Page 1: MMWU Syllabus - Course 7 - Muslim Evangelism and Discipleship … · The Third Choice - Islam, Dhimmitude and Freedom. Mark Durie. Deror Books (February 1, 2010) - Read Chapters 4-9




Page 2: MMWU Syllabus - Course 7 - Muslim Evangelism and Discipleship … · The Third Choice - Islam, Dhimmitude and Freedom. Mark Durie. Deror Books (February 1, 2010) - Read Chapters 4-9

Course 7 Syllabus MUSLIM EVANGELISM, DISCIPLESHIP, AND FREEDOM FROM ISLAM 2 UNIT TRANSFER CREDITS INTO Course Administrator/TA Ryan James Contact information: [email protected] Whats App +01.303.229.0570



This section is based on the classic book that has sold more than three million copies and been translated into 60 languages. This course is the only known recording of Dr. Robert Coleman’s principles of The Master Plan of Evangelism. Billy Graham said: “Few books have had as great an impact on the cause of world evangelization in our generation as Robert Coleman's The Master Plan of Evangelism." In this section you can see and hear Dr. Coleman teach his renowned book!

It all started when Jesus called a few men to follow him and share God's message with their neighbors. We are called to do the same. But evangelism can be difficult--even intimidating. With all the evangelism resources available, where should you turn to find advice on how to share the Good News with others? Robert E. Coleman says the answers aren't found in TV evangelism, easy-evangelism guidebooks, or the latest marketing techniques. Rather, he looks to the Bible, to the ultimate example found in Jesus Christ. For more than forty years this classic, biblical look at evangelism has challenged and instructed over three million readers. Now repackaged on video for our contemporary challenges, The Master Plan of Evangelism is as fresh and relevant as ever. Join the movement and discover how you can minister to the people God brings into your life.

Professor: Dr. Coleman has taught at Gordon-Conwell South Hamilton since 2001, after directing the School of World Mission and Evangelism at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School for 18 years. He is a popular preacher, speaker, and teacher, averaging about 35 speaking engagements per year around the world.

Widely known for his ministry as a disciple-maker and evangelist, Dr. Coleman currently serves on the Mission America Facilitation Committee and several international mission boards and is the president of Christian Outreach. From 1989-2001, he led the Institute of Evangelism in the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College and served as Dean of the Billy Graham International Schools of Evangelism. He is also a founding member of the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelism and a past president of the Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education.

Dr. Coleman’s scholarly interests include the theology of evangelism, revival, and the lifestyle of the Great Commission. Dr. Coleman is a prolific author, having written hundreds of articles and 21 books, though he is best known for The Master Plan of Evangelism. Translations of one or more of his books are published in 109 languages, with English editions alone exceeding 7 million copies.

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In this section, Prof. Georges Houssney walks us through the journey of sharing our faith with Muslims through leading them into a discipleship journey with Jesus Christ. By using his many personal stories and experiences, this course provides a very practical lesson in the questions and struggles faced by both Muslims and those engaging them Professor: Georges Houssney was raised in the predominantly Muslim city of Tripoli, Lebanon. He came to faith in Jesus Christ as a teenager. Soon God grew a deep love for Muslims in his heart, and he began to sense God’s call for full-time service among them. Well-known for his work supervising the translation and publication of the Bible into clear modern Arabic, Georges and his family moved from the Middle East to the United States in 1982 to minister to international students. Georges is passionate about reaching internationals here and abroad with the great news of salvation. He writes and lectures internationally about ministry to Muslims, and he strives to awaken a new generation who will proclaim the gospel boldly. SECTION 3: FREEDOM FROM THE SPIRITUAL AGREEMENTS OF ISLAM - DR. MARK DURIE

In this section, Dr. Mark Durie looks at the spiritual and historical roots of Islam beginning with the rejections which Muhammad faced and his responses to them compared with the life of Christ. As a result of these rejections we see the spiritual strongholds of Islam come into light. Prof. Durie then provides a comprehensive look at breaking the strongholds of the Shahada and dhimmitude. The course concludes with powerful prayers of repentance to walk Muslim converts through to renounce and break free from the spiritual oppression of Islam.

Professor: Dr. Mark Durie is a theologian, human rights activist, Anglican pastor, a Shillman-Ginsburg Writing Fellow at the Middle East Forum, and Adjunct Research Fellow of the Centre for the Study of Islam and Other Faiths at Melbourne School of Theology. He has published many articles and books on the language and culture of the Acehnese, Christian-Muslim relations, and religious freedom. A graduate of the Australian National University and the Australian College of Theology, he has held visiting appointments at the University of Leiden, MIT, UCLA, and Stanford, and was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities in 1992.

COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon the completion of the course the student will be able to:

1. Understand the Jesus’ method for making disciples and seek to follow His example among Muslims. 2. Disciple new believers in a systematic way to obey all that Jesus commanded (Matt. 28:20).

3. Help new Christians from a Muslim background overcome stumbling blocks in maturing as disciples.

4. Effectively teach other Christians basic principles on making disciples among Muslims.

5. Effectively share the gospel with Muslims based on the testimony of experienced practitioners.

6. Teach other Christians about dhimmitude, spiritual warfare, and freedom from the spiritual agreements of Islam.

7. Lead a Muslim through deliverance prayers to renounce the Islamic covenants to break the binding spiritual power of Islam.

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1. The Gospel of St. Matthew - (Acceptable translations include: ASV, CEB, KJV, NKJV, ESV, NRSV, NAS, CSB, NIV, NRS, RSV, GNT, GW, JUB, LEB, BBE, WEB, NIRV, TMB, OJB, YLT, TMB CJB, HNV, NCV)

2. The Master Plan of Evangelism 2nd Edition: Dr. Robert E. Coleman. Revell; 2 edition (May 1, 2010)

3. The Cost of Discipleship. Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Touchstone; 1st edition (September 1, 1995)

4. The Necessity of Prayer. E.M. Bounds. Grand Rapids, MI: Christian Classics Ethereal Library

5. Liberty to the Captives: Freedom from Islam and Dhimmitude through the cross. Mark Durie. Deror Books; 2 Edition (April 5, 2013)

6. The Third Choice - Islam, Dhimmitude and Freedom. Mark Durie. Deror Books (February 1, 2010) - Read Chapters 4-9


1. One God One Message: Discover the Mystery, Take the Journey. P.D. Bramsen. ROCK International; Third edition edition (September 1, 2009) This is a wonderful resource available in multiple languages as a book, free pdf, and audio podcast downloads. It contains 30 chapters written to Muslims helping them overcome common objections to the Christian faith and to help them understand the Biblical narrative. It also has great discussion questions for Christians to facilitate discussion with Muslims on each chapter. Check this out.

2. To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism Approved Edition. J.I. Packer, Joel Scandrett. Anglican Church of North America. Crossway Books. 2020 The early church started to use catechism as a means of discipleship as early as the 1st century (see the The Didaché). Look through this renewed 2020 version of catechism from the evangelical Anglican Church and assess the pros and cons of using this as a method of discipleship. 

ASSIGNMENTS: 1. COMPLETE LECTURE APPLICATION QUESTIONS These are short concise questions that help you process the lectures and formulate key points for evangelism.

2. COMMANDS OF JESUS ASSIGNMENT When we look at the great commission as believers we all agree that the scripture says to go therefore and make disciples of all nations, not make converts of all nations. It's one thing to get a decision to follow Christ and it's a very different thing to make a disciple. Most people agree that the church is in a discipleship crisis and we need a shift on how we make disciples. Being a disciple in the first century Jewish culture meant the student (disciple) was to follow so closely to the teacher (rabbi) that they would imitate everything that the rabbi did. That is why Christians became called Christians or ‘little Christs’ because they were seeking to imitate or follow Christ's example in everything.

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Jesus tells us in the great commission that we are to go therefore and make disciples, baptizing them in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and… (this is what everybody forgets) … to teach them to OBEY all that I have COMMANDED you to do. We have gone all over the world asking missions leaders and pastors, "How many of you teach discipleship by having people go through all of the commands of Jesus? How many of you have done that yourselves?” We have yet to met anyone who actually walks new believers through the commands of Jesus in the gospels as the chief means of discipleship. Why is this? Didn’t Jesus lay out discipleship in very clear terms “… make disciples by teaching them to obey everything I've commanded you to do." Many have been discipled in ministries or churches going through an alpha course or by starting in the book of Romans teaching the "Romans road to salvation" and the four spiritual laws. And that's all great but how many of us go on to live fruitful lives abiding in Christ by obeying all He commanded?

