Lots 3, 5, 6, 7, 11-21inclusive, Plan 5601 K.S.; Lots 1-3, Plan 882 1139; Lots1-3, Block 4, Plan 892 1885; Lots 1-3, Block 8, Plan 8922437; Lots 1-3, Block 9, Plan 882 1464; Lots 1-3, Block10, Plan 892 2658; Lot 15A, Plan 882 2348; Lots 1A and2A, Plan 902 1797; located west of 184 Street and northof Yellowhead Trail, Mooncrest, Northwest AnnexationArea.


At the regular meeting of City Council held on October 30, 1990, aPublic Hearing was held and Council passed the following motion:

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That Bylaw 9609 be amended from the RF1 District to a DC5 District with the understanding that the lots may be subdivided to a minimum of one-acre parcels.

In addition, Council also passed the following referral motion:

That Bylaw 9609, as amended, be referred to the Administration and that the following concerns be addressed:

1. the implications of the IC District;

2. the implications on the servicing if the residential development becomes more intense;

3. the costs of the other required changes in terms of the Edmonton Metropolitan Regional PlanningCommission, General Municipal Plan, the Yellowhead Corridor Area Structure Plan;

4. ways of entering into agreements with the owners with respect to servicing to ensure a coordinated approach;

5. buffering of the IC District;

6. buffering be at the expense of the developer;

7. implications of the size of the parcels as it relates to density;

6. provide the history of the previous zoning;

9. site specific zoning on the south easterly portion (currently the sign business), the advantages/disadvantages and the community input into that; and

7. the process, given the DC5 District is incontravention to the Regional Plan, The Municipal Plan and the Yellowhead Corridor Area Structure Plan.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Land Use District Map from IC (Industrial/Commercial) District, (County of Parkland Land Use Bylaw) to DC5 (Site Specific Development Control) District, in order to accommodate single family residential development of a permanent nature in a rural setting without the provision of the full range of urban utility services on lots which are a minimum of 0.4 ha in area,

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and to establish site specific development control regulations which restrict further fragmentation of the land. In addition, the DC5 district includes the opportunity for the ongoing operation of a legally existing sign business on Lot 17, Plan 5601 KS.

Mayor Reimer stated the following:

We have previously had a public hearing on this. We have a report that has come back. I have to ask for those, who are present, if there has been any new information that has been provided in the report that you wish to address.

Is there anyone here, who wishes to address any new information that has been provided in the report?

Mr. Bruce Jones, Box 2, R.R. 8, Site 4, T5L 4H8, was in attendance to conditionally support the passing of Bylaw 9609, as amended.

Mr. Dan Kondratiuk, 11810 - 122 Avenue, T5L 4H8. was in attendance to conditionally support the passing of Bylaw 9609, as amended.

Phyllis Pannebaker, Box 21, R.R.8, T5L 4H8, was in attendance to speak in opposition to the passing of Bylaw 9609, as amended.

Mr. Joe Duda, 18845 - 121 Avenue, T5L 4H8, was in attendance to speak in opposition to the passing of Bylaw 9609, as amended.

Mr. Miles Elliott, 18520 - Site 4, Box 0, R.R.8, T5L 4H8, was in attendance to speak in opposition to the passing of Bylaw 9609, as amended.

Mr. Don Willoughby, Site 4, Box 4, R.R.8, T5L 4H8, was in attendance to speak in opposition to the passing of Bylaw 9609, as amended.

Mr. William Learning, Site 4, Box 11, R.R.8, T5L 4H8, was in attendance to speak in opposition to the passing of Bylaw 9609, as amended.

Alderman Chichak entered Council Chambers.

MOVED Alderman Paull – McKay

That the delegates be permitted to speak to the new information with respect to Bylaw 9609, as amended.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,McKay, Paull.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Mason, Staroszik, White.

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Mr. Jones made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman White entered Council Chambers.

Mr. Kondratiuk made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Phyllis Pannebaker made her presentation and answered Council's questions.

Mr. Duda made his presentation.

Mr. Elliott did not make a presentation, but was in support of the statements made by Mr. Duda.

Mr. Willoughby made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Mr. Learning made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Bethel left the meeting.

Mayor Reimer stated the following:

Is there anyone else who wishes to speak with respect to any new information that has been provided?

There were no persons present.

Mr. B. Mohr, Planning and Development Department, answered Council's questions.

Alderman Mason entered Council Chambers.

