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Special Meeting

March 7, 2007

A special meeting was convened at 7:10 p.m. on Wednesday, March 7, 2007, in the Boardroom at 5050 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, with Sheila Ward, Chair of the Board, presiding. Trus-tee Bolton, Vice-Chair of the Board, presided from time to time throughout the meeting.

The following members were present: Trustees Irene Atkinson, Nadia Bello, Chris Bolton, John Campbell, Sheila Cary-Meagher, Shaun Chen, Gary Crawford, Gerri Gershon, Howard Good-man, Scott Harrison, John Hastings, James Pasternak, Stephnie Payne, Maria Rodrigues, Mari Rutka, Chris Tonks, Sheila Ward, Soo Wong, and Student Trustee Nick Kennedy. Regrets were received from Trustees Michael Coteau, Cathy Dandy, Bruce Davis and Josh Matlow.

35. Purpose

The purpose of the meeting was to consider the matters that would normally have been consid-ered at the regular meeting held on February 28, 2007, and matters deferred from the January 31 and February 28 regular meetings.

36. Presentation

Trustee Rodrigues introduced students from a Chinese International Languages class at Alexan-der Muir/Gladstone, their teacher, principal and superintendent, and the supervising principal of Continuing Education. The students performed some kung fu and Tai Chi routines, and fan dances.

37. Memorials

Trustee Hastings expressed sympathy on behalf of the Board to the families of victims of the re-cent tornado in Enterprise, Alabama, and of the recent earthquake on Indonesia’s Sumatra island.

38. Special Education Advisory Committee, Report No. 8, December 11, 2006 (see page 282)

Trustee Pasternak, seconded by Trustee Bello, moved: That Report No. 8 of the Special Edu-cation Advisory Committee be received.

The motion was carried.

39. Program and School Services Committee, Report No. 1 (Part 2), January 17, 2007 (see page 287)

Trustee Tonks, seconded by Trustee Crawford, moved: That Report No. 1 (Part 2) of the Pro-gram and School Services Committee be adopted.

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re Item 11, Learn 4 Life Programs (see page 288)

Trustee Goodman, seconded by Trustee Tonks, moved in amendment:

(a) That Parts (a) and (b) be amended by changing “next” to “May 2007”;

(b) That Part (b) be amended by adding “and as much as possible, community colleges.”

The amendment was carried.

Trustee Pasternak, seconded by Trustee Wong, moved in amendment: That the following be added: That, where appropriate, the Toronto Adult Student Association be consulted dur-ing this process.

The amendment was defeated.

re Item 12, Pre-exam Moratorium on Homework, Assignments and Evaluations (see page 289)

Trustee Goodman, seconded by Trustee Crawford, moved in amendment: That “February cy-cle” be changed to “April-May cycle of meetings.”

The amendment was carried.

The main motion to adopt Report No. 1 (Part 2) of the Program and School Services Committee, as amended, was carried.

40. Administration, Finance and Accountability Committee, Report No. 1 (Part 2), January 10, 2007 (see page 292)

Trustee Hastings, seconded by Trustee Goodman, moved: That Report No. 1 (Part 2) of the Administration, Finance and Accountability Committee be adopted.

The motion was carried.

41. Operations and Facilities Management Committee, Report No. 1 (Part 2), January 24, 2007 (see page 295)

Trustee Rutka, seconded by Trustee Cary-Meagher, moved: That Report No. 1 (Part 2) of the Operations and Facilities Management Committee be adopted.

re Item 1, Caretaking Workload Committee Membership (see page 295)

On a motion of Trustee Cary-Meagher, seconded by Trustee Harrison, the Board appointed Trus-tee Payne as an additional trustee representative to serve on the Caretaking Workload Commit-tee.

The motion to adopt Report No. 1 (Part 2) of the Operations and Facilities Management Commit-tee was carried.

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42. Human Resources Committee, Report No. 1, January 10, 2007 (see page 306)

Trustee Goodman, seconded by Trustee Bello, moved: That Report No. 1 of the Human Re-sources Committee be received.

The motion was carried.

43. Funds to Support Youth Nutrition

Trustee Bolton, seconded by Trustee Bello, moved: That the Board reconsider its decision of October 25, 2006 re the 2006-07 budget to permit consideration of the following:

Whereas, the Youth Nutrition monies to feed hungry secondary students was ap-proved for the 20005-06 school year in the amount of $160,000; and

Whereas, this amount of $160,000 was left out of the budget discussions for the 2006-07 school year unbeknownst to trustees; and

Whereas, the City of Toronto Public Health agreed to match funds from the TDSB to-wards youth nutrition in 2005-06 and in the future by contributing $200,000 assuming that the Board allocated the $160,000;

Therefore, be it resolved that $160,000 be allocated immediately to a budget line to support Youth Nutrition and that this amount be considered a part for the 2006-07 school year budget.

Consideration of the motion required that the meeting vote to reconsider the Board’s decision of October 25, 2006 re the 2006-07 budget. (Reconsideration requires the agreement of a majority of the members of the Board in accordance with Bylaw 18.17.)

The motion to reconsider a previous decision was defeated on a recorded vote (see Recorded Vote 15, page 281). Student Trustee Kennedy voted in favour.

44. Communication From the Minister of Education, dated December 4, 2006, re Special Education Tribunals

Trustee Goodman, seconded by Trustee Campbell, moved: That the communication from the Minister of Education, dated December 4, 2006, re special education tribunals be received.

The motion was carried.

45. Communication From the Minister Responsible for Seniors, dated December 7, 2006, re Affordable Programming for Seniors

Trustee Goodman, seconded by Trustee Campbell, moved: That the communication from the Minister Responsible for Seniors, dated December 7, 2006, re affordable programming for sen-iors be received.

The motion was carried.

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46. Communication From Cynthia Toniolo, Library Service Manager, Toronto Public Library, dated December 13, 2006, re Support of Model Schools for In-nerCities Initiative

Trustee Goodman, seconded by Trustee Campbell, moved: That the communication from Cyn-thia Toniolo, Library Service Manager, Toronto Public Library, dated December 13, 2006, re support of Model Schools for InnerCities initiative be received.

The motion was carried.

47. Communication From Marilyn Thain, Chair, Special Education Tribunal, dated January 8, 2007, re Resources Required for Special Education Tribunals

Trustee Goodman, seconded by Trustee Campbell, moved: That the communication from Marilyn Thain, Chair, Special Education Tribunal, dated January 8, 2007, re resources re-quired for special education tribunals be received.

The motion was carried.

48. Communication From Lance Bean, President, Canadian School Boards Asso-ciation, dated January 11, 2007, re the GST Campaign

Trustee Goodman, seconded by Trustee Campbell, moved: That the communication from Lance Bean, President, Canadian School Boards Association, dated January 11, 2007, re the GST cam-paign be received.

The motion was carried.

49. Communication From the Office of the Prime Minister, dated January 16, 2007, re the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Campaign

Trustee Goodman, seconded by Trustee Campbell, moved: That the communication from the Office of the Prime Minister, dated January 16, 2007, re the Goods and Services Tax (GST) campaign be received.

The motion was carried.

50. Planning and Priorities Committee, Report No. 1, February 6, 2007 (see page 314)

Trustee Campbell, seconded by Trustee Harrison, moved: That Report No. 1 of the Planning and Priorities Committee be adopted.

re Item 2, Governance Review (see page 315)

On a motion of Trustee Harrison, seconded by Trustee Goodman, the Board appointed Trustees Atkinson, Gershon, Goodman and Harrison as the trustee representatives on the ad hoc govern-ance review committee.

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The motion to adopt Report No. 1 of the Planning and Priorities Committee was carried.

51. Human Resources Committee, Report No. 2, February 7, 2007 (see page 317).

Trustee Goodman, seconded by Trustee Harrison, moved: That Report No. 2 of the Human Resources Committee be adopted.

re Item 2, Special Needs Assistants and Educational Assistants (see page 317).

Trustee Campbell, seconded by Trustee Gershon, moved in amendment:

(a) That the “that an ad hoc committee of trustees and staff be established with CUPE, Local 4400, to be a resource to the Committee” be replaced with “that before school-based staffing allocations for 2008-09 are considered, staff present a report”;

(b) That “to present an interim report to the Human Resources Committee in April 2007” be deleted.

The amendment was carried.

The main motion to adopt Report No. 2 of the Human Resources Committee, as amended, was carried.

52. Special Education Advisory Committee, Report No. 1, February 12, 2007 (see page 324)

Trustee Pasternak, seconded by Trustee Harrison, moved: That Report No. 1 of the Special Education Advisory Committee be adopted.

The motion was carried.

53. Program and School Services Committee, Report No. 2 (Part 2), February 13, 2007

Trustee Rodrigues, seconded by Trustee Harrison, moved: That Report No. 2 (Part 2) of the Program and School Services Committee be adopted.

re Item 5, Entry of French-language Students to French Immersion (see page 335)

Trustee Goodman, seconded by Trustee Gershon, moved in amendment: That the words “sub-ject to the satisfactory completion of a French proficiency test” be deleted.

The motion was carried.

Trustee Harrison, seconded by Trustee Hastings, moved: That the matter be referred to staff for a report.

The motion to refer was carried.

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re Item 6, Student Nutrition Task Force (see page 336)

Trustee Goodman, seconded by Trustee Tonks, moved in amendment: That the introductory statement be amended by changing “January” to “April.”

The amendment was carried.

Trustee Pasternak, seconded by Trustee Tonks, moved in amendment: That the following man-date be added: “To review and provide recommendations on how the TFSS can provide funding for future nutrition programs.”

The amendment was carried.

Trustee Harrison, seconded by Trustee Hastings. moved in amendment: That the membership of parents be amended by replacing “by trustees as representatives of their wards to serve on the Nutrition Task Force Advisory Committee (volunteers from the advisory committee will be asked to serve on the Nutrition Task Force Steering Committee)” with “by the Par-ent Involvement Advisory Committee.”

The amendment was carried.

Trustee Gershon, seconded by Trustee Campbell, moved in amendment: That the mandate be amended by adding “To present a report in December 2007.”

The amendment was carried.

Trustee Harrison (on behalf of Student Trustee Kennedy), seconded by Trustee Tonks, moved in amendment: That the student membership be amended by changing “two” to four.”

The amendment was carried.

The main motion to adopt Report No. 2 (Part 2) of the Program and School Services Committee, as amended, was carried.

54. House Committee, Report No. 1, February 20, 2007 (see page 341)

Trustee Cary-Meagher, seconded by Trustee Bolton, moved: That Report No. 1 of the House Committee be adopted.

re Item 1, Trustee Newsletters (see page 341)

Trustee Cary-Meagher, seconded by Trustee Crawford, moved: That consideration of the mat-ter be postponed to the next meeting.

Trustee Campbell, seconded by Trustee Hastings, moved in amendment to the postponement: That staff provide a full costing and funding source for trustee newsletters.

The amendment to the postponement was defeated

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The motion to postpone consideration was carried.

re Item 2, Boardroom Layout and Supports (see page 341)

Trustee Atkinson, seconded by Trustee Campbell, moved: That the matter be received.

The motion to receive the matter was carried.

The main motion to adopt Report No. 1 of the House Committee, as amended, was carried.

55. Administration, Finance and Accountability Committee, Report No. 3 (Part 2), February 20, 2007 (see page 343)

Trustee Campbell, seconded by Trustee Hastings, moved: That Report No. 3 (Part 2) of the Administration, Finance and Accountability Committee be adopted.

re Item 2, Approval of Expenditures (see page 343)

Trustee Campbell, seconded by Trustee Hastings, moved in amendment: That the introductory statement be amended by changing “wherever possible” to “to be in order.”

Trustee Cary-Meagher, seconded by Trustee Campbell, moved in amendment to the amendment: That the introductory statement be amended by adding “or staff recommendation” after “trustee motion.”

The amendment to the amendment was carried

The amendment, as amended, was carried.

The main motion to adopt Report No. 3 (Part 2) of the Administration, Finance and Accountabil-ity Committee, as amended, was carried.

56. Operations and Facilities Management Committee, Report No. 2 (Part 2), Feb-ruary 21, 2007 (see page 295)

Trustee Rutka, seconded by Trustee Goodman, moved: That Report No. 2 (Part 2) of the Op-erations and Facilities Management Committee be adopted.

re Item 1, Extension of Facilities Contracts (see page 345)

The matter was defeated on a separate recorded vote (see Recorded Vote 16, page 281). Student Trustee Kennedy voted against.

re Item 4, Information on Lease Agreements (see page 346)

Staff undertook to provide an example of the report at the next meeting of the Operations and Facilities Management Committee.

The main motion to adopt Report No. 2 (Part 2) of the Operations and Facilities Management Committee, as amended, was carried.

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57. Audit Committee, Report No. 2, February 21, 2007 (see page 348)

Trustee Harrison, seconded by Trustee Goodman, moved: That Report No. 2 of the Audit Committee be received.

The motion was carried.

58. Communication From Mayor David Miller, dated January 31, 2007, re Con-vention of the International Reading Association

Trustee Bolton, seconded by Trustee Rodrigues, moved: That the communication from Mayor David Miller, dated January 31, 2007, re convention of the International Reading Association be received.

The motion was carried.

59. Communication From the Minister of Public Safety, dated February 2, 2007, re Canada Border Services Agency Officials in Schools

Trustee Bolton, seconded by Trustee Rodrigues, moved: That the communication from the Minister of Public Safety, dated February 2, 2007, re Canada Border Services Agency Offi-cials in Schools be referred to the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Committee.

The motion was carried.

