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    Mitochondria in Neuroplasticity and Neurological DisordersMark P. Mattson, 1 ,* Marc Gleichmann, 1 and Aiwu Cheng 11 Laboratory of Neurosciences, National Institute on Aging Intramural Research Program, Baltimore, MD 21224, USA *Correspondence: [email protected] 10.1016/j.neuron.2008.10.010

    Mitochondrial electron transport generates the ATP that is essential for the excitability and survival of neu-rons, and the protein phosphorylation reactions that mediate synaptic signaling and related long-termchanges in neuronal structure and function. Mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles that divide, fuse,and move purposefully within axons and dendrites. Major functions of mitochondria in neurons include theregulation of Ca 2+ and redox signaling, developmental and synaptic plasticity, and the arbitration of cell sur-vival and death. The importance of mitochondria in neurons is evident in the neurological phenotypes in rarediseases caused by mutations in mitochondrial genes. Mitochondria-mediated oxidative stress, perturbed


    homeostasis, and apoptosis may also contribute to the pathogenesis of prominent neurological dis-eases including Alzheimers, Parkinsons, and Huntingtons diseases; stroke; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis;and psychiatric disorders. Advances in understanding the molecular and cell biology of mitochondria areleading to novel approaches for the prevention and treatment of neurological disorders.

    The Structure and Regulatory Systems of MitochondriaMore than 1 billion years ago, a primitive bacteria invaded a sin-gle-cell anaerobic organism and, rather than killing the cell, es-tablished a symbiotic relationship which has been maintainedand rened during the subsequent evolution of complex multi-cellular organisms ( Dyall et al., 2004 ). Mitochondria, the descen-dants of the original symbiont, are organelles highly efcient intheir ability to utilize O 2 and substrates such as glucose and py-ruvate to produce cellular energy in the form of ATP ( Wallace,2005 ). Mitochondria consist of two membranes, an intermem-brane space and an internal matrix. The molecular machineryfor energy production, the electron transport chain (ETC), is or-ganized in an assembly line-likemanner within andacross the in-ner mitochondrial membrane ( Figure 1 ). The ETC consists of veprotein complexes. Three of the complexes (I, III, and IV) pumpprotons (H + ) outwardly across the inner membrane to establisha H + gradient necessary for the production of ATP at complexV (ATP synthase). Thirteen of the proteins of the ETC are en-coded by genes in the mitochondrial genome. The remainingproteins in mitochondria (more than 1000) are encoded by genesin the cell nucleus and mediate processes such as the regulationof ion homeostasis, stress responses, cell survival, and signal

    transduction. The activity of complex I converts NADH to theenergy substrate NAD + and complex II converts succinate to fu-marate. During electron transport, O 2 is converted to H 2 O and,particularly at complexes I and III, the free radical superoxide(O2 $ ) is also generated. Two important cofactors that modulateenergyand free radical production arecoenzymeQ 10 at complexIII and cytochrome c at complex IV.

    Much of the O 2 $ generated during mitochondrial respirationis converted to hydrogen peroxide in a reaction catalyzed bymanganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). Hydrogen perox-ide is, in turn, converted to water by glutathione peroxidaseand catalase. However, by reacting with Fe 2+ or Cu + , hydrogenperoxide generates the highly reactive hydroxyl radical (OH $ ),

    which can induce membrane lipid peroxidation and damageproteins and DNA. To further guard against oxidative damage,mitochondria contain several prominent antioxidant moleculesincluding coenzyme Q 10 (ubiquinone), creatine, and nicotin-amide ( Beal, 2003 ). Another reaction of interest from the view-points of neuronal signaling and degeneration involves theinteraction of nitric oxide with O 2 $ to produce peroxynitrite(ONOO ), a reactive molecule that can induce nitration of pro-teins on tyrosine residues, thereby impairing the function of those proteins ( Goldstein and Merenyi, 2008 ). Free radicals arealso generated by the activity of mitochondrial monoamine oxi-dases (MAOA and MAOB), enzymes involved in the metabolismof serotonin, norepinphrine, and dopamine. Aside from theirpotential to inict damage, mitochondria-derived O 2 $ andhydrogen peroxide serve important signaling functions in physi-ological processes including synaptic plasticity and learning andmemory ( Kishida and Klann, 2007; Wang et al., 2008 ). The mem-brane potential maintained by the H + gradient, and several otherproperties of mitochondria, can be evaluated in living neuronsusing technologies described in Figure S1 (available online).

    While the ability of mitochondria to remove Ca 2+ from the cy-toplasm and accumulate it in their matrix is well known, mito-

    chondria also play roles in the regulation of rapid changes of intracellular Ca 2+ dynamics, and participate in many Ca 2+ -medi-ated signaling processes (for review see Nicholls et al., 2003;Giacomello et al., 2007 ). The functional properties of Ca 2+ trans-porters and channels in mitochondria are being characterized,although in most cases the identities of the proteins that com-prise the Ca 2+ -handling systems are unknown. The outer mito-chondrial membrane is relatively permeable to Ca 2+ and the in-ner membrane contains key Ca 2+ -regulating proteins includinga Ca 2+ uniporter that transfers Ca 2+ into the mitochondrial matrixand Na + /Ca 2+ and H + /Ca 2+ antiporters that move Ca 2+ out of the mitochondria ( Figure 1 ). Thus, gradients of Ca 2+ , H+ , andNa + concentrations greatly inuence Ca 2+ ux across the inner

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    mitochondrial membrane. Interestingly, mitochondria are oftenlocated immediately adjacent to the endoplasmic reticulum(ER) where they rapidly removeCa 2+ released into the cytoplasmfrom the ER through activated inositol triphosphate (IP 3 ) recep-tors and ryanodine receptors ( Figure 1 ). In this article we de-scribe mitochondrial proteins involved in neuronal plasticityand disease processes.

    Mitochondrial DynamicsMitochondria function within an integrated reticulum that is con-tinuously remodeled by growth and ssion of individual mito-chondria and the fusion of different mitochondria ( Figure 2 ).Key molecular mechanisms involved in mitochondrial ssionand fusion have recently been elucidated (see Berman et al.,2008 for review). Before dividing, mitochondria replicate theirDNA, and levels of mitochondrial proteins encoded by nuclear

    DNA increase in a process called biogenesis (described in Fig-ure S2 ). Mitochondrial ssion is mediated by two key proteins,dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) and Fis1. Drp1 is located inthe cytoplasm and in punctate arrays on mitochondrial tubules,and includes a GTPase domain and a GTPase effector domain.Fis1 is located throughout the outer mitochondrial membrane,with the bulk of the protein consisting of six antiparallel helices(with the central four helices consisting of two tandem tetratrico-peptide repeats) on the cytosolic side of the membrane. Addi-tional proteins implicated in mitochondrial ssion include endo-philin B1 and MTP18. Endophilin B1 is a fatty acyl transferasethat is required for maintenance of mitochondrial morphology.Knockdown of endophilin B1 causes the formation of vesicles

    and tubules of outer mitochondrial membrane, and knockdownof both endophilin B1 and Drp1 leads to a mitochondrial pheno-type identical to that of the Drp1 single knockdown, suggestingthat endophilin B1 functions upstream of Drp1 in the process of mitochondrial ssion ( Karbowski et al., 2004 ). Fission of mito-chondria involves the recruitment of Drp1 (from remote cytosolicand mitochondrial sites) to discrete foci within the mitochondria,the sites where ssion is initiated. MTP18 is a mitochondrialmembrane protein that, when overexpressed, increases mito-chondrial ssion, and when knocked down, increases fusion( Tondera et al., 2005 ). Overexpression of Fis1 does not inducemitochondrial ssion in cells lacking MTP18, indicating thatMTP18 is required for mitochondrial ssion. The nature of theinteractions between the different proteins that mediate mito-chondrial ssion, and how they induce the separation of the mi-tochondrial membranes, remains to be established. However, it

    has beensuggested that Drp1 functionsas a mechanoenzymethat uses GTP hydrolysis to induce constriction at mitochondrialssion sites ( Shaw and Nunnari, 2002 ).

