Page 1: Minutes of PTA Meeting - East Barnet School · Kathryn Salmon (KS), Stephanie Hughes (SJH), Fleur Smith (FS), Jackie Simpkins (JS ... 5.2 KS agreed to look into better use of social

East Barnet School is an Academy Trust and a charitable company limited by guarantee.

Registered in England & Wales number: 07552702

5 Chestnut Grove, East Barnet, Herts, EN4 8PU

[email protected]

020 8344 2100

Headteacher – Mr N. Christou BSc, NPQH, NLE

Associate Headteacher – Ms L. Swaine BSc, MA

[email protected] Chairperson: Stuart Gates

Vice Chairperson/Secretary: Elena Trankarova

Treasurer: Tess Bush

Minutes of PTA Meeting

Item No Item Owner

1. Those Present: Stuart Gates (SG) - Chair, Elena Trankarova (ET), Tess Bush (TB), Kathryn Salmon (KS), Stephanie Hughes (SJH), Fleur Smith (FS), Jackie Simpkins (JS), John Ireton, Jakesh Mahey (Y8 parent), Nurgul Bilgili (Y7) and Zana Malo (Y7).

2. Apologies for Absence: Received from Sean Sweeney (SS), Mario Cleovoulou (MC), Wendy Hare (WH), Efterpi Papouli (Y7&10), Anna Pishiri (Y7 & 9) , Anna-Louise Smith (Y7) and Corina Painter (Y7).

3. Matters arising and approval of minutes from meeting 17th May 2017: The minutes were approved (John Ireton) and seconded (Stephanie Hughes). There were no matters arising.

4. Welcome: SG thanked everyone for attending the meeting and introduced the PTA.

5. 5.1

PTA Communications: A suggestion was made to e-mail the minutes of all PTA meetings to all parents. The GDPR (General Data Protection Regs.) which take effect in May 2018, will make obtaining e-mail addresses more bureaucratic as parents will have to specifically “opt in” to receiving e-mail communications from the PTA. In light of this, two actions were agreed: - To upload the Minutes to the PTA page on the website (these could be kept online for, say 6-12 months); - To have a list on the door at each PTA event asking parents to opt in to PTA correspondence/mailing list.



5.2 KS agreed to look into better use of social media/ask Diana Kilip ref. facebook page.



Annual General Meeting 17th Oct.: The format of the meeting was explained and nominations invited for all Committee roles to be elected at the AGM: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. The PTA are seeking a new Secretary. SG, ET & TB are happy to stand again for this final year but encouraged anyone else to come forward, being an ideal year to shadow roles and benefit from the experience and guidance of the current officials. All nominations to be handed in or sent to [email protected] before 16th October in preparation for the meeting.

Meeting: PTA Meeting Date: Wednesday 20th September 2017 Venue: School Library Time: 7.15pm

Page 2: Minutes of PTA Meeting - East Barnet School · Kathryn Salmon (KS), Stephanie Hughes (SJH), Fleur Smith (FS), Jackie Simpkins (JS ... 5.2 KS agreed to look into better use of social

PTA Meeting Minutes 20th Sept. 2017 Cont.



AGM – Cont. It was stressed that a full quorum of 9 (6 +3 elected officials) are required to be in attendance for the AGM/elections to take place. Notices will be placed in EBS News & Staff Bulletin. Mr Christou will be in attendance.


7. 7.1

PTA Financial Summary: TB presented the main figures as follows - £19,162 was raised in 2016/17, of which £17,563 has been or is allocated to causes inc. £12k earmarked towards the Minibus fund. TB is optimistic that the PTA can raise the final £3k required for the Minibus (total expected cost £15k) from the next Quiz event (subject to match-funding) and a continued trickle of donations made by parents via ParentPay. £5,700 at bank as opening balance for 2017/18 (to cover 250 club winnings etc.) TB laid out totals raised from fundraising/events last year including £2k (Summer BBQ), £2k (ParentPay donations), £500 (summer raffle), £2,800 (match funding); a full set of accounts will be presented at the PTA AGM.


8. 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4

Summer BBQ feedback/suggestions for next year: It was agreed that this was a very successful and enjoyable event and a similar event is planned for next summer, however, the following to be borne in mind: Better signage at front of school/decorations? More beers etc. (sold out). Food also sold out but agreed better than excess. £440 paid for inflatable activities – agreed success but ideas invited for cheaper alternatives to entertain the children. Date (June) to be booked by Christmas – Sean? (consider World Cup etc.)



