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0 no r 12, 1903

• • • I C,Z • • • • t ' • . • i • All. CONFAD .•L %.7 • • • ^J. a*. ••••

Mit. Dt LOACII • - • R

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..?". :: *Z." -..f' . " '. • - 3tr. Leo innkin called from VOW fOrkio check In with me on c..., Tv

.., -.1 the raRttor of the Constnlvslon. Ile ranted to woric out an arrangement wIth'■ Ilk '

-_: • me which he thoui,--ht might be eaticiactory. Ile said he understood 1 . ,

. r... • 3.1r, lielwout handled the Inrestil,retion. ..-- , VI

. ....% .-

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I told far. Rankln that W.r. Beltnont, 14r. .116sen and J 1114' 'idled 5.. the preparation of the report and Will handle additional leads se they come 3,

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• •

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_...)---,•-....... , •••• ilr. Ikanlan nE}..ed bow ho should handle anything that comes up, ,

thIn^s the Comralcalon IrIll want developed, In x*egard to the I LI - u • ' ---. •

2 -

I replied thr.t41111 des1z,nVe some-one. I explained (ht sent • ,_,,

Er. Malley down to Latina to handle all of our an,,,,tee down there; that he 5 :

..; wan on the ground there; and that I think he protxthly would be the man gsbo "N

..!-. would bo more farnillnr with thin,,,ra Atr. Vnnkin 'Mail(' further explore. I

stated tr.r. AWIley Is In Malan at the preecnt time but will bo ordered back .

tomorrow; that ho will be available; end (hit we wilt be glad to run krat_aav-401.

r.i..s. additional tnatter a he may want. . .- . s fi:-.0 17 933 - .. .

”•• --: -,4';• - I addeed Mr. Panktn of the difficulty I have had about the . 0. --"-• ' • -.., :4!1•111,.. .--4 —1.)eirartracnt's denlro to Inoue CtItnin conclu5lone; that they 11A-fag:a to tesrir" -.L....4 ......__—, etatement before the report steel to the Commission reaching conclusions ..- : : f- lit: —Oswald vie Ito necaseln, co foreizn or eubversive element Involved, and .- .: ..0 ullive.

• • •

•41..1 ---r—i...., 1141.101:itliin ftncl Veviad heed no connection; thAt I Witty dteaared; they took •••••- ..H., L ./ .., L %.' .1..

. % .

9 ''-/%J"'- ̀, •: - - • -. • ., - .*, '7. . ..1.4. JEll_..-rtnhffi_ .8•4 .7!--;--7 . KAI:, fivva TELE PE UNIT 1=1 ; 4 ,- ' ' ? n . • • . • : : . „. • • • „ i . . 1 ! . . 0 • . . • . ,, i • . D EC 1 8 ..k,-,,,o . -.,-..= . • :•. - . •.

.? ... ' • ....a .• .., • •,.. i. . . ... . • i .1 , t• • ••• ■ . .

• - . I•:. .- • , _

; •. . • . ;.

,. • whether they 'should be handled directly with me Or eonlebody I would

-; •I dosioate. .•

. • 1••••


- '; •

Sit. Ike*

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I said I pernonnlly believe Oswald was the assassin; that the •••

second Rued as to whether ho was the only man elves me great concern; : ■ -

' • • that we have several letters, net In the report because we were not able to s • • -•,•;. ,

prove it, Written to hire from Cuba referring to the job he was going to do, •

his good marksmanship, and Elating when it was all over he would be brought

back to Cuba and presented to the chief; that wo do not know if the chief was

Cnetro and cannot make an investigation because we have no intelligence

-. • operation in Cuba; that I did not put this in the report because we did not - •

: • have proof of it and didn't want to put speculation In the report; that this

, was the reason I urged strongly that we not reach conclusion Oswald was ...."

only ma& •; :"

- - ••••• • •••

'e:-P • :• • •. •, • " • ni: .1, •-• e • ' • • • • : .••••

; -•"As. • • • • As to Rubenstein, I std I end not want a statement about "

• • Rubenstein and Oswald; that we have no proof they were ever together. I

stated Rubenstein Is a shady character from the hoodlum element of Chlcago,"•

• - has a poor background, runs a nlehtcleb In Dallas, and Is what would be ei

called a pollee buff; that the police officers in that precinct have been able •

to get food and liquor from him at any time they drop in; that while I think -

• there was no connection between him and Oswald, I did not want the report

- to be 100% sure on that. • 7, - : . • A "

