Page 1: MINUTES OF MEETING NO. 10/15 - City of Ryde

Minutes of the Council Meeting No. 10/15, dated 9 June 2015.

Council Meeting MINUTES OF MEETING NO. 10/15

Meeting Date: Tuesday 9 June 2015 Location: Council Chambers, Level 6, Civic Centre, 1 Devlin Street, Ryde Time: 7.30pm

Councillors Present: The Mayor, Councillor Pickering and Councillors Etmekdjian,

Laxale, Li, Maggio, Pendleton, Salvestro-Martin, Simon and Stott. Note: Councillor Salvestro-Martin left the meeting at 8.02pm and did not return. He

was not present for consideration or voting on Items 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6, Late Precis of Correspondence 1 and 2 and Notices of Motion 1 and 2.

Apologies: Councillor Chung. Leave of Absence: Councillors Perram and Yedelian OAM. Staff Present: General Manager, Acting Group Manager – Community Life, Group Manager – Corporate Services, Group Manager – Environment and Planning, Acting Group Manager – Public Works, General Counsel, Manager – Communications and Media, Coordinator Digital Communications, Solicitor, Section Manager – Governance and Governance, Risk and Audit Coordinator. PRAYER

Associate Pastor Ben Rodgers of the Ryde Baptist Church was present and offered prayer prior to the commencement of the meeting.


Councillor Li disclosed a Less than Significant Non-Pecuniary Interest in Item 5 – Community Grants Program – Allocation of funding 2015-16, for the reason that he will be likely to be involved in the Eastwood Chinese Seniors Project as a volunteer if funding for the project is approved. Councillor Pendleton disclosed a Less than Significant Non-Pecuniary Interest in Item 5 – Community Grants Program – Allocation of funding 2015-16, for the reason that she is a friend of Ryde Hunters Hill Symphony Orchestra (RHHSO) and regular concert attendee. Councillor Laxale disclosed a Less than Significant Non-Pecuniary Interest in Item 5 – Community Grants Program – Allocation of funding 2015-16, for the reason that he is known to some of the officeholders of the organisations that applied for grants.

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Minutes of the Council Meeting No. 10/15, dated 9 June 2015.


There were no Petitions tabled. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ON ITEMS LISTED ON THE AGENDA The following persons addressed the Council:-

Name Topic

Tony Abboud Item 4 – Fit for the Future – Joint Response from the Councils of Hunter’s Hill, Lane Cove and City of Ryde

Peter Colthorpe Notice of Motion 2 – Comments about the Efficiency of the City of Ryde

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA The following person was registered and called to address the Council but was not present in the gallery:-


RESOLUTION: (Moved by Councillors Laxale and Salvestro-Martin)

That Council now consider the following Items, the time being 7.54pm:

- Item 4 – Fit for the Future – Joint Response from the Councils of Hunter’s Hill,

Lane Cove and City of Ryde.

- Notice of Motion 2 – Comments about the Efficiency of the City of Ryde.

Record of Voting:



Note: Tony Abboud addressed the meeting in relation to this Item.

Note: A Supplementary Report was tabled and considered in conjunction with this Item and a copy is ON FILE.

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Minutes of the Council Meeting No. 10/15, dated 9 June 2015.

RESOLUTION: (Moved by the Mayor, Councillor Pickering and Councillor

Etmekdjian) (a) That Council note the extensive analysis, research, evidence and

community consultation that has been undertaken as required by the Minister for Local Government’s Fit for the Future program, in exploring all options and in preparing Council’s response to the Fit for the Future program;

(b) That following Council’s extensive research and analysis, Council rejects

the proposed merger of Hunter’s Hill, Lane Cove, Willoughby, Mosman, North Sydney and the eastern two thirds of the City of Ryde Councils, as recommended by the Independent Review Panel, as it is not the superior option for the reasons as detailed in this report;

(c) That City of Ryde endorse lodging the Joint Submission, ATTACHMENT 1

CIRCULATED UNDER SEPARATE COVER, in response to the Fit for the

Future program, with both Lane Cove and Hunter’s Hill Councils, that details Council’s Template 2 submission (Council Improvement Proposal) and the unique Joint Regional Authority proposal (Council’s preferred option) and delegate to the General Manager, the authority to complete and lodge Council’s submission, making any necessary adjustments in finalising Council’s submission in response to the final IPART methodology and community surveys;

