

Rockcastle Farm Service Brodhead Mills

Mount Bmwm digital P U B L I S H E D EVERY. T H U R S D A Y

MAIN S T R E E T IN MT. VERNON, K E N T U C K Y 4045« E n t e r e d a t Mt . Vernon Post Office

" as Second Class M a t t e r

In Rockcastle Co. S 4 J 0 r Outs ide of Coun ty *5.00


Frankfort Watchline Les t anyone th inks politics

is jus t a s e r i e s of bor ing speeches, it s e e m s appropr i a t e at th is point in t h e 1975 political scene to rev iew some of t h e l ighter th ings .

In the in teres t of humaniz-ing a somet imes d r e a r y subjec t , F r a n k f o r t Watchl ine announced i ts f i rs t political awards .

Wors t S t and ing J o k e Award - to A t t y . Gen. Ed Hancock, who. when he tel ls people he is a bachelor , a not always beneficial mari ta l s t a t u s for t hus in t h e political life, he says. "I come from a long line of bachelors."

No Business Like Show Business Award - t o P i k e

County J u d g e Wayne Ruther-ford. who hired a clown in full uniform to pa s s o u t t h e candidate ' s balloons a t t he s t a t e high school basketbal l tourna-ment . Fa i rg rounds securi ty personnel apparen t ly concurred in this a w a r d by t h rowing the clown off t h e premises .

Song of the Year Award -to coun t ry s inger Glen Camp-bell. who b rough t the house down at t h e Ju l ian Carroll for Governor kickoff . celebrat ion wi th a t imely rendi t ion of "Having My Baby" in honor of mother- to-be Char lann Carroll .

Most En l igh ten ing State-ment Award -- t o chicken tycoon J o h n Y. Brown. J r . . who

Do what your mother told you,

Tuck your money away in a Savtngs Account Where it's safe from fire, loss and temptation increases at a steady rare

v o* interest And rs msured by F 0 I C Mother knows best.

The Bank of Mt. Vernon

RMC 'Going one step further*

introduced Carrol l a t t he s a m e kkkoff p a r t y a s a m a n who ( t i l l has t ime for h i s family.

F ive-Cent Cigar A w a r d - t o Nicky Nicholson, campaign manager for E w a r t Johnson , who finally go t candidate Johnson to quit smoking thoae big, black ctear*. *f, rallfes. Nicky w a s going to I ry t o change Joinowo 2 'bridgtj t f r v a fu r the r by ge t t ing r id of t hose colorful Hawaiian p r in t t ies until t hey auctioned one off for $600 at a fund raiaer. Anybody w a n t to buy a cigar?

Blunt I n s t r u m e n t A w a r d -To Agr icul ture Commiaaioher Wendell Butler , who. w h e n asked about his decision t o take up Gov. Jul ian Carroll 's offer of a highly-paid position in t h e Carroll adminis t ra t ion in lieu of making ano the r run for super-in tend ne t of public instruction began his a n s w e r "The deal was "

"Make No Miatake" Award - once again, t o Wendell Butler, who came ups ta i r s in the Capitol Building to p ress row arm-in-arm with Dr. J a m e s Graham, who filed a (ew minu tes ear l ie r for supe r in tenden t of public instruction. "I 'd like you to meet my good friend.. . ."

Musical Tit les Award - t o S t a t e Sena to r Bill Sullivan, who. since he was pres ident pro- tem of t h e s t a t e senate , decided a f t e r Jul ian Carroll moved to the governor ' s office he is proper ly acting l ieutenant governor , and called his first official p res s conference as act ing governor the first t ime Carroll lef t t he s ta le .

Cutzpah A w a r d -• hands down, t o Je f fe r son County J u d g e Tod-I Hollenbach's pro-fessional advance men. T h e young j u d g e had decided he would hold a p ress conference in the ro tunda o( the Capitol Building, in f ront of t he office of . Gov. Ju l ian Carroll, his op-ponent for the Democratic nomination lor governor . Seeking a portable podium from which to del iver his r emarks , they asked the tour guide at t he front desk, who sugges ted maybe the governor ' s office might have one.

One of the t eam wandered into the office of Carroll 's p res s secre tary , J o h n Nichols, to ask for a podium from which Hollenback could del iver some scathing r e m a r k s about Carroll .

Nichols, his mouth hanging open in disbelief, said he didn ' t know where- i t was.

"1 suppose could: have offered them the use of t he governor ' s conference room," Nichols r e m a r k e d later in the day.

T h e r e will no doubt be more of these in the last two months of t he campaign.

K Y . 3 1 & K e n w e l l F e s c u e Kenland Clover Korean Lespedeza Kobe Lespedeza Ladino Clover


Cert. Clair Timothy Clintland 64 Oats Hybrid Seed Corn Hybrid Sudan Grass Soybeans


Insecticides Fertilizer ..Sow Quality Seed

County Statistics

Deeds Recorded

M a r t h a Cameron; rea l p r o p e r t y (Seated ~ in Owens . Subdivision, t o Bill and Ger-t r u d e Cole. Tax $5.00.

