

J. LLOYD ILMCHS 1)1 .HTS AND ASSLTS.I.nnv, i;m(iika(ii:>i)M' kk chi mi oks in thi

SITH 1)1 LK.

Will'.iin lt. Foster, the assignee nf J. Lloyd Mulch,

piv-it'i.ted niovisional schedules of tho assets toni

liabilities in tba Court or Common I'll*us yi-sli-riliiy.ll" :i>k* for*v dav:- more to make mi exact inven¬

tory. There js a larne amount of Ukt ladobtedaeaswlii.'li (im-* i.'i! a;i(n-:ir OB any booka kept hv ..igtIllili have ia.nie \ttmt the poaa -ssion af thc ggajgaee,incliitlniK about rr'-'oo.oo'l ihtfl to tho Ciiatham,Row i-ry, (ii,"its'iimi oilier !.aiil%>. Tbi ...sOtOOlMiiiiiifiiiiii .ii.' occupies. « larirt* factory IB

Ihooklyu, whore tin- greater of ll.iuli'- b.*t-BC.I was c.uriel on, ami a lange portion of bia atoekls there. Tba OTIBIBQIIJ in a joint stock one, all the

capital stuck ol wliich im held Itv other persons sub¬

ject toariiiln of Haisb tc'nive a oooTefo.©o toliimon pavment of 966,600, Bttbjoef t.*» a morl-gnge of $1(1,00(1. A lar-c inn t of Hie

gooda linnie >n tba prcmlees hy Haigh waa

sent t" Cliicniro tn li diepooed of tin-e hy an nii.ntsm li gooda eon* -ld ni"* i ly ol stool -.print;* tod alltlint oran' li ni i." ,ii iii".nd on in tbe name of

Henry Mo:ri*, a* trnated for flaigb'a wife andcliildrei).Haigh'* rial estate consists of land al Mot!

lliiv.'.., forlv-eiffht irv lots, tin- n.iniiii.-il value il'.tvlnri: i* $iiH,00O, bn' il.- aetnal \ lim- about940,000; il is norie.: for fl23,2000. i mrt-giii-i- In-ing i r $100,000 ntl which only $005 52 is

it'll-. O.i |ia llieil! nf ill 8 I.OrlgOtfC ill' 1 .: rel)

Mannfiiriiiii.iK Companv, Including it>; real rotateand lixtnma ara by dane*.oa1 to beeonvoyed t"

Haigh mi 'iect. bowen r, io a prior mortgasa on tholand for 916,000 bold bj Mr*. Eagleton. Tho acta*]viiliieof i!n- remainder of t1ieas**eta is placed aa

follows: Bills receivable.$14.220j stock ar No.r<l Jobn-er.. 913,700; took tu lbs Kaglotou factory.Liooklvn, 987,261 : ali ck nt Ut t. Have-, rr'.UiT.". Ibooda of tbe Meant Canal Towing Company, .io*\.lim-, 91.000, actouJ vain.- ,4:'_'.0!)0¦ steamer" Halgb," contracted lor delivery,.., | $10,000 nn-

I'iii'i. rot arbl .'. the builder has a lien 1 rl-2.800,Ike raine boina JO.OOOi tot .1. ¥8.1.840.Thc total i.f i i.f liabilities i* 9033.370 21, and in¬

cludes the following items: Kook accoouta,#.".>.<;<!2 71: biijspayable, 9275,966 60; Haime olvarious b mks, 1*199,089 j in.ii-ii*iij.-e>.. $107,752:claims of bonder* oi' ibe ateamboat .nigh, $2 800 ;tiam.sof boase bniIden at -> 1 11 Uaveu. 94,000;sundi v claims, 91,200 j H. -.Mortis, loan. 92,000.The Hst "t crediton dora nol apo* r in (beneBchednlea, nor anv of tbe Indiridual claimn of thebaBBa* Ber any classification ol tba notes or acorn-tancaa. A great discrep-iney In re-aaeol to thc aetnol Taine of tba aaaela aa

given in the acbedntos. and tlial la tbe atateinonlwaa ruled by tho aoalanoe ot the moetlug ol cred¬iton wini h waa )jrH88,13B, Ihe atoek al No. 81John-eh, wbieb a few days rigowai oonsldered hytbo assignee to bow rtb p2»5.000, ia aebednled at915,7001 No mention hi made in tbe acbedaleol400 tons of BU.itt.BCtared and nnina anfactutod ma-

ii-nal .vb (li trna alated lo be of the value of 9200]mt inn, and for windi Mr. Ainlei'i on. thc larjgeelcreditor, baa i.Her..!i (WO,OOO. Tl n i- alaono men¬

tion i f 290 tone of roda estimated at (127.000 or oltbe cable rope at Mott Haven valtnd at 926.000.




. A linsr BCBBCBimOM ni 925,000.A movement la aa fool tba Bpiecopaliana

ol tbi.s ci tv to raise a fun il Im theendowment of the(iciicral Theological Seminary,at Cbolaea-aqt.tte,nt Weet Tweiit ietb-at, and Ninth-avi., Ni W-Tork,A meetiiiK of ch-ruymeu and laymen wan held re-

tentlv ut thu ollice of F. S. to consider the¦abject. Annum present were the Dean of tho

Be_dnarVi Biebop Totter, the Rev. Drs. lion.a Dix,W-l. 1\ Monja-, John Cotton Smith. H. C. Potternnd Hanna Dyed and F. rs. Winston, J. J. Cisco. J.M, .iowa, 8. D. Babeoek, H. K. Pu-rrcpont and G.

M.-.Uer, Dean H'll'-iian stated the needs of theBen.Bary, which, in the .tty-aevea man of its ex¬

istence, lias trained fifty bishops and 1,200 other

elamymen. Its present endow m. nt is very insuffi¬cient for tin- expenses evan on tbo prooonl limitedBeale. Thc builtliiiKs arc too small fur the require¬ment-, tin- -tn.tents tiow numbering over loo, andtbe eiu'hi ineinliers of the faculty receive onlymeagre salaries for liiueh hard work, some of themcvi-i reoetaing no eo_ipenaatlon for their aerricca'Ihe Dian un...-.I that if the insiitnlion is to meet

the th iiiaiKis of tlie Church in the present en¬

lightened day. and lo train those it semis forth,it must have larger l'rtcilities for instruction.The matter had been presented io him hy a prom¬inent banker, wbo. arged that a fund of 976O.0OU.bonld be Bat¦ tired to provide for a no-, ebap I,a liluarv, leaton rooms and dormitories, and an in-coitie siirllcieiit ro support the faculty and a fewfellows, and tu meet current expenses. The Dean.aid that he bad no doubt all this ion !d he BOO.tedin time, hut thai a (juartei of a million was .ilis..-lutel.v needed now iu order that the institution.MM go on.The sam. opinions were advanced hy Fishop Fut¬

ter, the Kev. Di*. Marcan, Smith, Dix and Dyer,MK1 hm several tayatea. The seutnnent of all was

that hy ]iropir e.ort the reiiuisite suiu could beraised, and the matter was ooooded to the care ot a

ioiiimiitee coiisi.stiiiRol th* Kt v. Dis. HofTtnan, Dix,Tnt th' and Dyer, and Messrs. Cieco, Fierrepoiit,Babeoek, Scott, Cornelloa Vanderbilt, Elbridge T.Uerr> ami (... Il, Miller.At the residence of the Dean, No. 420 West

Twentv-lhiiii-st., last cvetiiiii*, it was learned thatUte subscript iou bad been led with 926,000 by a

layman, who pu fen ed that bia nauie should not henieiitioncd. Tin- Kev. Dr. Marna 3 >ix said toa