    Mitochondrial fusion is mediated by proteins called mitofusins(Mfn1 and Mfn2). Mfn1 and Mfn2 areintegral membrane proteinslocated in the outer mitochondrial membrane with both theC- and N-terminal regions protruding into the cytosol ( Koshibaet al., 2004 ). The N-terminal region contains a GTPase domainand a hydrophobic heptad repeat region, and the C-terminal re-gion also contains a heptad repeat region which may facilitatehomomeric binding and fusion of membranes of interacting mi-tochondria. Mutations in Mfn2 cause Charcot-Marie-Tooth dis-ease (CMT) type 2A, a peripheral neuropathy characterized by

    Figure 1. Proteins Involved in MitochondrialBioenergetics, Oxygen Radical Metabolism,and Ca 2+ RegulationThe electron transport chain (ETC) consists of four proteincomplexes (IIV) and the ATP synthase (complex V) lo-

    cated in the mitochondrial inner membrane. The activityof complex I converts NADH to NAD + , and the activity of complex II converts succinate to fumarate. Complexes I,III, and IV transport protons (H + ) across the membrane,and complexes I and III generate superoxide anion radical(O2 $ ) during the electron transferprocess. The enzymaticactivity of mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismu-tase(MnSOD) convertsO 2 $ to hydrogenperoxide(H 2 O2 ),which may then diffuse to the cytoplasmic compartmentswhere glutathione peroxidase and catalase convert H 2 O2to H 2 O. However, H 2 O2 can interact with Fe 2+ or Cu + togenerate hydroxyl radical (OH $ ), a highly reactive free rad-ical that can induce lipid peroxidation and oxidative dam-age to proteins and DNA. Mitochondrial uncoupling pro-teins (UCP) function as H + leak channels that decreasemitochondrial membrane potential, resulting in decreasedgeneration of O 2 $ and ATP. Several mitochondrial pro-teins are involved in regulating movement of Ca 2+ into

    and out of the mitochondria, including the Ca2+

    uniporterwhich moves Ca 2+ into the mitochondrial matrix, and theCa 2+ antiporter which extrudes Ca 2+ into the cytosol. Inaddition, movement of K + through ATP-sensitive potas-sium channels (KATP) in the inner membrane can resultin decreased mitochondrial Ca 2+ uptake. An importanttransmembrane protein complex that includes the volt-age-dependent anion channel (VDAC) forms large perme-

    ability transition pores (PTP). The PTP open during the process of apoptosis, resulting in the release of cytochrome c into the cytoplasm. Several cytoplasmicproteins, including Bcl-2 and BH-only proteins such as Bax, Bid, and Bik, may also interact with mitochondrial membranes, resulting in a change in their perme-ability. Finally, there are interactions between mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) such that Ca 2+ released through ER IP 3 receptorsand ryanodinereceptors (RyR) is rapidly transferred intomitochondria. On the other hand, cytochrome c releasedfrom mitochondria can trigger the release of Ca 2+ from theER.

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    axonal degeneration. Wild-type Mfn2 cannot counteract the mi-tochondrial fusion defect caused by mutant Mfn2 but, interest-ingly, wild-type Mfn1 can overcome the pathological effect of mutant Mfn2 ( Detmer and Chan, 2007 ). Another protein criticalfor mitochondrial fusion is optic atrophy 1 (OPA1), a member of the dynamin family of GTPases located in the mitochondrialintermembrane space where it is associated with the innermembrane.

    Fusion can occur rapidly (within less than 1 min), and the un-derlying events must therefore involve the coordinated fusionof the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes. A simpliedmodel therefore involves outer membrane fusion mediated by

    homotypic (Mfn1-Mfn1 or Mfn2-Mfn2) or heterotypic (Mfn1-Mfn2) binding of mitofusins in trans , followed by OPA1-mediatedfusion of the inner membranes ( Figure 2 ). Mitochondrial fusionrequires the proton gradient generated by a functioning ETCand, therefore, metabolically compromised mitochondria arefusion incompetent. Mitochondrial ssion often occurs soonafter two mitochondria fuse. Immediately following fusion mito-chondrial contents are segregated so as to enrich one of themitochondria generated by subsequent ssion with well-func-tioning components while targeting the impoverished ssionpartner for autophagic degradation ( Twig et al., 2008 ); in thisway cells are able to retain healthy mitochondria during the life-time of the organism. Another possible function of mitochondrialssion is to generate variability in mitochondrial phenotypes

    which are then deployed to different regions of the cell or re-spond to different environmental demands.

    Because of highly complex neuronal morphologies that in-clude long axons and elaborate dendritic arbors, it is essentialthat mechanisms exist to transport mitochondria throughoutthe neuron, and to recruit mitochondria to regions with particu-larly high metabolic demands such as presynaptic terminals( Hollenbeck and Saxton, 2005 ). Mitochondrial transport occursby microtubule motor-driven translocation along microtubuletracks that are arranged in polarized parallel arrays. Mitochon-dria can be actively transported in both the anterograde andretrograde directions by ATP-dependent motor proteins ( Fig-ure 3 ). Anterograde transport is mediated by kinesins, whiledynein motor proteins mediate retrograde transport. Mitochon-dria do not bind directly to the motor proteins but, instead,bind to adaptor proteins that link the mitochondrial membraneto the motor protein. Milton, syntabulin, and Miro are adaptor

    Figure 2. Mitochondrial Fusion and Fission MechanismsMitochondria can fuse with each other and exchange their membrane, inter-membrane, and matrix components (upper left). Fusion of the outer mitochon-drial membranes is mediated by homophilic and heterophilic interactions of cytosolic domains of mitofusins (Mfn1 and Mfn2), which are proteins locatedin the outer mitochondrial membrane (upper right). Fusion of the inner mito-chondrial membranes is believed to be mediated by OPA1, which is locatedin the intermembrane space. Mitochondrial ssion (lower left) involves recruit-ment of dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) to discrete foci within the mitochon-dria, and also requires Fis1, a protein located in the outer mitochondrial mem-brane (lower right).

    Figure 3. Mitochondrial Trafcking Mechanismswithin the AxonMicrotubules serve as tracks along which mitochondriamove either toward the presynaptic terminal (anterogradetransport) or toward the cell body (retrograde transport). ATP-dependent motor proteins that move mitochondriaalongmicrotubulesinclude kinesins(anterograde) and dy-nein (retrograde). Mitochondria associate with the motorproteins through specic adaptor proteins (AP). AP forkinesins include Milton, syntabulin, and a Rho GTPasecalledMiro. Dynactin isan AP fordynein.Withinthe axonalgrowth cone and presynaptic terminal, mitochondria maybe anchored and moved along actin laments by a myo-sin-mediated mechanism.

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    proteins for kinesins, and dynactin is an adaptor protein for dy-nein ( Rice and Gelfand, 2006; Frederick and Shaw, 2007 ). Whileprogress has been made in identifying the proteins involved inmitochondrial transport within neurons, the signaling mecha-

    nisms that control mitochondrial transport in response to localchanges in neuronal activity and energy metabolism are largelyunknown. For example, what is the mechanism that couplesmitochondrial membrane potential to transport such thatmitochondria with a greater membrane potential undergoanterograde transport, whereas mitochondria with a low mem-brane potential undergo retrograde transport ( Miller and Sheetz,2004 )?

    It is likely that neurotransmitters and neurotrophic factors con-trol mitochondrial dynamics because of their inuences on neu-ronal energy metabolism, Ca 2+ homeostasis, and dendritic andaxonal motility. Indeed, a recent study showed that cerebellarPurkinje cells in mice decient in the glutamate receptor Grid2exhibit extremely long mitochondria, abnormal spines and syn-

    apses, and severe ataxia, providing evidence that glutamate re-ceptor-mediated signaling affects mitochondrial ssion and/orfusion ( Liu and Shio, 2008 ). Further studies in which the effectsof neurotransmitters and neurotrophic factors on the molecularmachineries that regulate mitochondrial ssion, fusion, andmovement within neurons will expand our appreciation of the in-tegration of mitochondrial motility with neuronal functional andstructural dynamics.

    Developmental Roles for MitochondriaDuring development of the nervous system, neural stem cellsproliferate and then differentiate into neurons in the process of neurogenesis. The newborn neurons then grow an axon anddendrites and eventually form synapses; during this processmany newly generated neurons undergo programmed cell death(PCD) (apoptosis). What are the roles of mitochondria in thesehighly complex and dynamic developmental events? Changesin mitochondrial energy metabolism occur in brain cells duringembryonic and early postnatal development with a shift fromthe use of fatty acids as fuels during early development to theuse of glucose later on ( Erecinska et al., 2004 ), suggesting rolesfor mitochondria in supporting the different bioenergetic require-ments of highly proliferative neural stem cells and postmitoticneurons. During neuronal differentiation the number of mito-chondria per cell increases, but the velocity at which individualmitochondria move decreases as neurite outgrowth slows andsynaptogenesis occurs ( Chang and Reynolds, 2006 ). Treatment

    with chloramphenicol (an inhibitor of mitochondrial protein syn-thesis) prevents differentiation of the cells, whereas oligomycin(an inhibitor of the mitochondrial ATP synthase) does not, sug-gesting that increased mitochondrial mass (but not ATP produc-tion) is required for neuronal differentiation ( Vayssie `re et al.,1992 ). In addition, signals that inuence mitochondrial biogene-sis and function, including nitric oxide ( Barsoum et al., 2006 ) andBDNF ( Markham et al., 2004 ), may regulate the proliferationand differentiation of neural progenitor cells in the developingand adult brain ( Cheng et al., 2003 ).