60. Communication From the President of the Canadian School Boards Associa-tion, dated February 2, 2007, re the GST Campaign

Trustee Bolton, seconded by Trustee Rodrigues, moved: That the communication from the President of the Canadian School Boards Association, dated February 2, 2007, re the GST campaign be received.

The motion was carried.

61. Administrative Space

Trustee Atkinson, seconded by Trustee Rodrigues, moved:

Whereas, on April 26, 2006, the Board decided that the Director be requested to initiate an examination of alternatives for administrative space as part of the development of the Ten-year Capital Plan required by the Ministry;

Therefore, be it resolved that a committee of up to three trustees and staff be established to investigate options re administrative space, including building on vacant land, buying an existing building or one that could be retrofitted, leasing, and redeveloping an existing school, and report to the Operations and Facilities Management Committee no later than the end of April 2007.

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Trustee Campbell, seconded by Trustee Rutka, moved in amendment:

(a) That “a committee of up to three trustees and staff be established to investigate” be changed to “staff present a report on”;

(b) That “April” be changed to “May.”

Trustee Gershon, seconded by Trustee Hastings, moved in amendment to the amendment: That “May” be changed to “June.”

The amendment to the amendment was carried.

The amendment, as amended, was carried.

The main motion, as amended, was carried.

Therefore, the Board decided:

Whereas, on April 26, 2006, the Board decided that the Director be requested to initiate an ex-amination of alternatives for administrative space as part of the development of the Ten-year Capital Plan required by the Ministry;

Therefore, be it resolved that a staff present a report on options re administrative space, including building on vacant land, buying an existing building or one that could be retrofitted, leasing, and redeveloping an existing school, and report to the Operations and Facilities Management Com-mittee no later than the end of June 2007.

62. Communications Technology Policy Development

Trustee Hastings, seconded by Trustee Bello, moved: That the following be referred to the Human Resources Committee:

Whereas, the rapid advancement of technology in all its forms is shaping our society, organizations partners and suppliers in totally unpredictable ways; and

Whereas, the Ontario Human Rights Commission is reforming its ways of resolving its ongoing backlog of disputes from mediation to arbitration to including the litigation alternative; and

Whereas, the Board utilizes a full spectrum of communications technologies (mobile and wireless);

Therefore, be it resolved:

(a) That both online and offline comprehensive consultations be undertaken re the Board’s current technologies and future technological applications and that such consultations be completed by May 31, 2007:

(i) employment law;

(ii) privacy and security concerns of forms of data;

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(iii) legal implications of “blogging” by all parties concerned around Board issues;

(iv) the appropriate balance (current and future policy on existing technolo-gies and future and emerging technologies) and the recent penchant for banning certain electronic devices in schools or workplaces without con-sidering the total implications for safety of all concerned and not antici-pating what senior levels of government may or may not do;

(v) the potential abuse and harassment of the Internet for cyber-bullying of students and any other related parties in school settings;

(vi) re-examination of an electronic document policy and retention and de-struction considerations;

(vii) examination of current and possible enhancement provisions of liability insurance in the ever-changing technology policy framework;

(viii) reconsideration of employee training and retraining in the usage and distribution of mobile devices plus any sign-off by employees of all types of mobile devices within an overall technology law and policy framework;

(b) That these submissions be considered in developing an effective and productive technology policy framework by October 30, 2007.

The motion was carried.

63. Adjournment

At 10:40 p.m., on a motion of Trustee Campbell, seconded by Trustee Tonks, the meeting ad-journed.

Sheila Ward Chair

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Recorded Votes Summary




d V

























































g Yeas(Y)


Absent (A)

15 273 Y Y Y N Y Y A N A A N N* N Y A Y Y Y N Y N Y 11 7 4

16 277 A N N* N N* N A A A A N N N N A A A N* N A N N 0 13 9

* No vote cast. The Board’s Bylaws, Section 15.3 states: A member of the Board, except the chair, who is present and who fails to vote on a motion shall be deemed to have voted against the motion.

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Special Education Advisory Committee

Report No. 8

December 11, 2006

A meeting of the Special Education Advisory Committee was convened on Monday, December 11, 2006, at 7:10 p.m., in the Boardroom, 5050 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, with Ann Mar-tindale presiding.

The following committee members were present: Christina Buczek, Richard Carter, Annie Du-puis, Merle Fedirchuk, Elizabeth Fisher, Dr. Norm Forman, Ann Martindale, Susan Musgrave, Paula Surdin, Mary Weedon.and Trustee Scott Harrison.

Regrets were received from Loris Bennett, Cheryl Hampson, Margarita Isakov and Debbie Phil-ips.

1. Approval of the Agenda

Trustee Harrison, seconded by Elizabeth Fisher moved: That the agenda be approved.

2. Confirmation of the Minutes Trustee Harrison, seconded by Elizabeth Fisher, moved: That the minutes of the SEAC meeting held on November 14, 2006 be confirmed.

The motion was carried.

3. Business Arising from the Minutes of November 14, 2006 (a) SEAC Minutes

The minutes of the meetings held on June 12, and October 10 were received at Board on October 25, while the minutes of the meeting held on November 14 were received at Board on November 28, 2006.

Reports on Financial Matters - From October 10 report (Page 2) – The Board decided that SEAC receive quarterly reports/updates on financial matters that pertain to the Special Education De-partment and impact on Special Education.

SEAC Membership – From October 10 report (Page 2 – Item 4) – The Board decided that Krystyna Ross be appointed to SEAC as the alternative representative for the Association for Bright Children of Ontario.

(b) Letter to the Minister of Education re funding shortfall [Page 2, Item 4(b)]

A letter from SEAC to the Minister of Education re the funding shortfall, based on the letter re-ceived from the Thames Valley DSB was sent to the Minister of Education and all board SEAC Chairs.

(c) Research Report, IPRC/IEP [Page 2, Item 5(ii)]

Annie Dupuis and Susan Musgrave volunteered to participate on a sub-committee to look at the design and content of the survey for 2007 incorporating the recommendations of the IPRC/IEP report.

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(d) SEAC nominations for the 2007-10 term [Page 2, Item 6(i)]

A draft call for nominations was included in members’ folders. Discussion took place around the issue of the lack of representation on SEAC by exceptionalities without formal organizations. These include Behaviour, MID and Speech and Language.

It was suggested that awareness of a membership vacancy on SEAC be raised on both a word-of-mouth and electronic basis.

Trustee Harrison, seconded by Dr. Forman, moved that: SEAC put out the call for nominations via advertisements in ethnic and local community newspapers (community events section), school councils, on the web sites of SEAC representatives and web pages of trustees, and with organizations such as the Parent Involvement Advisory Committee, People for Education, Cam-paign for Public Education and PAAC on SEAC (the Provincial association of SEACs).

(e) Special Education Transformation Initiatives [Page 3, Item 8(a)]

Karen Gravitis spoke to a memo dated November 30, 2006 from Ben Levin, Deputy Minister of Education, His memo outlined that amendments to board Special Education Plans are to be re-ceived by July 31, 2007. Changes to the process for future submissions would be made to have Special Education Plans included in board improvement plans. A copy of the memo was in-cluded in members’ folders.

Annie Dupuis and Christina Buczek volunteered to work on a committee led by Roberta Ander-son, Lead Principal, to prepare the TDSB Special Education Plan 2005 amendments.

This memo also included information designed to clarify the earlier memo from Ben Levin dated October 12, 2006.

Jane Cooper-Eade, Supervising Principal spoke to the IPRC Review that was underway. It in-cludes looking at the strengths and weaknesses of present processes, with the goal being a more consistent approach across the system. The IPRC Committee is consulting with school-based, Special Education and Support Services staff as a part of this review. SEAC will be approached for input. The target for completion of the review is June 2007, with inservicing to take place in August/September 2007.

The committee discussed the draft of the SEAC response to the Special Education Transforma-tion Initiatives memo dated October 12, 2006. Staff received correspondence from some mem-bers seeking additional time to consider its contents and suggested that the matter be brought to the January meeting. Members identified that the letter should include reference to the memo of November 30 as well.

After discussion, Dr. Forman, seconded by Annie Dupuis moved: That members of SEAC re-view the draft response to the “Ben Levin letter” of October 12 and include their comments (in-cluding the memo November 30, 2006) by no later than December 20, 2006. After incorporating members’ comments, the reply should be sent to Mr. Levin.

(f) SEAC section on the Special Education web site [Page 4, Item 8(e)]

Christina Buczek, Susan Musgrave and Richard Carter volunteered to work with Angie Scarano-Iuorio on enhancing the SEAC section of the Special Education web site.

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(g) OPA-EDU Assessment Fund [Page 6, Item 10(a)]

A copy of correspondence from the Ontario Psychological Association dated November 28, 2006 was included in members’ folders.

4. Correspondence received by the Chair (a) David Tomczak, Senior Manager, Board Services, re SEAC membership for the term end-

ing November 30, 2008.

(b) SEAC Chair, Halton District School Board, November 8, 2006, addressed to the Honour-able Kathleen Wynne re the release of the Ministry pamphlet, ‘Bullying: We can all help to stop it.’ It was noted that members had not seen the Ministry pamphlet. Staff undertook to secure and circulate the pamphlet at the next meeting.

5. Executive Superintendent’s Report (a) CUPE EA\SNA Professional Development Day

The Special Education and Support Services Department, in partnership with CUPE 4400, is of-fering a wide variety of workshops and seminars at various sites across the system to occur on Professional Development days throughout the school year.

On December 8, 2006, significant workshops were offered for EAs and SNAs. 900 persons reg-istered to attend the sessions, which covered a variety of topics ranging from Autism 101 to Working with Blind Students.

Any suggestions for future topics to be included on other Professional Development days should be forwarded to SEAC Liaison, Judith Melville-Bennoch.

(b) Election of SEAC Co-Chairs

SEAC members were reminded that the election of Co-Chairs for SEAC would take place at the January 15, 2007 meeting.

6. System Superintendent’s Report (a) A Guide to the Community-based Resource Model Brochure

Karen Gravitis presented the newly developed CBRM brochure on behalf of System Superinten-dent Karen Forbes,and pointed to the Special Education and Support Services logo, which will be used along with the TDSB logo. The brochures will be going to schools on December 18, 2006.

(b) Review of PR.699

A review of procedure PR 699, formerly B17 and B18, which are the Safe Schools Procedures for Students with Special Needs, is currently underway. On December 4th, approximately 50 people from staff groups and unions including Safe Schools, Special Education, Support Ser-vices, Health and Safety, Occasional Teachers, and ETT, came together to highlight the positives

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about the procedures and make recommendations for changes for next year. The meeting was positive, insightful and most helpful.

The group will now prioritize the recommendations and begin to revise the document. SEAC will be consulted and involved after the review of the material accumulated on December 4.

7. Senior Manager, Professional Support Services Report (a) OPA-EDU Assessment Fund

The Phase II announcement form the OPA arrived on November 28, 2006. The details of the application process are contained in a covering letter with appendices, which was included in members’ folders. Of the $20 million given to the OPA, the Board has been given the option to apply for $1.69 million total (potentially $1.64 million for Phase II, in addition to the $50,000 that was already received in Phase I). Since the needs are so great, staff will submit a request that demonstrates its ability to use the full amount of those proposed funds.

Support Services staff, in collaboration with Special Education staff, will be developing its re-sponse on the required template, which is due on January 15, 2007. In their response, staff will address such issues as how it plans to reduce wait-times for students in JK to grade 4; how it will enhance teacher capacity to provide more effective programs; how this enhanced capacity should translate into improved literacy and numeracy for these students and how it hopes to sustain these improvements over the long term.

(b) Statistics: November 06

Psychology Soc Work & Att SLP OT/PT Referrals 5217 4810 3237 839

Change since last month

+1444 +1209 +529 +160

Completed 1948 206 1152 1085

Change since last month

+1070 +22 +328 +217

Wait List 2306 203 862 313

Change since last month

+46 +21 +182 +113

8. Local SEAC Association Reports Brain Injury Society of Toronto

Merle Fedirchuck stated that the web site was currently being updated and was not available. It would be back on line in January.

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9. Reports/Updates from representatives on TDSB and other committees

No reports were received.

10. Trustees’ Report Trustee Harrison stated that at the Organizational Board on December 1, 2006, Trustees John Hastings, James Pasternak and Scott Harrison were appointed as the Board’s representatives on SEAC for the term ending November 30, 2008.

11. New Business

(a) The CheckeredEye Project

Merle Fedirchuk reported that there are a number of people who are visually impaired, but not blind and who do not wish to carry a white cane. To recognize these people, Libby Thaw has created a button with the words ‘low vision’ written on it. Thaw founded the CheckeredEye Pro-ject, with the aim of increasing awareness of low vision and to promote the checkered-eye sym-bol for people with that condition. For more information and to purchase these buttons visit their web site at

12. Adjournment At 8:55 p.m., Annie Dupuis, seconded by Elizabeth Fisher, moved that the meeting be adjourned.

Ann Martindale Co-Chair of the Committee

Received March 7, 2007

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Program and School Services Committee, Report No. 1 (Part 2), January 17, 2007

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Program and School Services Committee

Report No. 1 (Part 2), January 17, 2007

A meeting of the Program and School Services Committee convened on Wednesday, January 17, 2007, from 6:40 to 11:50 p.m., in Committee Room A, 5050 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, with Michael Coteau presiding.

Committee members present: Trustees Michael Coteau (Chair), Bruce Davis, Josh Matlow, Chris Tonks and Student Trustees Nick Kennedy and Ted Kuhn. Regrets were received from Trustee Maria Rodrigues. Also present were Trustees Irene Atkinson, Chris Bolton, John Camp-bell, Sheila Cary-Meagher, Howard Goodman, Scott Harrison, and Soo Wong. Trustee Harrison participated by electronic means.