• • .4 ;•••• ""'r • .•• • • .J.4 •••••

•.-e er. e Fourth, I stated I did not believe any conclusions concerning _

• • Rubenstein should be reached at this time because he has not been tried;

that was why I suggested to the Attorney General of Texas - and understood • "

• the Chief Jubilee did too - that hts court of special held in abeyance

-t: until after the Commission maken Its findings. I said I theeight they would

go ahead with the Rubenstein trial in February; that was why I felt our report

should name merely the facts we have eetablished• • . • •-•

. , -• • • -•- • - .••• ,•• .

- • • I further stated thefo may be some aspects Mr. Fnnkin will -

'••• •: • want to have run out further; that there may be letters written to members .

of the Commission; that we have letters from people who claim to have seen .

▪ Oswald; that up to the time 'we submitted the report we had cleared up all . •

▪ theno ancles except the Cuban thing which 1 discussed generally and explained.

-,. ;;;• Vial the informer recanted and blew that w out of the indow; that sort :? - ••

i of tith; may be popping up all the time. I advised Mr. Main U he wanted

-• - any lends followed out or any Implementation of what we have already done' • •-.•

we will give him 1007v cooperation. e4'nei-te.e-e'P'7e!eer

• • . . •

e . • •


• Mr. Rankin elated be knew wo would; thv.t he just wanted to _ •

• •


Zte eetabileh Unison; that ho doo3 not Want to bother me until prorjak;;.-..:4'

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,.; - . '''.i: s. f .."::::- ,;'f.i.i:: r:,•:. I..0.-: A ,v,;.'i .n. . :"-. . ■ -.: •., ;- ?-- ..!, ..._ .:- . . ''''"--r-■ • - ?.. 4. - , : . v ". • - a ;.-- • Conrad, DoLoach, Evans, Rosen, buillvan --..:: - .7"; . . : -- ..- .-.7:: !...'r .: — :H.". :.

1.7r * 1 .. • 13.•:,..3 :?..-,F, V. .II. .•• M. II to :•...... 4 ' .4'7. . • -./..7. ••• ..., ....N., • • •••••• '41........1•••• •• 44::,7:• (.....1", ..t`..• '., .„..' 11‘..• .1•.-:.1 ■ •::! ....., ..., . f . V". 1.. • , ..• • • % A • e.` . .. ''t 'a • •• *••••• ; • - • 0. •.- .,.. - ':;.." --.-•,..1 - •-•• ..,- ' ' :' : • ;S."- - f. •-.... '-!.:1:...,:s'-- ef3tRbliShIllg it as a matter I should know. I told him not to hesitate to Call f'-',-`'-' ,.-

, e;r14 :•.* me; that I w•Ill designate Mr. Malley and hexill advise me at once of . • s.. ..- anything. Mr. Rankin then said he would get In touch with me If he thinks :;s.'.. there In anything which should be taken up on that level. .,:_ ...,:.17:-:„.:. ,.,,-i..;.-";-: "-:-.::-;

1.- - 4.,

.?" -4l' I mentioned to him the action of the Soviet Embassy, the ee.:--• Communist Party In New York, and Joht-'`..1-et in malcinz available to :** • • r`‘• • • • • 7 . • ; • 'r • t • : . •

their Information on Oswald,.;' _ e, 6 r

A . • ...

i•-`-"e1-.:1[ also dLecuseed the operations of the Dail. 'once Department 4 S.,. •

L-- In the case which led to the murder of Oswald. . '= ' • • -

,t,*.•!.'..' make his Job easier...)io sald ho has always had complete confidence In ,.

. . . ... ... .. .'.. -1'::', that and ln me. , ....i... ; _,.,. -; L.-..:.; . ..: I '....; ,: :,,.- .'..; ..i....,. ,.-;...-. .. . .. -I. ... ... •-.1:.,-.:4 • 4 r it . . .. • , • t , - • - . .1" - - , . ..