    Soon after differentiating from stem cells, neurons extend sev-eral neurites, one of which begins to grow rapidly and acquiresthe molecular, structural, and functional characteristics of the

    axon, while the other neurites become dendrites. Shortly beforeaxogenesis occurs mitochondria congregate at the base of theneurite that is destined to become the axon ( Mattson and Partin,1999 ), and during axogenesis there is increased entry of mito-

    chondria into the nascent axon while the mitochondrial densityin the remaining short processes (dendrites) decreases ( Rutheland Hollenbeck, 2003 ).

    When electron transport is impaired (by selectively damagingmitochondrial DNA) and the cells are provided an alternative en-ergy source to maintain ATP levels, axogenesis is abolished, butgrowth of dendrites is relatively unaffected ( Mattson and Partin,1999 ). Mitochondria may play a key role in establishing neuronalpolarity by reducing the Ca 2+ concentration at the base of pre-sumptive axon, thereby promoting polymerization of microtu-bules and the rapid growth and differentiation of the axon.

    After axons and dendrites differentiate, their growth and syn-aptic connectivity may be inuenced by mitochondrial motilityand functions. During the formation of axonal branches mito-

    chondria respond to changes in growth by modifying their entryinto branches; however, the latter process does not require anactive growth cone, suggesting the involvement of a mechanismdifferent from that by which mitochondria accumulate in thegrowth cone ( Ruthel and Hollenbeck, 2003 ). Focal applicationof nerve growth factor (NGF) to growing axons results in theaccumulation of mitochondria near the site of NGF stimulationby a mechanism involving docking interactions with the actincytoskeleton, suggesting a role for mitochondria in facilitatinggrowth cone responses to neurotrophic factors ( Chada andHollenbeck, 2004 ).

    Many newly generated neurons undergo PCD, a process reg-ulated by neurotrophic factors and controlled by mitochondria( Kirkland and Franklin, 2003 ). Changes in the levels of expressionof Bcl-2 family members that regulate mitochondria-mediatedcell death occur during the processes of neurogenesis andneuronal differentiation. For example, in the developing mousebrain, levels of antiapoptotic Bcl-xL are highest at the peak of neurogenesis, whereas the peakof proapoptotic Bax expressioncoincides with astrocyte production ( Chang et al., 2007 ). Inter-estingly, overexpression of Bcl-xL and Bax in neural progenitorsinduces neuronal and astrocyticdifferentiation, respectively,andthese roles of Bcl-xLand Baxare apparently independent of theireffects on cell survival and death ( Chang et al., 2007 ).

    To date, theevidencethat mitochondriaplay important roles insculpting cytoarchitecture during development of nervous sys-tems is basedlargely on correlational datathe location or prop-

    erties of mitochondria change in association with developmentalprocesses. Several approaches could be employed to establishthe function of mitochondria in development, including the fol-lowing: knocking down mitochondrial function globally underconditions where cellular energy levels are maintained (low-dose ethidium bromide together with pyruvate and uridinesupplementation); knocking down the expression or function of proteins involved in specic mitochondrial processes (Ca 2+

    regulation, reactive oxygen species [ROS] metabolism, ssion,fussion, permeability transition pore [PTP] function, etc.); andtargeted inhibition of mitochondrial motility and functions selec-tively in subcellular regions (only in dendrites, axons, or synap-ses). Time-lapse analysis of mitochondrial movements within

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    subcellular compartments in response to physiological stimuli(electrical activity, activation of neurotrophic factor receptors,cell adhesion cues, etc.) will elucidate potential roles of mito-chondria in plasticity. Selective ablation and articial movementof mitochondria (using two-photon laser technology, for exam-ple) may establish the requirements of mitochondria for specic

    physiological events (neurite outgrowth, dendritic remodeling,etc.).

    Mitochondria in Synaptic PlasticityMitochondria presumably produce much of the ATP required tomaintain synaptic ion homeostasis and phosphorylation reac-tions, and indeed, presynaptic terminals typically contain multi-ple mitochondria ( Figures 3 and 4 ). Dendritic spines of excitatoryglutamatergic synapses, the most abundant type of synapse inthe mammalian CNS, experience large amounts of Ca 2+ inuxthrough N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors and voltage-dependent Ca 2+ channels (VDCC), as well as release of Ca 2+

    from the ER ( Toresson and Grant, 2005 ). Dendrites also contain

    Figure 4. Roles of Mitochondria in Developmentaland Synaptic Plasticity (A) Mitochondria play a pivotal role in axogenesis. At the time of plating in cell culture, embryonic rat hippocampal neurons werenot (control) or were (Mito-) treated with ethidium bromide, which

    damages mitochondrial DNA and thereby renders the ETC dys-functional. Images show neurons approximately 4 days later; theneurons in the control culture elaborated long axons (arrows)and shorter dendrites, whereas the Mito- neurons formed onlyshorter processes and no axons. Scale bar, 10 mm.(B) Electron microscopic image of synapses in the adult rodentbrain showing a dendritic spine with three postsynaptic densities(psd), two presynaptic terminals with numerous synaptic vesicles(v), and a mitochondrion (mit) in one presynaptic terminal.(C) Involvementof mitochondrialmotility in synapticplasticity. Thisexample shows a neuron receiving synaptic inputs onto two den-dritic spines. Activation of Input 1 results in Ca 2+ inux into thedendritic spine, which induces the local engagement of cytoskel-eton-mitochondria interactions and thus results in the transloca-tion of a mitochondrion to the base of that spine. In contrast,mitochondria are not recruited to an adjacent inactive synapse(Input 2). Mitochondrial transport along axons and dendritesmay also be inuenced by action potentials. By moving to regions

    of active synapses, mitochondria may contribute to plasticity byincreasing the local supply of ATP and by buffering and releasingCa 2+ .

    mitochondria, although they are typically absent fromspines ( Figure 4 C). One exception is olfactory bulbdendritic spines, which subserve both presynapticand postsynaptic functions, and which contain mito-chondria that can move back and forth betweenspines and the parent dendrite ( Cameron et al.,1991 ). The behaviors and functional properties of mito-chondria differ in axons and dendrites. For example,twice as many mitochondria are motile in the axonsas compared with thedendrites of cultured hippocam-pal neurons, and there is a greater proportion of highlycharged, more metabolically active mitochondria indendrites than in axons ( Overly et al., 1996 ).

    Synapses that are very active become potentiated,resulting in long-term increases in the size and func-tional strength of those synapses, which are forms

    of synaptic plasticity implicated in learning and memory ( Harmset al., 2008 ). Recent ndings in which the motility and function of mitochondria have been visualized in experimental models sug-gest that mitochondria play active roles in synaptic plasticity.During synaptogenesis the movement of mitochondria into den-dritic protrusions correlates with the morphological plasticity of

    developing spines; impairment of the dynamin-like GTPasesDrp1 and OPA1 reduces dendritic mitochondria content andcauses a loss of synapses and dendritic spines, whereas in-creasing dendritic mitochondrial content enhances the numberand plasticity of spines and synapses ( Li et al., 2004 ). Geneticmanipulations of syntaphilin have revealed a role for this proteinas a negative regulator of mitochondrial motility in axons; synta-philin mutant neurons exhibit enhanced short-term facilitationduring prolonged stimulation, probably by affecting mitochon-dria-mediated Ca 2+ signaling at presynaptic terminals ( Kanget al., 2008 ). Moreover, in Drosophila Milton interactswith kinesinand is required for transport of mitochondria to presynapticterminals; photoreceptors mutant for Milton show aberrant

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    synaptic transmission despite normal phototransduction ( Stow-ers et al., 2002 ). It remains to be established if and how recruit-ment of mitochondria to active synapses contributes to long-term changes in synaptic strength.

    In addition to movements of mitochondria within axons anddendrites, changes in mitochondrial functions (Ca 2+ regulation,energy metabolism, and oxyradical production) also play rolesin synaptic plasticity. Posttetanic potentiation, a form of plastic-ity that arises from a persistent presynaptic Ca 2+ elevationfollowing tetanic stimulation, is blocked by inhibitors of mito-chondrial Ca 2+ uptake and release ( Tang and Zucker, 1997 ).Blocking the posttetanic potentiation with cyclosporin A resultsin an increase of basal synaptic transmission and impairs synap-tic plasticity ( Levy et al., 2003 ). Other ndings suggest that pre-synaptic mitochondria play a role in the maintenance of synaptictransmission by sequestering Ca 2+ and thereby accelerating re-covery from synaptic transmission during periods of moderate tohigh synaptic activity ( Billups and Forsythe, 2002 ). Neurons in

    Drosophila Drp1 mutants exhibit synapses devoid of mitochon-dria and elevations in resting Ca 2+ levels at neuromuscular junc-tions ( Verstreken et al., 2005 ). Basal synaptic transmission islargely normal in Drp1 mutant ies, but during intense stimula-tion, mutants fail to maintain normal neurotransmission. Al-though exocytosis and endocytosis are normal in the mutants,theability to mobilize reserve pool vesicles is impaired as a resultof reduced ATP availability. Moreover, age-related cognitive im-pairment, and presumably the synaptic plasticity subservinglearning and memory, is associated with structural abnormalitiesin mitochondria andoxidation of RNAand DNA( Liu etal.,2002a ).