MOVED Alderman Paull – Campbell

That Bylaw 9609, as amended, be referred back to the Administration to be re-advertised in its DC5 form for a Public Hearing to be held at the June 25 Council meeting; and, that prior to the public hearing, the Planning and Development Department meet with the residents of Mooncrest Park to outline the City's intent for that area.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Campbell – White

That Section 4.1(k) be deleted; that any reference to the applicant and/or the owners being responsible for application and advertising costs related to amendments

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which may be required to the City of Edmonton's General Municipal Plan and/or the Yellowhead Corridor Plan be deleted; and, add to this DC5 bylaw Lot R, Plan 5601KS to be designated as AP zoning.

Alderman Bethel re-entered Council chambers.

Mr. T.J. Loat, Planning and Development Department, answered Council's questions.

MOVED Alderman McKay – Binder

That Bylaw 9609, as amended, be struck from Council's agenda.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Binder – Campbell

That the City of Edmonton bear all costs associated with any application to redistrict made by the Mooncrest Park Land Owners Association.

On a point of Order, Alderman Hayter stated the following:

I think Alderman Binder's proposal is not a legitimate amendment to a striking motion. The striking motion would have to be dealt with and that can be a subsequent motion.

MOTION OF ALDERMAN McKay put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Hayter, Kozak, Mason, McKay,Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Alderman Chichak.ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

MOVED Alderman Binder – Campbell

That the City of Edmonton bear all costs associated with any application to redistrict made by the Mooncrest Park Land Owners Association.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Kozak, Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Bethel, Hayter.ABSENT: Alderman Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Alderman Campbell left the meeting.

Alderman Mason left the meeting.

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Alderman McKay left the meeting.

5:35 - 6:35 p.m.

Bylaws 9644 and 9757 were dealt with together.

G.1.o. Bylaw No. 9644 - To Amend Bylaw No. 7815, being the Dunvegan Area Structure Plan, located west of 135 Street, east of St. Albert Trail, south of 137 Avenue and north of 127 Avenue, Dunvegan.

RECOMMENDATION: That the report (Enclosure II) be received as information.


At the regular meeting of City Council held on April 9, 1991, a Public Hearing was held on the above-referenced bylaw.

Council passed the following motion:

That Bylaws 9644 and 9757 be referred to the Administration:

A. to review the following:

1. That the developer provide the primary access and egress to the Plan Area via St. Albert Trail by wayof a controlled level rail crossing at

approximately 133 Avenue accessing 142 Street and that internal circulation changes be implemented to reduce short cutting;

2. That all uses within the Plan Area be restricted to residential uses with a maximum density upset limit of One Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety (1,290);

3. That all construction traffic be restricted to access the site via St. Albert Trail using the new road pursuant to Item 1 and the Alberta Grain Terminals Road;

4. That as much of the existing treed area as possible having regard to statutory maximum dedication limits and the foregoing maximum density upset limit be maintained as a natural area with the Plan Area;

5. That construction and landscaping of the berm and wall be completed prior to removal of any of the

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existing groves of trees and the commencement of Phase I construction;

6. That the Planning and Development Department causeall necessary changes to the text, maps, tables and the figures within the said Schedules to be made to reflect the foregoing principles and report back.

B. to prepare a technical report on these bylaws; and,

C. to resubmit the bylaws for first reading to be dealt with at 4:30 p,m., at the regular meeting of City Council, to be held on May 28, 1991.

Mayor Reimer requested the Administration prepare a report, to also be distributed to all the presenters, which will address; the potential density in the neighbourhood now in the context of the Athlone/Wellington Communities; whether the developer is willing to contribute to the bus terminal to alleviate the public transportation problem; and, whether the neighbourhood can be protected legally from the noise.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend Bylaw 7815, being the Dunvegan Area Structure Plan. The proposed amendment will expand the residential component of the plan and reduce the amount of land provided for business industrial and medium industrial uses.

G.1.p. Bylaw No. 9757 - To Amend the Land Use Bylaw fromDC4 (Special Public Service) District to RF1 (SingleDetached Residential) District for a portion of SW24-53-25-W4M, located west of 135 Street and south of 132Avenue, Dunvegan.


At the regular meeting of City Council held on April 9, 1991, a Public Hearing was held on the above-referenced bylaw.

