Page 1: ModelingSeaIcephaselocallyisotropiccomposite, (x)= 1 1(x)+ 2 2(x), where ๐‘—is the complex permittivity of brine or ice for ๐‘— = 1,2, respectively, and ๐‘—is the characteristic

Modeling Sea Ice

Kenneth M. Golden, Luke G. Bennetts,Elena Cherkaev, Ian Eisenman, Daniel Feltham,

Christopher Horvat, Elizabeth Hunke,Christopher Jones, Donald K. Perovich,

Pedro Ponte-Castaรฑeda, Courtenay Strong,Deborah Sulsky, and Andrew J. Wells

Kenneth M. Golden is a Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at the Univer-sity of Utah. His email address is [email protected] G. Bennetts is an associate professor of applied mathematics at the Univer-sity of Adelaide. His email address is [email protected] Cherkaev is a professor of mathematics at the University of Utah. Heremail address is [email protected] Eisenman is an associate professor of climate, atmospheric science, and phys-ical oceanography at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the Universityof California San Diego. His email address is [email protected] Feltham is a professor of climate physics at the University of Reading.His email address is [email protected] Horvat is a NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowat the Institute at Brown for Environment and Society at Brown University. Hisemail address is [email protected] Hunke is a deputy group leader, T-3 fluid dynamics and solid mechan-ics group at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Her email address is [email protected] Jones is a Bill Guthridge Distinguished Professor of Mathematics

at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. His email address is [email protected] K. Perovich is a professor of engineering at the Thayer School of En-gineering at Dartmouth College. His email address is [email protected] Ponte-Castaรฑeda is a Raymond S. Markowitz Faculty Fellow and profes-sor of mechanical engineering and applied mechanics and of mathematics at theUniversity of Pennsylvania. His email address is [email protected] Strong is an associate professor of atmospheric sciences at the Uni-versity of Utah. His email address is [email protected] Sulsky is a professor of mathematics and statistics and of mechanicalengineering at the University of New Mexico. Her email address is [email protected] J. Wells is an associate professor of physical climate science at the Uni-versity of Oxford. His email address is [email protected].

Communicated by Notices Associate Editor Reza Malek-Madani.

For permission to reprint this article, please contact:[email protected].


Page 2: ModelingSeaIcephaselocallyisotropiccomposite, (x)= 1 1(x)+ 2 2(x), where ๐‘—is the complex permittivity of brine or ice for ๐‘— = 1,2, respectively, and ๐‘—is the characteristic

1. IntroductionOverview. Over the past two decades, Arctic sea ice hasexperienced precipitous declines in extent and thickness,ushering in a new narrative for the polar marine environ-ment. This loss of sea ice is perhaps one of themost visiblelarge-scale changes on Earthโ€™s surface connected to plane-tary warming, with significant implications for the Arcticregion and beyond. The response of Antarctic sea ice toclimate change has been more complicated and less wellunderstood. Advancing our ability to analyze, model, andpredict the behavior of sea ice is critical to improving pro-jections of climate change and the response of polar ecosys-tems, and in meeting the challenges of increased humanactivities in the Arctic. Over the past decade or so, researchon modeling sea ice and its role in Earthโ€™s climate sys-tem has blossomed, with fundamental contributions frommany areas of applied and computational mathematics.

Here we report on significant recent advances in sea icemodeling. We give a fast-paced account of a broad rangeof mathematical ideas, and key theoretical issues in thephysics of sea ice, on scales frommillimeters to thousandsof kilometers. Modeling sea iceโ€”a complex multiscalemediumโ€”presents formidable challenges. Themathemat-ics discussed here, while developed for sea ice, often hasbroader applicability and provides insights into the anal-ysis and modeling of other multiscale materials and sys-tems.Earthโ€™s sea ice packs in a changing climate. The sea icecovers of the polar oceans are a critical component of theglobal climate system. They are vast in areal extent, cover-ing millions of square kilometers, but are only a thin ve-neer of ice a couple of meters thick. Sea ice serves as bothan indicator of change and as an amplifier of change. Con-sider the Arctic sea ice cover. The amplification of globalwarming long predicted by models has come to pass. Ob-servations show that the Arctic is warming at twice therate of the rest of the planet. Satellite observations fromthe past four decades show decreasing ice extent in everymonth of the year, with the greatest losses occurring inSeptember, at the end of the melt season. Indeed, therehas been interest in predictions of when we might first seesubstantially ice-free summers. The sea ice cover has alsoundergone a fundamental shift from older, thicker, moreresilient perennial ice to primarily younger, thinner, lessresilient seasonal ice. This is clear evidence of a warmingclimate.

Sea ice can also act as an amplifier of climate changethrough ice-albedo feedback. Snow covered sea ice is an ex-cellent reflector of sunlight. As the ice retreats, it uncoversthe highly absorbing ocean. More solar radiation is thenabsorbed, resulting in more loss of ice and more absorbed


sunlight creating a positive feedback loop. The end resultis less sea ice and more planetary heating. Sea ice loss alsoinfluences the exchange of heat and moisture between theatmosphere and ocean, further impacting the climate.

As we look toward the Southern Ocean and the Antarc-tic sea ice pack, we find a different geographical contextwithinwhich to consider amore complex response to plan-etary warming. The Arctic is comprised of an ocean en-circled by warming landmasses with declining spring andsummer snow covers and reduced albedo. The Antarctic isa continent surrounded by ocean, geographically isolatedfrom the rest of the world but connected through atmo-spheric and oceanic pathways. With sea ice growth uncon-strained by surrounding continents, we see high variabil-ity in year to year ice extent, with strong influence fromchanges in wind and current patterns.

Much of the Arctic sea ice pack still persists during sum-mer. However, relatively little Antarctic sea ice, whichforms at lower, warmer latitudes and is thinner, survivesthe melt season. While Arctic sea ice has seen sustaineddeclines, Antarctic sea ice experienced over three decadesof gradual increases in yearly extent, peaking in 2014, yetwith some regions still registering notable declines. Thisperiod was followed by an overall decline so precipitousthat three years later a record low for average coverage dur-ing the 40-year satellite era was reached [S72]. Neverthe-less, the long-term trend is nearly flat. In short, the plan-etary warming signal has come through loud and clear inthe Arctic, but has so far been more difficult to discern inthe response of Antarctic sea ice [S89].From microscale to macroscale. Viewed on almost anylength scale, sea ice displays composite structure (Figure1). By holding a small piece of sea ice, careful inspectionreveals the brine and air inclusion microstructure on themillimeter scale as well as the centimeter scale polycrys-talline microstructure. Snow on top of sea ice is a highlyvariable granular material with grains on the millimeter tocentimeter scale. From a helicopter the ice pack can beviewed as a composite of ice floes in a sea water host, withthe frozen โ€œinclusionsโ€ ranging in size from centimeters totens of kilometers. Systems of leads or openings in the iceare fracture patterns that can extend hundreds of kilome-ters. In late spring the Arctic sea ice surface is a compositeof ice and small ponds which grow and coalesce to formkilometer scale, connected labyrinths of melt water.

In modeling and predicting the behavior of the polarsea ice covers, one must keep in mind the overall scale ofthe system under study. In winter, the maximum areal ex-tent of sea ice in the Arctic is about 15 million km2, andabout 18million km2 in the Antarctic, or roughly 4000 kmin linear extent. With grid spacings in large-scale modelson the order of kilometers, or more likely, tens of kilome-ters, it is not realistic to account for every brine inclusion,


Page 3: ModelingSeaIcephaselocallyisotropiccomposite, (x)= 1 1(x)+ 2 2(x), where ๐‘—is the complex permittivity of brine or ice for ๐‘— = 1,2, respectively, and ๐‘—is the characteristic

Figure 1. Multiscale structure of sea ice. From left to right: X-ray tomography of submillimeter scale brine inclusions; centimeterscale polycrystalline structure of sea ice; centimeter to meter scale pieces of newly forming Arctic sea ice; meter to kilometerscale melt ponds on the surface of summer Arctic sea ice; the Arctic sea ice pack can be viewed from space as a two-phasegranular composite. For perspective, rough image sizes from left to right are 1 cm, 5 cm, 5 m, 100 m, 100 km.

crystal grain, or floe in the model. The scales of interest forclimate studies are far greater than these โ€œmicrostructuralโ€scales. Nevertheless, these features play an outsized role insea ice dynamic and thermodynamic behavior. One of thefundamental challenges in modeling sea iceโ€”and a cen-tral theme in what followsโ€”is how to rigorously accountfor the impact of the microscale on macroscale behavior.

Most of the modeling ideas and techniques in the fol-lowing apply to sea ice around both poles. However,there are certain topics that are traditionally more rele-vant to either the Arctic or the Antarctic. For example,melt ponds are generally not observed on Antarctic seaice. Grainy polycrystalline microstructures, often associ-ated with growth under more turbulent conditions or theformation of โ€œsnow-iceโ€ on top of flooded sea ice, havetypically been of more interest in studies of Antarctic seaice. Likewise, studies involving wave-ice interactions andpancake ice, which forms in wavy conditions, have beenmore focused in the Southern Ocean. However with Arc-tic sea ice receding, wave activity has increased, along withsimilar types of studies in the Arctic.

The paper is organized as follows. We begin with anintroduction to the basic physics of sea iceโ€”its dynamicsand thermodynamicsโ€”that has historically served as thefoundation for early modeling efforts, and still serves inthis role today. Then we roughly follow the outline sug-gested in Figure 1, where we move up in scale, startingfrom the material properties of sea ice and how they de-pend on the brine and polycrystalline microstructures. Wethen consider mesoscale processes such as the formationof leads and ridges, the evolution of melt ponds and floesizes, and wave-ice interactions. Finally we look at themacroscaleโ€”the rheology of the sea ice pack, large-scalenumerical sea ice models which are key components ofglobal climate models, the assimilation of data into thesemodels, and low-order approximations of large-scale seaice behavior. Along the way we will touch upon a num-ber of areas ofmathematics and theoretical physics, includ-ing homogenization of partial differential equations, the-ory of porous media, mechanics of materials, numericalanalysis, percolation theory, stochastic processes, complex

analysis, statistical mechanics, dynamical systems, andeven random matrix theory.

2. Sea Ice Dynamics and ThermodynamicsPhysical processes acting on sea ice can be divided intotwo categories: thermodynamic processes, which involvethe transfer of heat or radiation, and dynamic processes,which move and deform the ice. Regions of the sea icecover often include mixtures of open water, thin first-yearice, thicker multiyear ice, and thick ridges formed from icefloes breaking or colliding under convergent forcing.

A fundamental goal in sea ice modeling is to predict theevolution of the ice thickness distribution (ITD) in timeand space [TRMC75, S112]. The ITD is influenced by hor-izontal transport, ridging and other mechanical processes,and thickness changes due to thermodynamic growth andmelting. An essential aspect of sea ice thermodynamics isthe variation of growth and melting rates for different icethicknesses. Because heat conduction is proportional tothe vertical temperature gradient, thin ice grows and meltsmore quickly than thicker ice, and is more likely to un-dergo mechanical deformation.

The ice thickness distribution ๐‘”(โ„Ž, ๐ฑ, ๐‘ก) gives the proba-bility ๐‘”(โ„Ž)๐‘‘โ„Ž of finding ice in the thickness range (โ„Ž, โ„Ž+๐‘‘โ„Ž)at a given time ๐‘ก and location x โˆˆ โ„2, or the area fractioncovered by ice of this thickness, with โˆซโˆž

0 ๐‘”(โ„Ž, ๐ฑ, ๐‘ก)๐‘‘โ„Ž = 1.The ITD equation is fundamental to any sea ice model, be-cause it integrates all of the physical processes that affectice volume:

๐œ•๐‘”๐œ•๐‘ก = โˆ’โˆ‡ โ‹… (๐‘”๐ฎ) + ฮจ โˆ’ ๐œ•

๐œ•โ„Ž (๐‘“๐‘”) + ๐ฟ, (1)

with ๐ฎ the horizontal ice velocity, โˆ‡ = ( ๐œ•๐œ•๐‘ฅ, ๐œ•๐œ•๐‘ฆ), ๐‘“ the rate

of thermodynamic ice growth, ฮจ a mechanical redistribu-tion function, and ๐ฟ representing lateral melting. The fourterms on the right describe: (1) horizontal transport in x,(2) transport of mass of ๐‘” in โ„Ž due to ridging and othermechanical processes, (3) transport of mass of ๐‘” due tothermodynamic growth andmelting, and (4) replacing icewith open water by lateral melt. Solving the horizontaltransport and ridging equations requires ๐ฎ.