E l m e r and Vula Falin, real p roper ty located in Rockcastle County, t o Clarence and J u d y Barne t t . Tax $1.50.

Mary Adams , real p roper ty located In Brodhead, to Gary G. Asher . Tax $5.00.

Kenne th and Lois Elliott, real p rope r ty located on the wa te r s of Calloway Branch, to Carl B. and Gleoda Kirby. Tax $5.50.

J a m e s H. and Ann B. Mullins. rea l p roper ty located in Mt. Vernon, t o Will T and Edna Mae Goins. Tax $38.00.

Mary Adams, real proper ty located be tween Copper Creek and Long Branch, to Bobby and Patr icia Sue MeKinney. Tax $19.00.

Boyd and Thelma Powell, real p roper ty located in Rock cast le County , t o Johnny and J a n e t Wilson. Tax $6.50

Cora Rowe. real property located in Mt. Vernon, to Floyd and Martha Livesay. Tax $6.50.

J o e and Ella Robinson, real p roper ty located in Rockcastle County, to Henry Graham. Tax $1.00.

Mat t Singleton, real proper ty located in Rockcastle County near Mt. Vernon, to Mar tha S w i n n e y - T a x $2.00

Lorene and Tinnie Bostic. real p roper ty located in Rock cast le County , to Faye Griffin. Tax $2.00.

William Roscoe and Mildred Diana Hlmes , real proper ty located in Rockcastle County, t o Sherman Clark. Tax $.50.

Jack and Ef f ie Cash, real proper ty located on the w a t e r s of Brush Creek, t o Albert and Ina Cash. Tax $4.00.

Swan Livesay. Homer and Lydia Livesay, Susie and Eay Sigmon. Geneva and Walter H. Swinney, Mat t ie and Oscar Say lor. Norma and Donald Boldt, Louella and J a m e s Burris. Flora Pauline Kur rek , Virginia and Car l E d w a r d s and Gloria and Tex Seals, rea l proper ty located in Rockcastle County, to J a m e s 0 . and Anna Lee Smith. Tax $130.00.

Swan Livesay, Homer and Lydia Livesay, Susie and Ray Sigmon. Geneva and Wal te r H. Swinney. Mattie' and Oscar Saylor. Norma and Donald Boldt, Louella and J a m e s Burris, Flora Paul ine Kurrek , Virginia and Carl Edwards and Gloria and Tex Seals, real p roper ty located in Rockcastle County, to D.A. and Vivian Robbins. Tax $24.Op.

Pleas and Mary Hammock, real p roper ty located on Chestnut Ridge, to Verldon and Bet ty Thomason. Tax $11.00.

Josie Ca rpen te r , real pro-per ty located in Livingston, to W.J . Ca rpen t e r . Tax $.50.

Jos ie Carpen te r , real p r o per ty located in Livingston, t o W J . Ca rpen t e r . Tax $.50.

J a m e s 0 . and Anna I-ee Smith, real p roper ty located in Rockcastle County, t o Glen and Susan Niceley. Tax $1.00.

F red and Retha Tankers-ley. real p rope r ty located in Rockcastle County, t o Billy Ray and Ida Mae Tankers ley . Tax $.50.

Shellie and Gladys Mullins, real p roper ty located on the wa te r s of Brush Creek, t o Virgil and Evelyn Lou Mullins and Shelly Lee and Linda Mullins. Tax $10.00.

Rober t and Sue Cromer and J a m e s H. L a m b e r t . r e a l p roper ty located n e a r Mt. VErnon, t o Thur raan C. and Evelene M. Rains. Tax $5.00.

. . .Marr iage L i c e n s e s -

Gary Pau l Robbins, 18. Orlando. Saw Mill W o r k e r , to Lisa Vada S t e w a r t , 18, Mt . Vernon. March 21, 1975.

Michael W a y n e Hopkins, 19, Brodhead, unemployed, to J u d y Ann Robinson, 17, Mt . Vernon. March 22* 1975.

Lenne th Anglin, SO, Morrill, f a rmer , t o Mufery Louise Chappie, 31, Rou te 2, Berea . March 24. 1975.

County C o w t . . .