... '‘'P."t3....4 .; • *- ' - . "1 - ; Mr. Rankin Inquired if anything had been done about seeing . ✓ -. - ,: .4: :0 :. 1 that the Mule would be preserved and available for the Cordmisslon. I .. . 4,'.- answered that we have them ournclves; that we have films taken by private .e.,..:2.- individuals; that the President was not being covered by a , with television ';Ite.. people ae they do here In Washington; that there vino not a professional . 1: ' ' photographer whore this took place; that the Secret Service car Inunedlittely .: '. i..-- .:A..,, in back had already passed the building, which was at an anzio, with the - -

• • ..; ;•••%c. 7,1 ..\4. !...:., 1,,,...'i.:0••• ••..- tor! :1Ar?. ti.!•;-:!....,•.1:-'!. "•:.'.-•.: ..;" • ... .r ...:,t .:0-•••..', ,. 4 1 r ".: ••:•• 4•1:. ,,,,.. 1 . se:•1 •.' ' % - . '. In connection with stork') indicating Oswald could not have '1:,:t ..:, done this alone, I stated ho wan a marksman and It wavn't anything he _.';-..,,.. • ..'......-...., : • .. - .,...'.:. -.. ... ',..!1'. ....-..t... :1' - • ' • . ,. -: 4:- '.•"'" • - ..ieiy, -!... — Iii-'-:. ,e... • - ' . . ;•'.. :7:1.' 7. . .?. - . • '

V:t ii " %.. N% it ....1: 4 . ...11 .t. •" •

. •44:.. 4-,Tri• 1 I,.. %it II . .11 x 4... lk : •■•• .1 ., -.)••••-••, - 1 .

...-i, . fi.,...k:, *iv ,..:•:._-_......- ....' :- • ..1 l. ..77, 7 7 ) : :.7,7 ,-..„..". 07 ,T......" : '`.... 4 7 .-... '.". - .---' • .'"7":, „ 71. - . _ .... • ..7. ...... %. , ,7";.:7-, ..77,[ ....' 7.7.=:-

... ' - Memorandum for Messrs. Tolson, I3olmont, Liolire December 12; 1963 .

--I told M. . ItaKkin the Department held the report about five days , , • and then began to le ji.„Itein from the Department on It, Items such as the siooth .,Y of GenerO pivalkeri thIk76 hot known In Dallas; that I kept pressing - While-get the sport to the 0* DDIC11.6 010n; that a debate was going on between the Department and me; that I did not want any conclusion drawn but I thought a conclusion had been made in the letter of transmission to the Commission; that there would have been no purpose In appointinz a Presidential Cow:Ass ion except to evaluate the facts; that It wan the duty of the 1131 to get the facts ..- and let the Commleolon reach a conclusion. 1, - . ■

• .

I told Mri;. nankin we would want to do anything we can here to

result they couldn't tell where the shots were comin,e, from. I mentioned •-• • the comment by former Chief of Secret Service Baughman that ho could not understnrel why the Secret Service men did not open fire with machine guns at the window. I said the Secret Service men did not see where the shots Fame from and would have killed a lot of innocent, people if they had done

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Memorandum for :Messrs. Tolson, Belmont, Voltrt pecetnber 12, 1963

. Conrad, DeLoach, Evans, flosen, Sullivan

• - t‘

--.1P•• could not do; that we have tested it on our rifle range and were able to get.,:. . • •

shots off even faster than he did; that there Is no question in my mind :.

'.' • about it; that we also found the fingerprints and the bullets 130 conclusively .!.t f'. .-..

fired from the gun; that we have all this D1111 we have all the photographs. ...-:,::: . _ .

.. Mr. Rankin inquired if we aloo have the television film run off .. . 1._ •

" ',.;;--.. of the shooting of Oswald, And. I (old him we have this. . . .• ,_

. . . • ,_ .•. .,•,.• - - -• • Mr. Rankin said Mr. Malone delivered to him a copy of the •

report and also offered to help In any way possible; this was very kind of Valone; but he will not deal with Malone in en thin;; unless II is some • •

emergency and be has to handle it locally. I told Mr. 131111k111 this was all right awl if he should need to call upon Malone, galone would be avallAble.

- • . a . • • I also told Mr. Rankin there Is a direct wire between the •.• •

New York Office and here; that he can always place any calls to here over i" our wire; and that I will arrange for this. - • • •••

I told Mr. Rankin to let us know U there Is anything we can do.

Very truty yours,

E. U. - . . •

John Edgar Hoover • :. - Director -

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