Page 1: Monitoring the identity and the structure of soft cheeses ...€¦ · objective of the present study was to investigate intrinsic fluorophores of cheese in order to dis-criminate

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Monitoring the identity and the structure of soft cheesesby fluorescence spectroscopy

Sophie Herbert, Nadine Riou, Marie Devaux, Alain Riaublanc, BrigitteBouchet, Daniel Gallant, Éric Dufour

To cite this version:Sophie Herbert, Nadine Riou, Marie Devaux, Alain Riaublanc, Brigitte Bouchet, et al.. Monitoringthe identity and the structure of soft cheeses by fluorescence spectroscopy. Le Lait, INRA Editions,2000, 80 (6), pp.621-634. �10.1051/lait:2000149�. �hal-00895449�

Page 2: Monitoring the identity and the structure of soft cheeses ...€¦ · objective of the present study was to investigate intrinsic fluorophores of cheese in order to dis-criminate

Original article

Monitoring the identity and the structureof soft cheeses by fluorescence spectroscopy

Sophie HERBERTa, b, Nadine MOUHOUSRIOUa,Marie Françoise DEVAUXb, Alain RIAUBLANC a, Brigitte BOUCHETb,

Daniel J. GALLANT b, Éric DUFOURc*

a UEIMA, INRA, BP 71627, 44316 Nantes Cedex 13, Franceb URPOI, INRA, BP 71627, 44316 Nantes Cedex 3, France

c Département Qualité et Économie Alimentaires, ENITA de Clermont-Ferrand,63370 Lempdes, France

(Received 17 February 2000; accepted 31 May 2000)

Abstract — Soft cheeses exhibit a wide range of textures and, as a consequence, of structures. Theobjective of the present study was to investigate intrinsic fluorophores of cheese in order to dis-criminate between eight different soft cheeses. Protein tryptophan emission spectra and vitamin A exci-tation spectra were recorded directly on cheese samples using front face fluorescence spectroscopy.The eight soft cheeses were discriminated using their spectra by applying multivariate statisticalmethods such as principal component analysis and factorial discriminant analysis. From the trypto-phan fluorescence data set, a good classification was observed for 95% and 92% of the principaland test samples, respectively. A better classification (96% and 93% for principal and test samples)was obtained from the vitamin A spectra. The spectral pattern associated with the principal compo-nents provides characteristic wavelengths which are the most suitable for separating the spectra.They allow information on the protein structure at the molecular level to be derived, in relation withcheese texture.

cheese / identification / structure / fluorescence / protein

Résumé — La spectroscopie de fluorescence frontale pour identifier et caractériser la structurede fromages à pâte molle.Les fromages à pâte molle présentent une large gamme de texture et, enconséquence, de structure. L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer le potentiel des fluorophoresintrinsèques du fromage dans la discrimination de 8 types de fromages à pâte molle. Les spectresd’émission des tryptophanes de protéines et les spectres d’excitation de la vitamine A ont été enre-gistrés directement sur des fromages au moyen de la fluorescence frontale. L’analyse des collectionsde spectres par des méthodes statistiques multidimensionnelles telles l’analyse en composantes

Lait 80 (2000) 621–634 621© INRA, EDP Sciences

* Correspondence and reprintsTel.: (33) 4 73 98 13 78; fax: (33) 4 73 98 13 90; e-mail: [email protected]

Page 3: Monitoring the identity and the structure of soft cheeses ...€¦ · objective of the present study was to investigate intrinsic fluorophores of cheese in order to dis-criminate

S. Herbert et al.


Texture is an important criteria used toevaluate the quality of cheeses. It is a reflec-tion of their structure at the microscopic andmolecular levels. Structurally, cheese is acomplex matrix of milk proteins, fats, min-erals and other components including water.Cheese variety and composition influencecomponent distribution which in turn largelydetermines structural characteristics. It isgenerally assumed that at room temperaturemilk proteins contribute to firmness andmilk fats provide smoothness to cheese: thehigher the fat content of cheese, the softerthe cheese [31]. Understanding the struc-ture of cheeses, particularly protein and fatstructures and the interactions betweencheese components during and after manu-facture, can provide information useful indetermining what constitutes a quality prod-uct.

