
Mohammed Al-Jubouri, PhD

University of Baghdad

College of Nursing

February 2018

Tetralogy (teh-TRAL-o-je) of Fallot (fah-LO) is a congenital heart defect.

It is rare.

It occurs in about 5 out of every 10,000 babies.

To understand TOF, let’s review the normal heart.

TOF involves four heart


* Ventricular septal

defect (VSD)

* Pulmonary stenosis

* Right ventricular


* An overriding aorta

Ventricular Septal Defect

Septum separates the heart chambers on its left and right side.

A VSD is a hole in the septum between the ventricles. The hole allows oxygenated blood from the left to mix with non-oxygenated blood from the right.

Pulmonary Stenosis

The pulmonary valve cannot fully open. Thus, the heart has to work harder to pump blood through the valve. As a result, not enough blood reaches the lungs.

Right Ventricular Hypertrophy

The muscle of the right ventricle is thicker because the heart has to work harder than normal to move blood through the narrowed pulmonary valve.

Overriding Aorta

In TOF, the aorta is located between the left and right ventricles, directly over the VSD. As a result, non-oxygenated blood from the right ventricle flows directly into the aorta and is mixed with the oxygenated blood.



Risk Factors:

Pregnant women with:

*German measles (rubella) and some other viral illnesses

*Poor nutrition

*Alcohol use

*Age (older than 40)


Infants :


**Genetic disorders such as Down syndrome

Signs and Symptoms


Tet spell:response to an activity like crying

or having a bowel movement.

A tet spell occurs when the oxygen level in the blood suddenly drops. This causes the baby to become very blue.

Heart Murmur

Poor Growth

Clubbing Fingers


Signs and Symptoms

a physical exam

Diagnostic procedures such as:

Electrocardiogram (ECG)


Chest X Ray

Pulse Oximetry

Cardiac Catheterization


TOF is repaired with open-heart surgery, either soon after birth or later in infancy.

The timing of the surgery will depend on how narrow the pulmonary artery is.

Complete Intracardiac Repair:

The pulmonary valve is widened or replaced, and the VSD is repaired.

When the right ventricle no longer has to work, it will return to a normal thickness. Fixing the VSD means that only oxygen-rich blood will flow out into the aorta.

Temporary or Palliative Surgery

Usually was done in the past.

The goal is to increase blood flow to the lung by placing a tube (shunt) between the aorta and pulmonary artery.

When the baby becomes older and stronger, the complete repair will be done.


Does a fetus with TOF have problems like cyanosis, low growth, etc.?

Roles of the Nurse

Small-frequent meals (Feeding or nutrition)

Decrease baby's anxiety or stress

Activity Restrictions

Regular check-ups

Squatting Position

A transition plan (childhood to teen) is important to help teens think about important issues, such as future education and employment, birth control and pregnancy planning, and making healthy choices about nutrition, physical activity, and other lifestyle habits.

Additional Surgery:

Pulmonary valve can narrow over time or be regurgitated

Valve replacement





Please email me if you have any questions:

[email protected]

Lets, watch this video:

ReferencesU.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (n.d). National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Tetralogy of Fallot. Retrieved from

Mayo Clinic. (2017). Tetralogy of Fallot. Retrieved from

Cincinnati Children’s. (2018). Tetralogy of Fallot. Retrieved from

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