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MODUL 3 TTC&PK : WORK SAMPLINGPractice Time : adapted to the academic calendar1. OBJECTIVEa. Discussed with lecture (Mrs. Anny).2. LEARNING ACHIEVEMENTa. Discussed with lecture (Mrs. Anny).3. IMPLEMENTATION STAGESa. Concept of Work SamplingPracticants are expected to read references about work sampling in accordance with the recommended reference list.b. Basic Competences Measurement (pre-test)

Pre-test done early before doing the practical work. The purpose of the test is performed in order to pre-praktikan get the picture would do practical work, including a theory used in praticum.c. Briefing practical implementationBrefing implementation is done at the beginning to facilitate the practitioner in doing practical work. When briefing will explain the procedures for lab work, procedures, and how to prepare a lab report.

d. Distribution of observed objects for each groupObserved objects for data retrieval work sampling is different in each group. With the practitioner is expected to know the implementation of work measurement work sampling widely.

e. Data retrieval of work samplingPhase of data collection was divided into two phases, namely pre work sampling and work sampling. Pre work sampling was conducted to determine the initial conditions of the observed objects and know a lot of data that is needed to work sampling.f. Testing DataOnce the data is is Obtained, test the adequacy of the data is as verification that the data is taken already describe the real condition of the object of observation. If the data is has been stated enough, it can be calculated pro

g. The collection of practical implementation reportsPractice report in accordance with the outline contained in Module 1 Method Time Measurementi. In making the statement, the practitioner is required to do assistance with the assistant WHO had been of toll at the beginning of at least 1x module practical assistance to call now. Reports must be in acc advance by an assistant before being collected. Collected reports in the format and time agreed during a briefing lab, in case of delays and violations will be given sanctions in accordance with the agreement during a briefing practicum.h. Learning achievements evaluation (post test)

Post Test conducted after a report in acc by assistant. The purpose of the post test is to measure the individual practitioner understanding after doing lab work and make a report. Post-test will be carried out by the group by their respective assistants.4. OBJECT REFERENCESa. Work SamplingMeasurement of working time is essentially focused on how a job will be completed. By applying the principles and techniques setting the optimal way of working arrangements in the labor system, it will obtain alternative working methods are considered to provide the most efficient results. In short, the work is the determination method pengukutan balance between human activities that contribute to the unit of output produced. (Wignjosoebroto, 2006). In general, work measurement can be divided into two methods of measurement of working time directly and indirectly. One example is the measurement of direct labor time work sampling. Work sampling is a technique to hold a large number of observations on the activity of the working of the machine, process, or workers, or in other words, work sampling is sampling a person's activity or machine states to determine the percentage of time worked or time does not work. Work sampling is usually applied to many types of jobs with service jobs are varied, non-repetitive activities, and activities with long cycles.

Measurement of work with work sampling method has several advantages, among others, is the time it takes to do a little sampling, the method is easy to do, calculations and observations are needed little, and can be performed to observe several jobs at once. However, on the other hand this method has low accuracy than other methods such as the MTM or stopwatch time study. Difference method stopwatch time study with work sampling is the method does not work sampling observers continued to be at work, but only at certain times which have been determined randomly.

Broadly speaking, the work sampling method can be used for several things, the first is to measure the ratio of the delay of a number of machines, employees, operators, or other work facilities. An example is to determine the percentage of hours or days in which the machine or person actually engaged in work activities, and the percentage in which there is absolutely no activity undertaken (idle). The second is to set the performance level of a person during his time based on the time-period in which the person is working or not working primarily for manual labor jobs. The third is to determine the standard time for a process or operation that can work as well as other work carried out by measurement (Wignjosoebroto, 2006). In the industrial world, work sampling can be used to perform work on the measurement of jobs such as garage workers, cashiers, cooks, as well as the administrative services.b. The procedure of random observation timeHere are the steps to do random observation time. Random observation time is done with software Ms. Excel with the following steps:1. COLUMN AFormula = the number of seconds of observation x rand ()For example: observations carried out for 2 hours, then column A = 7200 * rand ().

Then dragged down to 100 data.

2. COLUMN BColumn A is copied ( paste special ( value to column B (with the aim that the random value is not changed).

3. COLUMN CColumn B is converted in accordance with the start of the observation hours.

Example : observations were made starting at 15.00 then column C =

For a different time each day observations taken with the aim to maximize the randomization and that performance can be seen from the operator in accordance with the truthfulness / unaffected.4. COLUMN DColumn C is copied ( paste special ( value then the cell format changed to time. Then-sort the data from A to Z (note: if the sort warning appears, select one).