(d) That Council endorse including in the Joint Submission, as an incentive for

the proposed Joint Regional Authority (JRA), the option to pilot the JRA for a period of 12 months, with the Office of Local Government to be invited to provide a representative as an observer on the JRA board;

(e) That Council in demonstrating its commitment to be a member of the Joint

Regional Authority (JRA), and as a further incentive for Government, delegate to the Mayor and the General Manager the authority to sign the Joint Regional Authority - Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Council’s behalf;

(f) That Council endorse undertaking a targeted advocacy program with both

Lane Cove and Hunter’s Hill Councils, between July and November 2015, on an equal basis in sharing costs to a maximum of $30,000 (to be approved by Council) as detailed in the report and delegates to the Mayor and the General Manager the authority to undertake this action post 30 June 2015;

(g) That Council note the Terms of Reference for the Parliamentary Inquiry

into the State Government’s Fit for the Future reform agenda, (announced on 27 May 2015), and delegate to the Mayor and General Manager the authority to lodge a submission and appear, if necessary, at the Parliamentary Inquiry;

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(h) That Council note that the estimated total cost of the shared research into exploring all options and undertaking an extensive communication and community engagement program, as required by the Minister for Local Government’s Fit for the Future program, is estimated to be $360,000, with City of Ryde’s contribution being $205,000, with an additional $170,000 being expended in further communications, surveys and the external audit of Council’s calculations of its Fit for the Future financial benchmarks;

(i) That Council endorse copies of Council’s submission being available in all

Council Libraries, Customer Service Centres and on Council’s website in addition to being forwarded to the Minister for Local Government, the Chief Executive Officer of the Office of Local Government all relevant State and Federal Members of Parliament, all Unions and other key stakeholders as determined by the Mayor and General Manager.

(j) That the General Manager and staff be thanked for their efforts on this campaign.

Record of Voting: For the Motion: The Mayor, Councillor Pickering and Councillors Etmekdjian, Li, Maggio, Pendleton, Salvestro-Martin and Stott Against the Motion: Councillors Laxale and Simon


Councillor George Simon

Note: Councillor Salvestro-Martin left the meeting at 8.02pm and did not return. He was not present for the consideration and voting on this Item.

Note: Peter Colthorpe addressed the meeting in relation to this Item. MOTION: (Moved by Councillors Simon and Laxale)

(a) That Council notes the negative comments made by the Hon. Victor

Dominello MP, State Member for Ryde, about Ryde Council at the recent Optus Vision 2015 Conference at Town Hall.

(b) That Council invites the Hon. Victor Dominello MP, State Member for Ryde

to the next meeting of Ryde Council to directly explain to Councillors and Council staff his specific concerns about the operation of Ryde Council.

Note: Councillors Maggio and Stott left the meeting at 8.11pm. Due to a lack of

a quorum, the meeting was adjourned.

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Minutes of the Council Meeting No. 10/15, dated 9 June 2015.

ADJOURNMENT In accordance with Clause 4.2.4 of the Code of Meeting Practice, The Mayor, Councillor Pickering adjourned the Council Meeting as a quorum was not present, the time being 8.11pm. The following Councillors were present: The Mayor, Councillor Pickering and Councillors Etmekdjian, Laxale, Li, Pendleton and Simon. The following Councillors were not present: Councillors Maggio, Salvestro-Martin and Stott. An apology had been received from Councillor Chung. Leave of Absence had been received from Councillors Perram and Yedelian OAM. Note: Councillors Maggio and Stott returned to the meeting at 8.17pm. MEETING RECONVENED The Meeting reconvened at 8.17pm on Tuesday, 9 June 2015 in the Council Chambers, Level 6 of the Civic Centre, 1 Devlin Street, Ryde. The following Councillors were present: The Mayor, Councillor Pickering and Councillors Etmekdjian, Laxale, Li, Maggio, Pendleton, Simon and Stott. The following Councillor was not present: Councillor Salvestro-Martin. An apology had been received from Councillor Chung. Leave of Absence had been received from Councillors Perram and Yedelian OAM. Staff Present: General Manager, Acting Group Manager – Community Life,