The Committee decided to report and recommend as follows:

Part A: Committee Recommendations

1. Safe Schools Pamphlet

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

2. Exclusion of Students, Section 305: Access to Premises

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

3. Parent Survey for Black Cultural Programs

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

4. French as a Second Language Advisory Committee’s Mission Statement

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

5. Principals, Vice-principals and Teachers: In-servicing and Performance Ap-praisals re Parent Involvement Practices

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

6. Extended French and/or French Immersion Programs, Grade 4 Entry, Phase 4: Improving Student Success [1037]

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

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7. French Immersion/Extended French Programs Alternatives to Lottery and Wait-ing Lists: Improving Student Success

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

8. Program Area Review Team for Alpha II Alternative School [1042]

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

9. Program Area Review Team for Gulfstream Public School [1043]

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

10. Program Area Review Team for Hawthorne Bilingual Alternative School, Ex-pansion [1044]

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

11. Learn 4 Life Programs (amended by the Board)

On a motion of Trustee Davis (on behalf of Trustee Harrison), the Program and School Services Committee RECOMMENDS (as amended by the Board, see page 272) that the following be referred to staff:

(a) That staff present a report to the May 2007 meeting of the Program and School Services Committee on the Learn 4 Life program provided during the 2005-06 school year including the following information:

(i) the enrolment in the programs indicating which were at capacity and the postal codes of the participants;

(ii) the number of programs that were cancelled including the school and loca-tion (by ward);

(b) That staff present a report to the May 2007 meeting of the Program and School Services Committee providing information on programs that are similar in content and operated by the Board, the City of Toronto, and as much as possible, commu-nity colleges;

(c) That staff provide information on programs that are being delivered in locations that are not Board-owned including the reason for the location choice and the costs.

Staff undertook to provide whatever information is currently available as part of the system re-view of Continuing Education.

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12. Pre-exam Moratorium on Homework Assignments and Evaluations (amended by the Board)

On a motion of Trustee Davis (on behalf of Student Trustee Kuhn), the Program and School Ser-vices Committee RECOMMENDS (as amended by the Board, see page 272):

Whereas, students experience very stressful circumstances before and during examination peri-ods; and

Whereas, additional assignments and evaluation at exam time adds unnecessary stress; and

Whereas, studies show high levels of stress among students negatively affects exam performance and a student’s love of learning; and

Whereas throughout the Board there is inconsistency in applying moratoriums on new home-work, assignments, or evaluations immediately before the designated exam periods with some schools adopting them and others not, and with some of those adopting moratoriums choosing not to enforce them; and

Whereas, when canvassed, there was virtually unanimous support among student leaders at the Board’s 2006 Student SuperCouncil Fall Consultations for a boardwide implementation of a moratorium on homework, assignments and evaluations during exam periods;

Therefore, be it resolved that a policy be drafted for consideration by the Board in the April-May cycle of meetings directing every secondary school to implement a pre-exam moratorium on homework assignments and evaluations;

Part B: Information Only

13. Delegations

The following oral delegation was heard in accordance with the Board’s procedure for hearing delegations.

re Parent Involvement Advisory Committee

• Alice Pelegris and Margo Cowie

re Lunch Money Day

• Melanie Green, Second Harvest

re Funding Request

• Tyler Johnson, Toronto Stage Crew Council

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Note: Staff undertook to investigate possible forms of assistance for the Toronto Stage Crew Council and Student Trustee Kennedy invited the group to make a presentation to the Student SuperCouncil.

re Extended French and/or French Immersion Programs: Admission Process

• Denise Kirke, Parent, Chair, Howard Home and School • French as a Second Language Advisory Committee, Mary Cruden and Catherine Vivash

re Learn 4 Life

• Terry Preston, CUPE, Local 4400

Written submissions in lieu of oral delegations were received from the following:

re Admission to Extended French and/or French Immersion Programs: Sibling Rule

Julia Gallagher Carol Devine Heather McCreath, Parent, Howard P.S. Charlotte and Chris Montgomery, Parents, Swansea P.S. Dave Caloia, Parent, Howard P.S. Valdemar and Louise Blokowski, Parents, Swansea P.S. Linda Lundell, Parent, Allenby P.S. Carol Fernandez-Nalli, Parent, Allenby P.S. Susan Webb, Parent, Swansea P.S. Daphne Hamilton, French Immersion Parent Lise Snelgrove, Parent, Howard P.S. Istiliana Vlaykov Elaine Kozlov Eva Ballentine Monika Ferenczy, President, Canadian Parents for French (Ontario)

14. September Report Card Data

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

15. Framework for Program and School Services Committee

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

16. Committee Process

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

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Part C: Ongoing Matters

17. Deferred Agenda Items

• Entry of French-language Students to French Immersion (Trustee Campbell)

• Multicultural Heritage Month (Trustee Harrison)

Michael Coteau Chair of the Committee

Adopted, as amended, March 7, 2007

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Administration, Finance and Accountability Committee, Report No. 1 (Part 2), January 10, 2007

292 G04(H:\search\70307.doc)sec.1530

Administration, Finance and Accountability Committee

Report No. 1 (Part 2), January 10, 2007

A regular meeting of the Administration, Finance and Accountability Committee convened on Wednesday, January 10, 2007, from 7:05 to 10:10 p.m., in Committee Room A, 5050 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, with John Campbell presiding.

The following members were present: Trustees John Campbell (Chair), Shaun Chen, John Hast-ings and James Pasternak. Regrets were received from Trustee Irene Atkinson. Also present were Trustees Chris Bolton, Sheila Cary-Meagher, Gary Crawford, Gerri Gershon and Howard Goodman.

The Committee decided to report and recommend as follows:

Part A: Committee Recommendations

1. Contract Awards [1038]

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

2. Legal Services Contract Awards [1045)]

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

3. Business Services Consortia

On a motion of Trustee Hastings (on behalf of Trustee Goodman) the Administration, Finance and Accountability Committee RECOMMENDS:

Whereas the Minister of Education has encouraged school boards to form consortia to provide jointly run transportation and purchasing services as a way to increase the percentage of educa-tion funding that is directed to improve student success and outcomes, and

Whereas the TDSB and other school boards spend considerable amounts of money on independ-ent and separate business support services (such as payroll and accounting) needed to ensure the smooth running of schools;

Therefore, be it resolved:

(a) That staff present a report to the Administration, Finance and Accountability Committee in April 2007, on the feasibility and operational impact and financial savings to the Board that would arise from forming consortia with other school boards to provide joint business support services,

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(a) That the a communication be sent to the Minister of Education requesting that she convene a committee to explore the establishment of such business support services consortia and that the committee include Ministry staff and staff from the representative school boards.

Part B: Information Only

4. Delegations

The following oral delegation was heard in accordance with the Board’s procedure for hearing delegations.

re Review of Status of 2006-07 Budget Reductions and Review of the 2007-08 Status and SAT Recommendations

• John Weatherup, Giselle Burton and Colleen Costa, CUPE 4400

5. Information Technology: Classroom Technology Migration Initiative

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

6. Review of Status of 2006-07 Budget Reductions and Review of 2007-08 Status and Special Assistance Team Recommendations

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

7. Scope of Plan to Review the Budget

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

8. Insured Employee Benefit Plans Rates

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

9. Parameters for Funding Formula Review

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

10. Ontario Education Collaborative Marketplace (OECM)

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

11. Collaborative Ventures Update

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

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Part C: Ongoing Matters

No matters to report

John Campbell Chair of the Committee

Adopted March 7, 2007

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Operations and Facilities Management Committee

Report No. 1 (Part 2), January 24, 2007

A regular meeting of the Operations and Facilities Management Committee convened on Wednesday, January 24, 2007, from 6:35 p.m. to 12:20 a.m., Thursday, January 25, 2007, in Committee Room A, 5050 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, with Mari Rutka presiding.

The following members were present: Trustees Mari Rutka (Chair), Sheila Cary-Meagher, Cathy Dandy, Scott Harrison, and Soo Wong. Also present were Trustees Irene Atkinson, Chris Bolton, Bruce Davis, James Pasternak, and Sheila Ward.

The Committee decided to report and recommend as follows:

Part A: Committee Recommendations

1. Caretaking Workload Committee Membership

The Committee considered a memorandum from staff (see page 299) presenting informa-tion about the membership of the Caretaking Workload Committee.

On a motion of Trustee Cary-Meagher, the Operations and Facilities Management Com-mittee RECOMMENDS:

(a) That Trustees Cary-Meagher and Harrison be appointed as the trustee representative to serve on the Caretaking Workload Committee;

(b) That the Board appoint one additional representative to serve on the Caretaking Workload Committee.

Note: The Board appointed Trustee Payne as the additional representative to serve on the Caretaking Workload Committee (see page 272).

2. Facilities Contract Awards [1041]

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

3. Brookside Public School Attendance Area [1039]

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

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4. Swimming Pool Operations

The Committee considered a memorandum from staff (see page 300) providing informa-tion about the deteriorating condition of the Board’s swimming pools and expenditures that will be required in the near future to keep them operational. Clarification was requested concerning budget decisions impacting pool operations where major renewal expenditures are required.

On motions of Trustee Ward(Part (a)) and Trustee Harrison (Part (b)), the Operations and Facilities Management Committee RECOMMENDS:

(a) That the term prohibitive repair be defined as costs exceeding $125,000;

(b) That staff devise a strategy to negotiate with the City re pools based on the best fi-nancial interest of the Board.

Note 1: Staff undertook to work with Communications and Public Affairs to revise the letter to principals, incorporating suggestions made by trustees.

Note 2: Staff undertook to advise the Board on the appropriateness, in terms of school and community impact, of any pool renewal expenditures less than $125,000 that are required in the future.

Note 3: Prohibitive to repair, for Board swimming pools only, is defined as a repair cost threshold beyond which the Board must make a decision to either close the pool or make the required expenditure to maintain it in operation.

5. Lakeshore Lions Memorial Arena

On a motion of Trustee Harrison (on behalf of Trustee Davis), the Operations and Facili-ties Management Committee RECOMMENDS:

Whereas, the Board has successfully negotiated with the City of Toronto and the Lake-shore Lions Club to construct a new four-pad arena complex on school board property north of Lakeshore Collegiate (the Gilbey lands); and

Whereas, the Board has led a master planning process for the entire precinct adjacent to the Lakeshore Collegiate, including school board property, the Gilbey lands, and city-owned lands, and has to date had a very inclusive community process with respect to the precinct; and

Whereas, as a result of a land exchange the Board will lease the existing Lakeshore Lions Memorial Arena for a 50-year period at no cost; and

Whereas, the Board has not currently evaluated potential uses for the existing Lakeshore Lions Memorial Arena;

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Therefore, be it resolved:

(a) That, a public consultation process be initiated, in consultation with the local trustee, to explore suggestions for the adaptive reuse of the Lakeshore Lions Memorial Arena building or the arena site, and involving a tour of the existing building;

(b) That area stakeholders, including Lakeshore Collegiate Institute students and staff, the City of Toronto, the Lakeshore Lions Club, and area community, health and sports organizations be invited to participate in the public consultation process;

(c) That request for expressions of interest be issued to identify and qualify potential partners in redeveloping or reusing the existing building within the context estab-lished by the master plan or other suggestions that might emanate from the public consultation process;

(d) That staff present a report to the Operations and Facilities Management Committee no later than June 2007 with recommendations for the reuse of the building and addi-tional steps that may be required, such as issuing an RFP and filing planning applica-tions.

6. Lists of Available and Leased Schools and School Sites

On a motion of Trustee Harrison (on behalf of Trustee Davis), the Operations and Facili-ties Management Committee RECOMMENDS:

Whereas, the Board has significant capital requirements; and

Whereas, the Board may have an interest in permitting, leasing, redeveloping or selling some schools or vacant school sites; and

Whereas, the current list of surplus assets is confidential;

Therefore, be it resolved:

(a) That staff provide a list of schools or school sites that have been declared surplus and that they are attempting to market;

(b) That staff provide a list of schools that are currently leased that have been declared surplus.

B: Information Only

7. System Review: Facility Services: Improving Services to Schools, Com-munity, and Board (01-07-1047)

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

8. Improving Board’s Environmental Sustainability

The matter was considered on January 31, 2007.

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Part C: Ongoing Matters

9. Deferred Agenda Item

The Committee deferred consideration of the following matter:

• Facilities Contract Award: Watson and Associates

Scott Harrison Chair of the Committee

Adopted March 7, 2007

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Caretaking Workload Committee

As presented to the Operations and Facilities Management Committee on January 24, 2007 (see page 295).

On June 23, 2004, the Board approved the establishment of a Caretaking Workload Sub-committee with three trustee representatives.

In the current collective agreement with CUPE, Local 4400, Unit D, Part 4 of Schedule A states:

A Joint Committee will be established of three (3) union representatives, three (3) Employer representatives and three (3) trustee representatives to develop and un-dertake a study to review caretaking workloading issues. The Committee will rec-ommend to the Facilities Management Committee a framework that equity and cleanliness standards are set and met for school year 2005/2006. The recommen-dations of the Joint Committee if approved by the board of trustees shall be subject to Article DD.3 of the Collective Agreement.

All other job classifications workload issues shall be dealt with at the Labour Man-agement.

For the Board’s decision see page 295.

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Swimming Pool Operations

As presented to the Operations and Facilities Management Committee on January 24, 2007 (see page 296).

The condition of TDSB Pools is deteriorating and there are a number of pools that will require large expenditures in the near future to keep them operating safely. Currently, there are 78 operating pools being used by TDSB schools as four pools are closed and two pools are leased. The total annual pool operating cost is approximately $12.8M, and the major Renewal needs are estimated to be $8M per annum. The Ministry’s Pupil Accommodation Grant does not provide for swimming pools.