    Emerging ndings suggest roles for mitochondria as media-tors of at least some of the effects of glutamate and BDNF onsynaptic plasticity. An increasing number of signaling functionsfor mitochondria are being discovered ( Figure S3 ). For example,glutamate-receptor-mediated patterned synaptic activity, suchas occurs during stimulus-train-induced bursting, results inslow and prolonged changes in mitochondrial potential that ex-hibit both temporal and spatial correlations with the intensity of the electrical activity ( Bindokas et al., 1998 ). The patternedchanges in mitochondrial membrane potential involve gluta-mate-receptor-mediated Ca 2+ inux. Synaptic activation of glu-tamate receptors may also affect mitochondrial bioenergeticsindependently of Ca 2+ inux, as suggested by studies of stimu-lus-evoked changes in NAD(P)H uorescence at CA1 synapsesin hippocampal slices ( Shuttleworth et al., 2003 ). Several neuro-trophic factors, including BDNF, which plays a pivotal role in hip-

    pocampus-dependent learning and memory ( Lu et al., 2008 ),have been shown to modify synaptic plasticity. BDNF promotessynapticplasticity in partby enhancingmitochondrial energy pro-duction because it increases glucose utilization in cultured corti-cal neurons in response to enhanced energydemand ( Burkhalteret al., 2003 ) and increases mitochondrial respiratory coupling atcomplex I ( Markham et al., 2004 ). Consistent with this possibility,BDNF expression and signaling is increased in response to envi-ronmental factors suchas exercise and cognitivestimulation thatincrease cellular energy demand ( Mattson et al., 2004 ).

    Many questions concerning the roles of mitochondria in syn-aptic plasticity remain unanswered. Are mitochondria in presyn-aptic terminals phenotypically different from those in dendrites?

    How does synaptic activity affect mitochondrial function andmotility, assuming it does so? This could be determined by com-bining manipulations of specic signaling components (gluta-mate receptors, Ca 2+ -dependent kinases and other kinases,

    cyclic nucleotides, nitric oxide, etc.) with high-resolution, imag-ing-based measurements of mitochondrial motility and func-tional status (membrane potential, ROS and Ca 2+ levels, etc.).Behavioral and electrophysiological evaluation of synaptic plas-ticity in mice with a conditional knockdown of proteins with spe-cic roles in mitochondrial motility (Drp1, Fis1, Mfn, and OPA)and function (components of the mitochondrial ETC, PTP, andCa 2+ handling systems, for example) should establish the rolesof these proteins in synaptic plasticity.

    Pivotal Roles for Mitochondria in Neuronal Cell DeathTwo general types of cell death are widely recognizednecrosisand PCD ( Figure S4 ). Necrosis is sometimes referred to as acci-dental cell death, implying that cells do not execute preexisting

    programs; instead, they are caught off guard in these situa-tions. In PCD the cell decides to die and so activates a molec-ular suicide cascade that involves the production and mobiliza-tion of various proteins that can be considered as excecutioners.

    NecrosisNecrosis is not typical for developmental or tissue-turnover-related cell death. Instead, neuronal necrosis occurs under con-ditions of severe energy deprivation and oxidative and ionicstress. A neuron undergoing necrosis dies rapidly as the resultof cell swelling, activation of proteases, and the rupture of cellmembranes ( Figure S4 B). During necrosis intracellular contents,which contain neurotoxic substances such as glutamate andlysosomal enzymes, are spewed into the extracellular space( Nieminen, 2003 ). A typical trigger for necrosis is ATP depletioncaused by severe ischemia, glutamate toxicity, or mitochondrialtoxins. Moreover, apoptotic stimuli can cause necrosis when cy-tosolic ATP is depleted because apoptosis requires ATP for itsexecution. During necrosis mitochondria accumulate Ca 2+ , theirinner membrane becomes structurally disorganized and dam-aged, and the mitochondria swell and may rupture. In some in-stances, antagonists of ionotropic glutamate receptors or acti-vated ATP-sensitive K + channels can preserve mitochondrialfunction and prevent necrosis ( Rogawski, 1993; Liu et al.,2002b ). It may also be possible to protect neurons against necro-sis by blocking pivotal enzymatic events, such as activation of c- jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) ( Arthur et al., 2007 ) and calpains

    ( Widdowson et al., 1997 ). The rapidity of the necrosis processseverely limits the ability of the cell to survive, therefore empha-sizing the importance of preventing exposure to the necrotic in-sulteating well andexercising to reducethe chanceof a stroke,for example.

    Programmed Cell Death Apoptosis is the prototypical form of PCD in neurons during de-velopment and adult cell turnover, and it may also occur ina range of neurodegenerative conditions (see section on neuro-logical disorders below). Morphologically it is characterized bycell shrinkage, membrane blebbing, and karyorrhexis. On abiochemical level two apoptotic cascades exist: an intrinsic

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    pathway in which mitochondria play a pivotal role, and an extrin-sic pathway that bypasses mitochondria (see Stefanis, 2005 forreview). The intrinsic pathway ( Figure S4 C), which predominatesin neurons, is initiated with a cell death signal such as trophic

    factor withdrawal, moderate overactivation of glutamate recep-tors, oxidative stress, and DNA damage. The apoptotic triggeroften activates kinases such as JNK and transcription factorssuch as p53 that induce the expression and mitochondrial trans-location of the proapoptotic Bcl-2 family members Bax and Bak,which form pores in the outer mitochondrial membrane. The in-creased permeability of the outer mitochondrial membrane alsoinvolves the formation of a large multiprotein PTP through whichcytochrome c passes from the mitochondrial intermembranespace to the cytosol. In the cytosol cytochrome c binds to apo-ptosis protease activating factor 1 (Apaf-1) and ATP (or dATP) toform the apoptosome, which then recruits and activates the ini-tiator caspase 9 ( Riedl and Salvesen, 2007 ). Caspase 9 thencleaves and activates caspase 3 which, in turn, cleaves numer-

    ous protein substrates that execute the cell death process.There are several additional points of regulation of the apopto-

    tic process. For example, Bax and Bak actions can be inhibitedby Bcl-2, BcL-xL, or other antiapoptotic members of the Bcl-2family, and caspases can be inhibited by inhibitor of apoptosisproteins (IAPs). IAPs on the other hand can be inhibited by themitochondrial protein secondary mitochondria-derived activatorof caspases (Smac/DIABLO) and high temperature requirementprotein A2 (HtrA2/Omi). Bax and Bak action can be enhanced/ initiated by proapoptotic members of the same family, mostimportantly by caspase 3-cleaved (truncated) Bid (tBid). In thenucleus caspase 3 activates caspase activated DNase (CAD)( Enari et al., 1998 ), which cleavesnuclear DNA between histones,creating DNA fragments of 160 bp or multiples thereof. Thus,cytochrome c release, caspase 3 activation, and nucleosomalDNA cleavage are three biochemical hallmarks of apoptosis.

    While caspase inhibition can prevent cell death, it does notprevent cytochrome c release into the cytosol, and may therebycompromise mitochondrial ATP generation while simultaneouslyincreasing superoxide production. Consequently, caspase in-hibiton can render neurons vulnerable to necrosis. Similarly,apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) and HtrA2 are essential compo-nents of mitochondrial structure and function, and their releaseinto the cytosol impairs mitochondrial function ( Cheung et al.,2006; Martins et al., 2004 ). Some evidence suggests that mito-chondria can release cytochrome c , Smac, HtrA2, and AIF withsome degree of selectivity, but the mechanism is unclear ( Huang

    et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2004 ). Nevertheless, PCD is reduced inmice decient in Apaf-1( Yoshida et al., 1998 ), caspase 3 ( Kuidaet al., 1996 ), or caspase 9 ( Hakem et al., 1998 ), as well as in micein which cytochrome c is mutated so that it cannot activate cas-pase 9 but still functions as an electron carrier ( Hao et al., 2005 ).The phenotype of each of the latter mice is characterized bya lack of cell death in CNS precursor populations, resulting ingross misdevelopment of the brain and either embryonic or earlypostnatal death. Remarkably, caspase 3-decient mice do nothave any overt phenotype when bred on a C57BL/6 geneticbackground, in contrast to the cortical dysgenesis observed ona mixed genetic background ( Leonard et al., 2002 ); the reasonfor this effect of genetic backgrounds is unknown.

    In most cells Bax and Bak can compensate for each other;however, in cultured cerebellar granule neurons and sympa-thetic neurons, Bax deciency alone very effectively inhibits tro-phic-factor-withdrawal-induced apoptosis ( Miller et al., 1997 ).