Council passed the following motion:

That Bylaws 9644 and 9757 be referred to the Administration:

A. to review the following:

1. That the developer provide the primary access andegress to the Plan Area via St. Albert Trail by

way of a controlled level rail crossing at approximately 133 Avenue accessing 142 Street and

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that internal circulation changes be implemented to reduce short cutting;

2. That all uses within the Plan Area be restricted to residential uses with a maximum density upset limit of One Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety (1,290);

3. That all construction traffic be restricted to access the site via St. Albert Trail using the new road pursuant to Item 1 and the Alberta Grain Terminals Road;

4. That as much of the existing treed area as possible having regard to statutory maximum dedication limits and the foregoing maximum density upset limit be maintained as a natural area with the Plan Area;

5. That construction and landscaping of the berm and wall be completed prior to removal of any of the existing groves of trees and the commencement of Phase I construction;

6. That the Planning and Development Department causeall necessary changes to the text, maps, tables and

the figures within the said Schedules to be made to reflect the foregoing principles and report back.

B. to prepare a technical report on these bylaws; and,

C. to resubmit the bylaws for first reading to be dealt with at 4:30 p.m., at the regular meeting of City Council, to be held on May 28, 1991.

Mayor Reimer requested the Administration prepare a report, to also be distributed to all the presenters, which will address; the potential density in the neighbourhood now in the context of the Athlone/Wellington Communities; whether the developer is willing to contribute to the bus terminal to alleviate the public transportation problem; and, whether the neighbourhood can be protected legally from the noise.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the Land Use District Map fromDC4 to RF1 to allow development of single detached residentialdwellings.

Mayor Reimer stated the following:

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new information presented to which individuals may wish to provide presentation and address that new information.

Mr. B. Mohr, Planning and Development Department, made the Administration's presentation.

Alderman Campbell re-entered Council Chambers.

Mayor Reimer stated the following:

is there anyone present, who wishes to speak to the newinformation that has been provided? I have a list here of speakers and would ask that as you come up, you also identify what the new information is. I will read the names that I have and will then-ask if there is anyone else who would like to identify themselves and may wish to speak.

Mr. Dennis Thomas, Suite 1020, 10004 - 104 Avenue, was in attendance to speak in support of the passing of Bylaws 9644 and 9757.

Stuart Round, Suite 1020, 10004 - 104 Avenue, was in attendance to speak in support of the passing of Bylaws 9644 and 9757.

Mr. Jim Myers, 13504 - 130 Avenue, was in attendance to speak in opposition to the passing of Bylaws 9744 and 9757.

Mr. Bob Ambrose, 13836 - 135 Street, was in attendance to speak in opposition to the passing of Bylaws 9744 and 9757.

Mr. Thomas made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Alderman Mason re-entered Council Chambers.

Copies of the CN's Modified Version of the Athlone/Wellington Committee's Recommendations to City Council, dated May 28, 1991, were distributed to all members of Council present.

MOVED Alderman White – Campbell

That Mr. Thomas be permitted to extend the time limits for delegates to complete his presentation.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Mr. Round made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Mr. Myers made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

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Mr. Round made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Mr. Myers made his presentation and answered Council's questions.

Mr. Ambrose made his presentation.

Mr. B. Card, Parks and Recreation Department, answered Council's questions.

MOVED Alderman White – Binder

That Council concur with the recommendations for Bylaws 9644 and 9757.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

MOVED Alderman Binder – White

That Bylaws 9644 and 9757 be now read a first time.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Binder – Campbell

A. That the amendments to Bylaw 9644, made at the April 9,1991 Council meeting, be rescinded and that the followingamendments be passed:

B. That Schedule "A and B:" to Bylaw 9644 be amended toreflect the following:

1. That the density be reduced to 390 single-family housing units zoned RF1, with a maximum density upset limit of 1,350 persons, as shown on the plan (Enclosure B).

2. That a natural area of existing trees totalling2.30 ha (5.7 acres), be retained in the area shown

on the plan.

3. That the developer construct one access point to the St. Albert Trail at 136 Street connecting to the Alberta Grain Terminal road as shown on theplan and that appropriate measures be designed and

constructed to discourage non-resident shortcutting. Further, the developer shall construct and have in operation, by September 1, 1993, a temporary rural profile gravel road from 130 Avenue south to the Grain Terminal road.

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4. That the developer provide to the City an irrevocable letter of credit, payable on demand without conditions in an amount stipulated by theTransportation Department, requiring the developer to complete construction of the 136 Street and Alberta Grain Terminal access road to the Transportation Department standards, connecting all phases of the Dunvegan development to St. AlbertTrail, to be completed no later than July 1, 1995or commencement of servicing south of the proposed dry pond, whichever is earlier. If construction is not completed by July 1, 1995, the City shall draw on the funds to complete the construction as soon as possible.

