
:M #1

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(ntes-estins B a d g e r of Happening*

Gathered by Our City Reporters Home Made ST. JOSEPH'S. Have your cake, muffins,

and t«a biscuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner,

home, quickly and economical-

found at tiie balte-shop or grocery does not compare.

Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps.


Saturday, being the vigil ol Easter, is a day of fast and abstinence.

Saturday at 7:30 o'clock there will

ft-f^T? ?e°^dictl0IVIl !?**£?* * m,ore tasty and wholesome. 10:30 o clock there wll! be Solemn ^ ' Higib Mass and sertnnn. In the even- J R o y a l B a k i n g P o w d e r h e l p s ing at 7:30 o'clock there will be I , , . - " , Solemn Vespers and Benediction. j t h e nouse-WMC t o p r o d u c e a t

O a ^ l o n d a y evening there will l>e a card* party in our school building, on Franklin Street. The proceeds; Jy fine a n d tas ty c a k e , t h e ra i sed will be devoted to swelling tMT build- / , . . , ' ™ * ^ ing fund of the Catholic Church.' hot-blSCUlt, puda t tTM, t h © f r o s t e d which is to be erected to Summer-1 h y c r < a k t f ^ cook ie s , Clt l l-

O n Thursday afternoon and even-) 1 ^ ^ c r u s t s and »tt£BlJS, w i t h ing coafessions will be heard in prep-1 . . . . • . ^ . aration for the First Friday. ( w h i c h t h e r e a d y - m a d e f O O d

Next Friday, the first Friday, of the month of April, will* be devoted to Sacred • pear t devotions, t h e Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from the first until after the last Mass. when Benediction will be given. i

Next Sunday will be monthly Com­munion and Conference day for the young ladies of the Holy Family.

Oa Monday and Tuesday evenings, the 8th and 9th of April, the mem­bers of t h e C. Y. M. A. will give their annual minstrel show in our school hall on Franklin Street. The boys have been rehearsing for some time and the ceiveai special attention. It has been predicted that this minstrel will make people sit up and take notice, and there is every' evidence that the prediction will be verified. Re­served seats are on sale at the rec­tory.

Lent is ended and it is no more than fitting to glance backward to see what has been accomplished, spiritually, during the past forty days. The attendance on Sunday mornings at High Mass has been larger than usual and this was prob­ably due to the sermons preached on alternate Sundays by Fat-he* Kessel and Father Scbwabl. The Sunday evening services had. as an attrac­tion Fa ther Bngelhardt, who preach­ed a series of serons on the capital sins and how to overcome the in-clinat ion toward any one of them. On Wednesday evenings the church was literally packed by those who wished to listen to the eloquence of Father Mullaney of the Redem<ptor-lst College of North East, Pa. The course given by the reverend gentle­man was both interesting and In­structive, and English being the lan­guage used, proved to be very popu­lar, especially with the young people. The services for Holy "Week were car-

manner and those w h o were present seemed to be carried hack in spirit to those times of long ago when there came on earth a divine man who loved people so much that H e

chorus work has re- {.gave up His IJfe for them. The choir sang the Tenebrae In the usual man­ner. Sunday, Easter, will be a time of joy to a l l ' a o d all will unite with the church and her exhibitions of gladness.

ST. BRIDGETS. The envelopes for the Easter col­

lection were distributed Sunday. The Cadets of the Sacred Heart

held a meeting Sunday afternoon. The celebration of tfae Feast of the

Annunciation, which fell on last Monday, has been transferred to April 8.

The school children are enjoying their Easter vacation. V

The services daring? the week were at 8 o'clock.

The sermons Wednesday and Fri­day evenings were delivered by the Vlncentlan Fathers of Niagara Uni­versity.

Confessions were beard Wednes­day afternoon and evening: In prep­aration for Holy Thursday.

Many of the little boys and girls of the school participated in the pro­cession of the Blesaeo' Sacrament Thursday. The repository was beau­tifully decorated.

The Veneration of the Cross took

Hows of tiaufi Cross In €l*e vm&fa « • The fctesjiagef the sasjcaa&eiUMgB*

and holy water, etc,, took place Sat­urday morning.

The choir win render S-isbtnid&'s Mass on Easter.

CORPUS CHRIST!. Following their usual custom tiie

members qf of Bsraneh 13»» C. U. B. A., will receive Holy ComraaRton in a body at the ? o'clock Mas* on Sunday. The members are reeueafced to assemble in tbe church hall at 6:45 o'clock.

Bridget Welch Slattery died F r i ­day at her home, 96 Lyndhurat Street. She leaves three daughters, Mrs. Fred Tyler, Mrs. J . Cullen and Mrs, Charles C. Wtelsh. and two sons, Daniel and Michael Slattery. Ta« funeral services were.-held kt Lima, N. Y., on Monday morning.

