
primary and secondary schoolMoerikeschule Backnang

Baden – Württemberg, Germany


We are an all-day school and offer special courses like sport, arts, school garden and musical besides lessons in the afternoon.



Beyond the classes with mainstreaming students we have inclusion classes in year 5 and 9 for students with special needs, preporatory classes, forms for slow learners and pupils with emotional problems due to dispersed family lives.

special classes


Almost 300 pupils from 6 to 10 attend in 12 classes our primary school. The 280 students in secondary school are in the age from 10 to 16. Three social workers and more than 50 teachers are working in our school.



•Secondary modern school qualifikation

•Secondary school leaving certificate

•Vocational preparation year in cooperation with a vocational school.



Our school is located in an urban community near Stuttgart with a range of students from different socio- eocnomic backgrounds. More than 50% of our pupils have a migration backgrond. Primary school 45%Secondary school 70%



In the morning we offer a school breakfast before the lessons start and we have school lunch which is cooked at school.

breakfast and lunch


Our school has a social curriculum involving politeness courses, civil courage workshop, gender specific courses and more. It´s carried out by our 3 social workers who are constantly working here. They help with current problems and are the link to the youth welfare service.

social curriculum


During the process of occupational decision our students are supported by a programme including work experiences, applying courses and interview training.

occupational decision


From year 5 to year 10 our pupils get a permanent feedback on their social, personal and methodical competences via an analyses which is developed and carried out togehter with pupils, parents and teachers.



For the 10th time this year, a musical has been performed in cooperation with the Mörikeschule Backnang, the Conrad Weiser School Aspach and the Talschule.



19 pupils of grade 6 went to Prague and performed a play with students of our partner school. They played and sang together in Czech, English and German. Additional we offer our students to visit London after they attendet a weekly special course in the afternoon.

student exchange and study trips


art projects

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