  • Mitochondrial biogenesis-associated factors underlie the

    magnitude of response to aerobic endurance training in rats

    Abstract of the PhD thesis

    Orsolya Marton

    Doctoral School of Sport Sciences

    University of Physical Education

    Supervisor: Dr. Zsolt Radák, professor, DSc

    Official reviewers: Dr. Márk Váczi, associate professor, PhD

    Dr. Szabó Tamás, private professor, PhD

    Head of the Final Examination Committe:

    Dr. Gábor Pavlik, professor emeritus, DSc

    Members of the Final Examination Committee:

    †Dr. Csaba Istvánfi, rector emeritus, CSc

    Dr. Ferenc Ihász, professor, PhD



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    1. Introduction

    The level of cardiovascular fitness, as measured by maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max),

    has become an important biomarker for quality of life, since a high VO2max is strongly

    associated with decreased incidence of life-style related diseases. It has been suggested

    that higher VO2max was important to early humans, because it could increase the

    efficiency of hunting, in which early humans chased the prey animals and as a result

    greater aerobic capacity could have significant advantage for more and higher quality

    food. Therefore, it suggested that aerobic exercise, especially running, could be

    important for the evolution of homo sapiens.

    Clinically, exercise capacity, measured by either maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) or

    a treadmill running test to exhaustion is a strong predictor of morbidity and

    survivability. Indeed, studies show that regular aerobic exercise leads to enhanced

    VO2max and increases the mean lifespan of laboratory animals and humans. However,

    VO2max is not the only indicator of increased aerobic performance; the adaptive

    capacity of skeletal muscle to endurance exercise appears to be crucial. Indeed, the

    quality and quantity of the skeletal muscle mitochondrial network, mitochondrial

    biogenesis, and the activity of oxidative enzymes are also highly recognized as limiting

    factors of aerobic endurance capacity.

    Studies within twins and families demonstrate that aerobic trainability is a highly

    heritable trait.

    Recently a rat model has been developed via artificial selective breeding, which permits

    to study the inherited components of low (LRT) and high trainability (HRT). Selection

    was based on the acquired change in maximal running distance evaluated by a

    treadmill-running test to exhaustion. In the untrained condition, LRT and HRT rats are

    similar for exercise capacity. In that study the animals were trained 3 days per week for

    8 wk with the running intensity started at 10 m/min up to a maximum speed of 21

    m/min. On average, 8 wk of this moderate endurance running training resulted in an 84

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    ± 20 m gain in running capacity. However, the inter-individual training response varied

    widely from +754 m gain to a −438 m decline (2.7-fold) in running distance.

    HRT rats improve on average by 200 meters for distance run whereas those bred as

    LRT fail to improve and, on average, decline for running capacity by 65 meters for the

    given moderate intensity training.

    A recent study by Lessard et al. showed that skeletal muscle mitochondrial capacity was

    similar between LRT and HRT in the sedentary state and that LRT produced normal

    increases in mitochondrial density and function in response to moderate intensity

    endurance training. Nonetheless, significant differences were noted for exercise-induced

    angiogenesis and transforming growth factor β signaling in skeletal muscle. Moreover,

    this study assessed skeletal muscle gene expression and showed that the LRT and HRT

    differ in their transcriptional responses to the same acute bout of exercise. The

    differentially expressed genes belonged mostly to biologically functional categories of

    gene expression, development, cell-cycle regulation, cellular growth, proliferation, and


    Based on the above evidence that skeletal muscle remodeling response may be partly

    responsible for differences in the adaptive exercise response, the purpose of this study

    was to test the following objectives.

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    2. Objectives of the study

    The aim of my doctoral thesis was to find answers to mitochondrial biogenesis-

    associated factors underlie the magnitude of response to aerobic endurance training in


    Trainability is not only important in the elite sports, but also in recreational activities, in

    which genetics play a key role, so it is important to study whether individuals with

    different genetics may be related to mitochondrial biogenesis, that affect trainability.


    1. Following the 12-week treadmill running exercise we use, the LRT and HRT

    groups will be studied to determine a significant difference between the

    maximum oxygen uptake and running performance of the animals for control

    and training groups.

    2. Changes in workout play a role in redox balance in response to training

    3. Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) has a significant

    effect on skeletal muscle as a result of training.