It is generally assumed that a good curdis a prerequisite to obtain a quality cheese.This fact implies that milk coagulation is amajor step in cheese manufacturing, largelydetermining the texture of the product. Themain parameters that have an effect on thephysical properties of the curd are the milkcomposition, the acidification kinetic andthe amount of rennet. For example, a changein fat content affects protein aggregationand can modify the physical properties ofcheese.

The pH lowering and rennetting inducesolubilisation of colloidal calcium phos-phate and structural changes of proteins [6,

7, 38], and as a consequence, decrease thestability of the casein micelles [4] resultingin milk coagulation. The kinetics of coagu-lation and the structural aspects of protein-protein and protein-fat globule interactionsgenerally determine the rheological prop-erties of curds and thus their syneresisbehaviour [26]. As the decrease of the pHstill continues after coagulation and curdcutting, structural changes of micelles andshrinkage of curd grains are observed. Brin-ing modifies the structure of the protein incheese increasing the density of the proteinmatrix. The degree of proteolysis, the stor-age time and the storage temperature alsoinfluence the structure of proteins and thetexture of cheese [15].

Few techniques enable the monitoring,at a molecular level, of the structural evo-lution of food samples. Fluorescence spec-troscopy, which is a sensitive, rapid andnon-invasive analytical technique that pro-vides information on the presence of fluo-rescent molecules and their environment inbiological samples, may be a good candi-date for this purpose. For instance, fluores-cence properties of aromatic amino-acidsof proteins [9, 30, 32] can be used to studyprotein structure and protein interactions withhydrophobic molecules or ions. The aque-ous phase of bovine milk contains six majorproteins: β-lactoglobulin, α-lactalbumin, αs1and αs2 caseins, β-casein and κ-casein.The amino-acid compositions of all theseproteins include at least one tryptophanresidue [16, 17]. Depending on their struc-tures, each protein exhibits, following


principales et l’analyse factorielle discriminante a permis de discriminer les 8 fromages. Respectivement95 % et 92 % des échantillons principaux et de vérification ont été bien classés à partir des spectresde fluorescence des tryptophanes. Un meilleur résultat (respectivement 96 % et 93 %) a été obtenuà partir des spectres de la vitamine A. Par ailleurs, les profils spectraux associés aux composantes prin-cipales présentent les longueurs d’onde les plus discriminantes de la collection spectrale. Ils per-mettent d’obtenir des informations sur la structure des protéines à l’échelle moléculaire, en relationavec la texture des fromages.

fromage / identification / structure / fluorescence / protéine

Page 4: Monitoring the identity and the structure of soft cheeses ...€¦ · objective of the present study was to investigate intrinsic fluorophores of cheese in order to dis-criminate

Soft cheese structure

phases. Today there is a lack of non-destruc-tive and non-invasive methods aiming atthe investigation of cheese structure. In thispaper, the focus is mainly on the study ofthe intrinsic fluorophores of cheese in orderto record fluorescence spectra of “real”cheese samples and to discriminate betweendifferent soft cheeses by applying principalcomponent analysis and factorial discrimi-nant analysis to the fluorescence spectra.


2.1. Cheeses

This study was performed on the six fol-lowing marketed soft cheeses manufacturedby different processes: four differentmesophilic-processed cheeses, one ther-mophilic-processed cheese and an ultra-filtered-processed cheese. Among themesophilic-processed cheeses, M1 andM2 cheeses are white mould with an acidiccurd. M3 and M4 cheeses correspond to redsmear cheeses characterised by a rennetedcurd. The cheeses were provided by theBongrain group and were selected in orderto investigate a wide range of structure andtexture. They were studied at an early stageof ripening (25 d), except for the M1 andM2 cheeses which were also studied at alate stage of ripening (45 d). The samplecoding is shown Table I. For each type ofsoft cheese, three different productionbatches were analysed. Each batch includedthree individual cheeses.