5. That the developer provide construction access to the development site from St. Albert Trail using the existing CN private road from St. Albert Trail at 131 Avenue, crossing the tracks at 133 Avenue, and into the Dunvegan development; said access toremain open until completion of a permanent access

to St. Albert Trail. The developer shall require that all contractors employed by it use this construction access.

6. Construction of the berm and noise wall will be done as the development proceeds, using earth fromthe site clearing and balancing. Completion will

be tied to the timing of each phase of development, taking into consideration the necessity of keeping the CN private road open for construction traffic.

7. That the developer be required to apply for redistricting of the entire Dunvegan site to RF1zoning within three months of the passage of Bylaw

9644, as amended.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Hayter – White

That the Letter of Credit also apply to the development of the temporary roadway.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

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AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Hayter – Binder

That CN Real Estate enter into a separate agreement relating to rail noise and that this agreement be a condition of subdivision approval for the first phase of development with the execution of the required agreement being prior to or concurrent with the servicing agreement for the first phase of subdivision.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

FIRST READING OF BYLAWS 9644 AND 9757 AS AMENDED put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Bylaws 9644 and 9757 were read a first time as amended.

MOVED Alderman Chichak – Binder

That Bylaws 9644 and 9757 be now read a second time as amended.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,McKay, Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Alderman Mason.ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Bylaws 9644 and 9757 were read a second time as amended.

MOVED Alderman Hayter – Kozak

That Bylaws 9644, as amended, and 9757, as amended, bereferred to the Administration to incorporate theamendments into the Bylaws and the agreement.

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FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

MOVED Alderman McKay – Chichak

That Council recess and reconvene at 7:30 p.m.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak,Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Council recessed at 6:35 p.m.

Council reconvened at 7:50 p.m.





(Cont'd. from page 2008.)


E.1.b. Status Report on Feasibility Study - EdmontonAviation Heritage Society - Heritage Hangar and MuseumProposal

E.1.c. Business Plan/Feasibility Study, Edmonton AviationHeritage Society Aviation Heritage Hangar and MuseumProposal

Ms. W. Wetterberg, Parks and Recreation Department, answeredCouncil's questions.

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MOVED Alderman Binder Campbell

That Council approve, in principle, the designation of the former 418 Squadron Hangar as a heritage hangar and museum subject to adequate funding being in place no later than December 31, 1991.

Alderman Hayter entered the meeting.

Ms. Wetterberg answered Council's questions.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman McKay - Mason

That the funding for the facility be provided on a staged basis: September 1, 1991 for the Cadets and by December 31, 1991 for the heritage hangar and museum.

On a Point of Order, Alderman White stated that the amendment was contrary to the motion.

Mayor Reimer ruled the amendment in order.

Alderman White left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Ms. Wetterberg, Parks and Recreation Department, answered Council's questions.

Alderman Mason left the meeting.

Mr. Picherack answered Council's questions.

Alderman Mason re-entered Council Chambers.

MOTION OF ALDERMAN McKAY put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Mason, McKay.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Binder, Hayter, Kozak, Paull,White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Kozak, Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Binder, Hayter.ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

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MOVED Alderman Mason – Campbell

That this matter be referred to the Administration to negotiate the appropriate funding for the staging of the facility.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.


1. Budget Adjustment to Purchase Land at E. L. Smith WaterTreatment Plant


That it reconsidered the above noted item referred back from the April 23 1991 City Council meeting, together with an additional report prepared by the Office of the City Solicitor dated May 14, 1991, and heard from the Administration.


1. That the Capital Budget for Project No. 8930-3346,E. L. Smith Water Treatment Plant Stage III beincreased by $1,109,689 from $2,823,000 to$3,932,689.

2. That the capital budget increase of $1,109,689 befinanced by an increase of $1,109,689 inSelf-Liquidating Debentures.

3. That the land above the top-of-the-Bank, not needed for the Water Treatment Facility, be offered for sale, and that an information report be broughtback to the Utilities and Finance Committee, at the time of sale, indicating net costs of the land needed for the Water Treatment Plant.

4. That a report be brought back to the Utilities and Finance Committee outlining the various options tothe City in disposing of the property.

MOVED Alderman White – Kozak

That Council concur with the recommendations.

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FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.








E.1.a./F.1.j. Resolution to Rescind the 1987 Terms of Reference Associated with the 114 Street Redevelopment Plan


E.1.b. Status Report on Feasibility Study -Edmonton Aviation Heritage Society -Heritage Hangar and Museum Proposal


E.1.c. Business Plan/Feasibility Study, Edmonton Aviation Heritage Society Aviation Heritage Hangar and Museum Proposal

Members of Council considered a report, prepared by the Edmonton Aviation Heritage Society.