Tbibvbbrepeater last n.tht: "Nothing has yetbeen dont-lor the laismi: of this fund except theai.(...innn. nt ol' tbo connuilt.-e. No pulilic appealwill le niiide. hut the sum will be raised in the sunn*

way ns if a number of private jrentlemeii shouldHttt-nipt to secure I mids for anv charity or benevo¬lent e.iterprise. We expect tho necessary amountwill be neatly raised."A Beet.ig ol tba com.tit Ice will be held ou Tues¬

day of next week.?-



9iaMiss Fiances J. Fersuson, who was arrested last

Inoiitli for :i--:iultiiiK Kdward Bu St. John llcn-

ri(]iies on a Third Avenue Smokin^-ear, was placidon nial in the (Joint of (Jencral Sessions yesterday.Oi December 5 die c'liipliiiiiant was in tbe cai-on

bis way down town and was smokiag. MiM lolf-fa-Bon itol in Ibe dir al Sevei,th-st. and rode as far os

Caual-st. There tbe smell of ibe smoke becameVery oflensive to her and she went to the rear plat¬form. Wk.a she wus Handing then she claimsthat the c.iiniilainiint caaM out ol' ('ic cat and puffedawoke Ib bot faee. baa a va tbal che attemptedto br.ih tba anrokeawaj with her inufl audacci-dentaliv stiiicli Mr. Hi-irlimea, kBOefclOB Ins cigarnut of Ins iiioiiili. Air. H«-iii iipns then called her avile name, aad dtaplojing a badge, threatened toMi est her. lie tried to pull her od the car, shei-ii>s. and while he waa dong this abe struck iiiiii intba ltitiist with tin limul mid Kinft'. An OB.eec camenp ami she rn rump toled bim to the Btatton-boose.

ihe cmntil iinant iisserted that thc a->siiiilt was ninl it was more than a hlow withtin- mutt. Tba jury n-turticd a veiuiicl ol assaullwitt a reeornaleDuation to ¦arcv. Jodge Hilder-sleive impestd a fine of 910. Miss Fergaaoa waavery iiidiRiiaut and at iirst n-fused io pay thc line,bul on (he solicitation ol bet counsel she duallypaid it and left the curi-room.

D-J~_£88IOH IX ELECTRICLIGHT STOCK.There have heeu no i'tc.rnt sales of thc Fdison

Fid Inc I.iirht stock. The latest sale npOttad was

Bl aliout Ir^.OiKl a share, but within a week tbe

pihc bat Baptised. Tinrc are no bids, am! the pru e

is uomi.ial. Our btoket said \esicrdav that it rouldnot lie sold at .fl.ViOt), uml pg|_api not for Imlf, as thcic wai im lii'iuiry. About tlie time it

was announced that the liffbt had been peil.cie.lthe stix k rose rapidly, and a few shares sold at

f3,500 a share. As doubts bear.-m to prevail the

¦loeb swiftly declined, lt ls said that probably notmore than live shares were sold at tbe extreme

prue.'Ihe secretary of the company explained the lowprice by saying that there was very little stock inthe murker, and that tbe original holders bad su'i-pcrlbed lor thter stock simply for the Banoal ¦»

conducting exnenmeuts with the lamp. Ii tboaa ex.

periiueuts were6uccc«aful tbe stock would beolruostprieeless: If they failed, the stockholders hodoulv pabl tbo amouut of their onaimil snbscnptioiisti ascertain that result. Secretory Stoddard saidthat of tbe 3,000 shares probal>'.* ,lot D3''r« than

twenty shares were afloat, 're was sure there was

not enough loose stock u»«iake it an object for anyone to depress tno pri***-' for the purpose of securinglt at a lower rate m

ECVIOf OF OEBMAN RliPUBUCAX'S.'I u» (Vcraiau Kepublican Ceutral Committee, of

which yorhs Friedanrn was elected president last

week met at tbe Germania Assembly Kooma last

«Tr-ing. Mr. Friedsam made au addross. He said

tadat be had not been disposed to pay any attention

Jo the disposition Mr. Ditteuboefer had cxli'lnt. d

toward bim ; bat when his opponent, at a recent

meeting of the weeders, had called him a "liar," bcthought lt time to reoeut it. Tbelr organization,fie auld, had been stigmatised as tbe " machine

committee.'' But In feet, while tue Dittenhoeferfaction waamade np of men who were kept tbeteonly by patronage or promises, bo himself bad

made no promises to any one. Their organizationInni beea cull."1 a "(inuit boon." lr was nor : nor

wa* it a boom ra the i'lten-n of anv special candi¬date) hm thc eommittoe was prepared lo aapporlwhali'Vi-r nomiiiiit ion was Bade by tin- POI I v.

Tba v.iciiiicicHia two ot ihe rnatrieta to hi' thepl ices nt thone who hud BQCOdod WOW dcc!:.r,"llilied liv eleetli.iH held daring thc wed. MidciuntiiiK theae the number of doleaatea rotingwas H."). An Executive ('ommittee WBBappointed.


Sll I gol D-MAOBg FItOM THK r'ORTY->l'.('()N I'-

M. (Ol L!SI(>\.Thc which eeeaned Thatadiay naorning

on the Sixth Avenue Elerated Railroad at th-- One-

htiridied-iind-iittv-li'ith Street .-'talion, was spokenol by tba nilroad oflksrata yeaterdai: aa ana-artof very lull.- imp miine-. Tbe lads wen- as I..!-

Iiws: At ,".:."il> a. m. Tliiii'-il.iy, befON tba -taltrain from down-lown had reached Ihe up])crterminus of tue road at (inc-linn.lred-aii 1-

Ifty-flftb-ot., tbe locomotive need i'i aaakiag up

ii.iii.s wus standiagon a side track a short diatancetroin ;i swit. ii nat-1 in passing la tbe main track.Anotbereagiaeattaeheil to ¦ train of empty e.ta

was stan.lin:.' on the midd! traci) and (acing in thetaine direction. There wen no paaaengen in thecns. Theswitehmaamade a atftnal intended totone of tlie engineers, bnt lt waa acted on by Loth.Aa tbe enginea wen at a rety .bot) diatance iiom

Ihe point where th-- switch noeses Ibe midd te trucktln-y could not lu stopped befon they came in enl-lision. The force ol toe erasfa woo onfficlonl iw the driving-wheels of one of tbe locomotives(inni the nilla, bm tbedamaa. doi >¦ waa -eTyalight.Ii waa '-titi-int the office of the company yeateraaythat ;¦ thorough investi|ralion hud been made of theaccident, but it had not -, t been d t.i mined whetheranv of thc employ.i tv .lill bc discharged,('oionel Jnhn T. Harold, wbo lived in Macon-at.,

Rrook lyn, was injured byihc collision on the Kew-Vnik Elevated Railroad, al 'Hind ave. mid Fortr-Becond-st., in March last. Decently he began a suitagatual ti.*- company in tic Kim'-, Co.oty Su-pr. it. Conti to recover damaaea io theamomit of 950,000, and yesterday a mo

tion was nia.ii' baton Judge Gilbert, on thcpin! ci thc defendant, in examine the plainti-ia oro trial in order to aaeertain bia phvaioaJ com-dirion. Several physicians were suggested by thc

company's cou uso! to condncl tbe examination,among them Dru, Loomis, Guy, Watson, AnsiinFlint,Jr., Frere, Delafield, Sayre, Van Bona nndMarcy, all nf this city; bul tbe plain! ill"-, !,( liiiiiiiiev Bhafter, objected lo them,! not show -inli wholeaale ilisira->t olphysicians," snid Judo** Oilbcii."They are all .New-V..rk men." respondedtho law¬

yer, " and I don't want men wbo ure wineoand(lined i'Vi ty dav by 1 lie companv.'1

Ihe mallet v. as at length adjonrncd until to-day.



