Page 1: Misija - · Misija Mission Vision By our conduct we create a satisfi ed and loyal internal or external customer, a customer for life! Th e most desirable destination
Page 2: Misija - · Misija Mission Vision By our conduct we create a satisfi ed and loyal internal or external customer, a customer for life! Th e most desirable destination

Svojim ponašanjem stvaramo zadovoljnog i lojalnog internog ili

eksternog kupca, kupca za cijeli život!

Najpoželjnije mjesto za kupnju proizvoda za kućne ljubimce.




By our conduct we create a satisfi ed and loyal internal or external customer, a customer for life!

Th e most desirable destination for pet supplies shopping.Vizija

Page 3: Misija - · Misija Mission Vision By our conduct we create a satisfi ed and loyal internal or external customer, a customer for life! Th e most desirable destination
Page 4: Misija - · Misija Mission Vision By our conduct we create a satisfi ed and loyal internal or external customer, a customer for life! Th e most desirable destination


S pripremama za otvaranje prvog pet shopa počeli smo još 1974. godine. Početkom 1975. Vatroslav Varda otvorio je u Splitu jednu od prvih specijaliziranih trgovina s proizvodima za kućne ljubimce na području bivše Jugoslavije. Od 1994. godine aktivni smo u distribuciji hrane i opreme za kućne ljubimce, a od kraja 2011. godine, akvizicijom maloprodajnog lanca ZOO CITY, integrirali smo maloprodaju u svoj distribucijski portfelj i ostvarili želju da ponovo stupimo u izravan kontakt s krajnjim kupcima. Naša vizija je stvoriti najpoželjnije mjesto za kupnju proizvoda za kućne ljubimce, i to tako da svakom kupcu posvetimo maksimalnu pažnju, poslušamo ga te pokušamo ispuniti svaku njegovu želju vezanu uz kućne ljubimce.

Naš je posao osigurati vrhunske proizvode namijenjene kućnim ljubimcima. Riječ je o proizvodima etabliranih svjetskih robnih marki koje će zadovoljno preporučiti svatko tko se profesionalno bavi kućnim ljubimcima, bilo da je riječ o veterinarskoj ordinaciji ili specijaliziranoj trgovini za kućne ljubimce. Nismo usmjereni samo na skupe ili ekskluzivne proizvode. Naš je asortiman iznimno bogat i vrstama i cjenovnim kategorijama te sasvim sigurno može zadovoljiti i najizbirljivijeg kupca. Ponudu stalno nadopunjujemo novim linijama, slušamo i prepoznajemo potrebe kupaca te uvodimo najnovije trendove u regiju. Budući da smo učili i razvijali specifi čna znanja iz područja distribucije, na poticaj naših dobavljača 2006. godine počeli smo širiti poslovanje u regiji. Osnovali smo tvrtku kćer u Beogradu i počeli

Edvard Varda, MBAGeneralni direktor /General ManagerZOO HOBBY grupa /Group


Dear partners,

We have been in this business for a long time. If we did not love animals, we would not be in the market for this long. We started our business as far back, as 1975, when Vatroslav Varda opened one of the first pet shops in ex-Yugoslavia. Since 1994 we have been active in wholesale- distribution, and since the end of 2011, with the acquisition of the retail chain ZOO CITY, we have once again established direct contact with the end consumers. Our vision is to create the most desirable shopping destination for pet products. In order to achieve that, we take the individual approach towards our customers, we do our utmost to cater for their wishes and needs regarding their pets.

Our job is to provide top quality pet products by renowned global brands that anyone in the pet business, whether a vet or a pet shop, would highly recommend. We are not only focused on expensive or exclusive products. Our product range is very extensive and includes products of all types and price ranges that will surely satisfy even the most demanding customers. We are continuously implementing the new product ranges in the offer. We pay attention to and recognize our customers’ needs and introduce the latest trends into the region. Since we have adopted and developed specific product distribution knowledge, encouraged by our suppliers, in 2006 we started to expand our business in the region. We established a subsidiary company in Belgrade

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izvoziti proizvode na područje cijele bivše Jugoslavije. Danas smo aktivni u Hrvatskoj, Srbiji, BiH, Crnoj Gori i Makedoniji.