    Bax deciency does not prevent neuronal atrophy or downregu-lation of cell metabolism, but rather prevents the execution of apoptosis. Combined deciency of Bax and Bak is very effectivein preventing outer mitochondrial membrane permeability andapoptosis, resulting in CNS dysgenesis ( Lindsten et al., 2000 ).In contrast, Bid-decient mice survive into adulthood withoutobvious developmental abnormalities ( Yin et al., 1999 ), yet theirneurons exhibit increased resistance to ischemic injury ( Plesnilaet al., 2001 ). The proteins that form the PTP downstream of Bax,Bak, and Bid interactions with the mitochondrial membrane, andthe mechanism of pore formation remains elusive. The long-standing concept that the adenine nucleoside transporter(ANT) and voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) constitutethe mitochondrial PTP has been recently challenged by the phe-

    notypes of mice decient in these proteins (see Juhaszova et al.,2008 for review).

    While apoptotic PCD involves the entire cell, apoptotic bio-chemical cascades that involve mitochondria can be triggeredlocally within dendrites and axons, where they may play rolesin neuritic and synaptic structural and functional plasticity. Acti-vation of glutamate receptors in the dendrites of embryonic hip-pocampal neurons results in a local increase of mitochondrialmembrane permeability and activation of caspase 3 in the den-drites ( Mattson et al., 1998 ). The latter study also showed thatexposure of isolated synapses to triggers of apoptosis resultsin mitochondrial membrane depolarization, ROS production,and Ca 2+ accumulation and activation of caspase 3. Prostate ap-optosis response 4, a mediator of neuronal apoptosis that actsupstream of mitochondrial alterations, can also be activatedlocally in synapses ( Duan et al., 1999 ). Other studies have shownthat inhibitors of caspases 1 and 3 can modify long-term poten-tiation of synaptic transmission at hippocampal synapses( Gulyaeva et al., 2003; Lu et al., 2006 ), suggesting roles for apo-ptoticcascades in synaptic plasticity. Cleavage of theGluR1 andGluR4 subunits of AMPA glutamate receptors by caspase 3 maymediate some of theeffects of the intrinsicapoptotic pathway onsynaptic plasticity, and may also provide a mechanism that (byreducing Na + and Ca 2+ inux) prevents excitotoxic necrosis( Glazner et al., 2000; Lu et al., 2002 ). A role for mitochondrial ap-optotic cascades in synaptic remodeling in vivo is suggested bythe demonstration that caspase 3 activity increases transiently in

    dendritic spines in auditory forebrain of the zebra nch in re-sponse to exposure to tape-recorded birdsong ( Huesmannand Clayton, 2006 ). Selective blockade of caspase 3 impairsconsolidation of a persistent physiological trace of the songstimulus, thus establishing a role for caspase 3 in learning andmemory.

    In addition to their role in the most common caspase-medi-ated form of PCD, mitochondria also mediate a different typeof neuronal death that is caspase independent (CIPCD) in whichthe outer mitochondrial membrane becomes permeable, but in-stead of cytochrome c , AIF is released ( Figure S4 D). CIPCD inneurons has been most clearly demonstrated in cell death para-digms in which activation of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase

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    1 (PARP-1) and the generation of poly (ADP-ribose) (PAR) poly-mers occurs ( Yu et al., 2002, 2006 ). PARP-1 is an NAD + -depen-dent enzyme that is activated in neurons by overactivation of glutamate receptors and in response to DNA damage and is

    required for AIF release from mitochondria. PAR polymersassociatewith mitochondria andinduce therelease of AIF, whichthen translocates to the nucleus and triggers nuclear DNA fragmentation.

    Despite the evidence that mitochondria are pivotal arbitratorsof neuronal cell survival and death decisions, critical issues re-main unresolved. The identities of the proteins that mediatekey death-regulatory systems within mitochondria, such ascomponents of the PTP and ATP-sensitive K + channels, are un-known. In addition, the physiological roles of subthreshold levelsof activation of death events (PTP opening, cytochrome c re-lease, Ca 2+ uptake and release, etc.) remain to be established.The evidence that the latter events can occur locally and tran-siently in synaptic terminals, dendrites, and axons suggests

    important roles in synaptic plasticity and neurite outgrowth. Webelieve that future studies will reveal a range of nonapoptoticfunctions for different caspases and other apoptotic proteins(Bcl-2and p53 familymembers andPARP-1, for example) in pro-cesses ranging from neurogenesis to synaptic plasticity.

    Neurological DisordersSeveral inheriteddiseases arecaused by mutations in mitochon-drial DNA, andthe cell types most affected in these disorders arethose with high energy demands, including muscle cells andneurons ( Wallace, 2005 ). However, the most common neurolog-ical disorders (Alzheimers, Parkinsons, and Huntingtons dis-eases; stroke; and psychiatric disorders) are not caused bymitochondrial mutations, but instead typically involve interac-tions of nuclear genetic and environmental variables. In thissection we describe the current state of understanding of theroles of mitochondria in the dysfunction and degeneration of neurons in major neurological disorders.

    Ischemic strokeDuring a stroke the drastic reduction in blood supply to neuronsnormally perfused by the affected cerebral blood vessel resultsin cellular hypoxia and glucose deprivation, leading to greatly di-minished ETC activity and ATP depletion ( Moustafa and Baron,2008 ). Histologically, the brain tissue affected by a stroke con-sists of a core region where ischemia is severe and the neuronsdie rapidly by necrosis, and a surrounding penumbra where the

    neurons may die over a period of hours to several days by a PCDmechanism or mechanisms. The involvement of mitochondria inischemic neuronal death in the penumbra is supported by con-siderabledata from experimental models (particularly middle ce-rebral artery occlusionreperfusion studies in rodents) reviewedin detail elsewhere ( Zheng et al., 2003 ) that include Ca 2+ inuxthrough NMDA receptorsand accumulationof Ca 2+ in mitochon-dria ( Zhang and Lipton, 1999 ); mitochondrial O 2 $ productionand consequent oxidative damage to proteins, lipids, and DNA ( Keller et al., 1998 ); p53-mediated Bax expression and facilita-tion of PTP formation ( Culmsee and Mattson, 2005; Endoet al., 2006 ); and PTP opening, cytochrome c release, and acti-vation of caspases 9 and 3 ( Friberg et al., 1998; Korde et al.,

    2007 ). In addition to Bax, Bid has been shown to be a pivotal pro-moter of mitochondrial PTP formation and cytochrome c releasein neurons undergoing ischemic cell death ( Plesnila et al., 2001 ).Several putative components of the PTP have been implicated in

    ischemic neuronal death including cyclophilin D ( Schinzel et al.,2005 ) and porin ( Perez Velazquez et al., 2000 ). Recently a novelprotein called pancortin-2 was shown to promote mitochondria-mediated apoptosis during cerebral ischemia by interacting withthe actin-associated protein WAVE1 and sequestering Bcl-xL,thereby preventing Bcl-xL from stabilizing mitochondrial mem-branes ( Cheng et al., 2007 ). Interestingly, mitochondrial ssionoccurs in neurons during ischemic conditions and may contrib-ute to their death, because prevention of ssion by knockdownof Drp1 or overexpression of Mfn1 protects neurons againsthypoxic death ( Barsoum et al., 2006 ).

    Two additional classes of mitochondrial proteins that play im-portant roles in protecting neurons against excitotoxic and is-chemic injury are K + channels and uncoupling proteins (UCPs).

    Treatment with the mitochondrial K + channel opener diazoxidereduces mitochondrial Ca 2+ uptake and oxidative stress, pre-vents PTP formation, and protects neurons against excitotoxicand ischemic injury ( Liu et al., 2002b ). Mitochondrial UCPs re-duce mitochondrial oxyradical production by dissipating the H +

    gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Neurons intransgenic mice overexpressing UCP-2 exhibit increased resis-tance to death in models of focal ischemic stroke and traumaticbrain injury ( Mattiasson et al., 2003 ). Studies of cultured neuronsin which UCP-4 levels were reduced using RNA interferencemethods demonstrated roles for UCP-4 in modifying cellularenergy metabolism (decreasing ETC activity and increasingglucose uptake and glycolysis) and reducing oxyradical produc-tion in ways that increase the resistance of the neurons to exci-totoxic and oxidative insults ( Liu et al., 2006 ). UCP-4 activityreduces mitochondrial Ca 2+ accumulation and store-operatedCa 2+ entry, a process in which depletion of ER Ca 2+ stores trig-gers Ca 2+ inux through plasmamembraneCa 2+ channels ( Chanet al., 2006 ).