Although the ITD ๐‘”(โ„Ž) is a function of a continuousvariable โ„Ž, in practice only a few thickness categories are


Page 4: ModelingSeaIcephaselocallyisotropiccomposite, (x)= 1 1(x)+ 2 2(x), where ๐‘—is the complex permittivity of brine or ice for ๐‘— = 1,2, respectively, and ๐‘—is the characteristic

tracked, typically between 5 and 20, with more categoriesassigned to thinner ice to better resolve growth rates. Ther-modynamic transport of the mass of ๐‘”(โ„Ž) needs the icegrowth rate ๐‘“ in each thickness category. The ITD equa-tion is being generalized to include distributions of thick-ness and floe size. In a significant recent advance, the ITDwas treated as a Fokker-Planck equation for the probabilitydensity of a thickness diffusion process โ„Ž๐‘ก, with ฮจ similarto a Boltzmann collision term [S103].Dynamics. In order to simulate icemotion ๐ฎ, sea icemod-els generally include equations for the momentum, a con-stitutive law that describes the material properties of theice, transport, and mechanical deformation. These equa-tions strive to represent the basic properties of ice motion:as a rigid material it resists convergent forcing, but it tendsto be highly fractured and therefore diverges easily. If con-vergent forcing is strong enough, the ice will break andform ridges and keels, often referred to as โ€œridging.โ€ Thedeformation or rates of strain, which are spatial derivativesof the velocity components, control the amount of ridgingand fracture, which in turn determines the amount of openwater that is exposed to the atmosphere.

The force balance per unit area in the ice pack is givenby a two-dimensional momentum equation, obtained byintegrating the three-dimensional equation with respect tothe thickness of the ice in the vertical direction:

๐‘š๐œ•๐ฎ๐œ•๐‘ก = โˆ‡ โ‹… ๐ˆ + ๐‰๐‘Ž + ๐‰๐‘ค โˆ’ ๐ถ๐‘š๐ค ร— ๐ฎ โˆ’๐‘š๐‘”โˆ‡๐ป, (2)

where ๐‘š is the combined mass of ice and snow per unitarea and ๐‰๐‘Ž and ๐‰๐‘ค are wind and ocean forces, respectively.The internal stress ๐ˆ is given by a constitutive equation de-scribing sea ice strength and rheology. The last two termsrepresent Coriolis effects and sea surface slope ๐ป, wherehere ๐‘” is gravitational acceleration.

Ice area fraction, volume, energy, and snow volume andenergy are advected horizontally. In addition, coupled toequation (2) are equations governing the transport of trac-ers such as melt water and biogeochemical inclusions.Thermodynamics. Thermodynamic components of seaice models treat the ice as a slab with energy fluxes at bothsurfaces,

๐‘ž๐‘‘โ„Ž๐‘‘๐‘ก = ๐น๐‘  + ๐น ๐‘™ + ๐น๐ฟโ†“ + ๐น๐ฟโ†‘ + (1 โˆ’ ๐›ผ)๐ผ0๐น๐‘ ๐‘ค, (3)

where ๐‘ž is the energy per unit volume required to melt thetop surface material (either snow or ice), โ„Ž is thickness, ๐น๐‘ is the sensible heat flux, ๐น ๐‘™ is the latent heat flux, ๐น๐ฟโ†“ isthe incoming longwave flux, ๐น๐ฟโ†‘ is the outgoing longwaveflux, ๐น๐‘ ๐‘ค is the incoming shortwave flux, ๐›ผ is the shortwavealbedo, and ๐ผ0 is the fraction of absorbed shortwave fluxthat penetrates into the ice. A similar relation holds atthe bottom of the ice. The heat equation in the vertical

direction for the interior temperature ๐‘‡๐‘– inside the ice is

๐œŒ๐‘–๐‘๐‘–๐œ•๐‘‡๐‘–๐œ•๐‘ก = ๐œ•

๐œ•๐‘ง (๐‘˜๐‘–๐œ•๐‘‡๐‘–๐œ•๐‘ง ) โˆ’

๐œ•๐œ•๐‘ง[๐ผ๐‘๐‘’๐‘›(๐‘ง)], (4)

where ๐œŒ๐‘– is sea ice density, ๐‘๐‘– its specific heat, ๐‘˜๐‘– its (effec-tive) thermal conductivity, and ๐ผ๐‘๐‘’๐‘› is the flux of solar radi-ation penetrating to depth ๐‘ง (downward positive). Heat ca-pacity and conductivity depend on both salinity and tem-perature.

Some thermodynamic models treat sea ice as a mushylayer [S122,S24], a mixture of brine and ice, with enthalpy(or temperature) and salinity as prognostic variables. Theenthalpy ๐‘ž is related to the temperature ๐‘‡ and brine vol-ume ๐œ™ by

๐‘ž = ๐œ™๐‘ž๐‘๐‘Ÿ + (1 โˆ’ ๐œ™)๐‘ž๐‘–= ๐œ™๐œŒ๐‘ค๐‘๐‘ค๐‘‡ + (1 โˆ’ ๐œ™)(๐œŒ๐‘–๐‘๐‘–๐‘‡ โˆ’ ๐œŒ๐‘–๐ฟ0), (5)

where ๐‘ž๐‘๐‘Ÿ is brine enthalpy, ๐‘ž๐‘– is ice enthalpy, ๐œŒ๐‘– and ๐‘๐‘– aredensity and heat capacity of ice, ๐œŒ๐‘ค and ๐‘๐‘ค are density andheat capacity of brine, and ๐ฟ0 is the latent heat of meltingpure ice.

Many processes affect sea ice thermodynamics, includ-ing interactions of long- and shortwave radiation with icesurface characteristics (snow, bare ice, melt water) and in-terior layers, turbulent fluxes (evaporation, latent and sen-sible heat fluxes, wind stress), heat fluxes and stresses fromthe ocean, and algal growth, which can darken the ice, de-creasing the albedo.

3. Sea Ice as a MaterialAs sea ice grows from the freezing of sea water at โˆ’1.8โˆ˜Cand a typical salinity of 35 parts per thousand (ppt), brineis entrained in the ice. The volume fraction of brine in seaice depends on the ice temperature and salinity, as well asthe age and initial growth rate of the ice. The presence ofthis brine is a distinctive feature of sea ice. The amount anddistribution of the brine affects all aspects of sea ice includ-ing its electromagnetic, mechanical, and thermal proper-ties [S116,S74].

The influence of the brine phase on the bulk materialproperties of sea ice depends strongly on temperature. Inparticular, in sea ice colder than, say, โˆ’15โˆ˜C, the brine mi-crostructure typically occupies less than 2% volume frac-tion, and is segregated into submillimeter scale inclusionsor pores which are largely disconnected and well sepa-rated, with diminished overall influence. However, as thetemperature warms toward around โˆ’5โˆ˜C and above, long-range order develops as the inclusions coalesce to formcentimeter to meter scale connected structures, or brinechannels, through which fluid can flow.

The conditions under which sea ice forms determineits crystallographic structure. The centimeter scale crys-tals are columnar in shape for ice grown under quiescent


Page 5: ModelingSeaIcephaselocallyisotropiccomposite, (x)= 1 1(x)+ 2 2(x), where ๐‘—is the complex permittivity of brine or ice for ๐‘— = 1,2, respectively, and ๐‘—is the characteristic

conditions, and more granular when grown in wavy or tur-bulent seas, which affects the material properties of sea ice.Remote sensing and sea ice properties. One reason thematerial properties of sea ice are so important and whythere is significant interest in understanding and model-ing them, particularly sea ice electromagnetic properties, isthat they largely determine what is โ€œseenโ€ by remote sens-ing platforms focused on the sea ice pack. Observationsfrom satellite-based remote sensing provide large-scale in-formation on the spatial variability and temporal evolu-tion of the polar sea ice covers. The relationships betweenthe observed electromagnetic signatures and the physicalstate of the ice provide large-scale information on ice con-ditions. At the heart of these relationships is the mathe-matics and physics of electromagnetic wave interactionswith a complex multiscale composite material that hasrough surfaces and significant internal variability [S33].

There is an array of satellite instrumentation includingpassive microwave, radar, visible and near-infrared, ther-mal infrared sensors, high resolution photography, andradar and lidar altimeters. The electromagnetic signaturesare converted by algorithms into information on sea iceconcentration and extent, ice age, ice motion, ice surfaceconditions, and ice thickness [S52]. Underlying these algo-rithms are various electromagnetic inverse problems andinverse scattering theories [S32]. The resulting data setsare a critical contribution to observing and understandingthe changing polar sea ice cover.

Homogenization refers broadly to a circle of ideas inapplied mathematics and the physics and engineering ofmaterials, where the goal is to find the effective, bulk, orhomogenized properties of a composite or inhomogeneousmedium. Sea ice is a polycrystalline composite of pure icewith brine, air, and solid salt inclusions. We first considerhomogenization for two-phase composites and then forpolycrystalline media.

We briefly describe the analytic continuation method(ACM) in homogenization theory. This approach was orig-inally developed to study the effective properties of two-phase composite materials, such as electrical and thermalconductivity, complex permittivity, magnetic permeabil-ity, diffusivity, and elasticity, which can all be similarly for-mulated [S9,S62,S29,S63]. The method has been used toobtain forward bounds on the homogenized coefficientsgiven partial information on the microstructure, such asthe volume fractions of the constituents, and extendedto multiphase media using techniques of several complexvariables [S30,S28]. This approach has also been success-ful in addressing the inverse homogenization problem ofobtaining information on the microstructural parametersfrom bulk property measurements [S58,S16,S13,S63].

Motivated by sea ice remote sensing and the physicsof electromagnetic waves interacting with sea ice, there

were numerous developments in the 1990s in the ACMand its application to sea ice [Gol09]. Most of this workwas focused on the brine microstructure. More recently,again motivated by sea ice processes, there have been sev-eral advances in extending the ACM to larger-scale prob-lems. These include homogenization for polycrystallinematerials [GLCG15], advection diffusion processes involv-ing incompressible velocity fields [S4,S66], such as ther-mal transport through sea ice enhanced by brine convec-tion [S51], and ocean surface wave propagation throughthe sea ice pack treated as a two-phase composite of icefloes and sea water [S84].

To describe the ACM and the principal features thatcarry over to other systems, we formulate the method inthe electromagnetic case for the complex permittivity, al-though equivalent formulations could be given for theother properties mentioned above. We consider a two-phase locally isotropic composite, ๐œ–(x) = ๐œ–1๐œ’1(x)+๐œ–2๐œ’2(x),where ๐œ–๐‘— is the complex permittivity of brine or ice for๐‘— = 1, 2, respectively, and ๐œ’๐‘— is the characteristic func-tion equaling 1 for medium ๐‘— at x, and 0 otherwise, with๐œ’2 = 1 โˆ’ ๐œ’1. The local parameter ๐œ–(x) is a stationary ran-dom field with ฮฉ the set of realizations of the randommedium and underlying probability measure ๐‘ƒ compati-ble with stationarity [Gol09, S29].

When the wavelength is much larger than the mi-crostructural scale, the problem can be formulated withthe quasistatic Maxwell equations, โˆ‡ ร— E = 0,โˆ‡ โ‹… D = 0,where E(x) and D(x) are stationary electric and displace-ment fields with D(x) = ๐œ–(x)E(x). We assume โŸจEโŸฉ = e๐‘˜,where โŸจโ‹…โŸฉ denotes ensemble averaging over ฮฉ or spatial av-eraging over all of โ„๐‘‘, and e๐‘˜ is a unit vector in the ๐‘˜thdirection. The effective complex permittivity tensor ๐โˆ— isdefined by โŸจDโŸฉ = ๐โˆ—โŸจEโŸฉ. Let ๐œ–โˆ— = ๐œ–โˆ—๐‘˜๐‘˜ = โŸจ๐œ–E โ‹… e๐‘˜โŸฉ. Dueto homogeneity, ๐œ–โˆ—(๐‘Ž๐œ–1, ๐‘Ž๐œ–2) = ๐‘Ž๐œ–โˆ—(๐œ–1, ๐œ–2), ๐œ–โˆ— depends onโ„Ž = ๐œ–1/๐œ–2 and we define ๐‘š(โ„Ž) = ๐œ–โˆ—/๐œ–2, which is a Herglotzfunction thatmaps the upper half โ„Ž-plane to the upper half๐‘š-plane, and is analytic off (โˆ’โˆž, 0]. The key is to obtainthe resolvent representation

E = ๐‘ (๐‘ I + ๐šช๐œ’1)โˆ’1e๐‘˜. (6)

Here ๐šช = โˆ‡(โˆ’ฮ”โˆ’1)โˆ‡โ‹… is a projection from ๐ฟ2(ฮฉ, ๐‘ƒ) onto theHilbert space of curl-free random fields, and ฮ”โˆ’1 is convo-lution with the free space Greenโ€™s function for the Lapla-cian ฮ” = โˆ‡2.