    4. The factors involved in mitochondrial biogenesis explain the different between

    low responders to training (LRT) and high responders to training (HRT) animals

    developed by Britton and Koch.

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    3. Methods

    Animals and exercise protocols

    Our tests were performed with the 11th generation of selectively breeding male rats

    (n=27) from genetically heterogeneous rat population (N/NIH strain, n=152). Low

    response trainers (LRT, n=13) and high response trainers (HRT, n=14) were developed

    Lauren Gerard Koch and Steven L Britton.

    Animals, 12 months of age at the beginning of the study, were divided into control LRT

    (LRTC, n=6), exercised LRT (LRTE, n=7), control HRT (HRTC, n=6) and exercised

    HRT (HRTE, n=8) groups.

    Animals were provided with a 12 to 12 hour light-dark period at room temperature

    (22±1 °C), and they were kept in a normal sized cage, two animals per cage, where ad

    libitum was added to food and water. Animals were cared of according to the guiding

    Principles for the Care and Use of Animals based upon the Helsinki Declaration, 1964.

    The first week (5 days for 10 min per day) of 12 weeks long exercise period consisted

    of teaching the rats how to run on the treadmill, which is a motor-driven treadmill with

    six separate bands, which was made by Tektronik Ltd. on a special order for the Institute

    of Sport Science. For each introduction session, the treadmill incline was set at 5° slope

    and speed was gradually increased from 8 to 23 m/min.

    At the time of adaptation and later too we cared with the animals that were not willing

    to run or slipped off the belt as others.

    The exercised groups then trained five times a week, 30 min per day for 12 weeks at

    70% of their VO2max, and speed was gradually increased from 15 m/min to 25 m/min.

    VO2max was measured every second week with the use of a special rat ergospirometer

    system (Columbus Instruments, Columbus, OH). The day of VO2max measured rats did

    not exercise.

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    Our aim was to study the effects of endurance training, with the intensity of 70%

    maximum oxygen uptake based on literature and our data.

    Measurement of VO2max followed the protocol used in our previous research. After 10

    minutes of calm and 5 minutes of warm up we increased the speed of the treadmill by 5

    m/min every 3rd


    This measurement was kept until: 1) the rat’s VO2 did not change when speed was

    increased, 2) the rat could not keep the position on the belt of the treadmill, 3) the

    respiratory quotient (RQ= VCO2/VO2)>1. The VO2max measurement was considered

    complete, the study was stopped and not repeated if at least one of the listed criteria was

    achieved. Before the test animals’ body weight and running distance was measured.

    The animals were killed 2 days after the last exercise session to avoid metabolic effects

    of the final exercise session. The gastrocnemius muscle was quickly excised, weighed,

    frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at – 80 °C.

    Protocols in the laboratory

    Quantitative variations of the proteins for different effects were measured by western

    blot technique. A previously stored at – 80 °C frozen gastrocnemius muscle tissue was

    homogenized in lysis buffer containing NP-40 with politron.

    The protein concentration of the samples was measured according to the Bradford

    method with a kit (Bio-Rad #600-005). During western blotting, 10 to 30 μl of the

    diluted samples of the same protein concentration (5,4 mg/ml) were run and separated

    on a 8 to 12% (v/v) polyacrylamide gel. After that, proteins were transferred to PVDF

    membrane by using electrophoresis. After transfer membrane was blocking in 5% milky

    TBST or 1% BSA at 4 °C. After blocking the membranes were soaked in the primary

    antibody solutions overnight. After the incubation with the primary antibody the

    membranes were washed and soaked into the secondary antibody solution. After

    incubation with the secondary antibody the labelled protein bands were revealed with

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    the use of Pierce ECL Western Blotting Substrate. For detection, membranes were

    exposed to x-ray films. Finally the x-ray films were scanned and the protein densities

    were quantified using ImageJ. On every membrane α-tubulin was used as internal


    Changes in oxidized protein levels were determined using an Oxyblot Kittet

    (Chemicon/Millipore, S7150) according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

    Briefly, proteins were derivatized with DNPH for 15 min followed by incubation at

    room temperature with a neutralization buffer (Chemicon/Millipore). Thus modified

    proteins were obtained by Western blot technique and the kit’s recommendations.

