Page 1: Minutes, SNCC Meeting, November 1960, AtlantaF. Inforr.tation S!ould be eathered on a state-wide basis ar..d this infornation should then be circulated as sucrcstions for other states

1.ffi.JUTES .


N'Jvenber 25 - 27, 1960, :Satlcr Street T..~CA. ATLANTA, GEORGIA

The Stment Nonviolent Coordinating Co:-.nittee I.ieetinc bec;an Friday afternoon, Nov .. 25o Those precent for all a!"' part of the neetinc ·Here: Hro Charles HcDevT, So~th Carolina; Hro Frank Janes, Arkansas; Gnendolyn Groen, Washineton, D. c .. ; Hiss Birdie HcHugh, Kentucky; Miss ilary Ann Sni th, Georcia; I.Ir. liarion Barry, delec;ate-at-larr; H ~ Hiss Diane ~Jash, delec;ate-at.;...lar:::;e; ?.T. Henry Thonas, delecate-at-larse; Hiss SyJ. vi:. eyce, Paine Colleces, Georr~ia; Mr. Tinothy Jenkins, USNSA; I:tr. Jir.1 i.ioz:som .. :;.,.­NSCli' j Reverend Janes Blako, ::t·..~';.CP Ycuth Council; Observers present were: Hiss Rosetta Gardner and Miss Ella Baker, National Sttrlent YWCA; and Hiss Connie Curr.f, USNSli. .. Tin Jenkins was chosen to serve as chaiman for the r~eetinc, t'r. EdVIard Kine was askGd to serve as recorder, and the a;:enda was adopted as printedo

I. Review of the October Cor.fcrence MenbersolThe Cor.r!ittee received cq:>ies of the reconnendations that were pa::;sed at the October Conference and the reconnendations were revieVIed for any cr.anges or clarifica ti.ons in the folfcwiD.:-:: areas: . J1..



Coordination • The Connittee a::reed that the Conference had not passed section G. 1.lii1 er Coordination and that it shedd hot be inclu:led.. The question was raised as t0 the neanir~ of the word uspokes1:1en 11 in section · D. un:1er Coordination and as to whetl-:er SNCC ner.:bers are at liberty to r::ake pol icy stater.:ents on SNCC in their respective areas., The Conr.1ittee decided that each neuber of the Com.iittee, in ser.:illG as equal 11 spokesnen11 for the novenE:Y'.t would be able to eive eeneral interpretation of policies, proc;rans and principles already adopteu by the Conference or Cor..r1ittee, except in cases VThere a policy or no publicity had been adoptedo COJ:nunication There were no additions or ch:m:: es in this areao Finances As directed in Section B* under Finan-ce, ths Conr:littee voted to establish a Finance Conr.1ittee cor;posed of three to five neubers of SNCC and authorized the Finance Cor.u:d.ttee to sec· .. consultants as they see fit,, It was also decided that the Ch"liroan of SNCC and the Adninistrative 3ecretary would be ex-'Jfficio mmbers of the Fin;:;nce Connitteeo Clarificatior. v·:::>.s oade ur::'~r

Section G11 of Finances that t:-:e Adr<inistrative Secretary could act as the local acent of the Finance Co:.;.;.li ttee Cta irnan in the handline; of funds canine into the SNCC office. ·

II. Area Reports Reports of activities in var io us Ylcre Given by Connittee l' '~enbers. (Lies t of this infornat.ion -.-;as included in the Novenber Student Voice or will be in the Decenber issue.)

III. Office Report

\ \ -~

I.l:ro :&lward Kinr, gave a report of office activities since the Conference,. The report was accepted as infornation and the CorJnittee expressed appreciation to ar. King for his services with f-..:ll recocni ti. on of the difficu.l ties urrier y;hic h he had to pperate during his six <;eeks as tenporary Adr.1inistrative Secretary,

*(Office Report attached)

Page 2: Minutes, SNCC Meeting, November 1960, AtlantaF. Inforr.tation S!ould be eathered on a state-wide basis ar..d this infornation should then be circulated as sucrcstions for other states