T! poiiec of tin- Bcventeenth Pncinct were

scut liing hist eveniag foi three robb mWbo on the

pnviona evening broke tbe abow-window of LouiaBeck'ajewelr] atonal No.70 Aveone-B, and 91,000la diam.uids. Tba robber] waa com¬

mitted aboat aevon o'cli.k. Mr. lick w:is behindtbe sln.w-c.i-c bi hia ¦tore, and ietaral awnben ..i

lu- li mil j- were in a tOOBI duct liv in the nar,

Buddeoly a large wrapped la a pieceof blue cloth waa thrown through the plato glaaawu..low, shattering lr to fragments. Three menwere ate.ding on the sidewalk, and one of tbembegan to gather op tbe diamonds which lay on

shelves behind tba glees, small swinging lIks-.doon senarated tbeae ahelvea from tin- interior oltbe atora, and while attempting to aeiiethe thiefSlr. Heck abattered the glaaa with Ins bead andhands, cutting himself so aeriooely timi he hilback fainting ami covered a iib blond.The ct ii >b i n ir of tiif glaaaattracted the nol ic of the

other inmates of thc buddinu, Imf whoa tlicvattempted to open 'ne front door they found it tiedfast. The thieves escaped by iiitininir through a

billi next door and climbing over a fence into a

yaid which had an opening in Fifth-st, Mr, Beckiv:i, unable to leave his bed lust eve.lng. Thethieves were BOOn liv several neighbors, and ac¬

curate descriptions of them were given lo thepolice.At almost the same honrof thetobbery in Avi.nue-

B| a thief threw a stone through thc window nftho jewelry store nf Mill-. St Cole.I mi, .it No.180 Griiud-*t. Diamonds worth 90,000 wenin thc window ot the tune, bul th" thiefwaited only long enough to plunge bia bandonce into tbe window apace. Ile was eloaely pur-aoed. Imt managed to escape by darting into a laott-sf. alley. The proprietors of the store could nor Lillaat evooiag what the thiefhad ma.aged tn carr*away.



The Manufacturers' and Merchants' Bank, at No.527 Broadway, which was robbed nf *}.:(*.imo bjthe late bookkecDtr, .lohn 1'. Haws, who waa ai-

rcsted recently, has closed up bonnels as a Btatebank. The hank has been in existence immy yean,and was reorganized in December, 1870, JosephPool succeeding A. Masterton as pteoldoot. 1 la-

capital was reduced at tliat lune limn 9900,000to9100.000. The nuuk made ninney ni) to Ibe auboa-zleinent of the bookkeeper, bul th.- e_eei ol

timi caaaed a larne falltug oil in the depooilo,and it was Anally decided to ko ont ni baaini at

allder Tin- State laws and ieni iMiii/.e under theNational laws as a National bank. J In; hist qaar-teily report of Hs condiliori, on DeCOmbei IU,ahowed that tba total liabilities, exclusive ofcapital stock, were 9281,303 53, of which9356,080 38 waa daa dapooiton and 93.100 6. toother banks, lin- totalneonnea were9381,39253,which Included Innn.) iind disoounta, $174,262 69;due flinn orher banks, $.'.:<."til 30; specieand heal- tenders, 956,333: hills, cluck-, etc.,935,245 34) stocks and bonds, 811,060; cur¬

rent eat*..tea, 97,71808| _rioce.aneooo a

943.071 34. I lie nport to tim CloarinaHouse for the week end'ng January 17,shotted are-age amount ot loans and discounts,9107,800] average amount of specie, 85,000;fegal-tonden, $71,200; average net depoaita,$25(i,7<K).President I'ool said yeaten lay that the hank had

closed np ami was going into the National intern ;

he thought most of the old .beeton would be re¬

elected, nmi he would probably retain lin-

dency. He said all the dcposltois had been paidntl. willi the exception of about $10,000, v. Inchhail not yet been called for.


i\(. RBMJ-lg Ol lil!ink.

Charles Knoll, of No. 70 Alyea-M., Newaik, wai

¦mated Tfedaaadaj fog beating his wife oa Mun¬

day night, the coinplaiiit being made by a Beighbor.The Police Sun-eon afterward visited the womnn,

when he foe.d ia bed. Bel left eye appeared tobe entirely none, and she could hardly goa oat mtthe other. Her body was bluck willi bruises (rombead to foot. Oe Monday Bight Knoll went honic

and administered a hooting to his wife. He tb. ii

went to a sab.on, and n-t iirinnu about millinght.dragged her out of bcd, and tore off her Dlgbt-elothing. He then foieed her out into the street,heating ber with the hinkle end of g lam strap.He continued to Btri.a ber in! thc way to bliaabetn-st. aad buck, whoa be dragged her into thc houseby the hair of bat bead. Ile then Jammed her beadagainst tba wall, making dents la the plaator, amisprinkling il with her blood. Ile alaobrokea broomhandle ov. 1 her hack.Wherever the tomine of thc buckle struck the

wo.ian'a body it eat oat partielee of Beeb, loaringJiol.-s inio which it linger could be throat, Kooli i-

fotty-tive yean old, sn; feet high, and han a giant'sstrength. Hit exeaae la thal hu a Ife i« addicted toliguor. lt taalleged that he lias frequently bu tutedthe woman, on cue ooeeeion hy in-ntyi-^ a poker redhoi and oat-trine uer witb it. When arrested by theoftiiirs be rcijucHtefi io br allowed to go home Ant,and when tic reached then. i>.t made a rush at thebad when the woman lay ami an, -w'tB, lo dniKher from it. They have three children, tBO ii.i.'..ionly ebtht years old. Knoll ia now confined in thoCounty Jail.


THE ri.IXCE STREET MURDER UNSOLVED.Capluiu McDonnell denied, yesterday, that Mis.

Smith, the keeperof the house where Annie Downeywas murdered, was under arrest, hlie is very sickaud is hardly able to leave ber bcd. Captain Mc¬Donnell further said that lie hail learned nothingnew in tbe ease. He was watching for certain per¬sons whom lu-exp, cted to have in custody soon.

Coroner Knox declared that be wa* extremely anx¬

ious to reopen the case, bul, he was waiting for somedevelopments from the pollOB. ll. dil not want tohun \ the inquest sa that a jury wouid be com-

pelled to bring in a ferdie I that the young woimm

met her death at the hands of BOBO peraoa unkn own.Be ssid tba eaae waa a nyatortouo ooo, inn he wmnot without hope thai it would yet I.e solved.A young woman, wbo was in MM house winn thc

uiikm.vMi viaitor ealbfj un Annie Dowaojf, -inri tlmtte was a c.i.iiM-I.M.kiiik' li .-liiiiiiii, to whom Anniebad beckoned iu the street.

A MAN WHO KEJ-M A GIAKDIaN.The generally accepted truth that few of thc fools

tue yet bas rei-eired another illustration inthe case of John A. l'otts, of No. 1117 Kast Thi nu

si-th-st. Mr. Potts, having s-'.iki to invest,answered au advcrtiseuieot signed " Heliablc,"

offering lane retaraa from small toyeetaiente, aadinvited " Reliable" to call on bim. Tbe advertiser,who*.' name tbe eondding Pntta n. vcr tooktt-.etrouble io inquire, c tiled .nd mid the s,mp;e dupethat hissi !i-mi- for makingmoney waa an for winning al the -arne cal!.-1 faro. Puttaknew ii't'i nu* of faro, bal weal with " Reliable toN.i. 41 WootTwenty-eighth-at. Of eonrae be koon

I. al bia 9600. lb- ha*- bad B Iward 8. Scott, of Plo.887 Sixli-iive. mr.'-te on the chari*.- of being tbsiiiuii who dwindled bim. bot thew seems to bc

io.iia (ioiiot about th" iili-iititii'iit i'm.

