Page 1: MONTHLY NEWSLETTERK...Dr. K’s Q Sciences MONTHLY NEWSLETTER — Edition 21, July 2016 Live Life eXponentially! *These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration

Live Life eXponentially!

I am so excited and pleased to announce the release of our new energy-enhancing and brain-health product, Q Rev! As you know, the brain is so important to all of our bodily functions, and studies indicate that brain dysfunction and degeneration are increasing at an alarming rate and at a much younger age. And because our hectic lives tend to sap the vital energy from our bodies and brains, we have combined a potent blend of chia seeds and key micronutrients in exact proportions to help improve energy levels and supercharge mental function at all ages.

Powered by ChiaChia seeds form the basis of this tasty drink. The seeds from this desert shrub have long been known to enhance energy levels and increase stamina. For that reason, they have been a staple food source for the legendary native Tarahumara runners from the high mountains of Northern Mexico1. Each stick pack has 7.5 mg of pure chia seeds. As soon as these tiny power-packed seeds are exposed to water they start to swell and release the vitamins, minerals, and growth factors present in the seeds. In fact, I suggest mixing the pack with water and stirring for a minute or two to give the seeds a chance to swell and release their nutrients. They have a pleasant texture and provide a steady stream of vital nutrients as they are digested over a period of hours. Chia seeds absorb 12 times their weight in water, so they provide a pleasant sensation of fullness that helps prevent appetite cravings. They are very high in fiber per gram of carbohydrates, making them an ideal energy and weight-reduction food source. In addition, chia seeds contain very high quality protein for building healthy tissues and muscle mass.


Edition 21, July 2016

Page 2: MONTHLY NEWSLETTERK...Dr. K’s Q Sciences MONTHLY NEWSLETTER — Edition 21, July 2016 Live Life eXponentially! *These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration

Live Life eXponentially!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Supportive NutrientsL-Carnitine

Q Rev also contains an effective dose of the essential amino acid L-carnitine2, which is so very beneficial for the brain and heart. In addition to boosting overall energy levels, carnitine is a specific amino acid for improving weight control by boosting cell metabolism and fat burning. This is combined with an extract of black pepper that delivers a nice amount of piperine, which is a valuable terpene. The terpenes (catalytic chemicals present in many herbs and some foods) in these herbs have been shown to deeply and consistently enhance brain function, including improving memory, concentration, and problem solving skills. Even the smell of this black pepper extract in the drink has a calming and balancing effect on the nervous system.

Terpenes are the hot topic these days, as studies indicate that they are the missing link in improving brain and body functions. Terpenes promote what is known as an “entourage effect,” which means that they modify and improve the physical and mental effects when added to caffeine or other herbal or pharmaceutical compounds. This helps diminish the jitters some people get with caffeine, and potentiates its beneficial effects, which include brain stimulation, dementia prevention, and mood elevation. Adding B-vitamins: thiamine, B6, and niacinamide, along with an appropriate dose of natural, time-released caffeine from organic sources, supercharges brain energy by potentiating cyclic AMP. This, along with the fantastic energy booster, D-ribose, gives the brain the ongoing energy sources it needs for optimal functioning.

Page 3: MONTHLY NEWSLETTERK...Dr. K’s Q Sciences MONTHLY NEWSLETTER — Edition 21, July 2016 Live Life eXponentially! *These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration

Deanol has been used since the 1960s, when it was a prescription life-extension compound that was shown to reduce brain degeneration while increasing many basic brain cell functions.©2016 Q Sciences. All Rights Reserved.


D-ribose3 is a basic sugar compound that the body uses to create ATP—the main energy source of all cells. Normally the body uses a lot of energy converting glucose into D-ribose so it can be used by the cells, but by supplementing D-ribose, energy is conserved. Studies have shown that taking this cell energy stimulator can help heal and prevent heart disease, improve fibromyalgia symptoms, and generally improve energy levels and stamina in healthy and unhealthy people alike. D-ribose directly affects the ability of the tiny mitochondria to produce energy for cell function—this truly is optimization. I am convinced that most cases of chronic fatigue can be healed by the daily use of D-ribose, along with the other ingredients in Q Rev. D-ribose greatly shortens the time it takes chronic fatigue patients to recycle ATP, which means more energy for the body and mind. When combined with carnitine and caffeine, the effect is magnified and recovery time for all, including athletes and those with energy disorders, is cut in half or less. This results in smoother and higher energy levels without the ups and downs that can affect performance and mental attitude.


Guarana and natural caffeine supply the consistent slow-release cyclic AMP cell stimulation needed to increase energy. As I have said: adding this to the terpenes and metabolic stimulators in the other ingredients make this an unbeatable combination as a quick mental and physical energy drink.


Last, but certainly not least, is the life and brain-extending compound Deanol L-bitartrate (DMAE). You may have heard me speak highly about this fantastic brain chemical, as I have included it as a key component in Q Omegas. Deanol has been used since the 1960s, when it was a prescription life-extension compound that was shown to reduce brain degeneration while increasing many basic brain cell functions. I am certain that daily use of this compound, along with the other components in this great formula, will give you both immediate and long-term benefits to all aspects of brain function. Deanol and the other ingredients combined are known as “nootropics,” a term which denotes their ability to deeply and consistently improve overall brain function. In clinical studies, as a single micronutrient, it resulted in a 30% improvement in test scores in older individuals.

As a point in fact, DMAE has been shown to prevent the deposits of the metabolic waste product, lipofuscin, which is what causes liver or age spots on the backs of the hands or the brain.

Malic and Citric Acid

Malic and citric acids are fruit acids that help reduce inflammation in the muscles and other tissues. These mild acids shift the pH of the cells to optimal status, and also enhance the absorption and effects of the many other blockbuster ingredients.

1Valdivia-López MÁ1, Tecante A2., Chia (Salvia hispanica): A Review of Native Mexican Seed and its Nutritional and Functional Properties. Adv Food Nutr Res. 2015;75:53-75. doi: 10.1016/bs.afnr.2015.06.002. Epub 2015 Aug 5.2Smeland OB1, et al, Chronic acetyl-L-carnitine alters brain energy metabolism and increases noradrenaline and serotonin content in healthy mice. Neurochem Int. 2012 Jul;61(1):100-7. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.2012.04.008.2Berardi JM, Ziegenfuss TN. Effects of ribose supplementation on repeated sprint performance in men. J Strength Cond Res. 2003 Feb;17(1):47-52.

Page 4: MONTHLY NEWSLETTERK...Dr. K’s Q Sciences MONTHLY NEWSLETTER — Edition 21, July 2016 Live Life eXponentially! *These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration©2016 Q Sciences. All Rights Reserved.

Enhancing Energy and Mental FocusThe great news is that this tasty drink formula can be used any time of day—multiple times a day—if you need an extra boost. As always, at Q Sciences, we dedicate our effort to providing products that are supremely useful and innovative. Q Rev is just such a product, as it complements our other formulas while enhancing energy levels and mental focus. Remember, this combination of vital nutrients, when taken on a regular basis, effect an overall change in energy metabolism and production that will propel you past the usual energy barriers (afternoon letdown, morning letdown, etc). This helps you avoid those dips that can adversely affect work and personal performance, and lead to greater enjoyment and satisfaction in life. I designed Q Rev to work perfectly with all our other products, and I am sure you will love it!


Dr. K

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