    The enzyme citrate synthase (CS) catalyzing the first reaction of the citric acid cycle,

    which was measured as Shepherd and Garland. Samples of the same protein

    concentration were loaded in a 96-well transparent microplate in triplet. Following the

    comparison of the reagents with the sample, the optical density was read at 405 nm in

    the 0, 1, 2, and 3 minutes with the ELISA reader (Thermo Labsystems Multiskan EX),

    and the activity was determined in mol/min/mg protein.

    The muscle tissue’s NAD+/NADH ratio was determined using Quantification Kit (Bio

    Vision, K337-100) according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, which 20 mg

    tissue was used. According to the guide, first the NADH sample was determined and

    then the NAD+ in the sample. The NAD

    + was estimated from the difference of NADt-

    NADH after the NADt was detected at 450 nm wavelength with an ELISA reader

    (Thermo Labsystems Multiskan EX) during the 5-hour process every 30 minutes.

    The overall ROS generation was determined using H2DCFDA (Invitrogen-Molecular

    Probes #D399). The change in fluorescence intensity was monitored every 5 min for 30

    min with excitation and emission wavelengths se tat 485 and 538 nm (Fluoroskan

    Ascent FL). The fluorescence intensity unit was normalized with the protein content and

    expressed in relative unit/mg protein.

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    The messenger RNA levels of AMPKα (PRKAA1) was measured using muscle tissue.

    The total RNA was extracted with NucleoSpin®

    RNA/Protein (Macherey-Nagel, Düren,

    Germany), and cDNA was determined with cDNA Syhnthesis Kittel (Bioline, #Biol-

    65026). RT-PCR RT-PCR measurement was performed on Rotor-Gene 6000 real-time

    system (Corbett Research, Australia). SYBR Green (EVA-Green, Biotium, # 31000)

    and ImmoMix (# IMX-110C, Bioline) were used for the measurement. The

    thermocycling profile conditions used were: 95 °C for 10 min, 95 °C for 15 seconds, 60

    °C for 1 min (40 cycles was uesd). The expression of mRNA of AMPKα was

    mormalized to β-actin.


    Evaluation of data and significant differences were analyzed in STATISTICA 11.0 after

    normality. Since a significant part of the variables did not show normal distribution, so

    for the analysis of all variables there was used non-parametric Kruskall-Wallis

    ANOVA. After that, post-hoc analysis was performed, based on the non-parametric

    assay of the 2-sample t-test (Mann-Whitney test). For some data we used a non-

    parametric two-sample t-test. Significance levels are reported for p

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    4. Results

    The weight of the animals was measured weekly during the exercise period. The initial

    body mass of the LRT and the HRT group was similar. From the third measurement

    time, the body mass of the "training resistant" animals and the "trainable" animals body

    weight decreased continuously. The body weight of LRTE animals was significantly

    lower than the baseline values at the end of the training period (p

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    resistant" control and training group, since a significant decrease has occurred. In

    addition, a significant difference was found between the LRTE and HRTE groups, the

    trainer's "trainable" animals reacted more to the training than the "training resistant"

    exercised animals. Unlike COX-4 compared to CS only HRTE animals were

    significantly different in compared to HRTC vs. HRTE and LRTE vs. HRTE (p

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    exercise, only significant difference was observed in the HRT group, no change in the

    LRT group. Furthermore, there is a significant difference between LRTE and HRTE.

    HSP78 is a mitochondrial chaperone that defines defective proteins in mitochondria for

    degrading enzymes. There was no change in HSP78 level within the four experimental


    AMPKα activity is an important indicator of skeletal muscle adaptation, which is

    estimated by the ratio of pAMPKα/AMPKα. Significant increases was observed in the

    HRTC group compared to the LRTC and to the HRTE group. The amount of AMPKα

    protein in the skeletal muscle was also measured by the AMPKα mRNA level, but no

    differences were found between the groups.

    SIRT1 is a sensitive marker of metabolic stress. No differences were found between

    control groups (LRTC vs. HRTC), but by training, both exercised groups (LRTE and

    HRTE) were significant differences.

    One of the most important element of mitochondrial biogenesis is PGC1-α, known to be

    elavated in response to exercise training. However, growth was only measured in the

    HRTE group, while the level of PGC1-α did not change between LRTC and LRTE.

    PGC1-α regulates the TFAM and NRF-1 proteins involved in mitochondrial biogenesis.