Consider ๐น(๐‘ ) = 1โˆ’๐‘š(โ„Ž), ๐‘  = 1/(1โˆ’โ„Ž), which is analyticoff [0, 1] in the ๐‘ -plane. Then (6) yields a Stieltjes integralrepresentation for ๐œ–โˆ—,

๐น(๐‘ ) = โˆซ1


๐‘‘๐œ‡(๐‘ง)๐‘  โˆ’ ๐‘ง , (7)

where ๐œ‡(๐‘‘๐‘ง) = โŸจ๐œ’1๐‘„(๐‘‘๐‘ง)e๐‘˜ โ‹… e๐‘˜โŸฉ is a positive spectral mea-sure on [0, 1] and ๐‘„(๐‘‘๐‘ง) is the (unique) projection-valued


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measure associated with the bounded, self-adjoint opera-tor ๐šช๐œ’1.

Equation (7) is based on the spectral theorem for theresolvent of ๐šช๐œ’1. This representation separates the com-ponent parameters in ๐‘  from the geometrical informa-tion in ๐œ‡. The geometry enters via the moments ๐œ‡๐‘› =โˆซ10 ๐‘ง๐‘›๐‘‘๐œ‡(๐‘ง) = โŸจ๐œ’1[(๐šช๐œ’1)๐‘›e๐‘˜]โ‹…e๐‘˜โŸฉ, ๐‘› = 0, 1, 2, โ€ฆ. Themass ๐œ‡0is โŸจ๐œ’1e๐‘˜ โ‹… e๐‘˜โŸฉ = โŸจ๐œ’1โŸฉ = ๐œ™, where ๐œ™ is the brine volume frac-tion. The (๐‘›+1)-point correlation function of themediumdetermines ๐œ‡๐‘›.

The integral representation (7) yields forward bounds onthe effective parameters of composites, given partial infor-mation on the microgeometry via the ๐œ‡๐‘› [S63], and on๐œ–โˆ— for sea ice in particular [Gol09]. The integral represen-tation can also be used to obtain inverse bounds, allowingone to use data about the electromagnetic response of acomposite, for example, to bound its structural parame-ters, such as the volume fraction of each of the compo-nents [S58,S16,S13,S63,S38,S69].

Computing the spectral measure ๐œ‡ directly for a com-posite microstructure involves discretizing an image of thecomposite into a square lattice filled with 1โ€™s and 0โ€™s cor-responding to the two phases, as in Figure 2. Then ๐šช๐œ’1,which depends on the geometry via ๐œ’1, becomes a matrix.The spectral measure may be calculated from the eigenval-ues and eigenvectors [S65].

Figure 2. The two-dimensional square lattice below itspercolation threshold of ๐‘๐‘ = 1/2 in (a) and above it in (b). Aschematic graph of the effective conductivity is shown in (c).

Percolation. The connectivity of the brine phase in seaice is a principal determinant of its electromagnetic andfluid transport properties. For example, fluid convectionin sea ice, which can occur when the brine phase is suf-ficiently connected to form channels, plays an importantrole in thermal transport in sea ice as well as in nutrient re-plenishment processes for microbial communities livinginside the brine inclusions. On larger scales, the connec-tivity ofmelt ponds on the surface of Arctic sea ice helps de-termine drainage patterns which can impact sea ice albedo.In ocean surface wave propagation through the two-phasecomposite of ice floes in a sea water host, the connectiv-ity of the water phase significantly influences the homog-enized mechanical properties and wave propagation char-acteristics of the ice pack.

The percolation model has been widely used to formu-late and address questions involving connectivity in com-plex systems such as porous media and composite mate-rials [Gol09]. In its simplest form, one considers the ๐‘‘-dimensional integer lattice โ„ค๐‘‘, and the square or cubic net-work of bonds joining nearest neighbor lattice sites. We as-sign to each bond a conductivity ๐œŽ0 > 0with probability ๐‘,meaning it is open (black), or a conductivity 0 with prob-ability 1 โˆ’ ๐‘, meaning it is closed. Two examples of bondconfigurations are shown in Figure 2, with ๐‘ = 1/3 in (a)and ๐‘ = 2/3 in (b). Groups of connected open bonds arecalled open clusters. In this model there is a critical proba-bility ๐‘๐‘, 0 < ๐‘๐‘ < 1, called the percolation threshold, whichis the smallest ๐‘ for which an infinite open cluster exists.For the two-dimensional bond lattice ๐‘๐‘ = 1/2.

The effective conductivity ๐œŽโˆ—(๐‘) of the lattice, or ran-dom resistor network (RRN) defined via Kirchoffโ€™s laws,vanishes for ๐‘ < ๐‘๐‘ as shown in Figure 2(c), since thereare no conducting pathways. For ๐‘ > ๐‘๐‘, ๐œŽโˆ—(๐‘) > 0, andnear ๐‘๐‘, ๐œŽโˆ—(๐‘) โˆผ ๐œŽ0(๐‘ โˆ’ ๐‘๐‘)๐‘ก, ๐‘ โ†’ ๐‘+๐‘ , where ๐‘ก is the con-ductivity critical exponent, with 1 โ‰ค ๐‘ก โ‰ค 2 in ๐‘‘ = 2, 3, andnumerical values ๐‘ก โ‰ˆ 1.3 in ๐‘‘ = 2 and ๐‘ก โ‰ˆ 2.0 in ๐‘‘ = 3.Now consider a random pipe network with effective fluidpermeabilityฮ (๐‘) and critical behaviorฮ (๐‘) โˆผ ฮ 0(๐‘โˆ’๐‘๐‘)๐‘’,whereฮ 0 depends on pipe radius and ๐‘’ is the permeabilityexponent, with ๐‘’ = ๐‘ก for lattices. Both ๐‘ก and ๐‘’ are believedto be universalโ€”depending only on dimension and noton the lattice. Continuum models, like the Swiss cheesemodel, can exhibit nonuniversal behavior with exponentsdifferent from the lattice case and ๐‘’ โ‰  ๐‘ก.

Columnar sea ice, which forms under quiescent condi-tions, has a percolation threshold of ๐œ™๐‘ โ‰ˆ 5% brine vol-ume fraction. For a typical bulk salinity of 5 ppt, this cor-responds to a critical temperature of ๐‘‡๐‘ โ‰ˆ โˆ’5โˆ˜C, knownas the rule of fives [GAL98]. In modeling brine geometryto predict the low value of ๐œ™๐‘, we observe an excluded vol-ume effect: the inclusions lie on the boundaries of pureice platelets, not randomly distributed throughout theirhost. Sea ice is similar to compressed powders of polymerspheres with smaller conducting particles in the interstices,used in radar absorbing, stealthy aircraft coatings. Connec-tivity of the conducting phase in compressed powders canbe achieved with low volume fractions of the particles. Acontinuum theory of compressed powders adapted to seaice predicts the 5% thresholdโ€”the onโ€“off switch for fluidflow in sea ice [GAL98]. Brine inclusion sizes are lognor-mally distributed, so that lattice theory holds. Universalcritical exponents ๐‘’ = ๐‘ก = 2 give predictions for ฮ (๐œ™) and๐œŽโˆ—(๐œ™) that agree closely with measurements [S34].

The spectral measure ๐œ‡ depends on the microstructureof the composite, and phase connectedness in particular.For the RRN with the microgeometry determined by inde-pendent weighted coin flips, ๐šช๐œ’1 becomes a matrix with


Page 7: ModelingSeaIcephaselocallyisotropiccomposite, (x)= 1 1(x)+ 2 2(x), where ๐‘—is the complex permittivity of brine or ice for ๐‘— = 1,2, respectively, and ๐‘—is the characteristic

random coefficients via ๐œ’1, which equals 1 on open bonds.The statistics of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of ๐šช๐œ’1for discretizations of sea ice structures and the RRN werestudied. It was found that as long-range order and con-nectivity develop with ๐‘โŸถ ๐‘โˆ’๐‘ , the spectral and localiza-tion statistics undergo a percolation-driven Anderson tran-sition [S64]. This behavior directly parallels the quantumtheory of the metal/insulator transition and other local-ization phenomena in wave physics [S37], and connectssea ice modeling to random matrix theory [S21]. Theeigenvalue spacing distribution, for example, transitionsfrom an uncorrelated Poissonian to a repulsive, universalWignerโ€“Dyson distribution for the Gaussian OrthogonalEnsemble [S64].Polycrystalline structure. Sea ice is a polycrystallinecompositeโ€”a conglomeration of centimeter scale individ-ual crystals, whose structure depends on how the ice wasgrown [S116,S74]. For congelation ice frozen under calmconditions, the crystals are vertically elongated columns,and each crystal itself is a composite of pure ice plateletsseparating โ€œlayersโ€ of brine inclusions. The orientation ofeach crystal is determined by the direction that the ๐‘-axispoints, which is perpendicular to the platelets. Horizon-tal thin sections of columnar sea ice viewed under cross-polarized light are shown in Figures 1 and 3. Shown onthe right in Figure 3 is a thin section of granular ice, likelygrown under turbulent conditions, or perhaps formed assnow-ice from flooding of the surface snow layer and sub-sequent freezing.

The ๐‘-axes of columnar ice typically lie within the hori-zontal plane, yet are randomly oriented within the plane,unless there is a prevalent ocean current direction duringgrowth. In this case the ๐‘-axes tend to align with the cur-rent [S117,S54], as shown in Figure 3. The orientations ofthe crystals in granular ice tend to be statistically isotropic,as shown on the right in Figure 3, where different colorsindicate different crystal orientations. The columnar iceon the left, on the other hand, has ๐‘-axes that are closelycorrelated.

The polycrystalline structure of sea ice can impact itselectromagnetic andmechanical properties, as well as how

Figure 3. Cross-polarized images of columnar sea ice from theRoss Sea on the left, and granular ice from theBellingshausen Sea on the right.

Figure 4. Polycrystalline bounds [GLCG15] on the complexpermittivity of sea ice (left) together with measurements [S2].Comparison of a polycrystalline bound (blue) with the twocomponent bounds (right) shows a dramatic improvementover the classical results as the new bounds includeadditional information about single crystal orientations(notice different scales on the axes).

fluids and nutrients flow through the ice. Recent work, forexample, shows that granular ice has a higher percolationthreshold for fluid flow than columnar ice, with ๐œ™๐‘ โ‰ˆ 10%,which has implications for modeling microbial communi-ties and physical processes [S35]. Determining ice type us-ing remote sensing techniques is thus of particular interest.Early studies show that aligned columnar ice gives differ-ent radar returns and observed permittivities, dependingon the electric field polarization, affecting measurementsof ice thickness [S31].

In extending the analytic continuation approach be-yond two-phase composites, a Stieltjes integral represen-tation and bounds were obtained for ๐โˆ— of polycrystallinecomposites in general, and sea ice in particular, consid-ered as a three-dimensional, transversely isotropic or uni-axial polycrystalline composite material [GLCG15]. Theforward bounds on the components of ๐โˆ— use informationabout the complex permittivity tensor ๐œบ of the individualcrystals and the mean crystal orientation. In Figure 4 (left)they are in good agreement with measurements [S2], and(right) they are compared with the classic two-componentbounds. The inverse bounds [GLCG15, S16] for the meanorientation are obtained from measurements of ๐โˆ—, andlay the groundwork for determining ice type using remotesensing techniques.