The retreat. w n M has been so successfully conducted during *»e week by Rev. Fa the r Moran, will close on Sunday a t the 10:30 Mass. The services were well attended and have induced many to perform their J e s t e r %uty.

Everybody is •plaimfa*' to attend our Easter festival and enjoy t h e good things prepared for them. The festival is t o be lieid on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings of next week In ou r church hall. E n ­tertainment and amusements will n* provided for all. There will be dancing on all three evenings. Re­freshments will be serv*d and, every­thing done to entertain t h e i a r g e crowds which. It la expected will a t ­tend. v# ,

Mary A., widow* of t h e late John Butler, died on Saturday morning a t the residence of h e * son, Daniel, No. 474 North Goodman 8treet, aged] 78 years. She is survived by one son and three grandchildren funeral was held o n Monday morning at 8 o'clock from the family reai-

1 dence and a t 9 o'clock from Corpus Christ! Church. Interment a t Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.

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A few More MisM P **e*#fcta* needed for Easter aiid spring wear malts yo«r

Yon will ice Charming Mflltit«w fym &&&* dctlgwr. of Enfope and Awcffct, Jaunty im>m ifa^'Jfrm W* delineated In erery model, curve jBd t^wii^^lyiyi Glo?es, Corsets, ̂ also an endlew f i^ctjN>r'fyteiflktyj plctc the itylfiTtty drewed womtQ»« Eaiter wardrolK. reach of all.

Every new style In footwear |^r Easter and i complete stocks Style latft ttttj«J|r feature ^ to Uy djcat emphstls on the l^^'^UUki:


»i*3.50 * Deiril«»kid »ud p»t«Ktcolti*!niaTioi*vi^^

hififJ* treh and heel, medium extension hand The sewed 8oleaJjM^e^let»,rihbont|ei. ,

Dull calf akin and patent ^'sWttV<tpiB# and plain toe shapes, hand turned *n& *elted 8^1e«,er««iedvaTnps»Hhboniaoe.|S,00< * -f

B4t«dier Oxfarij at $3 O 0

Dull calf akin and* patent coir, plain to«( thw>t

"AH Charley's F*ault,'* It a ver* amusing farce to be presented by the Playera' Cluh for tiie benefit of the French Church at French Hall, Tues-

&r^rna4UT%SSn%: te»»«yjhla. ribbon laces, vm^qjfi* Mather. William A. Doardway, Geo. v a m p , all S i t e* and Wid th s , 13,00. H. Rieflin, Martin Wedgren, Dave Clark. Mist Harriet Baaaett, Pearl Rice and Dot Rice. Tthe admission will be 26 cents, which will Include dancing after the farce.

eT.- .MAKrS.

DwU Calf Oxferda $2.25 Gun metal calf, narrow toe, creased vamp, ex­

tension soles, high military l^,SitfmimL • y-4-*- i -

' An eloquent sermon was delivered Friday evening by Rev. J. V. Mur­phy of St. Bernard's* Seminary. I

Miss Bridget McHugh died in St. Mary's Hospital last Sunday. The funeral took place Tuesday morning-

There will be Solemn Vespera and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sac- ] rament Sunday evening at 7:45, P. M. J

. The following program has been: ' der the auspices of tthe Cohfrater-1 nlty of Mary Tuesday and Wednes­day evenings. April 2 and 3.

I The comedy In o n e act, "Timothy I Delano's Courtship," with the fol-i lowing cast: ' ' ' Mr. Delano, rich but miserly

gentleman Dr. J . H. Carey , Aunt Tabatha, an old m a i d . . . . '

Mary- L. Maloy Alice, her niece Helen Green Rick, her brother Frank Brown

' Hlldegard, colored maid of all : work Lilian Brown i Singing arid dancing by newsboys'


be*«ra4e <* patent rid and dull

flexible aolet,


as: =

ried out to a particularly Impressive p i a c e af ter the Mass of the Pre-

Sibley, Lindsay & Curr Co

Dress Skirts for $2.50 Skirt counter In connection with Basement Dress

Goods has become one of the regular Under-Price store features. We suppose that most of our friends are familiar with the source of supply of these skirts.

i quintette, followed by the Old

Thej are made up especially for us from materials, '^ skwi of long ag* which are furnished by Dress Goods department. There is a saving effected all along the line which brings you a dress skirt at $2.50, that i s worth at least a half more.