Partnerstvo s američkom tvrtkom Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. sklopili smo 1994. godine, što nas čini najstarijim distributerom njihovih proizvoda u srednjoj i istočnoj Europi. S njemačkom tvrtkom Tetra GmbH surađujemo od 1995. godine. U našem je portfelju danas 20-tak specijaliziranih dobavljača, od kojih najveći dio zastupamo ekskluzivno i u Hrvatskoj i u Srbiji, ili na području cijele regije.

Nakon iskustva početkom 2000-tih, od 2014. godine intenzivnije se bavimo distribucijom veterinarskih lijekova. Postali smo službeni distributer njemačkog Bayera, te distributer za Zoetis (tvrtka kćer Pfi zera) u asortimanu veterinarskih ljekova. Cjepiva i dio asortimana su unutar hladnog lanca (+4 do +8 stupnjeva) za što smo osigurali posebnu skladišnu komoru koja ima autonomiju od čak 72 sata rada na agregat u slučaju nestanka električne energije. Temperaturni režim se očitava svakih 10 minuta te, u slučaju rasta ili pada temperature, automatski alarmira sustave koji osjetljive veterinarske preparate čuvaju u optimalnim uvjetima. Bit će zanimljivo vidjeti hoćemo li, i ako da u kojoj mjeri, u idućim godinama ostvariti udio u hrvatskom tržištu veterinarskim ljekovima čija se godišanja vrijednost procjenjuje na preko 25 milijuna EUR.


and began the product distribution to other ex-Yugoslavian countries.

In 1994. we started the partnership with the American company Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc., thus we are the oldest distributor of their products in Central and Eastern Europe. We have also been cooperating with a German company Tetra GmbH since 1995. Our portfolio nowadays includes over 20 specialized suppliers, for many of which we are the exclusive distributor for Croatia and Serbia, or for the entire region.

Aft er the experiences of the early 2000s, starting from 2014. we have intensifi ed the distribution of veterinary medicines. We’ve become the offi cial distributor of German Bayer and of Zoetis (Pfi zer subsidiary company) in the product range of veterinary medicines. Vaccines and a part of the product range are within the “cold chain” (+4 to +8 degrees) for which we have provided a special storage chamber that has autonomy of up to 72 hours of electricity generator work in case of power failure. Temperature regime readings are generated every 10 minutes. In case of temperature increase or decrease, the systems that preserve the optimal conditions for sensitive veterinary compositions are automatically alarmed. It will be interesting to see if we will, and if so, to what extent, achieve a share in the Croatian veterinary medicines market whose annual value is estimated at over 25 million Euros.

Page 6: Misija - · Misija Mission Vision By our conduct we create a satisfi ed and loyal internal or external customer, a customer for life! Th e most desirable destination

Distribuiramo gotovo 6.000 artikala koji pokrivaju sve potrebe kućnih ljubimaca. Optimizirana zaliha i dobra cijena pomogli su nam da postanemo vodeći dobavljač specijaliziranog kanala prodaje u regiji. Komercijalisti na terenu i djelatnici telefonske prodaje brižljivo slušaju želje klijenata i rade na njihovu optimalnom ispunjavanju. Vlastiti vozni park jamči visok standard i sigurnu isporuku robe do prodajnog mjesta svakog partnera.


We distribute almost 6000 items that cater for all your pets’ needs. Optimized stockpile and excellent price-range have helped us to become a leading supplier in this specialized sales channel in the region. Sales representatives in the fi eld and telephone sales operators listen closely to our customers’ needs and do their best to fulfi ll them. Our own vehicle fl eet ensures high standards and the safe delivery of goods to each of our partners’ shop.

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Jedina smo specijalizirana tvrtka za distribuciju smrznutog lanca proizvoda. Od kraja 2014. godine započeli smo distribuciju smrznute hrane (BARF) engleskog proizvođača Natures Menu. Investicijom u komoru režima -18ºC te u distribucijska vozila opremljena hlađenim komorama možemo stvarati nove trendove distribucije hrane i opreme za kućne ljubimce.

Kako bismo osigurali točnu i pouzdanu isporuku, prilikom prijma, komisioniranja i kontrole robe koristimo sustav bežičnih barkod terminala. Tako, na zadovoljstvo kupaca, pogreške svodimo na minimum. Neprekidno ulažemo u napredna tehnološka dostignuća, poput pametnih logističkih alata, nadzora vozila ili data-warehouse sustava. Automatiziranjem procesa, radom u skladištu u više smjena te investiranjem u vlastiti distribucijski kapacitet stvaramo zadovoljne kupce u cijeloj regiji.