The mathematical framework for analysis of the elec-tromagnetic transport properties of random, uniaxial poly-crystalline media [GLCG15] is analogous to that for two-phase random media. In a polycrystalline material, crys-tals of varying size, shape, and orientation have the samecomplex permittivity tensor ๐œบ with different values alongdifferent crystal axes. Crystal orientation is given by a rota-tion matrix B.

For transversely isotropic or uniaxial polycrystallineme-dia, the permittivity along one of the crystal axes has thevalue ๐œ–1, while the permittivities along all the other crystalaxes have the value ๐œ–2, so that ๐œบ = diag(๐œ–1, ๐œ–2, ๐œ–2). The local


Page 8: ModelingSeaIcephaselocallyisotropiccomposite, (x)= 1 1(x)+ 2 2(x), where ๐‘—is the complex permittivity of brine or ice for ๐‘— = 1,2, respectively, and ๐‘—is the characteristic

permittivity tensor of such media is given by

๐(x, ๐œ”) = B๐‘‡(x, ๐œ”) ๐œบB(x, ๐œ”), (8)

where B(x, ๐œ”) is a random rotation matrix. The effectivecomplex permittivity tensor ๐โˆ— is defined as above, and hascomponents ๐œ–โˆ—๐‘—๐‘˜ = e๐‘— โ‹… ๐โˆ—e๐‘˜ = โŸจe๐‘— โ‹… Bโˆ’1๐œบBEโŸฉ, where โŸจEโŸฉ =e๐‘˜. Introducing โ„Ž = ๐œ–1/๐œ–2, ๐‘  = 1/(1 โˆ’ โ„Ž), and matricesC = e1(e1)๐‘‡ and R = B๐‘‡CB, we can write components of atensor function ๐น๐‘—๐‘˜(๐‘ ) as ๐น๐‘—๐‘˜(๐‘ ) = 1 โˆ’ ๐œ–โˆ—๐‘—๐‘˜/๐œ–2 = โŸจ๐‘ โˆ’1e๐‘— โ‹… REโŸฉ.In analogy with the two-component case, we derive theresolvent representation

E = ๐‘ (๐‘ I + ๐šชR)โˆ’1e๐‘˜, (9)

which leads to an integral representation for ๐น๐‘—๐‘˜(๐‘ ) similarto (7) where the positive-definite measure {๐œ‡๐‘—๐‘˜} is the spec-tral measure of the self-adjoint operator ๐šชR = โˆ‡(โˆ’ฮ”)โˆ’1โˆ‡โ‹…R.

The inverse bounds estimate the mean crystal orienta-tion from ๐โˆ— data, and show a significant difference in thereconstructed mean orientations for columnar and gran-ular ice. This provides a foundation for distinguishingice types using electromagnetic measurements. The Stielt-jes integral representation can be generalized to elastic[S48,S71] and viscoelastic composites [S10,S15,S70], andto viscoelastic polycrystalline materials [S14].

The polycrystalline structure of sea ice also strongly in-fluences its rheological behavior. Although there can besignificant variations depending on the age and depth ofthe ice, at microscopic scales, sea ice floes can be consid-ered to be made of solid polycrystalline ice with brine in-clusions embedded in the hexagonal closed packed (HCP)ice grains. The dominant structure at this scale consists ofcolumnar grains that exhibit a pronounced texture with๐‘-axes of the HCP single crystals in the horizontal planeand with random orientations in this plane. As the HCPice crystals exhibit highly anisotropic viscoplastic behavior,with โ€œeasyโ€ glide on basal planes and โ€œhardโ€ slip on non-basal systems, this specific texture strongly influences themacroscopic response at these length scales. Similarly, theelongated intragrain brine inclusions also strongly affectthe rheological response of sea ice.

In [DC19] and [S76,S92] a homogenization modelhas been developed that accounts for the viscoplasticanisotropy of the crystal grains in sea ice, the average shape,volume fraction ๐œ™, and orientation of the brine inclusions,as well as the crystallographic texture and average grainshape and orientation. One crucial finding from thesemodels is that the viscoplastic response of intact sea iceexhibits a nonlinear dilatational response, which is dueto the accommodation of overall volumetric strain by con-comitant changes in the porosity. In addition, the hydro-static nonlinear viscosity of sea ice depends strongly on

the porosity and average pore shapeโ€”tending to decreasewith increasing porosity and aspect ratio.Mushy layer theory and brine channels. As thinner first-year ice becomes more prevalent in the Arctic Ocean, re-placing thicker, fresher, multiyear ice, we are led to con-sider sea ice with higher porosity and greater susceptibil-ity to interstitial fluid flow. We then focus on brine trans-port over the scale of the ice thickness (i.e., from centime-ter to meter scales) which is effectively characterized usingcontinuummodels of flow in reactive porous media [S47].The resulting fluid dynamics drives convective brine rejec-tion duringwinter ice growth, which controls surface buoy-ancy fluxes across the polar oceans. Such flows also pro-vide chemical and nutrient transport for biogeochemicalsystems [S111]. Because the porous sea ice is reactive, salttransport induces porosity variations that impact materialproperties, such as the permeability variations that impactformation of surface melt ponds [S75]. These dynamicsare also of intrinsic mathematical interest, featuring free-boundary evolution, nonlinear dynamics, and pattern for-mation in amultiscale continuum system that undergoes atransient evolution through the relevant dynamical phasespace. We refer the reader to [WHP19] and [S47,S123] forfurther details and references.

A widely applied continuum modeling approach treatssea ice as a mushy layer: a two-phase, two-component re-active porous material [S122,S24]. We consider phase-weighted dynamics over representative volume elementscontaining many ice crystals and liquid brine pores, withporosity ๐œ™, temperature ๐‘‡, and phase-weighted salinity๐‘† = ๐‘† ๐‘™๐œ™ + ๐‘†๐‘ (1 โˆ’ ๐œ™) for liquid salinity ๐‘† ๐‘™ and solid salinity๐‘†๐‘  โ‰ˆ 0. The pore scale microstructure is assumed to ad-just sufficiently rapidly to maintain local thermodynamicequilibrium, with local phase changes modifying the liq-uid salinity so that the mixture lies at the freezing tempera-ture ๐‘‡ = ๐‘‡๐‘“(๐‘† ๐‘™). Conservation of energy, salt, momentum,and mass result in the following system of coupled PDEs:

๐œŒ๐‘๐‘๐œ•๐‘‡๐œ•๐‘ก +๐œŒ๐‘™๐‘๐‘™๐ฎ โ‹…โˆ‡๐‘‡ = โˆ‡โ‹…(๐‘˜โˆ—โˆ‡๐‘‡)โˆ’๐œŒ๐‘ ๐ฟ

๐œ•๐œ™๐œ•๐‘ก , (10)

๐œ•๐œ•๐‘ก [๐‘† ๐‘™๐œ™] + ๐ฎ โ‹… โˆ‡๐‘† ๐‘™ = โˆ‡ โ‹… (๐ทโˆ—โˆ‡๐‘† ๐‘™) , (11)

๐œ•๐œ•๐‘ก [๐œŒ๐‘™๐œ™ + ๐œŒ๐‘ (1 โˆ’ ๐œ™)] + โˆ‡ โ‹… (๐œŒ๐‘™๐ฎ) = 0, (12)

๐œˆฮ ๐ฎ = โˆ’โˆ‡๐‘ + ๐œŒ๐ , (13)

where ๐œŒ๐‘๐‘ is the homogenized heat capacity (at constantpressure), ๐œŒ๐‘™๐‘๐‘™ is the heat capacity of the liquid, ๐‘˜โˆ— is theeffective thermal conductivity, ๐œŒ๐‘  and ๐œŒ๐‘™ are the solid andliquid densities, ๐ฟ is the latent heat, ๐ทโˆ—(๐œ™) is the homog-enized salt diffusivity, ๐œˆ is the dynamic viscosity, and ๐  isgravitational acceleration. The momentum equation (13)uses Darcyโ€™s law for flow in a porous medium, where theaveraged velocity field ๐ฎ depends on the fluid permeability


Page 9: ModelingSeaIcephaselocallyisotropiccomposite, (x)= 1 1(x)+ 2 2(x), where ๐‘—is the complex permittivity of brine or ice for ๐‘— = 1,2, respectively, and ๐‘—is the characteristic

ฮ (๐œ™), the pressure gradient, and buoyancy forces depend-ing on fluid density ๐œŒ โ‰ˆ ๐œŒ๐‘™ (1 โˆ’ ๐›ฝ๐‘† ๐‘™)with haline coefficient๐›ฝ.

For ๐ฎ = 0, (10)โ€“(11) can be used with appropriateboundary conditions to solve a Stefan problem for a diffu-sively growing ice layer with vertical variation of the poros-ity ๐œ™. However, for natural sea ice growth an unstable den-sity gradient arises in the pore fluid, and a convective in-stability can break the horizontal symmetry giving rise tobrine channels [S122]. The convective cells are modifiedby a flow-focusing feedback, where downwelling brine dis-solves the ice matrix, increasing porosity and permeability.The nonlinear development focuses downflow into narrowhigh porosity brine channels that eventually become solidfree, with wider regions of upwelling and lower porosityin between [S122]. The resulting brine channels evolve inspace and time as the ice grows, as shown in experimentsreviewed in [WHP19], and in numerical solutions of thenonlinear system (10)โ€“(13) illustrated in Figure 5. Thequestion then arises as to what controls the wavelength ofthis pattern, and the resulting brine channel spacing.

Linear stability analyses predict convective onset whenthe mushy-layer Rayleigh number ๐‘… = ๐œŒ๐‘™๐‘”๐›ฝฮ”๐‘†ฮ 0โ„Ž/๐œ…๐œˆ ex-ceeds a critical value [S122], which occurs for large enoughmushy-layer thickness โ„Ž. Here ฮ”๐‘† is a characteristic salin-ity difference, ฮ 0 a representative, permeability value, and๐œ… the thermal diffusivity. Weakly nonlinear analyses elu-cidate the pattern formation, and potential for oscilla-tory modes of instability [S1,S122]. However, the chan-nel spacing coarsens over time, and fully developed brinechannels are solid free, which represents a significant de-parture from the background state. This requires a differ-ent approach that accounts for the nonlinearity. One suchapproach uses enthalpy method simulations, where thenarrow brine channel widths promote the effectiveness ofAdaptive Mesh Refinement [PMWK20]. Asymptotic mod-els have also been developed to describe brine channelflow [S87], exploiting the slenderness of channel width ๐‘Žversus the mushy-layer thickness (๐‘Ž/โ„Ž โ‰ช 1). The asymp-totically reduced channel description has been coupled tonumerical models of the remainingmush [S120] and usedin semianalytic models [S79].

For steady growthwith a periodic array of channels withimposedwavelength ๐œ†, the salt fluxes from themushy layervary with the channel spacing. The competition betweenneighboring channels results in a saddle-node bifurcationwith flow shutting down as ๐œ† is decreased [S79,S118]. Thisis consistent with experiments of mushy-layer growth withlateral confinement [S126]. For unrestricted growth inwider domains, it has been posed [S118] that the emergentwavelength in this nonlinear dissipative system evolves tooptimize the salt flux (and corresponding flux of poten-tial energy). This predicts that the channel spacing scales

Figure 5. Evolution of a convecting mushy layer with porosity๐œ™ and dimensionless liquid-region salinity๐‘†1 = (๐‘† ๐‘™ โˆ’ ๐‘†๐‘œ)/(๐‘†๐ธ โˆ’ ๐‘†๐‘œ), where ๐‘†๐‘œ is ocean salinity and ๐‘†๐ธeutectic salinity. Simulations use the enthalpy method in[PMWK20] for sea ice growth in a 2-D Hele-Shaw cell of depth๐ป.

proportionally to the depth of convective cells, and yieldsa solute flux consistent with transient ice growth in lab ex-periments [S119]. More detailed tests of the transient evo-lution are awaited, but this approach hasmotivated param-eterizations of fluid transport for brine fluxes and biogeo-chemical systems [S123].

4. Mesoscale ProcessesFormation of leads and ridges. The Arctic Ocean is sur-rounded by land and each fall sea water freezes up to theland boundaries and fills the Arctic basin with ice that laststhrough the winter. Near-shore ice melts in the springand summer but (currently) ice remains in the high Arcticyear round. Motion of the ice is driven primarily by windand ocean currents, with wind being the dominant force.