    Similar to the pattern for PGC1-α, NRF1 increased only in HRTE group, while no

    differences were found between LRTC and LRTE.

    TFAM levels were significantly lower in the LRTE groups compared to LRTC group.

    In case of HRT animals, exercise training increased the levels of TFAM.

    The quality control of mitochondria is partly regulated by fission and fusion. Fis1 is

    partly responsible the mitochondrial fission process, which levels was significantly

    lower in HRTC animals compared to LRTC As a result of exercise, both groups (LRT

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    and HRT) showed an increasing tendency compared to the control group, although no

    significant differences were detected.

    Mfn1 is responsible for the mitochondrial fusion and changed opposite to Fis1. Mfn1

    contents were not different in control conditions but decreasd significantly with exercise

    training in both experimental groups.

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    5. Discussion

    Trainability is a critical issue in high level sport, but it could be also important for the

    health benefits of daily physical activity. A complex mixture of gene-environment

    interactions contributes to the large range in training-induced adaptations and creates a

    considerable challenge for identifying the mechanistic connection between exercise

    capacity and human health. Here, we used a contrasting rat model system, which was

    developed by artificial selective breeding to segregate animals into lines of low and high

    training response, thus allowing us to study trainability in an unbiased mechanistic way.

    Before training, there is no significant differences for VO2max or running distance in

    rats selected for low versus high response to training, which suggests that trainability is

    not strongly dependent upon baseline VO2max. The differences in response to aerobic

    exercise training between the LRT and HRT were greater for running distance

    compared to VO2max, indicating the limited trainability of VO2max reported

    previously in human studies. Further, it supports data from humans demonstrating that

    training adaptations for improvement in aerobic performance and aerobic capacity can

    be uncoupled.

    The mitochondrial network is crucial for coping with the metabolic challenge provided

    by physical exercise. The pioneering study of Holloszy showed that exercise training

    increases the activity of a number of mitochondrial enzymes and the content of


    As can be seen from the results, the initial ROS level was significantly lower in HRT

    animals than in LRT animals. ROS can be produced not only from muscle cells, but also

    out of muscle cell sources. Excessive stress can result in muscle damage that may lead

    to the activation of neutrophils and macrophages through interferon-γ, interleukin-1 and

    tumor necrosis factors. These immune cells largely produce ROS, which are central

    elements of the neutrophil defense line. In our study, the differences in the ROS initial

    level of the animals of the two control groups were found, which were not exposed to

    any load beyond the two-week running VO2max measurement. In addition, the animals

    were decapitated 2 days after the last exercise was completed to avoid acute metabolic

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    effects. However, it is possible for this reason that a higher ROS level was detected in

    the control group of LRT animals. Since we did not measure interferon-γ, interleukin

    and tumor necrosis factors, we can not support this possibility so we can not give a

    precise answer to the difference between the two control groups. The ROS level was

    measured using H2DCFDA, which did not show any difference between HRTE and


    Indeed, ROS are involved in a wide range of signaling processes, and redox

    homeostasis is closely linked to cellular metabolism. In this study, we found an inverse

    relationship between ROS levels and NAD+/NADH ratio in control versus trained rats

    selectively bred for high response to training (i.e., HRTC and HRTE groups),

    suggesting controlled redox homeostasis. This expected relationship was missing in

    LRT groups. On the other hand, significant differences were not found for COX-4

    levels, suggesting that the possible differences in redox balance did not significantly

    affect the rate of mitochondrial biogenesis.

    For COX-4, significant growth was only measured between LRTC and LRTE, as well

    as between HRTC and HRTE, which is the result of collision with Short and colleagues,

    who reported a similar change in the 16-week aerobic exercise. Citrate synthase and

    cytochrome c oxidase activity increased, but COX-4 mRNA levels, as well as levels of

    PGC-1α, NRF-1 and TFAM is not.

    We have observed a significant increase in the levels of carbonylated proteins in HRTE

    rats compared to HRTC animals, while in the case of LRT animals we did not found.

    Protein carbonylation is a type of protein oxidation promoted by ROS, when ROS level

    increases, the level of carbonylated protein increases, too. Significant degree of protein

    carbonylation was used as a marker of oxidative damage of proteins; however, moderate

    degree of carbonylation could be associated with the degree of protein turnover. Thus,

    protein carbonylation indicates that damaged proteins are degraded to repair because

    carbonylation is an irreversible/irreparable modification. The degradation of proteins

    was evaluated by the contents of R2 subunit of proteasome and Lon protease; indeed,

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    regular exercise can elevate the levels of these housekeeping proteins. This is an

    important process because oxidative modification of proteins results in loss of function.