2.2. Fluorescence spectroscopy

Fluorescence spectra were recorded usinga SLM 4800C spectrofluorimeter (Bioritech,Chamarande, France) mounted with a ther-mostatted front-surface accessory. The inci-dence angle of the excitation radiation wasset at 56° to ensure that reflected light, scat-tered radiation and depolarisation phenom-ena were minimised. The spectra of cheese

excitation in the region 280−295 nm, a char-acteristic fluorescence emission spectrumdefined by its maximum emission wave-length and the tryptophan quantum yield[30]. Milk retains vitamin A located in thecore and in the membrane of the fat glob-ule [21]. Due to its conjugated double bonds,vitamin A is a good fluorescent probe withexcitation and emission wavelengths atabout 330 and 450 nm, respectively [8]. Inaddition, it has been shown that the shape ofthe vitamin A excitation spectrum is corre-lated with the physical state of the triglyc-erides in the fat globule [11]. The lipids ofmilk fat globules contain hundreds of tria-cylglycerol species [28], for which meltingoccurs over a large temperature range, i.e.,between −30 and +40 °C. Solid fat contentis an important quality control parameter inthe edible fats and oils industry. Theorganoleptic characteristics of creams, but-ters, margarines, cheeses and other fat blendsdepend partly on the value of this physicalparameter.

Most fluorescence experiments are doneon dilute solutions with absorbance of thesample below 0.1; it is classical right-anglefluorescence spectroscopy. When theabsorbance of the sample is higher than 0.1,the screening effect (or inner filter effect)induces a decrease of fluorescence inten-sity and a distortion of excitation spectra[19]. To avoid these problems, an alternativemethod – frontal illumination fluorescencespectroscopy, has been developed [36].Front face fluorescence allows investiga-tion of the fluorescence of powdered, tur-bid, emulsified and concentrated samples[3, 10, 20, 27]. For example, the fluores-cence of milk proteins allows the monitoringof the structural modifications of proteinsand their physico-chemical environmentduring milk heating [8] or milk coagulation[11, 24, 25]. Front-face fluorescence spec-troscopy was also used to investigate theprotein’s structure of wheat gluten [20].

Cheese is a complex product exhibitingsimultaneously emulsion, gel and solution


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samples (3 cm × 1 cm × 0.3 cm), mountedbetween two quartz slides, were recordedat 20 °C with emission and excitation slitsset at 4 nm (resolution: 0.5 or 1 nm, aver-aging: 10). The emission spectra of trypto-phan residues (305−400 nm) were recordedwith the excitation wavelength set at 290 nm, and the excitation spectra of vita-min A (260−350 nm) were recorded withthe emission wavelength set at 410 nm. Allspectra were corrected for instrumental dis-tortions in excitation using a rhodamine cellin reference channel.

Slices of 3 cm length and 0.3 cm thick-ness were cut up in the middle of thecheese’s radius. For each individual cheese,three spectra were recorded using differentsamples. The data collection set included216 tryptophan emission spectra and 216vitamin-A excitation spectra.

2.3. Mathematical treatment of data

In order to reduce scattering effects, thedata were normalised by reducing the areaunder each spectrum to a value of 1 accord-ing to Bertrand and Scotter [1]. PrincipalComponent Analysis (PCA) was applied tothe normalised spectra in order to investigatechanges in them. This statistical multivari-ate treatment makes it possible to draw

similarity maps of the samples and to getspectral patterns [2, 29]. While the similar-ity maps allow the comparison of the spec-tra in such a way that two neighbouringpoints represent two similar spectra, thespectral patterns exhibit the absorption bandsthat explain the similarities observed on themaps [12]. The PCA software was written inthe C language in the laboratory. PCA wasapplied on the spectral collection dividedinto two data sets for calibration and vali-dation. The two data sets were obtained bysplitting the spectral collection, i.e. for eachbatch (composed of three cheeses), twocheeses were put in the calibration groupand the other cheese was used to create thevalidation group.

The ability of the data to describe the dif-ferent kinds of cheese was investigated byapplying discriminant analysis on the prin-cipal components. A group was created foreach manufacturing process and ripeningstage. In a first step, a step-wise discrimi-nant analysis was performed to select thevariables (principal components) the mostrelevant for the discrimination of the spec-tra following the eight qualitative groupsinitially defined. The variable selection wasrealised following the classification per-centage of the samples. The selection ofvariables ended when the addition of a sup-plementary variable did not improve sig-nificantly the classification percentage.

