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  • Mission Grant Proposals for 2014-2016 $76,000 Adopted 2014 LWML ND Convention Wahpeton, ND
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  • MG 901 ND FullTime Church worker Scholarships - $35,000
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  • These funds would be used to give financial support for students of the North Dakota District as they study to enter church work vocations at LCMS colleges, universities and seminaries.
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  • MG 902 All Faiths Chapel Music Ministries - $1,500 (partial funding)
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  • These funds would be used to replace CD equipment and for the cost related to producing and printing religious music CDs. The music ministry also allows for religious CDs to be given to clients at the developmental center and to many other seekers of Christ.
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  • MG 904 Project 24: Kenya, Africa Rescue Centers $5,000
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  • The funds requested would be used to cover the costs of land acquisition, building materials and construction to provide rescue centers for orphans in Kenya. Project 24 also seeks to raise awareness of the needs of the orphans in Kenya.
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  • MG 906 Peace Officer Ministries Tactical Bibles $5,000
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  • The goal of this grant is to help fund the distribution of Gods Word for Peace Officers: Tactical Edition. This bible is contains a foreword and other information written for law enforcement officers by those who understand the demands and culture of law enforcement.
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  • MG 909 Christ the Way Radio Program $5,000
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  • The funds requested will be used to pay for radio time for the Christ the Way ministry which is coordinated by Concordia Lutheran Church in Jamestown, ND. It will ensure the future stability of this ministry. 15 minutes of airtime each Sunday morning costs about $65.
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  • MG 913 Providing Emotional & Spiritual Care to Pastors of the ND District - $8,000
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  • The funds would be used to offer pastors of the ND District the opportunity to travel to Doxology or Shepherds Canyon to regenerate and receive extra care and support for the strengthening of their ministry and lives. As a pastor cares for souls, his soul needs to be fed and nourished.
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  • MG 914 Financial Assistance for the Concordia Seminary Fort Wayne Food and Clothing Coop $5,000
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  • This funding would be used by the Co-op to purchase eggs, milk, ground beef, fresh fruits and vegetables, and other perishable items for the purpose of helping seminary and deaconess students offset their financial burden. The Co-op provides 80-85% of all of the seminary families food and household needs.
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  • MG 917 Martin Luther School Tuition Assistance $5,000
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  • The goal of this grant is to financially assist families wishing to send their children to Martin Luther School who are unable to do so due to financial reasons or to support families that struggle to make their payments due to hardship.
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  • MG 922 New Playground for Shepherds Hill at the Cross Roads Retreat Center $5,000
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  • The funds requested would be used to help replace the current small playground that is in ill repair at Shepherds Hill at the Cross Roads Retreat Center with a larger, Noahs Ark playground. The hope is to provide a fun Christian play experience for campers and other visitors.
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  • MG 926 Supporting Sudanese Lay Pastor Training $1,500 (partial funding)
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  • This funding would assist Daniel and Samuel, two Sudanese men enrolled at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis through the Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology, who are training to become pastors in specialized ethnic ministries. Currently they are lay- leaders at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Fargo.

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