HOME sews.

p-ftOtfiXKMi trUMVAMUntfuuni Boam Coogiwwmaa Wnm-r Miller, of

ttl tri lini-i N V r'.i.n S/t'~re Ifntel-lntrien lt. (

t,t ii.-l.i! ..Wtndett Hf. rietierol st. li. Marvin, nf Al.I,.,,iv -.-., Hotel DeWlrt t\ Weat, ot Li.wvll'.-.N Y inni K P Drake, it, Ki.lent of th>- at, rani toa Hloux

f-ltjr Railroad ("otn..or tl. Jomet Watti Ex-Oo-ernorit. D. Cooke, .ir 'ii,- matriel "l ColamtitB. sod Jrt.n s. ii.

ll .i,i-l-v. ..I llrl'U" port iaunI UOK

ant tullin.allder Krcleni V ROO-TS-O, V. 8. N.PreroortI, ... Mi,ii,in Ila la-r-l.e ol Mrlmlitt

i.> ( i.nifti'.pi.iiiii lt p. ..' orin, sodOoortTO ll. Salilli lill Hanni CIiikiwii W. (Iiivi liiineiil DBMtorsof Hi; Union la. Hie K.'.llr... .1.


The Winter oxaminatiooa ur tbe College of tbe

City of New-York were pnded reatorday. and thosecond collegiate term will begin '.ti Monday.The next lecture in the Cooper Union free course

trill be deliver! d thia vening bv Profeaaor John A.VTiiiaac. ol Hus city, on "The English Language.

l.iiile Freddie .merson, the child ir r: alone bjbis mother tor ibirty-aix boan In a room with a

riciona eat, haa been given Into tbeeanof the for the I'r-veiition of Cruelly to Children.Th.- new ferrv-hon:m of the Pennsylvania Railroad

Company at the Biol of Cortlsndt-st, is nearlycompleted, and will cost nearly 1180,000. Tbearrncton i*> built in a very anbatantial manner, andtbe walting bails an coromodlooaTho mild weatber baa left the public parks in an

excellent condition. The walka lo the downtownparka have been nield, and in the BptinB tho-ie intin- uptown parka will be began. Central Part hasa apeeial appropriation of 830.000 for tins par-pow.The latest seores in the choaa ton rn a merit are ns

follows) Captain Mackenaie woo 10-g, lost 2;Grundv won 12 .Imbi won lO-o, h.-t il Mohr won

lOijfc loot 8 ; Bellman won 0**g, loot :i: Delmor wonsi.j.losi B ; Ryan won 5, lost IO; Ware won l-g,lo-t fl: Congdon wen 2, loot i<»; Cobafeld won -g,Inst 1 I.

Baperintendent Jackaoa dlaeovered an Inaaneimmitrranl at Castle Garden yesterday, HiI *!... 11 ii h A. Pfel lae, who waa sent acroos t.,.-

A t lu ti 1 ii- by tie poor offlcials of Rockelwltx, Gar¬ni my. Th-- case waa nferred to tho German Consul,arith a request to aond tho maa borne and to makaau iuveel igatlon.OfficerJohn Kagent,of the Eighteenth Precinct,

who oraBacquitter! last week In rh>- Conrt of Gen-em! rVtsioimof tlie charge of complicity In 'heManhattan Rank burglary, bal waa not allowed toresume bis linties as a police officer, will be pat oa

trial to-day before tbe Police Commiaalonen on a

chan e of " onaorting with thieve-.'''I be Fin Conimiaaionon nnreaented, yeah rd it,

in :t lit itt to tho Superintendent nf Hartdlnga, thegreat obstacle to the wort of the tir.tij, u offered byiron -hull, is wblcb could not lie opoiied exi pi tib great sacrifice of tl. and labor, aad a ked thaithe law n 111' r ?; j iron shntten above the fl rsl storyof bouses to bc to couatrnctod aa to opea from theoutside be itrici Iv cut.need.John Jay, Daniel RnntloBton, Profi -or Drisler,

and tbe Rer. Drs. Osgood, Morgan, Potter, Kwer,nnd others, bave Invited lbs Rev. Dr. John H.I !,.llet., ..I Chicago, to leetore in this city on Shakeo-|. ne, whom be lin-, studied maui yean from a

peculiar point of view, in. I' - baa consented,and will deliver two lectures In thia city, the Minennil place to be annoanced hereafter,Tba invoatigation into Annie Downey'a death,

univ generally supposed to be a mnrder, develnpetjiioihiiiir inw reaterday, further than the admis¬sion ol Captain McDonell tbal be boped -<...n t..

eaptun a man wbooe actions had hiaans-piciona ii.nneetlon arith 1 be matter although hewaa nol pnpared to aajr that ins arrest woald helpto -ol ve nie mystery oj Um .-use.

A petition to < fongreaa ia being extensively aiflby -bio merchants and other- m this city, askingthat the lnws ol 1 !;o United Btatee relating tmen be so modified tbal ship-owners -hail nu longerbe compelled to pay throe month-/extra wages toseamen discharged from American \ nooeti in tarriaroports with llieir own consent, or f..r jual cot.te,when they an in good health ami able io procureother employment.Tbe funeral ten ieee ofCndwaladerEvanatookphi e

yeotorday In tba Cknrobol the Transfignration andwen largely attended Ly m. ni...1 tbe Manhat¬tan Club, and delegation! from the Tammany Bo¬eiety. Holland Lodge F. and A. M. ami tba Unionand PhiladelphiaClnho. Mi leamenilierof all these organitations. Tbe oervice waa read byDr. Hong.toa. who waa aaeiated l.v the Rev. Mr,lloajrhton. The body was taken to Philadelphia in Lanni lliil Cemetery.The sub-coin.iiiilee of twenty npt«ti ntr*il by the

Tammany Hall Committee on Organisation to ka-\ .si a-.te itu- eb.iiu.s made in n-L'iinl In the con-.Imt of tho election in the VTth, Mlrb. XMIth andXiXth Assembly Dist ii evening, Tbelamination Into the complaints regarding tbe

Vlth District was continued. Timothy J. < amp-beli, president of the di,tri.-I ii- octal lon, andforty-seven member*, teen pre ont. Tba taking >.fthe testimony was com Imbil, but lin il action iv;,.-.

delayed, ItltltOKI.YN.The Williamsburg Gaslight Company b reduced

tho price of gao to *.- a 1 lion, md feet, ko take ef¬fect rebru.1I> 1.The llileetllls ,,f (be I!|o,i)Jyi| C||V I fit! 11' ..ll I Coiil-

i-:iii v bave elected Chorieo C. (lette president, in tboIiiuii ot Thuin as rjullivau, who tx signed ncently.While tlie family of l». V. Saxton, of No. 73 Wil-

loiiirbby-ave.. wen at dinner, Thursday evening.theh'.ii-e wu-, int.r.l through the front door, whichhud eanleooly bera lort unfaatoned, aod nob <i <,t

jewelry valued at £122.I he Cnromt's jury in the case of Klijah rfaah,

who waa Blobbed on Januarj lt by bia brother-in-law, Stephen Meeker, ..i No, i7 I'm.c. -st.. returm 1a verdict tn accordance with the facta, Thnntdo.*!eventnc, and Moeket waa com.titted by thoCoronerto await Un- notion of tbe Grand Jury.

I'rcsuicnt Black, of tbe Brooklyn Common Conn¬ell, yeaterday liv.I the h-r il standingcommitt<*eoil pl-'' lilted by bim. He did li.,! SPpOllll bllllSell ..'i

any committee. Aldermen Binlthand Powen,wbowen elected aa Republieana, bnl have acted withthe li.tiiik mts for aevenl months, won welltreated in tba make-up of tbe committeeo. TbaRepublicans received only a ain*rJeabainnanahlp.tiiat of the Law Commute.'.