From the selected variables, factorial dis-criminant analysis (FDA) assessed new syn-thetic variables called discriminant factors,which were not correlated and allowed thebest separation of the qualitative groups.Similarity maps and patterns can be drawn,in analogy to those for PCA.


3.1. Fluorescence spectraof the studied cheeses

Since the eight commercial soft cheesesinvestigated in this study were manufactured


Table I. Coding of the soft cheeses.Tableau I. Codage des fromages.

Cheeses Ripening stage

Young Old

Mesophilic I M1y M1oMesophilic II M2y M2o Mesophilic III M3 – Mesophilic IV M4 –

Thermophilic TH –

Ultrafiltrated UF –

Page 6: Monitoring the identity and the structure of soft cheeses ...€¦ · objective of the present study was to investigate intrinsic fluorophores of cheese in order to dis-criminate

Soft cheese structure

ment of the intrinsic cheese fluorophores,were different. The tryptophan emission-spectra and vitamin-A excitation-spectra of

by different processes leading to differenttextures, it was assumed that their struc-tures, and as a consequence the environ-


Figure 1.Fluorescence spectra of cheeses: (A) Tryptophan emission and (B) Vitamin A excitation.( ) Mesophilic-I young, (– – –) mesophilic-I old cheeses.Figure 1. Spectres de fluorescence des fromages : (A) émission des tryptophanes et (B) excitation dela vitamine A. Fromages mésophile-I jeune ( ), mésophile-I vieux ( ).

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two different cheeses are presented in Fig-ures 1A and 1B, respectively. The trypto-phan presented a maximum located at about332 nm, the location of which slightly var-ied from one cheese to another. Generally,excitation spectra of vitamin A showed amaximum at 322 nm and two shoulders at305 nm and 295 nm. More interestingly, theshape of the spectra changed with the type ofcheese.

Although the different cheeses exhibitonly slightly different fluorescence spectra,univariate analysis is not really appropriatefor the study of complex spectra. Multivari-ate analysis techniques such as PCA andFDA appear necessary in this case. For thispurpose 216 tryptophan spectra and 216 vita-min A spectra were collected from the eighttypes of soft cheeses.

3.2. Cheeses discriminationfrom their tryptophan spectra

In order to compare the set of fluores-cence spectra and to emphasise the similar-ities and the differences underlined previ-ously, principal component analysis wasperformed on the spectra to describe themain variations between the differentcheeses. The first two principal componentstook into account 90.6% and 4.1% of the

total variance. The map defined by the prin-cipal components 1 and 2 showed some dif-ferences between the eight cheeses (data notshown).

In a second step the ability of the data toidentify the eight groups was investigatedby applying discriminant analysis on theprincipal components. A correct classifica-tion was observed for 95% and 92% of thecalibration and validation samples, respec-tively. It was concluded that tryptophan flu-orescence spectra are fingerprints allowingthe identification of the cheeses. Table IIgives the classification of the validationspectra into the eight groups. This table illus-trated that M1 and M2 cheeses at the youngand old stages, the TH and the UF cheeseswere well discriminated, while some mis-classification occurred between M3 and M4cheeses. The map defined by the discrimi-nant factors 1 and 2 (Fig. 2) shows that thetryptophan emission spectra were well suitedfor the soft cheese discrimination. Consid-ering discriminant factor 1, M2y and M2ocheeses were observed on the far right,whereas M1o, M1y, UF and TH are locatedon the far left. The red smear cheeses M3and M4 exhibited coordinates close to theorigin. The cluster formed by M1y, M1o, UFand TH included the cheeses with the highestfat yield (between 32.5 and 36 g.100 g–1 of


Table II. Classification table of the spectra for the validation group (trypophan spectra).Table II. Classification des spectres de la collection de vérification (spectres des tryptophanes).

PredictedM1y M1o M2y M2o M3 M4 TH UF


M1y 9 – – – – – – – M1o – 7 – – – – 1 1 M2y – – 8 1 – – – – M2o – – – 9 – – – – M3 – – – – 7 2 – – M4 – – – – 1 8 – – TH – – – – – – 9 – UF – – – – – – – 9

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Soft cheese structure

old can be predicted from its spectrumrecorded at 1 day old.