In the 2006/07 budget, the Board has approved the closure of pools that require major re-newal expenditures to keep operating. Facility Services will bring forward any pool ex-penditures (greater than $20,000) to EPP for a decision as to whether the funds should be spent to keep the pool open.

The following standard letter is being sent to schools with a pool where a major repair or upgrade is anticipated. Facility Services will keep the pool operating as long as possible, however, should the major expenditure be required the pool will close. Approval will be sought by the Board for the long-term closure.

Dear Principal:

You have probably heard that the balanced budget as approved by the Board de-fers the closure of all pools, with direction from the Board that should major re-newal expenditures be required to keep the pool operating, the pool will close. Pools remain in jeopardy of closing since only inexpensive emergency repairs are to be made.

$1.5M in pool renewal projects have been put on and several pools are at risk of closing should the failing equipment stop working. Major repairs or renewal re-quests must be brought to the Board for specific funding approval.

It is highly unlikely that TDSB funding will be approved to ________________ in the pool at _________________ . Should Community fund raising provide the re-quired resources, we will be pleased to work with the school to get the work done. In the meantime we will do what we can with the limited resources to keep your pool operating. The safety of swimmers is paramount and should this become an issue the pool will be closed until funding is approved to make major repairs.”

Unresolved Issues

The following Pool major repair projects are currently on hold:

• Danforth CI – Replacement of the filtration system for the swimming pool. The pro-ject was tendered and then postponed. The PFC was $240,000.00

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• Fern Avenue – Replacement of chemical treatment equipment and pool drainage. The project was tendered and then postponed. The PFC was $327,503.00.

• Bendale BTI – Replacement of pool heaters, circulation pumps, and chemical treatment equipment. The project was cancelled before the design. The original budget is $355,000.00

• Emery CI – Heat exchangers replacement for the swimming pool. The project was cancelled before the design. The original budget was $72,000.00

In addition, the York Memorial CI pool experienced a pipe failure last Friday and is cur-rently closed. An evaluation of the repair cost to enable pool reopening is being under-taken.

Approximately the $1.5M in pool renewal projects are on hold and several pools are at risk of closing should the deteriorating equipment stop functioning.

The attached chart indicates a breakdown per school of the expected $56M in pool renewal work in the next six years.

The above pool strategy of closing pools requiring major repairs needs to be confirmed and a communications plan developed to explain decisions to schools and local communities.

Projected Capital Work at Pools, Backlog Adjusted to Current Fiscal Year

Total Spent for Project Since 2003

Total Re-vised Pro-

jected Work (6-Yr Time-

frame) From End of 2006

Back-log for 2007

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

(in $ thousands)

A Y Jackson SS 5 893 440 206 1 50 60 136

Albert Campbell CI 87 918 533 100 112 45 9 119

Allenby Jr PS 0 648 338 39 187 20 11 53

Annette 0 752 387 69 1 150 1 144

Bathurst Heights SS 0 846 415 225 1 129 1 75

Bedford Park Jr PS 0 519 241 160 76 6 25 11

Bendale BTI 4 903 511 242 84 7 1 58

Beverley Jr PS 0 901 298 87 218 143 22 133

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302 G04(H:\search\70307.doc)sec.1530

Total Spent for Project Since 2003

Total Re-vised Pro-

jected Work (6-Yr Time-

frame) From End of 2006

Back-log for 2007

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

(in $ thousands)

Bickford Centre 0 988 679 229 1 1 25 53

Bloor CI 0 999 451 171 107 12 118 140

Bowmore Road Jr & Sr PS 345 501 317 49 54 29 1 51

Brown Jr PS & City Comm 0 328 177 131 1 12 1 6

C W Jefferys CI 4 721 348 63 34 96 1 179

CALC (City Adult Learning 0 815 444 65 132 40 13 121

Carleton Village Sr PS 252 506 189 142 101 20 29 25

Cedarbrae CI 4 758 329 127 9 78 1 214

Central Com-merce Colleg 60 723 443 24 106 106 13 31

Central Technical School 0 1,045 752 53 1 168 1 70

D A Morrison JHS 282 753 419 32 1 111 1 189

Danforth Colle-giate & Tec 0 715 263 187 53 35 6 171

Deer Park Jr & Sr PS 0 823 388 195 104 15 89 32

Don Mills CI 127 695 316 201 1 42 25 110

Downsview SS 88 765 393 175 1 79 1 116

Duke of Con-naught Jr & S 80 641 389 208 1 13 11 19

Earl Beatty Jr & Sr PS and 1,044 735 293 175 54 20 150 43

Earl Grey Sr PS 0 640 264 226 61 43 1 45

Eastern HS of Commerce 0 670 196 256 2 45 94 77

Emery CI 0 654 233 147 6 63 1 204

Fern Avenue Jr & Sr PS 19 620 227 179 92 44 63 15

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Total Spent for Project Since 2003

Total Re-vised Pro-

jected Work (6-Yr Time-

frame) From End of 2006

Back-log for 2007

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

(in $ thousands)

Forest Hill CI 0 593 234 206 1 1 25 126

Frankland Com-munity JS 192 521 144 272 2 53 1 49

George Harvey CI 197 853 372 182 47 59 86 107

George S Henry Academy 0 929 592 70 33 55 1 178

Glen Ames/Williamson Ro

714 972 642 74 10 236 1 9

Glenview Sr PS 308 576 150 352 7 15 29 23

Gordon A Brown MS 390 838 690 34 7 11 95 1

Harbord CI 54 393 331 46 1 1 13 1

Hillcrest Jr PS & City Com 0 475 305 4 5 21 80 60

Humberside CI 5 703 362 57 208 14 13 49

Jarvis CI 0 745 415 122 104 14 86 4

Keele Street Jr PS & City C 144 664 423 2 5 1 1 232

Kensington Community S 33 493 169 52 43 61 0 168

L'Amoreaux CI 171 704 440 170 25 6 7 56

Lawrence Park CI 4 719 539 61 4 82 2 31

Lester B Pearson CI 4 638 176 82 34 231 40 75

Malvern CI 272 632 275 140 93 31 81 12

McMurrich Jr PS 78 689 281 148 146 12 13 89

Midland Avenue CI 4 756 431 100 2 206 2 15

Monarch Park 0 981 596 29 104 102 17 133 Nelson A Boylen CI 114 723 313 175 1 110 25 99

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304 G04(H:\search\70307.doc)sec.1530

Total Spent for Project Since 2003

Total Re-vised Pro-

jected Work (6-Yr Time-

frame) From End of 2006

Back-log for 2007

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

(in $ thousands)

Newtonbrook SS 166 738 405 144 1 51 6 131

North Toronto CI 3 735 431 123 33 17 114 17

Northern SS 34 661 384 25 3 187 1 61 Northview Heights SS 223 571 371 50 2 104 2 42

Oakwood CI 0 843 644 29 110 44 13 3 Parkdale CI 0 660 511 84 1 43 3 18 Parkdale Jr & Sr PS 24 442 102 32 5 56 40 207

Queen Alexan-dra Sr PS 0 733 345 144 108 15 67 54

R H King Acad-emy 0 842 470 207 49 47 1 68

Riverdale CI 0 174 71 47 1 1 25 29 Rosedale Heights SS 0 970 518 41 98 124 5 184

Runnymede CI 226 905 357 205 45 81 104 113 Sir Oliver Mowat CI 59 696 422 72 41 95 1 65

Sir Wilfrid Laurier CI 4 900 487 87 80 63 135 48

Stephen Lea-cock CI 52 721 220 137 46 21 1 296

Sunny View Jr & Sr PS 668 552 276 127 52 19 1 77

Swansea Jr & Sr PS 0 845 276 113 24 123 195 114

Vaughan Road Academy 85 465 250 107 46 1 16 45

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Operations and Facilities Management Committee, Report No. 1 (Part 2), January 24, 2007 Swimming Pool Operations

G04(H:\search\70307.doc)sec.1530 305

Total Spent for Project Since 2003

Total Re-vised Pro-

jected Work (6-Yr Time-

frame) From End of 2006

Back-log for 2007

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

(in $ thousands)

Victoria Park SS 20 852 567 21 107 34 9 114 W A Porter CI 0 918 693 5 12 124 3 81 West Hill CI 293 795 177 252 1 119 59 187 West Toronto CI 36 796 611 39 1 109 1 35 Western Tech-nical-Comm 266 827 504 213 1 91 1 17

Weston CI 246 508 249 102 61 55 6 35 Westview Cen-tennial SS 0 958 406 185 5 133 40 189

Wexford CI 307 655 291 219 6 114 1 24 York Memorial CI 60 816 498 134 1 40 1 142

York Mills CI 456 893 367 214 1 67 29 215 TOTAL 8,317 56,543 29,456 9,699 3,425 4,922 2,273 6,768

NOTES: 2 Values and total for projected work have been adjusted to reflect replaced equipment etc as identified in the 2003 audit.

For the Board’s decision see page 296.

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Human Resources Committee, Report No. 1, January 10, 2007

306 G04(H:\search\70307.doc)sec.1530

Human Resources Committee

Report No. 1, January 10, 2007

A meeting of the Human Resources Committee convened on Wednesday, January 10, 2007, from 4:05 to 5:45 p.m. in Committee Room A, 5050 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, with Trustee Howard Goodman presiding.

The following members were present: Trustees Howard Goodman (Chair), Nadia Bello, Gary Crawford, Gerri Gershon and Stephnie Payne. Also present was Trustee Sheila Cary-Meagher.

The Committee decided to report and recommend as follows:

Part A: Committee Recommendations

No matters to report

Part B: Information Only

1. Report on Retired Administrator Usage: September and October 2006

On a motion of Trustee Crawford, the Committee received a memorandum from staff (see page 308) providing a summary of the cost of employing retired administrators during the period September and October 2006.

2. Performance Appraisal Development: Update 3

On a motion of Trustee Gershon, the Committee received a memorandum from staff (see page 310) providing an update on the status of employee performance appraisal develop-ment.

Staff undertook to include parents, students, trustees, the Parent Involvement Advisory Committee, and outside HR experts in the consultation process about principal and vice-principal performance appraisals.

3. Whistle-blowing Policy

On a motion of Trustee Bello, the Committee received a memorandum from staff (see page 312) providing information on two possible directions for developing a policy that would encourage positive ways of resolving issues raised by employees.

Staff undertook to follow-up using a traditional approach to whistle-blowing and report back to the Human Resources Committee in the March-April cycle of meetings.

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Part C: Ongoing Matters

No matters to report

Howard Goodman Chair of the Committee

Received March 7, 2007

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Human Resources Committee, Report No. 1, January 10, 2007 Retired Administrator Usage: September and October 2006

308 G04(H:\search\70307.doc)sec.1530

Retired Administrator Usage: September and October 2006

As received by the Human Resources Committee on January 10, 2007 (see page 306).

(a) Principals, In School

Reason for Employment Number re-

ported Utilized Range of

Days Cost

Coverage for illness 15 1-41 107,591.52

Principal Vacancy 7 9-44 106,556.28

Professional Commitment 1 4


Professional Develop-ment/Conference 4 1-4 1,376.41

Special Circumstance 4 1-4 3,704.47

Subtotal 220,630.56

(b) Principals, Central

Reason for Employment Number re-ported Utilized

Range of Days Cost

Illness 1



Principal Vacancy 1 4 1,401.88

Special Circumstance 2 1-4 1,752.35

Employee Services – Re-cruitment of Teachers 27 1-4 12,838.88

Subtotal 20,198.75 (c) Vice Principals, In School

Reason for Employment Number re-ported Utilized

Range of Days Cost

Coverage for illness 14 1-43 62,139.02

Vice Principal Vacancy 1 44 19,570.76

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Professional Develop-ment/Conference 9 1-5


Special Circumstance 3 .5 - 10 4,096.85

Subtotal 90,726.74 (d) Superintendents of Education

Reason for Employment Number re-ported Utilized

Range of Days Cost

Special Circumstance 1 3 1,500.00

Subtotal 1,500.00 (e) Casual Administrators

The group of people available to cover in the event of a P/VP illness is in the vast majority comprised of retired TDSB administrators unlike other employee groups where casual em-ployees constitute this list i.e. Occasional Teachers.

Cost of Use of Retired Administrators

September and October 2006 Total: $333,056.05

September and October 2005 Total: $351,895.00

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Toronto District School Board March 7, 2007

Human Resources Committee, Report No. 1, January 10, 2007 Performance Appraisal Development: Update 3

310 G04(H:\search\70307.doc)sec.1530

Performance Appraisal Development: Update 3

As received by the Human Resources Committee on January 10, 2007 (see page 306).

This communication is intended as part of an ongoing series of updates on the status of employee performance appraisal development and implementation as requested by the Human Resources Committee.

The methodology, format and conduct of performance appraisals for teaching staff were mandated by the Ministry of Education over five years ago. As of June 1, 2006, the Minis-try released amendments to policies and procedures for performance appraisal of new teachers for September 1, 2006 implementation. This process has been fully implemented including training for all school administrators and Superintendents of Education. It is an-ticipated that the Ministry will release further amendments for the performance appraisal of experienced teachers during the winter of 2007.

In accordance with the Collective Agreement for Elementary Occasional Teachers, a joint Board-Union committee has met to develop a process and documentation for performance appraisal of Elementary Occasional Teachers. Consultation and review have been com-pleted and the process has been implemented.

The Board has determined to develop performance appraisal instruments for all of its sup-port staff, beginning with management staff (Superintendents, Principals, Vice-Principals and Schedule II).