Offerings at the present time include dress skirts made of black and navy lady's-cloth and suitings In gray plaids, blue t a id brown stripes, gray checks, and castrcr, green ,~1nWa^ these are made up in three styles;

Seven gored skirt with plaited side panels. Seven gored skirts wide side plaits and trimming of

self straps. Seven gored skirts with three clusters of side plaits

trimmed with tabs.* -— — - — — — •• -*• •- -l— *— -*--* " * B a s e m e n t

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Sibley, Lindsay & Curr Co; L

NOTICE it is Martin & Martin who hare adVertiieo jthey are joinf out of business April 1st, at 69 State Street, not THE OLD HOUSE, J. W. Martin & Bro. at 73 Stai< St

We wish to announce oar Annual Clearance^ Sale, the largest in the history of our house, to open April l»t. Io this sale we will offer our great stock of new pianos at greatly re­duced prices, as well as our stock of slightly used and second­hand instruments, including over 100 pianos of ali;tu& leading makes: Steinway, Weber', Chiokering Sohmer, etc.

Look for our advertisement in daily papers.

G. C U T COX, M***fer

Ye Skewlmaster, James Segeraon. Ve Committee and Visitors, Misses

Ella DowlJng and Gertrude Gauhn. Messrs. Albert \ytes§en. and Albert Prescott. _v- •

Ve Pupils, Charles Radigan, Harry Taylor. Harry O'Connor, Walter Murray, Charles Keough, Lawrence Waldert, Raymond Brown, Anna McOrath, Marie Dorsey, Francis Co&-nor, Sarah Leary, Mamie MoCorti. Maggie MeCort, Marsella Oragion. '

BLESSED SACRAMENT. , Rev. Geo. P. Jones, of Holy '

Apostles' parish, gave an interesting }

evening. " 1 The school children a r e enjoying:,

their Easter vacation. The last Mass' to-morrow will be

a Solemn High Mass. Rev. Dr. Han-na, of St. Bernard's 8eminary. will deliver the sermon on Christ's Res- 1 urrection. In the afternoon at 3:30 1 there will be the Rosary and Bene­diction of the Most Blessed Sacra­ment.

Hereafter the Mass on week days will be at 7 o'clocjc instead of at 8 o'clock as it^was during the season of Lent.

Bishop Thomas F. Hlckey and the party with which h e visited Egypt . and the Holy Land and from Jerii- j salem went to Rome, have had excel- * lent weather for their trip and prac- | tically no delays, Archbishop J . B. f Quigley, of Chicago, says in a let ter : to his sister, Mrs. T. P. Norman, of No. 116 Campbell Street. Both. Archbishop and Bishop are well, the writer says, and he speaks of having especially enjoyed hfs visit t o t h e ' Holy Land, where h e "said Mass la < the holy places and t̂ rod In the foot-_, steps of our Lord."

Archbishop Quigley says that busi­ness matters would take u p most of his time in Rome. H e meets Americans everywhere, h e says, so that he is always In pleasant com­pany. He writes tha t he expects to be home about May 1 .

Mfc * ' «

$500 E*ck w-


*H 'A Including Ail Street Impmtiwatj, MSV PSM-^I,1

I | |oti Will at M d ^ l a l i « t e f e - E k J » a ^ ,»**


lA^WX ;tiful


Stop! DonHtakelhiit«Uonc«lerjrt«a« -when you ask for Celery; King, a medi­cine of great value, The "teaa" an urged uj

cent* and ir never rvKiag only coats J dtoapisomtt,

For Any Neglect #1

GARB - t -


TO rv i «•> .v. * V

of the beat oj?por̂ nit%eVv?̂ ohtewdi ?,'. /• f .

an intorovOTimt, ferKnjBjSl^JEm/TOii mbmk* Street, ^l^,haa,et*r>; m?Am>

fully paid, can .he r«wKadtoin ttn ^Imtm^ center and in mm than half iwriile tmW4&J^rMft

Thereare a largse number of flannel* lS5MmMm~ occupied »y tlxs owners, and the mi|rhNrJhood|iv^i^ desirable in Rochester, ;"* •* ~ ^ ^ « -

The lots are lw«» «nd thj stfeetla^i GAS, ELSCMCJ LfGHfe k4an

HdlbrooKe, Street ia directly in the path oJ growth, wore houses have been built in thiaaed few years than hi any, other i>a*t mamm^** *

Another year wfl p«ibibly-see;i within a atone*!; foto^M IpaM^1

the valqeof a:!i» pdg^fc$tfj[ An o&0mak lm<$b mW^. T _-,

littlemone^to^itart-with, and" fomM^M crease in value/ while fowm^t^mnliiw^"

After all'^aeeitt^^be^ievih^' you|^^ol^%^!fi^ |^p,JOti^ CAR mft&tiM Iookover w&ftiM Tr „ ^^^ what they think of their itty^tmemA ^ « > and yotf.Il find aot onew lor m%< m $r 4$k

But 10 more of these floor" priee of 'i6W"elte& to-day and torn lip thff 0|S^

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Cfollecliion tolmrare ptoinpt Attention J s f o t i f r •'••• ••'•.'^.••.

Swat vm :-• ••; C.'*1-wte

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