Group Manager – Corporate Services, Group Manager – Environment and Planning, Acting Group Manager – Public Works, General Counsel, Manager – Communications and Media, Coordinator Digital Communications, Solicitor, Section Manager – Governance and Governance, Risk and Audit Coordinator. AMENDMENT: (Moved by The Mayor, Councillor Pickering and Councillor Etmekdjian) (a) That Council notes the negative comments made by the Hon. Victor

Dominello MP, State Member for Ryde, about Ryde Council at the recent Optus Vision 2015 Conference at Town Hall.

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Minutes of the Council Meeting No. 10/15, dated 9 June 2015.

(b) That the General Manager invites the Hon. Victor Dominello MP, State Member for Ryde to meet with her and explain his specific concerns about the operations of Ryde Council.

On being put to the Meeting, the voting on the Amendment was five (5) For and three (3) Against. The Amendment was CARRIED and became the Motion. Record of Voting: For the Amendment: The Mayor, Councillor Pickering and Councillors Etmekdjian, Li, Maggio and Stott Against the Amendment: Councillors Laxale, Pendleton and Simon RESOLUTION: (Moved by The Mayor, Councillor Pickering and Councillor Etmekdjian) (a) That Council notes the negative comments made by the Hon. Victor

Dominello MP, State Member for Ryde, about Ryde Council at the recent Optus Vision 2015 Conference at Town Hall.

(b) That the General Manager invites the Hon. Victor Dominello MP, State

Member for Ryde to meet with her and explain his specific concerns about the operations of Ryde Council.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous

MAYORAL MINUTES There were no Mayoral Minutes. COUNCIL REPORTS

1 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES - Council Meeting held on 26 May 2015

Note: Councillor Salvestro-Martin was not present for the consideration and voting of this Item.

RESOLUTION: (Moved by Councillors Laxale and Etmekdjian)

That the Minutes of the Council Meeting 9/15, held on 26 May 2015 be confirmed.

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Minutes of the Council Meeting No. 10/15, dated 9 June 2015.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


8/15 held on 2 June 2015

Note: Councillor Salvestro-Martin was not present for the consideration and voting of this Item.

RESOLUTION: (Moved by Councillors Laxale and Simon)

That Council note that all Items of the Planning and Environment Committee Meeting 8/15 held on 2 June 2015 were dealt with by the Committee within its delegated powers. Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


held on 2 June 2015

Note: Councillor Salvestro-Martin was not present for the consideration and voting of this Item.

RESOLUTION: (Moved by Councillors Maggio and Stott)

That Council determine Item 2 of the Works and Community Committee report 8/15, held on 2 June 2015 noting that all other Items were dealt with by the Committee within its delegated powers. Record of Voting:


Note: Councillor Salvestro-Martin was not present for the consideration and voting of this Item.

RESOLUTION: (Moved by Councillors Maggio and Stott) (a) That an amount of $200,000 be added to the draft Operational Plan

2015 – 2016 Foreshore Program funded from the Section 94 Reserve prior to it being reported back to Council on 23 June 2015.

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Minutes of the Council Meeting No. 10/15, dated 9 June 2015.

(b) That the draft 2015 - 2019 Delivery Plan, Four Year Foreshore Program – Seawalls / Retaining Walls Refurbishment Renewal Project, be amended as detailed in this report prior to it being reported back to Council on 23 June 2015.

Record of Voting: For the Motion: Unanimous



Note: This Item was dealt with earlier in the meeting as detailed in these Minutes. 5 COMMUNITY GRANTS PROGRAM - ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2015-16

Note: Councillor Salvestro-Martin was not present for the consideration and voting of this Item.

Note: Councillor Li disclosed a Less than Significant Non-Pecuniary Interest in

this Item, for the reason that he will be likely to be involved in the Eastwood Chinese Seniors Project as a volunteer if funding for the project is approved. He left the meeting at 8.32pm and was not present for the consideration and voting on this Item.