Usually when we talk about discipleship we talk about life-on-life spiritual mentoring. But what exactly does that look like? That can be so nuanced. Obviously, we're not discipling men unto ourselves (Acts 20). We want to make people like Jesus, to disciple them unto Christ. So in this course you are going to go through the commands of Jesus yourself so that you can then teach others to go through the gospels and obey all that Jesus has commanded. Commands of Jesus Assignment 1. Read through the Gospel of Matthew  2. Identify and number all the commands of Jesus 3. Write a title for each command including the applicable verse.  4. Write down what they mean for you today. (interpretation). 5. Write down your experience seeking to fulfill that command. (Application)

*** You should have between 50 and 120 commands depending on how you organize them.   In the future you can use this list to lead others through the process of discipleship in the same way.   PAPER FORMAT GUIDELINES Margins. Use 81⁄2 x 11-inch paper with 1-inch margins.

Font. Use Times New Roman 12-point font for all text 

Spacing. [Outline format] - Single-space all text and double space between points.

Heading. Do not use a cover page. In the top left-hand corner of the page please place your name, the name of the class, the due date of the assignment and the assignment title on successive lines. Leave a space between the heading and your opening paragraph.

Example: Ryan James Muslim Evangelism, Discipleship, and Freedom from Islam September 12, 2020 Commands of Jesus Assignment Command #1 - Repent From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Matt. 4:17 Interpretation:  I must turn away from everything that hinders me from making Jesus supreme in every area of my Life Application:  I have begun to earnest pray every morning when I first wake up reciting the Lord's prayer and asking the Lord to forgive me from my sin.   Today I was convicted over listening to music that was not glorifying to His name so I deleted all those tracts from my phone and made a decision not to listen to

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them anymore. Command #2 - Follow Jesus "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matt. 4:19

Interpretation: Jesus is asking me to follow him and imitate how he lives and to go where he goes especially to "fish" for men.  (evangelism) Application: During my times of prayer I have started to feel an increased burden to go and share the gospel with my neighbor. I don't know him well but I began to pray for a way to talk to him.  He isn't outside very much.  After a few days I found his dog had gotten out and I realized catching him and bringing him back would be the perfect opportunity to have a conversation with this man.  Sure enough when I knocked on the door and had his dog in hand the man was very thankful and after a little small talk he asked me if I wanted to come in.  I accepted and he offered me a beer.  I told him that I used to be an alcoholic but that Jesus had delivered me.  This opened the door for me to share the love of Jesus with him.   Now, I know that I must live a lifestyle of following  Jesus as the Holy Spirit leads. 

3. CREATE A TEACHING OUTLINE FOR MASTER PLAN OF EVANGELISM Imagine you are going to train a group of Christians through Robert Coleman's Master Plan of Evangelism book in just a few hours.  Your assignment is to make a full sentence roman numeral outline of the Master Plan of Evangelism book that you could use to teach this material to others.  

Length: 3-4 pages

Format: Margins. Use 8 1⁄2 x 11-inch paper with 1-inch margins. Font. Use Times New Roman 12-point font for all text with the exception of footnotes, which should be 10- point font.

Indents. The standard indent is 1⁄2 inch. Roman numerals (IV.) should be indented once, letters (A.) should be intended twice, and numbers (1.)  should all be indented three times etc. Alignment.  The various points of the outline should all be vertically aligned. (See example below) Spacing. This outline should be single spaced with double spaces between roman numerals/letters/numbers  Quotes. For quotations of four lines or less, simply use quotation marks. For quotations of five or more lines, use block formatting. (In block formatting the quotation should be single-spaced and indented 1⁄2 inch, with a space preceding and following the quotation.) See a teaching outline example at the end of the syllabus.

4. GEORGES HOUSSNEY LECTURE APPLICATION ASSIGNMENT Remember you completed a lecture application after each session that asked a few questions: 

1. Write a 2-3 sentence summary of the class in your own words 2. What is one prayer point from this session that you can add to a prayer list 3. Write out a question that you can ask a Muslim based on something in this Class 4. What is the main point you want to remember from this class?