Page 10: ModelingSeaIcephaselocallyisotropiccomposite, (x)= 1 1(x)+ 2 2(x), where ๐‘—is the complex permittivity of brine or ice for ๐‘— = 1,2, respectively, and ๐‘—is the characteristic

As ice forms from frozen sea water, it insulates the rela-tively warmer ocean (โˆ’2โˆ˜C) from the colder atmosphere(โˆ’20โˆ˜C). When the atmosphere is cold, water initiallyfreezes rapidly, but as the insulating layer of ice grows, thefreezing rate slows, as a basic Stefan model shows. At ther-modynamic equilibrium, the ice would be about 1.5 mthick; however ice motion and deformation alter ice thick-ness. Leads are areas of open water formed when currentsor winds pull or shear ice apart, and in winter form long,narrow openings, meters to hundreds of meters wide thatcan stretch hundreds of kilometers ormore in length [S22].Leads occupy 1โ€“2% of the ice area but account for 70% ofthe ocean-air heat flux [S56]. (Heat flux through ice is 2โ€“5 Wmโˆ’2 compared with 300โ€“500 Wmโˆ’2 through leads.)Leads are of fundamental importance to Earthโ€™s heat bud-get, ice production, and navigation.

Figure 6. Left: Ridged Antarctic sea ice. Right: A wide lead inAntarctic sea ice.

Within a lead, rapid refreezing of the open water createsthin ice. The crushing of the thinner lead ice during con-vergent or shear flow piles blocks of ice onto the surfaceto form ridge sails or forces the blocks under the surfaceto form ridge keels. These prominent features of the Arcticice pack can reach roughly 30 m high. It is estimated thathalf of the total Arctic ice volume is in ridged ice [S112].Bonds formed between the ice blocks due to freezing, andrefreezing of the part under the water surface, turn sea iceridges into robust ice features. Ridge formation is a mech-anism that increases the volume of ice per unit area. Bothleads and pressure ridges are usually narrow, long, local-ized features, often referred to as linear kinematic features[S53].

Ridges have variable properties and shapes [S102,S97]which change throughout the season [S55], but data hasbeen difficult to obtain. Data on block dimensions, keeland sail width and area, mechanical properties, and inter-nal structure such as degree of consolidation or porosityโ€”and the relationships between these propertiesโ€”are lack-ing. To fill the gaps, individual ridge formation has beenstudied analytically using beam theory [S73,S19], numer-ically using DEM, in ice tank tests [S109], and throughremote sensing via satellites and upward-looking sonarmounted on submarines.

A realistic representation of leads and ridges in sea icemodels could drastically increase the fidelity in large-scalegeneral circulation models. The opening and closing ofopen water areas in leads affects ice production and icemass balance, vertical heat fluxes between the ocean and at-mosphere, and upper ocean salinity since brine is rejectedas sea water freezes. Leads have an albedo significantlylower than sea ice and thus increase the local absorption ofsolar energy. Ridge sails and keels change the atmosphere-ice and the ice-ocean drag forces. Modeling correspond-ing effective drag coefficients involves complex homoge-nization problems. Ridges appear not only in high Arc-tic regions, but also in areas where human activities aremore prevalent. On the floe scale, leads are areas whereland- and ice-dwelling animals feed, and where sea life orsubmarines can surface. The design of off-shore structuresand ice-going vessels needs to account for possible loadsimparted by ridging ice.Floe size distribution. Viewed from a helicopter or satel-lite, the sea ice cover is a composite materialโ€”a mosaicof individual pieces, known as floes. Each individual floemay be identified with two geometric parameters: its thick-ness and its โ€œsize,โ€ where size is a metric related to its hor-izontal extent. Whereas ice thicknesses vary from centime-ters to meters, floe sizes vary from pancakes centimetersacross to swaths of connected ice in winter, reaching overhundreds of kilometers, on the scale of the entire Arcticbasin.

Figure 7. Segmentation of a video image via thresholdinggives floe boundaries (red) in the Antarctic marginal ice zone[S104].

The significance of the shape and scale of sea ice floeswas recognized in a modeling context in [S83], where a va-riety of different approaches to compiling statistical infor-mation about floe sizes was described. The โ€œmean caliperdiameterโ€ 2๐‘Ÿ๐ถ was defined as the average distance betweentwo parallel lines that touch a floeโ€™s boundary but do not


Page 11: ModelingSeaIcephaselocallyisotropiccomposite, (x)= 1 1(x)+ 2 2(x), where ๐‘—is the complex permittivity of brine or ice for ๐‘— = 1,2, respectively, and ๐‘—is the characteristic

intersect it. Though floes have irregular shapes, the rela-tion๐ด = ๐œ‹๐‘Ÿ2๐ถ , where๐ด is floe area, was found to be accuratewithin 10%, and therefore recent modeling efforts define afloeโ€™s size through the effective radius of an equivalent-areacircular disc [HT15], ๐‘Ÿ โ‰ก โˆš๐ด/๐œ‹.

Consider an area ๐’œ containing ๐’ฉ floes with areas ๐ด๐‘–and radii ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–. An area-based floe size distribution (FSD) ๐‘“(๐‘Ÿ)is defined analogously to the ice thickness distribution ๐‘”(โ„Ž)as

๐‘“(๐‘Ÿ)๐‘‘๐‘Ÿ = 1๐’œ โˆ‘

๐‘–โˆˆ๐‘…๐‘–๐ด๐‘–, (14)

where ๐‘…๐‘– = {๐‘– โˆถ ๐‘Ÿ๐‘– โˆˆ [๐‘Ÿ, ๐‘Ÿ + ๐‘‘๐‘Ÿ)}. The FSD is therefore anarea-weighted probability distribution function of floe sizedefined at any scale.

The FSD encodes information about the number offloes per unit area at each size ๐‘(๐‘Ÿ) = ๐‘“(๐‘Ÿ)/๐œ‹๐‘Ÿ2, and theperimeter of floes per unit area at each size ๐‘ƒ(๐‘Ÿ) = 2๐‘“(๐‘Ÿ)/๐‘Ÿ.Upon visual inspection, ice pack geometry exhibits self-similar scale-invariant behavior. In [S83] and nearly allsubsequent observational studies, power law behavior forthese distributions was adopted, such as ๐‘(๐‘Ÿ) โˆ ๐‘Ÿโˆ’๐›ผ for๐‘Ÿ โˆˆ [๐‘Ÿ0,โˆž). The power-law exponent ๐›ผ is directly anal-ogous to a fractal dimension under the assumption thatsome scale-invariant process generates the FSD, for exam-ple sequential fragmentation [S104]. Note, however, thatobserved power law coefficients can be produced by manydifferent scale-dependent processes [S45], and the analogyis not necessarily appropriate in all cases. Constraints on๐›ผ are imposed by physical constraints: finite floe area andfinite or infinite floe perimeter.

The โ€œpower law hypothesisโ€ has been supported insome observational studies, with different ๐›ผ observed indifferent size regimes [S106,S104], though the general va-lidity of this hypothesis has seldom been tested. Stud-ies of ๐‘“(๐‘Ÿ) without straight lines in log-log space are of-ten interpreted as โ€œdouble power law distributionsโ€ [S106].The first Arctic-wide assessment of the FSD using satellitealtimetry showed limited support for power-law tail be-havior [S44]. Recent meta-analyses of FSD observations[S39,S94] also reveal a wide range of reported values of๐›ผ ( โˆผ between 0 and 4) and a lack of consistent scale-invariant behavior. Still, there is clear utility in parametricdescriptions of the FSD.

Viewing the sea ice pack as a granular composite ma-terial, floe size is analogous to grain size in traditionalcontinuum mechanics [S107]. Sea ice models that use acontinuum viscous-plastic rheology inherit a latent sub-grid scale floe size distribution [Hib79, S105]. A criticalinfluence on the FSD is coupling to ocean surface waves.Waves directly alter the FSD, but can then also indirectly in-fluence ice thickness or concentration, with fractured floesmelting more rapidly than larger ones. In 2009 an expedi-tion left a region of compact multiyear ice before a storm

[S3]. Returning three days later, the ice was heavily frag-mented, and hadmostlymelted. The impact of floe size onmelting has been codified [S125,S46,S80,S6], finding thatwave-induced fracture changes synoptic sea ice patterns byincreasing susceptibility to melting.

Most theoretical works have posited models for power-law FSD behavior [S23,S104,S121,S124]. In analogy tothe fragmentation of brittle media, power law distribu-tions were hypothesized using a โ€œrenormalization groupโ€method [S104]. The fragmentation process assumes afloe of perimeter ๐’ซ fractures into ๐‘š equally-sized floes ofperimeter ๐’ซ/๐‘š with probability ๐‘. The sequential appli-cation of this process yields closed-form expressions forthe number-size distribution and exponent ๐›ผ, which re-quire 0 < ๐›ผ < 2. However in many observational stud-ies, ๐›ผ does not lie within that range [S39,S94,S44]. Suchscale-invariant fragmentation may exist in the interior Arc-tic, where sea ice is brittle, solid, and strongly constrainedby geometryโ€”but in marginal seas and in summer, sea iceis closer to free drift and it fragments either because of ther-mal processes or waves. A meta-analysis [S39] exploredwhether the wide range of observed FSDs was better fit bya Pareto distribution,

๐‘(๐‘ฅ) โˆผ ๐‘ฅโˆ’1โˆ’๐›ผ๐‘’๐‘(1โˆ’๐›ผ)/๐‘ฅ, (15)

where ๐‘ฅ = ๐‘Ÿ/๐‘Ÿ is floe size scaled by the mean observedsize ๐‘Ÿ, and ๐‘ and ๐›ผ are unknown. Such a functional formis the solution to a discrete-time Langevin equation, witha prediction for ๐›ผ [S39] as the representation of the dualprocesses of floe breakup and growth.

A prognostic theory of FSD evolution built from floe-floe interactions was developed in [HT15]. The FSD ๐‘“evolves in time according to a partial differential equationwith stochastic terms,

๐ท๐‘“๐ท๐‘ก = โ„’๐‘‡ + โ„’๐‘€ + โ„’๐‘Š , (16)

where โ„’๐‘‡ includes thermodynamic effects, like floe melt-ing, growth, and welding; โ„’๐‘€ includes mechanical effectssuch as rafting and ridge formation; โ„’๐‘Š includes wave-iceinteractions. Each pair of individual processes and theirrelationship to observations was evaluated in [S46]. Ob-served multiscale distributions are produced as an emer-gent feature [S80], implemented in climate models, andcompare favorably to floe statistics from altimetry in themarginal ice zone [S44].

Becausemodern large scale climatemodels canโ€™t resolvefloes, further refinements in coupled model grids may ne-cessitate new approaches to simulating sea ice. One is hy-brid continuum-discrete-element models that parameter-ize the FSD where floes are small relative to the grid scale,and resolve floes when they are large.Surface wave propagation through the sea ice pack.Ocean surface waves carry huge stores of energy across the


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ocean, and can propagate hundreds of kilometers into thesea ice pack. They create a highly dynamic region knownas the marginal ice zone (MIZ), in which they break uplarge floes into smaller floes, and promote formation ofpancake ice (see opening graphic). Thus, waves influence๐‘“(๐‘Ÿ) in the MIZ, giving the ice cover dynamic and thermo-dynamic properties distinct from the inner pack.

With sea ice weakening and retreating in response torising temperatures, new regions of the ocean surface areopening for wave generation [S101], waves are propagatingfarther into the pack, the ice is becoming more susceptibleto wave impacts [S3], and waves are reaching Antarctic iceshelves with potentially catastrophic consequences [S57].This is driving integration of wave-ice processes into thenext generation of global sea ice models. Accurate predic-tions of wave propagation through the ice pack are essen-tial to empower predictions of the extent and propertiesof the MIZ, where the primary quantity of interest is theattenuation coefficient ๐›พ(๐œ”), which is the rate of exponen-tial decay of wave energy with distance travelled throughthe MIZ, and depends on wave frequency ๐œ” as well as theproperties of the ice cover. In general, ๐›พ increases with in-creasing ๐œ”, so that short waves are filtered out close to theice edge, and longer waves propagate farther into the pack.