Future Role of the Coordinatinr: Connitt.:e A GreatCl9a'lof'COnmittee tine was devoted to discussing ·the meaninc of SNCC­y;Jiat its r ole is at present c.nd Yihat role it should play in the future. Such questions ·were raised (1) can sncc nake dec is ions for the total naveront (2) what authcr ity does SNCC have to speak for the stu:l ents (3) how leadership should SNCC assert in the naver:enL i1.fter t.:uch discussion the Conr:tittee a~;reed on the followinr guides for SNCC: 11. In rel.:ition to local protest areas, SNCC 1s role is su-.~ c:estive rnther

directiVe. B. In relation to those croups r:hich are interested in the novenent, SNCC is r :'

serve prir.~rily in an infornational capacity. c. In relation to those natiannl and recional croups where sone .fom of is necessary, SNCC may serve as a spokesnan, but in a catious manner in Yihich it is nade quite clear that it does not control the locaJ.. groups.

D. In relation to action, SNCC, with a 2/3 vote of the Cor.mrl.ttee oenbers pre=f~ ·:"'.h can Ll'litiate action in the nar.1e of and by SNCC, in cooperation vrith local protest groupso

Coordination The Connittee acreed that SXCC 's major responsibility is to provide a channeJ for coordination and conrmnic.:l..tion vTithin the stu:lent mover:ento The follm'linD succestions were nade:

, Ju SNCC should be a clearin::_: r.ouse for infornation on the student nover:ent and

should release this inforr.Jation thrm.1.:_:h the newsletter am other media,. B. In order to be this clearinp house, SNCC nust be kept infcrned by the local

protest. arec..s ·t:u"ouch let..l:.ers or calls. The Connittee asked tl1at each pr·.,to·"t area be 7Tri tten again and requested to appoint.Ja reporter to naintain d5 T''?•; t contact with the SNCC office.

c. To give fur-t.~er ffi lp in coordination and conr.mnication, a quAstiorm.aire is to sent · to every protest area in the South_, askil\:', about their .,T ujent orgcn1L: ,~ tion, their chairren1 their contact vtith a state arcanizationj etc,

Do A descriptive piece on Si-ICC is to be drawn up to inclule the followillti-what SNCC is 1 the nenbers of SNCC, the services that SNCC can provide t'or local groups. This piece is to be sent out with the questionnaire described abov8,~

E. In cities or states where Tie have no contact, SNCC should write the N.·..,· .. cp branches for nanes of key people to work ni th us!)

F. Inforr.tation S!ould be eathered on a state-wide basis ar..d this infornation should then be circulated as sucrcstions for other states to follaw0

G.. An investi~;ation should be ::1ade to deternine the costs of hal il1G "The s+, ..~ : ent Voice" printed in the future, and if the cost is not too fa:r <J.bove that 'j:: mineoc;raphinc, the no-.7sletter should be printed~

Office Staff The ttee discussed the duties and responsibilities of the J~dninistrative Secretary of SNCC and asked th~t ?,:iss Baker, l.!iss Curry, :Mro Monsonis and Uro Edvrard Kine; work out a list of thinc~s to be done by the secretary until the next neetinc:o Tho Co~:T.i t tec accepted this list and asked Mr. Kine to rem in as J\dr.iinistrative Secretary until the rext neetiil[::o 1-..s policies durin;::: t! period, the follo';rin:~ recor..r:e:tdat::.ons wore passed: A. The sum of $62o50 is to be paid per week to the Adninistrative Socretary0

D. The Adninistrative Secretary is to work with the SNCC Atlanta l.dviscry Comnittee, · composed of Hiss Baker, Miss Gardner, M:bs Curry, Miss Jane Stenbridce, Hiss Hary J'Jm Sr.1ith, and Mro Lonnie Kinco

c. If the Administrative Secretar-.r feels a necessity to travel to a protest area, the Atlanta ildvisoi"J Connittee is to deterr.-.ine if the tT'avellinc shoQld be done in the na:.:e of SHCC 3rx:l if SNCC funds are available f or travel r e inburse­nent"

Page 3: Minutes, SNCC Meeting, November 1960, AtlantaF. Inforr.tation S!ould be eathered on a state-wide basis ar..d this infornation should then be circulated as sucrcstions for other states


D. B;,· tho rs :-d-. (.;a:J~:.~ L to€' neG ting a full job descript.i.on of the posit.i on of Administrative Secretary for SNCC is to be drarm up by Miss Cu:rry, Miss Baker, .Mr. Monsonis arrl Miss Gardner.