You should have received an email with the answers you submitted for each lecture application.  Your assignment is to go back and view your answers and then compile them into one document. You can copy and paste them from your emails into a single document.  (search in your email for: " google forms" or "Muslim Evangelism and Discipleship" to find all your answers).   Once you have compiled all your answers into this document read through the document and reflect on your

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answers and edit them and improve them as you see fit.  Spend some time in prayer and reflect on how your answers can help you implement these principles into your ministry.   **You must include your application question answers to all 20 lectures to receive a passing grade Turn in your final document as a PDF using 12 pt Times New Roman Font with 1 inch margins and should be formatted like the example below.  Format Example Ryan James Muslim Evangelism and Discipleship Prof. Georges Houssney  Application Assignment 3/23/2020 Lecture 1 - Evangelizing Muslims 1.  Class Summary - The professor gave his testimony about growing up in Lebanon as a nominal Christian and hating Muslims but then came to Christ and received a supernatural love for Muslims 2.  Prayer - Father, you so loved the lost world that you have your most precious treasure, your own Son.  Help me be also willing to give everything to seek and save the lost. 3.  Question for Muslim -  Why do Muslims and Christians sometimes not get along? 4. Point to Remember - I want my life to be like this professor who has dedicated his life to reaching Muslims. Lecture 2 - How would Jesus and Paul View Muslims  1. Class Summary - It is important that we bear a heart of compassion for the people we are reaching. Secondly as we generate this love it needs to be driven by a desire for truth because it is only truth that brings deliverance from the power of sin.

2. Prayer - Lord help me to desist from all kinds of prejudice that have kept me from being effective among Muslims 3.  Question for Muslim - What is the basis of truth for you? 4.  Point to Remember - Jesus is the way the truth and the life and all Muslims who die without Christ will go to hell.  5. COST OF DISCIPLESHIP BOOK INDEX ASSIGNMENT As you read through the classic book “The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer” write down at least two of your favorite quotes from each of the 32 chapters. Compile all 64 quotes (minimum) into a single PDF to be turned in.  Make sure the quotes are clearly distinguishable from each other and include the chapters and pages numbers the quotes came from. Font: 12 point Times New Roman Margins: 1 inch Single space quotes - Double Space in-between quotes 6. E.M. BOUNDS READING ASSIGNMENT Turn in your 10 favorite quotes from "The Necessity of Prayer" by E.M. Bounds in a single PDF.  Make sure the quotes are clearly distinguishable from each other and include the page numbers.

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7. WRITE A ‘FREEDOM FROM ISLAM’ TEACHING MANUSCRIPT Write a teaching manuscript for a 30 minute presentation on Freedom from Islam: Include all of the following:

1.  The definition and brief history of dhimmitude.  2.  Simple Introduction to Spiritual Warfare. 3.  Why Muslims need deliverance from the spiritual agreements of Islam. 4.  Helping Muslims renounce the Islamic covenants.

*** This manuscript needs to be something you and others could preach/teach from.  Please include direct quotes from Dr. Mark Durie's course, books , and/or the footnotes in Durie's books. 

Minimum of 4000 words with proper footnotes 

PAPER FORMAT GUIDELINES Margins. Use 8½ x 11-inch paper with 1-inch margins. Font. Use Times New Roman 12-point font for all text with the exception of footnotes, which should be 10-point font. Indents. The standard indent is ½ inch. This applies to the opening line of every paragraph, indents in footnotes, and block quotations. Spacing. Double-space all text except for block quotations and footnotes. Heading. Do not use a cover page. In the top left-hand corner of the page please place your name, the name of the class, the due date of the assignment and the assignment title on successive lines. Leave a space between the heading and your opening paragraph.

Example:  Ryan James Muslim Evangelism, Discipleship, and Freedom from Islam September 12, 2019 Teaching Manuscript

Quotes. For quotations of four lines or less, simply use quotation marks. For quotations of five or more lines, use block formatting. (In block formatting the quotation should be single-spaced and indented ½ inch, with a space preceding and following the quotation.) Reference and Bibliography Formatting

Style Guide. MMWU follows the style guide created by Kate L. Turabian: A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers (7th edition). Please refer to Turabian’s Manual when formatting your references and bibliography. An overview of her style guide can be found in the online “Turabian Quick Guide” ( Scripture citations. For scripture, use a simple in-text parenthetical citation. Example: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 5:3). Do not include the Bible in your bibliography. Footnotes. For all references or quotations outside of scripture, footnotes are required. Use Times New Roman 10-point font for all footnotes. Example: “Footnotes must be placed, or at least must begin, on the page where they are referred to … Each footnote must begin on a new line, indented the same amount as paragraphs in the text. Footnotes are usually single-spaced, with a blank line between notes.”1  Bibliography. If you use footnotes, you must include a bibliography listing all references. Use a separate page for your bibliography. Center, bold and capitalize the title “BIBLIOGRAPHY” at the top of the page. Number all bibliographic entries and order them alphabetically. For information on how to format entries, consult the “Turabian Quick Guide.”