The first standard approach to model wave propagationthrough the ice pack is based on multiple scattering the-ory, analogous to light scattering in the sky. It is usedin the regime where wavelengths are comparable to floesizes. The scattering model was initially developed in the1970s and 80s, alongside pioneering Arctic field experi-ments [S113]. A wave is scattered by each floe it encoun-ters, due to the impedance mismatch between open wa-ter and ice covered water, with floes modeled as floatingelastic plates, so they flex in response to waves. The scat-tered wave field interacts with surrounding floes, which re-scatter it, and so on, to create a multiple scattering wavefield, which, under some simplifying assumptions, can bewritten as

๐œ‚ = ๐œ‚inc + โˆ‘๐‘,๐‘š

๐‘๐‘š,๐‘H๐‘š(๐‘˜ ๐‘Ÿ๐‘) ei๐‘š๐œƒ๐‘ , (17)

where ๐œ‚ is the ocean surface elevation, ๐œ‚inc is the incidentwave elevation, ๐‘ โˆˆ โ„ฑ is the set of floes,H๐‘š is the first-kindHankel function of order ๐‘š โˆˆ โ„ค, ๐‘˜(๐œ”) is the open-waterwave number, (๐‘Ÿ๐‘, ๐œƒ๐‘) is the polar coordinate of a pointon the ocean surface from floe ๐‘, ๐‘๐‘š,๐‘ are the scattered-wave amplitudes to be calculated, and harmonic time de-pendence is implicitly assumed. Each individual floe hasto be resolved in the model, making direct computationsextremely expensive over the hundreds of kilometers thatwaves propagate, and extracting the attenuation coefficientfrom (17) is challenging. The original model was 2D (onedepth dimension and one propagation dimension), and

used crude approximations for scattering by an individualfloe and multiple scattering by many floes.

Mathematicians have given considerable attention tothe scattering model since the 1990s, developing newmethods for efficient computation of attenuation rates.Some 30โ€“40 years after the model was initially proposed,we are at the point where efficient techniques are availableto solve the scattering problem for an elastic floe of arbi-trary shape in three dimensions [S59,S7], and solve the3D multiple scattering problem for a full sea of floes. Thework in [MSB16] is a milestone in this field. It was the firstto predict propagation of directional wave spectra into anice pack consisting of order 10,000 floes with a realisticFSD. The final breakthrough was development of a slab-clusteringmethod, where the ice cover is divided into com-putationally manageable groups (slabs), and a recursivealgorithm combines the groups.

The second standard approach is to model the ice packas a continuum with effective properties, based on homog-enization theory for composite media, including an effec-tive viscous dissipation. It is valid in the long-wavelengthregime, where wavelengths are much greater than floesizesโ€”for example, in pancake ice conditions. The contin-uummodel leads to a dispersion relation in wave number๐œ… and frequency ๐œ”,

(1 + ๐‘„(๐œ…, ๐œ”)) ๐‘” ๐œ… = ๐œ”2 (18)

in which ๐‘„ encodes the effective properties, and fromwhich the attenuation coefficient is extracted as ๐›พ =2 Im(๐œ…). An early model of this type [S115] treated theice pack as a viscous fluid floating on the ocean surface.The full dispersion relation is derived in [S50] along withasymptotics for the wave number in certain limits.

Over the past decade, there has been a resurgence incontinuum models, motivated by substantially improvedmeasurements of waves in theMIZ [S60,S100], which havepredominantly been in the long-wavelength regime. Aviscous-elastic continuum model [S114], which extendsthe viscous layer models, has received considerable atten-tion. Effective parameters in these models have gener-ally been fitted to experimental data, with varying success[S61]. However, in [S84] a resolvent for the strain field likeequation (6) was used to obtain a Stieltjes integral andbounds for the effective complex viscoelasticity of a two-phase composite of ice floes and sea water. Given the vis-coelasticities of the constituents, the floe area fraction andgeometry, the theory predicts effective behavior that agreeswith observations.

Laboratory experiments have revealed nonlinear pro-cesses that affect propagation characteristics [S8]. Most at-tention has been on overwash phenomena, where wavesbreak over the surface of floes, generating turbulent boresthat propagate across the floe [S67]. A hyperbolic PDE


Page 13: ModelingSeaIcephaselocallyisotropiccomposite, (x)= 1 1(x)+ 2 2(x), where ๐‘—is the complex permittivity of brine or ice for ๐‘— = 1,2, respectively, and ๐‘—is the characteristic

system for floe overwash has been proposed, using lineartheory for water around the floe, and the nonlinear shal-lowwater equations for the overwash [S91], which gives ex-cellent agreement with laboratory experiments. See [S93]for a recent review of progress in wave-ice interactions.Melt ponds on Arctic sea ice. A distinctive, significantfeature of the summer Arctic sea ice cover is the extensiveponding, as shown in Figure 8. The water produced bymelting snow and ice collects on the surface forming meltponds. Ponds play a critical role in the evolution of thesea ice cover. As surface reservoirs for freshwater, they canaffect the thermohaline stratification of the upper ocean.The greatest impact of melt ponds is on the albedo of thesea ice cover. Melt ponds are darker than bare ice, withalbedos that can range from 0.1 to 0.4 compared to 0.6to 0.9 for bare and snow-covered ice. The spatial cover-age and albedo of ponds are highly variable in space andtime. The area covered by ponds follows a seasonal cycleand also fluctuates from day to day. Melt ponds are themost intractable component of determining the summeralbedo of Arctic sea ice. To understand the evolution ofsummer ice albedo, you must understand the evolution ofmelt ponds.

Figure 8. Melting Arctic sea ice.

The first model of melt ponds derived from physi-cal principles was introduced in [S99]. This was a one-dimensionalmodel that treated the sea ice as amushy layer[S24] with or without a snow cover, subject to a surface en-ergy balance and ocean boundary conditions. The energybalance equation in the sea ice takes the form of nonlin-ear reactive diffusion equations in heat and salinity with abody source term of absorbed radiation. As the internalliquid fraction changes, latent heat is released/absorbedand the brine salinity alters. Radiation fluxes are calcu-lated to account for reflection, absorption, and scattering.Surface melting generates a pond on top of the ice, whichreduces the albedo. Vertical drainage of meltwater into the

ocean is calculated using Darcyโ€™s law for flow in a porousmedium.

While the melt pond model in [S99] describes the verti-cal evolution ofmelt ponds, the quantity of greater generalinterest to climatemodellers is themelt pond area fraction,since this largely determines the albedo of the sea ice sur-face. A cellular automata model was introduced in [S88]that split a sea ice floe into a checkerboard, with each cellof the grid comprising a column of snow, ice, and meltpond of varying heights. The one-dimensional model in[S99] was applied in each cell, with melt water movingto adjacent cells by flowing downhill at a rate calculatedfrom Darcyโ€™s law. The model simulates pond evolution,both vertically and horizontally, over various types of seaice surfaces, with results in agreement with observations.

The above models helped provide a physical under-standing and predictive capability for melt pond evolutionon the scale of individual ponds and sea ice floes, how-ever, they were (and are) too complex to be directly incor-porated into climate models. To this aim, parameteriza-tions of melt ponds were developed in [S25,S26] whichhave subsequently been incorporated into climate sea icemodels. Climate models do not represent the topographyof the sea ice surface, which is a significant limitation formodeling melt ponds since their evolution is to a large ex-tent determined by meltwater flowing downhill. Climatesea ice models do, however, contain a sea ice thickness dis-tribution function ๐‘”(โ„Ž, ๐ฑ, ๐‘ก). At each time step, the meltwater in a grid cell is calculated and โ€œpouredโ€ over theice surface, with ๐‘”(โ„Ž) serving as an adequate proxy for sur-face height. The water covers the lowest ice first and thenhigher/thicker categories. This procedure determines thearea fraction of the melt ponds and their depth on eachice thickness category.

The surface meltwater distribution model was com-bined with models accounting for flushing of meltwa-ter through the ice (as in [S99]), conservative advectionof meltwater between grid cells, and run-off of meltwa-ter through cracks, to create the melt pond parameteriza-tion [S25,S26]. Despite its simplicity, atmosphere-forcedsimulations of sea ice using this parameterization pro-duce pond fractions in accordance with observations, anddemonstrate how important it is to account formelt pondsin long-term sea ice predictions [FSFH12]. The impactof melt ponds on sea ice mass balance is significant andmostly driven by their impact on surface albedo. More-over, it was found that knowing pond area fraction enablesskillful predictions of the summerminimum sea ice extentup to three months in advance [SFFT14].

In another line of inquiry, melt pond geometry has re-cently been investigated. It was found from area-perimeterdata that (see the photos in Figures 8 and 9) as the pondsgrow and coalesce, they display a transition in fractal


Page 14: ModelingSeaIcephaselocallyisotropiccomposite, (x)= 1 1(x)+ 2 2(x), where ๐‘—is the complex permittivity of brine or ice for ๐‘— = 1,2, respectively, and ๐‘—is the characteristic

geometry, evolving from simple shapes into complex, self-similar regions whose boundaries behave like space-fillingcurves [S42]. The fractal dimension of the boundary curvestransitions from 1 to about 2 around a critical area of 100m2. These findings constrain the geometry of melt pondevolution, provide a check on numerical simulations, andhelp quantify the mechanisms of pond growth impactedby the area-perimeter relationship, such as lateral heattransfer.

Figure 9. Ising model simulation on the left; melt pond photoon the right.

Continuumpercolationmodels ofmelt pond evolutionthat display the observed fractal transition have been de-veloped. In the random surface model [S11], a melt pondboundary is the intersection of a surface representing thesnow topography with a horizontal plane representing thewater level. As the plane rises the ponds grow and coa-lesce. Snow topography data are used to generate randomFourier surfaces with realistic ponds, and a framework toanalyze how pond geometry depends on topography. Inthe void model [S77], disks of varying size which repre-sent ice are placed randomly on the plane, with the voidsbetween them representing the ponds. Data on pond sizesand correlations are incorporated into the model, yieldingobserved behavior.

Finally, the Ising model, originally developed 100 yearsago to explain ferromagnetism, has been adapted to pre-dict melt pond geometry [MSSG19, S36]. We envision asquare lattice of surface patches or pixels of melt water orice that interact only with their nearest neighbors. The lat-tice spacing, as determined by snow topography data, isthe only measured parameter input into the model. Mini-mization of the melt pond Ising Hamiltonian via Glauberspin flip dynamics drives the system from an initially ran-dom state toward realistic pond configurations (see Figure9), which are local energy minima, or metastable states.The model captures the essential mechanism of patternformation of melt ponds, with predictions that agree veryclosely with observed pond size scaling and fractal transi-tion.

5. Large Scale Sea Ice ModelsSea ice rheology. A given sea ice floe may be a relativelyuniform ice sheet, as might be typical for relatively youngice, but is more often a refrozen patchwork of smallerpieces formed at various times which has undergone in-plane and out-of-plane failure. In-plane failure results incracks, along which ice floes grind in lateral motion. Out-of-plane failure results first in break up of the ice intoblocks under bending failure, followed by the pile up ofblocks into the air and ocean to form pressure ridges andkeels, respectively. Given this spatial and temporal hetero-geneity, formulation of an effective relationship betweenthe sea ice stress tensor ๐œŽ๐‘–๐‘— and the large-scale deformationof the ice cover, i.e., the sea ice rheology, is a challengingproblem that remains an active research topic.

While early models of sea ice rheology made assump-tions such as treating sea ice as a viscous fluid, the studyof rheology was transformed during the Arctic Ice Dynam-ics Joint Experiment (AIDJEX) of the 1970s, which led tothe AIDJEX sea ice model [S18]. The chief advance of theAIDJEX modelโ€”rheologicallyโ€”was to treat sea ice as anelastic-plastic material. The strongest argument for a plas-tic model is that local events such as ridging and lead for-mation occur sporadically and irreversibly, as though a crit-ical stress state in the ice had been reached.

The case for an elastic (subcritical) response can beargued physically in a dense pack, where thick floes arewedged together so that as subyield stresses are appliedthere can be only elastic deformations. In [Hib79], theplastic approach was adopted but the elastic subyield be-havior was replaced with viscous behavior, which avoidstracking an evolving unload configuration from whichto measure strain. Hiblerโ€™s version of this rheology, theViscous-Plastic (VP) rheology, continues to be in wide-spread use today.

