Page 1: MM- A Conversation with Lono Brazil

Modelogs Moment: A Conversation with LonoBrazil

You may have spotted him walking at Tokyo Fashion Week or strolling the streets of London Collections:Men withHarris Elliot.  Finally tracking him down at Le Comptoir Général in Paris, we interviewed and shot Lono Brazil, aRising Star on the Main Board at New York Models.

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Read more to discover his journey from the Bayou in Louisiana, to the city of lights in France and how modelingmight be in his DNA:


Modelogs Moment: A Conversation with Lono Brazil – Modelogs Daily

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Page 2: MM- A Conversation with Lono Brazil

MD:  Where are you from?  What’s your ethnic background?

LB:    I was born & raised in Chicago, Illinois.  I am French Creole 1st generation;not born in Louisiana, although Ilived and went to school there deep in the Bayou, from kindergarten to 4th Grade.

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MD:  Tell us something you love about your culture?

LB:   The Language (Native Tongue) and the food.  The native tongue is Broken French & Slang combined.  Ithelped a lot when I "rst came to Paris.

MD:  What do you love about traveling?

LB:   It’s what made me who I am. If I had never left the Southside of Chicago, I would not be doing what I do, orany of the things I’ve accomplished.  The environment I come from o#ers very limited opportunity that can be hadif you travel the world.


Modelogs Moment: A Conversation with Lono Brazil – Modelogs Daily

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pphhoottooggrraapphhyy bbyy WWaayyttaa PPaattmmoo eexxcclluussiivveellyy ffoorr MMooddeellooggss

MD:  How long have you been in the fashion industry?  What were you doing before working in the industry?

LB:   I made a failed attempt at Modeling in the 80’s (no agent would take me), got a bit of work on my own & gavethe cut to the agency — but much to no avail.  I’ve always thought I was right for modeling but I guess it’s all abouttiming.  Who would have guessed that I would turn 50 yrs old and an agency would take me on, let alone getwork like I am.  It’s quite humbling.Before I worked in Fashion I worked as a Record Industry Executive. Artists like the Beastie Boys & Foxxy Brownare just a couple of artists I’ve worked with.  Music, Art & Fashion have always been at the front of my existence.MD:  Your son is also a model.  Tell us about that story.  Who broke into the industry "rst?  And what made the

other follow?

LB:   As I stated I did a bit of modeling in the past.   My son did a bunch of editorial in Japan (my ex-wife isJapanese) so he spent a lot of time there. He’s never had an agent.  Once I started back, I was able to pull him inon the Brooks Brothers Campaign I got recently.  I believe he will get an agent before long, not when he’s 50. He’sgot a great look!

Modelogs Moment: A Conversation with Lono Brazil – Modelogs Daily

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Risky Business: Alessandro Michele for Gucci

pphhoottooggrraapphhyy bbyy WWaayyttaa PPaattmmoo eexxcclluussiivveellyy ffoorr MMooddeellooggss

MD:  Who would you like to work with that you have yet to work with?

LB:    I treat this business as it is — a Business. I have a Great Agent (New York Model Management) and I trust thatthey actually care and are developing me for success and an extensive career. I’ve done 3 national commercials inthe last 2 months.  I’ve even turned down one or two because my agent advised me appropriately.  They have mybest interest at heart.  We’re working.  That’s a good thing.  Again, very humbling ..

That said  — campaigns for major fashion brands is the direction I am headed in.  If David Gandy at his age can doit, why not a Man of Color?LLoonnoo iiss aa nneewwccoommeerr aanndd iiss rreepprreesseenntteedd bbyy NNeeww YYoorrkk MMooddeellss iinn NNYY aanndd RRoocckk MMeenn iinn PPaarriiss..

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Modelogs Moment: A Conversation with Lono Brazil – Modelogs Daily

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