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 1 Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 6th ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996), 254-5.

8. REQUIRED READING SELF-ASSESSMENT TEST You will be required to grade yourself on all the required reading. You must complete 90% of all the required reading to pass this course.

9. SUBMIT FOUR EVANGELISM REPORTS: (INCLUDING):  1. Where did you go to share the gospel? 2. How did you approach the person? How did the Holy Spirit lead you? 3.  What questions did you ask? 4. What questions did they ask? 5. Did you present the gospel? 6. What content from this course was helpful during your conversation? 7. How long did your conversation last 8. Will you have a second meeting? When? 9. How would you grade how you did in the conversation (1-10)?   10. In your opinion how far/near was the person from coming to Christ after your conversation



COURSE INTRODUCTION Course Syllabus Introduction to Required Reading

SECTION 1: THE MASTER PLAN OF EVANGELISM - ROBERT COLEMAN Video Lecture - The Great Commission Lifestyle: Incarnation Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - The Great Commission Lifestyle: Selection Lecture Application Questions Read: The Master Plan of Evangelism (Pg. 9-22) Video Lecture - The Great Commission Lifestyle: Association Lecture Application Questions Read: The Master Plan of Evangelism (Read Chapter 2 - Association) SECTION 1.2 Video Lecture - The Great Commission Lifestyle: Consecration Lecture Application Questions Read: The Master Plan of Evangelism (Read Chapter 3 - Consecration) Video Lecture - The Great Commission Lifestyle: Demonstration Lecture Application Questions Read: The Master Plan of Evangelism (Read Chapter 4 & 5) Video Lecture - The Great Commission Lifestyle: Delegation Lecture Application Questions Read: The Master Plan of Evangelism (Read Chapter 6 - Delegation) SECTION 1.3 Video Lecture - The Great Commission Lifestyle: Supervision Lecture Application Questions Read: The Master Plan of Evangelism (Ch. 7 - Supervision) Video Lecture - The Great Commission Lifestyle: Reproduction Lecture Application Questions Read: The Master Plan of Evangelism (Ch. 8 - Reproduction) Video Lecture - The Great Commission Lifestyle: Impartation Lecture Application Questions

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SECTION II: MUSLIM EVANGELISM AND DISCIPLESHIP - PROF. GEORGES HOUSSNEY Section Introduction Video Lecture - Evangelizing Muslims Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - How would Jesus and Paul View Muslims Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture -Boldness in Ministry to Muslims Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - The Model of Jesus Lecture Application Questions Read: The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Introduction and Memoir) SECTION 2.2 Video Lecture -The Model of Jesus 2 Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - What is the Gospel? Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - What is the Gospel 2? Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - What Do You Say? Lecture Application Questions Read and Index: The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Part I - Grace and Discipleship) SECTION 2.3 Video Lecture -What Do You Say 2? Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - Personal Relationships Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - Personal Relationships 2 Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - Personal Relationships 3 Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - The Work of The Holy Spirit Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - Reasons for Falling Away Lecture Application Questions Read and Index: The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Part II - The Sermon on the Mount) SECTION 2.4 Video Lecture -Three Stages for Growth Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - Three Dimensions of Spiritual Life Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - The Word of God Lecture Application Questions Read and Index: The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Part III - The Messengers) SECTION 2.5 Video Lecture -Intimacy Through Worship and Prayer Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - Transformation Through the Gospel Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - Transformation Through the Gospel 2 Lecture Application Questions Read and Index: The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Introduction and Part IV - The Church of Jesus Christ and the Life of Discipleship)