Generally, it is assumed that cheese tex-ture is correlated to its structure at molecu-lar and microscopic levels. For example, theclose location on the map (Fig. 2) of M1oand TH was in agreement with their textureproperties as shown by texture sensory anal-ysis [23]. In addition, the investigation ofthe protein network of TH and M1o cheesesby confocal laser scanning microscopy indi-cated similar microstructures exhibitingsmooth protein networks [23]. Whereas thefluorescence images of M1y and M1oshowed different protein networks [23], i.e.granular for M1y and smooth of M1o. Theseresults indicate clearly that there is a relationbetween the structure at a molecular level, asmeasured by fluorescence, the microstruc-ture and the texture of the soft cheeses.

cheese), whereas M2y and M2o exhibitedabout 23 g of fat per 100 g of cheese [23]. Inaddition, M1y and M2y cheeses had nega-tive scores according to discriminant factor 2,whereas M1o and M2o had positive scores.Fluorescence allowed the changes of cheesestructure during ripening to be discrimi-nated.

From the similarity map (Fig. 2), it appearsalso that the fluorescent properties of aripened cheese are close to those of thischeese at a young stage. It suggests that thestructure of a ripened cheese is highly cor-related to the structure of the young cheese.This assumption has been confirmed by thespectroscopic experiments performed on16 different experimental semi-hard cheeses[14, 35]. It was shown that the 16 cheeseswere discriminated from their fluorescenceand infrared spectra at 1 day old and thatthe spectrum of a given cheese at 81 days


Figure 2. Discriminant analysis similarity map determined by discriminant functions 1 and 2 forthe tryptophan spectra of the eight cheeses.Figure 2. Carte factorielle 1–2 de l’analyse discriminante réalisée sur les spectres de fluorescence destryptophanes des 8 fromages.

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3.3. Fluorescence propertiesof vitamin A in the fat globulesof the eight cheeses

PCA was applied to the set of vitamin Aexcitation spectra (216 spectra). The simi-larity map defined by principal components1 and 2 allowed a discrimination of the eightcheeses (data not shown). In a second step,discriminant analysis was applied on theprincipal components.

A good classification amounted to 96%and 93% observed for the calibration andvalidation samples, respectively. Table IIIgives the classification of the spectra belong-ing to the validation samples according tothe factorial discriminant analysis. This tableillustrates that all cheeses, but M1o, werewell discriminated.

The percentage of good classificationswere better with the vitamin A spectra thanwith tryptophan spectra. These results con-firm that vitamin A is a useful probe to dis-criminate milk products since its fluores-cence spectra are sensitive to the processused and the aging of the product.

The map defined by discriminant factors 1and 2 is shown in Figure 3. It showed thatTH, UF, M1y, M2o and M2y cheeses werewell separated, while M3 and M4 cheeseswere somewhat confused on the map. A

good discrimination of M3 and M4 cheeseswas observed according to discriminant fac-tors 3 and 4. M1o cheese spectra werewidely distributed on the map. At themoment we can’t explain the spectra distri-bution for this cheese.

The differences observed for vitamin Afluorescence spectra are consistent withchanges of lipid structure, but the interpre-tation at the molecular level is more difficult.Indeed, much less is known on the relationsbetween the shape of vitamin A spectra andthe organisation of lipids than between theshape of tryptophan fluorescence spectraand protein structure. Nevertheless, it is wellknown that the fluorescent properties of flu-orophores are very sensitive to the changesof the solvent viscosity [34]. Recently, cor-relations between the shape of vitamin Aspectra and the viscosity of lipids in fat glob-ules have been reported [14, 23]. For exam-ple, the shape of the vitamin A excitationspectrum was correlated with the physicalstate of the triglycerides in the fat globulesof an emulsion measured by differentialscanning calorimetry [11]. From the inves-tigation of vitamin A fluorescence duringsemi-hard cheese ripening, it was also con-cluded that the viscosity of lipids changedwith time and that a partial crystallisationof lipids took place [14].


Table III. Classification table of the spectra for the validation group (vitamin A spectra).Table III. Classification des spectres de la collection de vérification (spectres de la vitamine A).