    Finally, studies of ischemic death have revealed roles for mito-chondria in a process called preconditioning hormesis, in whichthe expression of genes that encode cytoprotective proteins, in-cluding chaperones such as heat-shock protein 70 (HSP-70) andglucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP-78), antiapoptotic proteinssuchas Bcl-2, andantioxidant enzymes, is increased( Arumugamet al., 2006 ). Ischemic preconditioninghormesis has been shownto block ischemia-induced translocationof BAD to mitochondria,

    Bcl-xL cleavage, and PTP formation in mitochondria ( Miyawakiet al., 2008 ). Bcl-2 may protect neurons against excitotoxicityand ischemic injury by enhancing the ability of mitochondria tosequester large quantities of Ca 2+ while their respiratory functionis maintained ( Murphyet al., 1996 ). Several therapeutic strategiesfor stroke, including dietary energy restriction ( Yu and Mattson,1999 ) and mitochondrial uncouplers ( Korde et al., 2005 ), mayact in part by inducing an adaptive mitochondrial stress re-sponse. Thus, in addition to reducing risk factors such as hyper-tension, a lifestyle that includes regular exposure to dietary andbehavioral factors that induce an adaptive cellular stress re-sponse in neurons would be expected to improve the outcomein individuals who do suffer a stroke ( Mattson and Cheng, 2006 ).

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    sphingomyelinases, resulting in the production of ceramides( Cutler et al., 2004 ), thus triggering mitochondria-mediated neu-ron death by a mechanism involving dephosphorylation of Akt,BAD, and GSK-3 b ( Stoica et al., 2003 ). Ceramide alters mito-

    chondrial Ca2+

    homeostasis and triggers apoptosis by inducingcyclin-dependent kinase-5-mediated phosphorylation of tau,resulting in the clustering of mitochondria with the ER andthereby increasing the mitochondrial uptake of Ca 2+ releasedfrom the ER ( Darios et al., 2005 ). A b may also act directly on mi-tochondria by impairing electron transport ( Manczak et al., 2006;Veereshwarayya et al., 2006 ) and interacting with the mitochon-drial protein A b -binding alcohol dehydrogenase (ABAD), whichimpairs the binding of NAD to ABAD ( Lustbader et al., 2004 ). Ithas also been suggested that APP is present in mitochondriawhere it can be processed by A b -generating presenilin-1/ g -sec-retase ( Hansson et al., 2004 ) and by the mitochondrial proteaseHtrA2, which generates a 161 amino acid nonamyloidogenicC-terminal APP fragment ( Park et al., 2006a ). A remaining unan-

    swered question is how A b interacts with membrane lipids andproteins to perturb mitochondrial function, but peptide oligomer-ization and metal (Fe 2+ and Cu + ) generation of hydrogen perox-ide are implicated ( Mattson, 2004 ).

    Mechanisms of mitochondrial dysfunction in AD that are in-dependent of A b have also been suggested. For example, pre-senilin mutations may promote mitochondrial dysfunction byperturbing ER Ca 2+ handling, which in turn promotes synapticmitochondrial Ca 2+ overload and can trigger apoptosis ( Bez-prozvanny and Mattson, 2008 ). Wild-type presenilin-1 mayfunction as a Ca 2+ leak channel in the ER, and AD-causingmutations impair this Ca 2+ -regulating function of presenilin-1.It has also been shown that presenilin-1 mutations impair kine-sin-based axonal transport ( Pigino et al., 2003 ), suggestingthat presenilin-1 may inuence the movement of mitochondriato axon terminals. Increasing evidence also suggests a role formitochondrial alterations upstream of A b and tau pathologiesin AD. Cytochrome c oxidase deciency in neurons results indecreased A b accumulation and lower levels of oxidativestress in a mouse model of AD ( Fukui et al., 2007 ). Mitochon-drial superoxide accumulation may contribute to the AD pro-cess because APP mutant mice with reduced levels of MnSODexhibit worsening of behavioral decits and dendritic pathol-ogy ( Esposito et al., 2006 ). Altogether, the available data iden-tify several possible targets for therapeutic interventions thatstabilize mitochondria in AD, including b- and g -secretase in-hibitors, antioxidants, mitochondrial membrane-stabilizing

    agents, and agents that target Ca2+

    -regulating proteins. Exer-cise, cognitive stimulation, and dietary energy restriction mayalso protect mitochondria against AD-associated dysfunctionin part by increasing neurotrophic factor signaling ( Arumugamet al., 2006 ).

    In order to better understand the roles of mitochondrial alter-ations in AD, longitudinal studies of molecular, structural, andfunctional aspects of mitochondria in neurons in animal modelsof AD are needed. Parallel studies in which the effects of specicmanipulations of mitochondrial functions (ATP and ROS produc-tion, Ca 2+ handling, etc.) on A b and tau pathologies and synapticplasticity are evaluated would help clarify if and how mitochon-dria modify AD pathogenic processes.

    Parkinsons DiseaseEvidence supports a major role for mitochondrial alterations inParkinsons disease (PD), the most common movement disorder(see Schapira, 2008 for review). Degeneration of dopaminergic

    neurons in the substantia nigra underlies motor dysfunction inPD, and the disease also involves degeneration of neurons in re-gionsof the braincontrolling autonomicfunctions, cognition, andmood ( Braak et al., 2003 ). Neurons that degenerate in PD oftencontain intracellular inclusions of the protein a -synuclein whichform the so-called Lewy bodies. The causes of sporadic casesof PD are unknown, but decreased levels of mitochondrial com-plex I activityare associated with thedisease process ( Swerdlowet al., 1996 ). Complex I in PD has oxidatively damaged and mis-assembled protein subunits ( Keeney et al., 2006 ). In addition, theenvironmental toxins rotenone and MPTP cause degeneration of dopaminergic neurons and PD-like symptoms in animal modelsby a mechanism involving selective inhibition of complex I ( Ger-lach et al., 1991 ), suggesting that complex I impairment may be

    sufcient to cause the disease. Mitochondrial DNA deletionshave also been implicated in the degeneration of dopaminergicneurons ( Biskup and Moore, 2006 ), although whether mitochon-drial DNA damage is pivotal for PD remains unknown.

    Some cases of PD are inherited and have an early age of dis-ease onset (see Bogaerts et al., 2008 for review). Mutations ina -synuclein (PARK1), leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2)(PARK8), and ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCHL1)(PARK5) cause PD that is inherited in an autosomal-dominantmanner, while mutations in Parkin (PARK2), DJ-1 (PARK7), andPTEN-induced putative kinase 1 (PINK1) (PARK6) cause PDwhen inherited from both parents (recessive mutations). Muta-tions in the gene encoding the mitochondrial serine proteaseHtrA2 (PARK13) have also been linked to PD in several families.a -synuclein is located in presynaptic terminals where it may playa role in dopaminergic signaling ( Abeliovich et al., 2000 ). a -syn-uclein is normally degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome path-way, and studies of cultured cells ( Saha et al., 2000 ) and a familywith inherited PD caused by a triplicationof the a -synuclein gene( Singleton et al., 2003 ) suggest that even modest intracellularaccumulation of a -synuclein can result in the dysfunction anddegeneration of dopaminergic neurons ( Figure 6 ).

    Overexpression of wild-type a -synuclein in cultured cells re-sults in the formation of a -synuclein-immunopositive inclusions,increased levels of oxidative stress, and mitochondrial alter-ations that are ameliorated by treatment with antioxidants ( Hsuet al., 2000 ). Inducible expression of mutant a -synuclein in

    PC12 cells impairs proteasome activity and increases the vulner-ability of the cells to mitochondria-mediated (PTP- and caspase-3-dependent)apoptosis ( Tanaka et al., 2001 ). Mitochondrial dys-function and damage have been documented in brain cells of a -synuclein mutant mice and Parkin-decient mice ( Stichelet al., 2007 ). a -synuclein A53T mutant mice develop mitochon-drial DNA damage and neuronal degeneration, and showevidence for apoptosis of neocortical, brainstem, and motorneurons ( Martin et al., 2006 ). A proteomic analysis of brain tissuesamples from transgenic mice overexpressingA30P a -synucleinrevealed increased oxidative modication and impaired enzy-matic activity of themetabolic proteins carbonic anhydrase2, al-pha-enolase, and lactate dehydrogenase 2 ( Poon et al., 2005 ).

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    Mutant a -synuclein may adversely affect mitochondria by ac-tions at the outer mitochondrial membrane or by accumulatinginside the mitochondria ( Devi et al., 2008 ).

    Parkin is a ubiquitin E3 ligase that associates with mitochon-drial membranes and can protect mitochondria against apopto-tic PTP opening and cytochrome c release ( Darios et al., 2003 ).Drosophila decient in Parkin exhibit locomotor decits due toapoptotic death of muscle cells and reduced lifespan; mitochon-drial abnormalities occur early in the process of muscledegener-ation ( Greene et al., 2003 ). A proteomic analysis of Parkin-decient mice revealed decreased levels of several subunits of complexes I and IV, and striatal cells from the mice exhibited re-duced mitochondrial respiratory capacity and decreased antiox-idant capacity ( Palacino et al., 2004 ). Parkin may directly interactwith DJ-1, andPD DJ-1 mutants show a reduction in this interac-tion, resulting in failure of Parkin to ubiquitinate and enhance thedegradation of mutant DJ-1 ( Moore et al., 2005 ).