Note: Councillor Pendleton disclosed a Less than Significant Non-Pecuniary

Interest in this Item, for the reason that she is a friend of Ryde Hunters Hill Symphony Orchestra (RHHSO) and regular concert attendee.

Note: Councillor Laxale disclosed a Less than Significant Non-Pecuniary

Interest in this Item, for the reason that he is known to some of the officeholders of the organisations that applied for grants.

Note: A revised recommendation for this Item was circulated by the Acting

Group Manager – Community Life and a copy is ON FILE. RESOLUTION: (Moved by Councillors Maggio and Stott) (a) That Council endorse the allocation of the 2015-2016 City of Ryde Sports

and Recreation Community Grant Category as follows:

Organisation Project Name Amount

Eastwood Ryde Netball Association

Net Set Go beginners program


Ryde Panthers Football Club Skills Acquisition Program $1,000

Putney Firebirds Netball Club Putney Firebirds Skills to Soar


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West Ryde Rovers Netball Club

Children with Disability intro to Netball


Rainbow Club Australia Swim the Rainbow $1,750

Eastwood St Andrews AFC Kickstart $2,500

Gladesville Sharks FC Sharks Football Training Circuit


Eastwood Croquet Club Inc Developing Partnership with local Community


Total $16,050

(b) That Council endorse the allocation of the 2015-2016 City of Ryde

Seniors Grant Category as follows:

Organisation Project Name Amount

Italian Leisure Group Social Events $2,000

Ryde Armenian Seniors Weekly Social Group

Ryde Armenian Seniors Weekly Social Group


Italian Womens Group Marsfield

Health Promotions Initiatives $500

Gladesville & District Probus Club

Transport Assistance $2,000

Italo – Australian Senior Citizens Group

Italo – Australian Senior Citizens Group


Eastwood Chinese Senior Citizens Club

Humans of Eastwood $2,000

Ryde Multicultural Centre Inc.

Healthy and Informed Seniors


Total $12,500

(c) That Council endorse the allocation of the 2015-16 City of Ryde Capacity

Building Grant – Event Category as follows:

Organisation Project Name Amount

Eastwood Patchwork Quilters Inc

Eastwood Patchwork Quilters Inc. 2015 Biennial Exhibition


Reach Community Initiatives Incorporated

Christmas Eve Celebration


Total $5,992

(d) That Council endorse the allocation of the 2015-16 City of Ryde Capacity

Building Grant – Emerging/Small Groups Category as follows:

Organisation Organisation Support Amount

Ivanhoe Estate Tenant Group Inc.

Need support mostly in funding, training and connecting to community services and NGO’s to


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Minutes of the Council Meeting No. 10/15, dated 9 June 2015.

develop partnerships that help the tenants.

Artisans Ryde

Need financial assistance to meet operating expenses and support for governance to achieve our vision.


Australia Han In Saeng Myung Line Inc

Need financial assistance to maintain the service and manage volunteers. Need support to develop governance structure and risks management.


Ryde Hunters Hill Symphony Orchestra

Financial assistance until such time that the patronage grows to allow subscription tickets.


Total $12,500

(e) That Council endorse the allocation of the 2015-16 City of Ryde Capacity

Building Grant – General Category as follows:

Organisation Project Name Amount

Christian Community Aid

Community Aids Working Together - Phase 2


North Ryde Community Aid & Information Centre Inc

Community Aids Working Together - Phase 3


Hunters Hill Ryde Community Services

Community Aids Working Together


Total $10,500

(f) That That Council endorse the allocation of the 2015-16 City of Ryde

Community Projects Grant Category as follows:

Organisation Project Name Amount

Touch by Olivia Story time at Livvi’s Place $2,500

Mental Health Carers ARAFMI NSW Inc

The Ryde Mandarin Speaking Carers Support group


Differently Abled People Association Incorporation (DAPA)

Community connect for People with disabilities and people with CALD background(PWD/CALD Talent Connect)


Rotary Club of North Ryde Inc

Seniors Xmas Party $1,000

Community Migrant Resource Centre

Learn & Earn - Sewing Banners Project


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St Andrews Socio Religious Justice, Harmony of FITA Inc.