Supervisory Officers and Equivalent Positions: A process and accompanying documenta-tion has been developed and has been implemented.

Principals and Vice-Principals: A staff committee has been working since spring 2006 to develop a performance appraisal process and accompanying documentation. The package is complete and ready for consultation with stakeholder groups. Implementation timelines are reflected in the chart below.

Schedule II: A Staff committee has been struck and has been working to develop proc-esses and accompanying documentation. The complexity and variety of various job de-scriptions subsumed under the Schedule II group will make this project much more time

Timeline for Principals and Vice Principals

Timeframe Principals/Vice Principals

January-February, 2007 Consultation with stakeholder groups and revisions.

Spring 2007 Roll-out of materials to Superintendents, Principals and Vice Principals

Pilot implementation of process and materials

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September 2007 Full implementation of process and materials Timeline for Schedule II

Timeframe Schedule II

June–August 2006 Development of objectives and guiding principles

August 2006–January 2007 Draft model, forms and leadership com-petencies for various types of positions developed; instruction booklet on roles, frequency and process for refuting as-sessments

January 2007 Consultation process with stakeholders

February 2007 Revisions based on feedback – pilot pro-ject

March–June 2007 Evaluation of pilot and training

September 2007 Roll-out of materials Support Staff Unionized Employee Groups

Beginning early in January 2007, workgroups for each of the employee groups will be convened to develop the appropriate processes, forms and competency profiles. This will be a considerable task given the different types of work. Each workgroup will include rep-resentation from the appropriate employee group and managerial/supervisory group.

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Human Resources Committee, Report No. 1, January 10, 2007 Whistle-blowing Policy

312 G04(H:\search\70307.doc)sec.1530

Whistle-blowing Policy

As received by the Human Resources Committee on January 10, 2007 (see page 306).

This memorandum is further to a previous memorandum to the Committee dated Septem-ber 27, 2006 titled "Whistle-blowing Policy Considerations.” The information below shows two possible directions for the development of a policy that encourages positive ways of resolving issues raised by TDSB employees.

Identifying and Resolving Issues in our Organization: Possible Directions

Any organization, no matter what size, and no matter how well run, will encounter issues that must be resolved. In many cases, the awareness of those issues will come through re-ports made by employees. And, yet, employees in organizations do not always feel com-fortable raising their concerns and are not always confident that the concerns will be ad-dressed.

It is important that the workplace culture of the TDSB fosters an environment in which employees feel able to work together to identify and resolve issues in a positive manner.

Traditional Whistle-blowing Model

Many organizations have whistle-blowing policies, and they tend to follow a traditional model whereby they set out a definition of whistle-blowing, a process for making reports, a process for investigating and following-up, and a promise of "no retribution" against the whistle-blower. (They are not a substitute for the grievance process, human rights investi-gation, etc.) The process was outlined in the September 27,2006 report to the Committee.

There are many ways of defining whistIe-blowing. One definition is as follows:

WhistIe-blowing is the deliberate, voluntary disclosure of individual or organiza-tional malpractice by a person who has or had privileged access to data, events or information about an actual, suspected or anticipated wrongdoing within or by an organization that is within its ability to control. The disclosure may be internal or external and may or may not enter the public record. (S. Dawson, "Whistleblow-ing: a broad definition and some issues for Australia”)

Sometimes, the result of whistle blowing is that someone "gets in trouble"--there may be, in other words, a punitive or retributive connotation to the process. Because of the puni-tive element, "blame" is being cast, and there can be less willingness among staff to actu-ally solve the problem.

Alternative Model

An alternative to the traditional model would not even use the term "whistle-blowing.” The emphasis would be on the notion of "integrity,” by fostering a willingness to discuss what an employee wishes to raise, from a problem-solving, truth-finding perspective.

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Human Resources Committee, Report No. 1, January 10, 2007 Whistle-blowing Policy

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"Problem-raising" is motivated by a employee's desire to see the organization improve. TDSB policies should encourage that attitude. The approach is based on the notion of em-ployees helping their employer address real issues in a non-punitive way.

Staff seek direction from the Board on these alternative approaches to improving the TDSB.

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Toronto District School Board March 7, 2007

Planning and Priorities Committee, Report No. 1, February 6, 2007

314 G04(H:\search\70307.doc)sec.1530

Planning and Priorities Committee

Report No. 1, February 6, 2007

A meeting of the Planning and Priorities Committee convened on Tuesday, February 6, 2007, from 2:05 to 3:45 p.m., in the Fifth Floor Executive Meeting Room, 5050 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, with Sheila Ward presiding.

The following committee members were present: Trustees Sheila Ward (Chair), Nadia Bello, Chris Bolton, John Campbell, Michael Coteau, Howard too, Scott Harrison, Josh Matlow and Mari Rutka. Regrets were received from Trustee John Hastings. Also present were Trustees Sheila Cary-Meagher and Irene Atkinson.

The Committee decided to report and recommend as follows:

Part A: Committee Recommendations

1. Prioritizing Outstanding Report Requests

The Committee considered information from staff on the various outstanding reports re-quests that are being prepared and a memorandum from the Director identifying the eight priority matters.

On a motion of Trustee Campbell, the Planning and Priorities Committee RECOM-MENDS:

(a) That the following matters previously requested by the Board receive priority status:

(i) Enhancement and Expansion of Alternative Schools (Improving Student Suc-cess)

(ii) Program Revitalization Reviews: Areas 1 and 8 (Improving Student Success)

(iii) Disposition of Vacant Properties (Improving Stewardship of Assets)

(iv) Learning Opportunities Index (Improving Student Success)

(v) Program Area Review Team for Alpha II Alternative School (Improving Stu-dent Success)

(vi) Program Area Review Team for Gulfstream Public School (Improving Student Success)

(vii) Program Area Review Team for Hawthorne Bilingual Alternative School, Ex-pansion (Improving Student Success)

(viii) Business Services Consortia (Improving Services to Schools)

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Planning and Priorities Committee, Report No. 1, February 6, 2007

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(b) That staff revise the list of outstanding report requests to organize by department, progress re completion, timelines, etc. for presentation to a future meeting of the Planning and Priorities Committee.

Staff undertook to provide a list of related outstanding reports requests with each standing committee agenda.

2. Governance Review

On a motion of Trustee Goodman, amended by Trustee Campbell, the Planning and Priori-ties Committee RECOMMENDS:

Whereas the Special Assistance Team recommended that the Ministry “review the school board governance models with possible application to the Toronto District School Board, given its size and complexity, to determine the optimum size and structures for successful governance, administration and systemwide communication to reach high achievement for all students and to maximize community engagement” (Recommendation 37);

Therefore, be it resolved:

(a) That the a communication be sent to the Minister of Education to:

(i) inform the Ministry of Education that the Board intends to develop options for a response to Recommendation 37 of the “Report on the Feasibility of the Proposed Multi-year Budget Plan and Possible Alternatives for the Toronto District School Board,” October 12, 2006, by the Special Assistance Team (see below), for consideration of the Board;

Recommendation 37 That the Ministry review school board governance models with possible application to the Toronto District School Board, given its size and com-plexity, to determine the optimum size and structures for successful gov-ernance, administration and systemwide communication to reach high achievement for all students and to maximize community engagement.

(ii) request funding and other resources from the Ministry to allow the Board to adequately explore both the options and the implications of each option arising out of Recommendation 37 of the Special Assistance Team’s report (with spe-cial attention to the impact of each option on student success and outcomes);

(b) That an ad hoc governance review committee be established, including trustees and staff, to explore options for governance and the implications of those options, to identify funding and resources required, and to report to the Planning and Priorities Committee in April 2007;

(c) That, in April 2007, staff present a report to the Planning and Priorities Committee:

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Planning and Priorities Committee, Report No. 1, February 6, 2007

316 G04(H:\search\70307.doc)sec.1530

(iii) that provides a preliminary analysis of the options arising out of Recommenda-tion 37 of the report “Report on the Feasibility of the Proposed Multi-year Budget Plan and Possible Alternatives for the Toronto District School Board,” October 12, 2006, by the Special Assistance Team;

(iv) that provides a list of activities and a schedule required to complete the analy-sis of the options and implications (with special attention paid to the role of Trustee and community consultation).

Note: Part (b) was added on amendment of Trustee Campbell.

The Board appointed Trustees Atkinson, Gershon, Goodman and Harrison as the trustee representatives on the ad hoc governance review committee (see page 274).

Part B: Information Only

3. Consent Agenda Process and Meeting Management Issues

The Committee discussed the pros and cons of consent agenda surveys, motions, and mat-ters related to the management of Board and standing committee meetings. The Commit-tee decided to attempt the consent process again by asking for items to be held for discus-sion as part of the agenda approval process at Board meetings. Staff will send an explana-tory memorandum to trustees in advance of the next regular meeting.

The Committee also decided that using the timer in the Boardroom is helpful and should be used at every meeting.

4. Asian Heritage Month

The Committee heard an oral update from Trustee Rutka on Asian Heritage Month.

Part C: Ongoing Matters

No matters to report

Sheila Ward Chair of the Committee

Adopted March 7, 2007

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Toronto District School Board March 7, 2007

Human Resources Committee, Report No. 2, February 7, 2007

G04(H:\search\70307.doc)sec.1530 317

Human Resources Committee

Report No. 2, February 7, 2007

A meeting of the Human Resources Committee convened on Wednesday, February 7, 2007, from 7:15 to 9:25 p.m. in Committee Room A, 5050 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, with Trustee Howard Goodman presiding.

The following members were present: Trustees Howard Goodman (Chair), Nadia Bello, Gary Crawford and Gerri Gershon. Regrets were received from Trustee Stephnie Payne. Also present were Trustees Sheila Cary-Meagher, John Hastings and Josh Matlow. Trus-tee Crawford participated by electronic means.

The Committee decided to report and recommend as follows:

Part A: Committee Recommendations

1. Revision of Policy P.014: Staff Changes [0994]

The Committee considered a staff report (see page 319) presenting changes to policy P.014: Staff Changes.

Committee’s recommendation or action regarding the staff recommendation:

Concur Refer Amend Postpone consideration (defer) Disregard Other

On a motion of Trustee Bello, the Human Resources Committee RECOMMENDS that the revisions to policy P.014: Staff Changes, as presented in the report, be approved.

2. Special Needs Assistants and Educational Assistants (amended by the Board)

With the permission of the meeting, and on a motion of Trustee Bello (on behalf of Trustee Cary-Meagher), the Human Resources Committee RECOMMENDS (as amended by the Board, see page 275) that before school-based staffing allocations for 2008-09 are consid-ered, staff present a report:

(i) to define the role of educational assistants;

(ii) to determine how best to use, train and evaluate educational assistants in the context of all seven categories of the contract;

(iii) to establish the level of need for special needs assistants and educational assis-tants based on facts, not budget exigencies;

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Human Resources Committee, Report No. 2, February 7, 2007

318 G04(H:\search\70307.doc)sec.1530

(iv) to elaborate and provide detail on existing job descriptions for special needs assistants and educational assistants;

(v) to identify student-related duties that are not in the job descriptions;

(vi) to examine how special needs assistants and educational assistants are re-cruited, hired and placed;

(vii) to review the practices of other school boards, including the role of parent vol-unteers;

Part B: Information Only

3. Delegations

The Committee heard the following delegation in accordance with the Board’s procedure for hearing delegations:

re Educational Assistants

• Giselle Burton and Colleen Costa, CUPE, Local 4400 • Phyllis Hyssien-White and Terry White, Elementary Teachers of Toronto

4. Retired Administrator Usage: November and December 2006

On a motion of Trustee Bello, the Human Resources Committee received a memorandum from staff (see page 320) providing a summary of the cost of employing retired administra-tors during the period November and December 2006.

5. Employee Performance Appraisal, Part 2

On a motion of Trustee Crawford, the Committee received a staff presentation on the de-velopment of an employee performance appraisal program for Schedule II (non-union) employees.

6. Workforce Census Update

On a motion of Trustee Bello, the Committee received a memorandum from staff (see page 322) re the recent workforce census.

Part C: Ongoing Matters

No matters to report

Howard Goodman Chair of the Committee

Adopted, as amended, March 7, 2007

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Toronto District School Board March 7, 2007

Human Resources Committee, Report No. 2, February 7, 2007 Revision of Policy P.014: Staff Changes [0994]

G04(H:\search\70307.doc)sec.1530 319

Revision of Policy P.014: Staff Changes [0994]

As presented to the Human Resources Committee on February 7, 2007 (see page 317).

At the Board meeting held on 31 January 2007, staff from Employee Services undertook to review and streamline the Policy P.014 EMP that deals with Staff Changes and provide recommendations to Human Resources Committee.

The Staff Changes policy must address legislation, the integrity of the Board and its opera-tional issues. The current Staff Changes Policy has not been amended since 2002.

The recommended amendments take into account Legislative compliance and provide similar treatment in respect to promotions for support staff and teaching staff.

Revisions are indicated below, additional text is bolded and deleted text is struck-out.

The Board shall approve the following changes related to the staffing of the Board:

(a) Appointments of teachers (new hires)

(b) Promotions to the position of supervisory officer or equivalent

(c) Promotions, appointments and transfers of principals and vice-principals including central appointments

(d) Promotions and appointments of coordinators and principals with system-wide responsibility within the teaching collective agreements

(e) Promotions and appointments of Business and support staff Schedule II, Level 7 and above Level 10 and above

(f) Terminations of employees Dismissals from employment for just cause of teachers, principals, vice-principals, Schedule II Level 10-12, supervisory officers or equivalent.

All other staff changes shall be approved by the Director, or designate.