The Comrni ttoe n.1so ask.:lr2 tila"V a lette:t· be vwi tten to Mi.::s J-?.r.e Stenbr:kig,:; expressinc appreciation for her services as Office Secret~.:: ~':)r SilCC.

Finances X. Tho follouin(~ were elected to serve on the Finam e Connittee: Henry Thom?.s,­

Jim Monsonis 1 Lonnie Kine, Tim Jenkins and Marien Barry. B. Because of the difficulty sometimes in obtaining "two si.[~n'3.tures on a chc.r.l~ _

the J\rli!linistrative Secretary was authorized to establish a $50.00 operat:: .~~ .. -~2 fund to be used in el!lergencies.

c. Tho Co::~nH,tee asked that no blank checks be s:i{',ned in advance., (All check~' should be made out in full before trey are sjgred by either of the two persons required to sicn.)

D. The Colill':littee voted to v~rite the ~L'J.CP and other arcanizations for infor­mation on finances t.hat have been received for defense and scholarships f:;::· the stu:lent movenent., These organizations should also be asked what portio;~ of thi~; money is still avaJ.lable for sd1 olar:.,;:-...lp and defense al".d what procedures are necessary for secur such assistance.

E. The Coru::i ttt'le asked that SHCC nenbers who speak to grcups throughout the countrJ make clear the financial needs of the stul ant n::>verl3nt and point out the ac;encies to which funds may be sent for sper- ' :·'ic purpcs eso These acenci<H3 arec 1. For J.dministration, coordinatinG and cor:uaunicati on within the sttrl ent

novement, r:oney should be sent directly to t:~:; Si!CC office • 2. For Lecal Defense, contribut.ion8 shculd be son.t t<:. t?':,e rt...,_CP. 3. For Scltolarsh ip i', contribt.."ti ons sh·~- ,_- _j be sent to the N'aticinal

Schol~rship Service and Fund for Necro Sttrl ents • F. The Corrmittee r~uested that a special letter be sent to each protest area

inforr.ri.nt; thEn of the cost of the newsletter am the need for ihem to have newsletter information, and askine; fuem to sam a contribution to help cover the cost of publication.

G0 The Finance Coi!lmi ttee was asked to meet before leavinc::: the meeting an:i was authorized to set up a temporary budcet.

V, Selection of Advisors Tile followi..'1G wore chosen as Advisors for SNCC an:i letters are to be sent asking than to accept the positiont· Dr. S. Jo Wr:ig ht, :Miss Ella BakJr_ Reverem Jf.Jit'3s Lawson, Jr., ::Jr. l..!artin Luther Kine, Jr., and !Jr. Harry Goldeno Provisions were made for al term te choices in the event that a:rry of the above five are unable to serve.

VI. Sttrlent Peace Union Proposal A proposal fron the Student Peace Union was presented to the Con~ittee. The proposal called for SNCC's cooperation in an Inaguration Day Project L~ voich student activities YTould enphasize the need for civil richts action and would call for cessation of nuclear test inc, The Cor:T:i ttee disc u::sed the proposal and d ecided that 2.1 thouch SNCC shares in tl-,is concern for peace, it must withhold action at tHs time, because the sttrlent f:lOVenent in the South has not yet equated the organized rn0veJJ.ent for peace with the civil ri:_-:hts strucele. A. letter is to be sent to tne Student Peace Union thankinG them for their interest am explaining the Coll' . .r:tittee 1s position.