In [S18] and [Hib79], and most subsequent large-scalemodeling efforts, sea ice is considered to be isotropic.While sea ice can exhibit rheological anisotropy in thehorizontal plane under various conditions, the assump-tion of isotropy, on average, over sufficiently large scaleswas deemed reasonable [Hib79]. In recent years this as-sumption has been questioned with observations of large-scale oriented lead patterns in Arctic sea ice and associ-ated anisotropic models [Fel08]. However, isotropy wasand remains a useful simplifying feature for modeling.Under this assumption, the plastic yield surface reducesto a yield curve in the plane of the principal stresses ๐œŽ1and ๐œŽ2 or, equivalently, through the stress invariants ๐œŽ๐ผ โ‰ก12(๐œŽ1 + ๐œŽ2) = negative pressure and ๐œŽ๐ผ๐ผ โ‰ก

12(โˆ’๐œŽ1 + ๐œŽ2) =

maximum shear stress. The yield criterion is written as

โ„ฑ(๐œŽ๐ผ , ๐œŽ๐ผ๐ผ ; scalars) = 0, (19)

where โ„ฑ is the yield function, defining a family of yield


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curves in the (๐œŽ๐ผ , ๐œŽ๐ผ๐ผ)-plane as the scalar properties of theice vary. For isotropic materials, โ„ฑ is symmetric about๐œŽ๐ผ๐ผ = 0.

When the stress state lies on the yield curve, irreversibleplastic deformation occurs. The yield potential is identi-fied with the plastic potential and an associated normalflow law is adopted,

๐œ€๐‘๐‘˜ = ๐œ† ๐œ•โ„ฑ๐œ•๐œŽ๐‘˜|โ„ฑ=0 , ๐‘˜ = ๐ผ, ๐ผ๐ผ, (20)

where ๐œ€๐‘๐‘˜ is the plastic strain rate and ๐œ† is a positive scalarwhich is determined as part of the solution of the equa-tions. This flow rule has been used in almost all modelsof sea ice dynamics. It has been successfully applied togranular materials such as soils, and gives satisfactory per-formance (within the limits of experimental error and pa-rameter tuning) in sea ice simulations.

The viscous and rigid/plastic behavior can be repre-sented using a nonlinearly viscous (or viscoplastic) modelfor an isotropic material,

๐œŽ๐‘–๐‘— = 2๐œ‚ ๐œ€๐‘–๐‘— + [๐œ โˆ’ ๐œ‚] ๐œ€๐‘˜๐‘˜๐›ฟ๐‘–๐‘— โˆ’ ๐‘ƒ๐›ฟ๐‘–๐‘—/2, (21)

where ๐‘ƒ is a pressure term, characteristic of the ice strength.The functions ๐œ( ๐œ€๐‘–๐‘— ; ๐‘ƒ) and ๐œ‚( ๐œ€๐‘–๐‘— ; ๐‘ƒ) (traditionally referredto as bulk and shear viscosities in fluid dynamics) dependupon the strain rate (symmetric part of the velocity defor-mation tensor) ๐œ€๐‘–๐‘— and ๐‘ƒ so as to ensure that for typicalstrain rates the normal plastic flow law applies and thestress state lies on the yield curve. The shape of the yieldcurve is chosen to agree with the expected behavior of seaiceโ€”that it should be weak in tension, strong in shear, andstrongest in compression.

For almost 30 years since the VP rheology was intro-duced, work has focused on constraining the shape of theyield curve or creating numerically efficient algorithms forpractical use. Most notable is the Elastic-Viscous-Plastic(EVP) rheology [HD97], which introduced an artificialelasticity that permits explicit numerical methods to beemployed. The EVP rheology is used inmany climatemod-els today.

Work on constraining the shape of the yield curve andflow rule has followed twomain approaches: homogeniza-tion or scale invariance. The homogenization approachattempts to calculate what would be the rheology of a ho-mogenous material with the same aggregate properties asthe unresolved (subgrid scale, โ‰ˆ 50km ร— 50km) region ofheterogenous ice types and open water [S82]. Scale invari-ance asserts that the material rheologymeasured in the labis fundamentally the same as the rheology of a grid-scaleregion and is of a Mohr-Coulombic character, e.g., [S107].More details may be found in [Fel08].

Aside from the huge theoretical convenience of the as-sumption of isotropy, themost compelling argument citedin its favor is that on length scales of 100 km and greater,

the distribution of leads appears to be nearly isotropic sothat a mean-field rheology is isotropic. However, increas-ing evidence has shown that lead orientation, at least in thecentral pack, has amarked bimodality with the leads defin-ing diamond-shaped floe aggregates, e.g., [S41,S86,S17].While a number of approaches have been taken to simu-late or parameterize the impact of the observed anisotropyof leads on sea ice rheology, there are currently three mainstrands of modeling. (i) The Elastic Decohesive model in-troduced to sea ice in [S85] explicitly simulates the forma-tion of a crack or lead. (ii) The Elastic Brittle rheology,e.g., [S20], assumes an elastic subfailure response and aCoulombic failure criterion, with a new scalar damage pa-rameter. When a grid cell fails, the elastic modulus is re-duced, leading to local strain softening. Because of thelong-range interactions within the elastic medium, localdrops in the elastic modulus redistribute stress that can inturn induce damage. By this process, avalanches of damageevents can occur, simulating the propagation of leads. (iii)The Elastic Anisotropic Plastic rheology also introduces adamage parameter, the anisotropic structure tensor, thatgives the orientation of existing cracks within an element,and the mean stress is calculated as a function of crack ori-entation. In its most recent formulation [S108], the cracksare assumed to delineate diamond shaped floes/floe aggre-gates, motivated from observations.

As numerical resolution in sea ice models has increased,and as better observations of sea ice thickness and de-formation become available from satellite imagery, e.g.,CryoSat-2 and IceSat-2, interest in fine scale simulation,e.g., โ‰ˆ 10 km, of sea ice deformation has increased. This ishelpingmotivate further work on developing realistic, andverifiable, models of sea ice rheology.Large-scale numerical models. Most large-scale sea icephysical processes are reasonably well understood and rep-resented in numerical climate models. For example, thefirst detailed thermodynamic description appeared almost50 years ago [MU71]. Likewise, a relatively simple ap-proach for sea ice dynamics is 40 years old [Hib79]. Theywere too computationally expensive to be incorporated innumerical models at the time, but have now been imple-mented in most GCMs. These thermodynamic and dy-namic models capture the first-order behavior of sea icein the climate system. Model development now followstwo paths, both addressing higher-order effects: (1) moreprecise descriptions of key processes and characteristicssuch as microstructure evolution, anisotropy, and rheol-ogy, and (2) model extensions for โ€œEarth systemโ€ simula-tions, e.g., by including biological and chemical species.

Modern sea ice models still use one-dimensional ther-modynamic parameterizations, because the thermody-namic processes are still primarily vertical in nature. Mostearly sea ice models neglected thickness variations within


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a grid cell, but many models now include ice thickness dis-tributions. As mentioned above, a floe size distribution isnow being added to large-scale sea ice models, driven bythermodynamic growth and melting along with wave in-teractions.

In addition to the basic equations presented above formomentum, internal stress, and thermodynamics, numer-ical sea ice models also include detailed representationsof radiative balance, surface characteristics and evolution(snow, snow-ice, melt ponds, albedo), ice strength, hor-izontal transport, and ridging. Some models now incor-porate detailed descriptions of key players in the sea iceecosystem, such as algae. These models must also interactwith the other components of the Earth system, namelythe atmosphere, ocean, and their ecosystems. These in-teractions are often tightly coupled. For instance, down-welling longwave radiation from clouds is a primary driverof sea ice surface temperature, which in turn determinesupwelling longwave radiation, heating the overlying atmo-sphere and changing the cloud cover. Sea ice model devel-opment is best performed in a coupled modeling environ-ment that includes such feedbacks.

Wind stress is arguably the primary forcing mechanismfor the ice motion, although the ice-ocean stress, Coriolisforce, and slope of the ocean surface are also important.Coupling between sea ice models and atmospheric mod-els or data generally employs a quadratic form for the windstress and for the ice-ocean stress term at the bottom of theice. For ridging, modern models use an energy based de-scription of mechanical redistribution that converts thin-ner ice to thicker ice under convergence and shear.

Sea ice albedo is critical for the global heat balance, andcan be an effective โ€œtuning knobโ€ to produce a realisticsimulation of sea ice extent. Simple, easily tunable albedoparameterizations specify four albedo values: cold snow;warm, melting snow; cold, bare ice; and warm, meltingice, while others use more complex formulations that takeinto account the ice and snow thickness, spectral band,and other parameters. Solar radiation may be distributedwithin the ice column assuming exponential decay (Beerโ€™sLaw) or via multiple-scattering radiative transfer, in whichabsorptive effects of melt ponds and inclusions such asdust and algae can be simulated.

Sea ice is quite heterogeneous, mostly because of its saltcontent. In many coupled models, a fixed value of sea icesalinity is used at the ice-ocean interface, but internallythe value can vary in time, or the model assumes a vari-able salinity profile that is constant in time. Newer ther-modynamic approaches treat sea ice as a โ€œmushyโ€ layerof brine and ice [S24], parameterizing its desalination asit first grows and then transitions from first-year to multi-year ice. Prognostic representation of sea ice salinity andmicrostructure is critical for detailed sea ice ecosystem

models, which depend on the permeability of the ice toallow flushing of the brine network by seawater, which car-ries nutrients into the ice and in turn seeds algal bloomsin the ocean.

Melt water collects in depressions on the surface of theice and can drain through brine channels when the ice be-comes warm and permeable. By cleaning the ice of salt, nu-trients, and other inclusions, this flushing mechanism canaffect the albedo, conductivity, and biogeochemical pro-cesses and thereby play a role in climate change. The sim-plest pond scheme doesnโ€™t track melt water, but rather de-creases ice surface albedo under warm, melting conditions.As discussed above, other methods track pond area andvolume for each ice thickness category, to capture the ra-diative effect ofmelt ponds. More advanced pond schemesthat simulate their hydrological influence, such as the de-lay of internal ice cooling as ponds refreeze in the fall, areunder development.Data assimilation. Sea icemodels have developed to a de-gree that key features of the sea ice cover such as leads,ridges, and melt ponds, can be registered in the modeloutput. As this model capacity evolves, we can hope tobe able to predict with some accuracy where and whensuch features may occur. Nevertheless, the best numeri-cal models may go astray after even possibly short periodsof time. This model drift is mitigated by the incorporationof data from observations into the modeling process. Thisis typically done in two ways: (1) update the state of thesystem in model runs as observational data becomes avail-able, and (2) learn parameter values from observationaldata. The first is known as state estimation and is carriedout in real time, while the second process, called param-eter estimation, is often achieved offline with the use ofhigh resolution or more detailed models; both fit underthe banner of Data Assimilation (DA) [BBC+17].

There are three main perspectives on DA, each hav-ing historical origin in one of: optimization, statistics, orcontrol theory. The variational method balances obser-vational data and model output through optimizing anappropriate cost function. In its time-dependent form,known as 4D Var, it is the basis of most schemes usedin weather forecasting today. Nevertheless, most recentdevelopments in DA methods have employed a statistical(Bayesian), a control theoretic (Kalman Filter based) ap-proach, or a mixture of both. The key in these approachesis generating an ensemble of possible realizations of theprocess by considering slightly different initial conditions,parameters, or both. This ensemble of outputs is then usedas a basis for a covariance in the Kalman Filter approach,or a prior probability distribution in a Bayesian method.Sea ice presents a number of interestingmathematical chal-lenges to DA, with more complex models than those ofthe atmosphere and ocean because they account for ice


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Figure 10. Simple model of how the ice-albedo feedback affects Arctic climate. (a) The main energy fluxes in the Arctic. (b) ๐ธ๐‘–๐‘›(yellow) and ๐ธ๐‘œ๐‘ข๐‘ก (red) in the energy balance as a function of ๐‘‡. Where both curves meet represent stable and unstable fixedpoints, which are indicated by filled and open circles, respectively. (c) Bifurcation diagram for the temperature as a function ofthe effective emissivity ๐œ–. Increasing concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gases cause a reduction in ๐œ–.

material properties. The available data are both more var-ied and less direct. Synthetic-aperture radar data could po-tentially increase a modelโ€™s fidelity to the location of fea-tures such as ridges and ponds.