The following staff changes shall be forwarded to the Board for information:

(a) Resignation, retirement of regular staff permanent employees

(b) Secondments

(c) Obituaries

(d) Dismissals of permanent employees not covered under 1.1 (f) above

For the Board’s decision see page 317.

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Human Resources Committee, Report No. 2, February 7, 2007 Retired Administrator Usage: November and December 2006

320 G04(H:\search\70307.doc)sec.1530

Retired Administrator Usage: November and December 2006

As received by the Human Resources Committee on February 7, 2007 (see page 318).

(a) Principals, In School

Reason for Employment Number re-ported Utilized

Range of Days Cost

Coverage for illness 61 .5 - 38 319,286.16

Principal Vacancy 9 16 - 38 *144,150.82

Professional Develop-ment/Conference 14 1-3 7,326.41

Special Circumstances 11 1-8 10,421.84

Subtotal 337,034.41 (b) Principals, Central

Reason for Employment Number re-ported Utilized

Range of Days Cost

Employee Services –Recruitment of Teachers 17 1-3 7,734.87

Subtotal 7,734.87 (c) Vice Principals, In School

Reason for Employment Number re-ported Utilized

Range of Days Cost

Coverage for illness 23 1-38 64,874.76

Vice Principal Vacancy 3 38 *51,102.02

Professional Develop-ment/Conference 9 1-3 5,941.14

Professional Commitment 1 1 325.00

Special Circumstances 4 1-11.5 5,168.01

Subtotal 76,308.91

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(d) Vice Principals, Central

Reason for Employment Number re-ported Utilized

Range of Days Cost

Employee Services –Recruitment of Teachers 3 1 911.22

Subtotal 911.22 (e) Superintendent of Education

Reason for Employment Number re-ported Utilized

Range of Days Cost

Coverage for illness 1 15 7,950.00

Subtotal 7,950.00 *No additional cost to the Board, therefore not part of the total additional cost.

Casual Administrators

The group of people available to cover in the event of a P/VP illness is in the vast majority comprised of retired TDSB administrators unlike other employee groups where casual em-ployees constitute this list i.e. Occasional Teachers.

Cost of Use of Retired Administrators

November and December 2006 Total: 429,939.41

November and December 2005 Total: 454,659.22

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Human Resources Committee, Report No. 2, February 7, 2007 Workforce Census Update

322 G04(H:\search\70307.doc)sec.1530

Workforce Census Update

As received by the Human Resources Committee on February 7, 2007 (see page 318).

On 23 February 2005 Board approved implementation of a self-identification survey as part of the establishment of the Employment Equity Office. Staff is providing an update on the Employment Equity Workforce Census administered to all employees in June 2006.

Through an RFP process, the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) retained the services of Barbara Herring and Associates Inc., an experienced Employment Equity consulting firm, to conduct and analyze the Employment Equity Self-Identification Survey.

A Workforce Census working group was established that included membership and repre-sentation from all bargaining units, associations and staff. The group was guided by the Board’s Equity Foundation Statement and Commitments to Equity Policy Implementation and the Employment Equity Policy. This process provided the opportunity to focus on employment equity issues and raise awareness.

The implementation of the Workforce Census included the following components:

• a Workforce Census self-identification form that included the survey questions and provided information on employment equity;

• a DVD featuring the Director of Education and the Manager of the Employment Equity Office was produced to ensure that, whenever possible, a consistent and common mes-sage was provided at schools and worksites;

• a Communication Plan including, a poster, website, presentations, media releases and mailings;

• a process to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data, through secure confidential collection and collation.

The Employment Equity Workforce Census (entitled “Count Yourself In”) took place in early June 2006. Completed census forms were returned and collected through June and early July 2006. Between the end of June and early September, census forms were collated and data was entered into a secure data base.

Aggregate information was collated by October 2006 and forwarded to the consultant. This information excluded individual identification and employee numbers. The consult-ant analyzed the information as compared to appropriate Statistics Canada information and is nearing completion of the final report.

Work continues to ensure that report language is consistent with the Board’s Employment Equity Foundation Statement and Commitments to Equity Policy Implementation. This work began with the assistance of the Employment Equity Advisory Committee on 1 Feb-ruary 2007 and will continue with Equity Policy Advisory Committee on 6 March 2007.

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Human Resources Committee, Report No. 2, February 7, 2007 Workforce Census Update

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On an ongoing basis, applicants for employment who are external to the Board are pro-vided with an opportunity to self-identify at the point of application and to voluntarily complete the Workforce Census survey after hire.

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Special Education Advisory Committee, Report No. 1, February 12, 2007

324 G04(H:\search\70307.doc)sec.1530

Special Education Advisory Committee

Report No. 1

February 12, 2007

A meeting of the Special Education Advisory Committee was convened on Monday, Feb-ruary 12, 2007 at 7 p.m., in the Boardroom, 5050 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, with Ex-ecutive Superintendent Karen Gravitis presiding.

The following committee members were present: Loris Bennett, Scott Bridges, Christina Buczek, Annie Dupuis, Merle Fedirchuk, Dr. Norm Forman, Susan Musgrave, Debbie Philips, Paula Surdin, and Trustee Scott Harrison, John Hastings and James Pasternak.

Regrets were received from Margarita Isakov, Mary Weedon and Elizabeth Fisher.

1. Presentations

(a), Lorna Powers, Supervisor/Cluster Facilitator

SEAC heard a presentation from Lorna Powers of on issues of respite care in the city of Toronto and her organization’s role in developing a more dynamic res-pite network for children and adults in Toronto. connects families with facilitators who explore respite options available in the community. Interested fami-lies should register online or call 416-322-6317.

(b) Quarterly Report, February 2007, Carla Kisko, Comptroller, Budget, Revenue and Financial Planning

Carla Kisko, Comptroller, Budget, Revenue and Financial Planning presented the Interim Financial Report to SEAC. This report provides a summary of the Board’s budget to ac-tual expenditures for the first four months of the 2006-07 fiscal year.

Carla indicated that the 2007-08 budget process was underway, with all departments being asked to analyze its budget. Special Education and Support Services have been requested to target a reduction of $4 million for the 2007-2008 school year. Several factors, includ-ing declining enrolment will affect budgeting. Staff continue to lobby the government re-garding funding.

The second quarterly report would be presented to SEAC when it becomes available.

2. Election of Chair and Vice Chair Karen Gravitis invited nominations for the position of Chair and Vice Chair of SEAC.

Paula Surdin, seconded by Annie Dupuis, nominated Christina Buczek as Chair of SEAC.

Debbie Philips, seconded by Trustee Harrison, nominated Trustee James Pasternak as Vice Chair of SEAC.

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There being no further nominations, Christina Buczek and Trustee Pasternak were declared Chair and Vice Chair of SEAC, respectively, for a term to be reviewed in November 2007.

Christina Buczek presided over the remainder of the meeting.

3. Approval of the Agenda Correspondence received from Annie Dupuis on behalf of parent, Terry Teskey was in-cluded on the agenda. Debbie Philips, seconded by Merle Fedirchuk moved: That the agenda as amended, be approved. The motion was carried.

4. Confirmation of the Minutes Page 1, Item 3 (c) should read Ann Martindale and not Susan Musgrave.

Merle Fedirchuk, seconded by Debbie Philips, moved: That the minutes of the SEAC meeting held on December 11, 2006 be confirmed.

The motion was carried.

5. Business Arising from the Minutes of December 11, 2007 (a) SEAC Vacancy

Advertisements were placed in community newspapers inviting nominations from parent associations to fill vacancies on SEAC. Information regarding the vacancy was also shared with school council chairs and other sources identified by SEAC. To date, there have been requests for membership from three organizations, two of which -- the Ontario Prader Willi Syndrome Association and REENA -- met the criteria as outlined in SEAC regulations. The Flemingdon Park Parent Association submitted the third application.

It was decided that a sub-committee of SEAC be struck to review the applications and re-port back to the committee. Paula Surdin and Loris Bennett volunteered to serve on the sub-committee.

(b) Response Letter re Special Education Transformation Initiatives to Ben Levin [Page 2, Item (e)

As there was no consensus on the wording of the letter to Ben Levin, Deputy Minister of Education, staff had not moved forward. It was decided that members would review the process and establish guidelines to be used in sending out correspondence from SEAC in the future.

(c) Committee Representation Update

(i) SEAC Web Site

Richard Carter reported that minor changes have been made to the look of the web site. The committee will be looking at other SEAC web sites and would make rec-ommendations to SEAC at a later date.

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(ii) Special Education Plan Review

Roberta Anderson reported that the sub-committee met on February 12, 2007 and heard an update on the status of the Special Education Plan, which is under review by the Ministry of Education. The Toronto District School Board is required to pro-vide amendments to the present Special Education Plan to the Ministry by July 31, 2007. It is expected that amendments would be available for review by SEAC in May.

(iii) IPRC/IEP Review

Marilyn Lowe reported that while the committee was struck, it had not yet met.

6. Correspondence received by the Chair (a) Community Living Toronto, January 8, 2007 nominating Clovis Grant as its repre-

sentative on SEAC.

Debbie Philips, seconded by Susan Musgrave moved: That Clovis Grant be accepted as the representative of Community Living Toronto on SEAC. The motion was carried.

Recommendation 1


The Special Education Advisory Committee RECOMMENDS that Clovis Grant be ap-pointed to serve on the Special Education Advisory Committee representing Community Living Toronto.

(b) Letter from the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, November 28, 2006 re fund-ing.

Christina Buczek volunteered to prepare a response to the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board.

(c) Letters from the Toronto Family Network, February 5, 2007 re the SEAC Ontario Mailing List and February 2, 2007 re the Special Education and Support Services Department Plan.

(d) Letter from Terry Teskey, re the primary gifted program at Palmerston PS.

On a motion of Debbie Philips, seconded by Annie Dupuis, SEAC received the correspon-dence.

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7. Executive Superintendent’s Report

(a) Ministry Pamphlet, “Bullying: We can all help to stop it”

In response to a request received at the December 11, 2006 meeting, the Ministry pamphlet “Bullying: We can all help to stop it” was located by staff and copies have been placed in members’ folders. This pamphlet was referred to in correspondence received from the SEAC Chair, Halton District School Board, November 8, 2006.

(b) Epilepsy Awards

Karen Gravitis received information on the OBCL Epilepsy Scholarship Award program, which is open to all young people between the ages of 16 and 29, who are under the care of a Canadian Physician for the treatment of Epilepsy. The application package has been forwarded to the Guidance department for distribution.

(c) Use of Quillsoft(Word Q) and Kurzweil 3000 Software at Home

Information has recently been shared with schools and is included in members’ folders re-garding the End User License Agreement for the use of these software programs at home.

(d) Special Education Department Update

Roberta Anderson spoke about:

(i) Secondary Review of Behaviour Delivery Models

• A steering committee comprised of coordinators, consultants and supervis-ing principals has been struck.

• There are fifty-five members on a large committee representing various stakeholders groups.

• Meetings have been set for January 19, February 28 and March 30, 2007. • Focus groups include social workers and psychologists, SOEs and students. • An on-line intermediate and secondary school survey (soft data) has been

conducted. • Hard data provided by data analyst includes credit accumulation, atten-

dance and suspensions/expulsions. • There will be an examination of all TDSB delivery models and several

from other boards. • Recommendations will follow at end of review process.

(ii) Language Labs and other Assistive Technology Investigations

• 172 intermediate and secondary schools will have Language Labs by June 2007.

• A Language Lab map will be updated for the web site when labs are con-firmed.

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• An investigation of other assistive technology software being used in TDSB and other boards is underway.

• Considerations include curriculum integration, training and support avail-able.

(iii) M.I. Lead (Multiple Intelligences and Leadership) Training

• Eight intermediate feeder schools and eight secondary receiving schools will receive training for all grade eight and IEPd grade 9 students.

• Highlights include self-advocacy, differentiated instruction and assessment. • This is a three-year initiative funded by Student Success. • There will be an increase of 4 additional intermediate schools and 4 addi-

tional secondary schools for 07-08.

(iv) Behaviour Management System (BMS) and Non-Violent Crisis Prevention In-tervention Training (CPI)

• 13 trainers are providing mandatory and non-mandatory training. • 584 staff have been trained in CPI since September 2006. • 824 staff have been trained in BMS since September 2006, the majority be-

ing trained on PD days • Training has been provided for administrators, teaching and support staff,

school based safety monitors and lunchroom supervisors.

(v) Employability Skills Achievement Certificate (ESAC)

• This certificate, endorsed by the Conference Board of Canada and the TDSB could be awarded to students who will not achieve an OSSD.

• Criteria include thirty courses and Co-op or work experience.

• It provides a matrix of identified employability skills under eleven different headings and is currently being used in all Special Needs schools.

• Forty-five “regular” schools attended a workshop in November 2006 and approximately fifteen to twenty schools attended a hands-on computer workshop in December 2006.

• Adjusting program to mesh with existing systems used by teachers is cur-rently underway.

• It will also be incorporated into the Broadening Choices and Student Success initiatives and is also funded by Student Success.

(vi) Special Education Additional Qualification (AQ) Courses

• Eighty-five elementary and secondary teachers were trained in the fall, while sixty elementary and secondary teachers are currently being trained in a session which began on January 29, 2007.

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• Content includes IEPs, IPRCs, School Support Teams, Introduction to Psychology, Ministry Exceptionalities plus ADHD, Tourettes and Men-tal Health Issues, Safe School Policies, Service Delivery Models in the TDSB, Special Education Plan, Inclusion, Differentiated Instruction and Assessment – at the secondary level, Student Success, Credits and Pathways are also included.