Speeding, $10.00 a n d costs: Richard Lee ' P u r t h a . Wil l iam L. Sprny . W a y n e C. Roisen , F lorence M. Colvin, T r a v i s M . Davis, David G. S la t t e r , J o a n n e MacNamara . H u b e r t H. CUne. Chr i s t ine Taylor . Daniel M . Merkle. ENr ico VanfceUi. Richard W . B e a t e r , A n t h o n y J . Colish. J o h n Wes t l ey Moasman, J i m m y H. Selph, J a m e s E. Brinkly, J o h n Woods . Eng land Eng l and . •* Public Intoxicat ion, 5 d a y s

in j a i l , . T i m o t h y

T H E M O U N T V E R N O N S I G N A L T H U R S D A Y M A R C H 27, 1*75 P A G E T H R E E

In America and France , a billion i« ft thousand million. In Great Br i ta i f iand Germany

Opera t ing a Motor Vehicle While Under T h e Influence of Intoxicants, Amended to Reck-less Driving, $100.00 a n d costs: J immy Ray McGhee, Roy Charles Butcher , $40.00 and costs, Melanie K. Brown.

Imprope r Use of Tags , C t toA. cos t s - TOT? Sheare r .

m i n t i n g mm on Vugr f i^J / , $10.00 and costs: George Clayton Dooley and William A. Mart in .

No Regis t ra t ion in Vehicle At Inspect ion, $10.00 and costs. Gary A. S t r ange .

No 1975 Vehicle Identifi-cation Card In Uni t A t T ime of Inspection. $19.00 and costs Gary A. S t r ange .

No. Ky. Cab Card in Uni t . $19X0 and costs: Dave Nowels.

Reckless Driving, $10.00 and costs - Benton Conley.

Speeding. Amended to Disorderly Conduct , $10.00 and costs - William Leon Mason.

No "For Hi re" Author i ty $50.00 and costs: Thomas McLaren.

Admit ted

Alber t Owens . Mr. Vernon. Vivian Singleton, Livingston. Betty Broughton . Crab Orchard . Jan ie E. Mason. Mt. Vernon. McKinley Ki rby . Mt. Vernon; Ewell D. Cummins , Mt. Vernon. Bill F rench , Orlando, Mary Gay Bishop, Brodhead: Troy Dean Taylor . Brodhead: Pear l Whita ker, Livingston: Minnie Luns ford. Brodhead; Anna Moore, C r a b . Orchard : Ar t i e Cash. Brodhead; Shannon Osborne, Mt. Vernon: Georgia L. Thomp-son. Brodhead; and Burgess Evans . Mt. Vernon.

Bet ty Broughton, Albert Owens. Marqu i ta Nicely. Frank Jackson. Beck Ballinger, Marvin Renner , Vivian Singleton. J a n i e

Mason. J a n i e McGuire . Anna Moore, T r o y Taylor, Pat r ic ia Ar t ley . Mary Gay Bishop, Minnie Lunsford , Shannon Os-borne, McKinley Ki rby and Bill F rench .

^ M I T V

Leather Billfold Sale

Regular $11.00 Billfolds


Famous Amity top grain leather billfolds at fantastic once-a-year sale prices! Your choice of new styles for men in Briarwood, Espada or Bladt Brass Cowhide and other exotic leathers All are elegantly gift boxed.

Young's Pharmacy

of Mrs. Ruby Stamper's




SAT., MARCH 291h -130 P.M. Located - at Livingston, Ky. on the Gauley Branch Road. Cross the b r idge a t Living-ston and t u r n left- Follow Auction S igns to t h e Sale.

s and has con t rac ted our f i rm to sell th is good smal l fa rm

T h e above-pictured house is a newly remodeled modern house with large living room, large ki tchen wi th built-in cabinets, two bedrooms, a l a rge utility room. T h e house also has oil fu rnace hea t , wall to wall carpet , s t o rm doors and windows, and a large i ront porch. In addit ion, t h e r e ' s a good cellar and s t o r a g e house.

. FOUR ROOM H O U S E is located nex t door t o t h e above house. It would be ideal for rent ing, g iv ing you an ex t r a income.

U you ' re in t h e m a r k e t for a good count ry home, "Don ' t miss th is sale!"

P E R S O N A L P R O P E R T Y : Avocado Hotpoin t r e f r i ge r a to r , Avocado Tappan gas s tove. Wes t inghouse au tomat ic washer . Hotpoint d r y e r , Pa r lo r se t , Crosby r e f r i g e r a t o r . Avocado £ E Automat ic washer - needs some repa i r s , A Avocado GE d r y e r - electric, Fr ig ida i re electric range , t w o (2) d re s se r s , lawn fu rn i tu re , a luminum extens ion ladder - like new, one hundred (100) plastic fence posts , mobile h o m e anchors - new, g a r d e n tools, b i rd ba th , s tone (lower planters , j a rs , gui tar , clothes h a m p e r , e n d tab le , baby bed, baby clothing, toys, por table sewing machine, roll of wi re , e lect r ic lawn t r i m m e r s , Chr i s t inas decorat ions , plus much, much more. 'v "

T E R M S : Real E s t a t e • 2 0 % down day of sale; balance d u e in t h i r t y (30) days upon de l ivery of deed . Personal P r o p e r t y - Cash.

For additional Information, contac t Mrs . S t a m p e r a t 45.1-4121, or -

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