PredictedM1y M1o M2y M2o M3 M4 TH UF


M1y 9 – – – – – – – M1o – 6 – 2 1 – – – M2y – – 8 1 – – – – M2o – – – 9 – – – – M3 – – – – 9 – – – M4 – – – – 1 8 – – TH – – – – – – 9 – UF – – – – – – – 9

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Soft cheese structure

also alter the shape of the vitamin A fluo-rescence spectra [14, 33]. However, furtherexperiments are required in order to con-clude on this point.

3.4. Differences between cheesesat the molecular level – proteinstructure and interactions

In order to investigate more precisely thereason for the discrimination of the manu-facturing process and the ripening stage,some focus was given to the subset con-taining the tryptophan emission spectra ofM1y, M1o, M2y and M2o cheeses. The aimof this analysis was to investigate the effectsof two different manufacturing processes attwo different ripening stages on the structureof cheeses at the molecular level.

The similarity map defined by the prin-cipal components 1 and 2 allowed a gooddiscrimination of the four cheeses (Fig. 4).The principal component 1 separated thecheeses as a function of the ripening time,

On the other hand, the changes in theshape of vitamin A excitation spectrarecorded during milk coagulation have beencorrelated to the changes of fat globule/pro-tein interactions [23]. The different phases ofmilk coagulations induced by rennet, acid-ification plus rennet or acidification can bediscriminated from the vitamin A excita-tion spectra. The results of the multidimen-sional statistical analysis of the spectral datashow that protein/fat globule interactionsdevelop in the coagulums. Moreover, thedevelopment of interactions between theprotein network and the fat globules incoagulums have been demonstrated by flu-orescence transfer between tryptophan andvitamin A in the case of the coagulation ofreconstituted milks [33].

Considering the soft cheeses, the inter-actions between the protein network and thefat globule vary depending on the manu-facturing process (heating, acidification rate,etc.), and modify in different ways the vita-min A spectra [11, 23, 25]. Crystallisation ofthe triglycerides during ripening time may


Figure 3. Discriminant analysis similarity map determined by discriminant functions 1 and 2 forthe vitamin-A spectra of the eight cheeses.Figure 3. Carte factorielle 1–2 de l’analyse discriminante réalisée sur les spectres de fluorescence dela vitamine A des 8 fromages.

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while a clustering depending on the processwas observed according to the principalcomponent 2. The spectral patterns associ-ated with the principal components couldbe drawn. They reveal the characteristicwavelengths for which large differences areobserved in the spectra. They are similar tospectra and can be used to derive structuralinformation at the molecular level [13, 25].

Figure 5 shows the spectral patterns 1and 2 associated with the principal compo-nents 1 and 2. The spectral pattern 1 char-acterised a shift toward higher wavelengthsof the emission maximum during ripening ofM1 and M2 cheeses. It indicated that theenvironment of tryptophan residues was rel-atively more hydrophilic for the old cheeses.This phenomenon may be related to the par-tial proteolysis of caseins resulting in anincrease of tryptophan exposure to the sol-vent. Another explanation arises from theincrease of pH during ripening, modifyingthe tertiary and quaternary structures of

casein micelles. The pH of M1y, M2y, M1oand M2o were 4.97 ± 0.06, 5.87 ± 0.10,7.07 ± 0.17 and 7.64 ± 0.11, respectively [23].

From the spectral patterns for principalcomponent 1 presented in Figures 5 and 6, itappeared that the modifications in the fluo-rescence properties of milk proteins duringcoagulation [25] can be paralleled with thechanges in fluorescence spectra observedduring cheese ripening. In the two cases,the spectral pattern was characterised by ashift towards lower wavelengths of the emis-sion maximum for pH decreasing from 7 to4.5. It confirmed that the structure of caseinwas modified by the pH increase duringripening. As it was observed during milkcoagulation, these structural changes arecharacterised by a more hydrophilic envi-ronment of tryptophan residues in proteinswhen the pH is close to the neutral pH.Herbert et al. [25] concluded that the changesof micelle conformation and hydration as afunction of pH derived by voluminosity


Figure 4. Principal component analysis similarity map determined by principal components 1 and 2for the tryptophan spectra of mesophilic-I young, mesophilic-I old, mesophilic-II young and mesophi-lic-II old cheeses.Figure 4. Carte factorielle 1–2 de l’analyse en composantes principales réalisée sur les spectres defluorescence des tryptophanes des fromages mésophile-I jeune, mésophile-I vieux, mésophile-IIjeune et mésophile-II vieux.