(e) Staff Allocation Process

Karen Gravitis reported that the staff allocation process is underway and due to be submit-ted later in the week. Drivers of the process include: transparency, equity, inclusion de-centralization and accommodation.

(f) Professional Development Day

On February 16, 2007, which is a professional development day, CUPE staff, including EAs and SNAs, will be offered a range of opportunities for professional development.

(g) Budget Sub-committee

Scott Bridges and Merle Fedirchuk volunteered to work on a budget sub-committee. They will meet with Karen Gravitis to present recommendations regarding an approach.

8. System Superintendent’s Report (a) Ministry of Education/Boards of Education Collaborative Review of Individual Edu-

cation Plans (IEPs)

Karen Forbes reported that on February 8th and 9th, she attended the Toronto Area Regional Superintendents’ meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to enhance leadership capacity with regard to the development, implementation and monitoring of IEPs and to ensure connections among the student’s IEP, the Ontario curriculum and the PRC.

(b) Community Based Resource Model Advisory Committee (CBRM)

The CBRM Advisory Committee met on February 12, 2007. The committee received the new CBRM brochure and was informed that the brochure and translations in eight of the eleven languages available have been posted on the TDSB web site.

There was an update on the HSP review currently underway. A parent representative, Cathy Mallove, volunteered to join the HSP reference group to give the committee’s per-spective on the review.

It was agreed that the committee would meet again in the spring to review the survey re-sults and the preliminary recommendations from the HSP reference group.

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(c) Departmental Plan Report

Karen Forbes spoke to Procedure 699 (formerly B17 and B18 – Guidelines for Dealing with Students with Special Needs when there are Behavioural Issues) which is currently under review. Following a November feedback session with staff from Special Education and Support Services, as well as from a feedback session in December for central and school staff as well as unions, several strengths and areas of growth for the procedure have been identified.

(d) In-service for Administrators and Central Staff on Dealing with Students with Spe-cial Needs when Behavioural Issues Arise

All administrators and staff from Equity, Safe Schools, Guidance and Health & Safety have been invited to attend an afternoon PD session on March 5, 2007 on dealing with stu-dents with special needs when behavioural issues arise. The focus will be on providing staff with best practices related to accommodations, and progressive discipline strategies that should be used when students with special needs exhibit inappropriate behaviour.

The keynote speaker will talk about the expectations of the Human Rights Commission and two school administrators and one safe schools administrator will share best practices. Nine agencies been invited to attend and meet administrators. Participants will also re-ceive a package of resources.

(e) Parent Session IEPs and IPRCs

On January 23, 2007, Special Education staff held the second of two annual parent ses-sions on IEPs and IPRCs. Approximately 120 parents attended the two sessions and pro-vided very positive feedback on the information they received.

Participants received more information on transition and staff spent considerable time with individual parents after the session to meet and talk.

(f) Correspondence

Karen Forbes spoke to correspondence received from the Ministry of Education, the first from Avis Glaze, Chief Student Achievement Officer re the impact of several initiatives on student success and the other from Minister Wynne regarding the creation of a Provincial Parent Board. Volunteers are needed t join the Board. Applications are required by Febru-ary 16, 2007.

9. Senior Manager, Professional Support Services Report

(a) OPA-EDU Student Assessment Project: Phase II

Last month a draft submission was provided electronically. OPA has since reviewed staff’s proposal and has indicated their acceptance of the proposal. The first installment of funding (25% of the $1.64 million applied for) should be received by the end of February.

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Assessments are underway. To date, 77 Psychology assessments have been completed us-ing the funds. Additional OT/PT and Speech-Language Pathology assessments have not been completed, as additional staff has not yet been recruited.

(b) Model Projects to Support Positive Student Behaviour

As reported last month, the Ministries of Education and Children and Youth Services are sponsoring this initiative, which arises out of the Safe School Policy and Practice: an Agenda for Action document, authored by the Safe Schools Action Team (SSAT). The initiative is intended to provide funds to expand or enhance existing programs and prac-tices that promote positive student behaviour. TDSB Safe Schools, Student Success, Sup-port Services and Special Education staff are collaborating with external partnership agen-cies in developing a proposal for the TDSB.

The proposal that is being developed will propose a board-wide model of proactive posi-tive behavioural intervention. The Canadian Safe Schools Network and East Metro Youth Services are two of the external partners working with staff to develop the proposal. One of the elements of the proposal is to hire four extra Social Workers (one per quad) to pro-vide service to at-risk alternative secondary programs/schools such as:

• Year Round Alternative Schools • SPES • Alternative to Suspension Programs • Alternative Attendance Programs

These programs serve a vulnerable, transient, racialized population, 60% of whom have been identified as special education students. For further information, please contact Donna Quan, System Superintendent, at [email protected].

(c) Bill 52: The Education Amendment Act (Learning to Age 18) 2006

This legislation is part of Phase 3 of the Student Success Strategy along with other initia-tives such as the 6 Ways. It encourages more students to graduate and fewer to leave school without being adequately prepared for work or further learning and it provides a framework for an expanded range of opportunities that suit student needs and interests.

With Royal Assent, several parts of the legislation immediately came into effect, while others will be proclaimed in force at a later date. A summary of the highlights of the legis-lation will be included in your package at the next SEAC meeting. In addition to requiring students to stay in school until 18, it also has provisions for “equivalent learning programs” (not yet proclaimed) and changes the provision for SALEP programs.

For further information, contact Melanie Parrack, Executive Superintendent – Student Success at [email protected].

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(d) January (07) Service Statistics

Psychology Soc Work & Att SLP OT/PT

Referrals 6763 6039 4009 1072

Change since last Month

+918 +616 +464 +135

Completed 3374 282 1770 322

Change since last month

+601 +54 +349 +159

Wait List 2495 223 1201 274

Change since last month

+104 +64 +111 -25

10. Local SEAC Association Reports (a) Down Syndrome Association of Toronto

Debbie Philips informed SEAC about:

(i) Information on a new book, Fine Motor Skills for Children with Down Syn-drome I s currently available on the association web site, [email protected] or through contacting Lorraine Rice at 416-966-0990

(ii) A teacher conference/book launch will be held on February 22, 2007. The conference will focus on the topic, On the Outside Looking in: Not in My Classroom, while the book to be launched is entitled Supporting Learners with Intellectual Challenges in Regular Classrooms, A Resources for Teachers.

(b) Brain Injury Society of Toronto

Merle Fedirchuck stated that the web site was still not available. However, the LDAO online SEAC workshop is ready and will be available to LDAO SEAC representatives and alternates as a pilot starting on February 12, 2007. It will be available to other SEAC representatives in April. LDAO reps will be contacted by e-mail with instructions for registration.

(c) Association for Bright Children

The ABC will hold its annual general meeting on April 13 and 14, 2007.

11. Reports/Updates from representatives on TDSB and other committees No reports were received.

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12. Trustees’ Report

No report was received.

13. Adjournment At 9:20 p.m., Paula Surdin, seconded by Annie Dupuis, moved that the meeting be ad-journed.

Christina Buczek Chair of the Committee

Adopted March 7, 2007

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Program and School Services Committee

Report No. 2 (Part 2), February 13, 2007

A meeting of the Program and School Services Committee convened on Tuesday, February 13, 2007, from 6:30 to 9:15 p.m., in Committee Room A, 5050 Yonge Street, Toronto, On-tario, with Michael Coteau presiding.

Committee members present: Trustees Michael Coteau (Chair), Bruce Davis, Josh Mat-low, Maria Rodrigues and Chris Tonks. Regrets were received from Student Trustees Nick Kennedy and Ted Kuhn. Also present were Trustees Chris Bolton and Sheila Cary-Meagher.

The Committee decided to report and recommend as follows:

Part A: Committee Recommendations

1. Trustee Membership and Role on the Parent Involvement Advisory Com-mittee

The Committee considered a report of the Parent Involvement Advisory Committee from its meeting held on January 25, 2007 (see page 338).

On a motion of Trustee Matlow, the Program and School Services Committee RECOM-MENDS that the following be referred to staff for presentation of a written briefing to the Planning and Priorities Committee clarifying the mandates, procedures, etc. of advisory committees:

(a) That only parent and community members of PIAC have voting rights;

(b) That trustee representation on the Parent Involvement Advisory Committee be limited to a maximum of three trustees; including the co-chair and that additional trustees wishing to attend specific meetings do so as observers;

(c) That the role of the trustee be to provide support, advice and background information to the Parent Involvement Advisory Committee so that the members may make fully informed decisions on any issue brought forward.

2. Information on French Immersion/Extended Retention Levels by Home School in Transition Years

The Committee considered a report of the French as a Second Language Advisory Com-mittee from its meeting held on February 7, 2007 (see page 339).

On a motion of Trustee Davis, the Program and School Services Committee RECOM-MENDS:

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(a) That staff provide the French as a Second Language Advisory Committee and trus-tees with current and ongoing tracking of the SK enrolment level, Grade 6 or 7 (tran-sition year) enrolment level by home school, and Grade 9 or 10 (transition to high school) retention levels by home school.

(b) That staff provide the same data to the French as a Second Language Advisory Committee and trustees for Grade 4 Immersion and Extended French for Grade 6 Immersion and Grade 7 Extended French.

Trustee Davis’s motion added “and trustees” to both parts of the FSLAC recommendation.

3. School Year Calendars 2007-08 [1052]

The matter was considered on February 28, 2007.

4. System Reviews: Continuing Education Review Charter [1060]

The Committee considered a staff report presenting a charter for the review of Continuing Education that will determine the purpose, scope and process of the review.

Committee’s recommendation or action regarding the staff recommendation:

Concur Refer Amend Postpone consideration (defer) Disregard Other

On a motion of Trustee Davis, the Program and School Services Committee RECOM-MENDS that consideration of the matter be postponed to the March-April 2007 cycle of meetings to permit staff to gain additional feedback and involvement from trustees and stakeholders.

At the request of Trustee Matlow, staff undertook to ensure that information about the re-view of Continuing Education is shared, at the appropriate time, with people involved in the Program Revitalization process.

Note: The Audit Committee received the matter on February 21, 2007 (see page 348).

5. Entry of French-language Students to French Immersion (amended and then referred by the Board)

On a motion of Trustee Davis (on behalf of Trustee Campbell) the Program and School Services Committee RECOMMENDS (as amended by the Board, see page 275):

Whereas, the Board has made significant strides in the past few years to broaden the oppor-tunity for students to engage in intensive French-language programs through the expansion of early French immersion and Grade 4 Extended French classes; and

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Whereas, the Board continues to experience an erosion of its student population as a result of declining enrolment; and

Whereas, the Board currently does not permit the entry of students from the French-language boards or all-French schools into the French Immersion program;

Therefore, be it resolved (as amended and then referred by the Board, see page 275) that the following be referred to staff for a report:

That the present practice of requiring French-language students to attend their lo-cal (home) school for the English curriculum before entry into the Board’s French Immersion program be discontinued, and that French-language students be ex-empt from the Optional Attendance process and permitted direct entry to French Immersion programs.

6. Student Nutrition Task Force (amended by the Board)

At the regular meeting held on November 26, 2006, the Board referred the matter, intro-duced by Trustee Coteau, back to the Program and School Services Committee for clarifi-cation re the selection of the task force members:.

On a motion of Trustee Tonks, the Program and School Services Committee RECOM-MENDS (as amended by the Board, see page 276) that a Student Nutrition Task Force be established as follows to permit a first meeting in April 2007:

(a) Mandate

(i) To examine and make recommendations on the Board’s student nutrition pro-grams and cafeteria services including increasing student access to high qual-ity, nutritionally dense food; creating awareness and educational opportunities to promote healthy eating amongst students through curriculum links and mar-keting; and ensuring a pleasant, clean, welcoming ambience in TDSB cafete-rias;

(ii) To review and provide recommendations on how the TFSS can provide fund-ing for future nutrition programs;

(iii) To present a report in December 2007;

(b) Membership

• four students as appointed by the Student SuperCouncil; • two community members solicited from organizations that have a citywide mandate

and direct involvement food security, food access and/or nutrition; • three trustees appointed by the Board; • two parents nominated by the Parent Involvement Advisory Committee;

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• one secondary school principal appointed by the Toronto School Administrators’ As-sociation;

• one elementary school principal appointed by the Toronto School Administrators’ As-sociation;

• other stakeholders as appropriate.

Trustees Bolton, Coteau and Wong volunteered to serve on the Student Nutrition Task Force.

7. Grade 4 Extended French Enrolment Protocol

The matter was considered on February 28, 2007.

Part B: Information Only

8. Delegations

Part B matters were considered on February 28, 2007.

Part C: Ongoing Matters

• System Reviews: Continuing Education Review Charter [1060] (see Item 4)

Michael Coteau Chair of the Committee

Adopted, as amended, March 7, 2007

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Trustee Membership and Role on the Parent Involvement Advisory Committee

As presented to the Program and School Services Committee on February 13, 2006 (see page 334).

Community advisory committee:

Parent Involvement Advisory Committee (PIAC)

Meeting held on: Thursday, January 25, 2007

Time: From: 6:30 pm To: 10:00 pm

Location: 5050 Yonge-Boardroom

Chair: Margo Cowie, Co-chair Trustee John Campbell, Co-Chair

Members present: 17

Members not present: 9

The committee decided to make the following recommendation: Topic: Trustee Membership and Role on PIAC

The Parent Involvement Advisory Committee RECOMMENDS:

(a) That only parent and community members of PIAC have voting rights;

(b) That trustee representation on PIAC be limited to a maximum of three trustees; in-cluding the co-chair and that additional trustees wishing to attend specific meetings do so as observers;

(c) That the role of the trustee be to provide support, advice and background information to PIAC so that PIAC members may make fully informed decisions on any issue brought forward.

