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  1. 1. MongoDB Indexes Query Analyzing Introduction into indexes Indexes In Mongo Managing indexes in MongoDB Using index to sort query results. When should I use indexes. When should we avoid using indexes.
  2. 2. MongoDB Indexes Creating experimental collection Selecting Database Inserting fake data in our test collection product. 900000 documents. Products are categorized into 10 categories and the status of each product could be 0 or 1.
  3. 3. _id name category status 1236**** Prod 1 1 0 1237**** Prod 2 5 0 1238**** Prod 3 9 1 1238**** Prod 4 6 0 1239**** Prod 5 5 1 MongoDB Indexes Query Analyzing db.product.find({category : 5}); Searching for products in a specific category. Number of scanned documents. Mongo scans all documents in the collection and match them with the given condition.
  4. 4. MongoDB Indexes Query Analyzing If we tried to search for a single document by _Id using find function, we would get significantly different results. In our case right now we are able to get same performance just in case we search for an _id. What makes this happen is an index on _id attribute.
  5. 5. MongoDB Indexes Introduction into indexes How does the normal query work? linear search Indexes can be described as the single and most critical tool to increase the database performance. What is it? An index is a data structure that contains a copy of some data from database.
  6. 6. MongoDB Indexes Indexes In Mongo Index Types: 1) Default: _id 2) Single: Similar to Default but could be applied on any of document fields. 3) Compound: Means defining an index on multiple fields. Ie : employeeId, salary 4) Multikey: This type of index is used to index a field contains an array. We can just define one multikey index per document. 5) GeoSpatial: A set of indexes and query mechanisms to handle geospatial information. 6) Text: This index is used with text supporting search for string content. 7) Hashed: This index hashes the value of a field. Doesn't support range-based queries. Doesn't support multi-key arrays Supports only equality matches. Indexes in Mongo are tree data structured. For More info search for b-tree. Index Properties: 1) Unique. 2) TTL: These are special indexes used to automatically remove documents after a certain period of time.
  7. 7. MongoDB Indexes Indexes In Mongo Single Index: It can be applied on any field of a collection. Embedded Fields & Embedded Documents: We can create indexes on fields within embedded documents. We can create indexes on embedded documents.
  8. 8. MongoDB Indexes Indexes In Mongo Compound Index: Where a single index structure references to more than one field max of 31 in the same collection. Let's go back to our example: We have 900000 products. Single document example. Continue to the next slide.
  9. 9. MongoDB Indexes Indexes In Mongo : Compound Find query scenarios explanation: more about Explain results Now Let's create a compound index on both category and status fields: Find query scenarios explanation: Continue to the next slide.
  10. 10. MongoDB Indexes Indexes In Mongo Find query scenarios explanation: more about Explain results In the previous slide, it seemed like the index doesn't take effect when we filter documents using status filed, Mongo scanned all 900000 documents. This is because indexing in Mongo is tree structured. Let's try to explain it again: Tests from previous slide:
  11. 11. MongoDB Indexes Indexes In Mongo Conclusions from compound indexes: Sort indexes is supported by compound index as well as in single index. Sort order can matter in determining whether the index can support a sort operation. Compound index supports indexing by prefixes.
  12. 12. MongoDB Indexes Indexes In Mongo Multikey Index: To index an array or subdocument MongoDB creates an index for each element in the array. Creation to multikey index is similar to other types, MongoDB would automatically create multikey index if any indexed field is in array. Index Arrray with Embedded documents Simple Array indexing:
  13. 13. MongoDB Indexes GeoSpatial Index GeoSpatial Index: MongoDB offers a number of indexes that allows us to handle geospatial data. That geospatial data is a geographical information that points to a specific location using longitude and latitude or x and y in the Cartesian coordinates. There are two surface types: Flat (1): To calculate distances on a Euclidean plane. Use 2d index. Supports data stored as two-dimensional plane, legacy coordinate pairs [x, y]. Spherical (2): To calculate geometry over an Earth-like sphere. Use 2dsphere index. Supports data stored as GeoJSON object and as legacy coordinate pairs (1)(2)
  14. 14. MongoDB Indexes GeoSpatial Index Simple example of 2d index: Creating a geospatial data for restaurants A sample of documents generated by the previous code. Creating index:
  15. 15. MongoDB Indexes GeoSpatial Index Simple example of 2dsphere index: Creating a geospatial data for restaurants A sample of documents generated by the previous code. Creating index: Note: 2dshpere supports data stored as GeoJSON Objects. For more info about GeoJSON : , The following website is a tool to show how GeoJson is structured : for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { var x = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) % 2 == 1 ? "" : "-") + (i + Math.floor(Math.random() * 150)) % 99 + '.' + (i + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000)) % 1000; var y = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) % 2 == 1 ? "" : "-") + (i + Math.floor(Math.random() * 150)) % 99 + '.' + (i + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000)) % 1000; db.places.insert({ "loc": { type: "Point", coordinates: [+x, +y] }, name: "Resturant Num. " + i, status: i % 2 }); }
  16. 16. MongoDB Indexes GeoSpatial Index Geospatial query operators: more info $geoWithin$near $polygon $geoWithin $geoIntersects $near $nearSphere $geometry $minDistance $maxDistance $center $centerSphere $box $polygon $uniqueDocs
  17. 17. MongoDB Indexes

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