9. 9.1

Forthcoming Events/Fundraising: AUTUMN TERM: 80s/90s Quiz Fri 13th Oct: SS quizmaster. Help required for setting up from 4pm (SG/SS/SJH), & then from 6.30pm. Raffle to be run on the night, some prizes already (SG). Ideas welcome, SG to coordinate. Volunteers: SG, TB, ET + 3 more required. No match-funding yet in place. ET + 1 other to do shopping prior to the night.


9.2 Christmas Show Tues 5th Dec.: SS (SJH) said that Head of Drama, Mr Messios would be delighted for the PTA to run the Christmas market event in tandem with the school drama/music show. 9.2.1 Mr Messios to be invited to next meeting to discuss details/joint promotion (20-30 min. interval requested to give parents time to browse/get refreshments). 9.2.2 3rd Party stalls to be invited. ET says she has already been approached. 9.2.3 Mrs Chandler to be asked if they will be able to make reindeer models as previous years. Previously they donated all profits to the PTA. 9.2.4 Timings TBC /Title? (Winter Wonderfest as last year?) 9.2.5 A suggestion was made to approach Textiles etc. to make items/sell crafts at the market. This could be tied in to the Houses. Mr Messios/Mrs Eustace (Head of Music) to be asked whether PTA required to run a bar for the 3 nights of the “Little Shop of Horrors” performances in January. It was decided not to plan a further event before Christmas.






Page 3: Minutes of PTA Meeting - East Barnet School · Kathryn Salmon (KS), Stephanie Hughes (SJH), Fleur Smith (FS), Jackie Simpkins (JS ... 5.2 KS agreed to look into better use of social

PTA Meeting Minutes 20th Sept. 2017 Cont.


9.3 SPRING TERM: Spring Quiz: SG to ask Jason Killip if he is willing to run a Quiz on a date in February/March to be agreed. Match funding already obtained for this event, tbc.


9.4 SUMMER TERM: Summer Quiz & Summer BBQ events: Match funding already promised for both these events. To be followed up and confirmed.


9.5 Other Fundraising Initiatives: 9.5.1 250 Club – Agreed desperately needs re-brand/re-launch - an attempt to be made to roll this out by AGM. Will need to go on ParentPay as well as/instead of Minibus Appeal. ET to re-write for website. Idea is that ParentPay sign-up will be for first year of participation only, KS will e-mail participants after first year to ask for renewal by direct debit. 9.5.2 Gift Aid – Needs to be more widely publicised. Form needs to be signed by parents. TB to e-mail information to go into EBS News to encourage sign up. 9.5.3 Match-funding – SG has a number of parents who have agreed to apply for match-funding for events (see previous minuted items); Oct. Quiz not yet covered. 9.5.4 Giving Machine – to be promoted in good time for Christmas 9.5.5 Charitable donations – Cheque received from Waitrose Barnet (£233) and further gift from Whetstone (£360). Thank you! TB continues to pursue Coop.




10. 10.1

School Requests for Funding/School Requirements: Funding towards Maintenance/Servicing of School Bikes: £350 was set aside for this last year (16/17) however, formal request paperwork still not received from Martin Fry so this will be carried over. SJH/SS to chase. Suggested that we approach new shop (John’s Cycles?) on Greenhill Parade for repairs/sponsorship. Previously used Shorter Rochford but committee felt that they were very expensive.


10.2 PTA Funding of Student Computer Tablets (for disadvantaged students): This is with regard to the “bring your own device” initiative to be introduced. There was still some scepticism over how ethical this was and how this would work. Figure given of approx. £300/device. Suggestion of refurbished tablets? How would students be prevented from taking these home? Agreed that many were uneasy for the PTA to fund a specific no. for individual students, when they were expected to provide a device for their own child. To be investigated further with Mario Cleovoulou (IT Manager). It is possible that the PTA may reject this funding request in favour of a modified or another clearer and less contentious project.


10.3 School Event: Open Evening for Prospective Parents on Monday 25th Sept. 6pm to 8pm. School to provide refreshments, PTA to help serve and be present. ET, FS volunteered.

11. AOB: None

12. Date of next meeting - PTA AGM The PTA AGM will be held on Tuesday 17th October 2017 at 7.15 for 7.30pm. This is the most important meeting in the PTA calendar. All members are encouraged to attend, refreshments provided.

Minutes taken by: Stephanie Hughes Approved by: Stuart Gates

Page 4: Minutes of PTA Meeting - East Barnet School · Kathryn Salmon (KS), Stephanie Hughes (SJH), Fleur Smith (FS), Jackie Simpkins (JS ... 5.2 KS agreed to look into better use of social

PTA Meeting Minutes 20th Sept. 2017 Cont.


PTA Liaison Chair

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