MOVED Alderman White –Campbell

That the report from the Edmonton Aviation Heritage Society be received as information.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,

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McKay, Paull, White.ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.


Bylaw 9788 was dealt with on page 2015.

Item F.1.j. was dealt with on page 2014.

Alderman McKay left the meeting.


Members of Council were requested to consider the following bylaws for first reading in the order, as listed:

G.1.a. Bylaw 9764G.1.b. Bylaw 9765G.1.c. Bylaw 9767G.1.d. Bylaw 9784G.1.e. Bylaw 9785G.1.g. Bylaw 9792G.1.h. Bylaw 9795G.1.i. Bylaw 9793

G.1.a. Bylaw No. 9764 - To Amend Bylaw No. 7469, asamended, being the West-Ingle Area Redevelopment Plan.

G.1.b. Bylaw No. 9765 - To Amend the Land Use Bylaw fromCSC (Shopping Centre) District, RA8 (Medium RiseApartment) District, IH (Heavy Industrial) District, CO(Commercial Office) District and DC5 (Site SpecificDevelopment Control) District to CB1 (Low IntensityBusiness) District, CB2 (General Business) District andRA8 (Medium Rise Apartment) District for Lots 1 & 2,Block 7, Plan XXII: Lot 11 & S1/2 of Lot 12, Block 7,Plan XXII: Lots 9 & 10, Block 2, Plan XXII: Lots 1 & 2,Block 2, Plan XXII: Lot 20, Block 7, Plan XXII: Lots 9 &10, Block 7, Plan XXII: Lot B, Block 1, Plan 4404 CF: Lot9 & W1/2 Lot 10, Block 1, Plan XXII: Lot A, Block 1, Plan4404 CF: Lots 11 & 12, Block 1, Plan XXII: Lot A & closedportion 122 Street, Block 1, Plan XXII: Lots 16 to 20inclusive, Block 8, Plan XXII: Lots 4 to 8 inclusive,Lots 13 to 16 inclusive & Closed Lane, Block 1, PlanXXII: Block D, Plan 2572 EU: Lots 11 to 20 inclusive,Block 2, Plan XXII: located south of 107 Avenue and eastof 123 Street, Groat Estate.

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G.1.c. Bylaw No. 9767 - To Amend the Land Use Bylaw fromRF3 (Low Density Redevelopment) District and CB1 (LowIntensity Business) District to AP (Public Parks)District for Lots 13 to 20 inclusive, Block 3, Plan XXIIand Lot A EX RD, Plan 917 NY, Block 25, Plan 851 EO;located south of 108 Avenue and east of 122 Street and atthe south-east corner of 124 Street and 108 Avenue, GroatEstate.

G.1.d Bylaw No. 9784 - To Amend the Land Use Bylaw fromAGU (Urban Reserve) District to US (Urban Services)District for Lot 1, Block 8, Plan 802 2146; located northof 172 Avenue and west of 91 Street, Lago Lindo.

G.1.e. Bylaw No. 9785 - To Amend the Land Use Bylaw fromIM (medium Industrial) District to IB (IndustrialBusiness) District for a portion of Lot 7, Block 5, PlanLVIII; located south of 112 Avenue and east of 156Street, High Park.

G.1.f. Bylaw 9788 - To Amend the Land Use Bylaw fromDC-RDA (Direct Control) - Edmonton Restricted DevelopmentArea) District (County of Parkland Land Use Bylaw) to IB(Industrial Business) District; Lot 1, Plan 902 3060,located east of 199 Street, south of future alignment of95 Avenue, Lewis Farms.


G.1.g. Bylaw No. 9792 - To Amend the Land Use Bylaw fromAGU (Urban Reserve) District to RF1 (Single DetachedResidential) District, PU (Public Utility) District, US(Urban Services) District and AP (Public Parks) District;a portion of SW and SE 12-52-24-W4M, located south of 40Avenue and west of proposed 38 Street, Kiniski Gardens,Burnewood.

G.1.h. Bylaw No. 9795 - To Amend the Land Use Bylaw fromAGU (Urban Reserve) District to RF1 (Single DetachedResidential) District and A (Metropolitan Recreation)District for portions of NW 12-52-24-W4M and SW12-52-24-M, and Lot 25 PUL, Block 3, Plan 902 2684;located west of proposed 44 Street at 41 Avenue and MillCreek Ravine, Kiniski Gardens, Burnewood.