    The lack of differences between LRT and HRT groups on proteasome induction could

    indicate that the housekeeping of aberrant proteins in the cytosol maybe independent

    from trainability. However, this was not the case for mitochondrial degradation of

    oxidized proteins, since LonP was induced only in HRTE groups compared to LRTC

    and HRTC groups. The Lon levels tend to be lower in LRTC than in HRTC rats

    (p=0.22), which might explain the differences in carbonylated proteins in these groups.

    However, based on our earlier finding that aging downregulates Lon in skeletal muscle,

    and exercise can attenuate this effect and, in turn, increase endurance performance.

    Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that the housekeeping role of Lon protease influences


    It is worth knowing from the AMPK that it is activated according to the intensity of the

    exercise, which has been observed at ≈ 60% of the maximum aerobic capacity while

    others have found a prolonged effect of AMPK activity at low intensity. The activity of

    AMPK is an important signaling molecule for endurance exercise activity, and

    stimulating AMPK via AICAR administration has been shown to enhance aerobic

    performance. Interestingly enough, we found in nontrained control conditions that the

    HRT rats have significantly higher activity of AMPK than LRT rats suggesting a greater

    potential for metabolic responsiveness. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that high

    inherent levels of AMPKα activity provide a favorable metabolic base for high

    trainability to aerobic exercise. We did not find significant differences at the mRNA

    levels of AMPKα among the groups, but the variation between mRNA and protein

    levels is not very surprising, due to the degradation of mRNA, impaired transcription,

    regulation by miRNA, or altered degradation of proteins. A study by Lessard and

    coworkers reported that AMPK was normally activated by an acute bout of exercise in

    both LRT and HRT and unlikely to be related to the differential for exercise-induced

    adaptation response. The decreased AMPK activities in LRT along with a reduction in

    citrate synthase in response to training suggest that mitochondria-associated factors

    could be important for trainability. Indeed, a reduction of the beta subunits of AMPK in

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    skeletal muscle can result in impaired exercise tolerance without significant alteration of

    mitochondrial contents or sugar metabolism.

    We also found that exercise training induced SIRT1 in both low and high response

    trainers, suggesting that the differential in trainability between LRT and HRT is

    independent from SIRT1 activity. Of interest is the finding that the PGC1-α content

    increased only in HRTE group. Currently, there are conflicting data on the involvement

    of SIRT1 on the activation of PGC1-α. Some reports including a recent paper from

    Holloszy’s group suggest that deacetylation of PGC1-α inhibits the activity of SIRT1

    and mitochondrial biogenesis, while other papers indicate that SIRT1-mediated

    deacetylation activates PGC1-α.

    The aim of the present investigation was to study the idea that mitochondrial biogenesis

    may contribute to the differential in response to training. PGC1-α, NRF1, and TFAM

    regulate mitochondrial biogenesis. As described above, PGC1-α was increased in the

    high responsive HRT group but not in the low responsive LRT group in response to

    exercise training. TFAM levels decreased with exercise training in LRT animals and

    increased in the HRT group. TFAM has been linked to higher aerobic endurance which

    we also measured to be greater in HRTE groups. The adverse training response of

    TFAM in LRT compared to HRT therefore puts this protein on the list of potentially

    limiting factors for exercise resistance. Moreover, the change of Lon content paralleled

    TFAM levels. Lon protease is involved in the stability, replication, transcription, and

    translation of proteins and targets TFAM, steroidogenic acute regulatory protein

    (StAR), and aconitase for degradation. In addition, NRF1 pattern was also similar to the

    pattern for PGC1-α; NRF1 was induced with training in HRT rats but not in LRT rats.

    Hence, downstream response elements of PGC1-α increased only in those animals that

    showed sensitivity to aerobic training.

    Based on our results, the following answers can be given to hypotheses:

    1. After the 12-week exercise training we used, the LRT and HRT groups will be

    studied with a significant difference between the maximum oxygen uptake and

    running distance of the animals in the control and training groups. Compared to

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    control groups, both LRTE and HRTE groups showed significant increases in

    maximum oxygen uptake and running distance. Therefore, a significant

    difference was not observed in the maximum oxygen uptake, so this part did

    NOT become true while the run distance was TRUE our hypothesis, as there

    was a significant difference between the two training groups.