U budućnosti se namjeravamo usmjeriti na razvoj distribucijskih aktivnosti i kompetencija, ali i na razvoj maloprodaje u Hrvatskoj. Specijalizirano tržište za kućne ljubimce u Hrvatskoj je konsolidirano, a budući da želimo i dalje rasti i širiti se, nismo u mogućnosti posvetiti se isključivo veleprodaji. Nedovoljan broj prodajnih mjesta i slaba kupovna moć ne osiguravaju kontinuiran porast tržišnog udjela specijaliziranih trgovina za kućne ljubimce. Vlastitim angažmanom, fer i transparentnom politikom maloprodajnih cijena, i uz iste izazove i troškove s kojima se susreću i drugi maloprodajni igrači na tržištu, sigurno možemo doprinijeti rastu udjela prodaje kroz specijalizirani kanal.

We are the only company specialized for the distribution chain of frozen products. From the end of 2014. we’ve started the distribution (BARF) of the English frozen food producer Natures Menu. By investing in the -18°C mode chamber and in distribution vehicles equipped with refrigerated chambers, we can introduce new trends in distribution of food and supplies for pets.

In order to ensure accurate and reliable delivery, we use a system of wireless barcode terminals when taking-over, commissioning and controlling the goods. In that manner, to our customers’ satisfaction, we minimalize i.e. completely avoid the mistakes. We continuously invest in advanced technologies, such as smart logistics tools, video surveillance and data-warehouse processes.

Our plans for the future include the development of activities and competencies in distribution, but also the development of a retail network in Croatia. Th e specialized market for pet products in Croatia is consolidated, and since we aim towards growth and development, we cannot remain focused exclusively on wholesale. Insuffi cient number of shops and low purchasing power do not insure the continuous growth in market share of specialized pet shops. Th rough our own engagement and fair and transparent retail pricing policy, but with the same challenges and costs that all other retailers face, we can surely contribute to the increase of sales generated through specialized channel.

Page 8: Misija - · Misija Mission Vision By our conduct we create a satisfi ed and loyal internal or external customer, a customer for life! Th e most desirable destination
Page 9: Misija - · Misija Mission Vision By our conduct we create a satisfi ed and loyal internal or external customer, a customer for life! Th e most desirable destination

S preko 5.000 paletnih mjesta u veleprodajnom segmentu poslovanja u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji te vlastitom maloprodajnom mrežom u Hrvatskoj najjača smo distribucijska kuća u industriji za kućne ljubimce u ovom dijelu Europe. Postigli smo i zadržali najviše standarde u prodaji i marketingu, pa principali znaju da smo najkvalitetniji zastupnici u regiji.

Zajedničkim ulaganjem u razvoj brandova koje zastupamo, primjenom najbolje poslovne prakse, promotivnim i marketinškim aktivnostima poslovnim partnerima želimo pomoći u prodaji proizvoda iz svog portfelja, stvoriti svijest o postojanju brenda, razviti lojalnost prema tim proizvodima te potaknuti rast sektora hrane i opreme za kućne ljubimce.

Temeljni principi naše poslovne prakse:

Radimo i ponašamo se kao uspješan tim poštujući doprinos naših kolega – internih kupaca, s njima surađujemo, ohrabrujemo ih i pružamo im potporu.

Uvažavamo vrijednosti i dignitet drugih, bez obzira na njihovu religiju, kulturu, nacionalnost, spol ili položaj u organizaciji tvrtke.

Resurse i imovinu tvrtke koristimo i prema njoj se odnosimo kao njezini vlasnici.

Svakom, pa i najjednostavnijem poslu do kraja smo posvećeni.

Svaki posao obavljamo strasno i oduševljeno.

Međusobno surađujemo, svjesni da drugi ovise o našem radu.

Odnosimo se prema drugima onako kako bismo željeli da se oni odnose prema nama.

Poštujemo doprinos, vrijeme, znanja, vještine i poglede drugih.

Usmjereni smo na rješenja, a ne na probleme i prepreke.

With over 5000 pallet spaces in our distribution activities in Croatia and Serbia and our own retail network in Croatia, we are the leading distributor in the pet industry in this part of Europe. We have achieved and kept the highest standards in sales and marketing, therefore our majors know that they can count on the best possible regional representation.

Th rough further joint ventures in the development of the brands we represent, through our commitment of using the best business practices and through promotional and marketing activities we strive to contribute to the increase of the sales of products from our portfolio, to create brand awareness, to develop customers’ loyalty and to boost growth of the pet food and supplies sector.