Next generation models, such as neXtSIM [S78] andMPM-Ice [S98] have two novel features: they use rheolo-gies not present in models currently incorporated intolarger climate models, and more complicated computa-tional solvers that include a Lagrangian aspect which af-fords a better accounting for the ice movement and theformation of localized features, and, at least in the case ofneXtSIM, adaptive remeshing. Recent progress has beenmade on the development of a scheme tailored to adap-tive remeshing [S5]. For any computational scheme, theformation of ridges and leads poses a challenge as currentDA technology can break down in the presence of sharptransitions in space or time.

6. Low-Order ModelsWhile large-scale numerical sea ice models have increasedin complexity over time as more physical processes are ac-counted for, an alternative approach to studying sea iceand climate takes another path. This approach consid-ers relatively simple mathematical models of key phenom-ena based on low-order dynamical systems and differen-tial equations, that capture essential physics and provideinsight into complex behavior, yet are more tractable thanlarge numerical models.Ice-albedo feedback. We consider a simple picture of theinfluence of the ice-albedo feedback, which can give rise toinstability, and approximate themean surface temperature๐‘‡ of the Arctic region using a balance between incomingand outgoing energy fluxes, illustrated in Figure 10a. En-

ergy balance can be written as ๐‘ ๐‘‘๐‘‡๐‘‘๐‘ก

= ๐ธ๐‘–๐‘›โˆ’๐ธ๐‘œแต†๐‘ก, where ๐‘ isthe effective heat capacity [S49]. Then

๐‘ ๐‘‘๐‘‡๐‘‘๐‘ก = (1 โˆ’ ๐›ผ) ๐‘† + ๐ป โˆ’ ๐œ–๐œŽ๐‘‡4, (22)

where ๐‘† = 180 W/m2 is the annual mean incident so-lar radiation in the Arctic region; ๐›ผ(๐‘‡) is the albedo,

modeled to have high reflectivity (0.6) for cold tempera-tures ๐‘‡ โ‰ค โˆ’10โˆ˜C and a lower value (0.3) for warmer tem-peratures ๐‘‡ โ‰ฅ 10โˆ˜C, with linear interpolation in between;and ๐ป = 90 W/m2 is the heat which enters the Arcticthrough poleward heat transport in the atmosphere. TheEarth emits electromagnetic radiation to space with a radi-ant flux given by the Stefan-Boltzmann law, ๐œ– ๐œŽ ๐‘‡4, with ๐œŽthe Stefan-Boltzmann constant. Due to the greenhouse at-mosphere of the Earth, the effective emissivity is ๐œ– = 0.61.๐ธ๐‘–๐‘› and ๐ธ๐‘œแต†๐‘ก in equation (22) are plotted in Figure 10b,showing three possible steady-state solutions. One has acold ice-covered Arctic, another has a warm ice-free Arc-tic. These two stable solutions are separated by an unstableone.

An increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentra-tions can be represented in this framework by reducing theeffective emissivity ๐œ–. Varying this causes the red line in Fig-ure 10b to be scaled vertically, leading to two saddle-nodebifurcations which are shown in Figure 10c.

Variations of this simple idea have deep roots in climatescience, going back more than a century [WE15, S68,S49],and there has been renewed interest in recent years due tothe rapid Arctic sea ice retreat. However, a range of factorscomplicate the picture. First, there are spatial variationsin the climate system, and the heat transport (๐ป) into theArctic depends interactively on the spatial gradient in tem-perature. Energy balancemodels (EBMs) were developed ahalf century ago [S12,S90] to explore such questions. Theyrepresent the annual zonal-mean surface temperature asa function of latitude under solar forcing, the ice-albedofeedback, and horizontal atmospheric heat transport viasurface temperature diffusion. These models have multi-ple steady states, similar to Figure 10c (see [S68]).

Second, seasonal variations can be represented by vary-ing ๐‘† in equation (22) over the course of the year. Inthis case the thermodynamics of sea ice growth and meltbecome relevant. Recent work used bifurcation theoryto show that in a seasonally varying model that includesan idealized representation of the ice-albedo feedback, an


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unstable solution bracketed by saddle-node bifurcationsoccurs, similar to Figure 10c [EW09].

Recently, the effect of including both spatial variationsand the seasonal cycle was explored using an idealizedmodel that simulates the surface temperature and thick-ness of sea ice as a function of latitude and time [WE15].The strength of the seasonal cycle and the horizontal heattransport are varied, and both factors have strong stabi-lizing effects. Including both causes the ice to always bestable in climates with the ice edge in midlatitudes or far-ther poleward, removing the bifurcations and instabilitiespreviously encountered. Hence for Arctic sea ice covers re-semblingmodern conditions and future sea ice reductions,this study found that no bifurcation should be expected tooccur due to the ice-albedo feedback.Sea ice concentration field. Low-order models can pro-vide idealized sea ice concentration fields ๐œ“ useful in dataanalysis applications. For a region ๐บ, the simplest modelis perhaps Laplaceโ€™s equation, ฮ”๐œ“ = 0, using observationson ๐œ•๐บ as Dirichlet boundary conditions. The idealized ๐œ“solves a steady-state heat equation, so is smoother thanthe actual field subjected to dynamic and thermodynamicforcing.

Figure 11. (a) Laplace equation solution in the MIZ for 29August 2010 [S95]. (b,c) Filling the polar data gap with anidealized concentration field for 20 June 2013 [SG16].

As an example application, ๐œ“ provides an idealized seaice concentration field within the MIZ, which is the tran-sition region between dense polar pack ice and the openocean at lower latitudes (Figure 11a). The width of thishighly dynamic zone is a fundamental length scale for po-lar physical and biological processes, and has increased39% in the Arctic melt season over the past several decades[S96,S95]. The MIZ is in general not geodesically convex,but its width can be objectively defined as the arclengthof streamlines through ๐œ“ (black curves, Figure 11a). Thisarclength-based width is objective, unique at each point,and invariant with respect to rotation, translation, and co-ordinate system.

The idealized field ๐œ“ has also been applied to fill in re-gions where satellite observations are missing or systemat-ically unavailable, such as the polar data gap (Figure 11b).The fill is written

๐‘“(๐œƒ, ๐œ™) = ๐œ“(๐œƒ, ๐œ™) + ๐‘ค(๐œƒ, ๐œ™), (23)

where ๐œƒ is longitude and ๐œ™ is latitude, and ๐‘ค is a stochasticterm providing realistic spatial heterogeneity (Figure 11c).Boundary conditions for ๐œ“ are sea ice concentrations ob-served on the boundary of the region being filled. The sta-tistical properties of ๐‘ค are determined from variations inthe actual ๐œ“ around the missing data region.Conclusions and future challenges. The sea ice coversof the polar oceans are in transition and transitions pro-vide challenges to modeling. A few decades ago the Arc-tic Ocean was predominantly ice covered throughout thesummer. At present it is partially ice covered with largeyear to year variability in the amount, and the location, ofsummer ice. Model projections indicate that a few decadesfrom now the Arctic Ocean will likely be predominantlyice free in summer. The receding ice cover has generatedincreased human activity that requires improvements inforecasts and modeling capabilities.

The complex multiscale nature of the sea ice systempresents fundamental challenges in applied mathemat-ics and computation. Homogenization theory and tech-niques of statistical physics for computingmacroscopic be-havior have been central to advancing mathematical mod-eling of sea ice. Given the stochastic nature of the seaice system, sea ice models are often cast in a probabilis-tic framework, which also provides a robust set of toolsto assimilate the vast amounts of data available from air-and space-borne platforms, as well as large polar expedi-tions such as MOSAiC. Methods of dynamical systems andbifurcation theory have been successful in framing and an-alyzing qualitative questions about transitional behaviorand pattern formation. Finally, substantial effort over thepast 50 years has gone into, and continues to go into, devel-oping large-scale numerical models that can predict sea icebehavior well into the future. Further development of thecomponents of global climate models will need advancesin high performance computing and learning from data,numerical techniques for solving large systems of coupledPDE, and mathematical methods to account for the mi-croscale in macroscale behavior.


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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. KMGwould like to thank theUS Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the US Na-tional Science Foundation (NSF) for their research sup-port through grants N00014-18-1-2552, N00014-13-10291, DMS-1715680, and DMS-1413454. LGB wouldlike to thank the Australian Research Council and theAustralian Antarctic Science Program for their researchsupport through grants FT190100404, DP200102828,AAS4434, and AAS4528. EC would like to thankONR and NSF for their research support throughgrants N00014-18-1-2552, DMS-1715680, and DMS-1413454. IE would like to thank NSF for their sup-port through grant OPP-1643445. CH thanks the Insti-tute of Water and Atmospheric Science in New Zealandfor their hospitality and acknowledges support fromthe Voss Postdoctoral Fellowship at Brown Universityand NASA Grant GR5227091. ECH acknowledges sup-port through the Energy Exascale Earth System Modelproject within the Office of Biological and Environmen-tal Research, Department of Energy. CJ was supportedby ONR under grant N00014-18-1-2204. DKP wouldlike to thank NSF and NOAA for their research supportthrough grants NSF1724540 and NA19OAR4310094.The research of PPC has been supported by ONR undergrant N00014-17-1-2076. CS would like to thank ONRand NASA for research support under grants N00014-18-1-2552, N00014-13-10291, and 80NSSC18K0843.AJW acknowledges support from the Royal Society In-ternational Exchanges Award IE141071. Finally, we alsothank the reviewers for very helpful comments.

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Supplemental reference list located here:


Page 20: ModelingSeaIcephaselocallyisotropiccomposite, (x)= 1 1(x)+ 2 2(x), where ๐‘—is the complex permittivity of brine or ice for ๐‘— = 1,2, respectively, and ๐‘—is the characteristic

Kenneth M. Golden Luke G. Bennetts

Elena Cherkaev Ian Eisenman

Daniel Feltham Christopher Horvat

Elizabeth Hunke Christopher Jones

Donald K. Perovich PedroPonte-Castaรฑeda

Courtenay Strong Deborah Sulsky

Andrew J. Wells


Opening graphic is courtesy of A. Toffoli from the S. A. Agul-has II.

Figure 1 is courtesy of, from left to right, Hajo Eicken and Ken-neth M. Golden, Pat Langhorne and Kenneth M. Golden,Donald Perovich, Donald Perovich, NASA Worldview.

Figure 2 is courtesy of Samuel Torquato (a and b) and theauthors (c).

Figure 3 is courtesy of Pat Langhorne (left) and Jean-LouisTison (right).

Figures 4, 5, 10, and 11 are courtesy of the authors.Figure 6 is courtesy of Kenneth M. Golden.Figure 7 is courtesy of Takenobu Toyota.Figure 8 is courtesy of Donald K. Perovich.Figure 9 is courtesy of Kenneth M. Golden (on behalf of Yip-

ing Ma, Ivan Sudakov, and Courtenay Strong) (left) andDonald K. Perovich (right).

Author photo of Kenneth M. Golden is courtesy of ToddCollins.

Author photo of Luke G. Bennetts is courtesy of Randy La-combe.


Page 21: ModelingSeaIcephaselocallyisotropiccomposite, (x)= 1 1(x)+ 2 2(x), where ๐‘—is the complex permittivity of brine or ice for ๐‘— = 1,2, respectively, and ๐‘—is the characteristic

Author photo of Elena Cherkaev is courtesy of AndrejCherkaev.

Author photo of Ian Eisenman is courtesy of Ian Eisenman.Author photo of Daniel Feltham is courtesy of Malcolm Ed-

wards.Author photo of Christopher Horvat is courtesy of Christo-

pher Horvat.Author photo of Elizabeth Hunke is courtesy of Elizabeth

Hunke/Los Alamos National Laboratory Media Services.Author photo of Christopher Jones is courtesy of Christopher

Jones.Author photo of Donald K. Perovich is courtesy of Kathryn

Hansen.Author photo of Pedro Ponte-Castaรฑeda is courtesy of the

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Universityof Pennsylvania.

Author photo of Courtenay Strong is courtesy of NatashaStrong.

Author photo of Deborah Sulsky is courtesy of Deborah Sul-sky.

Author photo of Andrew J. Wells is courtesy of Andrew J.Wells.


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