.iri:-l.v CITY.Ely C. Spencer, wbo waa rharged with forgorv, nt

Jersey Cityyeeterday inorntBi was honorably db>charged.William Mon. ll. a workman on tba Uland Black

Tom, waa seriously Iniured Thursday by liebig.Mi-bed by the Fall ufa heat v beam, Ho was takenlulim Cbaritj Boepital, Jereej City.'Ihe ananal report of tbe Jeney City Police Di

partmaot wea made lael evening, lhere urn ii;,men in the Department, ..r one t-. aver) 827 pei.-In tbe city. Tbe offlren avenged 38 amata eachtba antin number of arrests being .".. lilli.A mini who eave his name as Jeremiah Ni "v ann

was lound lil -t night scented in the bundine;,,. |l('.Provident Institution for Bavinga, nt Washingtonami Plymootb-ata.,Jeraoy City, Me wus arrestedand looked np to await an examination. He claim, .1that be was without a home and friends aini thal hewent into tbo betiding to sleep.

NKW-.IKltSKY.Ei.iz'.nfTii.-.To.ej.h T. dowell, of Rahway,ap¬

peared in court \i sleiil'd and pleaded not guilty lotin- Indictment chargina lum with tin* of Rahway Cit) moneys, h., i;;iVi. |,,(1| jn.*.->,<»<><> to appear at tba May term of (curt.

Iliiiiuiiim -'ihe Kev. Mr.Trambnwor.paator ofthe Porter (M. E.) Church ;,t Weet Hub .ken.placed his effects in a wagon, nnd, accom¬panied by Truatoe George Sum ll, removed them tothe house of his sister in Brooklyn, where be is at

present staying. The pa tor attended a prayer-meelina at bia church rburaday evening, and Mrs.Boh leturned to ber home.I^wnuce Iturit-l.v.ii member of the Itoanl of Aldermen, waa ar-rested in thia rity Thursday, by Constable Stmgea ou n w ni i,int issued by Justice .aitch ona

charge ol a-si.ult. pnferred by Mn, I'nrein, wife ofa hotel proprietor In VVaabinirtoti-ati

KIAlliS I.^I.ANt).Ni w-IiiiKiiiTON..Michael (¦'¦''.imo, tbe Bich_tond

Ctrunty Agent of Mr. B-wgb'a Soeietv. recently ar-nigned before Jnotice Kullmao, al Now-Brigbton,Abraham Lifconaaa, whom he enargod aita ina-liciimalr driving over a goat ead cauaini the ani-DuPodoatn. I.berman, niter paying a lim-ami re*ociving aaeven nprimand from the Justice was

dla barged.Ti.Mi-KiNsvn.i.r..Henry J. Hiiete, the absent af.

Cn-ia I ofthe Engbieertai DepartaMnl of tba (Jnv-eiiiiiniit works at Tompktneville, who suddenlydioappeatod early liisi Hammer, aller having de¬frauded the Government and a number ofrestdentaOl Staten Island out of lurg.' sinus of mouev livforgiiiKthe name of General Duane, commander ofthe Government worka at TompkinaviUc, _j ;i|Jqiliquc, Booth Anic-lica.

ENDOWING BOCHESTEa t NIVEBSITT.Rodti.sTKit, N. Y., Jun. 2tJ..Since hist July

$1()(),())X) luis l.t-.ii (imtrii,mid t.i Hie Koch, Nt. r I'm.VtTMly. anti *1((0,(HX> \i\et\yt-r\ Invvaial nu astro iihIih.-ii eui Of 1260,000, rlii.-ii tom, wlini mined, will _i>ethe lae.tatton MOONGOO prodaetlva fa.da.


Hai.ikax, Nt. S., Jan. _3..Thc non-arrivalol in. linc mw ship colen the Arslow st Lon-ilon, Eii.latnl. fur which place iii,- ml tal rrmn N'eir-Yorkun tlie, ll)th of Novernbur laat, bsa caun-d n.iieii saraolnets. Hut to-ituj s callie aispaicti auuouuced ber ss tusiriral In Urcst llntsiu.

POSTSCRIPT3:30 a. m.



1 Mtf it:!-ca ci n ivs TABI N UV gov Ki: Null DAVIS.

Anil si v, M. ., Jan. 28..ll is the eeneral im-

|.n --lui ben that matters'ire in ii more cn tied con¬

dition than they have b en tor nome time. It( to ba the lull Jeal before tho atora.Tin re are sii-uncious circumstain es which leadto this alat.l to thc (louds of men coll et¬

ina at non.ts, nnd from li.un abroad tin- valences of this alarmlie in the ooattasanoo of oraanieatiou amongtba Fusionists, the rni lng of money to sustain Humiii th. ir action, the .-.ctivitv nf Major .1. L. Sin it li

(the 1'iisionist ".Governor"), tbe holdbtg oatof Bowyer (wbo elaina te ba Beeretary of Btate),tbe drilling of teeni banda of armed men, aod thedeclaration of Tht Pretatatt leter CaroiiWi of

Anbnrn tbal tbe state Honae must betaken though il co-Is thousands of livce.I hose wini im ii ai ne thai the Fusion lateen Inactive,and th it they bave abandoned theil cause,are laboring nuder a inlataka, Meson, Pillbury. Blood, Chaoarng, and other Fuaioniatsare known t:i be antonina mon In everyoountyin th.-Mite. Mea are collected in country towna,reedy lor J. L. Bmitb'a calL Captain black, of a.a-

gaeta, i-, drilling men nightly.While the Government ia not alarmed, it fully

graapa the utnation, and will make the Btate Hon-'

perfectly impregnable, Tbe Bnl military companythat ever entered the Btate Hon-.-, tbe Capitol(narda, marched In id midni ,

..yoi Naen addreoaed the following note to Gov-ri.or Davis t snigbl :

lu rion of the tbresteoiur attitude of per-".ns hito th.- preaeol Qoverooient .¦( the sine..-Hamel tn -,iy |n ymir I iveelli nev tl. 'I I

my elwil pol. r..ic will be onside io snflriontly protect public property st Ibo Coi'ltoi, or erenbold !".- -es. I..a nf tbe bul diog Itself, naskitt inch force

publloeni Bteoaeoml. nilling and iiL.c loiniii'-- ai. iii - lt.

(. rernor billin bas becotni fully convinced .,i

Of tlie litnal lon. and bi's orderedto tin- *-; ,1,. Honae tl. ¦ Caplt >l Guardand SicbmondLighl Infantry. ThoAnbarn LightInfantry will leave thal placn for tbe capital al 2o'clock this morning, and other militarj foreee a iiii.e brought h..).. if neeeaaary.Informationof the operations of the F..onbita

eames from reliable men in each county, Tbe de¬sign ia to take tbe Btate Boneo.Pillabtiry'a laalhope. ll. lioneatoounti membenof tbe Fusion

fa iv. ,1 by the co,liltedin members, rbeprompl ictton of Governoi Dariawill aver! all trouble, Tbe conspiraton an tobe banted down, if ii lukes all the force at theGovernor's command, lien are known to be readjat the call of 8mitb in Lincoln and Somerset Conn-

tbo ai" to t lite aleig.a acrooa eoantry.Tbe pr,.intt action ol Colonel Teaks pnventedmoretnenl in llseataqnit County.A Gallina gun will be lure In tbe morning. All

ni muries iii lin- Sf -it .. ar under g ii I rd. !,.. I.'. >.u i.¬ mean to hold possession, ami if tbe statetroopaaninad .nate the President will h.- callednoon foi aid.