G.1.i. Bylaw No. 9793 - To amend the Land Use Bylaw fromAGU (Urban Reserve) District to CHY (Highway Corridor)District for all that portion of the most westerly 45.72meters (150ft) throughout Legal Subdivision 14 of33-52-25-W4M, excepting thereout Plan 882 1527; located

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between Stony Plain Road and 100 Avenue, west of the 180 Street right-of-way, Place La Rue.

MOVED Alderman White - Campbell

That Bylaws 9764, 9765, 9767, 9784, 9785, 9792, 9795 and 9793 be now read a first time.

Members of Council requested the exemption of Bylaws 9792 and 9795.

Bylaws 9792 and 9795 were dealt with on pages 2043/4.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, McKay, Staroszik.

Bylaws 9764, 9765, 9767, 9784, 9785 and 9793 were read a first time.

MOVED Alderman White - Campbell

That Council concur with the recommendations for Bylaws 9767 and 9793.

Alderman McKay re-entered the meeting.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

MOVED Alderman White - Campbell

That Bylaws 9764, 9765, 9767, 9784, 9785 and 9793 be now read a second time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Bylaws 9764, 9765, 9767, 9784, 9785 and 9793 were read a second time.

MOVED Alderman White - Campbell

That Bylaws 9764, 9765, 9767, 9784, 9785 and 9793 be considered for third reading.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,

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McKay, Paull, White.ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

MOVED Alderman White – Campbell

That Bylaws 9764, 9765, 9767, 9784, 9785 be now read a third time and finally passed.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Bylaws 9764, 9765, 9767, 9784, 9785 and 9793 were read a third time and were finally passed.

Members of Council were requested to consider the following bylaws for first reading in the order, as listed:

G.1.k. Bylaw 9787G.1.l. Bylaw 9794G.1.m. Bylaw 9797G.1.n. Bylaw 9798G.1.q. Bylaw 9722

G.1.i. Bylaw No. 9609, As Amended - To Amend the Land UseBylaw from IC (industrial/Commercial) District, (Countyof Parkland Land Use Bylaw) to DC5 (Site SpecificDevelopment Control) District for Lots 3, 5, 6, 7, 11-21inclusive, Plan 5601 K.S.; Lots 1-3, Plan 882 1139; Lots1-3, Block 4, Plan 892 1885; Lots 1-3, Block 8, Plan 8922437; Lots 1-3, Block 9, Plan 882 1464; Lots 1-3, Block10, Plan 892 2658; Lot 15A, Plan 882 2348; Lots 1A and2A, Plan 902 1797; located west of 184 Street and northof Yellowhead Trail, Mooncrest, Northwest AnnexationArea.


G.1.k. Bylaw No. 9787 - To Authorize an Agreement with herMajesty the Queen in Right of Canada with respect to anAgreement for Payment for Upgrading and Repair of Waterand Sewer Systems and Surface Improvements at CanadianForces Base Edmonton.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to authorize the execution of anagreement between the City and the Federal Government in conformity with the requirements of Section 116 of the Municipal Government Act.

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G.1.1. Bylaw No. 9794 - Construction of a Street Mall andAmenities Thereto - Streetscaping Along Stony Plain Road123 to 125 Streets Local Improvements Property Share as per attached appendix.


The purpose of this Bylaw in the amount of $19,200.00 is to provide debenture borrowing authority for Construction of a Street Mall along Stony Plain Road Local Improvements Property Share as per attached appendix.

G.1.m. Bylaw No. 9797 - Lane Lighting Local ImprovementsProperty Share as per attached appendix.


The purpose of this Bylaw in the amount of $40,930.00 is to provide debenture borrowing authority for Lane Lighting Local Improvements Property Share as per attached appendix.

G.1.n. Bylaw No. 9798 - To Amend Volume II of the Land UseBylaw, Being Appendix IV to Bylaw No. 5996 the EdmontonLand Use Bylaw, by adding to the regulations of DC5 No.218, which were adopted pursuant to Bylaw No. 9509; Lot29, Block 4, Plan 782 3023, located west of 42 Street andsouth of 17 Avenue; Pollard Meadows, Mill Woods.


City Council at its meeting of June 26, 1990 gave third reading to Bylaw 9509. Due to an administrative oversight, the required provision for a 7.5m landscaped yard adjacent to the east boundary of the pipeline right-of-way Plan 3803 MC was omitted.


The purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the text of DC5 No. 218 in Volume Il, Appendix IV of the Edmonton Land Use Bylaw No. 5996 by including reference to the required landscaped yard and renumbering the remaining development criteria accordingly.