Column D is copied to obsheet Work Sheet.c. Test the adequacy of the dataAdequacy test is calculated from the total data. Here's a formula to test the adequacy of the data:

In which :k=level of confidence

p =probability value of working elements to day-n

s =level of error

N=number of observations that must be doned. The calculation of the required data for further observationThe amount of data required for further observation can be calculated using the following formula:

Example : Data for work sampling 1 = Data for work sampling 2= e. Test accuracy work samplingTest accuracy of work sampling can be calculated with the following formula:

In which :k=level of confidence

p =probability value of working elements to day-n

s =level of error

N=number of observations that must be donef. Productivity ratio calculationThe calculation of productivity ratio can be calculated with the following formula: Determination % Average Idle Operators

Determination % Average working operator

g. Determination of the performance ratingFactor determining the rating was conducted by Westinghouse. This method uses the operator assessment based on four factors are considered to determine the reasonableness or irregularities in the work that is skill, effort, condition, and consistency. For assessment can see in the table Westinghouse.Tabel Westinghouse

Ratings given by consideration of how the conditions of observation operator. If operators are experts in their job then the operator excellent skills and the rating given is +0.15, and so on. The same consideration and evaluation carried out on three other factors the table based Westinghouse. Here is an example of performance appraisal rating.Table Example of Performace Rating Westinghouse

h. Determination AllowanceDetermination of the allowance is done by summing the values of fatigue and personal time when the observation (in percentage). Here is the formula for determining the allowance:

i. Calculation Standard Time Operator observed objectsThe calculation of the standard time of observation operator can be calculated using the following formula:Waktu Baku = Specification:

Total Time (jam)= total observed timeWorking time (%)= percentage amount of working time in accordance with the results of work samplingPerformance rating = wear performance of existing ratings in section 3.4Allowance (%) = use existing allowance in Section 3.5

Total output = the number of consumers or the amount of work performed during the observation (according to observed objects)5. REFERENCEReference used is the book entitled "Ergonomis: Studi Gerak dan Waktu" written by Sritomo Wignjoesoeboto.6. LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURES OF USEThe tools below is a tool used for data retrieval work samplin1. The stopwatch or a digital clock that shows the accuracy of the time to seconds. Stopwatch or digital clock is used as a marker of time for sampling after sampling is determined at any time.2. Worksheet Operations. Each element of the work that has been observed is then written in Worksheet Operations in the form of tally.3. Stationery. Stationery used to record observations in Worksheet Operations.4. The digital camera. Digital cameras are used to capture the current documentation praktikan doing practicum.7. LABORATORY REPORT WORK SAMPLING

Here is a report format Practicum 3 Work Sampling Module.BAB IPENGOLAHAN DATA


Pre work samplingJelaskan tujuan dilakukannya work sampling dan kebutuhan pre work sampling Tata Cara Random Waktu Pengamatan

Dilakukan dengan software Ms. Excel dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut :


Rumus = jumlah detik pengamatan x rand()

Misal : pengamatan dilakukan selama 2 jam, maka kolom A = 7200*rand().

Kemudian didrag ke bawah hingga 100 data.


Kolom A dicopy ( paste special ( value ke kolom B (dengan tujuan agar nilai random tidak berubah).

7. KOLOM C. Kolom B dikonversi sesuai dengan jam dimulainya pengamatan.

Misal : pengamatan dilakukan mulai pukul 15.00 maka kolom C =

Ingat !Untuk waktu pengamatan diambil berbeda tiap harinya dengan tujuan untuk memaksimalkan randomisasi serta agar performance dari operator dapat terlihat sesuai dengan keadaan yg sebenarnya / tidak dibuat-buat.


Kolom C dicopy ( paste special ( value lalu format cell diganti menjadi time. Kemudian data disort dari A ke Z (note : jika muncul sort warning, pilih salah satu).

KOLOM D dicopy ke obsheet Work Sheet.

Hasil rekap Pre Work Sampling

Keterangan :

Total per elemen= jumlah working atau not working dari pegawai


= total per elemen dibagi dengan total working dan not working (dalam desimal bukan prosentase)

Perhitungan Jumlah Sampel yang Dibutuhkan

Dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus sebagai berikut :

Keterangan :

a. N adalah jumlah pengamatan yg harus dilakukan.

b. p yang digunakan adalah probabilitas dari elemen working (% working).

c. Tingkat kepercayaan adalah 90% , maka k = lihat nilai z pada tabel distribusi normal (1,28)

d. Tingkat eror adalah 10%, maka S = 0.1

e. Tingkat kepercayaan 90% dan tingkat eror 10% berarti 90 dari 100 data akan memiliki penyimpangan tidak lebih dari 10%.

Untuk mencari jumlah data (pengamatan) yang harus dilakukan pada hari berikutnya adalah dengan rumus : Contoh :

Data yang dibutuhkan untuk work sampling 1 = Data yang dibutuhkan untuk work sampling 2= Dst....

Work Sampling

Rekap data work sampling

Rekapan Operator

Hari pertama:

Hari kedua dst sampai hari keempat

Uji Kecukupan Data

Uji kecukupan dihitung dari data total.

Misal: Uji kecukupan data pada hari kedua mengikutsertakan data hari pertama dan pre Work Sampling) dengan p adalah nilai p elemen working sampai hari ke n.

Dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus sebagai berikut :

Uji kecukupan data operator


Uji kecukupan data hari pertama

Uji kecukupan data hari pertama mengikutsertakan data work sampling hari pertama dan data pre work sampling dengan p adalah nilai p elemen working data sampai hari pertama. Berdasarkan rekap data diperoleh:

Tabel x.x Rekap Data Working-Not Working untuk Hari Pertama

PengamatanWorkingNot Working operator amatan

Pre Work Sampling50150200100

Work Sampling Hari 11048247035181759

q = 1 p = 1 - 0,40027 = 0,59973

Z = 1,28

S = 0,1

Dari perhitungan tersebut, dapat direkap dalam tabel sebagai berikut:

Tabel x.x Rekap Hasil Uji Kecukupan Data untuk Hari Pertama


Pre Work Sampling2007000N

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