    2. Changes in workout play a role in redox equilibrium in responses to training. It is

    NOT true because we did not find a clear oxidative markers that would

    explain different traits. Although the level of ROS was significant in the

    control group of LRT and HRT.

    3. Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) has a significant

    effect on skeletal muscle training. TRUE, because between HRTC and LRTC

    animals was a significantly higher the AMPK activity level, which is a greater

    potential for sensing metabolic changes. In addition, AMPK with decreasing

    tendency and significantly reduced citrate synthase activity in LRTE animals

    also amplifies this observation

    4. The factors involved in mitochondrial biogenesis explain the different trainability

    of LRT and HRT animals. TRUE, because the studied PGC-1α, NRF-1 and

    TFAM proteins, which are involved in the mitochondrial biogenesis,

    significantly increased HRT activity while in the LRT group not.

    Based on these, we can say that trainability is importante for everyday physical activity

    and elite athletes, too. On the basis of trainability, selectively breeding rats low response

    trainers (LRT) and high response trainers (HRT) were conducted to assess the effect of

    endurance training on mitochondrial biogenesis. The animals participated in a 30

    minute treadmill exercise for 12 weeks, 5 days a week, where speed was set to 70% of


    As expected, a significant difference was measured at the running distance between

    LRT and HRT animals. However, it can be stated that VO2max, COX-4, redox

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    homeostasis markers (reactive oxygen radicals (ROS)), silent-informator-regulator 1

    (SIRT1), NAD+/NADH ratio, proteasome (R2 subunit) and mitochondrial network

    maintenance mitochondrial fission protein (Fis1) and mitochondrial fusion protein

    (Mfn1) markers do not clearly affect the different in trainability in LRT and HRT. On

    the other hand, we can conclude that the difference in the activity of AMP-acitvated

    protein kinase alpha (AMPKα) and the endurance-induced change is citrate synthetase,

    carbonylated protein, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1α

    (PGC1-α) nuclear respiratory factor (NRF1), mitochondrial transcription factor A

    (TFAM) and Lon protease may be a limiting factor in the rat population selected on the


    Based on our results, we can conclude that mitochondrial biogenesis-related factors

    adapt in a different way to endurance training in low response trainers and high

    response trainers rats.

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    6. Bibliography of own publications

    6.1 In connection with the thesis

    Marton O, Koltai E, Nyakas C, Bakonyi T, Zenteno-Savin T, Kumagai S, Goto

    S, Radak Z. (2010) Aging and exercise affect the level of protein acetylation and

    SIRT1 activity in cerebellum of male rats. Biogerontology 11: 679-686.

    Marton O, Koltai E, Takeda M, Koch LG, Britton SL, Davies KJ, Boldogh I,

    Radak Z. (2015) "itochondrial biogenesis-associated factors underlie the

    magnitude of response to aerobic endurance training in rats. Pflugers Arch 467:


    Marton O, Koltai E, Takeda M, Mimura T, Pajk M, Abraham D, Koch LG,

    Britton SL, Higuchi M, Boldogh I, Radak Z. (2016) The rate of training

    response to aerobic exercise affects brain function of rats. Neurochem Int 99:


    6.2. Not in connection with the thesis

    Radák Z, Silye G, Bartha C, Jakus J, Stefanovits-Bányai E, Atalay M, Marton

    O, Koltai E.(2013) The effects of cocoa supplementation, caloric restriction, and

    regular exercise, on oxidative stress markers of brain and memory in the rat

    model. Food Chem Toxicol 61:36-41.

    Ihász F, Karsai I, Kaj M, Marton O, Finn KJ, Csányi T. (2015). Characteristics

    of cardiorespiratory output determining factors among 11-19-year-old boys at

    rest and during maximal load: Its impact on systolic hypertension. Acta Physiol

    Hung 102:263-73.

    Laurson KR, Welk GJ, Marton O, Kaj M, Csányi T. (2015) Agreement and

    Diagnostic Performance of FITNESSGRAM®, International Obesity Task

    Force, and Hungarian National BMI Standards. Res Q Exerc Sport 86 Suppl


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