Basic principles of our business practices:

We work and behave as a successful team, respecting the contribution of our colleagues - internal customers, we cooperate with them, encourage them and support them.

We respect the values and the dignity of others, regardless of their religion, culture, nationality, gender or position in the company.

We use the company resources and the assets and treat them as their owners.

We are committed to all types of work, even the simplest one.

We do all our tasks passionately and enthusiastically.

We collaborate and are always aware that others depend on our work.

We treat others, as we want to be treated.

We respect the contribution, time, knowledge, skills and attitudes of others.

We are focused on solutions, not on problems and obstacles. 7

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Page 11: Misija - · Misija Mission Vision By our conduct we create a satisfi ed and loyal internal or external customer, a customer for life! Th e most desirable destination

Karantena za uvoz, prijam i distribuciju riba, reptila i papiga

Godine 2009. preuzeli smo i proširili karantenu za tropske i hladnovodne ribice. Imamo 500-tinjak akvarija s gotovo 90.000 litara zapremnine za prihvat i temperiranje ribica i njihovu distribuciju po Hrvatskoj. Dobavljači iz Singapura, Izraela, Slovačke, Malezije te Njemačke, s Tenerifa, Floride i iz Mađarske temelj su raznovrsnosti ponude, prihvatljivih cijena i stalnih noviteta. Nudimo širok asortiman ljubimaca - zlatne ribice, kornjačice, predivne tropske ribice, više vrsta zmija, reptile poput iguana, kameleona, anolisa, agama i paukove te egzotične velike papige poput ara, žakoa ili amazona. Na svakom se našem maloprodajnom mjestu mogu kupiti kućni ljubimci, a stručno prodajno osoblje educirano je i može pružiti sve potrebne informacije vezane uz njihovo držanje i njegu.

Quarantine for import, reception and distribution of fi sh, reptiles and parrots

In 2009 we took over and extended a quarantine facility for tropical and cold-water fi sh. We have around 500 tanks with a capacity of over 90,000 liters for the reception and adaptation of fi sh and their distribution in Croatia. Suppliers from Singapore, Israel, Slovakia, Malaysia, Germany, Tenerife, Florida and Hungary are the bedrock of our extensive off er, aff ordable prices and continuous fl ow of new arrivals. We off er a wide range of pets - goldfi sh, tortoises, beautiful tropical fi sh, many diff erent snake species, reptiles such as iguanas, chameleons, anolis and agama lizards, spiders and exotic large parrots, such as Macaws, Grey parrots and Amazon parrots. Pets can be bought in all of our retail shops. Staff of experts will provide you with the necessary information regarding their care.


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Page 13: Misija - · Misija Mission Vision By our conduct we create a satisfi ed and loyal internal or external customer, a customer for life! Th e most desirable destination

Kontakt s krajnjim kupcima u Hrvatskoj ostvarujemo kroz vlastitu maloprodajnu mrežu. Preko 120 radnika ZOO CITYja svakodnevno pokreće moto: “… iz ljubavi za ljubimce“. Ljubav za ljubimce misao je vodilja svake naše maloprodajne trgovine. Većina zaposlenika i sami su vlasnici ljubimaca, a svi prolaze edukaciju u dvije maloprodajne trgovine specijalizirane upravo za edukaciju i trening. Zaposlenici neprekidno nadopunjuju svoje znanje o kućnim ljubimcima, njihovim potrebama i proizvodima iz asortimana s ciljem stvaranja najpoželjnijeg mjesta za kupnju proizvoda za kućne ljubimce. Najveći smo privatni poslodavac doktorima veterinarske medicine u Hrvatskoj, a svaki naš prodajni objekt registriran je kao veterinarska ljekarna. Tijekom 2015. otvorit ćemo 5 novih prodajnih mjesta i tako povećati broj prodavaonica na 25, raspoređenih diljem Hrvatske: od Slavonskog Broda, Koprivnice, Križevaca, Čakovca, Varaždina, Zaprešića, Zagreba, Velike Gorice, Karlovca, Zadra, Šibenika, Splita i Makarske. U idućim godinama planiramo otvoriti još nekoliko novih prodavaonica.