    Cell fractionation and immunoultrastructural analysis showedthat DJ-1 is present in the mitochondrial intermembrane spaceand in the matrix, and that PD-linked DJ-1 mutants are similarly

    localized in mitochondria ( Zhang et al., 2005 ). DJ-1 functions toreduce mitochondrial oxidative stress, and recent ndings sug-gest that DJ-1 exhibits peroxiredoxin-like peroxidase activity( Andres-Mateos et al., 2007 ). Oxidation of DJ-1 to form cyste-ine-sulnic acid at cysteine 106 results in mitochondrial localiza-tion of DJ-1 and protection against cell death ( Canet-Avile s etal.,2004 ). DJ-1 is also located in mitochondria in Drosophila neu-rons, and Drosophila DJ-1 mutants exhibit locomotor dysfunc-tion that is exacerbated by oxidative stress ( Park et al., 2005 ).Overexpressing a -synuclein or reducing levels of Parkin orDJ-1 renders C. elegans vulnerable to mitochondrial complex Iinhibitors, but not direct oxidative insults ( Ved et al., 2005 ), con-sistent with mitochondrial impairment being a common mecha-

    nism by which different familial PD mutations promote neuronaldegeneration.

    PINK1 is a serine/threonine kinase located in mitochondriawhere it may associate with outer and inner membranes.PINK1 appears to play an important role in mitochondrial main-tenance because depletion of PINK1 in cultured cells results inabnormal mitochondrial morphology and membrane depolariza-tion, and similar mitochondrial alterations are present in primarycells from patients with PINK1 mutations ( Exner et al., 2007 ). In-activation of PINK1 in Drosophila results in degeneration of dopaminergic neurons and muscle cells that is preceded by mi-tochondrial enlargement and disintegration ( Yang et al., 2006 ). InDrosphila PINK1 is required for normal mitochondrial function,and Parkin can rescue mitochondrial function in PINK1 mutants( Clark et al., 2006; Park et al., 2006b ). PINK1 may regulate mito-chondrial biogenesis because it has been shown to interact withproteins that control the processes of mitochondrial ssion andfusion; overexpression of PINK1 increases mitochondrial ssion,whereas depletion of PINK1 increases fusion ( Yang et al., 2008 ).Loss-of-function mutations of Drp1, a mitochondrial ssion-pro-

    moting protein, are largely lethal in a PINK1 or Parkin mutantbackground, whereas cell degeneration and mitochondrial mor-phological alterations caused by PINK1 and Parkin mutationsare suppressed by Drp1 ( Poole et al., 2008 ). PINK1 may protectmitochondria against oxidative stress by phosphorylating themitochondrial chaperone protein TRAP1 ( Pridgeon et al., 2007 ).Thus, mutations in several proteins that cause familial PD serveimportant roles in the physiology and plasticity of mitochondria,strongly suggesting a pivotal role for mitochondrial abnormalitiesin PD.

    Thedetailsof themolecular eventsby which a -synuclein accu-mulation and mutations in Parkin, DJ-1, and PINK1 impair mito-chondrial function and trigger dopaminergic neuron death

    Figure 6. The Degeneration of DopaminergicNeurons in Parkinsons Disease Involves ImpairedETC Function, Proteasomal Overload,and Excitotoxicity Mitochondrial complex I activity is reduced in vulnerable

    neurons in PD, likely as the result of a combination of nor-mal aging, exposures to environmentaltoxins,and geneticfactors. The resulting ATP depletion and increased levelsof ROS render neurons vulnerable to excitotoxic Ca 2+

    overload. Mutations in genes that cause inherited PD( a -synuclein, Parkin, DJ-1, PINK1, UCHL1, and LRRK2)may adversely affect mitochondrial function either indi-rectly or directly. Mutations of a -synuclein (or increasedamounts of wild-type a -synuclein caused by increased ex-pression or decreased proteasomal degradation) resultsin theformation of a -synuclein oligomers thatmay exacer-bate ROS-mediated damage to mitochondrial mem-branes and proteins. UCHL2 mutations may contributeto proteasomal overload in PD. Parkin is a ubiquitin E3 li-gasethat plays important roles in removing damaged pro-teins from neurons; this E3 ligase activityis reduced in PD,resulting in excessive accumulation of damaged/neuro-toxic proteins. Parkin may affect one or more proteins of

    the PTP,therebypreventing cytochrome c releaseand ap-optosis. DJ-1 is a mitochondrial protein that reduces ROSand blocks PTP formation. PINK1 is important for themaintenance of membrane potential and suppression of oxidative stress. Thus, mutations in DJ-1 and PINK1 pro-mote damage to mitochondria. E1, ubiquitin E1 ligase;E2, ubiquitin E2 ligase; LRRK2, leucine-rich repeat kinase2; UCHL1, ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1.

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    remain to be established. Candidate mechanisms include inter-actions with mitochondrial ETC proteins, Ca 2+ -regulating sys-tems, Bcl-2 family proteins, and PTP proteins. Despite the lackof a full understanding of molecular pathogenesis, the availability

    of mitochondrial toxin-based and genetic mutation-based cellculture andanimal models of PD provide abundant opportunitiesfor preclinical screening of drugs and dietary and behavioralinterventions. Indeed, a range of promising agents (MAO inhibi-tors, antiapoptotic agents, and creatine) are in transition frombench to bedside ( Schapira, 2008 ).

    Huntingtons DiseaseHuntingtons disease (HD), the most common inherited neurode-generative disorder, is caused by expansions of CAG repeats inthehuntingtin gene resulting in polyglutamate repeats in the hun-tingtin protein ( Walker, 2007 ). Medium spiny neurons in the stria-tum and cerebral cortical and brainstem neurons are among thecell populations most severely affected in HD, resulting in char-

    acteristic motor, cognitive/behavioral, and autonomic decits.Several adverse effects of mutant huntingtin on mitochondriahave been reported, including the following: impaired mitochon-drialtrafcking ( Chang et al., 2006 ); reduced ATP levels in synap-tic terminals ( Orr et al., 2008 ); mitochondrial depolarization atlower Ca loads as compared with mitochondria from controls( Panov et al., 2002 ); increased sensitivity to Ca 2+ overload andNMDA receptor-mediated neuronal apoptosis ( Fernandeset al., 2007 ); enhanced sensitivity to Ca 2+ -induced decreasesin state 3 respiration and membrane potential ( Milakovic et al.,2006 ); and a decreased threshold for PTP opening and cyto-chrome c release ( Choo et al., 2004 ). Impaired mitochondrialelectron transport may also contribute to the pathogenesis of HD because exposure of rodents to the succinate dehydroge-nase inhibitor 3-nitropropionic acid results in selective damageto striatal medium spiny neurons and motor dysfunction similarto that of humans with HD ( Brouillet et al., 2005 ).

    Other ndings suggest that mutant huntingtin can adverselyaffect mitochondria by modifying gene transcription. For exam-ple, mutant huntingtin represses the transcription of PGC-1 aby interacting with the promoter and interfering with the CREB-dependent PGC-1 a gene expression ( Cui et al., 2006 ). Inhibitionof PGC-1 a expression limits the ability of the vulnerable neuronsto adequately respond to energy demands in HD. Direct toxiceffects of mutant huntingtin on mitochondria and energy-depen-dent neuronal processes such as axonal transport may worsenwhen the protective function of PGC-1 a is inhibited. Indeed,

    crossbreeding of PGC-1 a -decient mice with HD knockin miceleads to increased neurodegeneration of striatal neurons andmotor abnormalities in the HD mice ( Cui et al., 2006 ). In a relatedstudy, Weydt et al. (2006) reported reduced expression of PGC-1a target genes in caudate nucleus of postmortem HD patientbrain tissues using microarray gene expression methods. Over-expression of PGC-1 a protects striatal neurons against mutanthuntingtin. The transcriptional activity of the proapoptotic pro-tein p53 is increased by binding to mutant huntingtin, and levelsof p53 are increased in the brains of HD patients and huntingtinmutantmice ( Bae etal.,2005 ). Selective depletion or inhibition of p53 preserves mitochondrial membrane potential, protectscultured cells against mutant huntingtin-induced death, and

    abrogates behavioral decits in hungtingtin mutant mice. Drugsthat selectively inhibit p53 ( Zhu et al., 2002 ) therefore have thepotential to prevent the death of neurons in HD.

    Because individuals with HD can be identied by genetic

    screening, it is possible to initiate treatments before they be-come symptomatic, a fact that provides the opportunity to pre-serve vulnerable neurons and thereby delay disease onset. Inthis regard, several drugs in use for other disorders, includingthe antiexcitotoxic agent tiagabine ( Masuda et al., 2008 ), theantidepressant paroxetine ( Duan et al., 2004 ), and the histonedeacetylase inhibitor sodium butyrate ( Ferrante et al., 2003 ),have proved effective in animal models of HD and will hopefullysoon be tested in patients. Advances in molecular biology haveled to the development of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) thatselectively suppress expression of mutant huntingtin and retardthe disease process in huntingtin mutant mice ( DiFiglia et al.,2007 ). Perhaps some day such approaches can be used in HDpatients.