G.1.o. Bylaw No. 9644 - To Amend Bylaw No. 7815, being the Dunvegan Area Structure Plan, located west of 135 Street, east of St. Albert Trail, south of 137 Avenue and northof 127 Avenue, Dunvegan.


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G.1.p. Bylaw No. 9757 - To Amend the Land Use Bylaw fromDC4 (Special Public Service) District to RF1 (SingleDetached Residential) District for a portion of SW24-53-25-W4M, located west of 135 Street and south of 132Avenue, Dunvegan.


G.1.q. Bylaw 9722 - To Amend the City of EdmontonTransportation System Bylaw 6707, Being a Bylaw toEstablish a Transportation System for the City ofEdmonton.


At the recessed meeting of City Council held on March 14, 1990, Bylaw 9368 to amend the City of Edmonton Transportation System Bylaw 6707, was passed as amended.

On November 2, 1990, the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta quashed Bylaw 9368 on two grounds. Firstly, the Court ruled that the public notice for the bylaw hearing was inadequate; and, secondly, the Court found that the City did not observe the principles of natural justice during the public hearing.


The purpose of this amending bylaw is to designate a proposed Light Rail Transit (LRT) extension from University Hospital to Southgate Station as a component of the City of Edmonton's Transportation System in accordance with the City Transportation Act , Chapter C-10, R.S.A., 1980.

The amendments are as shown on Enclosure II. They are fully consistent with and supportive of the General Municipal Plan, which, therefore, does not require further amendment.

MOVED Alderman White Campbell

That Council concur with the recommendations for Bylaws 9787 and 9798.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

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MOVED Alderman White – Hayter

That Bylaws 9787, 9794, 9797, 9798 and 9722 be now read a first time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Bylaws 9787, 9794, 9797, 9798 and 9722 were read a first time.

MOVED Alderman White – Campbell

That Bylaws 9787, 9794, 9797 and 9798 be now read a second time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Bylaws 9787, 9794, 9797 and 9798 were read a second time.

MOVED Alderman White – Campbell

That Bylaws 9787, 9794, 9797 and 9798 be considered for third reading.

FOR THE MOTION:. Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

MOVED Alderman White – Hayter

That Bylaws 9787, 9794, 9797 and 9798 be now read a third time and finally passed.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Bylaws 9787, 9794, 9797 and 9798 were read a third time and werefinally passed.

Alderman Hayter left the meeting.

Alderman Paull left the meeting.

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G.1.g. Bylaw No. 9792 - To Amend the Land Use Bylaw fromAGU (Urban Reserve) District to RF1 (Single DetachedResidential) District, PU (Public Utility) District, US(Urban Services) District and AP (Public Parks) District;a portion of SW and SE 12-52-24-W4M. located south of 40Avenue and west of proposed 38 Street, Kiniski Gardens,Burnewood.

G.1.h. Bylaw No. 9795 - To Amend the Land Use Bylaw fromAGU (Urban Reserve) District to RF1 (Single DetachedResidential) District and A (Metropolitan Recreation)District for portions of NW 12-52-24-W4M and SW12-52-24-W4M, and Lot 25 PUL, Block 3, Plan 902 2684;located west of proposed 44 Street at 41 Avenue and MillCreek Ravine, Kiniski Gardens, Burnewood.

Mr. T.J. Loat, Planning and Development Department, answered Council's questions.

Members of Council requested Bylaws 9792 and 9795 be split for voting purposes.

MOVED Alderman White – Campbell

That Bylaw 9792 be now read a first time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Kozak, Mason, McKay,White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Hayter, Mackenzie, Paull,Staroszik.

Bylaw 9792 was read a first time.

MOVED Alderman White – Kozak

That Bylaw 9792 be now read a second time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Mason, McKay, White.

OPPOSED: Alderman Kozak.ABSENT: Aldermen Hayter, Mackenzie, Paull,


MOVED Alderman White – Kozak

That Bylaw 9792 be considered for third reading.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Mason, McKay, White.

OPPOSED: Alderman Kozak.

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ABSENT: Aldermen Hayter, Mackenzie, Paull, Staroszik.

Alderman Paull re-entered Council Chambers.

MOVED Alderman White – Kozak

That Bylaw 9795 be now read a first time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Kozak, Mason, McKay,Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Hayter, Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Bylaw 9795 was read a first time.

MOVED Alderman White – Kozak

That Bylaw 9795 be now read a second time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Kozak, Mason, McKay,Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Hayter, Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Bylaw 9795 was read a second time.