[for rtrtt ar.;,.dui af the n.-rtit nt ere ftrtt paye ]


I I I I! IU I AU --lill I BOIXS IMI* TO Till! CH if tli.

At ll li'ti-r liiiTlr lin) following additional il.(miswere obtained lioin the llnrti.tli l'r.-ciiiel in whichtbe accident occurred. A v.-uk m.m's train was carry¬ing workmen from tbe northern let.duna of theroad, and was proceeding down Elghth-ave, al a

(J(li)d IBte Of Speed. When between Onelllliulied-and-forty fourth ami Cme-bnndred-and-forty-flflh-sis. ibo eiiL'ine was thrown by a misplaced swill h and fill tothe iroaadi Ben n men were on the engineat tin; time, and t'u-v all Bteapeddeath, altboegh nooe eacaped .a_armed,ran of tin- mea ame hun so badly that it isb.ii.vid they will die. They were sent rotlie Ninety-ninth sin-et _oopitaL The other men wen caredfor by the [mili. a until they could be sent to their

honi's I'll another angina wbicb hud been tele¬graphed for.



Pilli,'ttiA, .lan. 23..Judge M-Katman,ia the United Htstes Ooart iaaialag, delivered an

oplotoa la tao caaa of j.'tm BBofan Hall egotast tbapi aasj iviini.i Hiiiiiu.i.l company. Tint la n loot nit,t rie.i in mg, to Ba tBe rf *|n.n-t iu 11 ty for tba loos ty iiu*

PIM are Mot. ledge MeKennon decides that" tleulin.i.tiii. il nf B-OS CatUl'd !'.'. tile vi lille !li | ii 11 fl'-*bim 'I- vv. r> in iniii-it hv tlia .I.f-, Ihe i.i.-im

Isa of tbe exception lu lie '.ii ol lading, and Itsereforolin- plolatlg IS Ht"! lilllie.1 Iii i, ,\, I."


Br. Juiiv, N. B^ Jan. 23..-Captain Balmer,,,r h.. iwootlbool BM a wan.i.i. wini 'a straekoa Blsea>potol lest I a.--.liv ii ,.i ii i.I a teb avaio fi bb

l)i.ii) r -I I-. in.: t imt i tt. \. el bad i.aplekodnpi mom il-n' men reatorday aad towed lalo tko lallat

,a,i tinii iv ,i nun.',' tober voi rory lUgkt,

MA UlM. IS TEELIBMNOM,mi-ia roan n,u .aaa

ro bbcBmnest. 1 i« huh nit. tio*)tc-ekfoit,l>>a.l0a.Hoodtel B»~0 aoutbl IO "-' M n.-..' igv. idfi, ' il

n .ii v. ina mv i. m.. ¦univ Hum., a VI .'.ev ItlooJ 6*03, Unli ititi. 7 VJ

ii ,u iva ins rtDi'landy Hook.. MOlUoV. I.lani ti ll Hilt Ul*. H.1S


Ijhtp nc-. Mn. Booobsr, Mr. Booroo, JJ. 0.rtsoh "li i.i.l Ml*, s-i liw _i /. H. IU linn.,nil. li

l .."1 ai i.V. Ht nil ira. Iir. Ii. Jr.

nm \. iii, i. vii i*. I.cos, i(.

Kenalnaton MIm J. I'.p-r. Il r. Ucliwi-lki-r. '/.. T.Mimi. P. W, M. 1 l.. I ll.

UV UTI.Itt-lill- M.l-IA.

-.. Mn I Ia -I . V. Ilurl-r. T. I.Kui!fi Bra. M Howard, A 'I ii.'.ii. Ail-n.-,-,,ti. Sf-- !' "t 1-. r Wm-. I. <1 limwi,, ii. li.

Iiylui, Ml mI BOB 1:1 I Bl I Bl -ii w.- in iiiiiin.

n. i..i. num. i ni aiirahoio. i.e..p. Rrootiober.OttoHrlM-nllrk. C. lt. "¦ « lark. \

. \i-.. v. '/.;.h.i um,, ' .Mulila',lill".. K. Heeu... V.

i m. ii wrn. -if i" rt is iteini, w.\,i-i. v.m. ml. Dr. i". Wee*. \y.

lui?."Ilalniuiiii. IU ,'., rliol/, I!.l...ei.iK-l>cii,'T. A.

suit- BEWS


^ir Canada (Br), lleolsr, London Jon IO, in f w ,i Hunt.Btr Kinta Bri, Hoi rti. London lan 0, lo 11..n-i.-i--. .n m, lilli In (Ott i. mnk-. lli.'iii, n Un i |, Vi.i Bi iilliumplui,

Ifj 111 ,t . u

Mr Hehalrlaoi i Duli ti). Clieviiller, ItiittrnUm .lim lo, to

I'uii. li K.lvi- .(' ( n.

v(r j-it ll/.ii .ml lit.Ik), An.'" i-".ii. Antwerp Jan lil, tuivt w Pl-lll ,t io.

sirKa'e |-iiwe.-.i mri, Wilton. Maples Dec 19, Mraaina lssir Kn... I'n wet-'i inn, VMisii-i. .>.ipun nee iv, Mraaltia ,S

l'llfriuu'jl, Vilenrii -ju. and illbratur . :, lo Pbolpa Braa.sir S",,li;t III ¦. -pl "ill. d' ii'" !'' .' 1 '. I"', le.I ii -ill, Nttpi...

'.-a. m. .-in i 29, Pali noa .'7, toe (Ubi tltar Job S, to iitu i.,

str BrsrimsrCutt* in I.TBoaj ...., Hftangtial Nov 1. Am.iy7. -mu., pule l'.e J, sac/, it, ninl i. i!n.ii tar Jan ."., to llemlui_nn iii...

Iinr* < n'.«'". ."""ie, ¦. ...iiiiskiii, nii.'iiii, Avtr. I., tim|lh wtMil ililli III'le. til (1 Ai'iatni't * i-,i: Ve..el I.,|,Harli 1.,'l'Mi/n I 'uni audiinlio (Hall, I iiiiiiiailm ;,-,, iiliajfiiuv il.. vi.i Casitari Ilea ... in biiimt tu.innn 0 s.-iiutruri'.- H.- it T 'A'mr. ¦¦ m:iii,I'eiii.imi.,1,,, B2 Osrc with it.r_

in ll II HwlftB («/.n.aiii'..f Jaraey), Lo liniTu, Miu.-iiin SS dart willi

i ni fi ii. u.xi I. Bfnrcao A Cot traoet to Geo |- Halie)i-.i it. In. Mai!;,. Alv.aii.l, Bt 0IB9OUS tliiiil, U| IS nova

wlih Irnnbof toC'bst I, Borlaani ts ffl lo P ll Hniirii ,v- r

itniiiu Masssr, i.M'.vn mi. psnaaoo. Doc un. wlui to.-I,, tu -pun- .t Bnrasss

I'.rlt Jul) ii "-'tiri wtMnl, Man kin, I! lu Janetrn llilav., to arden reosel ta J I'. Wanl i Co.

Urti Cul (troon), l.aliisilni, lim un.i 11 iliiy-i. lil hall.nt tu i>t, ..« 1.1 a,1' BO . * "BO -v- t "¦

Uria kimmi I, Holl I(<1 Hoaton Pi rn, Smnn lo (lrtn-1* llSltit. willi hui;:!! .i lineal. Mil.lum ,v CO; v.- ..tI i,. t-B; v,i... ll .1 .ie*.

H«tii v\ ildemsi (of Bnehsportl I'arkfi-. Ja.i.u '.>i; ,\nT% *u\,Io^wih^i io I..i- a i'n. tstai Ito Milli* .i UouKhtoa

s.'tu A'M'i Dosne. Mieksraon, Ma.nraei I'Jdsrs, oiib trnltloaSBSesO l-.'iir-ill, vimt-i tu in i.l, i.