Background or Supporting Information

The role of trustee membership on PIAC was not established beyond the initial directive from the Board. PIAC acknowledges the valuable input of trustees to PIAC discussions. PIAC recognizes, however, the exercise of voting rights on PIAC motions, by trustees has the potential to compromise their role in providing objective input. Further, while PIAC welcomes diverse trustee involvement, the input of five trustees currently on the committee may be disproportionate to what is needed to ensure that PIAC is seen as a forum for par-ent advice to the Board. In 2005-06, there were 4 trustees on PIAC. On other Advisory Committees, there are two trustees for each Committee.

For the Board’s decision see page 334.

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Information on French Immersion/Extended Retention Levels by Home School in Transi-tion Years

As presented to the Program and School Services Committee on February 13, 2006 (see page 334).

Community advisory committee:

French as a Second Language Advisory Committee

Meeting held on: 7 February 2007

Time: From: 7:00 pm To: 9:00 pm

Location: 5050 Yonge Street, Committee Room B

Chair: Chris Tonks

Members present: Renate Bradley, Mike Bunn, Mary Cruden, Joanne Drapeau, Cindy Ewins, Trustee Howard Goodman, Julian Heller (Co-Chair), Frances Hincenbergs Wendy McGuire, Francois Routhier, Trustee Chris Tonks (Co-Chair), Cath-erine Vivash, Jillian Walker

Members not present: Karen Galler, Caryl Kroone, Tami Oudendijk, Sandra Skinner-Anthony, Marie Swan

The committee decided to make the following recommendation:

Topic 1: Information on French Immersion/Extended Retention Levels by Home School in Transition Years

The French as a Second Language Advisory Committee RECOMMENDS:

(a) That staff provide French as a Second Language Advisory Committee with current and ongoing tracking of the SK enrolment level, Grade 6 or 7 (transition year) en-rolment level by home school, and Grade 9 or 10 (transition to high school) retention levels by home school.

(b) That staff provide the same data to the French as a Second Language Advisory Committee for Grade 4 Immersion and Extended French for Grade 6 Immersion and Grade 7 Extended French.

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Background or Supporting Information

Proper planning of French Immersion/Extended French program availability and tracking of success factors within the program requires an in depth understanding of enrollment levels and retention levels as the children travel through the school system.

This will allow us to determine if some schools have better track records than others. This is not an exercise in differentiating schools. Rather, it is to determine if environmental factors are affecting continuation through the program. Parents believe and see evidence that factors such as home school area - distance to the middle school affect viability. Without this data, we cannot validate these factors one way or another. Taking this infor-mation together with exit interviews, we can determine where leakage occurs and set our priorities, in line with the Board's and have discussions based on facts rather than opinion and hearsay.

For the Board’s decision see page 334.

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House Committee, Report No. 1 (Part 1), February 20, 2007

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House Committee

Report No. 1 (Part 1), February 20, 2007

A meeting of the House Committee convened on Tuesday, February 20, 2007, from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m., in the Trustees Meeting Room, Fifth Floor, 5050 Yonge Street, Toronto, On-tario, with Sheila Cary-Meagher presiding.

The following committee members were present: Trustees Sheila Cary-Meagher (Chair), Nadia Bello and Chris Bolton. Regrets were received from Trustee Irene Atkinson.

The Committee decided to report and recommend as follows:

Part A: Committee Recommendations

1. Trustee Newsletters (postponed by the Board)

Consideration of the matter was postponed to the next meeting (see page 276).

2. Boardroom Layout and Supports (received by the Board)

On a motion of Trustee Bolton, the House Committee recommends (received by the Board, see page 277):

(a) That, before every meeting, the trustees’ desks in the Boardroom be placed in the identified specific locations;

(b) That the feasibility of designing or purchasing a timer for speakers that would be clearly visible to trustees when addressing the Chair, and that would be operated by someone not involved in the discussion, be investigated.

Staff undertook to survey trustees and provide individual lights, if requested, and to inves-tigate the feasibility of providing a method for the Chair and Vice-Chair to view what is being projected on the screens.

Part B: Information Only

3. Food Services for Meetings

The Committee discussed the provision of food at meetings, and in particular, sensitivity to certain religions and cultures.

Trustee Cary-Meagher undertook to review this matter with the appropriate staff.

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House Committee, Report No. 1 (Part 1), February 20, 2007

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Part C: Ongoing Matters

No matters to report

Sheila Cary-Meagher Chair of the Committee

Adopted, as amended, March 7, 2007

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Administration, Finance and Accountability Committee, Report No. 3 (Part 2), February 20, 2007

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Administration, Finance and Accountability Committee

Report No. 3 (Part 2), February 20, 2007

A special meeting of the Administration, Finance and Accountability Committee convened on Tuesday, February 20, 2007, from 4:35 to 6:15 p.m., in Committee Room A, 5050 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, with John Campbell presiding.

The following members were present: Trustees John Campbell (Chair), Irene Atkinson, John Hastings and James Pasternak. Regrets were received from Trustee Shaun Chen. Also present were Trustees Sheila Cary-Meagher, Cathy Dandy, Mari Rutka, and Soo Wong. Trustee Atkinson participated by electronic means.

The Committee decided to report and recommend as follows:

Part A: Committee Recommendations

1. Student Transportation Contracts (02-07-1053)

The matter was considered on February 28, 2007.

2. Approval of Expenditures (amended by the Board)

On a motion of Trustee Campbell, amended by Trustee Pasternak, the Administration, Fi-nance and Accountability Committee RECOMMENDS( as amended by the Board, see page 277):

Whereas, the Board has struggled in recent years to enable expenditures to match funding revenues; and

Whereas, the last elected Board approved a balanced budget for 2006-07 following spend-ing reductions and the reallocation of funds originally intended for capital improvements;

Therefore, be it resolved that to be in order any trustee motion or staff recommendation that would require the Board to expend funds for a new initiative include the following in-formation:

(i) the projected cost of implementing the proposal;

(ii) the recommended source of the required funds, including any required amendments to the Board’s approved budget;

(iii) an analysis, prepared by staff, of the financial implications.

(iv) a framework to explain the expected benefit and outcome as a result of the ex-penditure.

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Administration, Finance and Accountability Committee, Report No. 3 (Part 2), February 20, 2007

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At the Committee meeting, the words “wherever possible” replaced “to be in order,” and the words “for a new initiative” were added on amendment of Trustee Pasternak. How-ever, the Board amended the Committee’s recommendation (see page 277).

Part B: Information Only

3. Delegations

The Committee heard a delegation in accordance with the Board’s procedure for hearing delegations.

re Media Services

• Warren Wood, Peter McCabe and Bryan Pardo, Media Services

Part C: Ongoing Matters

No matters to report

John Campbell Chair of the Committee

Adopted, as amended, March 7, 2007

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Toronto District School Board March 7, 2007

Operations and Facilities Management Committee, Report No. 2 (Part 2), February 21, 2007

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Operations and Facilities Management Committee

Report No. 2 (Part 2), February 21, 2007

A regular meeting of the Operations and Facilities Management Committee convened on Wednesday, February 21, 2007, from 7 to 11:30 p.m., in Committee Room A, 5050 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, with Mari Rutka presiding.

The following members were present: Trustees Mari Rutka (Chair), Sheila Cary-Meagher, Cathy Dandy, Scott Harrison, and Soo Wong. Also present were Trustees Irene Atkinson, Chris Bolton, Howard Goodman, and John Hastings.

The Committee decided to report and recommend as follows:

Part A: Committee Recommendations

1. Extension of Facilities Contracts (not adopted by the Board)

On a motion of Trustee Cary-Meagher (on behalf of Trustee Bolton), the Operations and Facilities Management Committee recommends (not adopted by the Board, see page 277):

Whereas, the Board must ensure a reliable supply of services to maintain its schools and other buildings; and

Whereas, approved service providers require certainty regarding their obligations to the Board under contracts for the supply of services; and

Whereas, several fixed-term contracts for the supply of services to the Facilities Depart-ment have expired, terminated or converted to an indefinite term, or may before the end of the current school year;

Therefore, be it resolved that any contract for the supply of services from an approved ser-vice provider to Facility Services that has or would otherwise expire, terminate or convert to an indefinite term prior to the end of the school year, be extended to June 30, 2007.

Note: Trustee Cary-Meagher advised that she will move to amend the above by including Information Technology Services at the regular meeting on February 28, 2007.

Note: The Board did not adopt the recommendation (see page 277).

2. Facilities Contract Awards (02-07-1054)

The matter was considered on February 28, 2007.

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Operations and Facilities Management Committee, Report No. 2 (Part 2), February 21, 2007

346 G04(H:\search\70307.doc)sec.1530

3. TDSB Award Winner for Energy Efficiency

The Committee considered a memorandum from staff (see page 347) providing informa-tion about the Board’s receipt of an award from NRCan for the organization that demon-strated the highest gigajoule savings in Ontario.

On a motion of Trustee Harrison, the Operations and Facilities Management Committee RECOMMENDS that appreciation be extended to the Facility Services Energy Coordi-nating Committee for achieving this significant award for the Board.

Staff undertook to work with the Chair of the Board and the Communications and Public Affairs department to develop a communications plan that could include a media release and press conference and involvement of the current and past Ministers of Energy.

Staff undertook to contact City of Toronto staff concerning potential participation in re-lated programs.

4. Information on Lease Agreements

On a motion of Trustee Wong, the Operations and Facilities Management Committee RECOMMENDS that staff present a report to the Operations and Facilities Management Committee, by June 2007, providing information on all the tenants in Board facilities and their terms of agreement.

At the regular meeting of the Board, staff undertook to provide an example of the report at the next meeting of the Operations and Facilities Management Committee (see page 277).

B: Information Only

Part B matters were considered on February 28, 2007.

Part C: Ongoing Matters

No matters to report

Scott Harrison Chair of the Committee

Adopted, as amended, March 7, 2007

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Operations and Facilities Management Committee, Report No. 2 (Part 2), February 21, 2007

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TDSB Award Winner for Energy Efficiency

As presented to the Operations and Facilities Management Committee on February 21, 2007 (see page 346).

The Office of Energy Efficiency is presenting well-deserved awards to EnerGuide for Ex-isting Buildings (EEB) members across Canada who undertook outstanding energy-saving projects without any financial incentive from the program.

This year, the award-winner with the highest gigajoule (GJ) savings was the Toronto Dis-trict School Board, winner for the Ontario Region. It has saved a whopping one million GJ through comprehensive, multi-year retrofits since joining EEB in the mid-90s. Other re-gional winners were:

• The University of British Columbia (over 250 000 GJ, Western Region) • Health Care Corporation of St. John's, (150 000 GJ, Atlantic Region) • Bell Canada (12,748 GJ, Quebec Region) • City of Winnipeg (14 337 GJ, Prairies-North Region) • Zellers (61 488 GJ, National Region)

The highest percentage of GJ reduction was achieved by the Prairies-North Region winner, the City of Spruce Grove, by installing radiant heating panels and a high efficiency boiler, retrofitting windows and eliminating the air-conditioning system.

Other winners in that category were:

• York Catholic District School Board (Ontario Region) • GWL Realty Advisors Inc., for retrofits to a 34-storey office building (Western Re-

gion), tied with • Simon Fraser University (also Western Region) • Annapolis Valley Regional School Board (Atlantic Region)

Award winners for Innovation offer some inspiring ideas:

• The University of Victoria devised a voltage optimization project. • Sears Canada Inc. in Edmonton installed a chiller that uses magnetic bearings. • The Cadillac Fairview Corporation Ltd. introduced deep water cooling from Lake On-

tario at its Toronto-Dominion complex. • The City of Toronto installed a methane cogeneration facility at its Humber Treatment

Plant. • InterTAN Canada Ltd. replaced its neon-lit signs with LED technology at The Source

by Circuit City stores across Canada. • The Health Care Corporation of St. John's achieved impressive savings by comple-

menting heat recovery initiatives with a piping, valve and fitting insulation program.

For the Board’s decision see page 346.

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Toronto District School Board March 7, 2007

Audit Committee, Report No. 2, February 21, 2007

348 G04(H:\search\70307.doc)sec.1530

Audit Committee

Report No. 2, February 21, 2007

A meeting of the Audit Committee convened on Wednesday, February 21, 2007, from 2:10 to 3:45 p.m., in Committee Room A, 5050 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, with Trustee Scott Harrison presiding.

The following committee members were present: Trustees Scott Harrison (Chair), Howard Goodman and Soo Wong. Also present were Trustees Sheila Cary-Meagher and Chris Bolton.

The Committee decided to report and recommend as follows:

Part A: Committee Recommendations

No matters to report

Part B: Information Only

1. Delegations

The following delegation was heard in accordance with the Board’s procedure for hearing delegations.

re Continuing Education Review Charter

• Chris Glover

2. System Reviews: Continuing Education Review Charter [1060]

The Committee considered a staff report presenting a charter for the review of Continuing Education that includes the purpose, scope and process of the review.

The Committee was made aware of the recommendation of the Program and School Ser-vices Committee when the report was considered on February 13, 2007 (see page 335).

On a motion of Trustee Goodman, the Audit Committee received the report.

3. Information Technology Services Review: Update

The Committee heard an oral update from staff on the status of the review of Information Technology Services, including number of replies to the consultant’s questionnaire, bench-marking process, and focus groups.

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4. Facility Services Review: Update

The Committee heard an oral update from staff on the status of the review of Facility Ser-vices. A process and schedule has been established for preparation of a staff report with recommendations based on the consultant’s report.

Part C: Ongoing Matters

No matters to report

Scott Harrison Chair of the Committee

Received March 7, 2007

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