MOVED Alderman White – Kozak

That Bylaw 9795 be considered for third reading.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Kozak, Mason, McKay,Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Hayter, Mackenzie, Staroszik.

MOVED Alderman White – Campbell

That Bylaw 9795 be now read a third time and finally passed.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Kozak, Mason, McKay,Paull, White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Hayter, Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Bylaw 9795 was read a third time and was finally passed.

Alderman Hayter re-entered Council Chambers.

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MOVED Alderman White – Kozak

That Orders of the Day be extended to complete the agenda.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, CARRIEDCampbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mason,McKay, Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Alderman Bethel.ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

Alderman Bethel left the meeting.





Alderman White requested the permission of Council to introduce a Motion Without the Customary Notice.

MOVED Alderman Chichak – McKay

That Alderman White be permitted to introduce a motion without the customary notice.

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Binder, Campbell, Chichak, CARRIEDKozak, Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Alderman Hayter.ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Mackenzie, Staroszik.

MOVED Alderman White – Paull

That the Administration be directed to further amend theWest-Ingle Area Redevelopment Plan from RA7 to RF3 thoseProvincially-owned lands bounded on 115 to 116 Avenues and 129 and 130 Streets.

Mr. T.J. Loat, Planning and Development Department, answered Council's questions.

FOR THE MOTION: Alderman Campbell, Chichak, Kozak, White. LOSTOPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Binder, Hayter, Mason,

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McKay, Paull.ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Mackenzie, Staroszik.


Alderman Kozak stated that at the next regular meeting of City Council, he will move that City Council direct the Parks and Recreation Department to incorporate as many natural tree stands as possible into the design of new parks, without incurring additional costs to the taxpayer and ensuring the need has been met for school buildings, sports fields, playgrounds, and neighbourhood recreation facilities.


H.2.a. Alderman Kozak re: Twin City Working Liaison Committee.

Alderman Kozak requested that his Notice be laid over until the next regular meeting of City Council.

Alderman Bethel re-entered Council Chambers.

H.2.b. Alderman Kozak re: Yellowhead, Whitemud and Capilano Roadways.

MOVED Alderman Kozak - Hayter

That the word "drive" be replaced by the word "Freeway" on the Yellowhead, Whitemud and Capilano roadways.

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Hayter, Kozak, White. LOSTOPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder,

Campbell, Chichak, Mason, McKay, Paull.ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

H.2.c. Alderman Mason re: Standard of Living.

MOVED Alderman Mason - McKay

That Edmonton City Council affirms that each person, who works on behalf of the City, whether directly employed or working for a firm contracting with the City, is entitled

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to a wage which permits a standard of living above the poverty line.

REFERREDMOVED Alderman White – McKay

That Alderman Mason's motion be referred to the City Manager to prepare a report on the effect on the Corporation and outline the changes in policy.

Alderman Chichak requested the report address:

- What is the poverty line level?

- Will the minimum wage bring the individual abovethe poverty line?

- Can the City require contractors to pay the higherwage should the minimum wage be defined as "belowthe poverty line"?

- What are the direct and indirect budgetaryimplications of the motion?

Alderman Binder requested the report include the number of bankruptcies that have occurred in Edmonton.

Mayor Reimer requested the report include the percentage of City employees that work directly for the City who earn a wage below the poverty line and what percentage of those are women.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chichak, CARRIEDKozak, Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Binder, Campbell, Hayter.ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

H.2.d. Alderman Mason re: One Percent for Art Policy.

MOVED Alderman Mason – McKay

That City Council rescind the One Percent for Art Policy.

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Mason, McKay. LOSTOPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder,

Campbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Paull,White.

ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

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H.2.e. Alderman Paull re: Peep Show Development.

MOVED Alderman Paull – Campbell

That the Office of the City Solicitor and the Planning and Development Department prepare a report and recommendation for City Council respecting possibleamendments to the Land Use Bylaw which would control "peep show" development generally, as follows:

- by establishing a use class for this type ofdevelopment whereby it can be identified as a use class separate from any other;

- by including the use class in specified land use districts; and

- by listing development regulations which would specify under what conditions the use class would be allowed in the respective Land Use Districts.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Kozak - No Seconder

That after the word "development", insert the words"video stores", "massage parlours", "escort agencies" and "hotels that have gender entertainment".


MOTION OF ALDERMAN PAULL put and declared.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Campbell, CARRIEDChichak, Mason, McKay, Paull, White.

OPPOSED: Aldermen Binder, Hayter, Kozak.ABSENT: Aldermen Mackenzie, Staroszik.

The meeting concluded at 10:05 p.m.


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