-i ii ille.'irilu Bsirtoo, M iv.-iiriiez ll tUn lite H. vc.11 tu Mi!|,.r .'. Hnnsbton

-i-iii iu- ir -I i'hoon (of hi John. N HI, Wilton. Pori will,luna KiiUv. willi |m Linn-! tn W K Dur/eB . Bout v.

A T Pei.-v.-rhr i. i Baird (ot Ht Jobs n iii, Ibaoll, ValfaMlw rm

BO.ira, fitii p.iaiiM-s to IV B Dntyoa .i.; raaael t.>' A Tllela l. ir,ipvin(t (et at itkm^tt Bl, Oroasama Port WOUsbm'.',',: na,, wit (.iiiMtifi to W K Iniryea J^ .~uiih; v, Bro*,

Ki-lir l^.pua. I'naalily, San nil! C'J tUrn. with SOeOOOOtl tai J1' mutIhi,,-«chr Dolly Varden (ot noiri.n). Rtiilib, Canning. N B via

Martilaa, willi pntutnei tu gOBBOMll Hroi .

WI.Mt Ouoati-Al Sundy Honk, trttb, NW; < AtCity laiaml, tile aatu*.

Cl. KA tia r>.

hlri elly oflnrlin iHn. l.iv«it»K)| vii ynieinUiwu, I., Baliami (liri. Whlliiurst, Ht Plum.

Mrlilirctoun, Corr o'sp-iln, eic, A K nntcrbridae A Cn: Rich¬ill, ml. si e fe uk, Wen Point. OM bo-uialim Sa Cot Marti.Mlpvt- ns, c.iiiiiie. [Ul Illunie vin I'nrii.len. I .** Kreuit.

. instillin I use,,,- /ii,,r,. Mai'tiiiaiin. B rt- inen Her-mann Koop A < u, Hoi .1. r Hoya f Ui.tchi.l'.iilrinK. Ui.iler.1j.ii,, K.lvc <t ru; Umist! Quos dir). Killi, Tybee, ll A 4J etas-artUni t.s IniniiK (-et-hraii (Br) McKelian. Borilani-. Fiineh,

K-lye a Cm Csra (in-.. HaiUrin, lian fm. J P Wbttooy & Coil(e»fulti. .-.oi'. Asl iksr-ii, Hmiitiiii'ir. .(; T.iiii.n * ci: vveilthyI'.'ii.Iifnn. Blanchard, Antler. .Uv i. ti.ror.liTi. Caiver Aliiiiius Dirrelui-, lira Nhamper. Halifax, A T Heney: Kralje-- len mihi. 1*1.ii, h. <-ork oil anton. Mineoneli A Cot ii»t>|..vHoxie¦ Hr), t r*iiei!t, Bani*.ox, snow k Borgotaiaoaoesaoo,Wsotberg, sauna io (Iranda, J B Wur.t BOo.Britt Kin Limo i'nril.l)' Alli-'.., VlHIilli, (1 trtisiin'k .t Ci).

Modest Nor). Abno.rjr.<o. Cort.tgens, Honiton, Bovesea,I l.'K.rliUt.'. Uh Wdd WstO 'in I" IS, Kl vs.ten'U. MSB-ham, II.'V.mmi, Picker.S A CO; IS ,N Col lymure (liri. Michie,Deni i. A T Honor,

sirlira sprint'Hird (liri,, st Jo'in. N ll, ."-immellBro»; i;imr.iou Koki t, manyon, Oardaaaa, b 9 Mete.f A co.

tt i ir i (¦ ftThe Wlil tn Crnii Linc ste.i m. r*. Antwerp and New York.

win bi-resfter uaofoi its0.tns*olablo>rnuntsIs*bsI twooov.a Ushts.odo tnrvsrrt sm! soe afI ihowrni oralla tinnitusti. colori ire "i uni wime i ibcoso. ni Too- wilt b* boroedBlts-ootaqr lu pises si * maltssaooilr, ss formerly pabMektt,

KMCBU,AM'iui'.s..nmOB, Jan 'J-1.-S!r elna sninrt Mri. Cunt Harlen, from

New-Ortasos, liefnre reported a/roni.l in Hts S'liu-ldt.lia-i beenUghtooo< ami gooloo.

roBBins !. nt n.f.ivt'Kpo'.!,, .Lui IMIaat, str enj- of I'.icirann.t,

for Ne tv

LOMDQ ,'.aI, -Bolled -.'nth Insr. Nnnlinii|iiiil Fnlnmt.Sail ile, OlurtSj 'J lat I.l-l. sel.Htlall lifll. Vie Of H'lplHot.benr), the latter for Penascolai Marr Jone (Capt Both-eilan '. I.r lliiliinnre: din, H M Me,-rix. Sign (i'm t *"'.vl'.",Bot.tri 4, all fur Vai-'Yarki Sid ium Bi.rlllo, tor Mobile\i i i.e-lia, lor Doboy; Kilo M" re. -.f. ililli :ini.innn Kit .¦ -, <' ipi Z.i. ,-liari as. n .''.I mat, Iii imiifiil Hint,

tin- ivsi two for Pni iiiei'iiiit; Dslto(captotis.bera).for I. ' p\ ,-. /.!/..


I -u("ii"-il over fifteen years nilli NervousI Ie: ai I. lie ala! ll. ill It'll dall I "VI lp. I I'e vi i ,t e ,li tl I, 'li il 1 .1 I! lil.- Ix -i pl Ail I Iud. Thell' B V. I'.'.li i'.i* ellie.! me.

Ai.v. iii nut p. ii; jr. DOwud-st, Bu.tunori*.

Tnt: Latkot ami Most Rucc-StrrjL-ui'ii'!.muobiandrol'ltli Part.IFS' "Pal-

HABli i'i. tnt,ln i.'iii'iii.'.'iiiii wltb i'iiosrii,;.Nt;riti-i, i. v.i iiroaa *¦ Datt,2Ma;¦-'¦.Mew-York,Dm Him mmi:i.l\s celebrated Comrh Druin*.

I'll' iii. mu,- h.I.,- A. 11. B, on a. tl drop.

W!'..'i!,' -11'.:: s KypoenoiPHrrMV, ill lille 'OUlOtapl . I , , 1.. ,*;c

W'litlo tiie fields v .';:. r< nming over,li ina new mowo b ry md iver,

We'llWiniWI :' i- B .: ¦-I' -BlA I ali fl mu -i

LINENS arc still going at_, lioth our stores below

thc prices of a few weeks ago,when the market was lowest.So far as we know,nobody elseis selling at anything like thesame figures,

Ar-yt! lng foaad un- it y >t- returned.

UNDERWEAR is stillgoing at about twenty-

live percent oil'at both stores.Most of thc poods are fresh.all arc pood, not a poor gar¬ment among them.

An-thlng foun,I uiu.-.tiifiietory may ix.- r. larne*.

Lord & Taylor,Irmailwa}- .-n,! 1'wentli th Sin. t

Grand ami c!ir)itlc Mr l:-

BEALTH IS WEALTH.Health of Body is Wealth of Mind.

RADWArS SAISAPAHLLIAN lESOLYIiST.I'iiii' I.i .>¦! in Ke- loon ! tl' -V Hr ie: BOOS ninl ii dear akin.

If jroo would have jool rt- sit Brtn font bootu aonnd, » it!.rcarita, ti .ut couipleiinn rur.ii-. K.tUUMYS BAR-MAPARII,Ll ts Itl MOI.VR.NT,A ii iinilv rompoaed ni lorrodla^ta of attranrrlinsr- ni'*ll(*al

i.i,.e, s I,, inn ifv, hool, rep ur. ami Invigorate t i*

Imikrii ...iiiili- a-1,il pod) QUICK, ft! IsANI, MAKK,.ll,I I'liliM \ N l!N ! Ill ll. 11 .'.ll (ll.'lll .111.1 i ina.