    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is characterized clinically byprogressive neuromuscular dysfunction resulting from degener-ation of lower motor neurons (see Bromberg, 2002 for review).While most cases of ALS are sporadic, the disease can be in-herited as the result of mutations in Cu/Zn-SOD (SOD1/ALS1), Alsin (ALS2), TDP-43, and other yet-to-be identied genes( Gros-Louis et al., 2006; Sreedharan et al., 2008 ). Lines of trans-genic mice expressing an ALS SOD1 mutation provide a valuablemodel of the human disease because they reliably develop pro-gressive degeneration of lower motor neurons and die from thedisease (see Kato, 2008 for review). Several aspects of the phe-notype of lower motor neurons suggest possible reasons whythey are selectively vulnerable in ALS (see Boille e et al., 2006for review). Motor neurons are the largest type of neuron withvery long (in some cases a meter or more in length), large-diam-eter axons, resulting in both a high energy requirement and thenecessity for efcient axonal transport. As with other neurode-generative disorders, considerable evidence suggests that mo-tor neurons in ALS suffer from increased levels of oxidativestress ( Beal et al., 1997; Pedersen et al., 1998; Cutler et al.,2002; Cai et al., 2005 ), perturbed cellular Ca 2+ homeostasis in-volving an excitotoxic component ( Rothstein, 1995; Krumanet al., 1999 ), cytoskeletal abnormalities ( Binet and Meininger,1988; Manetto et al., 1988 ), mitochondrial dysfunction ( von Lew-inski and Keller, 2005 ), and the triggering of apoptotic biochem-

    ical cascades ( Sathasivam et al., 2001 ).Mitochondria are transported in axons and are present in rel-atively high amounts in axon terminals of motor neurons wherethey provide the ATP necessary to support the maintenanceand restoration of ion gradients during neuromuscular activity.Ultrastructural analysis of neuromuscular junctions in tissue bi-opsy samples from ALS patients revealed abnormalities in mito-chondrial morphology ( Atsumi, 1981 ). Mitochondrial dysfunctionanddegeneration have been observed in motor neurons in SOD1mutant mice. At theonsetof motor symptoms, there is a massivedegeneration of mitochondria in motor neurons that occurs longbeforethe motor neurons die( Kong andXu, 1998 ). Other ndingssuggest that mutant SOD1 impairs fast axonal transport,

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    resulting in reduced delivery of mitochondria to axon terminals( De Vos et al., 2007 ). Mutant Cu/Zn-SOD misfolds and self-aggregates, and it has been reported that misfolded Cu/Zn-SOD binds to mitochondrial membranes ( Vande Velde et al.,

    2008 ). The interaction of mutant Cu/Zn-SOD with mitochondriamay cause a shift in the redox potential, resulting in an increasedproduction of oxyradicals ( Ferriet al., 2006 ). Impaired function of Bcl-2 may also contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction in ALSbecause mutant SOD1 proteins form aggregates that sequesterBcl-2 in spinal cord cells ( Pasinelli et al., 2004 ). A role for per-turbed Cu metabolism in ALS is suggested by a study showingthat overexpression of the Cu chaperone for SOD1 in SOD1 mu-tant ALS mice resulted in severe mitochondrial pathology, a dra-matic acceleration of motor neuron degeneration, and death of the mice ( Son et al., 2007 ). Mutant SOD1 may not only have un-toward effects on mitochondria in motor neurons, but may alsocause dysfunction of mitochondria in astrocytes, resulting inincreased oxyradical production that may adversely affect neu-

    rons ( Cassina et al., 2008 ).Several treatments or genetic manipulations that prevent or

    counteract mitochondrial impairment have been reported as ef-fective in suppressing the disease process in SOD1 mice. Twoinhibitors of mitochondrial PTP formation,cyclosporin A and nor-triptyline, delayed disease onset and increased survival of ALSmice ( Keep et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2007 ). Dietary supplemen-tation with creatine, which enhances cellular energy availabilityand reduces oxidative stress, protected motor neurons and ex-tended survival of SOD1 mutant mice ( Klivenyi et al., 1999 ). De-letion of the proapoptotic protein Bax protected motor neuronsfrom mutant SOD1-induced death, delayed disease onset, andextended survival, but failed to prevent neuromuscular denerva-tion and mitochondrial vacuolization ( Gould et al., 2006 ). Suchpreclinical ndings suggest a therapeutic potential for interven-tions that preserve or enhance mitochondrial energy metabo-lism, reduce mitochondrial ROS production, stabilize mitochon-drial membranes, or some combnation thereof.

    Psychiatric DisordersEvidence thatpatients with psychiatric disorders (depression, bi-polar disorder, and schizophrenia) exhibit mitochondrial abnor-malities at the structural, molecular, and functional levels hasbeen reviewed recently ( Shao et al., 2008 ). There have been atleast 19 case reports of patients with mitochondrial disease pre-senting with symptoms of a psychiatric disorder that in mostcases occurred prior to diagnosis of mitochondrial disease ( Fat-

    tal et al., 2006 ). Of these cases, ve had major depressive disor-der, eight had psychosis, one had bipolar disorder, three had ananxiety disorder, and one had a major personality change. Thelatter ndings suggest the possibility that a mitochondrial decitis sufcient to trigger one or more psychiatric disorders. Mito-chondrial decits in idiopathic psychiatric disorders are sug-gested from PET analysis of brain energy metabolism. Patientswith depression exhibit reduced glucose utilization in the pre-frontal cortex, anterior cingulate gyrus, and caudate nucleus( Videbech, 2000 ). The energy metabolism decits in patientswith depression may be widespread, as suggested from datademonstrating reduced mitochondrial ATP production rate andincreased mitochondrial DNA deletions in patients compared

    with control subjects ( Gardner et al., 2003 ). Patients with bipolardisorder also exhibit impaired brain energy metabolism andreductions in the levels of mitochondrial proteins involved in en-ergy metabolism, and may also have increased mtDNA muta-

    tions ( Kato, 2007 ). Schizophrenia patients exhibit reduced com-plex IV activity in thefrontal cortex andcaudate nucleus, which isassociated with increased emotional and cognitive impairment( Prince et al., 2000 ). Alterations in the expression of genes en-coding mitochondrial proteins in brain tissue samples from pa-tients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia have been docu-mented (for example, see Iwamoto et al., 2005 ).

    Thus far the datasuggesting roles for mitochondrial alterationsin psychiatric disorders are correlations only, and it therefore re-mains to be determined whether the alterations contribute to thedisease process or are epiphenomena. The development of animal models of psychiatric disorders in which the effects of genetic and pharmacological manipulations of mitochondrialfunctions on the behavioral phenotype are examined would

    shed light on the role of mitochondria in the disease process.There have been several reports of improvement in the symp-toms of psychiatric patients during treatment with coenzymeQ10 ( Onishi et al., 1997; Shinkai et al., 2000 ), suggesting a poten-tial clinical benet of mitochondria-directed treatments.

    Future DirectionsThe information reviewed above reveals enabling and regulatoryroles for mitochondria in the function and plasticity of neurons,and implicates mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathogenesisof a range of neurological disorders. However, there remain largegaps in our understanding of major aspects of mitochondrialcontributions to neuronal morphogenesis, function, and re-sponses to physiological and pathological challenges. Ques-tions that must be addressed in order to fully understand mito-chondrial neurobiology include the following. (1) What are themolecular mechanisms by which mitochondria respond tochanges in the activation state of major classes of neuronal sig-nals, including neurotrophic factors, neurotransmitters, neuro-peptides, and cytokines? (2) How do specic second messen-gers (Ca 2+ , cyclic nucleotides, etc.), kinases, and transcriptionfactors affect mitochondrial energy metabolism and Ca 2+ andredox signaling? (3) What are the mechanisms of and roles formitochondrial dynamics in the development and plasticity of neuronal circuitry? (4) Does mitochondrial dysfunction playonly a contributory role to neurodegenerative disorders down-stream of the major pathogenic abnormality, or are mitochon-

    drial alterations early seminal events? (5) Can neuronal dysfunc-tion and degeneration be prevented by interventions thatsustain mitochondrial function? (6) Can synaptic plasticity andneurological functions (learning and memory, motor function,emotional health) be enhanced by interventions that target mito-chondria? (7) How do changes in mitochondria mediate theeffects of environmental factors that either improve (exercise,dietary energy restriction, and cognitive stimulation) or worsen(diabetes, overeating, and a sedentary lifestyle) brain health, if at all? The molecular and functional complexity of mitochondria,and their ability to fuse, divide, and move within neurons, por-tends new revelations regarding their roles in neuroplasticityand disease.

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    Thesupplementaldata for thisarticle include three Figuresand canbe foundat .


    The authors thank KC Alexander for preparing the illustrations for the Figuresof this manuscript. This work was supported by the National Institute on AgingIntramural Research Program of the NIH.


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