"Keep Ryde Beautiful & Clean Together "(Litter Less, Act for Local)


Relationships Australia

XI YANG YANG - Ryde Chinese Music Community Group


KYDS Youth Development Service Inc

Counselling &n Mental Health Support Services for residents of Ryde LGA


Sydney Korean Women's Association

" Helping Hands"


Good Beginnings Australia - Ryde Community Hub

Establishment of Young Parents' Playgroup


Nutrition Australia NSW Division

The Grandparent's Wellness Collective


2realise Incorporated Brave $2,500

Early Education (EarlyEd) Inc.

Children from subcontinent communities ready for school


West Ryde Baptist English Classes

ESL Classes and Community Integration


The Benevolent Society Yarn Up $4,300

STaR Inclusive Early Childhood Association

Building capacity to facilitate the inclusion of young children


Ryde Family Services

Transition to High School Program


The Salvation Army (Ryde) Afterschool @ 47 $3,000

Indonesian Welfare Association (IWA)

Social activities for migrants


Catholic Healthcare Limited-Catholic Community Services

Traditional Korean Paper Art


Royal Rehab

Return2Sport Adaptive Yoga - Yoga for All Abilities


Achieve Australia

Volunteer Training - Building Capacity


Marsfield Trafalgar Playgroup Wednesday

Chibikko Japanese Bilingual Program


(2RRR) Ryde Regional Radio Co-operative ltd.

Radio Training Course Subsidy


Ryde Hunters Hill Community Transport Assoc. Inc.

Translation of promotional material


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Side By Side Advocacy

A Book of Stories - Citizen Advocacy


Total $65,000

(g) That the successful and unsuccessful grant applicants be informed in

writing of the outcome of their applications. (h) That the unsuccessful grant applicants be provided feedback on why their

application was not successful. (i) That Council create a Community Grant Reserve Fund and the remainder

be transferred into this fund for Small Grants funding available all year round.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous

Note: Councillor Li returned to the meeting at 8.37pm. 6 SUBMISSION ON INDEPENDENT REVIEW OF THE BUILDING


Note: Councillor Salvestro-Martin was not present for the consideration and voting of this Item.

RESOLUTION: (Moved by Councillors Pendleton and Maggio) That Council make a submission on the review of the Building Professionals Act 2005 and endorse the responses to the review outlined in this report. Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


Councillor Craig Chung

Note: Councillor Salvestro-Martin was not present for the consideration and voting of this Item.

RESOLUTION: (Moved by Councillors Laxale and Simon)

That Council amend its Code of Meeting Practice by including an additional section under each Committee’s Functions and Powers as follows:-

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Minutes of the Council Meeting No. 10/15, dated 9 June 2015.

Consideration of Matters “The Committee at a meeting may defer a matter that is listed on the Agenda to the next scheduled Committee Meeting for consideration if it has been carried unanimously. This matter must then be listed on the Agenda of the subsequent Committee Meeting. If the deferral is not unanimously supported, the matter must then be presented to Council for consideration.” Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


Councillor George Simon Note: This Item was dealt with earlier in the meeting as detailed in these Minutes. LATE PRECIS OF CORRESPONDENCE FOR CONSIDERATION 1 FIT FOR THE FUTURE EXPERT ADVISORY PANEL - STRATHFIELD


Note: Councillor Salvestro-Martin was not present for the consideration and voting of this Item.

RESOLUTION: (Moved by Councillors Stott and Laxale)

(a) That the correspondence be received and noted. (b) That Council endorse that the Mayor write to the Premier of NSW the

Honorable Mike Baird MP and the Minister for Local Government the Honorable Paul Toole MP, requesting that the 30 June deadline for the submission of Fit for the Future proposals be extended by 90 days to 30 September 2015, consistent with the joint Councils’ submission to IPART.

(c) That Council writes to Strathfield Council to advise of the details in

Council’s joint submission to IPART on 25 May 2015 and the further actions as detailed in part (b) of the recommendation.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous

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Note: Councillor Salvestro-Martin was not present for the consideration and voting of this Item.