Mo mst ti r try »oat nsnis ma eoniplsinl ni iv bs .1e«i Brunel.whether ll ti« M»-rorala, ConinmptloD, syphllit loora, Boroo,I'tiamra, Holla, Krralptlaa. rn- Bolt-ROsam, alinoosa ot toaLaos**. Kldoera, nl.ui.ier, VVotob. hKih, Liver, Otooiach. orli,,e.. i- urcouitlturloosl, tbertrot of tho .hi-

n Un lt LOO!) -Otoh tuiii lix* Mitt mtli'. un,I huilliami repair, thea* ura-aui sod osatad U.inet ,,r ibe iratsst ifile lil.1 is niiiii-jKliy. Hie pcooSSS . rej .ur inuit bu unm,ninl.Tin- .*itr»a|inrilll«ii Keiolrfnt imr ooljr ll n eoBtpsasoUOf

r, bat -.,,,!,'. tbs hsnoooioiii sctloa >.f tock ti t.lor¬nas, lt ea' ll.llsh.-l llirmitiliiinl (ll" enure .voteni tiiiieti.tii.illii'iii'.in. itll.l ..nil''les toe I.Iu'k! v...els willi a pom inriiie.tiiiiv cnrrsol ..t n.<w urn. Tbs -Km. sftor a too da)»' a«a sithe --.i-.;.ii ii. i,.,airnes .ie ir mi.l iM-autilul. rini|ilt-*,lUntrhet, Hiock -patt, and *-uin Kraptlona ire re_oredi

sub aarad. Paraooi latter.g frost norupula, ii iptive I'l.-' ..r tbs Kv .>. Muuth, !.ns, tosjl,i'll r> ¦.)'. ind Uanda, thu have arco.nuttad aod ipr* id, eltai r

lunn in i.i i-.i iiiipaaoa or mercury, m ir..:n tbi Baa of Carraa-- lt inni t il" lt th"|iii'i,l..i ii

ronttnueil ¦ nit! uni Hun' to netk.-u. intorassloo oa Umria it: ti l'Kit butti..

Ki Ka HaRailway's Ready Relief.TIIK ('111-:Al'KIT AMi B-ST KBDIC1KB TOE FAMILY

i -li l.v i UK tVOKLU,( >n i. so i'i n i it- it rt.-

Wll.I ( llil HORK i "Ml-I.AI N I s AM) I'HIVKM-Iii! MYHTl tl AliAl NOT Bl'DDKN Ai vi its OT hiPI-Ul.Mi.s \.Ni> fiiNTAOIOUs ut-i:A-i-.-s in*,\ OS_ii liltKH HOLLA II* BXPKNDKI1 l'"K OTUKB Ml...ll i.m-. III Dil \I. vi i'i Mil V.N.,

I UK HOMKM i:\I.WAlis UK A UV II 1.1 KK I s vi-

l'l,ll.1' KX » Jilt.NALLY OK I'AM.N I NI'IIK.N A l.i.Y AC-( .'ti|i| Mi tu HUH-i 1'IONB I-A IN. llHIM WilAl'KYb.lcv si. .1 v-'.-.s I. BXIM P.

Iii oil uo-oo where poa ¦! 'i .mforl li sxpsrleoeed, or if..nh in il. i. n/i. Mom Throat. .amna,BtdUsaraenen Btllouat'ollc, lodaiflaisuoaof iin-usmda,

si, an n li. I. n n '.'.*. Liver, Iv i.. ii ". s.i.r vv i'i .un. i'iii., si. t-' ve;-

Bin! A i'm-, or willi *v ,"|. ll (la, li.'.illili'lie. I ie ll lioroUZ, lt .'li-un ii -. rn with Lamtouro, run In tba Book, ,.r KBootn-

ari.-iu, or wltb |.mi. li.i.i, cia.Itu Mu "ni-., ni Drwotorv, ofwill. Uni un, *>, illili, ni Urn.-es. iii. l.l un., l-ru.-t i,nen, Ill-

Wit!! Kirai i.Craniui, or spaitna, the application nt kauWaV'hkbauy iu i.'i.i- tHll ,'nie.vt.ii i.r tbs worstol thew

lilla .1 lee M

iib. n\i*\\w's mimi pills,l-.lfe. I'.V Ll-tele-., l-l. ,'.l lt 'V .aile 1, fa.l'l. ,"!''. Ill ll. !'t.i.i-i. is ..I tin- ito.sch, liter, bowell, i< Imrt, bis I'lor,aoroatdlsaasaa. aosdaobs sonatipsUoo. oostlroaaa^ladlltatUaii, ine| ...i. bill nun".., lui,,.!- larsr, IftAA.auu m nf r 11 >i mit,

|i'i.->, mi nu ii -i uni.-..i mi t .f lim mi ..',ii! vW'-ei'.i. Wir-run!.-,I ia H.-. i ,i '-. ii -, tra,l'ltll'l'. -it ll.N * l-lill II.IV. BOM le,' BB Pin.

DU. BAUWAT A IO.. »'i \v Alllil'S-sT.. tt. V.

NERVOUS debility nnd wrtkneM of genent*iv. ,,!..;,!: pOtltlVl-lj eill.-il bj At.LKN'M Itl'.AlN

Kiiuli. Bl. I'Hiuui. A '"i- Iimi-'-i / '-. l.Jlu IIr.,.1.1 w.iv:t rill. ntmi. 7 Stb-aTS. sa ni fol MTClUBT to Allen, BIB lsl-artv

v i.i:V(fl s ni'.iill.l l'\, lui|i,.!i'iii-.',w -aka Hill ni ii,,-' ni;.in-ni .ii-u.r.itl m. dre, aad riluullrrurel liv WIN' ii H '.* Sl'li'l KU" l-l l.l. l-w.i iiii

bom trouaasllr aiiltiflniil. I'l'iiis. +1 iii'i-ini. Sn lintel, li.sen.I lur clroulsr. Propsrod hy \. I MJilhl-^i a '¦>..Ulianiiita. 38 loba «t. No tr-Yurt,_SI Ult'IIKK. lmpoteucit titi.L Dtst'iisfft nf did

1.,-itr. _nv r in* in r.» ,-_li.- t s ,.. 1 \- ,; ira 1. II i ir, Itil ni,I I..". IIIiN'ilV l.l'IMKI.s vi Di lt..-t ir .a. i,

rlMIK COPYORAM. th.' beal uni most dnrabloI top-tooiii.pirat.ia maits, i-ivrrv oooonsrootsarl. UUeoaoi

I.. NeivYnik liiiiitianls i ..pj'tfiaiu Ci., lui [raSBS-SC N. Y.


HOMEOPATHYlluMI'.ni'.l 'lill' IMiiKS :i!lil MiiUk'I.Nlis, .v|,.,||.|;,rt

USSCS, i'lti.els, S.i.;ui n*, COOOO. Af.. Ay.Ifaiupbreyr HotsaopoUiU!Hpscltles. Uitro*.-tri' Vor-wtn-

¦ryopectp t, Kuaiphruyi' Wli.-ii Kaieloilaal kt irral otIii tli.,'. UABKO I-..II i:\IMItl' A sl'Hil.ti.n iilliiinpiir. i s' [loni 'Opatlttc M 'i .ne ,i. Iohm tl ii pot to.)Kiiiii.nii. nraoeb Btora, SO. ltroottwiy. Oura iiitiiruj^*I7tb -.-. Mao .mk.

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