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SECTION III - FREEDOM FROM THE SPIRITUAL AGREEMENTS OF ISLAM - DR. MARK DURIE Video Lecture - The Kingdom of God and Spiritual Warfare Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - The Shahada and the Role of Muhammad Lecture Application Questions SECTION 3.2 Video Lecture - The Dhimma Covenant and Violations Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - The Dhimma Covenant Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - The Denial of Dhimmitude Lecture Application Questions Read the Pact of Omar PDF Read: The Third Choice - Islam, Dhimmitude and Freedom (Chapter 4-6) SECTION 3.3 Video Lecture - Muhammad's Response to Rejection Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - Jesus Response to Rejection Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - The Denial of Dhimmitude Lecture Application Questions Read: The Third Choice - Islam, Dhimmitude and Freedom (Chapter 7- 9) SECTION 3.4 Video Lecture - Freedom from Islamic Covenants Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - Renouncing the Dhimma Pact Lecture Application Questions Video Lecture - Renouncing the Shahada Lecture Application Questions Read: Liberty to the Captives: Freedom from Islam and Dhimmitude through the Cross (Chapters 1-5) SECTION 3.5 Video Lecture - Islam and Dhimmitude Debate Mark Durie vs. Adan Rashid Video Lecture -Dhimmitude - UK preacher Abu Waleed Read: Liberty to the Captives: Freedom from Islam and Dhimmitude through the Cross (Chapters 6-8) Read Healing and Deliverance 10 Step Model Handout Read: Liberty to the Captives - Prayers Handout SECTION IV - THE NECESSITY OF PRAYER - E.M. BOUNDS Audio Book - The Necessity of Prayer by E.M. Bounds - Part 1 Audio Book - The Necessity of Prayer by E.M. Bounds - Part 2 Audio Book - The Necessity of Prayer by E.M. Bounds - Part 3 Audio Book - The Necessity of Prayer by E.M. Bounds - Part 4 RECOMMENDED DISCIPLESHIP RESOURCE One God, One Message by P. D. Bramsen With compelling clarity, this inviting and informed journey through the Bible offers hope for eternity. Drawing on the author’s passion for the scriptures, his years in an Islamic nation, and thousands of conversations with Muslim friends, this journey offers insight into life’s big picture and clarifies some of the primary differences between a biblical and an Islamic worldview. The guide’s endnotes section clarifies terminology used throughout the text and furnishes background information on customs of the era. A chapter-by-chapter discussion guide provides 150 questions for further examination as well as an assortment

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of Bible verses to spur self-reflection.  Many have found this to be a wonderful resource helping Muslims discover the truth about Jesus and the Biblical narrative.  This resource is meant for Muslims to read or listen through with a Christian facilitating the discussion questions (pg. 387) Browse through this content and become familiar with it.   Download Below you can download the mp3's of each chapter and the pdf. EVANGELISM REPORTS Evangelism Report One Evangelism Report Two Evangelism Report Three Evangelism Report Four TURN IN ASSIGNMENTS Complete the Commands of Jesus Assignment Make an outline of the Master Plan of Evangelism Book Turn in Georges Houssney Lecture Application List Assignment Turn in The Cost of Discipleship Book Index Assignment Turn in the EM Bounds Prayer Quote Assignment Turn in your "Freedom from Islam" Teaching Manuscript Optional: Assessment of To be a Christian: An Anglican Catechism Reading Self-Assessment Test Complete a Course Review COURSE COMPLETION CERTIFICATE - 2 UNIT TRANSFER CREDITS - GBS.EDU This course is self-paced and upon completion students will receive a course certificate. On average you’ll need to spend 10 hours a week for 15 weeks to complete this course. Pass/Fail Course - The student must complete every element of the course content and receive a passing grade on all assignments to receive the course completion certificate. All assignments that do not receive a passing grade must be re-submitted according to passing specifications (see grading rubric). Here is a breakdown of the expected time commitment per type of work.


Lectures 29 HoursLecture Application 4 HoursAssigned Reading                                                  50 HoursCommands of Jesus Assignment 20 HoursMake an outline of the Master Plan of Evangelism Book 

6 Hours

Turn in Georges Houssney Lecture Application List Assignment

2 Hours

Cost of Discipleship Book Index Assignment 2 Hours EM Bounds Prayer Quote Assignment 1 HourTurn in your "Freedom from Islam" Teaching Manuscript 15 HoursEvangelism Reports 12 Hours

Total 141 Hours

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MMWU Grading Rubric for Assignments

A passing paper does all of the following:

Meets the specified requirements of the task; Demonstrates knowledge of the subject matter relevant to the task; Reflects accurate understanding of concepts and terminology; Develops arguments and/or presents information in a coherent, well-focused manner Includes insightful analysis; Integrates appropriate evidence, including examples and previous Scholarship, to support assertions and develop arguments; Appropriately cites sources of information where required; Features clear, accurate sentence structure and word choice.

A failing paper does some or all of the following: Neglects major aspects of the task; Demonstrates weak knowledge of the subject matter relevant to the task; frequently misuses concepts and terminology; Shows incoherent, fragmented development of arguments and/or presentation of information; Includes little analysis, relying mainly on summary and reporting; Often fails to integrate appropriate evidence, including examples and previous scholarship, to support Assertions and develop arguments; Neglects to cite sources appropriately where required; Features pervasive problems in sentence structure and word choice.


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