Note: The attachments to the Precis of Correspondence (letter of 14 May 2015)

are Confidential and were distributed to Councillors at the Meeting and a copy is ON FILE - CONFIDENTIAL.

MOTION: (Moved by Councillors Simon and Laxale)

(a) That the correspondence be received and noted. (b) That the Mayor write to the Minister for Finance, Services and Property,

The Hon. Dominic Perrottet MP and the State Member for Ryde, The Hon. Victor Dominello MP to seek an urgent meeting regarding the State Government’s failure to honour its agreement with Council to secure a 7,000sqm parcel of land for a public park at 45-61 Waterloo Road, Macquarie Park.

AMENDMENT: (Moved by Councillors Maggio and Etmekdjian)

That this Item be deferred for consideration in Closed Session. On being put to the Meeting, the voting on the Amendment was six (6) For and two (2) Against. The Amendment was CARRIED and became the Motion. Record of Voting: For the Amendment: The Mayor, Councillor Pickering and Councillors Etmekdjian, Li, Maggio, Pendleton and Stott Against the Amendment: Councillors Simon and Laxale RESOLUTION: (Moved by Councillors Maggio and Etmekdjian) That this Item be deferred for consideration in Closed Session. Record of Voting: For the Motion: The Mayor, Councillor Pickering and Councillors Etmekdjian, Li, Maggio, Pendleton, Simon and Stott Against the Motion: Councillor Laxale

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Minutes of the Council Meeting No. 10/15, dated 9 June 2015.

CLOSED SESSION LATE PRECIS OF CORRESPONDENCE 2 – 45-61 WATERLOO ROAD, MACQUARIE PARK Confidential This item is classified CONFIDENTIAL under Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act, 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: (g) advice concerning litigation, or advice as comprises a discussion of this matter, that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege. Note: Councillor Salvestro-Martin was not present for the consideration and voting of

this Item. RESOLUTION: (Moved by Councillors Etmekdjian and Stott) That the Council resolve into Closed Session to consider the above matter. Record of Voting: For the Motion: The Mayor, Councillor Pickering and Councillors Etmekdjian, Li, Maggio, Pendleton, Simon and Stott Against the Motion: Councillor Laxale Note: The Council closed the meeting at 9.56pm. The public and media left the chamber. LATE PRECIS OF CORRESPONDENCE


Note: Councillor Salvestro-Martin was not present for the consideration and voting of this Item.

Note: The attachments to the Precis of Correspondence (letter of 14 May 2015)

are Confidential and were distributed to Councillors at the Meeting and a copy is ON FILE - CONFIDENTIAL.

RECOMMENDATION: (Moved by Councillors Simon and Laxale)

(a) That the correspondence be received and noted. (b) That the Mayor write to the Minister for Finance, Services and Property,

The Hon. Dominic Perrottet MP, the Minister for Planning, The Hon. Rob Stokes MP and the State Member for Ryde, The Hon. Victor Dominello MP to seek an urgent meeting regarding the State Government’s failure to honour its agreement with Council to secure a 7,000sqm parcel of land for a public park at 45-61 Waterloo Road, Macquarie Park.

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(c) That the Mayor write to the Minister for Planning, The Hon. Rob Stokes

MP to seek a guarantee that the $6 million in funding will remain available for the purposes of securing a public park in the Macquarie Park locality.

Record of Voting: For the Motion: Unanimous


Note: Councillor Salvestro-Martin was not present for the consideration and voting of this Item.

RESOLUTION: (Moved by Councillors Simon and Stott)

That Council resolve itself into open Council. Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous Note: Open Council resumed at 9.41pm. Note: Councillor Salvestro-Martin was not present for the consideration and voting of

this Item. RESOLUTION: (Moved by Councillors Simon and Stott)

That the recommendations of Items considered in Closed Session be received and adopted as resolutions of Council without any alteration or amendment thereto. Record of Voting: For the Motion: Unanimous NATIONAL ANTHEM The National Anthem was sung at the conclusion of the meeting.

The meeting closed at 9.42pm.



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