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Figure 5. Spectral patterns corresponding to the principal components 1 ( ) and 2 ( ) of tryp-tophan data recorded on cheeses (Fig. 4). Figure 5. Vecteurs propres correspondant aux composantes principales 1 ( ) et 2 ( ) pour lesdonnées de fluorescence des tryptophanes enregistrées sur les fromages (Fig. 4).

Figure 6.Spectral patterns 1 and 2 corresponding to the principal component 1 ( ) and 2 ( )of the principal component analysis performed on the spectral data recorded during rennet, acid-rennet and acid coagulations of milk*.* The spectral data collected during acid- and rennet-coagulation kinetics of milk [25] were re-anal-ysed by PCA allowing drawing of the eigenvectors 1 and 2.Figure 6.Vecteurs propres correspondant aux composantes principales 1 ( ) et 2 ( ) de l’ana-lyse en composantes principales réalisées sur les données spectrales enregistrées au cours de la coa-gulation du lait par la présure, acidification + présure et acidification*.* Les données spectrales enregistrées au cours de la coagulation du lait par la présure, acidification+ présure et acidification [25] ont été re-analysées par ACP dont les résultats permettent de tracer lesvecteurs propres 1 et 2.

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measurements [5, 18, 22, 37, 38] agreedwell with their fluorescence data. It appearsthat the fluorescence of protein tryptophanrecorded by front face fluorescence spec-troscopy is a valuable tool to investigate thechanges in the protein network structure andprotein/water interactions induced by pHalterations.

The spectral pattern for component 2(Fig. 5) indicated that the shape of fluores-cence spectra is larger for M1 cheeses thanfor M2 ones. These spectroscopic differ-ences result from different protein-proteininteractions and different network struc-tures. They are the consequences of the pro-cesses used to manufacture the cheeses. Thisassumption is in agreement with the resultobtained on coagulums [25]: the shapes ofthe spectral patterns for component 2 forcoagulums (Fig. 6) and cheeses (Fig. 5) aresimilar. Considering the rennet, acid-rennetand acid coagulation kinetics, the principalcomponent 2 discriminated the spectra as afunction of gelation [25]. The shape of thespectra is sharper after 300 min coagulationthan after 100 min. For cheeses, the shape ofM1 cheese spectra is larger than M2 onesindicating that the structures of the proteinnetworks are different for the two types ofcheese and depend on the manufacturingprocesses. This hypothesis has been con-firmed by the results of the texture analy-sis performed on the protein network imagesof M1 and M2 cheeses [23].

Although fluorescence spectroscopy is atechnique whose theory and methodologyhave been extensively exploited for studiesof both chemistry and biochemistry, the util-ity of fluorescence spectroscopy for molec-ular studies has not been yet fully recog-nized in food science. Fluorescencespectroscopy has the same potential toaddress molecular problems in food scienceas in biochemical field science, because thescientific questions that need to be answeredare closely related.


Fluorescent properties of fluorophoresare very sensitive to changes in their envi-ronment [34]. Using front face fluorescencein combination with chemometric methods,we have developed methods allowing theidentification of cheeses and the character-isation at the molecular level of dairy prod-ucts. The tryptophan fluorescence spectrumof a cheese, as well as its vitamin A fluo-rescence spectrum, are fingerprints thatallow identification of the cheese. We havealso shown that the different textures amonginvestigated cheeses are related to the uniquemolecular structure of each cheese result-ing from the process and the ripening time.This rapid technique based on surface fluo-rescence of the product may also have broadapplication in the field of authentication.


This research was financed as part of Euro-pean program n° CT96-1056. The authors wouldlike to acknowledge Dr D. Bertrand (INRA,Nantes, France) for the PCA program and DrJ.M. Soulié (Société de recherches et dedéveloppement alimentaire BONGRAIN, LaBoissière École, France) for valuable discus-sions.


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