Od listopada 2012. godine naše proizvode za kućne ljubimce možete pronaći i na internetu - U internetskoj trgovini može se kupiti više od 5.000 artikala – sve vrste hrane, opreme, poslastice, igračaka, a postoje čak četiri različita akcijskih ponuda: akcija mjeseca, posebna internetska akcija, trajno dobra cijena i akcija za članove programa vjernosti. Posebnost internetske trgovine je i korištenje on-line programa vjernosti. Nakon registracije, kupac dobiva dodatne prednosti kao poklon dobrodošlice te prikuplja bodove s kojima ostvaruje dodatne popuste. WEB ID može fotografi rati smart phoneom ili ispisati pa pokazati osoblju u ZOO CITY trgovinama i tako ostvarivati pogodnosti članstva i na samom prodajnom mjestu. Od sredine 2015. aktivirat ćemo novu mobilnu aplikaciju koja će postati odlično polazno mjesto brige o svom ljubimcu, mjesto informacija, mjesto „…iz ljubavi za ljubimce“.

Maloprodajnu mrežu namjeravamo neprekidno širiti, razvijat ćemo formate i mjesta na kojima poslujemo te njegovati odnos s krajnjim kupcima, ne samo dobrim omjerom cijene i kvalitete i programima lojalnosti nego i digitalnim alatima, komunikacijom i savjetovanjima. Tako se nadamo ostvariti svoju viziju - stvoriti najpoželjnije mjesto za kupnju proizvoda za kućne ljubimce.

Contact with end consumers in Croatia is maintained through our own retail network. Nearly a hundred ZOO CITY employees are daily driven by the motto: “… for the love of pets”. Love for pets is a guiding light behind every retail shop. Most employees are pet owners themselves and all of them are trained in two retail shops specialized for the staff education. Employees constantly widen their knowledge of pets, their needs, and the products from our portfolio in order to make our shops the most desirable shopping destination for pets. We are the largest employer of doctors of veterinary medicine in Croatia, and every shop is also registered as a vet-pharmacy. During the 2015. we will open fi ve new outlets and increase the number of stores to total of 25, allocated throughout Croatia in cities: Slavonski Brod, Koprivnica, Križevci, Čakovec, Varaždin, Zaprešić, Zagreb, Velika Gorica, Karlovac, Zadar, Šibenik, Split and Makarska. In the following years we are planning to open several new stores.

In October 2012, opened a web shop where you can fi nd more than 5000 products – food, equipment, treats and toys for dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, reptiles and fi sh. A total of four types of special off ers are available: off er of the month, special online off er, guaranteed low price and special off er for loyalty program members.

Our web shop also incorporates an online loyalty club. Aft er registering, customers receive a discount as a welcome gift . Additional discounts can be achieved by collecting points. One can take a photo of the WEB ID with a smartphone or print it out and show it to a ZOO CITY employee in order to get the membership benefi ts on the spot. Starting from the mid-2015, we will introduce a new mobile application that will become a great starting point for taking care of your pet, where you can get useful information, and all that “... for the love of pets”.

Our plan is to continue to expand our retail network, to develop diff erent forms and locations of business activities and to cherish our relationship with the end consumers, not only by off ering the best quality-price ratio and loyalty programs, but also through digital tools, communication and consultation. Our goal is the fulfi llment of our vision – to create the most desirable shopping destination for pet products. 11


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UVAŽAVANJE Iskreno, tolerantno i otvoreno

razumijemo, poštujemo i prihvaćamo pravo na


IZVRSNOST Ustrajno podižemo

granice obavljajući svoj posao iznadprosječno kvalitetno.

POSVEĆENOST Odgovorni smo, usmjereni

i angažirani u stvaranju lojalnog i zadovoljnog


PRIPADNOST Svojim radom razvijamo

organizaciju koja dijeli iste vrijednosti i pruža

sigurnost i zadovoljstvo.


RESPECT We are honest, tolerant and open-minded, we understand, respect and accept the right to be different.

EXCELLENCEWe keep setting the bar ever higher by doing our best to get the job outstandingly well done.

DEDICATION We are responsible, focused and engaged in achieving customers’ satisfaction and loyalty.

BELONGINGTh rough our work, we develop an organization where everyone shares the same values, an organization that provides security and satisfaction.














2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 godina/year


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Croatia 10000 Zagreb Radnička cesta 177 tel:+385 (0) 1 2409 146 [email protected]

Serbia 11000 Beograd Omladinskih brigada 102 tel: +381 (0) 11 222 77 17 [email protected]

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