1•7II. Southern Conference Educational Fund Proposal The Cor.unittee w;;.s aslced to r-;ive its reaction tc a tentative proposal of the Southern Conference Educational Fund~ The proposal concerned t he eq:Jloymerrt o.f an individu.CJ.l to \'tork amol1[· So;..:tho rn ,,.,.h ~ te coll e ·e stu::l en"-,s ::.nd t o enc our;r'e

Page 4: Minutes, SNCC Meeting, November 1960, AtlantaF. Inforr.tation S!ould be eathered on a state-wide basis ar..d this infornation should then be circulated as sucrcstions for other states





-4-ther.1 toward direct action and participation in the stu:lent movement • The Committee stroi'l[:ly endorsed this i<;iea and asked Mr. Jenkins, Mr., Monsonis and 1.·1r , Jom s b aid SCEF i~: find i nc a q :if i ed p6rs on f or t h is :tJ~ iti on.

Chri stnas Shopr~ irJ.t..., ·\li thhold inr; Campairn "T'no Comm~t.tccl vcted ·to'"seb4" out irrunediately in!ormatio!'l on a project encouragine peGple to refrai.n from thE:lir usual volU":).e of Christmas s hoppinc . It was felt that such a withdrawa+ from sh~ppine area.s would call attention to the fact th'=lt some of the So'..lthern states nave not yet dropped their racial barriers at lnnch COmltO r t­

and in oth<Jr areas. l'he canq:>aign also encouraced Negro students to use facilit i.~s now open to a:l in thai~ tr&v~ls dur~ the Christmas periodo

~eninc of Co:l!zo s ~ e Cor:mittee <nrtliorized the Chairman of 5NCC to draft a letter arx:l serrl it \o ko;,r persons ill both houses of Coneress 1 calling upon "them to em ct neaningful tivil R:i[_: h"". ti lec ~.slation, such as revision of Semte Rule 22 and the passage of Title 3 of the 1957 Civil Rir,hts Act. These letters are to be sent for tte opening of Concress in January3

Fellowsh !P. of Roconc Uiatio.~ l.;r., Jones a'cJressed the supr,crt of FOR for the student move1:1ent and stated that thdr help an::l facilities are .. up0n request. 'Ihe Comr.1ittee asked that a letter be sent to FOR thankinc thorn f-:lr t h is support anrl askinc about spP.c L''ic areu b1: their proposed assistance.

~ Rose Buti>cn l'roJect The 'C"'r.imittee was informed of t he acti.vit i.•1s of t-:r. Tom :~~s e in ~ is eff orts to sell buttons for SNCC in Califat"niaa Since :::. r "!D.Cci~ d:lta'i:,ive of the Comr.ittee vras to be in San Francisr.0 tht.J £' ')llowint: ·:1eek, the Cor;r:li ttee asked that the repre·· sentative neet wi V! f:fr. Rose and discuss the Project with him.

February lst J\ction "The Comni.ttee agreed that solil€1 type of action should be planned for February 1st. to corrunenorata the 1st anniversary of the student rnoverrant fs beginning• Various sucgestions were !itade and Diane Nash was appointed to draw up tentative plans for this date. Several members of the Cor. ~nittee will meet with Nash on January ·6, in Nashville, to make final pl~ns for an action projectJ

.nn. Television Debate Pror;ram lfte'r viewiil[ th~ scheduled debate on the sit-in movement betwee11 'Jr. Martin Luther King, Jr. J and Ur. JanGs Kilpatri ck, Editor of the Richr:-.orrl ~-Laader~ the Cor:unitts -:; tcok cut t:ilw to discuss and evaluate the pro{3ramo The croup voted that t he Connrrittec Chairrnn contact the pro;:;rao (Nation's Future, NB6) and urce tl'a t s student involved :in the mover.1ent be included in a future proGram of this type.

~tion of SN8C . ;;;;; { ~:: ~~~=?~;- ?.tcDcw o'!: South Car ol ina StelLe Colle, -·e vws elected to serve as ~f the St;x; S< nt Nonviolent Coordina ting··· tittee nntil the next moetinc':l

W o :Next Meeti11: 'Ti1enext meetinc of the Committee will be held the weekend of Febru:uy 3-5. The Adr.linistrative Secr'3tary W<.is asked to investic;ato other possible loc ations for t ho meetinc, where :nenb ers would be able to rema:in tocether during the entire raee till[: •

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